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DB Cooper

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The point I was trying to make was not about probabilities or statistical norms, the sound of one hand clapping or does a bear piss in the woods.

Just throwing it out there that the date picked by the hijacker might have personal significance or picked for a reason. Which is something we will likely never know, so obviously not worth discussing.

On the other hand, since as far as I can tell validity has never been a prerequisite for posts in this particular twilight zone, this one is no less valid than a thousand others posted on this journey through the rabbit hole. :)
So I'm in MA where it's 90 degrees with a heat index of about 259, surrounded by a bunch of juvenile yankees. I'm calling dibbs on Farflung's phrase of the day, but,,,, since I'm a good southerner raised right, let me add.....love your hat...how's your mama?

Robert99...You ought to have your birthday party in aerial this year :)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The point I was trying to make was not about probabilities or statistical norms, the sound of one hand clapping or does a bear piss in the woods.

Just throwing it out there that the date picked by the hijacker might have personal significance or picked for a reason. Which is something we will likely never know, so obviously not worth discussing.

On the other hand, since as far as I can tell validity has never been a prerequisite for posts in this particular twilight zone, this one is no less valid than a thousand others posted on this journey through the rabbit hole. :)
So I'm in MA where it's 90 degrees with a heat index of about 259, surrounded by a bunch of juvenile yankees. I'm calling dibbs on Farflung's phrase of the day, but,,,, since I'm a good southerner raised right, let me add.....love your hat...how's your mama?

Robert99...You ought to have your birthday party in aerial this year :)

The weather has been putrid all year here too.
Hotter than the hubs of hell last two weeks and now
more rain!

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90 degrees with a heat index of about 259

That nasty weather just left the Midwest and is on its way back this weekend. Here is a picture that was distributed all about.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Jo, It's kind of difficult to follow your timelines with all the narrative, but based on previous posts, is this correct:

--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later.
--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

Robert99 - I found document that he was enlisted in Army in Ohio 31 Mar 1943. Maybe one reason he is discharged from Army within two months is because they found out about his Navy stint?? This was wartime, after all - maybe they were going the warm body route to enlist and then the paperwork caught up with him?? Would that have been a possibility then?)

Jo - I've asked for this before so pardon if you posted it and I didn't see it, but it would be wonderful if you could complete the timeline as far as you know it - organized as above.
WADR, Your story becomes very disjointed and rambling at times so it's hard to know where to begin if you want the help that you ask for in looking things up.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo, It's kind of difficult to follow your timelines with all the narrative, but based on previous posts, is this correct:

--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later.
--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

Robert99 - I found document that he was enlisted in Army in Ohio 31 Mar 1943. Maybe one reason he is discharged from Army within two months is because they found out about his Navy stint?? This was wartime, after all - maybe they were going the warm body route to enlist and then the paperwork caught up with him?? Would that have been a possibility then?)

Jo - I've asked for this before so pardon if you posted it and I didn't see it, but it would be wonderful if you could complete the timeline as far as you know it - organized as above.
WADR, Your story becomes very disjointed and rambling at times so it's hard to know where to begin if you want the help that you ask for in looking things up.

Its in here somewhere!

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Jo, It's kind of difficult to follow your timelines with all the narrative, but based on previous posts, is this correct:

--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later.
--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

Robert99 - I found document that he was enlisted in Army in Ohio 31 Mar 1943. Maybe one reason he is discharged from Army within two months is because they found out about his Navy stint?? This was wartime, after all - maybe they were going the warm body route to enlist and then the paperwork caught up with him?? Would that have been a possibility then?)

Jo - I've asked for this before so pardon if you posted it and I didn't see it, but it would be wonderful if you could complete the timeline as far as you know it - organized as above.
WADR, Your story becomes very disjointed and rambling at times so it's hard to know where to begin if you want the help that you ask for in looking things up.

Smokin99, Your idea about the paperwork being slow is entirely possible. And if he was in the Navy under another name it would further delay the finger print checks. Also, remember that in that period all finger print and other checks had to be made by office personnel. No such thing then as computer databases.

Wouldn't it take a federal charge to put Duane in McNeil? And if he was there within five weeks of being arrested in Chicago, it must have involved a prior conviction of some sort.

Robert Nicholson

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I was at a Burger King (don’t judge) and a woman was complaining about ‘something’ and getting a little loud. The person behind the counter submitted to Cruella’s (her temporary name in my mind) demands and put something inside a bag for her. The end I thought.

So I’m standing there (being all cool) waiting my turn and this creature turns around to reveal a nameplate pinned to her XXXL, semi polo, triple reinforced stitched, open collar, short sleeve shirt that said DMV. That’s right, DMV.

How did the universe not implode? Temerity, hubris and disassociation all rolled into one of the most customer loathing and efficiency killing organizations in the history of man, time and space was actually complaining about service levels. Involuntarily (although Freud would disagree) I said “Holy crap, you’re from the DMV and complaining? That takes a large set.” Oddly she did not thank me for that comment.

How did this happen? How? DMV people know full well they suck and are hated. I could understand it if they were in a vacuum and had no way to understand how the rest of society operates. But once I observed one of them grazing at the local eatery all bets were off because she had the ability to be dissatisfied and complain real time. Something her organization does not allow. I see you were late for lunch, your Whopper will be an additional $1.35.

I guess it takes all types. Once I got over my shock of the level of total oblivion this person must live within, other things became less chaotic. They still don’t make sense to me, just less chaotic.

This woman truly believes she provides a society enhancing service and the world would be worse without her practicing her profession. So she probably won’t acknowledge that there is a problem at an organization that greets you with a body scan and armed guards at the entrance. I realize people hate me so the solution is to build higher walls and add larger guns. Of course these things cost more money so I’ll raise the fees collected from the very people going through the metal detector that already despise this facility and will continue such controls, until customer satisfaction improves. How did this happen? How?

Since this forum has so many DNA experts there must be even more DMV experts that will give sound and reasonable explanations why my suggested changes to this organization won’t work. After all, pointing out that something can’t be done is a specialty here among the private sector, over achievers…..right?

So here’s the deal. The DMV will view customers as the source and reason they in fact exist, not the other way around. Customers are the stream of your life’s blood so the unabated urination into the very stream you drink from would appear a bit misaligned.

Tenure, job guarantees and labor contracts are to be replaced with customer delighting, efficient and waste free conduct while at the work place.

Ahhhhh, who am I kidding. This would never work. Then what would all the ex-‘DMV’ employees do? Probably act all Zombie confused and mindlessly migrate to the ‘DBC’ thread and there are enough problems here already. Sorry about this, I guess it has nothing to do with DB Cooper. Fortunately I caught myself just in time.

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Someone Stated:

So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?

NO, Duane was in the Navy - and there are letters from the Navy to his mother explaining things that are going on with her son. All legal military papers and copies of letters. John had the orginal latters and made copies to sent to me. Some Doug Pasternac found in archived files.

Duane was in the Navy and after he got kicked out he was in the Army within one month. Now this is ALL documented and regardless of whatever the law states - that is what the paper trail says.

What do I think: I believe Duane got himself into the Army and at after he was already in training they found out he had a bad Conduct discharge from the Navy and put him out on the Undesirable. That makes sense.

I had always assumed it was the joy ride in the Officer's vehicle that caused it. It was WAR time - and the ARMY didn't care - if you had 2 arms and 2 legs - that was fine....but, the did let him go within a month to 6 wks as an Undesirable.

I don't mind answering questions but DO NOT TWIST my answers, please. WHEN I say DOCUMENTED take my word or ask someone who has seen these things.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Replies to the list below. I see some errors here in this prior post so I will try to this weekend pull the files and give accurate dates on the below or at least what I have. As for the item about Daisy Schuller and Fly Brummitt - we never knew if those actually were Duane - marrying 2 women one yr apart sounded strange to me.

I will pull these and get ACCURATE records because some of them are wrong or misleading or need comments made on, This may have come from a list someone else did for me and not from my actually viewing and listing the documents.

--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later. 

--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

Jo Asks:
Question - did THEY even fingerpirnt enlisted men in 1941 and 1943? Was this actually a normal thing? If so I want to know where Duane's prints are and for them to be compared with prints the FBI used from McNeil . The FBI refused to acquire 2 other sets of Weber's prints - one from Colorado and one from Florida.

They insisted on using the McNeil prints from 1944 or 1945.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I don't mind answering questions but DO NOT TWIST my answers, please. WHEN I say DOCUMENTED take my word or ask someone who has seen these things.

So publihs it!

Get it over with!

By the time this ends we will all be speaking
Chinese and eating with chop sticks!

Get it over with!

Duane was Cooper.

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Wouldn't it take a federal charge to put Duane in McNeil? And if he was there within five weeks of being arrested in Chicago, it must have involved a prior conviction of some sort.

Robert Nicholson

Robert this was discussed before.
I did a detailed review of the files about the McNeil thing.
Duane had been charged in CA with a Federal Crime of stealing government checks. As he was awaiting trial in late 1944 he took off and headed East. He was found, but without going back to those records and letters to his mother I can't possibly keep all of this in my head.

When he was found (due to a petty thief crime - probably food) the authorities wrote his mother a letter that he was being sent back to CA. When he arrived in CA. in early 1945 (only days later) he was sentenced to McNeil and transported immediately.

During the time he took off from Ca in 1944 - was arrested and sent to a county facility and when they did the check found the outstanding warrants in CA. I was told that the judge he was going before in CA. was HARD LINE and Duane was scared and ran away. Because the crime commited in CA was the theft and or forgery of federal cks, I think that is why he was sent to McNeil.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So publihs it!

Get it over with!

By the time this ends we will all be speaking
Chinese and eating with chop sticks!

Get it over with!

Duane was Cooper.


Now serious:

Georger - I have never wanted Duane's story or my story to be published unless I could prove it.
The world is tired of suspect books they just throw away and besides I haven't a clue how to write a book.

Tried to work with a writer and all he did was TWIST everything I said - claimed you had to tell the Public what they wanted to sell a book. At that point - I did nothing more than set out to try to find the truth....if I accomplish that then maybe it will all be worth it. If not - well, I won't be around. Either way - I gave it all I had.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So publihs it!

Get it over with!

By the time this ends we will all be speaking
Chinese and eating with chop sticks!

Get it over with!

Duane was Cooper.


Now serious:

Georger - I have never wanted Duane's story or my story to be published unless I could prove it.
The world is tired of suspect books they just throw away and besides I haven't a clue how to write a book.

Tried to work with a writer and all he did was TWIST everything I said - claimed you had to tell the Public what they wanted to sell a book. At that point - I did nothing more than set out to try to find the truth....if I accomplish that then maybe it will all be worth it. If not - well, I won't be around. Either way - I gave it all I had.

We have given it all we have!

Duane was Weber

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Someone Stated:

So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?

NO, Duane was in the Navy - and there are letters from the Navy to his mother explaining things that are going on with her son. All legal military papers and copies of letters. John had the orginal latters and made copies to sent to me. Some Doug Pasternac found in archived files.

Duane was in the Navy and after he got kicked out he was in the Army within one month. Now this is ALL documented and regardless of whatever the law states - that is what the paper trail says.

What do I think: I believe Duane got himself into the Army and at after he was already in training they found out he had a bad Conduct discharge from the Navy and put him out on the Undesirable. That makes sense.

I had always assumed it was the joy ride in the Officer's vehicle that caused it. It was WAR time - and the ARMY didn't care - if you had 2 arms and 2 legs - that was fine....but, the did let him go within a month to 6 wks as an Undesirable.

I don't mind answering questions but DO NOT TWIST my answers, please. WHEN I say DOCUMENTED take my word or ask someone who has seen these things.

Jo, It took more than two arms and legs to get into the Army during WW2 and later. Even speeding tickets had to be explained and checked out.

If nothing else, this is supported by the Undesirable Discharge from the Army. This particular discharge is an administrative one over which Duane would not have any control unless he wanted to argue about it.

Robert Nicholson

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Jo Replies to the list below. I see some errors here in this prior post so I will try to this weekend pull the files and give accurate dates on the below or at least what I have. As for the item about Daisy Schuller and Fly Brummitt - we never knew if those actually were Duane - marrying 2 women one yr apart sounded strange to me.

I will pull these and get ACCURATE records because some of them are wrong or misleading or need comments made on, This may have come from a list someone else did for me and not from my actually viewing and listing the documents.

--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later. 

--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

Jo Asks:
Question - did THEY even fingerpirnt enlisted men in 1941 and 1943? Was this actually a normal thing? If so I want to know where Duane's prints are and for them to be compared with prints the FBI used from McNeil . The FBI refused to acquire 2 other sets of Weber's prints - one from Colorado and one from Florida.

They insisted on using the McNeil prints from 1944 or 1945.

Jo, US servicemen and women were definitely fingerprinted on entering into military service during WW2.

I have seen motion pictures of Graves Registration personnel fingerprinting dead soldiers and sailors. There would be no need to fingerprint them after death if they had not been fingerprinted earlier.

Robert Nicholson

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Someone Stated:

So there is a possibility that the FBI is right and Duane was never in the Navy. Do you know when Duane's federal criminal record started?

NO, Duane was in the Navy - and there are letters from the Navy to his mother explaining things that are going on with her son. All legal military papers and copies of letters. John had the orginal latters and made copies to sent to me. Some Doug Pasternac found in archived files.

Duane was in the Navy and after he got kicked out he was in the Army within one month. Now this is ALL documented and regardless of whatever the law states - that is what the paper trail says.

What do I think: I believe Duane got himself into the Army and at after he was already in training they found out he had a bad Conduct discharge from the Navy and put him out on the Undesirable. That makes sense.

I had always assumed it was the joy ride in the Officer's vehicle that caused it. It was WAR time - and the ARMY didn't care - if you had 2 arms and 2 legs - that was fine....but, the did let him go within a month to 6 wks as an Undesirable.

I don't mind answering questions but DO NOT TWIST my answers, please. WHEN I say DOCUMENTED take my word or ask someone who has seen these things.

Jo, It took more than two arms and legs to get into the Army during WW2 and later. Even speeding tickets had to be explained and checked out.

If nothing else, this is supported by the Undesirable Discharge from the Army. This particular discharge is an administrative one over which Duane would not have any control unless he wanted to argue about it.

Robert Nicholson

I think Jo screwed up the page
formatting here again - how the
page appears. Someone needs to
reset it again ?

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Jo Replies to the list below. I see some errors here in this prior post so I will try to this weekend pull the files and give accurate dates on the below or at least what I have.
As for the item about Daisy Schuller and Fly Brummitt - we never knew if those actually were Duane - marrying 2 women one yr apart sounded strange to me.

I will pull these and get ACCURATE records because some of them are wrong or misleading or need comments made on, This may have come from a list someone else did for me and not from my actually viewing and listing the documents.

--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later. 

--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

Jo Asks:
Question - did THEY even fingerpirnt enlisted men in 1941 and 1943? Was this actually a normal thing? If so I want to know where Duane's prints are and for them to be compared with prints the FBI used from McNeil . The FBI refused to acquire 2 other sets of Weber's prints - one from Colorado and one from Florida.

They insisted on using the McNeil prints from 1944 or 1945.

Pretty sure that all of the items are from your prior posts -- (except maybe the Floy Brummitt marriage -- don't know if you've ever mentioned her), So... if they are wrong or misleading....another good reason that you need to organize a list.

The Floy Brummitt - Duane Lorin Weber marriage, Cook County, Il. looks pretty legit to me on the reference I found - (full name, and it's around the time he was arrested in Cook county) but you know you can purchase a copy of the marriage certificate from Cook County if you are so inclined.

I've never found anything on Daisy Schuller, Madison, Mich. - that's from your posts -- so have nothing on that one.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Being that it is Friday and you are hot….. I figured it was time to offer another ‘Phrase of the Day’.

You were a few hours too late to lay claim to the other one and there are the Federal Truth in Labeling Laws to consider.

Day late, dollar short.. That's what they said at the DMV too. Oh well... I gladly lay claim to this one coz it's much nicer than that other one anyway.
Plus I like having my name on a Farflung poster.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Moderating this forum can't be very rewarding for a hard core jumper like Quade, I mean we rarely talk about real skydiving, so I have a proposal: I'll moderate it.

Full disclosure: I'd let Snow back on.

Without Q I think Snow would play well with the rest of us. Sure, we'd have a few skirmishes but nothing I couldn't handle.

I'd worry about turning into a control freak, Absolute power corrupts.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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--June 1941 - May 1942) Duane entered Navy in Bad conduct discharge approx 1 year later.
--Mar 31, 1943 - July 1943) Duane enlists Army - two months in he is dishonorably discharged.
--Oct 11, 1943 Marries Daisy Schuller, Madison, Michigan
--Oct 25, 1944 Marries Floy Brummitt, Cook County, Il,
--Nov 25, 1944, Arrested in Chicago.
--Then to McNeil in 1944??

June 18 1941 Entered Navy.
May 30, 1942 - Bad conduct Discharge.

Nov 1 1942 - Selective Service Registration.
Nov 18 1942 - Mother receives letter regarding the appeal for
EX-S2c, USN.

4 months later

March 31 1943 - Duane leaves from induction Station #4 in Akron, Ohio to FORT HAYES?
April 15 1943 - letter post marked from Camp Sibert.
July 14 1943 Discharged as an Undesirable.

I have copies of the "appeals' although they did not call them appeals. Addressed to his mother who was trying to get the Bad Conduct Discharge reversed.

This is when the family left Akron in SHAME and went to CA. They were PROUD people and this was just more than his father could bear. All of the communications are addressed to Mother Weber and not to the father. I had not thought about this until I read the letter from Camp Sibert and noted what was NOT said.

Amazing what you can "get" out of something when you have been over it for the Umpteenth time. Before I was looking for facts - this is not something that is written it was in what WAS NOT written. I am trying to be objective in this look back.

Mother Weber receives an inquiry she made to the County of Monroe, MI regarding his marriage to Daisy Schuller. They say there is a record of this marriage on July 23 1943 and that each gave their ages as 21. I do NOT know why she made this enquiry unless the girl was pregnant. Duane turned 19 that yr.

John (the brother) had told me about a girl who contacted Mother Weber claiming to be pregnant - so I assume this is what this was all about. This makes sense regarding the only thing Duane every told me about his daughter....because I remember thinking - I was young enough to be his daughter.

I was told the daughter's name was Zona and the wife's name was Edna. In his letter of 1956 from San Quentin when his father died he asked that Edna represent him at the funeral.

Duane told me the last time he saw his daughter she was 9 yrs old....so Daisy would NOT be the mother of Zona. A friend of Duane's told me that Duane claimed to have a son also, but Duane never told me about this.

The 1944 marriage to Flo Brummitt was sent to me by a member of this thread, but I have never been able to trace her. Like others - the fact this was in Cook County makes it seem very possible, but we have records of Duane being in CA in 1944 - arrest records...San Franciso, County. Duane was on probation for stealing Government checks from ladies of the night in Calilfornia night clubs. These were military wives and the checks were government checks. Now that was Dumb, but also these wives should have been at home or with family not in a bar.

Duane runs away after finding the judge was aware of his dishonorable discharge and the judge was known to give such individuals life sentences. I have the research on such a man by the name of Henry Weber who was sent to McNeil on such charges - life sentence...but was removed from McNeil and his sentence reduced.

What happens after he is caught in Chicago you guys already know and that he was shipped back to CA and sentenced in 1945 to McNeil - a place the FBI agent of record told me Duane was never a resident of and then changed his story AFTER I told him I had the records in my hand. It was in 1945 that Duane would assume another name for several yrs and maybe more than one name.

Still want to know who Wavy Greene was? I will never ever forget that name.

Want to know about Placerville and the other town in the moutains Duane talked about.
When he mentioned this he mention the name of the road 'we" lived on. We were in Tahoe and he was re-living the past - he never explained why we could not go to CA. or to LaVegas, NV - just that he could never go back....this was in 1979 while we were in Tahoe after we left Seattle.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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