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Tacomaman, You have been pushing LD Cooper as the hi-jacker since your first post on this thread.
You are also criticizing people who are pushing other non-viable Cooper candidates. And LD Cooper is not a viable suspect either. So you are doing the same thing as what you are criticizing.
If you have any valid information on LD Cooper to support your allegations, this thread would be a good place to mention it. But you don't.
PLEASE DENOTE THE BELOW STATEMENT REGARDS ONLY THE THINGS I RELATED TO THE FBI FROM 1996 TO 2000 AND WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN, DATED, AND RECORDED PRIOR TO GOING PUBLIC. Also note I had access only one book prior to contacting the FBI. All of you know that is how I found out who Dan Coooper was. The statement notes new material acquired from the thread when Agent Carr came here.
I have been receiving phone calls and emails from friends and family who I told my story to even before I ever went public. Everyone is saying the same thing. "This woman has been researching you and your postings and the prior articles on you - she is feeding off of what you have told". The quotes are just a general consensus of the accumulation of calls and emails. She adapted the story to her Uncle.
Those who knew me long ago all noted one thing she uses I did not use - the Dan Cooper Comics. That is because as far as I know the Dan Cooper Comics did NOT become a part of the Cooper Story until Snowmman introduced their existence to the thread. If that theory was previously out there - I missed it.
Now they are calling her a "Copycat". Cooper had a cat named McCoy and Now I have a "cat" named Cooper. I do have a sense of humor! My only problem with this is I am allergic to cats. She nor the FBI have produced anything new at all - just more hype and a story highjacked from a prior Cooper suspect's widow.
The FBI woman or agent seemed disturbed because she verbally noted the story wasn't supposed to come out until November. This was planned as a diversion in regards to the 40th anniversary and it backfired.
The story Marla Cooper tells is not original and if she was aware of all of this - WHY did she not come forward 11 yrs ago when Weber became a suspect?
She did not even have the originality to use things from Coffelt or McCoy - she was dead on - in the same footprints I have been making in the sand for yrs.
The FBI was gloating in their support of this suspect - yet, they did NOT even provide Cooper's widow with a simple report stating a reliable source of the fingerprints they used (remember in 2000 the FBI claimed NO knowledge of Weber having served in the Army or having been confined to McNeil).
Yet, the FBI per a phone conversation and postings by Agent Carr used the McNeil fingerprint record of 1944 versus using more current prints that were available on Weber.
The cocky attitude of the FBI leaves much to be desired. The FBI provided media sources with information prior to an official release....there is something wrong with this procedure that seems unethical.
The FBI needs to RECHECK their sources for Weber again - and validate to the public and his widow, the source of their research and why they told his widow one thing and the media a different thing...prior to 2000. I can't prove Weber was Cooper, but I can prove the FBI was not straight forward with their sources regarding Weber.
Weber was too complicated -his record was too lenghty and with too many holes in it. Missing yrs the FBI could not account for.
July of 1945 to 1949 and 1962 to 1968 (this includes the 2 yrs he was supposedly in Jefferson) under the name of John C. Collins - a file the FBI refused me access to until it was riddled on line and the master file destroyed.
Where was Weber during those yrs and what was he doing?
Orange1 0
georger 247
QuoteJo, you accuse everyone who comes up with another suspect of copycatting your story. Newsflash: it's not "your" story. A lot of what she mentions could be found on this thread, but a lot of it was discovered by people other than you.
She (Jo Weber) doesnt care -
Blevins doesnt care either.
They are both armoured with the conviction that
there are some things in Life not worth knowing
about - caring is first on the list. It's full steam
ahead and damn the torpedos, The only issue is
to sink everyone and everything in sight. Then you
get your pill and can sleep! Then you get fame.
"I have been receiving phone calls and emails from friends and family who I told my story to even before I ever went public.
Everyone is saying the same thing. "This woman has been researching you and your postings and the prior articles on you - she is feeding off of what you have told". The quotes are just a general consensus of the accumulation of calls and emails. She adapted the story to her Uncle. "
It's apparant over a number of years how the weber story changes to suit.Ms Weber often called Mr Weber a cameleon in the sense he could change to suit surroundings
Farflung 0
Robert99 adroitly answered:
“Alex, I'll take the "codes" for the maximum amount allowable:
QRN : Are the atmospherics strong?
- . ., - . . ., - . - . : What are DB Cooper's initials?
7500 : What is the aircraft transponder hijack code?
Alex, I'll next take "Hot Nuns" for the maximum amount allowable:
Flight 305 FA - Who is Tina?
City name in Oregon - What is Sister's?
Fred MacMurray's Spouse(s) - Who are Lillian Lamont and June Haver?
Farflung Fantasy - Who is Vicki?”
Perfectly played Robert99, except $1200 dollars was deducted. Although Fred MacMurray did have two wives only one was a Hot Nun; that was of course June Haver…. June… Haver.
Although I don’t know if Vicki is a Hot Nun, since this answer was ‘Farflung Fantasy’; she is now.
Congratulations Robert99 and Vicki, and thanks for playing and being victimized.
Orange1 0
QuoteThey are both armoured with the conviction that
there are some things in Life not worth knowing
about - caring is first on the list. It's full steam
ahead and damn the torpedos, The only issue is
to sink everyone and everything in sight. Then you
get your pill and can sleep! Then you get fame.
You know what would be nice and refreshing on this thread? Someone who came up with a suspect with (a) evidence and (b) argued on his (or her in the case of Barb) own merits, without feeling like they needed to attack anyone else who (a) dared question their version of "the truth" or (b) even worse, actually produced another suspect.
We have had a couple; Vicki and, years ago, that author (I forget his name - he passed away) that thought Mayfield was Cooper. But the nice ones get lost between all the attacking and vicious defensiveness that goes on otherwise.
Guru312 0
QuoteShe adapted the story to her Uncle. "
Nope. She saw my advertisement and realized that her uncle worked for me. LD Cooper taught a few hundred people how to pull off a hijacking. See for yourself
I am not DB Cooper
Orange1 0
hahaha Guru I didn't relook at your link till now ... this is funny.
You must be having a good laugh at everyone here, when you really know who Cooper was
QuoteJo, you accuse everyone who comes up with another suspect of copycatting your story. Newsflash: it's not "your" story. A lot of what she mentions could be found on this thread, but a lot of it was discovered by people other than you.
I speak NOT only of what I have said on the thread, but my exchanges with the FBI that I related and the story as I told it to family, FBI and friends prior to going public - prior to ever being on this thread and prior to my having access to a computer. I speak of written and recorded words prior to anyone knowing who Duane Weber was and prior to my going public.
I will go back and look at the post again to see if what you are inferring is how everyone else will take it. It was meant to convey what I told prior to 2000 and prior to ever having a computer or access. My post denotes the Dan Cooper Comics I became aware of in this thread and other things that transpired on the thread.
G_Jones 0
It could be that LD got this scar logging or in Korea, or from a dirt bike accident or while "turkey hunting". He also could have had it before the hijacking. The scar may positively ID him as a serious suspect if he had it previous to the hijacking (had he committed it) and if such a scar was noted by the flight attendants and withheld by the FBI.
I believe you are suggesting he may have acquired the scar during the jump while hijacking. Even if that were the case, it still wouldn't tie him to the crime unless he left a chunk of forehead behind on his way out of the plane that was not disclosed. LD may have simply acquired it in a car accident, running his pickup truck off the road after a few beers, whether or not he ever hijacked a plane.
What I am getting at is unless he had the scar before the hijacking and it matched a physical description of the hijacker previously withheld from the public, then I don't see how it could help tie him to the crime.
What we really need to see is a photo of LD posing next to his collection of imported European comic books! Also some indication of where he possibly picked up some knowledge of aviation would be helpful.
QuoteQuoteJo, you accuse everyone who comes up with another suspect of copycatting your story. Newsflash: it's not "your" story. A lot of what she mentions could be found on this thread, but a lot of it was discovered by people other than you.
She (Jo Weber) doesnt care -
Blevins doesnt care either.
They are both armoured with the conviction that
there are some things in Life not worth knowing
about - caring is first on the list. It's full steam
ahead and damn the torpedos, The only issue is
to sink everyone and everything in sight. Then you
get your pill and can sleep! Then you get fame.
Georger you are a better person than that. YOU and many others here and from my past KNOW what I am referring to is what I went to the MEDIA with in 2000. MY STORY refers to what was reported in the articles placed in the U.S. News and World Reports and what was placed in our local paper - Those are the thing that I refer to as MY STORY - not the accumulation of other thing we have discussed in the thread and/or that I have learned since getting a computer in 2000.
P.S. I care little about "other" Cooper stories - all I DO CARE ABOUT is the FBI explaining some of their actions prior to my going public and afterward. Face to Face time with the agent of record and with documentations and explanations of how they derived at there conclusion would have sufficed long ago in 1998.
A simple sit-down may have helped the FBI to understand they might have missed something. Instead I was talking to Mr. Himmelsbach and now know that 75% of what I told him never got to the FBI, because he must have assumed I was talking to Seattle also, but I had little contact with Seattle.
smokin99 0
Quote***If LDC was DBC he jumped roughly 200 road miles from his home. Even with walkie talkies you'd need to have the ground person positioned within contact range. How would the ground person know where to wait?
The smart move would be to wait on the highest peak accessible with a line of sight to the expected landing area, but DBC didnt have any nav gear, just his eyes and a presumably a watch. So how do you figure where the expected landing area would be? Do you just bet on an exit within x minutes of departure, plot the expected course and speed and hope for the best?
I've always wanted a radio assisted crime here but even with radios the odds are extremely long against a successful rendevous and covert egress. Even if radio contact were established a rendevous is by no means assured. DBC could have landed, established contact and been unable to describe his location with enough specificity so that a ground assistant could find him.
Remember, this was pre GPS and at night. I do think Snowmman or Amazon could survive the jump and find their way to civilization alive, even in similar weather, but DBC was a hot news fugitive and finding civilization was fraught with peril. He needed to get out of the search area undetected and do it before daylight.
Snow is a very radio savvy guy, but could I find him and drive to him fior a pick up at night using just walkie talkies? That's not so easy. Even if both DBC and the ground man could see some common peaks and take cross bearings to get position fixes, that doesnt assure a successful rendevous.
Marla Cooper is now a (transient) media star. She has put a pretty face on an interesting crime legend and that guarantees face time on TV. It's all good. The DBC pot is getting stirred up big time. Someone somewhere might remember something that is relevant.
LDC should have his prints on file in military records. If there is a match to any plane prints then BINGO. Until then I am withholding judgment. I am wondering about the memories of an 8 year old being unconsciously enhanced by subesquent news and legends.
Also I think its very unlikely that DBC would use his real last name on an airline ticket for the skyjack flight. It would be really dumb because everyone was thinking about "Cooper" the next day and if a Cooper you knew was mysteriously unavailable during the night of Nov 24 it would immediately make you wonder if he could be the guy. You might not pay as much attention to a "Smith" or "Jones".
I'm reserving judgement too, 377, but this excerpt from here did kind of make me giggle.
""My father was crying. He was yelling and he was cussing out my uncle, well both of them for what they had done. He said 'You realize you have ruined your life,'" she said.
While the FBI investigated some 800 suspects, Marla says her uncle went into hiding. She claims her father and uncles have since died, so as therapy she's writing a book to say the things she never was able to say to them. "It's hard to put into words 'I missed you.' I would say that," Cooper said, her eyes brimming with tears.
She is working with publishers to get the book on stands on the 40th anniversary of the crime- which is this Thanksgiving Day 2011."
Did she say therapy?.....Jeez louise...
Orange1 0
QuoteQuoteShe adapted the story to her Uncle. "
Nope. She saw my advertisement and realized that her uncle worked for me. LD Cooper taught a few hundred people how to pull off a hijacking. See for yourself
Btw Guru, can the FBI *prove* that you weren't Cooper?

Orange1 0
I will post the below and be done with this.
Once again, I direct people to what looks like a
large scar medial just above his eyebrows on his
forehead. I wonder where he picked that up and
when - car accident? Maybe he did have a car
Good luck.
Is anyone clear about whether the photo was taken before or after the date of the hijacking?
My untrained eye, scar or no scar, does not see much resemblance between the sketches and the photo.
Alex, I'll take the "codes" for the maximum amount allowable:
QRN : Are the atmospherics strong?
- . ., - . . ., - . - . : What are DB Cooper's initials?
7500 : What is the aircraft transponder hijack code?
Alex, I'll next take "Hot Nuns" for the maximum amount allowable:
Flight 305 FA - Who is Tina?
City name in Oregon - What is Sister's?
Fred MacMurray's Spouse(s) - Who are Lillian Lamont and June Haver?
Farflung Fantasy - Who is Vicki?
Alex, I will now retire from the game since I have enough winnings to get a hamburger down at McDonald's.
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