EVickiW 0
I did not really understand the logic/math/puzzle/riddle (pick one) the first time around.
Did not need to see it again.. .where is my ______________ (
Robert99 50
According to the article, which was published on Tuesday, December 14, 1971, the letter was received by them on Monday, December 13, 1971, and that it had been mailed in Seattle the previous Friday, December 10, 1971.
Your explanation of how you massaged the numbers is very interesting and I will be back in a day or two with my reply to that. But don't get your hopes up.
A few additional questions:
1. Do you know if Duane served in the Army and then the Navy, or was it the Navy and then the Army?
2. Do you know if Duane was drafted or volunteered for service in the Army and/or Navy?
3. Do you have any prefixes or suffixes for either the Army or Navy serial numbers?
4. What was the date given by the FBI/VA for Duane's discharge from the Army? Do you know when Duane entered the Army?
5. Do you know the dates of service for Duane in the Navy?
6. Do you know the types of Discharges, or releases from service, that Duane received from the Army and Navy?
7. Do you know if Duane had a Military Occupational Speciality (MOS) in either the Army or Navy?
Robert Nicholson
Robert99 50
I did not really understand the logic/math/puzzle/riddle (pick one) the first time around.
Did not need to see it again...where is my ______________ (
Just try to hang on for another day or two.
Robert Nicholson
Farflung 0
someone claims to have found some 14,000 year old human DNA in a….. uhh… preserved piece of history.
But I don’t like the smell of this story because some wicked, smart people from the internet (code for DZ.com) already said 40 year old DNA is hopelessly degraded and un-useable. But don’t be sad and develop long feces DZ experts, because there is still fresh hope on the horizon.
They go on to talk about the ancient Coprolites which were left behind in that cave. If only we could tap into the source of their wisdom we could solve so many of man’s problems today. Too bad the Coprolites died off because I think they would have fit in nicely with modern society and most on this thread would have warmly embraced them. Although there would have been some jealousy with several trying to show how they are bigger and smarter than the ancient Coprolites.
I still feel there are several members of the DBC thread who should be considered honorary Coprolites because of their tireless abilities to give of themselves. I’m sure they know who they are and represent the nation’s best and brightest of minds, because they will tell you this at the slightest opportunity.
Fourteen thousand three hundred year old DNA indeed. Sounds like a pile of gold bricks to me.
377 22
'Three and a half years after filing with the class-action lawsuit against Menu Pet Foods, my little pittance arrived today. I used every penny to buy books for kids to pass out at the slideshows this August at the Auburn Avenue Theatre. That is not a joke. I deposited the check, and then I ordered the books. The hell with Menu Foods. They can bite me.
'Ginger' and 'Sophie' would have approved, I think.
That's very generous Robert.
I am sorry your cats died. China food adulteration killed kids too when a mfr added melamine to milk. I think the govt executed two men who they believed were responsible.
377 22
Snow hijacked the BOINC distributed computing networks and has had them grinding on this code for months. So far nothing promising, but it takes time.
People who think they are helping in SETI research or saving the whales are really Snow's unknowing slaves.
Robert99 50
Robert Nicholson
EVickiW 0
I (my super-secret accomplice) found a muster roll with my Father's name/service number.
He enlisted in the Navy in San Francisco, California on November 24, 1942. he was 15 years old.
Today I sent $60.00 to Veterans Records in St. Louis, Missouri for a copy of all his Naval Records/files.
georger 247
Here we go again with this forum’s ‘authorita’ being mercilessly assaulted with differing views from archaeologists, biologists, doctors and guys with impressively large tweezers. According to this article:
someone claims to have found some 14,000 year old human DNA in a….. uhh… preserved piece of history.
But I don’t like the smell of this story because some wicked, smart people from the internet (code for DZ.com) already said 40 year old DNA is hopelessly degraded and un-useable. But don’t be sad and develop long feces DZ experts, because there is still fresh hope on the horizon.
They go on to talk about the ancient Coprolites which were left behind in that cave. If only we could tap into the source of their wisdom we could solve so many of man’s problems today. Too bad the Coprolites died off because I think they would have fit in nicely with modern society and most on this thread would have warmly embraced them. Although there would have been some jealousy with several trying to show how they are bigger and smarter than the ancient Coprolites.
I still feel there are several members of the DBC thread who should be considered honorary Coprolites because of their tireless abilities to give of themselves. I’m sure they know who they are and represent the nation’s best and brightest of minds, because they will tell you this at the slightest opportunity.
Fourteen thousand three hundred year old DNA indeed. Sounds like a pile of gold bricks to me.
Then you will love this website:
georger 247
Snow hijacked the BOINC distributed computing networks and has had them grinding on this code for months. So far nothing promising, but it takes time.
People who think they are helping in SETI research or saving the whales are really Snow's unknowing slaves.
Farflung 0
Snow hijacked the BOINC distributed computing networks and has had them grinding on this code for months. So far nothing promising, but it takes time.
People who think they are helping in SETI research or saving the whales are really Snow's unknowing slaves.
Will my ‘Phrase of the Day’ ever find a proper home?
georger 247
georger succinctly responds to 377 with:
Snow hijacked the BOINC distributed computing networks and has had them grinding on this code for months. So far nothing promising, but it takes time.
People who think they are helping in SETI research or saving the whales are really Snow's unknowing slaves.
Will my ‘Phrase of the Day’ ever find a proper home?
377 22
Snow hijacked the BOINC distributed computing networks and has had them grinding on this code for months. So far nothing promising, but it takes time.
People who think they are helping in SETI research or saving the whales are really Snow's unknowing slaves.
Of course it is Georger. I thought it was funny, but I have an unorthodox sense of humor.
I have several of Farflung's collages on my refrigerator. I used to have Snow's fake Cooper 20 and his fake FBI card up there too, but when Quade banned Snow I dutifully decommssioned his infidel artwork. I dont have any of your work displayed Georger. How about posting something clever?
The only original artwork I ever posted here was the crude fake image of Cooper's exit on the SAGE terminal screen. I don't think anyone saw it as collectable.
georger 247
Snow hijacked the BOINC distributed computing networks and has had them grinding on this code for months. So far nothing promising, but it takes time.
People who think they are helping in SETI research or saving the whales are really Snow's unknowing slaves.
Of course it is Georger. I thought it was funny, but I have an unorthodox sense of humor.
I have several of Farflung's collages on my refrigerator. I used to have Snow's fake Cooper 20 and his fake FBI card up there too, but when Quade banned Snow I dutifully decommssioned his infidel artwork. I dont have any of your work displayed Georger. How about posting something clever?
The only original artwork I ever posted here was the crude fake image of Cooper's exit on the SAGE terminal screen. I don't think anyone saw it as collectable.
Again, you should take a look at these websites
which give a practical demonstration of debates
that happen regarding dna evidence - in a specific
case. The second link regards an attempt to break
one specific code in a specific case: interesting
regarding and real.
Can useful dna product be lifted from stamps and
letters? Yes. Consult your son.
377 22
The movie Zodiac had some parts devoted to the code and the couple who broke it.
Pretty shocking about the FBI DNA lab fraud.
I edited you statement just to make it short. I have both the Army and the Navy number and they are as above. I have the military papersYou said to me you did not have any of this stuff before why have it now? - remember that I was the one who had to PROVE to the FBI Duane was actually in the Army at Camp Siebert. Only after I put up resistance and produced proof did they acknowledge he was ever in the army. Letter written home to Mom. A government form showing he was in the army but WITHOUT and discharge date.
Then the FBI provides a discharge date - yet when I first went to records there WAS NO discharge date......?????????
Now the official records have been altered to agree with the FBI....I say altered because when I was sitting in the local VA office the Army record came up CLASSIFIED/ ACCESS DENIED. I have told this story before so I won't repeat it in its entirety.
The FBI had NO idea I had already been to the VA office. They had NO knowledge of my visit with the VA. SO I caught more discrepancies in the story they wanted me to believe.
I have done all of the steps before and after my talking to the FBI and I have told this story over and over before.
I do not know how to explain to you the sequence of numbers but I did it several ways and the odd man out was the 7's. Then I looked at the placement of the 7's and realized they were the turners (I do NOT know what coders call these things so forgive my ignorance).
The first 7 is followed by 698. this give you 96 and 89.
The second 7 step back for the number 2 and forward for the 35 in reverse. Using the 7's as turners you have Duane's Navy # and his Army number.
Remember zeros do not count in the code.
35 is the first but on the code 35 is reversed on the end.
89 is the being of the second set with the 0 being the turner making it 98. The second 0 is another turner followed by 5
pick up the five and take foruward and that give you 35.
You can do this with both serial numbers with the 7 as turners in the 7698QA2753 and 0 as the turners in the army number.
QA is simple Question/Answer?
He is presenting the Answer to who he is and challenges them with Quest to figure it out.
OKAY none of this will make any sense to anyone but me - I will be accused of grabbing for straws, but if I ever saw that group of numbers (or Code) sent to the FBI - I might have been having a Brain Fart day and this may be by far the biggest STINK I ever made. When I saw it I felt like I had seen it and it had been explained to me. Now EVEN I think I am delusional.
IT is like the other day when I was posting about N.Orleans - I suddenly remember something I had NOT been able to remember in all of these yrs - it had to do with why we were in N.Orleans and where we were going. This again involved someone who was high up the food chain - I did NOT think too much about Duane's involvement with certain individuals...but, I didn't really know who they were until I started investigating all of this Crap. My being 17 yrs younger than Duane - is why I have lived long enough to find the pieces.
The puzzle I keep putting together fits to well and only a few of the piece are forced. Maybe someone was chewing on them and warped them a little. So they actually fit, but feel forced. Whatever!
Some of you guys worked coding in the 60's and 70's - try using your knowledge the way I did common sense. Forget the coding post 1971 - only that used pre 1971.
The guys in prisons (state and military) set up pretty elaborate ways of communicating with each other that went over the heads of the guards. Prisoner of war were very astute at figuring out how to communicate in code.
So, start being safe, first!!!