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377 22
QuoteRegardless of what you may think, the Zodiac codes have NOT been broken. In fact, the claimed solution collapses under its own faulty logic.
Robert Nicholson
Oh. I thought some were decoded. The movie certainly gave that impression.
Well, no matter what happened the police never figured out who the Zodial killer was to any degree of certainty.
What was really bizarre is the investigating detective Dave Toschi who allegedly wrote fake Zodiac communications.
What if we had a rogue FBI SA working on Norjack who played with the evidence? I dont think that happened, but the Zodiac case tells you that you cant assume that cops are straight arrow in their investigations.
QuoteMatthew, Which part of this post is your work?
Robert Nicholson
Sorry, the bold question in the very beginning where I called her out for telling me she had no records of Duane's Military record and this week she does. it would put and end to or confirm his Paratrooper training and experience.
So, start being safe, first!!!
Robert99 50
QuoteQuoteRegardless of what you may think, the Zodiac codes have NOT been broken. In fact, the claimed solution collapses under its own faulty logic.
Robert Nicholson
Oh. I thought some were decoded. The movie certainly gave that impression.
Well, no matter what happened the police never figured out who the Zodial killer was to any degree of certainty.
What was really bizarre is the investigating detective Dave Toschi who allegedly wrote fake Zodiac communications.
What if we had a rogue FBI SA working on Norjack who played with the evidence? I dont think that happened, but the Zodiac case tells you that you cant assume that cops are straight arrow in their investigations.
377, Take a look at the proposed solution for the three part message and let me know if you think that is actually a solution.
No solution has ever been proposed to my knowledge for the large one part message or for the two very short one word messages.
Robert Nicholson
I do NOT know when I ever said I did NOT have some of Duane 's military records - they are skimpy. I do NOT have details such as what his work detail was etc. I believe the question one of you asked was did he have paratrooper training and most of those who have posted here for yrs Know I do not have that information.
I have both the Army and the Navy number and they are as above. I have the military papers - remember that I was the one who had to PROVE to the FBI Duane was actually in the Army at Camp Siebert. Only after I put up resistance and produced proof did they acknowledge he was ever in the army. Letter written home to Mom. A government form showing he was in the army but WITHOUT a discharge date.
I still believe his 3rd party story about Ft. Benning. I actually believe and know he was on that base and he jumped there - can I prove it. NO! It was another one of his 3rd party stories that have always ended up being true.
Such as the Treasure Island thief who gave his occupation as "Crook". It was ONE of you GUYS who produced the story on that one.
This is why I continue to search the 3rd party stories on top of the first person story he told about an area along the WA and ID borderline.
QuoteYour explanation of how you massaged the numbers is very interesting and I will be back in a day or two with my reply to that. But don't get your hopes up.
I will answer the questions as best as I can and one at a time
1. Do you know if Duane served in the Army and then the Navy, or was it the Navy and then the Army. (note Duane elderly and deaf brother obtained some of this for me from the family record which now seems to have gone POOF.
A. Navy then Army.
B. Duane 1st tried to join up by falsifying his age - declaring he was born on June 18 1922. Since this Registration card says
Maritime Commission serial # 91-A and guess that would be Navy. (of course he was unable to produce the birth certificate). I do have a copy he tried to alter.
Then on Jun 18, 1941 he actually got in on his 17th birthday. His mother gave permission or maybe not - this has always been a real mess.
Because the McNeil Island prison has his birthday as June 18, 1920...but he was NOT born until 1924.
This form is NOT dated, unless the other thing is a copy of the back. That is dated Nov. 12, 1942. Gives his height as 5'11" and his weight as 167 lbs. All the card says is Selective Service Local Board No. 13 of Summit county, Ohio of Akron, Ohio.
2. Do you know if Duane was drafted or volunteered for service in the Army and/or Navy?
A. I guess from this you could say 1st time around he tried to enlist and when he was enlisted with his mothers permission.
B. NRS Cleveland 6/18/41 6/19/41 AS
NRS Newport 6/28/41 to 827/41 AS
US NAS Jacksonville 8/28/41 to 05/30/42 AS Sea2c
Discharged May 30 1942 - BAD CONDUCT DISCHARGE.
Then it gets really interesting, but later and we learn the BAD boy things. He was a kid trying to be a Man. (he was the baby of the family and born late in life.)
Of Course that was NOT an excuse back in those days.
3. Do you have any prefixes or suffixes for either the Army or Navy serial numbers?
No prefixes or suffixes.
4. What was the date given by the FBI/VA for Duane's discharge from the Army? Do you know when Duane entered the Army?
Army address on letter sent to his mother in CA
Love Dusty,
Duane L. Weber 35608905
Co D - 2st CWS (cannot make out if this is TWS or CWS) Tng Regt. Camp Sibert, AL
The letter speaks of the "chemical end" like his Uncle.
He is requesting his watch because he needed it in the field and thank his mom for the $1 and for washing his clothes and then states he won't be able to wear them when he gets home.
The Certificate I got from the FBI shows March 31, 1943 to July 14, 1943 Undesirable Disharge - Private. The first one I had before the FBI entered the picture had NO DISCHARGE DATE. Discharge date stated "dates unknown".
My correspondence with the Veterans affairs - indicated they did NOT have a discharge date. This document is dated Sept 5, 2000.
Why did it change after the FBI disputed Duane was never in the ARMY and I had this document in my hands?
This mean my dispute with the FBI was in 2001. I kept a log, but too tired to look it up. I did get another one with both dates on it in Sept of 2001.
His date of death (3/2895) is on this first form, but I questioned WHY no discharge date until the FBI learned I had knowledge and proof Duane Weber had been in the ARMY.
The FBI agent on the phone told me that Duane WAS NEVER in the Navy and the number belonged to a man by the name of WAVY GREENE (I do not know the spelling on that). This is when I informed him I had the documentation and it did NOT belong to WAVY GREENE. This will continue to be a puzzle to me.
5 and 6 where answered in the prior post.
Quote7. Do you know if Duane had a Military Occupational Speciality (MOS) in either the Army or Navy?
Don't think he was there long enough for that - A friend of the family wrote John about seeing Duane at Camp Sibert and talked about his taking the Commander in Chief's vehicle on a joy ride.
Seems his dismissal from the Navy was after he had spent some time in the brigg after hitting a 90 day wonder in the head with a bottle of Carstars (havent a clue how to spell that). This incident happened Off base and was about a girl..Duane told me this story and the sister also knew the story regarding the brigg.
More information thanyou asked for and/or needed to know, but hope this will help. This is ALL I believe I know about the Army or the Navy.
There is the 3rd person story about FT. Benning. This was about his knowing someone who took someone elses place in Ft. Benning. Bear in mind Duane did manage to pose as an Attorney in Treasure Island - so you know I believe this 3rd party story was also Duane. He had told me the guy was found out in a couple of month and I have to assume 'Poofed' like he did so many times.
I do know Duane ends up back in CA a few months later. This is when he gets in trouble and ends up in McNeil after being sentenced in San Franciso County to McNeil in early 1945.
P.S. Duane knew where very base was - he spoke often of Camp Pendleton and Ft. Lewis.
One would get the impression he actually was on those bases.
He pointed out McChord and every base we came near in our travels. He was very familiar with WA and OR bases - such as Camp Pendleton - told me about the jumpers there and how they could not go into the restaurants...and going to get food for them. I just don't know why all of Duane's stories about WA and OR and ID indicate he spent lots of time there, but NO one remembers him. I guess he was just a one remembers.
I will never ever understand why Duane's file came up CLASSIFIED when the man plugged it in. He made a remark as though he was surprised and more or less mumbled out loud "classified", but told me he had to go to his superior for a code.
He comes back and put his code in and then he tells me he cannot give me any information because I am not listed as a relative. I just looked at him - and said I didn't meet him until 1977 and I was only 3 yrs old in that how or why would I be listed. I needed my husbands records - but he told me he could NOT give me any information for the above reason.
That was NOT logical - he had been my husband for 17 yrs - so why was his past obsured from me. I explained to him then that Duane had used another name - John C. Collins. I had the SS number but because of the FBI refusing me the Jefferson FILE - I was never able to get access to anything about John Collins...including saftely deposit boxes in that name.
Carr knew where the bank was - and would NOT make an inquiry and I couldn't make an inquiry because I was not the WIDOW of John Collins and the FBI withheld in their FILE the only proof available that John C. Collins and Duane L. Weber where one and the same person.
I was unable to make claimes against safe deposit boxes and accounts that might have held anwers. Since the younger generation knows little to nothing about Cooper if they drill a box and it has a plane ticket and stub and bank bag in it - do you think they would really know what they had?
EVickiW 0
QuoteYour instructor was right, by the way. Three additional victims were linked to Ridgway on the paint samples.
I hope she was right. She was the trace tech at Microtrace and this was her case. She is now in trace evidence at the MN BCA.
We watched the video of the case on A & E. When the camera showed the process how the paint was matched, she would yell out...oooohhh there is my hand....did everyone see my hand.
georger 244
QuoteQuoteYour instructor was right, by the way. Three additional victims were linked to Ridgway on the paint samples.
I hope she was right. She was the trace tech at Microtrace and this was her case. She is now in trace evidence at the MN BCA.
We watched the video of the case on A & E. When the camera showed the process how the paint was matched, she would yell out...oooohhh there is my hand....did everyone see my hand.
Nice story.
It takes a village.
EVickiW 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteYour instructor was right, by the way. Three additional victims were linked to Ridgway on the paint samples.
I hope she was right. She was the trace tech at Microtrace and this was her case. She is now in trace evidence at the MN BCA.
We watched the video of the case on A & E. When the camera showed the process how the paint was matched, she would yell out...oooohhh there is my hand....did everyone see my hand.
Nice story.
It takes a village.
Yes Georger I learned that here. Lots of them looking for their village.
Robert99 50
QuoteYour explanation of how you massaged the numbers is very interesting and I will be back in a day or two with my reply to that. But don't get your hopes up.
I will answer the questions as best as I can and one at a time
1. Do you know if Duane served in the Army and then the Navy, or was it the Navy and then the Army. (note Duane elderly and deaf brother obtained some of this for me from the family record which now seems to have gone POOF.
A. Navy then Army.
B. Duane 1st tried to join up by falsifying his age - declaring he was born on June 18 1922. Since this Registration card says
Maritime Commission serial # 91-A and guess that would be Navy. (of course he was unable to produce the birth certificate). I do have a copy he tried to alter.
Then on Jun 18, 1941 he actually got in on his 17th birthday. His mother gave permission or maybe not - this has always been a real mess.
Because the McNeil Island prison has his birthday as June 18, 1920...but he was NOT born until 1924.
This form is NOT dated, unless the other thing is a copy of the back. That is dated Nov. 12, 1942. Gives his height as 5'11" and his weight as 167 lbs. All the card says is Selective Service Local Board No. 13 of Summit county, Ohio of Akron, Ohio.
2. Do you know if Duane was drafted or volunteered for service in the Army and/or Navy?
A. I guess from this you could say 1st time around he tried to enlist and when he was enlisted with his mothers permission.
B. NRS Cleveland 6/18/41 6/19/41 AS
NRS Newport 6/28/41 to 827/41 AS
US NAS Jacksonville 8/28/41 to 05/30/42 AS Sea2c
Discharged May 30 1942 - BAD CONDUCT DISCHARGE.
Then it gets really interesting, but later and we learn the BAD boy things. He was a kid trying to be a Man. (he was the baby of the family and born late in life.)
Of Course that was NOT an excuse back in those days.
Jo, Let me see if I can answer, or at least comment on, some of the above matters. You may need to get bottle of your favorite beverage and find a good chair that you can't fall out of accidentally.
That Maritime Commission that you refer is probably not the Navy but may be something connected with the Merchant Marine which was a civilian organization in World War 2. However, some Merchant Marines were designated as veterans a few years ago.
Your paragraph 2B has a number of abbreviations. Based on WW2 information on the Internet, "NRS" stands for Naval Recruiting Station (those would be Cleveland, Ohio and Newport, Rhode Island), "AS" stands for Apprentice Seaman, "US NAS" would be US Naval Air Station (Jacksonville, Florida). The "Sea2C" would be Seaman 2nd Class.
It is a mystery to me why Duane would have dealings with a NRS in Cleveland and then 11 days later with one in Newport.
The "Bad Conduct Discharge" is issued by a Special Court Martial and creates a federal criminal record that nothing will erase. He absolutely would not be in the Army after such a discharge.
So if the records you have truly represent the facts, then it is questionable if Duane even served in the Navy in the first place. But if he did and received a Bad Conduct Discharge, he absolutely would have not subsequently been allowed into the Army.
I'll continue this with your second posting with the numbers.
Robert Nicholson
Robert99 50
3. Do you have any prefixes or suffixes for either the Army or Navy serial numbers?
No prefixes or suffixes.Quote
4. What was the date given by the FBI/VA for Duane's discharge from the Army? Do you know when Duane entered the Army?
Army address on letter sent to his mother in CA
Love Dusty,
Duane L. Weber 35608905
Co D - 2st CWS (cannot make out if this is TWS or CWS) Tng Regt. Camp Sibert, AL
The letter speaks of the "chemical end" like his Uncle.
He is requesting his watch because he needed it in the field and thank his mom for the $1 and for washing his clothes and then states he won't be able to wear them when he gets home.
The Certificate I got from the FBI shows March 31, 1943 to July 14, 1943 Undesirable Disharge - Private. The first one I had before the FBI entered the picture had NO DISCHARGE DATE. Discharge date stated "dates unknown".
My correspondence with the Veterans affairs - indicated they did NOT have a discharge date. This document is dated Sept 5, 2000.
Why did it change after the FBI disputed Duane was never in the ARMY and I had this document in my hands?
This mean my dispute with the FBI was in 2001. I kept a log, but too tired to look it up. I did get another one with both dates on it in Sept of 2001.
His date of death (3/2895) is on this first form, but I questioned WHY no discharge date until the FBI learned I had knowledge and proof Duane Weber had been in the ARMY.
The FBI agent on the phone told me that Duane WAS NEVER in the Navy and the number belonged to a man by the name of WAVY GREENE (I do not know the spelling on that). This is when I informed him I had the documentation and it did NOT belong to WAVY GREENE. This will continue to be a puzzle to me.
5 and 6 where answered in the prior post.Quote7. Do you know if Duane had a Military Occupational Speciality (MOS) in either the Army or Navy?
Don't think he was there long enough for that - A friend of the family wrote John about seeing Duane at Camp Sibert and talked about his taking the Commander in Chief's vehicle on a joy ride.
Seems his dismissal from the Navy was after he had spent some time in the brigg after hitting a 90 day wonder in the head with a bottle of Carstars (havent a clue how to spell that). This incident happened Off base and was about a girl..Duane told me this story and the sister also knew the story regarding the brigg.
More information thanyou asked for and/or needed to know, but hope this will help. This is ALL I believe I know about the Army or the Navy.
There is the 3rd person story about FT. Benning. This was about his knowing someone who took someone elses place in Ft. Benning. Bear in mind Duane did manage to pose as an Attorney in Treasure Island - so you know I believe this 3rd party story was also Duane. He had told me the guy was found out in a couple of month and I have to assume 'Poofed' like he did so many times.
I do know Duane ends up back in CA a few months later. This is when he gets in trouble and ends up in McNeil after being sentenced in San Franciso County to McNeil in early 1945.
P.S. Duane knew where very base was - he spoke often of Camp Pendleton and Ft. Lewis.
One would get the impression he actually was on those bases.
He pointed out McChord and every base we came near in our travels. He was very familiar with WA and OR bases - such as Camp Pendleton - told me about the jumpers there and how they could not go into the restaurants...and going to get food for them. I just don't know why all of Duane's stories about WA and OR and ID indicate he spent lots of time there, but NO one remembers him. I guess he was just a one remembers.
Jo, As pointed out in the previous post, if Duane had received a Bad Conduct Discharge from the Navy he would not have been permitted into the Army.
Consequently, I have no idea what the Camp Sibert, AL information means. But the good news is that an Undesirable Discharge is actually a step up from a Bad Conduct Discharge. Apparently, an Undesirable Discharge did not create a federal criminal record.
So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?
Incidentally, Camp Pendleton is in southern California just south of LA and not in WA or OR.
Robert Nicholson
smokin99 0
QuoteHey Robert,
I (my super-secret accomplice) found a muster roll with my Father's name/service number.
He enlisted in the Navy in San Francisco, California on November 24, 1942. he was 15 years old.
Today I sent $60.00 to Veterans Records in St. Louis, Missouri for a copy of all his Naval Records/files. about significant dates. I'm surprised no one has commented on this coincidence? Kind of freaky, huh? We were discussing whether or why DB might have picked the day that he did....maybe there was a personal reason?? Just throwing it out there
![:) :)](/uploads/emoticons/smile.png)
Robert99 50
QuoteQuoteHey Robert,
I (my super-secret accomplice) found a muster roll with my Father's name/service number.
He enlisted in the Navy in San Francisco, California on November 24, 1942. he was 15 years old.
Today I sent $60.00 to Veterans Records in St. Louis, Missouri for a copy of all his Naval Records/files. about significant dates. I'm surprised no one has commented on this coincidence? Kind of freaky, huh? We were discussing whether or why DB might have picked the day that he did....maybe there was a personal reason?? Just throwing it out there![]()
Smokin 99, I'll comment since it gets even more freaky for me personally. My birthday is also November 24th.
Robert Nicholson
georger 244
QuoteQuoteQuoteHey Robert,
I (my super-secret accomplice) found a muster roll with my Father's name/service number.
He enlisted in the Navy in San Francisco, California on November 24, 1942. he was 15 years old.
Today I sent $60.00 to Veterans Records in St. Louis, Missouri for a copy of all his Naval Records/files. about significant dates. I'm surprised no one has commented on this coincidence? Kind of freaky, huh? We were discussing whether or why DB might have picked the day that he did....maybe there was a personal reason?? Just throwing it out there![]()
Smokin 99, I'll comment since it gets even more freaky for me personally. My birthday is also November 24th.
Robert Nicholson
Robert99 50
QuoteRobt Stated:
QuoteThe "7698QA2753" is probably nonsense. The only place this number can be found on the Internet is in that article that appeared in the LA Times on December 14, 1971
Jo writes:
I do not know how to explain to you the sequence of numbers but I did it several ways and the odd man out was the 7's. Then I looked at the placement of the 7's and realized they were the turners (I do NOT know what coders call these things so forgive my ignorance).
The first 7 is followed by 698. this give you 96 and 89.
The second 7 step back for the number 2 and forward for the 35 in reverse. Using the 7's as turners you have Duane's Navy # and his Army number.
Remember zeros do not count in the code.
35 is the first but on the code 35 is reversed on the end.
89 is the being of the second set with the 0 being the turner making it 98. The second 0 is another turner followed by 5
pick up the five and take foruward and that give you 35.
You can do this with both serial numbers with the 7 as turners in the 7698QA2753 and 0 as the turners in the army number.
QA is simple Question/Answer?
He is presenting the Answer to who he is and challenges them with Quest to figure it out.
OKAY none of this will make any sense to anyone but me - I will be accused of grabbing for straws, but if I ever saw that group of numbers (or Code) sent to the FBI - I might have been having a Brain Fart day and this may be by far the biggest STINK I ever made. When I saw it I felt like I had seen it and it had been explained to me. Now EVEN I think I am delusional.
Jo, You are right. The above line of reasoning doesn't make sense.
How did you determine that the number 7 was a "turner"? Why don't zeroes count in this code?
Why are zeroes the "turner" in the serial number? Why do zeroes count in this code?
What do the numbers you come up with mean? You are going from a number with a known meaning, the serial number, to numbers that don't mean anything. What is the point of this whole exercise?
This manipulation of numbers is not a code, not logical, and, in short, is just a bunch of nonsense.
The clown who wrote that letter to the LA Times apparently had the foresight to see, that in about 40 years, the personal computer would have been invented and the Internet would come into being.
He would realize that there would be a number of people on such threads as this one with too much time on their hands.
So to insure that we would waste our time in an appropriate manner, he concocted the cock and bull story that appeared in the letter to the LA Times.
The rest is history.
Robert Nicholson
377 22
QuoteBear in mind Duane did manage to pose as an Attorney in Treasure Island
Tell us more Jo.
377 22
QuoteIf the internet comes up tomorrow, it is only because of men of good will. And that's - that's all there is between us and the devil.
In that spirit, I rise to fix the internet once again.
How can anyone posting on the internet not understand the birthday problem?
The probability with n randomly chosen people, of two of them having the same birthday reaches 50% with only 23 people.
It is 99% probablity with 57 people.
For any thread of reasonable length on the internet, there are two things that are true
-Comparisons to hitler will be made
-There will be some pair of people mentioned on the thread, who have the same birthday.
There is a third thing. But the margins of this note are too small to include it.
Now why is the birthday problem necessary to understand with respect to Cooper. Will the Cooper paradox involves cryptology, and communication.
"A birthday attack is a type of cryptographic attack that exploits the mathematics behind the birthday problem in probability theory. This attack can be used to abuse communication between two or more parties. The attack depends on the higher likelihood of collisions found between random attack attempts and a fixed degree of permutations (pigeonholes), as described in the birthday problem/paradox."
I can't make it any more clear.
John had NO children. He may have left them to his sister's
grandchildren as 2 of her sons died and there was a third but not someone John would have placed the family treasure into the hands of.
Jo, As pointed out in the previous post, if Duane had received a Bad Conduct Discharge from the Navy he would not have been permitted into the Army.
Consequently, I have no idea what the Camp Sibert, AL information means. But the good news is that an Undesirable Discharge is actually a step up from a Bad Conduct Discharge. Apparently, an Undesirable Discharge did not create a federal criminal record.
So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?
Incidentally, Camp Pendleton is in southern California just south of LA and not in WA or OR.
Robert the information is here and VERIFIED by the FBI and the Government. I don't understand how he got kicked out of the Navy and then one month later he is in the ARMY....but ALL OF THIS is documented with LEGAL believe it.
Duane came from a military family and I am sure Uncle Lyman who developed or helped develop Chemical Warfar for the Army in WWI could have had something to do with it. MONEY talks and will cause others to look another way. BUT believe me he was in the Navy and then the Army.
Like the explanation on the Maritime - he was a kid and he was going to run away with the merchant marines - that eve sounds like something Duane would fact that part gave me a little smile.
georger 244
QuoteEvery thing I sent you came right off of government documents. Nothing fictious - the Navy / Army is all documented information that was left at his mothers and the brother had this when I contacted him -.
But no hard evidence now.
Once again, it all escapes. Just your word and
nothing else.
Not one shred of hard evidence in this whole story
now lasting years with tourmoil on every side.
Just words. Your words and nothing else.
Billions of years of vanished species and stars which
existed 12.9 billion years ago leave more trace
but not a former member of the Special Forces.
What you have here is a religion based on faithe
alone. Maybe AmVets will proclaim Duane was
Cooper and put an end to this Apostolic Hegemony.
I am NOT GOING TO GO OUT AND FALSIFY ANYTHING. THIS is how it happened . Bad Conduct from Navy and the Undesirable from the Army in about 1 month.
This kids' family could even pay someone to take him and teach him to fight. He was fighting his own battles - it seems!
I gave you the information and it was obtain thur legal channels and the fBI is aware of it all. If they aren't that is because they did NOT ask nicely - that is their fault
So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?
Yes 1944 in California.
Incidentally, Camp Pendleton is in southern California just south of LA and not in WA or OR.
I knew that! Duane couldn't stay away from military installations.
Duane was sent out of Ohio to R.I for training and then he was sent to Jacksonville.
georger 244
Jo, As pointed out in the previous post, if Duane had received a Bad Conduct Discharge from the Navy he would not have been permitted into the Army.
I am NOT GOING TO GO OUT AND FALSIFY ANYTHING. THIS is how it happened . Bad Conduct from Navy and the Undesirable from the Army in about 1 month.
This kids' family could even pay someone to take him and teach him to fight. He was fighting his own battles - it seems!
I gave you the information and it was obtain thur legal channels and the fBI is aware of it all. If they aren't that is because they did NOT ask nicely - that is their fault
So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?
Yes 1944 in California.
Incidentally, Camp Pendleton is in southern California just south of LA and not in WA or OR.
I knew that! Duane couldn't stay away from military installations.
Duane was sent out of Ohio to R.I for training and then he was sent to Jacksonville.[/reply
So write a book. Take it to Nancy Grace, the New
York Times, or FOX News.
Get off the pot!
Nothing is going to be accomplished here in
10,000 years of posting to Dropzone.
Regardless of what you may think, the Zodiac codes have NOT been broken. In fact, the claimed solution collapses under its own faulty logic.
Robert Nicholson
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