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DB Cooper

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I was just informed by my computer that someone else was using my acct. Since I only have dial- up what does this mean?

I did ask the FBI today, but got NO answer about Salt Lake City.
I told the agent that I felt a picture Duane set me up to take was important and I had never been able of find out who the man was. I wanted to know about this photo...this man has always and remains an interest to me.

If the East Coast man ever worked in Salt Lake City, Missoula, McCall, The Dalles, Cames, Hood River....if the person ever built dams, or airways or worked on the power lines , pipe lines then there would be a connection to Weber.

These things I held in my hands were REAL and NOT fabricated. What Duane said indicated he was connected. I have thought of lots of other names, but these individuals would be too young to be Cooper. The man in the Salt Lake picture would fit right into Boston and New England Area.

In the Virginia area. There were 2 men there Duane knew from the past, but I do not remember their names. One had the first name of Chuck...but that is all I remember.

I find it odd they would refer to the Atlantic Coast of the South as East Coast but then the FBI never discloses what they need to.

Remember Duane told me about the Base in Virginia and the amphibs- he had been on the base and knew all about it. He talked about training there and I naturally believe it was from his days in the Navy. I really do not know how this fits in - other than amphips where use for Cuba.

He disappears off the map again in 1958 to 1960...and then into prison until 1962 and then off the map again. Wife doesn't know where he was. What was he doing and who was he involved with. Next thing we know he is supposedly in Jefferson 1967 until 1968 - A commutation of sentence and he is a 5 time felon!

Retired Former Law Enforcement -I bet his name is Elliott or Ross. If I am right and the FBI is reading this I suggest they contact me.

Another man could have been in BuDop....and that would be the meaning of the message Duane left behind.

What I am saying is that Duane knew too much not to have been involved and I still think he was Cooper until the FBI proves otherwise.

Regardless these are just highlights of things I have told before. Duane made 2 trips to the Ft. Lauderdale area WITHOUT ME. He has some connections there and one of those had the name of Griffin. Of course there are all of the other names - Gunn, Wong, Thomas and Floyd or Lloyd.

Also remember that John Mullins died within the last 10 yrs as did Robert k. Brown. Beckwith (or something like that is also another name he talked about).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo all duane told you was that he thought he new who DB Cooper was then in your own words he said that the @#$%^with everyone and that he would take it to his grave. By your own admission.Still your stories continue to build along with your best friend Blevins. However I enjoy reading the fictoin both of you post .Blevins I'm Prowd of you for the way you can bend truths Lies and fiction in order to sell a bull?@#$% book. Now as for my spelling get over it it will never change. I do not use spell checker like the rest of you. Jo your spelling on other Web sites is worse than mine. Hi too all hope all your live's are very productive and without turmoil I really mean that more than any of you could ever know. Jerry

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Duane did NOT say he knew who Cooper was. He said "I'm Dan Cooooper".

Please Mr. Whatever you are, Stop what you are doing. You are the one who is lieing. Everyone here knows What Duane told me besides you.

When I mention other names it is only because of the one thing he did say in 1980. You know very well what that comment was.

Speaking of lies - YOU told lies right here in this thread and to me on the phone and to the media. You know I have proved those in BLACK and WHITE and IN VERBAL RADIO TAPES.

You have alienated almost all you communicate with. You have made enemies of every writer out here including those of the media. If it is not your way you go on the attack. No one wants to deal with you anymore.

You pretend to be a part of the FBI - and you are not. You have misrepresented yours self as acting on behalf of the FBI. I have 2 emails where you did this.

Do you want me to send those to the FBI. I believe there are charges for such actions, but if you continue to harass and to demean me I have NO choice. You and you alone cost me 5 yrs of my life - when the REAL FBI could quickly have aided me had you not intervened - pretending to be a part of their investigation process.

I knew when I went back to highlight some of the names from Duane's past you would not be able to handle it...you can't stand it when someone knows something you do not. You are the very one who discounted one of those names yrs and yrs ago.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, I don't think anyone doubts that you found stuff. But we all doubt you had what you now think/say you had. Example: lots of debate earlier about what the bank bag might have been. You now claim to have held "the" bank bag. You have absolutely no substantiation for that. How many bank bags do you suppose have ended up in people's homes in the US? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? But you'll ignore this logic because you "know". In the face of overwhelming logic to the contrary, you "know". As Robert said - wishful thinking doesn't make it fact.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Duane did NOT say he knew who Cooper was. He said "I'm Dan Cooooper".

Please Mr. Whatever you are, Stop what you are doing. You are the one who is lieing. Everyone here knows What Duane told me besides you.

When I mention other names it is only because of the one thing he did say in 1980. You know very well what that comment was.

Speaking of lies - YOU told lies right here in this thread and to me on the phone and to the media. You know I have proved those in BLACK and WHITE and IN VERBAL RADIO TAPES.

You have alienated almost all you communicate with. You have made enemies of every writer out here including those of the media. If it is not your way you go on the attack. No one wants to deal with you anymore.

You pretend to be a part of the FBI - and you are not. You have misrepresented yours self as acting on behalf of the FBI. I have 2 emails where you did this.

Do you want me to send those to the FBI. I believe there are charges for such actions, but if you continue to harass and to demean me I have NO choice. You and you alone cost me 5 yrs of my life - when the REAL FBI could quickly have aided me had you not intervened - pretending to be a part of their investigation process.

I knew when I went back to highlight some of the names from Duane's past you would not be able to handle it...you can't stand it when someone knows something you do not. You are the very one who discounted one of those names yrs and yrs ago.

Whatever is between you and Jerry, it has nothing
to do with who Cooper was or what he did.

That is a fact.

On the other hand: Jerry and his wife have a close
personal relationship with Ralph Himmelsbach and
his wife, going back years. I know that personally.
Moreover, Jerry and especially his wife and her
family, have a long standing relationship with
members of my family in both Washington and
Oregon. I know that personally.

Jerry has had and enjoyed ready access to the
Seattle office of the FBI going back years, and
specific agents in particular. I know that personally.

End of that debate.

As for the lying, let God sort it out!

Jerry and I have strong disagreements about the
Cooper case. I know that personally. Jerry does not
trust my education and my advice (quite often) -
but we do enjoy a common respect in the end, at
least I think so.

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Jo wrote:

Do you want me to send those to the FBI. I believe there are charges for such actions, but if you continue to harass and to demean me I have NO choice.


A point of etiquette here. This is a skydiving board. We don't make threats to turn people in to the cops.

I doubt very much that Jerry Thomas impersonated an FBI agent and anything short of that isn't likely a crime.

Neither the FBI or Jerry is responsible for how you've run your life. You could have at any point abandoned your Cooper quest and had a normal life. Orange and others have pointed this out to you many times to no avail.

Put Duane in a chute and I'll pay attention. So will others. Even if all your RFK JFK MLK links to Duane were true that does nothing to put him aboard the NWA 727. Put him on the plane Jo with verifiable evidence. Memories of lost tickets and parking stubs and bank bags and prison smoke jumper articles and possible parachute hardware are not verifiable evidence.

I do hope your health improves. I give you a hard time but I do feel sympathy for you and compassion as well.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Greetings everyone,

I met with Tina last Sunday.

However, if you would like to read my report, you'll have to go to the Mountain News.


Also, if you would like to learn more about the preparation that Galen and I conducted that led to my interview with Ms. Mucklow, you can also read it at the Mountain News:


I've decided not to post my work here, as the environment on the DZ has become too toxic in my opinion for me to share sensitive material. I will continue to announce my findings though, so the DZ community will have access to my writing.

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Georger says in part:

'Jerry and I have strong disagreements about the
Cooper case. I know that personally. Jerry does not
trust my education and my advice (quite often) -
but we do enjoy a common respect in the end, at
least I think so...'

Brother, do you live under a double-standard or what? You HAVE heard Jerry's theories on the hijacking, right? :S I can quote them to you if you like.

Let's get down to cases here. This is what you are doing now: You slam on someone (yours truly) who at least makes an effort to present a reasonable case...

While you purse your lips for someone who espouses absolutely wacked-out theories on the case. Let me see why. Oh, yes. Your family knows his family, and Jerry is friends with Himmelsbach.

Unfortunately, this proves you play favorites and don't really give a hoot about the truth. Which also means your judgments are subjective, rather than objective.

Calm down. The woodpecker flew off to a different

(now he will tell us all about neurosis - experts
always do.)

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All I do not wish to put anyone Down or in the spot light all i have done is state fact not fiction. Still what I have done is bring to this forum fact and truth . Those that wish to chaledge me are more than welcome to do so. All I request is that those that wish to chalendge me take a polygraph test . Especialy Blevins and jo Weber / what ever her real name is . Her real name she has hidden along with her many aliases. Thats how she hides her self from law suits and her real estate failures Blevins is just in it for the money He has even admitted that his candidate for cooper is fiction. Lets get real and look at the real suspectsand not the fictional ones presented by book deals or just out and out lies..Jerry

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Georger says in part:

'Jerry and I have strong disagreements about the
Cooper case. I know that personally. Jerry does not
trust my education and my advice (quite often) -
but we do enjoy a common respect in the end, at
least I think so...'

Brother, do you live under a double-standard or what? You HAVE heard Jerry's theories on the hijacking, right? :S I can quote them to you if you like.

Let's get down to cases here. This is what you are doing now: You slam on someone (yours truly) who at least makes an effort to present a reasonable case...

While you purse your lips for someone who espouses absolutely wacked-out theories on the case. Let me see why. Oh, yes. Your family knows his family, and Jerry is friends with Himmelsbach.

Unfortunately, this proves you play favorites and don't really give a hoot about the truth. Which also means your judgments are subjective, rather than objective.

Calm down. The woodpecker flew off to a different

(now he will tell us all about neurosis - experts
always do.)

Woodpeckers and trees. Last week it was tracks in the snow and cougars or something. Do you support Jerry Thomas' claims on the Cooper case? And if not, why? (That's what is called a REAL question)

Go back and read the thread.

How many times do people have to tell you ?

We arent going to repeat history here for you.
You should have figured that out since last year!
Your celebrity status (if you have that) means
nothing to me, Mr. Magic. Wins no points with me.

I think you and Bruce Smith are two of a kind.
Both wackos.

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Georger says in part:


'How many times do people have to tell you ?

We arent going to repeat history here for you.
You should have figured that out since last year!
Your celebrity status (if you have that) means
nothing to me, Mr. Magic. Wins no points with me.

I think you and Bruce Smith are two of a kind.
Both wackos.'

Of course you do.

Question: Do you think the FBI should pull Ken Christiansen's Army induction files and compare his full set of prints to ones taken from the hijacked plane?

That is not my decision to make.

I don;t expect you to understand and it is not
your business to understand, any more than it is
your business (or Jo Weber's) to play body guard for
Tina Mucklow ... calling in the police ... making other
grandstand plays . . . asserting yourself into things
you don't understand and have no competence in,
all for your own personal engrandisement.

Sluggo called it early.

I waited. Now I call it the same.

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Wow Bruce. You managed to write an entire article about your interaction with a witness who refused to speak to you?
On some level that's impressive but actually (for once) I am gonna have to agree with Blevins' take on this one.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Wow Bruce. You managed to write an entire article about your interaction with a witness who refused to speak to you?
On some level that's impressive but actually (for once) I am gonna have to agree with Blevins' take on this one.

Bruce should write ads.

He connects with the emotional states of inanimate
objects - screen doors, asphalt, and flowers, trucks,
and such. God only knows how he does that; his

By the time you finish the discourse on how tree
bark is feeling you hardly have anything left for the
original subject, if it eventually peeks through.

Bruce did blow Blevin's promo myth that Tina is a
zombie and incompetent. I cant decide who is more
to blame for this debacle: Bruce or Blevins. They
both have featured Tina in a staring role in their
repertoir of claims. I guess Blevins was trying to
prove that Tina could never identify Kenny - which
makes a safe out for Blevins. If Tina denied Kenny
was Cooper then all Blevins has to say is Tina is a
zombie and since Tina won;t surface, well then
Blevins takes the cake. Well we know that is now
not true. Blevins was wrong again; badly wrong!

And Blevins may have misfired by calling the police,
on Bruce and calling "FIRE" where there is no fire.
Auburn Washington is not under attack from Bruce
Smith. Blevins may be the one who now gets profiled
because Police are funny that way - more objective.
Blevins keeps bringing in the police and committees
with warnings and threats over socalled expectation
of disturbances, and insurection ... at some point
when the attacking UFO's of disaster dont show up
people have to begin wondering what in hell is going
on. I would! Is it all just a promotion?

Bruce did a bold thing, to be sure, but also kind of
sad. Turns out Tina is neither a zombie or a lunatic
and useless as Blevins (and Bruce) told us she was.
Blevins said: "Trust me on this". Bruce implied Tina
had joined the forces of "Zong-Moon" and was
headed for Venus next Thursday. Both turn out to
be flat wrong! Thank God for that.

Congratulations Tina. You won the day again! May
you have some peace now ... for years to come.

That's my point of view.

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Robert wrote:

If you show up at the slideshows, you had better mind your manners or the Auburn Police will be showing you the door and maybe more

Come on Robert. Don't you think the police have more important things to pursue, like real crime rather than petty personal disputes?
I wonder if the Auburn Police got some of that federal anti terrorism money and bought a cammo painted Hummer with a FLIR, battering ram and other tricked out goodies? I see a Tiananmen Square episode shaping up in Auburn. Bruce, this could be a great photo op.


Bruce, unless you can get Oprah involved, I think further pursuit of Tina is a lost cause.

Let's stop all the personal bickering. It does nothing to advance the pursuit of Dan Cooper. Remember him?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Well here is the new information and where it came from.

Looks like interesting news to me:


It also leaves a lot of important questions unanswered.

From the ABC story:

My two uncles, who I only saw at holiday time, were planning something very mischievous. I was watching them using some very expensive walkie-talkies that they had purchased," she said. "They left to supposedly go turkey hunting, and Thanksgiving morning I was waiting for them to return."

Walkie Talkies! I am liking this story a lot. I really want Cooper to have used radio communications in executing his heist. This story really appeals to my bias.

Nothing in the LD Cooper story rules out KC. Maybe they had a 4 way going in the Airstream.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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This new story certainly has the ingredients to qualify as a Cooper fable.

The Canadian comic book is now pinned to the uncle’s wall. That’s good.

Oh and the recollection of just what the uncles were doing just before Thanksgiving. Turkey hunting.

Call me sentimental, but I long for the good old days when a couple of men could retreat to the wilds of the northwest for nothing more than reconnecting with the good Earth and some savage sodomy in an Airstream.

It’s long been a tradition in America that men go out and hunt provisions for their loving families and for a chance to get out of the house or cave. I’m sure we can all remember the excitement of our first turkey hunt. Yep, things just keep getting better and better.

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You know you are all crazy right? Never seen such wacked bloggers.

ABC news just had an interview of a lady whose uncle is DB Cooper. This house of madness can officially end.

DB Cooper was LD Cooper out of Oregon. Case closed.

An unsubstantiated claim.

Yeah yeah, I know, don't feed the trolls...

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You know you are all crazy right? Never seen such wacked bloggers.

ABC news just had an interview of a lady whose uncle is DB Cooper. This house of madness can officially end.

DB Cooper was LD Cooper out of Oregon. Case closed.

Jo & Blevins, Here (Tacomaman) is some fresh meat for you.

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Really? A man named Cooper uses his own surname? I guess I'm fresh meat too, although I've been a long time reader.

It's not how long you have been on this thread, it what you say in your posts that count as the fresh meat.

So far Mr. Green, you seem to be quite acceptable. Enjoy.

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