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DB Cooper

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FarFlung - the only place I have posted regarding the "new" Cooper was in this thread and I have not talked to media. I did talk to the FBI one time to ask them to provide some kind of protection for Tina because some journalists and others had publicized her location.

Please do NOT dump me in the category of the publicity seekers.
I have posed my 21 questions in this thread - now it is up to someone else - NOT me. I am too tired.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The money was damaged, he couldn't spend it and I do believe he was able to salvage some of it, but had to dispose of the rest of it. The purpose could have been to make everyone think Cooper died.

Problem was it back fired and perhaps he had not seen the composites that appeared in the paper afterwards. The only composite Weber may have been aware of was the Bing Crosby look-alike. I think he freaked and that is why he left CO. so quickly after the Newspaper Article. Also he was afraid I would put it all together - which I did not do at that time...but then again - he made sure in the following wks that I did NOT get to see the special or other articles on Cooper.

Jo, Let's face the facts of life here. Duane repeatedly demonstrated that he was to dumb to be a successful criminal. Big-time or small-time criminal, no difference.

Duane was a con-artist first, last and probably always.

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I made it clear to the History Channel folks that the comic book was interesting, but not much of a clue. Our initial investigation made us believe that the comic book was possibly left behind at NWA's day room on Shemya by pilots who were constantly dropping off reading material for the poor saps stationed there. Later, we found this was not the case, and made a correction.


PS: my dad had olive skin...

Blevins Quote: "...reading material for the poor saps stationed there. Later, we found this was not the case, and made a correction. "

"reading material for the poor saps stationed there. "

Poor saps ?


Kenny is one of those "saps", as Blevins puts it.
If Kenny is a "sap" how can he then turn around and
be the DB Cooper (smart guy!) Blevins later alleges?
With Geestman another smart "sap" whose humble
profession is working on tugboats and lying etc.
according to Blevns who is no humble sap and
consistent and brilliant.

Blevin's writing and his thinking (spewing) process is
just full of this stuff. How can a person be a sap one
minute and a famous smart paratrooper hijacker,
the next?

I have a feeling the room at Auburn is going to be
full of "saps", as Blevins rates them ... listening
to Blevins be an expert on the Cooper case.

The guys who worked at Shemya may be all "saps"
in Blevin's estimation of things, but something tells
me even the FBI or anyone else who gets in his path
is a "bunch of saps", if it suits Blevin's needs and
especially his "theoretical ladder building" ... building
ladders to the stars? (as he constantly says).

Who in hell is Blevins to call anyone a sap? Especially
when its his own candidate for being Cooper? And
the guy is dead and gone and cant speak for himself
to defend himself from ... Robert M. Blevins !

Is Lyle a sap who just fell into the arms of Porteous
who then farmed it out to Blevins? Is Geof Gray a
sap? Are we saps providing Blevins with material to
get famous with? Are reporters saps?

What function does "sap" play in Blevin's empiracle
creation, where Kenny is DB Cooper !?

Like those presecutors who persecutes, Blevins
has made Kenny be anything he wants ... like Jo
shapes Duane.

Sap covers a tremendous amount of territory if
need be.

Sap begats sap begats sap begats saps ad infinitum.
And now we have a movie script! But is it a case for
Kenny being DB Cooper? I guess Kennyw as the only
guy at Shemya who was not a sap? And the system which set up Shemya was run by the real saps. The
Japs were the initial cause and the real saps.

What is a sap? Who are the saps that matter and
don't matter? Is the State of Washington better
than New Mexico. Those saps in Washington DC?
Those sap Jews? shanah et schmi l'haim!

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Georger: 'Saps' is right.

The people stationed on that pathetic hunk of stone out at the end of the Aleutian chain called it 'Schmoo,' or sometimes 'The Rock'. And Kenny did better than most. He lasted more than four years. The average tour was 12-18 months. The weather was brutal, one end of the island was no-can-visit due to the huge dump of rusty WW2 ordinance, and there were only three things for entertainment: The bar, walking (safe parts) the beach, and the Day Room. A lot of guys who could, got the hell off that rock ASAP.

'Saps' is used sympathetically to refer to the poor souls who ended up there. Still, many of them formed friendships that lasted for decades.

Like Kenny Christiansen and Bernie Geestman, for instance. ;)

Good reply. Youve changed your avatar to a more
respectable civil pose. Congrats! Will the real Blevins
please stand up? Maybe you are brilliant after all?
I can see Geestman is in real trouble now.


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RobertMBlevins reflects:

“Still, many of them formed friendships that lasted for decades.

Like Kenny Christiansen and Bernie Geestman, for instance.”

I’m sure it was difficult for Bernie to leave his buddie’s behind when he departed Shemya.

Might want to check the almanac for average temps on Shemya versus oh, I don’t know….. how about Minneapolis?



Plus Kenny was a contractor on Shemya not in the military. He could leave anytime his wallet let him. Most left with wicked fat wallets, W-I-C-K-E-D FAT!

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Come on Georger, it's OK to attack Blevins' conclusions but why deride him for doing real work, housecleaning?

I've made a lot more money pushing paper and arguing the legal version of how many angels can stand on the head of a pin, but I've also worked gutting fish and cleaning toilets. Doing real work, the kind that is defined by Newtonian physics isn't dishonorable or an indicator of intelligence. You know that and you've probably done a fair amount of that work yourself if you raise cows.

I know you get really torqued by Blevins. I don't. He's never claimed he can prove KC was DBC. He just has a theory and presents it as such. He is a magnet for vitriol but not mine. I am not his apologist or PR person. I just think he gets flamed so much that a fire extinguisher needs to be discharged once in a while.

Ted Braden might be a candidate who should be revisited. The guy had a motive for sure.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Like those presecutors who persecutes, Blevins
has made Kenny be anything he wants ... like Jo
shapes Duane.

Georger, I never made Duane Weber to appear to be anything.
I recount first hand accounts that I know. That is all I am doing.

Like all of you - I get suckered into theories - because I don't know. What I do know is what counts. Read the 21 Questions.

Duane was a criminal - this I do know. Do I think he was Cooper? Yes, I do. I think he got lucky.

Duane did some really dumb things, but he was never caught for all of the crimes he committed. You know this and I know this.

If he was such a bungler at everything - how was it he was never arrested for crimes he commited after he was released from Jefferson as John Collins?

How did he con a major insurance company into his becoming a top producer and district manager? To have avoided being found out he had to have been doing something right. If they had known he was an ex-con - he would never have been the man who brought tears to so many in St. Thomas when he refused to take credit for his success.

Like any "job" you have to learn to be good at it or get replaced.
He worked for that insurance company all of those yrs - and no one knew what his past was.

Duane became the master of illusion - a successful insurance district and state manager who knew how to get his men to produce. How did he avoid detection all of those yrs?

He was watching his back constantly for people he had known from his past. Why he was always looking around a room. One time a man transferred to his area from another state (Mo or Ks) - this man would have recognized Duane Weber as John Collins. Duane immediately requested a transfer to another area.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It's like Earl Cossey said "if he managed that hard pull,he landed"


I'd bet he landed whether he pulled or not....just sayin' :$

So true Airtwardo. My instructor in 1968 said:

"Anyone can jump out of a a plane and land on the ground. What you are going to learn here is how to land alive, even if something goes wrong, so pay attention."

It wasn't hard to pay attention, there were no iPhones, iPods or Walkmans. Pterodactyls were our main collision hazards.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I’m sure it was difficult for Bernie to leave his buddie’s behind when he departed Shemya.


Now we know what kept him warm!

I just KNEW you would catch that Vicki. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Here’s a straight answer from someone who has been in Shemya and Minneapolis during winter (gulp). Yeah I’m bragging, don’t be jealous.

Without a doubt, Minneapolis has far harsher conditions than Shemya in the winter. Shemya suffered from crippling crosswinds that could last days. Oh, and that cliff at the end of the runway was a bitch too. But I’m sure you’ve heard all this in your interviews.

The contractors when I was there were making between 3 and 5 X prevailing wages compared to the lower 48. That included plumbers, electricians and all the other trades that make a mini city function.

So a lot of the money ended up in the bar? Welcome to Farflung’s world - anywhere in the world. Takes a great deal of booze to drink all those earnings which did NOT go to rent, utilities, insurance, cable, car payments, credit cards or any of the financial diversions you consider to be common place. Take a few moments to consider the magnitude of the previous sentence in relation to your own lifestyle and what the end result would be. It is NOT poverty, no matter how desperately that solution is desired.

Plus those sneaky aircrew would fly in cheap hooch from the lower 48 to keep living expenses down in a sort of ghost economy. The support system for this was truly efficient. This box of clinking glass is for ‘Amazing Bob’ in Hangar 2. It was always delivered.

Now where would I prefer to spend a winter? MINNEAPOLIS (read Nordic beauties here). With the bad WX and taxes and whatever; there is something about being part of a fully functioning society (read Nordic beauties here) that is compelling. I would be on Shemya to bag money and counting every day while I did it. There would be a purpose for me being on such a little slice of heaven and it isn’t the chicks behind every tree.

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This is probably an inconsequential bit of trivia but apparently I was mistaken, the Dan Cooper comics were available outside Europe at least at some point. I just noticed on eBay a Dan Cooper comic in Hebrew being sold from Israel, and one in Arabic being sold from Lebanon. Both were printed in the 1980's, but perhaps the series were available in those places earlier.

Now THIS -- could blow the case wide open!
Olive skin? Dark eyes?
You guys DO know what the average Israeli and Arab colouring is right....!!
We may have a new lead!
Remember Cooper being described as "accentless"? Doesn't that strike you as just the type of "fluency" learnt by a foreign secret service agent to pass as local?
Anyone got an Israeli paratrooper database?


Now you're talking, Orange!

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Blevins is your PO PO weak that now it apears you and Jo are a Fiurst rate Lier.Go figure even you guys are backing down. Its Jind of funny that this has happenned now you both are Backing off. Well Guess what Dale Cooper did not commit this crime. This is Just another fraude. Jerry

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Relax Guys this case will never be solved untill someone finds something relating to one of the Chutes.This new story will just destroy Blevins Book and all others to include Jo webers story on purpose that is what it was meant to do . A pat on the back is due to ??????????????????? Jerry

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The official wanted poster on the hijacker mentions 'possibly from Midwest section of US.' Get real. The hijacker was homegrown, born and bred in the good old USA.

My Dad was white and had olive toned skin. (see profile picture)
He was from the Midwest prior to the hijacking.
Was in his 40's (44 to be exact)
He was 6'0" tall and 180 lbs.
He had dark hair, parted on the left and sideburns to mid ear level.
Smoked - Drank.
Usually was dressed in a black/dark suit. Thin tie, White shirt, had sunglasses, and carried a briefcase.
He has been missing since September 1971.
Is wanted (still) by the US Marshal's, FBI and Secret Service.

OMG.......Do ya think? It can not be! Oh wait....yes it could.

(for Jo, OMG - Oh My Gosh)
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Vicki , Your dad is one of the leading Candidates, He is being checked out . Unfourntunatly All the rest has been elliminated . Still Every one wants to Bring in there Lies and present a new subject Like Dale Cooper Or Blevins an Jo's Suspect . That there are now Denying. What it boils down too is Their all made up stories. Go Figure. I guess after this last story is proven false this thread will shutt down . Because all have admitted that they are nothing but Fiction Writers. Jerry

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Blevins is your PO PO weak that now it apears you and Jo are a Fiurst rate Lier.Go figure even you guys are backing down. Its Jind of funny that this has happenned now you both are Backing off. Well Guess what Dale Cooper did not commit this crime. This is Just another fraude. Jerry

What Ever made you THINK I was backing off? NO WAY!

I have simply taken another road and one of those is NOT to deal with someone like you. As I have said NEVER call me that L word and you just did. Sit tight before the boomerang comes back and be sure to duck :):D:D

The woman's story about her uncle only enforced the belief of others about Weber - because she used the story I told as the basis for her story - only she told something that was NOT correct and anyone with any brains would have caught it. YET, the FBI ate it up spending Government Dollar to run a wild Goose Chase. The moment I heard her story from her own mouth - I new it was a dead end.

NO Problems here! Just going another way rather than trying to prove Duane's story in a thread.
Note, I am not rebuttal in my comments - just answering questions. You will not engage me ever again....wait for the knock on your door and check the county records.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo So Now your saying You are still going to make up more stories and lies . Just admit it no one believes you or blevins anyway. I've talked to over 30 news stations and given out over 30 interviews/ . Ralph has reffused to give any Statements. on this subject. His statement was that it is worth a comment However . He would rather them contact him in person and they would have to pay him for his time. I don't Blame him because of the amount times he has had to deal with you. Jerry

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Point of order: The official wanted poster on the hijacker mentions 'possibly from Midwest section of US.' Get real. The hijacker was homegrown, born and bred in the good old USA. If he were a foreigner, the FBI would have figured that out pretty quick. And so would the stews.

*Conspiracy Theory Alert*

Point of order? Point of information.

The choice of midwest was due to: the witness
testimony, ie. no accent, no dialect, and to his use
of one phrase several times which a linguist said
has its origin in Chicago.

Thanks for linking Geestman and Kenny at Foss

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