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DB Cooper

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I agree with the SB from Boeing as a strong possibility. If you observed a Cooper Vane on a DC-9 then there must be some other avenue of compliance than an AD.

Here’s some more grist for your consideration and what I (a mere monkey) would do in a DC-9.

The architecture of the tailcone in the DC-9 is vastly different without that engine mounted back there. In fact there is yet another egress point in this narrow bodied beauty. Yep, the tailcone was home to an escape chute and an ‘Ah Shit’ handle for emergencies. I would disarm the slide (assuming I’m a Skygod) then jettison the cone into the slip stream and make good my escape from a plane with a Cooper Vane.

Kinda weird and freaky right? Now if someone does this in the next year I’ll probably get blamed for posting this.

I’ve got to get to work on an Anti-Farf device and launch a preemptive (and hopefully lucrative) solution.


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Farflung wrote:

The architecture of the tailcone in the DC-9 is vastly different without that engine mounted back there. In fact there is yet another egress point in this narrow bodied beauty. Yep, the tailcone was home to an escape chute and an ‘Ah Shit’ handle for emergencies. I would disarm the slide (assuming I’m a Skygod) then jettison the cone into the slip stream and make good my escape from a plane with a Cooper Vane.

Snow also found that DC 9 pop top tail cone info. I am surprised and somewhat humiliated that I missed it, so we'll just call it even on the BAC 111 Farflung.

Have you seen this more basic approach to jettisoning a DC 9 tail cone?


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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There are several instances of accomplices being prosecuted from aiding non-fatality bombings from the 1960s that the US Attorneys office pursued in the 1980s. I could not believe on air an attorney would tell Mr. Geestman a legal opinion on his immunity from prosecution. It was a shockingly reckless thing to say. He is not Mr. Geestman's attorney and therefore shouldn't be giving unsolicited counsel. Trust me, if DB Cooper announces himsel and his compadre - they will both face charges. However, since KC and Geestman didn't commit the crime, I guess its all good theater.

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Thats another one of your lies Jo. Jerry

Jerry it is simple to prove me wrong. IF you can accuse me of lieing - show your proof (ask your buddies at the FBI office who you claim to visit and sit down with) to prove with documentation that what you are saying is the the truth.

You will claim the following:

Perhap I mis-heard or mis-understood them!

That is classified information!

None of those are acceptable explanations...because you claim a connection with the FBI you do NOT have.

If the FBI had any documents that would put Duane in a jail on Nov. 24, 1971 - they would have been presented yrs ago. The FBI would not have collected DNA in 2003 nor would they have tested that DNA in 2007.

You are very very disconnected Jerry. Perhaps you need to go back to the VA hospital and get more treatments!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I’ve been searching for the rationale associated with requiring 727’s to install the Cooper Vane that Robert99 mentioned. Here are some of my findings so far:

1. Any question asked on an internet forum like “Where’s a good place to get a KX-155A repaired?” will first be answered with another question like “Whadaya wanna do dat fer?” After explaining all the intricacies to Captain Blazing Response the answer, “I don’t know” WILL follow. I have found this to reside in a certainty ellipse of 100%.

2. The FAA AD (Airworthiness Directive) database has produced nothing requiring the installation of such a device that I can find thus far. It should not be this difficult if it applied to all 727s.

3. This leaves a sort of backdoor AD or Service Bulletin via the Maintenance Manual issued by the manufacturer. If an item is integrated into this document even though it may have been organically produced without FAA mandate it becomes required equipment for continued airworthiness.

At this point I’m feeling a little suspect of this FAA mandate and am leaning towards simple home grown solution (an A&P) that was implemented via Boeing after a series of hijackings with this particular plane.

This is such ‘old news’ that it’s hard to believe it has not been verified before. Then again, say something enough and it will become true via lore.

I know an old Boeing engineer who says he worked
on the Cooper vane (he's part of a group of such people) - of course he says he knows where Earhardt
is too??? He says it was a Boeing thing, following the Cooper hijack. He says it was Boeing's idea, their mandate, and the FAA liked the idea so they mandated it too. (Then King Leopold of Moravia
mandated it too! Grace Kelly was busy.) His story is backed up by the others in the Boeing group - who
also know where Earhardt is.


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There are several instances of accomplices being prosecuted from aiding non-fatality bombings from the 1960s that the US Attorneys office pursued in the 1980s. I could not believe on air an attorney would tell Mr. Geestman a legal opinion on his immunity from prosecution. It was a shockingly reckless thing to say. He is not Mr. Geestman's attorney and therefore shouldn't be giving unsolicited counsel. Trust me, if DB Cooper announces himsel and his compadre - they will both face charges. However, since KC and Geestman didn't commit the crime, I guess its all good theater.

Blevins and the Magii of Decoded aside, I agree
with you. Something strange about an "on air public"
dismissal of all charges for a person Blevins says is
a liar and a felon. Who is thatguy to be issuing
pardons and legal advice, for the Feds ? Wierdo
is as wierd does. I also noticed they called him the
"PROSECUTOR". As distinct from PERSECUTOR ?

Has PROSECUTOR become a noun of great legal
and social value today vs in former times vs school
teacher, and when did that happen? Who is God now?

There is something phony about the whole thing, or
we definately live in a new paradise. The Paradise of
Blevins and Decoded and Court decisions on live
reality abdunction tv! ? Do the Laws of Physics still
apply in this new universe? Who decides? The
housecleaner and the PROSECUTIR? PLEASE LET US

If Decoded is the New Law of the nation why did they
take it off and what do we do until it returns? I have
a parking ticket to deal with! I need to talk to the

Funny how 377 hasnt issued an opinion on this ?
Or the Gregory sketch either ?

Who in hell is running Paradise these days - anyone

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I could not believe on air an attorney would tell Mr. Geestman a legal opinion on his immunity from prosecution. It was a shockingly reckless thing to say.

Really? No suspected accomplices were indicted, only the guy on the plane. The SOL has expired. What's so "shockingly reckless" about opining that a DBC accomplice can not be prosecuted today?

Giving advice to non clients is risky, but the advice given was correct as far as legal analysis goes.

Still, when the Feds want to put you away they can be VERY resourceful. I know of a case where they knew a guy was doing major credit card fraud but couldn't make a case. They ended up getting him convicted of bank fraud for lieing on his mortgage loan application. He was current on his loan and never had a missed or late payment, but the app was full of lies about employment, salary etc.

Tacomaman: do you still think LDC is a viable DBC candidate? If so, why. Don't just say "trust me." Give us a solid reason. Will Marla get to be on Letterman after all?

Letterman will like the 2 way radio part of Marla's tale. David Letterman is a closet SWL, short wave listener. He has a receiver and uses it. It doesn't fit with his hip image so it's a down low hobby, but he listens.

Read the Howard Stern interview of David Letterman. Stern really dogs him about listening to short wave radio.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I could not believe on air an attorney would tell Mr. Geestman a legal opinion on his immunity from prosecution. It was a shockingly reckless thing to say.

Really? No suspected accomplices were indicted, only the guy on the plane. The SOL has expired. What's so "shockingly reckless" about opining that a DBC accomplice can not be prosecuted today?

Giving advice to non clients is risky, but the advice given was correct as far as legal analysis goes.

Still, when the Feds want to put you away they can be VERY resourceful.

Make up your mind. He is, or he aint!

20 years for indecision!

le PROSECUTOR ala Beef Days dECODED is NOT
speaking an an officer of any Court or he sure as
hell better not be! It matters not if he is right or
wrong. It matters only that his words carry No Legal
Authority. His words are no more than an opinion.

I enjoyed those actors on Decoded, pretending.

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I have not read Geoffry's book but I am being told some of what is in that book.

Wavy or curly hair? The FBI never said one way or another but the pictures showed straight hair.

Seems as though Geoffry questioned a witness a little more than the FBI did. The dark brown suit has become another color and the lapels wider. He also stated the stems on Coopers glasses where very thick. I do NOT know why Duane wore such heavy stemmed glasses - other than they may have been the style or they were cheap frames. The heavy stems pushed his ears down and that is what we see with the enlargement of the Canon intake photo in 1960.

The release photo he is NOT wearing glasses and his ears appear for the most part very normal in proportion to his other features. I never knew that mean looking pointy eared person in the intake photo with a frown that spelled trouble..

Green has shown a picture of the ankle boots which was Duane's shoe of choice. I guess others might call them ankle shoes.
Tina was only 22 yrs old and she is the one to identify the shoes.

Mitchell the college student who was the last person to move from the 2ed class to the forward cabin - told me about seeing something sticking out below Coopers pants - he did NOT say shoes and we did NOT discuss the shoes.

Mitchell told me he thought it might have been long underwear...he did not mention a color. The socks Duane always wore where high socks and knee highs. Duane also wore long johns in the winter.

If Grey's information is accurate this is starting to look more and more like Weber... was Cooper. All I know is what has been showing up in articles pertaining to the book. I do NOT have a clue what he wrote about me or Weber.

The 21 questions I sent to the FBI really need to be answered.
Also Jerry needed to show documents regarding his claim. Let's face it if his story was true the FBI would have metioned that very early on in the investigation of Duane Weber.

The FBI really needs to find out who mentioned Books their relative left on the plane and tell them about what REALLY happened to those books. They were not returned or placed into evidence.

Maybe Cooper touched those books - and one of them touched his heart and he took it with him! Was Tina or another passenger on their way to a Thanksgiving dinner with family and carried these book for reference? Maybe the individual had gone to an early Thanksgiving with family members and they were gifts to that person.

One of the books originated out of the N.E. and the other one was specifically the N.W. so we have North East meeting North West for a Thanksgiving dinner...What a Smorgasbord that must have been. By the way Duane's mother used to cook for a Smorgasbord in Ohio.
She died in 1958 long before this book was ever published.

Cooper was very careful to retrieve his note from Shaffner and therefore he would have been just as cautious about leaving any prints at all. Why would he do that (because his prints where a matter of record or so he thought). He had a criminal background.

What does NOT make sense is the FBI claiming the McNeil prints are the Prints of Duane L. Weber and yet they also denied he was ever in McNeil in the yr. 2000, until I was adamant he was and I was holding the government record of this incarceration.

So what is it? Was there a foul up in the prints of Duane Weber that have been used. If Duane Weber's prints where on file when he was arrested in 1966 as John C. Collins and sentenced to the Jefferson Federal prison...why did he not serve his term as Duane L. Weber and why was his commutation of sentence given to John C. Collins in 1968?

Since the FBI went to CO looking for WEBER not long after that - I have lots of ominous theories about why the FBI or CIA was looking for him. If Weber had commited another crime - HOW and WHY was he able to evade the law? Bear in mind they went looking for him in late 1968 and this is when the wife and Duane fled to N.Orleans with her kids in toe. He was living and working as Duane L. Weber - he was NOT hiding. Why did Weber run?
The FBI went to CO looing for Duane L. Weber - not John C. Collins.

We can run lots of theories about the hows and whys, but I suspected in 2000 a print error. I do KNOW the FBI refused adamantly to provide me with the Jefferson information. I have an email and note of phone calls with Jefferson - and then suddenly the young lady who told me certain individuals did reside as residents (1966-1968) suddenly was no long there. I guess prisons have turn overs just like the FBI - and one doesn't know what the other agent knew.

After that I had to deal with the FBI and the prison could not communicate with me as they had before. The government knew I needed those records to draw his SS under John Collins.

Too damn many unanswered questions!

Everything is very quiet in Cooper World right now - because Grey's book must have thrown some other stuff out there or maybe everyone is reading his book instead of posting. I hope I have one by tomorrow...and then I will find out how bad he made Weber look or how bad he made me look and how he treated all of the subjects.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins writes:

The first is the classic by Marjorie Phleger about a Cessna pilot who is driven fifty miles offshore of Baja California and crash-lands on a small island. He ends up making friends with a coyote named Amigo.

Cute, but how does a coyote get 50 miles offshore? A Border Collie surely could pull it off, but a coyote?

You know we give Bruce a really hard time about spinning a non interview into a story, but look at Gray's recent NY Times piece. It is amusing but has no substance. Nobody jumped Gray for that puff piece.

I was really surprised Quade dropped in a few pages ago. He let us know that he only comes around when bored, but still, he posted. Quade is an aspiring screenwriter, but wisely shuns DBC as a topic, character or theme. Nobody has made any serious money on Cooper. Doubt if anyone ever will.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The staute of limitations has run out on any accomplices. They cannot be successfully prosecuted for Norjack. That law was enacted by legislatures. Courts can interpret it but judges dont write statutes.

My point was that the Feds could look for more viable and more current offenses to charge them with, things totally unrelated to Norjack such as unreported income, bank loan application fraud etc.

Bernie is home free on Norjack regardless of guilt or innocence.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The staute of limitations has run out on any accomplices. They cannot be successfully prosecuted for Norjack. That law was enacted by legislatures. Courts can interpret it but judges dont write statutes.

Bernie is home free on Norjack regardless of guilt or innocence.


At least for a few days they would have access to a clean bed and food and medical care. ;)

:D:DWhat is funny about that? Hell, I don't know I just think it's funny! Perhaps it would serve them right for missing the boat 15 yrs ago.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The staute of limitations has run out on any accomplices. They cannot be successfully prosecuted for Norjack. That law was enacted by legislatures. Courts can interpret it but judges dont write statutes.

My point was that the Feds could look for more viable and more current offenses to charge them with, things totally unrelated to Norjack such as unreported income, bank loan application fraud etc.

Bernie is home free on Norjack regardless of guilt or innocence.


You and I live in totally different worlds. In my world
until a thing is tested (especially law) it is not a
living reality, merely an opinion. It may even be a
good opinion based on case law and precidents, but
again until it is tested and decided in a specific
case ... well its merely opinion.

Now. If a case was brought to Court and quickly
thrown out based on what you say above, THEN,
it has some force in present day law.

I have watched too many former socalled precidents
being turned over since 1980 to be certain of
anything in today's legal system. Our Courts have
changed. I think that is a fact.

Telling Geestman on a tv program he is immune
from prosecution for Norjak, is a lot like telling him
he will never have cancer from ....... what?

Moreover it was clear the socalled Prosecutor was
giving the "opinion" as a device to free Geestman
up to talk? But, the milk bones did not get the dog
to bark, did they! I wonder why!? Duhhh.

All this socalled Prosecutor proved was that he is an
idiot on an idiotic tv program meant for idiots with
too much time on their germ free hands. Yuppie

And what if Geestman had nothing to do with
Norjak? Then what? This program would never have
happened (to Geestman) if not for Mr. Blevins.

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Georger says:


'le PROSECUTOR ala Beef Days dECODED is NOT
speaking an an officer of any Court or he sure as
hell better not be! It matters not if he is right or
wrong. It matters only that his words carry No Legal
Authority. His words are no more than an opinion.

I enjoyed those actors on Decoded, pretending.'

You are trashing the whole show because you are angry they did a segment on Christiansen. It's obvious.

Why would I be angry that some bunch of fools
do a program on Kenny C ? What has that got to
do with me? :D. If anything Im glad you did
the program! I like watching Blevins K'Neival jump
the river of fire in his row boat and posting his ass
off on the internet as if he has discovered anti-
gravity and The Arc of the Covenant, then saying:
'well, maybe it isn't' ? . :P

It's obvious? You know it when you see it?
Whatever "it" is. And I seriously doubt whatever
"it" is, "it" matters!:D Can you follow that?
Read it again Sam.

I am not a vampire. Go look for vampires
somewhere else,

Point your sticks and your scriptures somewhere
else, Nimrod.

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Bernie dug himself a HUGE hole when he said he thought Kenny was the hijacker. Why? Because Helen Jones and her daughter have both testified that KENNY AND BERNIE were together over the week of the hijacking. Jones also added that Ken Christiansen told her this about three or four weeks after the hijacking, but he dodged her on what he was doing.

I do NOT know who is burying who, but Blevins is digging a hole so deep he won't be able to crawl out of it when the truth comes down. Kenny was NOT Cooper.

Perhaps Geestmen had a secret also - maybe he wasn't gay and maybe there were worst things than being gay in those days...especially if you didn't share it with your wife. There are somethings people do in their lives - they just do NOT want their children to know about. I expect I know what Geestman is hiding and it has nothing to do with his wife, but what his children would think of him if they knew the truth.

Geestman was not a Cooper accomplice and Kenny was not Cooper. Ask the FBI?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You and I live in totally different worlds. In my world
until a thing is tested (especially law) it is not a
living reality, merely an opinion. It may even be a
good opinion based on case law and precidents, but
again until it is tested and decided in a specific
case ... well its merely opinion.

I see your point Georger, but you depend every day on the certainty of laws. You justifiably feel safe from a speeding violation if you are going slower than a posted speed limit.

Law is squishy. It's fluid. Its meaning is changed all the time. I'm an engineer too. I know the other side where laws are physical and not capable of alteration by mercurial judges.

Some laws are a lot less squishy than others. SOLs arent squishy. They are quantitative. They have an easily calculated expiration date. The US Department of Justice knew that unless they got the guy in the plane indicted before the SOL expired he would be off scott free if found later. That's why they indicted him. It would have been impossible to get accomplices indicted because there was zero evidence of their existence and connection to the skyjack.

I think any and all Cooper accomplices, if they exist, are home free. If Bernie was an accomplice he could write a tell all book without risk of prosecution for Norjack.

If the Ted Braden pictures are authentic he isn't a good match for the witness descriptions.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I bought Gray's book. Other than the really unflattering description he gives of Jerry Thomas and a few pieces here and there, I have read all of it on this board. I am 295 pages in and sorely disappointed. All the hype that it was going to be "the Book", it did not live up to it's reputation.

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Evillejumper: I am about halfway through the book and totally agree with you. "It is a waste of my money and time". However, I keep reading as I wait to find out if there is anything new in the next chapter. That is just the way it is with the DB Cooper case.


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There is a statute of limitations for a crime and that is good if you are a criminal and counting down the minutes till you can brag about it or sell it. Like Henry Hill did with ‘Goodfellas’.

No prosecution for all those crimes since he did not commit any murders, or so he said.

Oops, save one notable exception. And I quote from the book of IRS:

“There is no statute of limitations for instances where a return was not filed or a fraudulent return was filed. In a case where no return was filed, the IRS may assess additional tax or begin collection activity at any time. In fraud cases where there is a willful attempt to evade taxation, the IRS may make an assessment or pursue court action for the collection of tax at any time.”

Guess what? I got a fever and the only prescription is calling your husband an accomplice to a crime that you benefitted from financially and did not claim those windfall gains as income, thus making it a fraudulent return. What an ill wind blows through the valley of deception and puppy spanking.

Ohhhhhhhh, I’ll bet someone’s shorts are filling with gold bricks over this.

How could Bernie’s wife afford a quarter million dollar ranch as a bookkeeper? By harvesting the fruit from the tree of treachery and not paying your taxery no doubt.

I think there should be a much closer examination of where these people acquired such assets. Considering they claimed to stay married for the financial benefits into the ‘90s (divorce appeal) there is one step in the direction of malfeasance already. If she divorced Bernie because he was a crook then her moral outrage has a sloooow burning fuse.

Bernie’s wife confirmed, in sworn testimony, in court that she only received one serving of ‘pork’ from him in the ‘70s. Oh my, it’s all so salacious and unseemly.

What will be next?

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there is a lot of Dutch stuff around the US but I gather not many if anyone actually still speaks (much less even recognises) the old language. (I say this because of the pronunciation of things like Stuyvesant and Van Wyck in NY.)

So in the interests of enlightenment I feel compelled to share with you that:
1) Geestman is a Dutch surname; and (the point of this post):
2) it means "Spirit man".

Can this be a coincidence? I think not. It must have meaning. Farflung, you have to be able to do something with this, surely?! :)

In the meantime I admit to not having paid enough attention to where Bernie's wife got all the money from.

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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