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DB Cooper

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'(i) Huh? I dont get it but it doesnt matter.

(ii) Kenny wrote home saying he was as tanned as
a potato chip, and 'that' passes Kenny through the
Cooper ID filter according to you - meaning: 'Cooper
was as tanned as a potatoe chip, not olive skinned
but tanned as the major trait, and all witnesses were
wrong - because Blevins says so?'

No. Not because I say so. Because more than 45 pictures of Kenny in the files say so. Plus his personal letters written home before the hijacking. Only the pictures from nearly 20 years previous to the hijacking show his complexion as Straight Up Johnny Whitebread. And those were taken when he was living in Alaska for five years. In the others, he sports a real good tan. 'Olive skinned' is a generalized term. But no one has seriously put forward that the hijacker was anything but Caucasian and American.

Even the FBI's original bulletin on Cooper states he might be from the Midwest. Nothing is said about ethnicity other than white male. Unless you are suggesting that Cooper was part Native American, Hispanic, or a mixture from another ethnic group, this leaves 'well-tanned' as a very likely reason the witnesses described him as they did.

You are dealing in speculative generalties.

My guess is: Kenny belongs to Haplogroup I-M253
(M253, M307, P30, P40). Cooper belongs to some
other group with greater mutational variance. I would
list the possibilities but it would be meaningless.
If I am wrong, so be it.

Can you offer anything as specific?

You say: " 'Olive skinned' is a generalized term. But
no one has seriously put forward that the hijacker
was anything but Caucasian and American."

Being Caucasian and American covers a lot of
ground, sir! I have no idea what the basis of your
statement above is, outside of being something you
just made up. Evidently an opinion based on what?

You can discuss it with others, in any event.

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'My guess is: Kenny belongs to Haplogroup I-M253 (M253, M307, P30, P40). Cooper belongs to some other group with greater mutational variance. I would list the possibilities but it would be meaningless.
If I am wrong, so be it.

Can you offer anything as specific?'

So what you are saying is that you believe Christiansen was of possibly Balkan or Croatian descent? Because that's where the majority of people in that genetic group reside, with high occurences in certain parts of Scandinavia.

Also, Haplogroup I in general covers about one-fifth of the population of Europe. Oh, yeah. You really narrowed it down there.

And you came to this theory based on WHAT DNA test?

I think 'well-tanned' is just as likely a conclusion as your conclusions regarding the possible ethnicity of the hijacker...which are based on nothing more than a couple of eyewitnesses who said the hijacker was 'olive skinned'.

Blevins, (M253, M307, P30, P40) covers most of
Scandinavia w/o Finland, and one or two Germanic
lines. I said (M253, M307, P30, P40). (M253, M307,
P30, P40) is a subset of H-I. Learn to read.

You keep twisting everything looking for an escape.

This really is the end.

* I could be wrong! :P You tell the world,

Good fucking BYE.

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Come on boys and girls...play nice with your myths...

All of this bickering about genetics! Georger should just leave Blevins be and forget it.

Cooper was at least 5'10' and he had Dark Brown eyes. A description by witnesses who spent several hours with him - is definitive and rules Christiansen out. This the 1st logical reason the FBI does NOT consider Christiansen a suspect.

KC does NOT fit the description of Cooper. When Blevins finally lets this sink in - maybe he will realize what a fool he is making of himself....as he continues to fight the battle to salvage the money and time spent on his book.

Wish I had NOT even found the darn page....someone using Ckret's handle got my attention and I simply wonder if any of you thought it was the DZ Ckret.
I think it might be - simply because of the way he talked.
Problem was I understood Ckret was OFF the case and in the EAST.

OH, Well - back to New Orleans.
This will at least be FUN! Hopefully enlightening. Some minor flooding there a few days ago, but the water receded very rapidly causing no damage. Let you guys know what happens.

All I do know is "Johnny" really got around. Now I understand why our visit was NOT during the peak tourist season in N.Orleans.
I wore a jacket but, I do NOT remember what time of the yr. We ate at the Four Sisters and but stayed out toward the airport in a motel.

We bought a really nice painting from a street painter whose painting are now in high demand.
McCaffrey - New Orleans 1981.
Seems like we were on our way to someplace else - but I do NOT remember where or why. We were living in Mobile at the time....this is when he also showed me a place outside of New Orleans - a place he told me the Mafia discussed Kennedy and he was there. He supposedly was working there - and I assumed as a waiter - I didn't ask.

It is common knowledge an Informer was there - and the plans where relayed to Kennedy to warn him - he did NOT heed the warning. The warning came out of Tx.

I just wrote and erased 2 more paragraphs when I remembered the sequence of events about something I didn't think I still had in my memory log. A sequence of events I thought I had lost. I don't like what I just remembered.

Enough to keep me up all night.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Here are some points that I think are important:

1) Accept this at face value: Everyone either has a favorite suspect, or they think Cooper died in the jump.

I have proof Cooper DIED! See attached. :)
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I know this is the same as shooting myself in the foot here but I kinda dig pain and hate the shoes I’m wearing.

So the DNA is suspect (may be ungood) with the tie being a possible source for Cooper’s biological ID. There may (just may) be a source for a crosscheck but initial discussions were shut down due to a proclamation that enough was already said on the subject (it’s good to be a King). It sure would be nice to have a measurable criterion where transparency is ever present and the goal is an accurate answer. Ahhhh, who am I kidding with that one?

Anyway, Cooper certainly touched that reserve pack and those lines in order to cannibalize some material. I tried (unsuccessfully yet again) to find out if any DNA (or whatever) could have been transferred to the lines as Cooper was grasping them and cutting (0:57-1:15).


One could cross check any DNA residing in the canopy lines (a strange place for the stuff) against the tie to see if there is a match. I would then assume that the odds of the measured DNA being Cooper’s as having a higher confidence level.

This should also help Cooper keep his right to bare arms and not have the hairy type.

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1) Accept this at face value: Everyone either has a favorite suspect, or they think Cooper died in the jump.

Not to be picky, but the two don't have to be exclusive. Ben and Vera aside, at least one possible contender put forth to this thread is presumed dead or at least MIA since 1971.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Farflung wrote

One could cross check any DNA residing in the canopy lines (a strange place for the stuff) against the tie to see if there is a match. I would then assume that the odds of the measured DNA being Cooper’s as having a higher confidence level.

Good idea.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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What Farflung just said...

Makes sense to me.

Note: Sometime after the weekend of August 13/14, I am going to try and get an interview with the agent of record in Seattle. If you have any questions you would like me to ask him, you could list them.

Just one or two to a customer, please. I'll be lucky if I get fifteen or twenty minutes.

These are mine: Questions on the Amboy parachute, and what criteria is the FBI using to write off Christiansen as a suspect. Also, I'm going to ask if they are currently investigating him.

10 to 1 he wont even talk to you. Why would he?

Who are yoooo. ?

Remember, you previously said there was no
'agent of record'. You were all in-the-know about that.

Of course it only takes seconds to reverse yourself.
Example from last night below:

[(10) I will make some efforts to keep the peace
myself. First, I will try to avoid any mention of the
book, or to quote from it. But this doesn't mean I
can't mention Kenny, because he is a suspect.


11 1/2) I won't bring this up again, but I think it's
funny that Bruce Smith and Galen Cook are working
together and doing all those articles about Tina
Mucklow. In one of them, Bruce talks about
searching for her in Pennsylvania. Tina actually lives
in Springfield, Oregon and she won't discuss the
hijacking or look at pictures. I think the only way she
would is if Cooper fans camped out front of her
house and kept up a candlelight prayer vigil. Then
she might relent, otherwise no. I posted the basic
information on Bruce's blog, ('The Mountain News')
but all comments are moderated.

A sawbuck says he deletes it rather than letting it
post. ]

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Farflung wrote


One could cross check any DNA residing in the canopy lines (a strange place for the stuff) against the tie to see if there is a match. I would then assume that the odds of the measured DNA being Cooper’s as having a higher confidence level.

Good idea.


Yes. Mr. Empty vs Mr. Vacuous vs Mrs Cooper vs.
The Preacher .... in a 200 rounder. Blevins and you will Moderate.


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Report on Everett Johnson regarding 727s used by World Airways in covert ops during the Vietnam War

On Tuesday, July 19, I traveled back to Seattle to lunch with DB Cooper aficionado Bob Sailshaw and meet his friend Everett Johnson.

Everett is a lively character – animated, confident, and clearly a man who has been around the block a few times, as he has been a life-long pilot, flying commercially and privately. Currently, he takes bush pilot gigs in Alaska, and starting about 1970 he was a regular pilot for the Puget Sound air service called San Juan Airways.

Everett also worked in the mid-1970s for World Airways, a governmental and military carrier that, along with Southern Airways and Continental Air Services, were rivals of Air America.

“Yeah, World Airways and the others did whatever needed to be done in Vietnam that the military couldn’t do because of the Geneva Conventions,” Everett told me. “They flew in troops and cargo that were involved in the covert wars – all that illegal stuff.”

However, Everett did not participate personally in any World Airways activities within Vietnam. In the latter stages of the war he flew 707s from Okinawa for World, ferrying Vietnamese refugees back to the United States.

“Those flights were filled with women and children,” he said. “We flew them to locations all over the United States.”

Nevertheless, Everett did have specific information about World Airways activities in the covert wars in Laos and Cambodia.

Everett got his information from a senior pilot at World named Tom Sailor. After his Okinawa flights, Everett teamed with Sailor and flew together out of Sana, Yemen, where they were involved in the CIA’s activities to “keep tabs” on the Soviet activities in South Yemen.

At that time, Yemen was divided into two parts, North and South, and the southern country was ruled by a communist regime, while the northern one, based in the capital city of Sana, was aligned with the United States.

Everett and Sailor flew 727s out of Sana and their activities ranged throughout the Middle East. Everett did not disclose many details on those operations, but, he did say that World Airways double-registered its 727s as both World and Yemen Airways aircraft to provide some cover for its covert operations in Vietnam and elsewhere.

Everett told me about what Sailor had described regarding his activities in Vietnam:

Everett said that Sailor had told him that World Airways had three 727s active in Vietnam, and that Sailor had flown many illegal sorties over Laos and Cambodia. During these flights he would air-drop cargo and small squadrons of commandos drawn from an elite group of about 20 soldiers – who parachuted out the back of the 727 from its unique aft stairs, which could be lowered in flight.

For cargo, Everett said that the 727 crew inserted an aluminum chute over the aft stairs for the cargo to slide down, and this device was stored in the plane, overhead in the stairway area.

As for the troopers, they went out much the same way DB Cooper is believed to have exited his aircraft.

“They just walked down to the bottom step and jumped,” Everett said.

Everett says he does not recall the code name for these operations, nor does he know the locations for take off. However, he did say that the soldiers had to walk back to American lines once their operations were concluded.

Everett said Sailor was quite specific about DB Cooper being one of these guys.

“Yeah, I could tell you exactly who DB Cooper was,” Everett said Sailor declared. “He would have been one of maybe ten guys out of the twenty.”

Okay, that’s not too specific, but Sailor’s perspective is certainly aligned with those expressed by MSgt Billy Waugh and Major John Plaster of MACV-SOG, soldiers who have written extensively about their covert – and illegal - combat operations during the Vietnam War.

When I asked Everett about Ted Braden, the commando put forward by Waugh and Plaster as Cooper, Everett said he hadn’t heard the name before.

Nevertheless, Everett confirmed that Sailor had described these twenty soldiers as members of the Special Forces.

“Yeah, they were Green Beret types,” Everett said.

However, Everett does have a personal DB Cooper story – he was piloting a local flight inbound to Sea-Tac when Cooper skyjacked his plane.

Everett said that he was flying a six-passenger plane from Friday Harbor, the main tourist spot in the San Juan Islands located between the United States and Canada, to Sea-Tac, about a 40 minute run.

He said that he was flying the regularly scheduled 1 pm flight and mid-way to Sea-Tac was told to “expect delays.” A moment later, he was told by Seattle Control to go into a holding pattern at the aviation intersection known as “Low-Fall,” which is about seven miles west of Paine Field, the major Boeing facility in Everett, Washington, about 30 miles north of Seattle.

“We had no idea what was going on,” Everett said, ‘but they never tell you, anyway.”

Everett said that he flew a “race course” pattern over Puget Sound, about 1 mile out, four down, a mile back and another four miles on the final leg. He flew this pattern for at least an hour.

“After a while, we had 10-15 planes stacked on top of me,” Everett said, “and everybody was constantly asking for clarification.”

Everett flew this configuration until he had about 20 minutes worth of fuel left, and asked for permission to make a diverted landing at Paine Field.

“They would not authorize it,” he said.

However, Everett decided to force their hand, and a few moments later he declared a fuel emergency and was routed into Paine Field. When they landed they learned about the Cooper skyjacking, which was in progress.

“They wouldn’t let us fly back to Friday Harbor, or head south to Boeing Field, either,” said Everett.

I questioned Everett about the timing of his flight and the skyjacking, as there seemed to be a discrepancy – Everett said he left Friday Harbor at 1 pm on a 40 minute run to Sea-Tac, so he should have arrived there by the time Cooper handed his hijacking note to Northwest Orient flight attendant Florence Schaffner at approximately 2:05 pm in Portland.

Everett had no answer to this question, and assumed that his memory of the flight schedule must have been off by an hour.

Nevertheless, Everett also had another DB Cooper encounter.

Several years later, the FAA instituted a mandatory instructional class for pilots on how to handle a skyjacking.

“The instructor mentioned DB Cooper a lot,” Everett said.

Everett indicated that he wasn’t much interested in the information, since, as a seasoned pilot, he knew he would take full command of his craft and act solely as he thought best - not giving much weight to the recommendations of governmental bureaucrats sitting on the ground.

But what got his attention most in the class was his instructor – first, he was a former Marine, and second, he was wearing bright and shiny patent-leather shoes even though he was dressed in civvies and supposedly out of the service.

During a coffee break towards the end of the class, Everett said he began talking about his Cooper experiences with a small group of pilots and mentioned that he had flown with a World pilot, Tom Sailor, who told him that DB Cooper was a commando involved in the covert wars in Laos and Cambodia.

Everett says that when the former-Marine with patent-leather shoes heard Everett mention those covert operations, he immediately strode over to Everett, firmly grabbed his elbow, and led him to a private room.

There, the instructor told Everett he had better keep his mouth shut, as that was top-secret information, and that Everett could go to jail for what he had disclosed.

“He was serious,” Everett said.

However, the final words of the former Marine were a real kicker.

“He told me he was in charge of the DB Cooper investigation!” Everett said.

However, Everett was unable to provide any further details about this elusive Cooper sleuth.

Lastly, the Mountain News is actively looking for Captain Tom Sailor to confirm these stories.

© 2011 The Mountain News-WA

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In Reply To

Farflung wrote

One could cross check any DNA residing in the canopy lines (a strange place for the stuff) against the tie to see if there is a match. I would then assume that the odds of the measured DNA being Cooper’s as having a higher confidence level.


Good idea.



Yes. Mr. Empty vs Mr. Vacuous vs Mrs Cooper vs.
The Preacher .... in a 200 rounder. Blevins and you will Moderate.

It is a good suggestion and would be simple to do.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Everett said that Sailor had told him that World Airways had three 727s active in Vietnam, and that Sailor had flown many illegal sorties over Laos and Cambodia. During these flights he would air-drop cargo and small squadrons of commandos drawn from an elite group of about 20 soldiers – who parachuted out the back of the 727 from its unique aft stairs, which could be lowered in flight.

For cargo, Everett said that the 727 crew inserted an aluminum chute over the aft stairs for the cargo to slide down, and this device was stored in the plane, overhead in the stairway area.

As for the troopers, they went out much the same way DB Cooper is believed to have exited his aircraft.

“They just walked down to the bottom step and jumped,” Everett said.

Interesting stuff, if true. I wonder if the info can be confirmed by that professor at U. of Texas who has chronicled all the Air America covert ops in SE Asia? He would probably know if World Airways was also involved in 727 airdrops.

Snow will probably have the answer before I can even start a search.

Of course my bias makes me like the story that Cooper was one of the Special Forces guys who allegedly did World Airways 727 jumps in SE Asia.

I've no proof that Cooper knew a 727 could be jumped, but to me it is very logical to assume that he did, especially when you consider all his commands about altitude, flap setting, pressurization etc. I don't think he was a Wuffo.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Wow, this reminds me of a woman who asked me about a relative that had told the family about his time as an aerial gunner with the USAAF in WWII. She showed me a photo of a man wearing two stripes on his sleeve and that was the end of that for me.

From Bruce’s interview:

“Yeah, World Airways and the others did whatever needed to be done in Vietnam that the military couldn’t do because of the Geneva Conventions,”

Well I would hope it would be an organization completely disassociated with the military, humanity in general and the entire universe that would knowingly violate the Geneva Protocols.

What a piece of work that would take. Assuming he ever read or was aware of the conventions in the first place. But this thread needs copious amounts of bad if not completely nefarious information in order to make a horrid conclusion. This is one such example.

That is the end of that for me.

Take some precious time and ‘Google’ the Geneva Conventions and what they entail and who they protect and why; it may be enlightening. Please, someone prove me wrong on this point.

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I suggested this to Carr and to the FBI - but, I was ignored. I suppose too many people have handled those cut cords now.

Cooper had to form a loop on the cords with his hands to cut them. Coopers DNA would be on every cut...and there was NO report of Cooper wearing gloves when he cut the cords.

FBI pay attention to this - I am tired of keeping this stuff out of the public eye. Special Forces - last name Ross.

Tired of sitting on Lead Ville.
Now that is CODE and the FBI knows DAMN well what it means.

P.S. Blevins needs to post his personal phone number and address in this thread and other places he posts at - he NEEDS to know how this has affected my life and the life of others.

If anyone has this information - POST it....now we ALL know just exactly what he is - and I implore all of you to PM Quade to ask him to remove the offending post and the reply to it by Georger.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Interesting stuff, if true. I wonder if the info can be confirmed by that professor at U. of Texas who has chronicled all the Air America covert ops in SE Asia? He would probably know if World Airways was also involved in 727 airdrops.

Snow will probably have the answer before I can even start a search.

Of course my bias makes me like the story that Cooper was one of the Special Forces guys who allegedly did World Airways 727 jumps in SE Asia.

I've no proof that Cooper knew a 727 could be jumped, but to me it is very logical to assume that he did, especially when you consider all his commands about altitude, flap setting, pressurization etc. I don't think he was a Wuffo.

What is the name of the University of Texas professor?
Did he ever live in Salt Lake City?

Snow hurry up time is running out.

Quade - Please let Snow back in. We need him.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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“Yeah, I could tell you exactly who DB Cooper was,” Everett said Sailor declared. “He would have been one of maybe ten guys out of the twenty.”

Okay, that’s not too specific, but Sailor’s perspective is certainly aligned with those expressed by MSgt Billy Waugh and Major John Plaster of MACV-SOG, soldiers who have written extensively about their covert – and illegal - combat operations during the Vietnam War.

Nice report.

Degrees of separation -

(i) direct experience - used and knows all the tools involved.
(ii) witnessed it being done but hasnt done it.
(iii) heard about it being done. thought about it.
(iv) independent invention.

et cetera ...

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I thought it was funny that Bruce went back to Pennsylvania to search for Mucklow


Jave a little common decency about you and go back and delete your post - if you ask Quade he can do this. Also to delete this one. YOU have violated others and jeopardized this person for your OWN selfish REASONS. BE A MAN AND DO THE RIGHT THING. GET THE POST deleted.

I have known information you did not know for 10 yrs, but I was never going to hurt someone or cause harm to come to them - you are a mean and scornful scoundrel! You don't care who you hurt to get your story or to prove your point. You don't care that someone who does not or will not talk to you will now be barraged by media. YOU do NOT care whose LIFE you destroy.

YOU are the person responsible for whatever happens to her. You did this after YOU received WHAT you called a threatening phone call about your book...how very very sick.

POST your personal Phone NUMBER.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The obvious question is this: If Cooper was Special Forces, and had jumped from the back of a 727 before...don't you think he would have come a bit more prepared? A business suit? Dress shoes? Doesn't sound like a Special Forces op type thing to me.

True. Can't argue with that. But let's say it was a guy who wasn't a military jumper, a skydiver who knew a 727 could be jumped. Still, the apparent lack of suitable clothing and footwear is puzzling. So many mysteries.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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AB of Seattle's official address and phone number have been available at the website since 2004. It's right there on the media page. All calls are screened if we don't know the caller and people who make impolite or weird calls get their number blocked. 90% of callers we already know when the call comes in

Only an irresponsible idiot would do what you just did and the worse of it is you don't think you did anything wrong!

YOU are doing all of this to GET attention for YOU and YOUR BOOK and you do NOT CARE who you HURT in the PROCESS. IT is all about you - BLEVINS. You are sick.

I want the Cooper story to be over - but, I have not and refused to hurt innocent individuals in the processl. Don't you realize you led the media right to her front door - are you that stupid? MY GOD you really SUCK!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I know this is the same as shooting myself in the foot here but I kinda dig pain and hate the shoes I’m wearing.

So the DNA is suspect (may be ungood) with the tie being a possible source for Cooper’s biological ID. There may (just may) be a source for a crosscheck but initial discussions were shut down due to a proclamation that enough was already said on the subject (it’s good to be a King). It sure would be nice to have a measurable criterion where transparency is ever present and the goal is an accurate answer. Ahhhh, who am I kidding with that one?

Anyway, Cooper certainly touched that reserve pack and those lines in order to cannibalize some material. I tried (unsuccessfully yet again) to find out if any DNA (or whatever) could have been transferred to the lines as Cooper was grasping them and cutting (0:57-1:15).


One could cross check any DNA residing in the canopy lines (a strange place for the stuff) against the tie to see if there is a match. I would then assume that the odds of the measured DNA being Cooper’s as having a higher confidence level.

This should also help Cooper keep his right to bare arms and not have the hairy type.

Uh.. hate to step back in and bust ya'lls bubbles.. do you have ANY idea how many peoples DNA could be on any reserve from any DZ at that time.... completely and utterly useless since litterally hunderds of people would have handled that belly wart over its life at Issaquah.

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I know this is the same as shooting myself in the foot here but I kinda dig pain and hate the shoes I’m wearing.

So the DNA is suspect (may be ungood) with the tie being a possible source for Cooper’s biological ID. There may (just may) be a source for a crosscheck but initial discussions were shut down due to a proclamation that enough was already said on the subject (it’s good to be a King). It sure would be nice to have a measurable criterion where transparency is ever present and the goal is an accurate answer. Ahhhh, who am I kidding with that one?

Anyway, Cooper certainly touched that reserve pack and those lines in order to cannibalize some material. I tried (unsuccessfully yet again) to find out if any DNA (or whatever) could have been transferred to the lines as Cooper was grasping them and cutting (0:57-1:15).


One could cross check any DNA residing in the canopy lines (a strange place for the stuff) against the tie to see if there is a match. I would then assume that the odds of the measured DNA being Cooper’s as having a higher confidence level.

This should also help Cooper keep his right to bare arms and not have the hairy type.

Uh.. hate to step back in and bust ya'lls bubbles.. do you have ANY idea how many peoples DNA could be on any reserve from any DZ at that time.... completely and utterly useless since litterally hunderds of people would have handled that belly wart over its life at Issaquah.

agree. When this was posted I had this 'vision' of
layers of cells (piled to the ceiling), all merged
and melted into each other, on all the artifacts,
handed to me by some "suit" with the question:
'Can you sort it out'. A little like the layers of Troy -
or hell. Sure he touched this and that, griped hard
leaving contact cells, but this is 2011 and a lot of
people have played with the evidence by now
leaving God-only-knows what! I cant quite
see cloning Cooper from whatever might be left
now? There were other sources of dna available
but sadly no swabs were taken in those locations
(so far as I know) primarily because in 1971:
the attitude was "Dna, mtdna? What's dat?"

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The obvious question is this: If Cooper was Special Forces, and had jumped from the back of a 727 before...don't you think he would have come a bit more prepared? A business suit? Dress shoes? Doesn't sound like a Special Forces op type thing to me.

True. Can't argue with that. But let's say it was a guy who wasn't a military jumper, a skydiver who knew a 727 could be jumped. Still, the apparent lack of suitable clothing and footwear is puzzling. So many mysteries.


I may disagree based one xperience.
I mean experience with real atheletes, highly trained
and competent military people, etc etc. One of my
best buddies demonstrated 'worldclass' poll vaulting
at the Drake Relays 'in his suit and loafers'! His
actual words before one record making launch
was the same thing we used to say under our
breathes at church as kids: "Monkey shit. Tree
split". He launched and there was another record
... in a suit and dress loafers (covered with sawdust).
Track scholarship to Texas A&M after highschool
then flew F4's for the Navy, then a commercial pilot
to retirement. Cooper's jump would have been kids
play to this guy.

Competence + fearlessness + resolve = doesnt
matter what the cloths are. There are skydivers here
who knows exactly what Im speaking of.

So I am far more concerned with physical description
than dress. Dress is almost irrelevant (and perhaps
irreverant) to a trully skilled and highly resolved
(fearless) person. Ive known a lot of these guys
personally and I know what they are capable of

Was Cooper a highly trained special services
person? I dont think so but I could be wrong.

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OKAY everyone was there really a letter with a code on it

I need to know if these letters are correct and if such a letter to the FBI really did exist.

Well, if it is REAL - I broke the code. I just think it is a game someone is playing with me.
If it is real then why didn't they look at this when they looked at Duane.

The man mentions only months to live - but, who knows what the Dr.s told Duane in the beginning.
Like my last husband - 6 month and he lived over 5 yrs. with cancer.

Okay Sluggo and Georger:
For those in the know if the letter really existed - I will give you both Duane's navy and army number and it is all there.

IT was a simple question Answer thing. These 2 number equal these 2 numbers and the two number equal another set with a common denominator of 7. It worked with both the Navy and Army number - He simply said here I am figure it out and you know who I am.

I put a call into the FBI to see if they actually recieved that letter or if it is a phoney. I never get past an answer machine. day or night - so someone help me out on this.

I knew there were some strange number in the back of a book and I don't know if I have that anymore - but I did have both army and navy numbers and it world both ways.

Duane always mess around with stuff like that - when he was bored I guess. I thought it wa silly. BUT some on find a copy of this letter - I need to know the post mark and dates on it - that might make the connectors make sense. It is there just with the numbers alone but a date and address might make me throw it out or say this needs to go to the FBI. Since they won't take my calls any time or anywhere - what i put in the final email on this - thosw who know will have to get it to them.

Was such a note hand written or typed - does it really exist?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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