skyjack71 0 #23776 July 8, 2011 I believe it is in the best interest of this thread to petition Quade to stop usage of certain words and words of slander. The word liar is very much over used. I do NOT agree with Blevins, but I do NOT call him a liar or a writer of fiction regarding this story. I do NOT have to agree with him to be civil with him. My personal thinking he needs to stay with his fiction and not try to write a book about a real life crime. Should the REAL Cooper be exposed he has built into his story a fail safe clause we all know by heart. I very much resent a certain person comparing me to Casey Anthony and talking about 15 minutes of fame - if that was what I was looking for - I would have let certain individuals have written their book and did their movie....but I chose to tough it out in search of the proof. I am talking about 15 yrs plus of my life I have given up seeking the truths - yet, for that I am called a liar and writer of fiction. I am quilty of having reduced myself to the name calling...after his inflammatory posts. As of recent I have tried to be polite about publically stating what I think about the person doing this who has himself created more speculation than most regarding more than one sujbect.. If I manage to get through the next few months - I have a team in the NW who will stand by me publically - We iss prover there was NO way when I described certain things as they appeared to me in 1979 - that someone who had work and lived long term in WA would not have known. The very individuals who made a post claiming some very specific details - such as planning the Ariel shindig - is NOT even allowed to go there....I believe the word used was Banned. He seems to forget how many news articles were done when he was standing there supporting a supect or suspects and re-interating his story to the media about the suspect. I guess he thinks we have all forgot about his suspect proposed by the cab driver? That is one I specifically remember. The name caller needs to keep his name calling in check lest he be exposed for his stories when he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame. I did collect a few new articles - I could have scanned and put in the thread...but chose to leave it be like leaves of three. Name calling will NOT solve this case - and it only causes individuals like myself to spend their time defending them selfs. I am sure he has Something Valuable he can add to the conversation with out smearing Weber, Nuttall or Grey or Cook or Blevins. Yet he comes here with words of despair that only are meant to encite....and his accusations have the mentality of an angry 8 yr old who has been sent to closet. I was supposed to be in bed an hour ago. Good night.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #23777 July 8, 2011 Quote Quote I have not yet figured out who is the best fiction writer (Jo or Blevins) either way I have researched both stories. I still can not figure out which one has told the bigest Lie. Both the stories are fiction. Even Blevins admits this. Still for you blevins it is all about money. For jo it is a chance to RANK for 15 minutes of fame. Just LIKE CASEY ANTHONY. You both No that you have fabricated your stories.At least in Florida You can get away with the lies. Research Proved that both of you has fabricated all your stories. Really? Fabricated? That's funny. We keep notes of all interviews, and many of them are recorded, some with video. Documents and testimony are verified and confirmed through other sources. Please don't compare me to those idiot prosecutors in Florida. Like the one who laughed while the defense was making their closing. Nothing is 'made up' around here. NOTHING. I might be wrong, but I don't lie. And although I can present a pretty good case on Christiansen, I don't say he was the guy for sure. Why? Because I don't know for sure. My only interest is the truth. I don't believe you would know how to create such a thing if the Book of Instructions dropped into your lap and fell to the correct page. Who can argue with the perfection, and hunility. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #23778 July 8, 2011 Quote Who can argue with the perfection, and hunility. Hunility? Like Attila? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23779 July 9, 2011 Wow! I was zoned out when I wrote the following post, but hope most of you understood what I was trying to say. I am reposting it and making the corrections so all of you won't think I am a complete idiot. Quote I believe it is in the best interest of this thread to petition Quade to stop usage of certain words and words of slander. The word liar is very much over used. I do NOT agree with Blevins, but I do NOT call him a liar or a writer of fiction regarding this story. I do NOT have to agree with him to be civil with him. My personal thinking he needs to stay with his fiction and not try to write a book about a real life crime. Should the REAL Cooper be exposed he has built into his story a fail safe clause we all know by heart. I very much resent a certain person comparing me to Casey Anthony and talking about 15 minutes of fame - if that was what I was looking for - I would have let certain individuals have written their book and did their movie....but I chose to tough it out in search of the proof. I am talking about 15 yrs plus of my life I have given up seeking the truths - yet, for that I am called a liar and writer of fiction. I am quilty of having reduced myself to the name calling...after his inflammatory posts. As of recent I have tried to be polite about publically stating what I think about the person doing this who has himself created more speculation than most regarding more than one subject. If I manage to get through the next few months - I have a team in the NW who will stand by me publically - we will prove there was NO way when I described certain places and things as they appeared to me in 1979 - that someone who had worked and lived long term in WA would not have known what I was trying to describe. The very individuals who made a post claiming some very specific details - such as planning the Ariel shindig - is NOT even allowed to go there....I believe the word used was Banned. He seems to forget how many news articles were done when he was standing there supporting a supect or suspects and reinterating his story to the media about the suspect. I guess he thinks we have all forgot about his suspect proposed by the cab driver? That is one I specifically remember. The name caller needs to keep his name calling in check lest he be exposed for his stories when he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame. I did collect a few articles I could have scanned and put in the thread...but chose to leave it be like leaves of three. One article was 2 pages long. Name calling will NOT solve this case - and it only causes individuals like myself to spend their time defending themselves. I am sure he has Something Valuable he can add to the conversation without smearing Weber, Nuttall or Grey or Cook or Blevins. Yet he comes here with words of despair that only are meant to encite....and his accusations have the mentality of an angry 8 yr old who has been sent to the closet. I was supposed to be in bed an hour ago. Good night. Since the post had so many errors - I made the corrections in blue and also made a couple of clarifications so you guys would know - I do have the articles. They are too large to even scan. When-ever there have been suspects that got attention from the FBI or the media - certain parties suddenly support an unlikely suspect or presents one. One who cast stones at those of us who have presented our suspect and done our research needs to look at his own motives and actions before throwing his stones - engraved with Liar and Fiction Writer...he might get one thrown back or two or three or four.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23780 July 9, 2011 U.S. News and World Reports Article BY DOUGLAS PASTERNAK It was the day before Thanksgiving, Nov. 24, 1971. As Northwest Airlines Flight 305, from Portland, Ore., to Seattle, sped along the runway preparing for takeoff, the man in Seat 18C, wearing sunglasses and a dark suit, handed a flight attendant a note. It said he had a bomb and threatened to blow up the Boeing 727 unless he received $200,000 cash and four parachutes when the plane landed. The man in Seat 18C purchased his ticket under the name "Dan Cooper." After receiving his booty at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport, the man released the 36 passengers and two members of the flight crew. He ordered the pilot and remaining crew to fly to Mexico. At 10,000 feet, with winds gusting at 80 knots and a freezing rain pounding the airplane, Dan Cooper–mistakenly identified as D.B. Cooper by a reporter–walked down the rear stairs and parachuted into history. What followed was one of the most extensive and expensive manhunts in the annals of American crime. For five months, federal, state, and local police combed dense hemlock forests north of Portland. D.B. Cooper became an American folk icon–the inspiration for books, rock songs, and even a 1981 movie. Over the past three decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has investigated more than 1,000 "serious suspects" along with assorted crackpots and deathbed confessors. Most–but not all–have been ruled out. The case was back in the news just last month when FBI agents investigated a skull discovered nearly 20 years ago along the Columbia River. It turned out to belong to a woman, possibly an American Indian. Today, the D.B. Cooper case remains the world's only unsolved skyjacking. In March 1995, a Florida antique dealer named Duane Weber lay dying of polycystic kidney disease in a Pensacola hospital. He called his wife, Jo, to his bed and whispered: "I'm Dan Cooper." Jo, who had learned in 17 years of marriage not to pry too deeply into Duane's past, had no idea what her secretive husband meant. Frustrated, he blurted out: "Oh, let it die with me!" Duane died 11 days later. Jo sold his van two months after his death. The new owner discovered a wallet hidden in the overhead console. It contained a U.S. Navy "bad conduct discharge" in Duane's name and a Social Security card and prison-release form from the Missouri State Penitentiary, in the name of "John C. Collins." Duane had told Jo that he had served time for burglary under the name John Collins. Still, says Jo, a real-estate agent in Pace, Fla., Duane rarely spoke of his past. "His life started with me, and that was it," she says. The FBI sketch strongly resembles a photo of Duane Weber. In April 1996, Jo discussed Duane's criminal and military past with a friend. She also mentioned that just before he died, Duane had revealed the cause of an old knee injury. "I got it jumping out of a plane," Jo recalls him saying. "Did you ever think he might be D.B. Cooper?" the friend asked. Handwriting match. In May 1996, Jo checked out a library book on D.B. Cooper. "I did not realize D.B. Cooper was known as Dan Cooper," Jo says. The book listed the FBI's description: mid-40s, 6 feet tall, 170 pounds, black hair, a bourbon drinker, a chain smoker. At the time of the hijacking, Duane Weber was 47, 6 feet, 1 inch tall, and weighed around 185 pounds. He had black hair, drank bourbon, and chain-smoked. The similarities between a younger Duane and the FBI's composite drawings struck Jo. "It's about as close a match as you can get," agrees Frank Bender, a criminal forensic reconstructionist who has worked with the FBI for 20 years. Jo never knew Duane to go to the library. Yet in pencil in the book's margins was what looked to her like Duane's handwriting. On one page he had written the name of a town in Washington where a placard from the rear stairs of Flight 305 had landed. "I knew right off the bat that handwriting was his," says Anne Faass, who worked with Duane for five years. Jo called the FBI the night she read the D.B. Cooper book. "They just blew me off," she says. Eventually she began a dialogue with Ralph Himmelsbach, the FBI agent in charge of the case from 1971 until his retirement in 1980. At his urging, the FBI opened a file on Duane Weber in March 1997. They interviewed Jo, as well as one of Duane's former wives and his brother. They compared his fingerprints with the 66 unaccounted-for prints on Flight 305. None matched, although the FBI has no way to know if any of the prints were Cooper's. Himmelsbach finds Jo Weber, who has agreed to take a polygraph test, to be credible. There is no reward money to motivate her. He thinks she simply wants to learn the truth about her spouse. "The facts she has really seem to fit," he says. But the FBI dropped its investigation of Weber in July 1998. More "conclusive evidence" would be needed to continue, they say. Though the facts are few, the circumstantial evidence is compelling. Retired FBI agent Himmelsbach believes the skyjacker must certainly have had a criminal record, military training, and familiarity with the Northwest. U.S. News has confirmed that Duane Weber served in the Army in the early 1940s. He also did time in at least six prisons from 1945 to 1968 for burglary and forgery. One prison was McNeil Island in Steilacoom, Wash.–20 miles from the Seattle-Tacoma airport. The skyjacking was a desperate act by a desperate man. In 1971, Duane Weber's emotional and physical health were failing. He was on the verge of separating from his fifth wife and had been diagnosed with kidney disease; he was not expected to live past 50. Himmelsbach believes the skyjacking may have been a criminal's last hurrah and says Weber is one of the best suspects he has come across. A skeptic at first, Jo Weber now believes her husband of 17 years was D.B. Cooper. "If he is not," she says, "he sure did send me on the wildest ride any widow has ever been on." I thought this article was worth repeating for the Thread. Note that I highlighted the part about Frank Bender, a FBI forensic artist. There was also a Forensic Artist by the name of B. Sanderson who also is well known - that said the same thing, except he looked at multiple photo of Weber and not just the one Pasternac used. Then you also have the forensic artist - Rose who the FBI used in 1971 - who also stated this. Three Forensic Artists stated this and yet NONE of you guys or the current FBI can see what the professionals saw. How many yrs have I done this now - May 25, 1996 to 2011 - 15 yrs of searching - yet, such simple things as 3 forensic artist - all well known stated almost the very same words about the composite versus pictures of Duane Weber. We have our local DZ Georger who disputes the words of 3 composite artist and the FBI claimes to have investigated Weber even after I mentioned all the things they missed. I spent the last 15 yrs searching on my own and with lots of help...actually only the last 11 yrs when the FBI agent lied (mis-spoke as the agent said) to me that day in March of 1990. About 2 hours later he corrected his conversation when he called me back...after I confronted him that I was holding legal and government documents that showed the opposite of what he was telling me. That conversation with the FBI in March of 2000 is WHY I went public in the first place and then in 2001 when I found I had been lied to by the person I trusted with information the FBI did not even have. It has taken me approx. 10 yrs to learn 99.99 percent of what I told 2 specific individuals NEVER got to the FBI office and the agent of record. I was not capable of putting what I was saying in words the FBI would understand - so I depended on my verbal to others to make it to the investigating agents files. How naive and trusting I was! Georger - you had NO knowledge of the 3 forensic artists and yet, you put yourself out there as an expert in this sort of thing. Now what do you think? Jo, was holding - right! Or are you going to say these 3 experts didn't have a clue what they were doing? I wasn't born yesterday, but I sure wish I could turn the clock back a few yrs. The beginning is the Ending or so it would seem! Although the Ending could just be the Beginning. Hope you guys enjoyed the flight to nowhere, because it goes right back to where it began.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23781 July 9, 2011 Quote Skyjack 71: It's a good article, and I'll agree it makes sense. Point of Order: Wasn't this article published BEFORE Geoff Gray's investigatory article into KC in New York Magazine? Just saying. I would quote that too, but for two reasons I won't. First, it's a copyright violation to reproduce a copyrighted article in its entirety. Fair Use rules say you can do maybe the first paragraph or two, and then provide the web link to the article at its source. Second, the NYM article is just WAY too long... The Article was done in 2000 - and was the 1st time I went public. He then did another article after that one. Most of his research was completed prior to 1999 and a little more after I got mad at the FBI. We had been talking for a couple of yrs and he wanted me to go public - I refused to go public, until the FBI lied to me...he already had most of the research and the only reason why I was able to prove Duane was in the Army and at McNeil. The FBI didn't know I ALREADY had the legal documentations. I would have thought you would have read the article in your 'research' about Cooper and Cooper suspects. The first story was done July 24 2000 and the second story was done May 12 2003. Jeffrey had never heard of Kenny Christiansen at that time - WHY DO YOU ASK THAT? IKeney was the next suspect to go public \...but I forget what yr that was. I do not understand Copyright laws and I was the subject of his interviews - I did not show the pictures with the article. For some reason my copies of these magazine - disappeared. I did credit U.S. News and World Reports with the article and the writer. This is just a forum where people talk to each other and I do NOT know how to make the links. No one would bother to open it anyway. Obviously you were unaware of this and unaware of the subsequent article a few months later. If I have violated their laws then they will just have to contact me. I cannot erase it and I asked for and received no compenstation for the article. Doug was the one who in my dining room listened to a tape and the HAIR on his arms and neck stood straight up. He looked at me and said "I didn't hear that right, did I" I played it again and his response was "We can't go there". You can only imagine what is on that tape - and the FBI would love to get their hands on it...but, over my dead body. NO one knows what is in that tape besides Doug and myself. The woman on the tape is deceased now, but she was the wife of Weber at the time of the crime. P.S. If I have done something that endangers the thread or the DZ - then Quade is the only one who can go back and substitue a link for the article and leave the rest as I posted it.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23782 July 10, 2011 Quote Skyjack 71: It's a good article, and I'll agree it makes sense. Since you and maybe others are unaware of my struggle with going public - perhaps now they might understand where I am coming from and understand why I get so emotional. I won't be around much longer - and I don't want to give up, but I am having a problem somedays just struggling thru the day. A lot of it is depression - but who wouldn't be depressed when they have been called a liar for 15 yrs and everything they have tried to tell has been distorted and ignored. Then along comes all of the Wanna Be's riding on the coat tail of what I honestly divulged with no Fiction or lies involved. You see I KNOW Duane Weber was Cooper. Today I told stories about my life with Duane and this individual didn't remember my having told the stories, but I have documentation where I told these things - long long before I had a computer or even knew who Dan Cooper was. I didn't understand what Duane was telling me - and I am so stupid it just did NOT sink in. He was telling me his story and I didn't understand. Sorry I got to go - very very tired and I am crying. Sorry I ever told anyone what he said - it has destroyed what I could have done with my all I can do is wait to die and hope I will know the truth before I leave this world as I know it. I hate the FBI for what they have done to me or whoever was responsible for NOT investigating Duane L. Weber. It is ALL there - they don't want to acknowledge they made mistakes.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #23783 July 10, 2011 Quote My question is genuine, what is the reason for skepticism? Do you have a suspect that fits better based on similar criteria? Sigh. Nothing you can post will alter Jo's conviction that Weber was Cooper. Nothing. (Don't worry about accusations that you are X, Y and Z, or raising conspiracy theories, we have seen it all before.) Blevins, well as you can see he has a vested interest in Christiansen. I too thought the photos were an uncanny match and I like your list. Does it mean he was Cooper? Like Georger, I think probably not, but then again this would not be the first time this forum has found someone who fits what we think could be a good match for a Cooper story (e.g. Sheridan Petersen) and pursued it from there... (PS: I have been away for a while, touring far-flung shores. [Note the punctuation; not Farflung's shores.] No, I haven't read every single post that went up while I was away. But I did read the ones that looked like they might add value/useful info/constructive comment.) (PPS: I watched a movie on the flight that Bruce may have seen, "The Killing Room"; it postulates that MKUltra is still going...) (PPPS: I see 377 is still petitioning Quade to drop Snow's ban. Gotta give him credit for perseverance ) (PPPS I just ran out of steam on p973. So I have probably missed a lot between then and this post. Will catch up later!)Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #23784 July 10, 2011 Jo wrote: Quote Doug was the one who in my dining room listened to a tape and the HAIR on his arms and neck stood straight up. He looked at me and said "I didn't hear that right, did I" I played it again and his response was "We can't go there". You can only imagine what is on that tape - and the FBI would love to get their hands on it...but, over my dead body. NO one knows what is in that tape besides Doug and myself. The woman on the tape is deceased now, but she was the wife of Weber at the time of the crime. Tease alarm. Condition red. Jo, you just can't help yourself. You imply that you have compelling evidence, but can't reveal it. All your probative evidence is lost (ticket, parking stub, parachute hardware, prison smoke jumper article etc) or cannot be revealed. Can you put Duane in a chute? Can you put him on the plane? If you can then "just do it." if you can't then just admit that Duane is a maybe. Even Blevins says KC is just a possibile DBC. Great to have Orange back!! 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #23785 July 10, 2011 This facial recognition software that is popping up everywhere (Picasa, my daughters new cheap Canon powershot, etc...) Yeah I know someone once claimed the Vegas software picked out Duane as a close match, but I never saw any proof. Point is, this software is now ubiquitous and anyone can get hold of it. Also judging by the way Picasa has picked up my daughter from ages 2 through 10 when faces change a lot, I reckon it might even get the Georger stamp of approval. Does anyone know if this software will actually work from a sketch not a photo to start with, and if so ... can we start using it? How do we get a pool - start with all the suspects identified so far and then ... what? (And yes I know it is not foolproof either, the Facebook version picked an arbitrary bystander as being a friend of mine when it wasn't.) Just an idea... something different.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23786 July 10, 2011 *** Anyway, down to the bare bones here. Skipp Porteous and I were not the first people to investigate Kenny Christiansen, right? That was done by Geoff Gray. We only took it further. Quote Skipp and Jeffrey had been talking, but I don't remember which came first. I thought it was Skipp who called Jeffrey, but I had too much on my own table to pay attention to this particular detail. We know that Kenney's brother contacted a PRODUCER first! That is a red flag. GREEN BECAUSE THAT IS THE COLOR OF MONEY even though you state otherwise - I believe it was his first or second impulse. I also am not sure HOW solid these contracts are you have with Lyle regarding proceeds from book or movie, nor have the details of the contracts been made available. Perhaps you (Belvins and Skipp) hoodwinked the old guy or he KNEW his brother could NOT be Cooper and just wanted to walk away. I am sure that if the government decided KC was Cooper they could have made a claim against the coin collections - if indeed it had an actual value of the amount you and his estate claimed. Blevins stated: Does it mean he falls under some suspicion? Of course. In many ways, there is more circumstantial evidence and witness testimony (from actually ALIVE people) than for any other suspect. I mean verifiable stuff, not conjecture, not 'because I say so,' or 'secret witnesses'. Quote JO TELL her STORY: Well, if I had not been so timid about media exposure - I should have gone directly to the Newpapers or Writers ASAP when I learned who Dan Cooper was. I should have BY-PASSED the FBI just the way Lyle, KC's brother did). In 1996 Duane's ex-wife was still alive and the step-daughter was still alive. Also a writer or PI would have found the other individuals - one of which was living on the streets in CA, another with emotional problems and another in WA. He would have found a nephew and possible an ex-brother-in-law who may have still been alive at the time. I had NO money for a PI. A writer or a PI would have recorded and documented all interviews. He would have gone to see the "sister" who had her first heart attack after I asked her about Duane and 1971. Instead she has a heart attack almost immediately after the conversation - I always and still do feel responsible. There were several following heart attacks with a major one when I went to visit John (Duane's brother) in 2004. Before John and I could have our "private" conversation while his wife entertained my current husband at that time - we get a call at the dinner table that she was in the hospital with a heart attack. I did go to the hospital with her brother and sister-in-law. The first words out of her mouth were "You aren't JO" - you see Duane's lady companion from 1962 until 1972 was the woman I refer to as MJ. Duane's sister had been insistent until that moment that I was the woman with Duane on 2 different ocassions. I simply told her "I told you I had never been in CA and I never met you, but I am sorry I had to meet you under these cirmcumstances". She smiled and reached out for my hand seemingly relieved and said "I'm Sorry." I couldn't stay long - I just wanted her to meet the woman she had been talking to on the phone and sending cards to..who had told her repeatedly "We have never met and I have never been to CA." John and his sister had a talk before I got to CA. John had somethings to tell me in private away from my husband in a room he had a voice amplifier. He was almost stone deaf and why he and I could not communicate on the phone. Since the phone call came during dinner - John and I never got to have that conversation. The sister knew John was going to have this conversation - I will never know what it was. It was during that dinner that John did ask me if I knew Richard Tosaw. Then he and his wife re-interated their intimate and personal relationship to Tosaw. Again we got the call almost as soon as those words where out of his mouth. He had told me that Gwinn had given him something she wanted me to have and had shared some information with him he had no knowledge of....Both John and his wife died within weeks of each other. Duane's sister had repeately told me on the phone and by card - to PLEASE LEAVE THE PAST IN THE PAST. She was afraid of what her friends and neighbors would think about her. Everyword of that is true and NOT one world is made up or fiction. All of those detail are what I remember of that visit to CA. Also note that in 1971 when the crime occurred that the sister lived only 11 to 13 miles from where one of the letters was postmark - supposedly from Cooper. I compared the letter we used to compare Duane's handwriting with - to the wife of the day...but, everything she sent me was script and no printing available to compare with. Note I have never claimed this wife was involved - but, she may have had knowledge of the crime AFTER the fact.....and I believe why she had a conversation with a family members or friend of the family who was involved in some way with law enforcement. The ex told me herself she sought advice from this person and was told that if stolen money was spent on her and she was aware of this - she might stand to be prosecuted as an accessory after the fact...and loose custody of her children. Note: she did NOT say this was Cooper Money - she only referred to stolen money. Since both she and 2 of her children were aware of stolen goods on many occasions...and aware that Duane had been in prison - this could have been from "any" crime in which a large sum of money was taken. I have always wondered WHY she told me this if it was not Cooper money or some other robbery that made head lines and gave her cause to make the contact and ask the question. She has claimed being separated from him from Nov of 1971 to Feb of 1972 - but divorced him in May of 1972.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #23787 July 10, 2011 Here is a mini-experiment Orange1, The attached image illustrates the six faces of Kenny. I just don’t see the resemblance (I know I’m alone with this viewpoint) between the top row and the bottom row. But this may be due to an as of yet to be identified medical condition where things look different to me. Like Duane’s little, tiny, cute, elfin nose where I initially was impressed with something far more ‘prominent’. I fully realize how wrong my perceptions can be thanks to this thread. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23788 July 10, 2011 B;evins Stated" Quote Cooper? The heck with him. Since we're already out there with our theories on KC, I have to let it continue. But it may happen that KC will finally be proven NOT to be the hijacker, and then I will have to pull the book, take the losses, and move on. And that means everything I did, everything the AB staff did, will all be for nothing. Jo States: AGAIN - it is ALL about MONEY! You just keep putting your foot in it - you just keep right on stepping in the shit. Sorry you are going to loose money on the book, but you were warned before it all started. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #23789 July 10, 2011 I know when I’m on a quest for “the truth” copyright is a primary concern because that enhances the flow of information and analysis. How could I be so careless? Soooo…. the top row has Kenny in the Army, at Bernie’s wedding and entering his crappy apartment in 1971 . This leaves the bottom row…… So of those three images, one is Kenny from high school and another is a passport photo? I’m guessing the passport photo is either the one with Kenny holding a beer or smoking a pipe since most high schools frown on students doing either of those activities. Cool passport photo regardless. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #23790 July 10, 2011 Quote Farflung: I'm going to refrain from complaining too much this time...but most of those pictures are under strict copyright by Adventure Books of Seattle. I'll grant you a license on the collage, though. What the heck. You did a nice job. One is of Kenny in his Army uniform, three others are from Shemya, the younger one in the white shirt is early on, the older-looking one with the pipe is from about four and a half years later. (I think working on Schmoo aged people a bit), another is a photo from Bernie's wedding in 1968, and still another is the infamous Christmas 1971 photo at the Rainier View. Really! None of these photos is your original werk. You got them from somebody else. So who-all copywrote or released them to you, if there are no original copywrites? What makes you the sole proprietor to copywrite them at all and for what specific proprietary use that allows you any copywrite? What makes you or AB Books unique? Have you even filed for copywrites on these photos, or is this just one more bogus claim where you are assuming legal rights to yourself you may not have at all ... should anyone wish to challenge it? I am willing to bet a copywrite attorney could tie you up forever on this . . . so be careful with your claims. How thick is your and AB Book's wallet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23791 July 10, 2011 Quote Jo wrote: Quote Doug was the one who in my dining room listened to a tape and the HAIR on his arms and neck stood straight up. He looked at me and said "I didn't hear that right, did I" I played it again and his response was "We can't go there". You can only imagine what is on that tape - and the FBI would love to get their hands on it...but, over my dead body. NO one knows what is in that tape besides Doug and myself. The woman on the tape is deceased now, but she was the wife of Weber at the time of the crime. Tease alarm. Condition red. Jo, you just can't help yourself. You imply that you have compelling evidence, but can't reveal it. All your probative evidence is lost (ticket, parking stub, parachute hardware, prison smoke jumper article etc) or cannot be revealed. 377: How old are you 377 - in your 60's? If you had a wife who died many yrs ago and then you found out something about her - HOW much of her things would you still have around if you had remarried. Also note the marriage produced no children - so there was NO reason to keep things. If I had understood in 1995 when he told me - this would be over. The FBI would have checked the VAN before it was sold and I would have known what I was looking for. I cannot release tapes I made of conversations with other individuals and what was said by the ex - well, if I went there I could have ended up 6 ft under before the Creator decided it was my time. If you guys don't believe the things I have told then if you had heard the tape - you would have said - OH MY! Way out....then nothing I have ever said would ever have been heard. If I told you what was on that tape - it would be NO WAY! Can you put Duane in a chute? We can put him in associations with jumper and connections to jumper (private and military and operatives). Can you put him on the plane? We think so - but it will take a face to face with 3 of the witnesses - all 3 stewardesses. As for RECORDS - everytime I have tried to acquire certain records - I am stopped or delayed until they are unaccessible....I believe this is by design....NOTE that even CARR would NOT produce the detailed Jefferson file - the GOVERNMENT - the file are destroyed after 35 yrs and this is what CARR's job was to do - delay me until the actual file was destroyed and then tell me I can get it on line. I wasn't the ONLY one trying to get this file to prove I was the widow of John C. Collins. NOT one person involved with doing this in 16 yrs was able to get DIDDLE SQUAT on it...NOT one. WHEN the FBI found I was trying to get the actual files - it was SHUT DOWN. Such as - My first contact with Jefferson - I was told they had the files not only on John Collins, but 2 other individuals I enquired about...I was told I would need to present a marriage certificate - to John Collins. NO ONE got it - I was trying to get the pictures so I could prove John Collins and Duane Weber were one and the far as I am concerned the Government OWES me as Duane's surving spouse the SS he never was able to collect under that name and number... Carr knew why I needed the file, The prior agent knew why I needed the was the only thing out there that could prove Duane was John Collins, but since Duane was in "solitary confinement most of the time" when the wife went to visit him, how and why would they give this man a commutation for under the name John Collins. Weber still had a record and John Collins just disappeared. Why did the FBI come looking for Duane Weber after John Collins was released. They knew who and where he was - even though he ran off to N.Orleans with his wife and her kids. Surely they didn't JUST stop chasing him - they found him and conducted their business with him - What was that Business? The FBI just DOES NOT stop searching for a man if they know where he is - and even though Duane ran - he was NOT HIDING. IF he was it was in PLANE SITE! Working under his real name in N.Orleans and then Alabama and GA and SC (he bounce back and forth from GA to SC several time in a 2 yr span) and then CO/WYM and then AL and S.C. and then GA again and back then VA and then AL again. Seems like after Duane left N.Orleans and AL around 1968 and 1969 - Weber did NOT have to hide from the FBI??? In 1982 - the next wife had a warrant for Weber in GA and why we went to VA....I did NOT know this at the time....but, after we got to VA she had found out who he was working for and took actions to get everything he and I owned - fortunately this could only be what was in his name alone and not in my name or what we had acquired together. The home at that time was in both our names and had no equity. She got ALL of his renewals (several thousands of dollars) and we had to start over. I had a small saving, but she couldn't touch that. We started over and made a bundle on the house when we sold it and accumulated a sizable renewal account. Outside of the modest equity in the house and what was in the safe deposit box and his insurance money there was NOTHING left when he died. The cars were paid for and I was in a decent financial position for a widow during that I was still young enough and capable of pulling my own weight as I had done for the lat 7 yrs of our marriage. The shop did NOT seem to move much merchandise during the 5 yrs he had it - but he always had money - we never ever did without. Why I will always believe that in 1990 - he went to the Safe Deposit box in XXX and removed what was left (this included some coins and cash and momentos). IT was only after Mar or April or May of 1990 that I saw the ticket, the stub, the parts for the chute and the bag and this little square of cloth I thought was a prayer cloth or blessed cloth of some kind...he kept it in his wallet. Oh, well this is a useless waste of time because NO one is listening anyway. I am but a small tree falling in the midst of the forest.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23792 July 10, 2011 Quote Farflung: I'm going to refrain from complaining too much this time...but most of those pictures are under strict copyright by Adventure Books of Seattle. I'll grant you a license on the collage, though. What the heck. You did a nice job. One is of Kenny in his Army uniform, three others are from Shemya, the younger one in the white shirt is early on, the older-looking one with the pipe is from about four and a half years later. (I think working on Schmoo aged people a bit), another is a photo from Bernie's wedding in 1968, and still another is the infamous Christmas 1971 photo at the Rainier View. HOW CAN you or you company own the COPYRIGHT to a photo I have in my possession of Kenny? DID you NOT inform Lyle that he could retain ownership and that you would be able to publish them with his permission. If NOT you SCREWED him? The pictures I have provided regarding Duane Weber CANNOT be copywritten by the companies, but published with MY permission and I own the copyright strickly because the original is held by me. Otherwise anyone could publish anyones photo regardless of the source and say copyright....I have signed documents.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #23793 July 10, 2011 In spite of the usual DBC thread detour, I still see no resemblance between the top row of photos and the bottom row. These questions are always made so complex (as in… What time did you get to work? – I brought my lunch). Different eyebrows, ears, chin, shape of head, it does not look like the same person to me. Regardless of what the source may claim, I (me, my opinion) simply don’t see the same individual in those images. I’m thinking someone is mistaken on this subject. Yet there are people who can read minds and arrive at intent on this thread about some of the most complex circumstances I have ever read about. FBI cover ups, conspiracies and weekends in an Airstream leading directly to hijackings to name a few constantly repeated themes. But offer some images of a real person or some damage to the stairs and it is…… Where is all the expertise about these issues? Hmmmm….. me so confused. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23794 July 10, 2011 Skyjack 71 says in part: Quote 'as far as I am concerned the Government OWES me as Duane's surving spouse the SS he never was able to collect under that name and number...' First, the government would likely disallow any earnings under a false name and possibly a false SSN. JO RESPONDS VERY ANGERLY! You are NOT a SS attorney and yes I turned this over to an SS attorney - because Duane himself could NOT collect on those 8 yrs. Nor could I as his widow when I became eligble of benefits. I had the SS number and the drivers license - but that was insufficient since he was deceased. I have proof of income as John Collins and this was substanciated by the wife of the times. Blevins enquired of Jo by quoting her below: Quote 'IT was only after Mar or April or May of 1990 that I saw the ticket, the stub, the parts for the chute and the bag and this little square of cloth I thought was a prayer cloth or blessed cloth of some kind...he kept it in his wallet...' Blevins then asked this question: Where are these items now? JO REPLIES SOME WHAT PERPLEXED - Duhh! Where were you when brains where passed out? What where you doing when the Weber story was front page and has been ongoing for 16 yrs now? March 1990 - Duane Weber was still alive. March 1995 - Duane Weber dies It has been repeated many time that I saw the stub and the bag in 1990 and have not seen them since. The Stub was like theater ticket but it said SEA-TAC on it and I asked him what it was for - he inturn said "It used to mean something, but it doesn't mean anything now - just throw it away" and I put it in the trash at the store.. Because many curious things where going on - I went back to the shop AFTER he left to go to Diaylsis to retrieve it from the trash - it was GONE. He had retrieved it. This was AFTER Duane had made his mysterious trip to a MID WEST state without my knowledge...and an unexplainable profit started to show for the shop but I seldom saw enough change in the merchandise inventory to support the rent and utilities and the profit he was claiming. The bank Bag I saw in the center console of the van (actually a large cooler that acted as a console). The ticket - everyone knows I saw that the yr before Duane died and let someone else tell you that story or look it up yourself. His leg badly fractured and he was laided up in bed. It is all right here in this thread and /or the other one and probably both.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23795 July 10, 2011 Blevins stated: And what does the 'C' stand for? (joke question, no need to answer) I just finished or almost finished a post I did after I retrieved the old wallet and put details about every item and just as if finished it went POOF. You guys joke about my POOF moments - but it is always when I do something like this that has taken a long time to type and a magnifying glass to read and to get it accurate when I type it. I then am never able to do it as well as I did the first time. That damn GHOST who wonders around even now just doesn't want to give up...or the FBI or someone is jinxing me so Cooper's Secret stays forever a secret. Speaking of Secrets - did NOT anyone find it unusual that Ckret (Carr) did the Secret thing. I will try to do the contents of the wallet again but it won't be today. Later someone will have to remind me of this. Too tired and too many POOF moments.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23796 July 10, 2011 After getting making a long post and a tedious post and it going Poof, I went back to open your little U-Tube thing and I'll be DAMNED if it wasn't about BUGS. I had left the computer to go get a Soda and all the while talking to myself about those damn POOFS and Bugs. I had no sooner sat back down to the computer and opened your little thing before shutting down for the day - I didn't know whether to laugh or cry - is was such a CO-INCIDENCE. To many of the darn co-incidences if you ask me - yea, I will bite - will you? Damned BUG! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23797 July 11, 2011 I just finished watching the Jaycee Dugard Story and it was heart wrenching. I had always wondered how she coped with what happened to her. 60 Failures - Probation officers and others failed the system. In 1972 he raped Katie C Hall and they lost him so to speak in the system. He served 11 yrs and the system failed - this creep is released in 1982. 60 visits by probation officers to the home of Phillip Garrido and they didn't see what was right in front of them. Out of those 60 visits I wonder how many times the guard changed. (How many times were there repeat trips by the same officers)? For 18 yrs the system FAILED. This is outrageous and the only answers they give the media and the family are some of the very same things I have heard for 16 yrs. NO, I am not comparing my story to hers - NO way! Her life was stolen - she was a 14 yrs old child and I truely hope she is handling it as well as she came across on the program. How many time have I heard. "Give us time". "You don't get it". "We are working on it". These were replies to the family and the media about WHY this happened - 60 failures! The Federal Government and officers refused to answer why the system failed so miserably. Does this not sound familiar? When the FBI does NOT have answers - they mark the file CONFIDENTIAL. This is what happened in the investigation of Weber. The FBI agents in Florida where the ones to interview me and they knew NOTHING about the crime. They didn't know the RIGHT questions to ask or WHAT SHOULD have alerted them. Then the guard changed so often the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing. Agents working an old crime who rotate so often they can't keep up with the active cases much less the cold cases. I think this is what happened with Jaycee - to many different hands to many changes of the guard and then there is NOT one AGENT who know the case. Some of them were there just to collect a paycheck - wonder how many of them actually took the time to study his creeps file from beginning to end and take note of all of the reports...especially the neighbors calling about kids in the backyard of this creep. Something needs to be done NOW to change the system not later. And YOU guys want to know why I slam the FBI so badly. This is a very good example of WHY - because a case is cold does the Government put agents on the case who do NOT have adequate training and they change the guard too often on old cases. I was hit by a woman backing out of a parking place recently - the deputy who was called to the scene was completely rude. The other party wore a long dress and foreign - he spent lots of time with her but every word he said to me was demeaning and rude. He treated me like I was scum and NEVER took my statement about what happened, which by the way was different than what he put in the report. This is the second RUDE officer I have had an experience with in less than 1 yr. They are mean - you reach the point you do NOT even want to call 911 or ask a traffic officer to come to the scene. The first one a girl who came from the cul de sac and was on the wrong side of the road and hit a $400 mail box and kept going - even though the mail box almost hit the homeowner and put large gouges in the concret drive way throwing the mail box made of Cast Iron - 16 ft from impact. Had this have been myself or another 70 plus homeowner - we would have had our license taken away, but this 16 yr old is treated like the Queen. The parents did pay for the mail box, but only after berating the neighbor claiming it was only a mail box. The girl was not even made to go to the owner and say she was sorry. This in my opinion was a hit and run - she went several houses before turning around and going back to her home. She did NOT acknowledge the homeowner or stop and say "I'm Sorry". The officer did NOT come for several hours and then said it was too late to make a complaint. Treated the homeowner like a piece of dirt and was very rude...a complaint was made, but never acknowledged. It has reached the point that the victim is treated worse than the perpetrator. Had there been NO witnesses to the destruction of this mail box - she would have drove away. Dhe did NOT slow down or turn around until she saw homeowers running into the street in her rear view mirror. So I have taken this from the major and most horrific of crimes to the most mondane and common accidents - and it is still negligence and the system fails miserably.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23798 July 11, 2011 I happen to know that one of the photos you used is cropped from a photo that showed several individuals - I have a copy of that photo - because NOT all of the invidividual consented - YOU do NOT own the COPYRIGHT to that photo. The copyright law is being stretched to the limit regarding too many things and not enough being done to enforce other things that involve real crimes. If that is the ONLY photo you gave Geoffrey Gray access to then shame shame on you. You "hint" Grey did not pick Weber as a favorite suspect. I worked with Grey from the beginning on this - and told him he needed to be objective and that there would only be one more book acceptable to the general public - I stated this because I am an avid reader (at least I was until I got so wrapped up in Cooper). His was to present an unbiased and objective - overview of the case to the public and to not lean toward any one subject. I have emails I sent to him - that I felt enforced this - because I like the man. Maybe he played dirty pool (like dirty cop) with me - I won't know that until I read the book. There was only ONE thing I told him when I let my guard down that he wanted to use - and I told him explicitly NO and told him why. He knows the use of that information is an instant LAWSUIT. I gave him access to use with my permission several photos - most of which have never been seen in the media. He cannot copyright the photos and this is so stated in the release to use. Since I have yet to read any reviews or have access to the book (like the chapters you and Farflung claimed to have read) - I sit just like anyone else wondering - OK what did he do? If he did the book the way it should have been done - it will be a book that goes into the details of the crime without leaning toward anyone suspect. I know he did some goofy things and I was made aware to one of the things that cost him an interview with a major player in this. I hope he didn't screw all of it up. In fact - I was the one who had to deliver the NO INTERVIEW message. Grey made a serious error in judgement relating one of this interviews which became a pivitol point and detrimental to one person he did NOT need to alienate. Loss of an interview with that person could have been a turning point in how he addressed the Cooper case. He did NOT communicate with me much after that - wonder why! He probably used the same method on others as he did me and stating that certain subjects seemed more viable than others. That I know was a ploy to see how much access he could get to information and research done by others. Some of the photos he wanted to use of Weber I gave a complete no to - such as a couple of goof ball photos made in a machine in a Mall where he looked like a ganster with his nose right up into the camera. I was only able to find one of those pics later, but I am sure the other one just got caught up in something else...he will be playing with HELL if he took the photo - and I feel sure he did NOT get access it as I was very very careful and guarded. He lost his sunglasses and because of my memory I knew he had them when he left here. Hence probably left them in the rental car. I don't know if he ever found them.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #23799 July 11, 2011 Jo ask yourself why it would have made any sense for Duane to retain incriminating evidence such as a plane ticket, parking stub, bank bag and parachute hardware? Sorry you ran into mean thoughtless cops. So many are like that today. Courteous professional ones are in short supply. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #23800 July 11, 2011 Quote Jo ask yourself why it would have made any sense for Duane to retain incriminating evidence such as a plane ticket, parking stub, bank bag and parachute hardware? 377 377I just do NOT believe for one moment you do NOT know the answer to that WHY. Someone who commits a crime such as this usually keep souveniers. The items where kept in a safe Deposit box under the name of John Collins in the mid-west. An area that knew him as John Collins or he used his old John Collins ID. I do not believe these items entered the Safe Deposit box until he realized he had done a stupid thing in 1980 when he retrived what was hidden in WA or OR. the trip to WA was the last Wk of Sept or the 1st wk of Oct.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites