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DB Cooper

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With all the traffic today, it looks like the D. B. Cooper thread has been "discovered".

If the previous 1000 pages of posts on this thread are ever reviewed by an impartial viewer, it will probably result in a screenplay for a musical.

Robert Nicholson

Several yrs ago an attorney out of Maine contacted me about a widow who supposedly lived in MS, but had family in Maine.

She thought her husband was Cooper. I offered to meet with her in Ms or near-by and to talk since I also have been where she was.

No other information about her husband was shared. This is about the sum total of what I know about this suspect above.

Because the FBI mention East Coast - this could be one possibility.

Because they mention former Law enforcement - this is cause for me to go back to MN and the Vocks case and the cold case agent there - but everything is speculation at this time.

As for the prints and DNA - frankly I do NOT think the FBI has anything they can actually claim will ID Cooper. Frankly I would like to know the name of the person and why the family (if there is a family) thinks he is Cooper.

The only things I have heard is he supposedly had an auto accident in 1971 - this was supposed to cover up his injuries.

He supposely played the guitar as a guitar string was offered as a source of prints. (this made me think MN again and Vocks and Jason (0oops sorry he calls himself Jamie).

How could a man live to be as old as Cooper would have had to be without there being a source of his prints some place or some where? The FBI has always maintained the prints are only particial prints, but perhaps science has been able to do something to enhance the evidence they have.

As for cigarrette butts - have they magically re-appeared after having been lost for over 30 yrs?

What reason did this person come forward about their relative or friend? Did he confess? Did he tell someone? What evidence do they have or have they seen that says this person is Cooper?

Remember I held the Ticket, a parking stub, the bank bag and Duane Weber did confess to being Dan Coooooper. I expect this subject is no more viable than all of the others.

If none of the "evidence" is viable - how could they rule anyone out unless they can put that subject in a jail? The problem is the FBI is grabbing at straws to end this or at least to have a last Hurrah with the public before they close the doors on this case on the 40th.

The FBI is trying to salvage their inept investigation of this case.
The FBI has NEVER presented me a widow whose husband told her he was Cooper and who held the evidence her own hands - with any proof the husband Duane L. Weber was NOT Cooper. That is a very very HARD pill to swallow.

NOT one thing have they ever provided to me to prove this and I only heard it on TV. They sent me a letter in 1998 - before they even investigated him.

Remember they told me things in 2000 that were incorrect and I was holding GOVERNMENT documentation that said differently. The would again look at Weber when they supposedly isolated some DNA, but I never received any written documentation on that.

All I got to talk to was an FBI Agent who used the Cooper case to try to MAKE a name for himself and because I recognized him for what he was I was black balled.

NOT one explanation have I ever received about the evidence which they claimed excused (not excluded) Weber. NOT one piece of information. Information that might have allowed me to move on with my life and not compromise these last 15 yrs in a manner that was life altering.

ALL I ever asked of the FBI was to KNOW and see WHAT they had that convinced them Weber was NOT Cooper. I have presented in this thread the information about Weber that convinced me he was Cooper. Information that never got to the desk of the FBI - WHY?

I will answer that one - the turn-over in Agents and their having NO knowledge that the information was accumulative on my part. As family members and other opened up about Duane - the FBI had already formuated its opinion based on one agent. Therefore other agents never realized I was continuely offering new information as Family and Friends of Duane told me things they never told the FBI.

Also through this thread and other friends who reached out to help me with the investigative skills they possessed, I would learn much much more about Duane L. Weber. Things the FBI never had knowledge of.

After Weber's family died the FBI did NOT pursue the files left by the brother nor did they ever make an attempt of research Duane's missing yrs. If they did they NEVER shared it with the widow - so she could move on.

If they have NO more information about Cooper than they had 15 yrs ago - Why would the FBI even make a public statement to media and foreign magazine about a suspect until they had RULED that suspect out.

I did NOT go public until 2 yrs later (2001)- and only because [the FBI offered me nothing and then LIED to me...about Duane's criminal background and military background. I then decided it was time to go public and that is what I did - ALL I wanted was for the FBI to be honest, but that was beyond their capabilities and not within the common decency codes of life.

The deception of the FBI is typical of the Deceptions of the American Government. There is NO longer justice in America - it is all about Notoriety and deception and war.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I’ll confess that when plied with spirits I may say more than I should about my past. This includes 35 reasons why I’m DB Cooper as referenced on 21 April.

Vicki knows this first hand. After a full day of being cool, I gave Vicki a call and asked her out to Psycho Suzie’s Tiki Bar because I’m classy. She must have had a rough day because it took a long time for her to answer and her words seemed very labored. I’m sensitive about these things so I insisted that she show up and would not take no for an answer, even though she tried seven times.

She must have felt tense from work also because she wanted to know just what the hell was in my pocket. I played ‘Last Train to Clarksville’ and she appeared to like my style. I was just finishing my fourth Zombie when the waitress strong armed me out of the place for reasons which will become public record I’m sure.

As luck would have it Vicki backed me up (paid for the damages) and since I was in no condition to drive took me home and walked me up to my place. She no doubt noticed the fresh layer of papers on my bed.

Then things started to get a little blackouty and weird. I can’t remember much after the crying.

I had a great time though and sent Vicki a PM invitation to do it again real soon. Haven’t heard back yet, kinda strange.

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A story on MSNBC's web page this evening quotes Agent Gutt as stating that Christiansen has been ruled out as a Cooper suspect, that the tip on the new suspect originated over a year ago, that the new suspect has been dead for 10 years and that he had ties to the Pacific Northwest.

Robert Nicholson

Gutt also said in late January (I still have his email):


'Christiansen has not been ruled out as a suspect. Some in the Seattle office believe he could be the hijacker, but others believe there are better suspects...'

Since that time, the FBI has not investigated Christiansen. In fact, the main criteria for ruling him out has only been that he doesn't quite match the official description.

However, I say we give the FBI the benefit of the doubt and see where this latest lead takes them. You never know. The article also states that the item that was submitted for evidence was a wash and they are now trying to obtain other items with this suspect's fingerprints. My question would be: Hasn't their suspect ever been arrested, either before or after the hijacking? Or been in the military? Or applied for a security clearance? If so, they could obtain the prints from those sources.

I have a brilliant deduction:


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Not that brilliant, unless you know for a fact that they investigated him. They're still going on the description only, and bypassing all the evidence on KC. Instead of harping on me, why don't you call Agent Gutt and ask him a simple question: 'Under what criteria did the FBI eliminate Christiansen as a suspect in the case?' (As a Brainiac Bonus, you could add, 'Why is the position of the FBI different now on KC than six months ago?')

Most likely reply: 'We don't believe he fits the description given by the witnesses...'

I've heard this argument before. The only problem is that it ignores all the other evidence. Like you did, for example. ;)

I'm going to drop a little secret on you, Georger. Some folks in the media aren't buying the current lead by the FBI. They want to see more. I don't blame them. They've seen this song and dance a few times in reruns.

I submit. I will obey!

............. uber alles, Meine . . .
Führer ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler - Cached - Similar

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Jo, I hate to be the one who has to tell you this, but you probably have more questions than the FBI has answers to, ever will have answers to, or even wants to have answers to.

The FBI only has about 100,000 employees and they can't all work on trying to figure out who Duane was and/or what he did or didn't do.

And I doubt if you would believe the FBI in any event.

We must learn how to distinguish between "facts" and "wishful thinking".

Finally, there is an old saying something like: "The first person a con man cons is himself." To that can be added the following: "The second person a con man cons is his wife."

Robert Nicholson

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Jo, I hate to be the one who has to tell you this, but you probably have more questions than the FBI has answers to, ever will have answers to, or even wants to have answers to.

The FBI only has about 100,000 employees and they can't all work on trying to figure out who Duane was and/or what he did or didn't do.

And I doubt if you would believe the FBI in any event.

We must learn how to distinguish between "facts" and "wishful thinking".

Finally, there is an old saying something like: "The first person a con man cons is himself." To that can be added the following: "The second person a con man cons is his wife."

Robert Nicholson

On one of the reports it states:
"Gutt said the new lead is also promising because of the way it came to the FBI. . Only after the FBI contacted the witness directly did the person discuss the Cooper case with investigators. Theyre not seeking attention." Guff said "To the contrary, they're looking to avoid it"".

You do know I contacted the FBI one yrs and 2 months after Duane die. I called him in them in late May 1996. I did NOT go public until 2000 whent the FBI LIED to me about Duane's criminal record and service record. THAT made me mad and I called the man who had done a lot of research for me and said "Lets do it".

5 yrs? Does that sound like some one who was wanting media attention.

I have also stayed out of the media since 2001 and continued to spend my own money and time for research.

So all of this shit the woman agent is tooting - is irrelevant. She has NO idea what the true story is about me or Duane.

Duane had a connection with the Northwest - but the FBI didn't go find it - I did. Using others and then myself - around 10K. to do this. We even found a picture of him at a smokejumper camp, but with no name. We have been unable to acquire the orginals or to get a name list for that time period.

The FBI wants to cover this up - it was 4 yrs before the tie appeared - how does a something like this hide for 4 yrs?

I think some people have:| ROCKS in their heads for BRAINS.
NO one ever explained where that tie was for 4 :o:|B|[:/]:$:(yrs.

Mr. Know it all Nickleson - you were wrong about the numbers after the army and navy numbers - how much more are you wrong about. You are someone who is supposed to kill any ideals out there that seem right. You are death to the freedom of speech.
You control speech.. You control opinons...that is you job.

You cannot control me for getting the truth out. What they have on this guy is less than they had on Duane Weber.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, no need to get vicious just because it isn't what you want to hear.
You have said before you want the truth but your reaction to the latest claim, just as with the other claims, all show the same thing: you are not interested in an objective truth. The only thing you will believe is evidence of Duane. Anything else you will find a reason to dismiss. Robert is right - you cannot distinguish between facts and wishful thinking. This gets in the way of people who actually are interested in finding out who Cooper really was.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Another quote from the article, which proves the FBI hasn't QUITE written off Christiansen just yet:


'Kenneth Christiansen, an Army-trained paratrooper who died in 1994, is not one of the top suspects, Gutt said.'

The former WW2 paratrooper has officially been promoted since yesterday. No comment.


You might as well say: [is not one of the top
suspects] implies [is one of the top suspects].

That is the same kind of flawed logic you have
applied in your whole socalled case.

'Geestman lied' therefore 'Kenny was Cooper'.

'Kenny was Cooper' therefore 'Geestman lied' about
anything at all !

Of course you wont admit to what you are doing.
That you have established. So . . . maybe Kenny
was Cooper, in spite of you. I have concluded no
one can have an intelligent conversation with you,
about anything and the above is a prime example
of why. That is a reason which has efficacy! (Look
that word up: efficacy).


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Orange one. I'm Just going to jump in on your post. It has nothing to do with you. Now as for the new media release by the FBI on the case lets get real The actual perpitrator of this crime has been dead since The day of the Hyjacking we all no this and have admiitted this to include Blevins and you Jo I have recieved over 30 + phone calls today from around the world, and so has Ralph. The bottom line is there is still only one suspect and that is Vicki's Father. The funny part is that it was not made public untill today and it was forced through a mistake through a phone call from london to a secretary at the FBI yesterday. Go Figure Still the person that was used as a void could be a suspect named blevins or Jo weber or even Quadesorry could have been you Farflung > Jerry

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Hopefully the New York Times is a decent enough newspaper for some people...although there does seem to be a bit of embellishment to the actual Cooper story :|

Still, this bit should be reliable:


Fred Gutt, a special agent in the Seattle office of the F.B.I., told The New York Times on Monday that the suspect died 10 years ago. He said the tip came from a retired law enforcement officer who knew a witness who “had an association with” the suspect from long ago.

“After the suspect died, the witness was more comfortable sharing some secrets, if you will,” Mr. Gutt said. The tip, first reported by The Telegraph, the British newspaper, was deemed credible because it came from someone in law enforcement.

Mr. Gutt said the bureau had other “active” leads but considered this one, which it received a year ago, more credible than most.

But he said the bureau had difficulty finding clear fingerprints from the dead suspect. He said that the F.B.I.’s lab in Quantico, Va., had tested a guitar strap from the suspect but the material did not yield good fingerprints, and that the F.B.I. was obtaining other items that belonged to the suspect to test them.

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. DB is alive and well living on the east coast. I met him in 2007 and one night after more tequila then the old man can handle he let me in on his secret. He's a cool dude.

You are famous!

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I had a great time though and sent Vicki a PM invitation to do it again real soon. Haven’t heard back yet, kinda strange.

DON'T continue to contact me!

Please STOP!

DON'T PM through Dropzone.com.

STOP the phone calls and emails.

YES the authorities have been called and
YES I will slap a Harassment Order
on you so fast you will not know what happened....

I think you may be crying NOW?
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I've said it before and I'll say it again. DB is alive and well living on the east coast. I met him in 2007 and one night after more tequila then the old man can handle he let me in on his secret. He's a cool dude.

You are famous!


:D:D:D see what happens when you post stuff on the net...

Nice to see that Kaye is still beavering away at it too.

Oh and

My feeling has been for a long time is that he didn't succeed," Himmelsbach said. "He's out there somewhere lying in the woods."

...seems H is not after all on the side of those claiming he supported a suspect of theirs....
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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The actual perpitrator of this crime has been dead since The day of the Hyjacking we all no this


Perpetrator - correct spelling has been dead since the day of the skyjacking. No Jerry, that is NOT true and you know this. If Cooper did die - then he had an accomplice. I held the bag, the airline ticket and a ticket stub with Sea Tac on it and Duane Weber confessed to being Dan Cooper.

What you don't know! A witness (an individual who has hid something for yrs) is willing to come forward if the FBI will grant in written documentation, NOT to ID him and to grant him immunity for any crime they think might relate to what he has to tell them. Since I do NOT talk to the FBI I have no way of relating this message to them.

As for phone calls - I do not nor do I want phone calls. If the FBI wishes to contact me they know how to do that. I have received word thru 2ed parties there are people looking for me, but for the time being I am NOT WELL enough to speak with anyone and my friends and family have shielded me.

I was NOT looking for publicity in 1996 - I would have gone straight to the media. Only I waited 4 yrs and after the FBI brushed me off. I did this because the FBI deliberately or negligently lied to me in March of 2000. The FBI made a flagrant statement to me in March of 2000 - and had they not done so - NO one would ever have known anything about Duane Weber or Jo Weber.

The statements made by the agent on that day - only proved the FBI had only done a cursory investigated of Duane L. Weber.

Now all the FBI can do is try to is cover up their negligence regarding Weber. Your intervention from 1996 to 2000 is why Duane was NOT looked at as I trusted you and Himmelsback to relay information I was supplying. I now know that none of what I told you and only part of what I told Mr. Himmelsbach was ever placed in the hands of the investigators with the FBI.

If anyone ever hindered an investigation it was you Jerry. You had your own agenda (You inappropriately injected yourself into the Cooper Saga).

If you reply to this post be sure it is done intelligently or let your attorney make the reply. As for the unnamed subject - I believe he will trace back to Missoula. He may have worked on building airplane runways, on the pipelines, on the powerlines or have been part of Missoula or McCall.

Since we do NOT know if the suspect boasted about his times there nor the time period he was in the N.W. we can only speculate. Therefore I will wait until I know who he was and what his background was...to voice my opinion.

Jerry wouldn't you just wet your pants if this was true and it came back that he actually knew Weber? :)
PS. Guys, there has been nothing on the TV here in the South and I can not view the u-tube stuff or play videos. If anyone gets something they think I need to see or know - please send me a hard copy by my private email address. I am anxious to find out the back ground of this person and what he looked like and if his initials are WET or LF (could be FL).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I had a great time though and sent Vicki a PM invitation to do it again real soon. Haven’t heard back yet, kinda strange.

DON'T continue to contact me!

Please STOP!

DON'T PM through Dropzone.com.

STOP the phone calls and emails.

YES the authorities have been called and
YES I will slap a Harassment Order
on you so fast you will not know what happened....

I think you may be crying NOW?

Vickie, what in the H is going on?
That sounded serious.
Did I miss something above?
Who is contacting you or harrassing you?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Ms. Weber, Regardless of how you spell the words, the meaning is clear that Cooper died in the jump. Jerry is right!

What does a ticket stub from SeaTac have to do with Cooper? Absolutely nothing! The only ticket that Cooper is known to have purchased was at the Portland International Airport and for the flight that he hi-jacked.

Also, I happen to have personal knowledge that TV is available in the South (yes, even Florida) and if you know what a TV set is, and how to turn it on, then you should be able to get news about the latest suspect from the over-the-air TV networks as well as cable TV networks. Otherwise, try a radio.

In addition, you need to line up an emergency appointment with a mental health clinic so that when Cooper is finally identified you won't have to go through the same thing that you have been through since last Saturday night. Plan ahead!

Robert Nicholson

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Vicki coquettishly responds:

DON'T continue to contact me!

Please STOP!

DON'T PM through Dropzone.com.

STOP the phone calls and emails.

I think you may be crying NOW?”

OK then, I’ll take that to mean you want me to use IM. I can read between the lines. Yeah, I saw the double negative in the ‘Title’.

Plus I want you to know that I was crying about something else, because you didn’t hit me that hard.

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Ms. Weber, Regardless of how you spell the words, the meaning is clear that Cooper died in the jump. Jerry is right!

What does a ticket stub from SeaTac have to do with Cooper? Absolutely nothing! The only ticket that Cooper is known to have purchased was at the Portland International Airport and for the flight that he hi-jacked.

Also, I happen to have personal knowledge that TV is available in the South (yes, even Florida) and if you know what a TV set is, and how to turn it on, then you should be able to get news about the latest suspect from the over-the-air TV networks as well as cable TV networks. Otherwise, try a radio.

In addition, you need to line up an emergency appointment with a mental health clinic so that when Cooper is finally identified you won't have to go through the same thing that you have been through since last Saturday night. Plan ahead!

Robert Nicholson

I live in a relative rural area and I will repeat - I do not have cable or any fancy gadgets. I don't even get all of the free channels by antennae because I live in a black zone. Sometimes I will be watching a program and then can't see the end of it.

I do NOT want all of the Garbage the paid programs have that enter your home and NO company locally has a cable or whatever they call the fancy things that only allows ABC, NBC, CBA and FOX - I do not need anything else...and we are talking a big bill I do not need to add to my monthy expenses.

Why do you continually ignore that I HELD the AIRLINE ticket from Portland to Seattle in MY HANDS and the another thing I refer to was a TICKET stub with SeaTac on it and I also held the BANK BAG.

You alway select whatever you want to belittle me. Please stop it - you are NOTHING, but a TROLL who LIVES under the Bridge and the only reason you exist is to try to frighten people or belittle them.

I can assure you if the FBI can prove who Cooper was then they will be looking right back at Weber. Otherwise explain HOW I held these things in my hands and why he told me he was Dan Coooper. The only way he could obtain these items is:

1. He had them made???
2. He was Cooper.
3. He knew who Cooper was.
4. He was an accomplice.

I discount one theory and this would have been an unpaid locker purchase. The trip was in 1980 and is connected to these things....he never made locker bids until we moved to FL in 1988.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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What does a ticket stub from SeaTac have to do with Cooper? Absolutely nothing! The only ticket that Cooper is known to have purchased was at the Portland International Airport and for the flight that he hi-jacked.

What SEATAC ticket stub? It doesnt exist.
What PDX ticket stub? Ity doesn't exist.

Jo also claimed Duane told her from his deathbed
to STOP, and put the Cooper thing down. Why do
you tell somebody to STOP when they dont have the
faintest idea what you are talking about? Obviously
Jo and Duane had discussed Cooper before. Jo
ignored Duane's request, in any event. So much
for Jo's respect of Duane's final wishes!

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That's your story! No proof whatever. Just a claim among thousands of claims you have made over the years . . .

Calm down Jo.

You really do need to find some other hobby.

Why do you continually ignore that I HELD the AIRLINE ticket from Portland to Seattle in MY HANDS and the another thing I refer to was a TICKET stub with SeaTac on it and I also held the BANK BAG.

Why? For the same reason you demand a check
that clears when selling a house. Value for value!

You sell a story. I want to see the value = proof.

Aristotes tried to sell Crystal Spheres and epicycles.
It took 3000 years to get out of that fraudulent deal.

Your debt limit has been reached, Jo. No renewal
until you produce some value the world can eat.
We cant eat dreams and stories and claims ...

From a legal point of view we have: The Babylonian
laws of Nebu'kanezaar. The Code of Hammurabi.
The Magna Carta. English Common Law. The
Constitution. Dont turn the clock back ... Tea Party?
Your Tea Party story is a bad deal. Your own welfare
rides on a better deal! You are reliant on others for
your existence. You said you learned this as a child,
so where's the beef?

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I DO read the entire comment YOU make and see what context is offered. A goose step answer would not benefit you and I understand that. Are there lessons to be learned? I was making the wrong assumption of things regarding your self proclaimed abilities.

Perhaps I was too bold in what I just said.

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What does a ticket stub from SeaTac have to do with Cooper? Absolutely nothing! The only ticket that Cooper is known to have purchased was at the Portland International Airport and for the flight that he hi-jacked.

What SEATAC ticket stub? It doesnt exist.
What PDX ticket stub? Ity doesn't exist.

Jo also claimed Duane told her from his deathbed
to STOP, and put the Cooper thing down. Why do
you tell somebody to STOP when they dont have the
faintest idea what you are talking about? Obviously
Jo and Duane had discussed Cooper before. Jo
ignored Duane's request, in any event. So much
for Jo's respect of Duane's final wishes!

Georger there is NO need for that kind of cruelty. You know I saw these thing and I held them in my hands. You also know Duane was frustrated by the fact that I did NOT understand what he was talking about when he told me he was Dan Coooper.

This is why he said what he did - out of frustration because I was NOT getting it!

I really wish I didn't remember any of this, but I do. I wish none of it never happened, but it did. I am trying to understand the whys, but I certainly don't need individuals like you and Robt 99 trying to drive me to end my life...I need to find out who the man was and if there is any possible way the 2 were connected...and that is all that is holding me together right now.

Duane was a criminal - did he steal these things or was it a simple matter that he knew the man and that he was involved.
We know nothing until the FBI finally makes whatever statement they need to make.

So far there has been nothing on our local stations so I have no idea what is coming down.

It would be nice if the FBI would actually talk to me - I am capable of keeping secrets as all of you know. Was the man's name Griffin or Thomas or someone out of Duane's past? What was this man's background?

If it was Donald Cooper I know what the connection was and can prove it with DNA from the siblings.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I had a great time though and sent Vicki a PM invitation to do it again real soon. Haven’t heard back yet, kinda strange.

DON'T continue to contact me!

Please STOP!

DON'T PM through Dropzone.com.

STOP the phone calls and emails.

YES the authorities have been called and
YES I will slap a Harassment Order
on you so fast you will not know what happened....

I think you may be crying NOW?

Vickie, what in the H is going on?
That sounded serious.
Did I miss something above?
Who is contacting you or harrassing you?

Hi Jo and everyone who had PM'd me......Everything is ok....That response was a lame attempt at trying to make a funny post to Farflung's fantasy date. In addition, I really did cyber hit him harder than he let on.

I guess my 'code' went unnoticed.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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