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377 22
and since we're talking His royal Hunkiness really GeoFFrey Gray?
No, not a chance. Gray isnt that good.
And all this self proclaimed hunkiness is unbecoming. Until it is confirmed by Orange, 99 or Vicki, Farflung is just an old guy with a keyboard... like me.

The canvas “modesty panel” isn’t very sturdy and wasn’t designed for in-flight deployment.
It’s there just to keep the ground crews from looking up ladies skirts (go for it FarFlung).
All-in-all there was VERY LITTLE damage to the aft stairs.
* Photos courtesy of snowmman
Web Page
377 22
The canvas “modesty panel” isn’t very sturdy and wasn’t designed for in-flight deployment.
It’s there just to keep the ground crews from looking up ladies skirts (go for it FarFlung).
Remember PSA? They flew 727s. Modesty was the last thing on their agenda for flight attendants. They probably ordered their 27s from Boeing without that panel or had it constructed of transparent material.
Take a look:,r:4,s:0&biw=1400&bih=810
377 22
All-in-all there was VERY LITTLE damage to the aft stairs.
Which proves that they were routinely deployed for short field landings at Shemya. Right Sluggo?

Farflung 0
“Well, first…I don’t think his original plan called for a night jump.”
Cooper didn’t plan to jump in the dark???
According to the ‘Old Farmer’s Almanac’- sunset on 24 November 1971 was 4:33 PM local time (Portland, OR).
According to Sluggo Monster’s web site: ‘NORJACK Time-Table’ a note is handed to Ms Schaffner which reports that he has a bomb and wants $200,000 American dollars by 5 PM. That is a full 27 minutes after sunset as planned.
I don’t think Cooper was expecting any sunlight during his theft.
Amazon 7
Damage to N467US aft stairs: *
The canvas “modesty panel” isn’t very sturdy and wasn’t designed for in-flight deployment.
It’s there just to keep the ground crews from looking up ladies skirts (go for it FarFlung).
All-in-all there was VERY LITTLE damage to the aft stairs.
* Photos courtesy of snowmman
Hey... I have been on N7001U... its sitting over at the Restoration hanger at Paine.. across the street from BOMARC where I worked on the 787 Project

I went on board the Comet sitting there too... they have a bunch of cool old planes there in process. including a flying banana chopper. and since this is DIZZY DOT COM...... there is a Green AN-2 there too
EVickiW 0
Until it is confirmed by Orange, 99 or Vicki, Farflung is just an old guy with a keyboard... like me.
I offered to meet Farflung for that drink he promised me, but I have not heard from him since. Maybe I came on a little too strong and frightened the Hunkyness of DZ???
BTW 377, you and I probably passed each other at the San Francisco airport on May 27th. Would have been fun to meet and go over our DB Cooper notes.
Farflung 0
After the ‘Hey… that don’t look like Reno’ moment, I noticed the fabric damage on the upper left of the stairs, as viewed from the back of the plane. I think it is oddly coiled towards the nose of the aircraft which means it was fighting the slipstream and winning. I realize it could be some of that Roswell UFO saucer ‘memory foil’ that always returns back to its original shape. In the spirit of this thread, I base this on absolutely nothing and for references submit even less.
Additionally, the reinforcement webbing is wrapped in front of the dampening tube which is a little strange. So right now I’m thinking this may be a maintenance exemplar of some wind damage on the ground. Some gusting winds (what else?) or jet blast from passing aircraft (forgot about that) around the 5:30 position to the airframe tore the windbreak free and wrapped the trailing edge of the skirting forward like the lid on a sardine can. See how I tied something smelly into the end of this? But instead of aft stairs, I used a sardine lid as a metaphor. The sardines weren’t a metaphor for anything since they are more comfortable than passengers in an airliner.
sailshaw 0
That is what the crew said about not seeing Vancouver or the PDX Portland lights. They were not asked if they saw the glow in the clouds over Vancouver and Portland. If you were a pilot you would have experienced this for yourself, but you don't know so you just can't believe it. That is your problem and not mine.
Robert99 50
Robert99: You say: "Sailshaw, You continue to ignore the simple fact that the flight crew (those three fellows in the cockpit, which is located in the forward part of the aircraft) has been quoted by several authors as stating they could not see the Portland/Vancouver area lights as they pass overhead. The reason was several layers of clouds plus a complete overcast."
That is what the crew said about not seeing Vancouver or the PDX Portland lights. They were not asked if they saw the glow in the clouds over Vancouver and Portland. If you were a pilot you would have experienced this for yourself, but you don't know so you just can't believe it. That is your problem and not mine.
Sailshaw, I appreciate your humor. Enjoy you life as a comedian, but see below.
Since you don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about, you could probably also have a great career in some of our new political parties.
You could just arrive in some town in your flying saucer and that alone would guarantee an invitation to appear on all the talk shows. You could then give your version of history and your audience would automatically become true believers. Except maybe one or two who could read.
Time for a pop quiz since you have previously claimed to not only be a pilot but an electrical engineer. In keeping with this threads interest, the quiz will be aviation related. And its multiple choice.
Question: Which end of an airplane takes off first?
Choices: a. Front b. Tail c. Both d. Neither e. All of the above.
Robert Nicholson
Farflung 0
“Maybe I came on a little too strong and frightened the Hunkyness of DZ???”
I don’t know why a thoughtful response would be thrown into the ‘frightened off’ pile, since nothing could be farther from the truth. And I’m all about being truthful and humble and grounded, 100% of the time.
Since I have an affinity for Tiki establishments because I’m also sophisticated, it took a while to locate a few options.
Minnesota is rather limited in selection, but they make up for it in quality. Perhaps someone (code for Vicki) has a better suggestion than ‘Psycho Suzie’s Motor Lounge’?
Being extremely sensitive, I also researched a way to remove the initial awkwardness of meeting Vicki in a Tiki Bar filled to capacity. I found three extremely tasteful and flattering fashions Vicki could wear. A conservative black and white outfit, something more business related with white gloves or a stunning blue velvet gown. That’s being considerate and nice by the way.
Then I would order a PABST BLUE RIBBON for the lady and one bourbon, one scotch, one beer for myself. Oh, and a pair of Zombies to take advantage of ‘Psycho Suzie’s Paradise Lost and Found Specials’. I still have an eye for value after all. Ok, that was a lie I would have ordered the Zombies anyway.
I would ask about any Cooper news before the karaoke performances begin.
Vicki and I could just ‘hang out’ for a while then I would loosen my tie and finally tell her about me, as a way to make her feel comfortable so she would talk about me. Sure it’s a burden with my wineries, clandestine employment for the government where I wear several hats, but someone has to sacrifice for our freedoms. Then I would probably get dragged into talking about my chain of restaurants when Vicki asks ‘What time is it?’ or ‘Where’s the exit?’
At that time 377, I think Vicki can decide for herself if she is in the company of hunkyness or some old man with a keyboard and an irritable bowel. No matter the outcome, I would offer her transport home, where Vicki’s quiet reflection on the evening’s events will no doubt leave a lifetime of ‘special’ memories.
EVickiW 0
Psycho Suzie’s Motor Lounge
lol....I have been to Suzie's. Fun place. However, the Greenies and Pinkies are a much better drink over at Toni Jaro's. Right accross the street.
No Pabst for me though. (worst beer EVER).
I will take a craft beer called LiftBridge made in Stillwater, MN. Or we could just head to the Bahamas, sit on the beach and share a Pina Colada from a fresh cut pineapple! All this while we compare our Cooper notes.
maybe I'm reaching, but my mama always told me if you want to know something just ask and it's gonna bug me til I as self-appointed president of the FFFC (Far Flung Fan Club) and recently crowned Hunkette.....
Gray's book page on Amazon has an ad. You know the ones....Well this one says that the folks that buy Gray's book also buy "Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History by Ben Mezrich".
For some strange reason that made me think of Farflung.
and since we're talking His royal Hunkiness really GeoFFrey Gray?
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