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Robert99 50
George Nuttall states in his book, page 95, that Ralph Himmelsbach (quoting the copilot) told Nuttall's research associate, Harry Grady, that the cloud cover below them in the Portland/Vancouver area was so dense that they could not see landmarks or even the glow of city lights.
Robert Nicholson
Thus H in the Ntl Guard helicopter is flying around
in the soup, in total dark, search lights off, looking
for Cooper on the ground ... any lights, fire, watching vehicles moving, etc etc etc.
Now that IS dark.
Georger, The helicopter was presumably below the clouds and could probably see ground lights. But it didn't have a chance of spotting Cooper or the airliner either.
Robert Nicholson
georger 247
George Nuttall states in his book, page 95, that Ralph Himmelsbach (quoting the copilot) told Nuttall's research associate, Harry Grady, that the cloud cover below them in the Portland/Vancouver area was so dense that they could not see landmarks or even the glow of city lights.
Robert Nicholson
Thus H in the Ntl Guard helicopter is flying around
in the soup, in total dark, search lights off, looking
for Cooper on the ground ... any lights, fire, watching vehicles moving, etc etc etc.
Now that IS dark.
Georger, The helicopter was presumably below the clouds and could probably see ground lights. But it didn't have a chance of spotting Cooper or the airliner either.
Robert Nicholson

Catalog of meteorological satellite data. ESSA 9 television cloud photography. October 1 - December 31, 1969 -- January 1 - March 31, 1970; July 1 - September 30, 1971 -- October 1 – December 31, 1971 -- January 1, March 31, 1972 -- April 1 - June 30, 1972. Series: Key to meteorological records documentation;
no. 5.324,
no. 5.325,
no. 5.331,
no. 5.332,
no. 5.333,
no. 5.334.
Farflung 0
Has this already been established? Tested? Crosschecked?
Did McCoy’s and McNally’s aircraft display similar damage? Similar pressure bumps?
Why did the McCoy crew ‘know’ he jumped and land at the nearest airport?
Why did the Cooper crew ‘know’ he jumped but continue to Reno?
This is stuff Occam would want to know.
Robert99 50
Wind chill, pressure bumps aside. How long and/or at what angle would the aft stairs have to be configured to cause that sort of damage to the skirting?
Has this already been established? Tested? Crosschecked?
Did McCoy’s and McNally’s aircraft display similar damage? Similar pressure bumps?
Why did the McCoy crew ‘know’ he jumped and land at the nearest airport?
Why did the Cooper crew ‘know’ he jumped but continue to Reno?
This is stuff Occam would want to know.
Farflung, Wasn't McCoy's airliner being trailed by a couple of F-111s whose crews saw him jump?
Why the Cooper aircraft flew on to Reno is a good question. Remember that the stairs were down to one degree or another for about three hours on that flight so there was plenty of time for the skirting to get damaged.
Personally, I don't remember ever seeing skirting on the rear stairs of a 727. Maybe it was there and maybe it wasn't. But the skirting in some of those photos doesn't look like it would serve as a "modesty" panel.
Robert Nicholson
EVickiW 0
You are not old...You are "vintage"
Eyewitiness - have any of you actually talked to those in the cockpit or read their statements over the yrs?
The MAP you guys are using is NOT the actual map the FBI used.
This map was marked adjusting for the extra time the THREAD CREATED. Take yourself a clear piece of plastic and do those marks and then MOVE the plastic to the actual TIME frames and you have a different map. I have repeatedly told you there is a witness account putting the plane EAST of Portland NOT West as the map you guys are using.
The MAP path created by this thread allows for whatever adjustments you guys created and that this is a CREATED make COOPER just go away. The CO-pilot disputed the map used by this thread.
So you guys just want to create myths because you know he is advancing in age and health and the only person left alive who can dispute you. Makes me wonder HOW many of you are NOT what you pretend to be.
Sailshaw, if he understands what he is writing, claims that Cooper could do the above if he could just see the glow of the Portland city lights through the clouds. However, there is a problem with this claim.
There may be a problem as far as your sources are concerned - but please state your credentials on this thread to clarify you are an authority to disputed Cooper being able to see lights within the haze.
The CO-PILOT's own statement disputes what you are saying Robert 99. Please EXPLAIN your credentials and YOUR sources of weather conditions along the complete flight path...and have YOU spoke to the Co-pilot? Have you sat down with him and a map and had him show you where they were? Have you ever actually sat with the co-pilot or the engineer or the pilot. Probably not because the only one I ever spoke to was the Co-Pilot and he was the one behind the controls.
Many things have been taken out of context by the media - just as they are in this thread - so only use exact quotes you know to have come from the crew.
What Qualifies you to make these statements as thought they are beyond reproach? Did you create the map or did you use a map created by someone on this thread?
Sorry, but I have listened to the NAYSAYERS - when I have been told differenty by others who were on that plane....remember that I have been talking to people for 16 yrs. I did NOT record the conversations, but my damn notes are pretty accurate.
If anyones watch was off by 1 minute or 2 minutes that changes a lot of things. There was also the relay and transcribing time - that enters into all of this. I take the Co-pilots own word that they were EAST of the PDX and that he was able to see Portland to his West and infront of him. I take his word that they passed between Portland and Troutdale Industrial and the ground reports also match this.
RE-READ the above 2 Paragrapha and you will know how WEST ever entered a conversation that was misinterpreted by the media or another party over-hearing a conversation!
The Co-pilot told me yrs ago before his accident that the plane was East of Portand and West of Cames as they crossed the Columbia - He knew were Portland was at that time. Do you guys not even realize the crew need to know if Cooper had left that plane - there are "minutes of communications MISSING" in the FBI records - Crucial minutes.
Now you guys can continue to create your myths.
George Nuttall states in his book, page 95, that Ralph Himmelsbach (quoting the copilot) told Nuttall's research associate, Harry Grady, that the cloud cover below them in the Portland/Vancouver area was so dense that they could not see landmarks or even the glow of city lights.
Robert Nicholson
Thus H in the Ntl Guard helicopter is flying around
in the soup, in total dark, search lights off, looking
for Cooper on the ground ... any lights, fire, watching vehicles moving, etc etc etc.
Now that IS dark.

George Nuttall states in his book, page 95, that Ralph Himmelsbach (quoting the copilot) told Nuttall's research associate, Harry Grady, that the cloud cover below them in the Portland/Vancouver area was so dense that they could not see landmarks or even the glow of city lights.
Robert Nicholson
Thus H in the Ntl Guard helicopter is flying around
in the soup, in total dark, search lights off, looking
for Cooper on the ground ... any lights, fire, watching vehicles moving, etc etc etc.
Now that IS dark.
You guys can continue to obsure the facts till you die - I don't have that time - so there is a lot to be accomplished in a short period of time. GO to the horses mouth and examine his teeth!
Most of you are just creating more myths. WHY?
What is the motive of you guys who make all of these suppositions without actually doing something to FORCE the FBI to make ALL of the files Public. Since they are so convinced Cooper died - then THE FBI needs to prove this by making the files public.
Robert99 50
Someone in the cockpit noted the Portland Airport - and the statement was made as though he could actually see the light through the clouds...!
Eyewitiness - have any of you actually talked to those in the cockpit or read their statements over the yrs?
The MAP you guys are using is NOT the actual map the FBI used.
This map was marked adjusting for the extra time the THREAD CREATED. Take yourself a clear piece of plastic and do those marks and then MOVE the plastic to the actual TIME frames and you have a different map. I have repeatedly told you there is a witness account putting the plane EAST of Portland NOT West as the map you guys are using.
The MAP path created by this thread allows for whatever adjustments you guys created and that this is a CREATED make COOPER just go away. The CO-pilot disputed the map used by this thread.
So you guys just want to create myths because you know he is advancing in age and health and the only person left alive who can dispute you. Makes me wonder HOW many of you are NOT what you pretend to be.
Jo, Ralph Himmelsbach's statement as quoted in Nuttall's book contradicts your claims above. Where or how can your claims about the crew's statements be verified? Basically, at this point it is just your word against Himmelsbach's.
Presumably, your remarks about maps refer to the maps provided to Sluggo by the FBI. I believe Sluggo has previously responsed to your claims that he (or someone else) had modified them after receiving them from the FBI. In any event, what is the basis for your claim to know what maps the FBI actually used?
How could this thread create extra time? How could this thread create a map?
You and Sailshaw are apparently the only two people on this thread that buy into the Janet nonsense. Both of you are pushing a Cooper candidate and both of you need a flight path for the airliner that is east of Portland or at least over the Portland airport.
Neither you or Sailshaw apparently have the capability to determine the airliner's flight path based on the available public evidence.
You and Sailshaw will have to peddle you goods somewhere else as far as I am concerned. At least I am not going to buy such baloney.
Robert Nicholson
Airtwardo, The weather information published in some of the books indicates that there was a complete overcast (total cloud cover) plus several additional broken layers of cloud. This effectively eliminates the possibility of seeing anything on the ground even by looking straight down.
Sorry, but I got a big job to finish in the next few wks and the above is typical of why the case has never been solved.
Who said what - what got his information from whom! There are ACTUAL RECORDS use those if you want to be the big wheel and the know-it-all. STOP stating that this was published or thatr was said - FIND the ACTUAL weather reports for all areas. GO talk to the only real witness who can give you the answers - personally.
ALL you are doing is mudding the water with what someone else said in a book - what about actual reports. Use actual reports or forget this and stop wasting the time of those who really want to solve this and stop making mud cakes.
What QUALIFIES you to dispute the word of the skyjumpers who did this during the war and those who do it recreationally.
georger 247
George Nuttall states in his book, page 95, that Ralph Himmelsbach (quoting the copilot) told Nuttall's research associate, Harry Grady, that the cloud cover below them in the Portland/Vancouver area was so dense that they could not see landmarks or even the glow of city lights.
Robert Nicholson
Thus H in the Ntl Guard helicopter is flying around
in the soup, in total dark, search lights off, looking
for Cooper on the ground ... any lights, fire, watching vehicles moving, etc etc etc.
Now that IS dark.

Disputed by who? Blevins?
It's real. Flew at least 20 miles north, flew search
patterns, search lites out, . . .
Robert99 50
George Nuttall states in his book, page 95, that Ralph Himmelsbach (quoting the copilot) told Nuttall's research associate, Harry Grady, that the cloud cover below them in the Portland/Vancouver area was so dense that they could not see landmarks or even the glow of city lights.
Robert Nicholson
Thus H in the Ntl Guard helicopter is flying around
in the soup, in total dark, search lights off, looking
for Cooper on the ground ... any lights, fire, watching vehicles moving, etc etc etc.
Now that IS dark.

Jo, You were NOT on that airplane either! If you want to argue the above then get in touch with Himmelsbach.
Robert Nicholson
georger 247
Jo. I have to ask -
Whats the word down there about the Anthony trial?
Looks like a helluva mess from here ?
Robert99 50
Sailshaw, if he understands what he is writing, claims that Cooper could do the above if he could just see the glow of the Portland city lights through the clouds. However, there is a problem with this claim.
There may be a problem as far as your sources are concerned - but please state your credentials on this thread to clarify you are an authority to disputed Cooper being able to see lights within the haze.
The CO-PILOT's own statement disputes what you are saying Robert 99. Please EXPLAIN your credentials and YOUR sources of weather conditions along the complete flight path...and have YOU spoke to the Co-pilot? Have you sat down with him and a map and had him show you where they were? Have you ever actually sat with the co-pilot or the engineer or the pilot. Probably not because the only one I ever spoke to was the Co-Pilot and he was the one behind the controls.
Many things have been taken out of context by the media - just as they are in this thread - so only use exact quotes you know to have come from the crew.
What Qualifies you to make these statements as thought they are beyond reproach? Did you create the map or did you use a map created by someone on this thread?
Sorry, but I have listened to the NAYSAYERS - when I have been told differenty by others who were on that plane....remember that I have been talking to people for 16 yrs. I did NOT record the conversations, but my damn notes are pretty accurate.
If anyones watch was off by 1 minute or 2 minutes that changes a lot of things. There was also the relay and transcribing time - that enters into all of this. I take the Co-pilots own word that they were EAST of the PDX and that he was able to see Portland to his West and infront of him. I take his word that they passed between Portland and Troutdale Industrial and the ground reports also match this.
RE-READ the above 2 Paragrapha and you will know how WEST ever entered a conversation that was misinterpreted by the media or another party over-hearing a conversation!
The Co-pilot told me yrs ago before his accident that the plane was East of Portand and West of Cames as they crossed the Columbia - He knew were Portland was at that time. Do you guys not even realize the crew need to know if Cooper had left that plane - there are "minutes of communications MISSING" in the FBI records - Crucial minutes.
Now you guys can continue to create your myths.
Jo, You are having quite an evening. You are even implying that you are now an "expert" on maps while just recently you were claiming you didn't know how to read a map.
If you had been paying any attention over the past couple of years, you would have some knowledge of my "credentials". These have been discussed on this thread and are also available elsewhere. I guess you missed those posts.
And for the record, just exactly what are you "credentials" and also the "credentials" of Sailshaw? You two need the Janet myth to be accepted as fact and thus have a vested interest in it.
Finally, what qualifies you or Sailshaw to make your own claims as though they were "beyond reproach".
Robert Nicholson
Jo Stated: Someone in the cockpit noted the Portland Airport and the statement was made as though he could actually see the light through the clouds...! Eyewitiness - have any of you actually talked to those in the cockpit or read their statements over the yrs?
The MAP you guys are using is NOT the actual map the FBI used.
This map was marked adjusting for the extra time the THREAD CREATED. Take yourself a clear piece of plastic and do those marks and then MOVE the plastic to the actual TIME frames and you have a different map. I have repeatedly told you there is a witness account putting the plane EAST of Portland NOT West as the map you guys are using.
The MAP path created by this thread allows for whatever adjustments you guys created and that this is a CREATED make COOPER just go away. The CO-pilot disputed the map used by this thread.
So you guys just want to create myths because you know he is advancing in age and health and the only person left alive who can dispute you. Makes me wonder HOW many of you are NOT what you pretend to be.
Communications with ROBERT:
Robert States:
Jo, Ralph Himmelsbach's statement as quoted in Nuttall's book contradicts your claims above. Where or how can your claims about the crew's statements be verified? Basically, at this point it is just your word against Himmelsbach's.
Jo Counters:
How do YOU know the statements are QUOTED accurately? If you ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO CREATE THE MYTHYS - PICK UP THE PHONE AND MAKE THE DAMN CALL! The co-pilot is not DEAD and he is NOT senile regardless of what other might lead you to believe. I won't put personal information out to the public like some many other inconsiderate idiots have done, but IF YOU ARE WHAT YOU CLAIM - THEN DO NOT DEPEND ON SECOND PERSON AND THIRD PERSON ACCOUNTS WHEN YOU CAN DO THE ACTUAL RESEARCH YOURSELF.
Robert States:
Presumably, your remarks about maps refer to the maps provided to Sluggo by the FBI. I believe Sluggo has previously responsed to your claims that he (or someone else) had modified them after receiving them from the FBI. In any event, what is the basis for your claim to know what maps the FBI actually used?
Jo's Rebuttal
BECAUSE you have convince the others in this thread that those MAPS are the Maps created by GOD himself. WHY MODIFY MAPS PROVIDED BY THE FBI - WHERE ARE THE MAPS THE FBI PROVIDED???????????? iF YOU Can't understand WHY it is important to use orginal information what is YOUR PURPOSE in this forum - WHAT is your REAL PURPOSE?
Robert Stated:
You and Sailshaw are apparently the only two people on this thread that buy into the Janet nonsense. Both of you are pushing a Cooper candidate and both of you need a flight path for the airliner that is east of Portland or at least over the Portland airport.
Jo States:
Excuse me but I never bought into the Janet story, just that her siting is along the very same path as the other sitings. You go around and put words in other peoples mouths - I want to know what give YOU the RIGHT to do this - YOU are here to squash the FACTS not to help. What is your purpose in being here in the first place. You came aboard as someone who had answers and over time you have only squashed real facts from real people. WHO are you REALLY and WHY are you HERE?
If you are just a Cooper nut then let other people have their opinions and stop acting like you are the creator of Cooper and all of the information that should be know about Cooper. YOU ARE NOT, but you COULD be someone who works for the FBI to SQUASH the truths and to confuse the FACTS.
Robert States:
Neither you or Sailshaw apparently have the capability to determine the airliner's flight path based on the available public evidence.

I do not agree with Sailshaw, but I am not peddling GOODs - and WHO are you to accuse me of doing so. I was here LONG LONG Before you were and I have never claimed to have the capabilities of determining the flight pattern, but then you CLAIM you can and YOU put DOWN everyone who comes to this thread who disputes you. WHY?
Robert STates:
You and Sailshaw will have to peddle you goods somewhere else as far as I am concerned. At least I am not going to buy such baloney.
Perhaps you are unaware the reason for this thread in the first place. [red]YOU have taken and put down every SKYJUMPER who has tried to make a contribution. It is all about you and your argument and you are so scholarly and knowledgable that NO one else can say anything without you stating they don't know what they are talking about.
Do you know some of the people you have recently told they didn't have a clue what they were talking about? Such as Airwardo and the other jumpers. Some of those you have put OFF have experience doing things you could only dream of doing! If you aren't happy that EVERYONE is NOT in agreement with you - PERHAPS you are the one who might need to back down a little.
]NOTE, I did NOT rudely order you TO PEDDLE your goods else where as you ordered me to do.
ONly the Moderator can do that and you were someone who was "invitied" here - you are NOT ajumper nor are you persanally involved, but you are dictating who is right and who is wrong - with yourself being the only correct answer.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
Robert99 50
Airtwardo, The weather information published in some of the books indicates that there was a complete overcast (total cloud cover) plus several additional broken layers of cloud. This effectively eliminates the possibility of seeing anything on the ground even by looking straight down.
Sorry, but I got a big job to finish in the next few wks and the above is typical of why the case has never been solved.
Who said what - what got his information from whom! There are ACTUAL RECORDS use those if you want to be the big wheel and the know-it-all. STOP stating that this was published or thatr was said - FIND the ACTUAL weather reports for all areas. GO talk to the only real witness who can give you the answers - personally.
ALL you are doing is mudding the water with what someone else said in a book - what about actual reports. Use actual reports or forget this and stop wasting the time of those who really want to solve this and stop making mud cakes.
What QUALIFIES you to dispute the word of the skyjumpers who did this during the war and those who do it recreationally.
Jo, What in hell are you talking about?!!
If you had done your own "damn research" you would know the answer to your own question!
Basically, you are asking why I dared to offer some additional weather information to Airtwardo to clarify a statement that he had made. The weather information for the night of the jump is a matter of public record and is online. You could find that information yourself if you were interested.
If the word of "skyjumpers" must be accepted without reservation, then why are you questioning what I say? Again, you haven't done your homework!
Mud cakes? Do you have a recipe?
Jo, I realize that your explosion this evening is due to the simple fact that I do not share your belief that Duane Weber was D. B. Cooper. I have previously explained this in PMs to you and elsewhere. Nor do I believe that Salishaw's candidate is viable.
Nevertheless, that's the way the ball bounces. Sometimes life can be a real bitch!
Best wishes.
Robert Nicholson
If you had done your own "damn research" you would know the answer to your own question!
Jo States: I did do the research and lots of people on my behalf and the reports vary per the area.
I will NOT share that with you do your OWN research!
Robert States:
The weather information for the night of the jump is a matter of public record and is online.
Jo States:
The weather was NOT the same from Seattle to Portland - the weather broke and YOU know that. You are not an idiot but you would like to make everyone else here thing the rest of us are.
The weather was NOT SOCKED in fro Seattle to Portland.
All I have heard you do is yack on and on about is disputing everyone elses word using information you got from someone else or that you read.
I do NOT care what your opinion is on Weber. This is about your total disrespect for anyone else's opinion other than your own. I do not agreed with Sailshaw, but I do NOT agree with you either.
What upsets me is YOUR total lack of respect and your continued efforts to belittle everyone here who make a contribution. It is YOUR WAY or NO WAY. I frankly feel that in recent weeks you have stepped over the line - and when you put down Airtwardo - that was way over the line for me.
377, It is reasonably certain that the bump coincided with Cooper's jump from the stairs. The co-pilot flew the airliner in the FBI tests and stated that the separation of the weights that were dropped produced the same type bump.
It Cooper had lingered for several minutes on the steps, he would have frozen his posterior off. The wind chill factor on those stairs was about 35+ degrees F below zero.
Robert Nicholson
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