smokin99 0 #24351 August 4, 2011 Quote It is likely the FBI routinely held back some evidence from the public in order to be able to make a confirmation of any future claims. One might theorize that it was not physical evidence left behind in the hijacking, but some unique identifying physical characteristic noted only by the flight attendants, and left out of publicly circulated descriptions. This could help explain why the FBI were so quick to dismiss many seemingly viable suspects if available photographs were able to immediately rule out something like a mole, scar or tattoo that was not public knowledge. They would not be in a position to disclose this reason for why certain suspects were quickly ruled out without much investigation. Too busy to search for it right now, but, if memory serves, it has been posted before (maybe by Georger?) that the FBI did leave a specific characteristic off of the sketch. But no mention, as far as I remember, of what that something was. If it was mutton chops or a scar, then ole LD might be in the running, fer sure. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Green 0 #24352 August 4, 2011 The FBI eliminated Weber as a suspect in July 1998 when his fingerprints did not match any of those processed in the hijacked plane, and no other direct evidence could be found to implicate him. Later, his DNA also failed to match the partial sample recovered from Cooper's tie in October 2007. Jo, how do you explain this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #24353 August 4, 2011 Quote Is anyone clear about whether the photo was taken before or after the date of the hijacking? My untrained eye, scar or no scar, does not see much resemblance between the sketches and the photo. from CBS news: "Cooper also says that the family saw L.D. the following Christmas in 1972, after his hospital visit. That was the time the picture she provided to the FBI was taken. She told ABC after this incident her uncle disappeared from their lives." Oh, What the heck? Work can wait....but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimelurker 0 #24354 August 4, 2011 QuoteThe FBI eliminated Weber as a suspect in July 1998 when his fingerprints did not match any of those processed in the hijacked plane, and no other direct evidence could be found to implicate him. Later, his DNA also failed to match the partial sample recovered from Cooper's tie in October 2007. Jo, how do you explain this? If i may be permitted , that fact is never explained , simply steamrollered right over the top of.My best advice is to read the original thread,i now believe Quade was very wise to lock it as is , some things can no longer be edited which is something others are well practised in. Be prepared to be confused should you accept this idea,it's well worthwhile though,note how the story changes to suit any eventuality that arises. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24355 August 4, 2011 Quote Is anyone clear about whether the photo was taken before or after the date of the hijacking? My untrained eye, scar or no scar, does not see much resemblance between the sketches and the photo. The photo is very poor quality and we do not have a date - but since he disappeared after the skyjacking - the photo would seem to be pre-skyjacking date if her story can be verified. I am mortified this woman has the gall to go forth with a book and she has NO conclusive evidence this uncle was Cooper. At least Orange give me credit for NOT doing something like that. Instead I wanted the truth. The search is definitely not therapy. Nor would writing a book or doing a movie without the truths to back it up be therapy. I had the offers to do just that - but, I chose to find the truth - someway somehow! I chose to seek out the truth and it has been a long hard road and the road never ends. If the FBI was looking for certain characteristic they did NOT want to divulge - a mulitple choice questionaire could have been provided to individuals claiming a relative or friend was Cooper. This would be vague with many many choices - and multiple question. Only the right answer to every question if known would mean that person was a very good suspect. Such as blemishes - ask them to indicate in on a drawing of the face. Missing teeth or particials and which teeth were missing. If the person didn't know the person in 1971 - then approx time of changes. Such as if the suspect wore partials - ask the question if anyone else might have known when the teeth were lost or if there were any dental bills in past tax returns (yea, we used to list those things because we could deduct them). There were dental bills for Duane following the 1971 incident. I do not know when he lost the lower front teeth and never ever saw him without his bridge in place.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #24356 August 4, 2011 QuoteI have read here and in other places that LD Cooper had never jumped out of a plane. I'd like to hear some folks that have jumped talk about the chances of a novice pulling this jump off. Thanks Slim to none. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #24357 August 4, 2011 Jo, according to the blurb I posted above, the picture of LD was taken Christmas, 1972but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #24358 August 4, 2011 I just watched the video clips that smokin99 posted and I’m sitting here beside myself. I’m not going to cry because that wouldn’t be hunky, but I do feel extremely ‘misty’ right now. The executive summary: They were poor. So poor that Thanksgiving turkeys had to be stalked and dispatched with a gun and presumably a license. So this is cheaper than going to the Piggly Wiggly and getting an armload of Butterball, a six pack and calling it a day? My mouth is dry. But they could afford $90 walkie talkies. My brain is sore. Then the money gets lost in some fashion, even though it was tied to his waist. But the walkie talkie made it to the ground because Marla and her brother were playing with them after the hijacking. My left arm is getting numb. Then she said she is writing the book to help veterans? There, now I’m insane. So what did they eat for Thanksgiving? Obviously there was not turkey. How did LD get so beat up yet the walkie talkie survive? Could have been a Motorola, those babies were really built. But a Lloyds would have been toast. Come on smokin99, help a brother out here. Are LD’s arms hairy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #24359 August 4, 2011 There were dental bills for Duane following the 1971 incident. I do not know when he lost the lower front teeth and never ever saw him without his bridge in place. You do realise Duane had congenital PKD. Duane unquestionably carried the genetic markers for PKD, even as a fetus. Conceivably, the saliva swab from Cooper's tie may show the genetic markers for PKD, or not. It may likewise show any number of other genetic markers significant - yes? ! These are markers totally independent of the 13 loci US-CODIS system, the FBI uses and derrived its "partial" from. These additional genetic markers can be tested for in the saliva swab. Eventually they will be tested for if they havent been tested for already. Such markers can be used to separate out prospective suspects over-and-above the small CODIS loci system the FBI has a partial from. Did you pause to think about that when advancing Duane as a suspect int his case! ? Of course you didn't. And the same damned thing applies to any suspect, including Blevin's and Porteous' KC! It is not good to try and fool Mother Nature. All suspect promoters are going to lose this battle sooner or later, on genetic grounds alone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24360 August 4, 2011 QuoteThe FBI eliminated Weber as a suspect in July 1998 when his fingerprints did not match any of those processed in the hijacked plane, and no other direct evidence could be found to implicate him. Later, his DNA also failed to match the partial sample recovered from Cooper's tie in October 2007. Jo, how do you explain this? Okay I will try but I doubt I will be heard. First I have to go pull a file - the one with the dated inventory list the FBI left in the DNA when they returned it. July 1998: Since you mentioned July 1998 you have to be FBI or someone privey to my files - because that is the date of the letter sent to me by the FBI. This letter states the KNOWN prints of Duane were compared with fingerprints associated with theis investigation. They do NOT state the source of the prints they have for Weber, but Agent Carr would later claim the source to be the McNeil prints (that is in the thread). Yet, as late as March of 2000 the FBI claimed Weber was NOT at McNeil. March of 2000 The FBI had NOT retrived DNA or prints from Weber in my possession, nor did they ask me when he may have provided prints such as a recent DUI or arrest they may have been unaware of. I could have provided 2 such occasions. One being in around 1980 in Ft.Collins, Co. and the other being Pensacola, Fla 1990. Another source would have been in between 1975 to 1977 in Jacksonville, Fl. He was arrested for drunk driving and he had a gun in his possession. Obviously his prints did NOT come up as an ex-con on the above arrest. It was March of 2000 when the agent of record STATED that Duane was not in the ARMY and that he WAS NOT at McNeil. I took him to task on that right then and there because I held in my hands the Army record and the McNeil Island Prison records. This agent who had been the agent of record immediately EXCUSED himself and said he would call me back. He did call me back eventually. This time he told me that Duane WEBER only passed thru McNeil and he would explain no more to me. Then they told me the ARMY number belonged to a WAVY GREEN and NOT to Duane Weber. I told him I had dated govenment documentation on the Army number. I was angry and upset - so I would have to go have the "file" pulled regarding the rest of the conversation. I was Hopping mad and got on the phone and called a young man who had helped me with the research. He wanted to do an article and I told him what had happened and the summer of 2000 the article appeared in the U.S. News and World reports. The first time I went public and all because the FBI screwed up. This letter dated July of 1998 states the prints (which they obviously did NOT have from the subsequent conversation in 2000) were compared to prints found on the plane and on other matter subseqently related to this matter. It states that NO further investigation is being conducted by the FBI concering Duane L. Weber. Now how could they compare prints in 1998 that they had NO knowledge of in 2000....GIMME a BREAK Mr. FBI AGENT. Why use records that old especially considering that Weber seemed to have committed other crimes. How many different fingerprint file cards have been checked on Weber? None other than what was put on the McNeil file and no comparisons made to the actual physical arrests made regarding subsequent crimes. Try the State of Florida or Ft. Collins, Co. Get the prints from the last incarceration under John Collins at Jefferson - BET you won't do it - because this is where the devil lies. NO one but me has the copy of that damn letter the FBI sent in 1998 - so the individual asking this question is FBI or one of the writers who was given access to private files. Pick-up the DAMN phone and call me or get on a plane and come see me. I will get the rest out of storage and then you can see just how fowled up all of this is. This conversation will continue no more and no more information will be given until you Identify yourself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #24361 August 4, 2011 QuoteQuoteThe FBI eliminated Weber as a suspect in July 1998 when his fingerprints did not match any of those processed in the hijacked plane, and no other direct evidence could be found to implicate him. Later, his DNA also failed to match the partial sample recovered from Cooper's tie in October 2007. Jo, how do you explain this? Okay I will try but I doubt I will be heard. First I have to go pull a file - the one with the dated inventory list the FBI left in the DNA when they returned it. July 1998: Since you mentioned July 1998 you have to be FBI or someone privey to my files - because that is the date of the letter sent to me by the FBI. This letter states the KNOWN prints of Duane were compared with fingerprints associated with theis investigation. They do NOT state the source of the prints they have for Weber, but Agent Carr would later claim the source to be the McNeil prints (that is in the thread). Yet, as late as March of 2000 they claimed Weber was NOT at McNeil. March of 2000 The FBI had NOT retrived DNA or prints from Weber in my possession, nor did they ask me when he may have provided prints such as a recent DUI or arrest they may have been unaware of. I could have provided 2 such occassions. One being in around 1980 in Ft.Collins, Co. and the other being Pensacola, Fla 1990. Another source would have been in between 1975 to 1977 in Jacksonville, Fl. He was arrested for drunk driving and he had gun in his possession. Obviously his prints did NOT come up as an ex-con on the above arrest. It was March of 2000 when the agent of record STATED that Duane was not in the ARMY and that he WAS NOT at McNeil. I took him to task on that right then and there because I held in my hands the Army record and the McNeil Island Prison records. This agent who had been the agent of record immediately EXCUSED himself and said he would call me back. He did call me back eventually. This time he told me that Duane WEBER only passed thru McNeil and he would explain no more to me. Then they told me the ARMY number belonged to a WAVY GREEN and NOT to Duane Weber. I told him they had had that information since 1997 when they came to my home. I can't remember the rest of it without going back to my notes of that day. I was Hopping mad and got on the phone and called a young man who had helped me with the research. He wanted to do an article and I told him what had happened and that summer of 2000 the article appeared in the U.S. News and World reports. This letter dated July of 1998 states the prints (which they obviously did NOT have from the subsequent conversation in 2000) were compared to prints found on the plane and on other matter subseqently related to this matter. It states that NO further investigation is being conducted by the FBI concering Duane L. Weber. Now how could the compare prints in 1998 that they had NO knowledge of in 2000....GIMME a BREAK Mr. FBI AGENT. NO one but me has the copy of that damn letter the FBI sent in 1998 - so you are FBI. Pick up the DAMN phone and call me or get on a plane and come see me. I wil get the rest out of storage and then you can see just how fowled up all of this is. Jo what you and Blevins have here - is a religion. Nobody can argue with that. You need to be in a relgion forum! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimelurker 0 #24362 August 4, 2011 A bit quick to label Mr Green a fed i think , the information you point out regarding 1998 is available anywhere on the net. Wikipedia for example. In fact it's a copy/paste job from wikipedia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24363 August 4, 2011 Just about everyone gets labelled either FBI or an author by Jo. Nothing surprising. I kind of expected the worst when she was asked about the fingerprints, but somehow we didn't end up with the whole convoluted "Duane managed to get his fingerprints changed in the entire system by doing something in prison " story. (Not sure why - whether she has finally accepted it was a ridiculous story, or whether she just forgot that bit.)Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24364 August 4, 2011 QuoteA bit quick to label Mr Green a fed i think , the information you point out regarding 1998 is available anywhere on the net. Wikipedia for example. In fact it's a copy/paste job from wikipedia. News to me - the wikipedia will not let me change anything about Duane so who put that in there? How would they be privey to this private communication between me and the FBI.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimelurker 0 #24365 August 4, 2011 I thought that would be the story to be rolled out again , maybe throw the MLK assasin into the mix or CIA tricks once more.I had a hard time ever connecting a petty criminal with Cooper,especially a not so bright petty criminal. I recall once on the subject it was brought up Duane simply was that , a none to bright petty criminal and the response was "how many other crimes had he got away with" i remember thinking , not too many obviously with his track record of prisons. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24366 August 4, 2011 just because I feel like it (and am watching other stuff) to remind you that there are more important things going on in the world than solving a 40-year old hijack. The bottom is falling out of the markets today. Southern Europe is in crisis. Oh, and Quote the Somalia famine has killed more than 29 000 children under age five in the last 90 days. The UN says 640 000 Somali children are acutely malnourished, a statistic that suggests the death toll of small children will rise. ...if any of you have anything at all to spare, maybe give a thought to donating it to famine relief. Even a couple of dollars goes a long way to feeding a kid in Africa.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24367 August 4, 2011 Quote News to me - the wikipedia will not let me change anything about Duane so who put that in there? How would they be privey to this private communication between me and the FBI. Oh for heavens sake. Yes Jo it must have been a spy opening your mail, tapping your phone, and hacking your computer. More likely, however, is that you have mentioned it before, possibly on this thread, and someone picked it up and added it to the Wiki article.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24368 August 4, 2011 QuoteJust about everyone gets labelled either FBI or an author by Jo. Nothing surprising. I kind of expected the worst when she was asked about the fingerprints, but somehow we didn't end up with the whole convoluted "Duane managed to get his fingerprints changed in the entire system by doing something in prison " story. (Not sure why - whether she has finally accepted it was a ridiculous story, or whether she just forgot that bit.) Orange I didn't forget it - that theory only came up because I because of the letter we just discussed about McNeil. First it is there then it is not there - the FBI seemed to create magic regarding the prints and not having any answers about the incident regarding the McNeil file and the FBI refusing to talk to you. It had also been reported that prints were changed within the Jefferson a writer who was a former inmate there. Remember that theory about changed prints came up with I was arguing with Carr about the prints and the McNeil file - asking him to check the prints against all criminal files on Duane. This was when he went in to his long tutorial about master prints...but, he didn't seem to understand in the early days - computers where only as accurate as the individual making the input.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24369 August 4, 2011 QuoteQuoteJust about everyone gets labelled either FBI or an author by Jo. Nothing surprising. I kind of expected the worst when she was asked about the fingerprints, but somehow we didn't end up with the whole convoluted "Duane managed to get his fingerprints changed in the entire system by doing something in prison " story. (Not sure why - whether she has finally accepted it was a ridiculous story, or whether she just forgot that bit.) Orange I didn't forget it - that theory only came up because I because of the letter we just discussed about McNeil. First it is there then it is not there - the FBI seemed to create magic regarding the prints and not having any answers about the incident regarding the McNeil file and the FBI refusing to talk to you - what might you have thought under the same circumstance. Remember that theory about changed prints came up with I was arguing with Carr about the prints and the McNeil file - asking him to check the prints against all criminal files on Duane. This was when he went in to his long tutorial about master prints...but, he didn't seem to understand that back in the early days - computers where only as accurate as the individual making the input. Jo, you clearly didn't understand what he very patiently explained to you. Actually that was quite amazing about Carr - he never lost his temper with you, was always patient and courteous, even though you treated him like dirt here. I miss having him around. (corny alias and all)Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24370 August 4, 2011 It had also been reported that prints were changed within the Jefferson a writer who was a former inmate there. I forget his name now as timeand stress has take its toll. Also note the FBI does NOT know if any of the 58 latent prints belonged to Cooper. If he didn't have gloves on how did Cooper not make one minute mistake and leave a print...pretty hard to be on a plane and not leave prints unless you are carrying around a towel with you the whole time.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimelurker 0 #24371 August 4, 2011 QuoteIt had also been reported that prints were changed within the Jefferson a writer who was a former inmate there. I forget his name now as timeand stress has take its toll. I don't take ex cons as being the most trusted sources , you shouldn't either. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimelurker 0 #24372 August 4, 2011 QuoteIt had also been reported that prints were changed within the Jefferson a writer who was a former inmate there. I forget his name now as timeand stress has take its toll. Also note the FBI does NOT know if any of the 58 latent prints belonged to Cooper. If he didn't have gloves on how did Cooper not make one minute mistake and leave a print...pretty hard to be on a plane and not leave prints unless you are carrying around a towel with you the whole time. During Coopers time aboard flight 305 he had at least one drink , a bourban.Possibly more than one but regardless , that drink would have been served in a glass which gives excellent opportunity for fingerprints. I suspect this might be something they looked at and kept quiet. I apologise if this has been mentioned previously , but it occured to me the 2nd best opportunity for fingerprints went a'beggin , if the flight attendent had simply taken the money offered by Cooper.I think the best opportunity was the whisky glass. While i'm in mid edit Ms Weber , may i ask about the revelation you had with the tie some time back ? You seemed to intimate it meant a great deal , as if by leaving the tie that mocked somebody ? It wasn't the tie at all was it , it was the pearl clasp ? Have you ever disclosed why you thought what you did at that time ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #24373 August 4, 2011 And the hits just keep on coming... ...Appears LD was a surveyor and the brother has a connection to Boeing.... So far..farflung...LD is eluding my valiant attempts to find his arms....but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #24374 August 4, 2011 Jo wrote:QuoteThe FBI was gloating in their support of this suspect - yet, they did NOT even provide Cooper's widow with a simple report stating a reliable source of the fingerprints they used (remember in 2000 the FBI claimed NO knowledge of Weber having served in the Army or having been confined to McNeil). (emphasis supplied) Cooper's widow? Duanes widow is OK but the other is a big stretch Jo. Put Duane on the plane or under a chute and I'll cut you some more slack, but until you do you can only credibly claim to be Duane Weber's widow. The Dan Cooper comics issue has almost become a core DBC thing. You aren't a credible DBC suspect unless you have some Dan Cooper comics in your personal history. I blame Snow for this even though he never ever presented the comic info that way. It kinda took off on its own. Marla's claim that her uncle had Dan Cooper comics covers tacked to the wall just sounmds implausible to me for a number of reasons. It also makes me think she researched the subject and here in the forum is where the most info is thanks to the most knowledgeable Dan Cooper comic historian, our own permabanned Snowmman. Marla's story wold be more credible to me without the Dan Cooper comics stuff. As Jo says, it's "too pat." 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #24375 August 4, 2011 QuoteAnd the hits just keep on coming... ...Appears LD was a surveyor and the brother has a connection to Boeing.... So far..farflung...LD is eluding my valiant attempts to find his arms.... Now it gets a bit more plausible that LDC could have arranged a rendevous by radio. A surveyor knows plenty about land navigation and position finding. It's a core part of the basic professional training. If he jumped with a topo map and a compass he'd stand a pretty good chance of figuring things out, especially if he could see some identifiable peaks. If LDC or anyone else without prior jump experience did that Norjack jump they have balls of steel. A night jet jump in bad weather over an unknown location is just gutsy as hell. I wouldn't do it in those clothes and in that weather even for an inflation adjusted 200K, and I have made one jet airliner jump. Snowmman would do it and I think Amazon would too. Jerry probably would decline because he thinks it is a fatal undertaking. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites