Farflung 0 #24876 August 12, 2011 You’re right Orange1, I find the Dutch language to be another unsolvable mystery. The Dutch probably should be awarded some sort of linguistic trophy for the sheer number of languages they can switch between. But they may not understand all the nuances of American. That’s right I’ve declared American to be a separate language. Hell, I don’t understand half of what is written on this thread. First of all what was up with all the grocery stores closing at 6? And thanks for telling me that I need to bring my own bag. And weigh and tag produce before checking out. OK, I think that’s all I have to say about Dutch grocery stores. Wrong again, individual bottles of beer? Where are the six packs? Rent a shopping cart? Did I mention that the beer was not in six packs? You have to bag your own groceries with your own bag? And what about this national nightmare which manifests in the fact that beer is not sold in six packs? I would have complained if I spoke Dutch, Flemish, German, Spanish or French but I’m an American and only speak broken English. So I asked, “What sorry mother is dying to have a can of whop ass opened because he forgot to stock the brew aisle with six packs?” Damn right they gave me a long silent stare, that’s respect. So I’m in a cheese shop (yeah they still exist in Europe) and asked for a pound of Gouda all Americany which means Gooo-Duh. The man behind the counter said he did not know what I was talking about and said I would need to make my order in grams. OK, I said it was one of the most popular cheeses in the US and it is called Gooooo-Duuuuhhhhh, louder and slower because that is how Americans translate for foreigners. You got it, I was in the Netherlands, but they are still foreigners in an American’s viewpoint. He still wasn’t sure and I spotted a label and said right there. He said GOW-dah? You wanted Gouda? Yes I said, refusing to say it all girly and just called it cheese now. I’ll take 5 grams assuming the exchange rate for metric to be similar to the guilder/dollar ratio. So ‘Mr Talks Funny Form A Different Country In Many Languages Guy’ turns around a produces a slice that would not cover a cracker and asks “Is this how much you want?” How many grams are in an ounce? Around 25 he estimated. Great then set me up with 500 grams and I’m happy. Now he pulls out a huge wheel of Gouda and slices a wedge and puts it in the scale which reads 501. “That’s fantastic” I said, “You must have a good eye for this.” “I should” he responded, “Because all I do all day is cut the cheese.” He said this with a straight face and with a hint of pride, additionally his elocution was flawless. I reacted with a long silent stare. I don’t think it was respect though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24877 August 12, 2011 Ah Farflung, you have me chuckling. Yes renting a trolley is a bit of a surprise; but at least they know they get them back. I love the Dutch personally. Also love visiting Holland because I can understand almost all the signs which always makes life easy! English speakers with no second language cannot pronounce the Germanic G often. I can understand the amusement, much like I was amused to discover the NY expressway is pronounced "van wick" when the correct pronunciation is "fun vake". P.S.: 500g is a lot of cheese! PPS: True fact: Orange1 has met the Queen of the Netherlands (Beatrix) and her late husband Philip, and dined in the Royal Palace in Amsterdam ....many many moons ago.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Green 0 #24878 August 12, 2011 Has anyone noticed that Taco has yet to answer any of my questions? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #24879 August 12, 2011 QuoteHas anyone noticed that Taco has yet to answer any of my questions? Yes. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #24880 August 12, 2011 Quote PPS: True fact: Orange1 has met the Queen of the Netherlands (Beatrix) and her late husband Philip, and dined in the Royal Palace in Amsterdam ....many many moons ago. Tell us more Orange, no teasing allowed here... unless you are Jo. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #24881 August 12, 2011 Orange1 noticed: “500 grams is a lot of cheese!” True but after suffering that humiliation, I wanted to stock up and limit my exposure to the metric system. After all, I still like girls. Besides I also had to drive to the ALDI and experience one of the most perplexing pieces of road signage I have ever encountered. I’m willing to forgive the mindless placement of traffic lights that actually put the signal behind your car when stopped at an intersection. In fact I found the little mini lights mounted on the pole to be cute once I realized how to use them after someone honked and shouted ‘klootzak’. This of course means, ‘You appear to have missed the green light kind sir.’ As for signs with words; once the aggregate numbers of letters in a nation’s alphabet has been exceeded in a single word, I’m lost. Damn there sure were a bunch of them in Holland. I’m sure that ‘gerechtsdeurwaarderskantoor’ means something in Dutch or between twins with their weird and freaky way of communicating, but as far as I knew it meant ‘Boulder Hazard Next 12 Miles’. I’m pretty sure that is a correct interpretation. Leaving this harbinger of potential paralysis, this portal to the eighth level of hell, the hopeless diamond of destruction, this cruel sick joke the Dutch are playing on the rest of the world with a road sign that makes Russian roulette a preferable choice. I can say from personal experience, many times, that the yellow color and the skid marks certainly apply to what was produced inside my car. So in your own well crafted words Orange1, perhaps you would like to explain the rationale behind the ‘Priority’ symbol and their utterly random placement across the country that claims ‘Victory from the waves’? Or is this one of the secrets you and ‘Bea’ swore never to reveal during your audience with her highness? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24882 August 12, 2011 Ah, it was a combination of knowing the right people and by pure luck being in Amsterdam at the right time. Was formally introduced to the Queen though did not chat much, however did chat a lot to Klaus ( just realized I wrote Philip in previous post! Bad memory, wrong prince!) who was very interesting - he was German and told us all about the anti-German sentiment he had faced after the war. I can't remember what we ate but remember that the waiters wore white gloves. In typical Amsterdam style the ...um, mayor I think it was, who escorted us to the palace arrived on a bicycle! As we didn't have to be checked out by him we were not escorted out; left the palace, got on a tram back to our hotel and remember thinking no-one else on the tram would believe it if we told them where we had just eaten supper Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24883 August 12, 2011 Farflung, the yellow diamond on white background is a right of way sign. Never seen one with those black lines through it though, did you add those?! I try never to drive in a foreign country, especially if it is not the UK or Australia (never been down under) because driving on the right confuses me, and because in countries where signs are in local language rather than pictures it is more confusing. Remember sitting on a bus in Spain going past some major detour where all the signs were in Spanish and feeling very grateful we had decided to use public transport rather than renting a car.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24884 August 12, 2011 I do hope Mr Green and I are the only colors here. I know no-one wants to be Mr Pink. And I would like everyone to keep their ears intact.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24885 August 12, 2011 Oh, and gerechtsdeurwaarderkantoor.... A Kantoor is an office. A gerechtsdeurwaarder is like a sheriff I think - gerechts is justice, waarder like warden or warder, (someone who looks after) so you were at the office of someone who looks after justice what did you do, exactly, with your cheese to get there....? Dutch, German, Afrikaans all put words together in one rather than the English convention of leaving them separate, when forming a noun. In SA there is a town (supposedly) called tweebuffelsmeteenkoeeldoodgeskietfontein, which means "two buffalos shot dead with one bullet town". Maybe Cooper has been hiding out there? Edit: I got the name a bit wrong. It does actually exist but is a farm not a town: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #24886 August 12, 2011 Orange1 slyly asked: “Never seen one with those black lines through it though, did you add those?!” I did not. This is in fact the most despicable creation I’ve come across in all my global travels and the Dutch act like they don’t know what I’m talking about, denialists. How’s that for a little conspiracy? While driving to work, with my hands at the 10 and 2 o’clock position and traveling at the legal speed limit down a two lane road (as 97% are) a car just pulled out in front of me at an intersection utterly free of any stop, yield or deer crossing signs. I slam on the brakes and become micro-religious while simultaneously scent marking my heliotrope Twingo. This man gets out if his car and in fluent pissedoff-ese takes me back to that sign and points. I nod and beg forgiveness and he marches off. Now I get back in my too cool Twingo and start down the same road and at the next intersection see a car coming so I stop. This guy gets pissed and is waving me by and I shake my head and wave him around just in time to hear a horn from the rear. I just can’t win. And this after going through the rigorous procedure of getting an International Driving License (read go to a AAA office and drop $15). I still have night sweats about that sign and what a Rorschach Easter egg hunt they can be. So between looking through my right window at the mini traffic lights and scanning for the ‘Black Laced Diamonds of Death’ who knows what I may have collided with while driving safely? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #24887 August 12, 2011 Ah yes. It does make sense that a line through a right of way sign means NO right of way (though I would expect it to be a thick red bar and not little black lines). Will you be using the train next time you are in Holland then?Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #24888 August 12, 2011 Once again Jo you need to invest in a polygraph machine and operator.Permanetly employ one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #24889 August 12, 2011 Evillejmper: So you didn't like Geof's book what is it that you think he could have done better. I have not read the book as of yet however I just got off the phone with Geof Gray a couple of minutes ago. He said he tried to be as honest as he could with everything he wrote and was sorry you didn't enjoy the book. I was curious as to what he had written that was o un flaterring in reference to me. Maybe you can tell me Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #24890 August 12, 2011 Quote Evillejmper: So you didn't like Geof's book what is it that you think he could have done better. I have not read the book as of yet however I just got off the phone with Geof Gray a couple of minutes ago. He said he tried to be as honest as he could with everything he wrote and was sorry you didn't enjoy the book. I was curious as to what he had written that was o un flaterring in reference to me. Maybe you can tell me Jerry Diatoms for one thing! You asked! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #24891 August 13, 2011 Geoger your info on Diatoms and mine differ greatly. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24892 August 13, 2011 Jerry you didn't make it into the Rabbit Hole. When he quoted one of your posts calling me "ignorante" and ordering me to leave the forum - that said it all. Hope your Daughter Charlene has finished recovery and is enjoying her new place. He enquired of her why you had looked for Cooper for so long: You won't like her answer. $ Yes, that was a $ sign.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #24893 August 13, 2011 QuoteHas anyone noticed that Taco has yet to answer any of my questions? Well, noted. I think perhaps her notations were handled well by those who did address her - "issues". Geoffrey Greys book actually was very well written compared to other books about Cooper. It was easy to follow and it was funny and it was perplexing. It was an investigative book, but one that will be read as a Novel by many and it will stand the test of time. It certainly was NOT boring. The last chapter is hilarious especially when you know all of the characters. Those not as connected to the Cooper case as many are will not grasp the forces that drive the characters (all real people) to do what they do. What is interesting is Grey gets sucked into the Rabbit Hole. When all the research is done and the subjects are explored, he ends this book with what may well be an untold truth. The Curse of Cooper. It was funny how he crawled into the Rabbit Hole himself, but that is what it takes when you write about real people trying to find answers for real mysteries. You go where they went and hope you find your way out...or at least survive to write another book. I believe this book will be one of many others to come. The style was unique for a subject of this nature (an unsolved mystery).Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Green 0 #24894 August 13, 2011 Where is Mr. Blonde? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pat71 0 #24895 August 13, 2011 QuoteJerry you didn't make it into the Rabbit Hole. When he quoted one of your posts calling me "ignorante" and ordering me to leave the forum - that said it all. Hope your Daughter Charlene has finished recovery and is enjoying her new place. He enquired of her why you had looked for Cooper for so long: You won't like her answer. $ Yes, that was a $ sign. I'd like to see you go away also. You clog this site worse than the colon of an 84 year old man on an all meat diet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #24896 August 13, 2011 Jo . Its clear Ill have to read the book. I'm Sure that whatever was refered to as my Daughter should have been Deanna that is her name. Still as we all no and I have posted in the past when she was in the hospital on life support that she did have a drug problem. Still Does! I do have 2 Kids out of 4 that are doing great. One make's over 150,000 a year and my daughter at 30 makes 90,000 a year not much for some parents to be prowd of but for me I'm estatic. Sure i may not be prowd of all my kid's However I do love them and will do all I can to make sure that they do receive the best help that I can even if others do not agree with me. If my Kids do good they deserve the praise if the break the law they must pay there debt to society if they lie they have no buisness talking to me untill they correct that lie. As for Money I asure you that is the least of my wories. Hell You are Blevins couldn't make enough in a year together off the sale of any book or books. to even pay my bills for 3 months or any one else's on this forum for that mater so why the reference to ($) strange. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #24897 August 13, 2011 QuoteWhile I have been out there hitting the bricks and dirt trails all around the Pacific Northwest interviewing people and digging for the truth, I see junk like this from Georger: Quote'Why would I be angry that some bunch of fools do a program on Kenny C ? What has that got to do with me? . If anything Im glad you did the program! I like watching Blevins K'Neival jump the river of fire in his row boat and posting his ass off on the internet as if he has discovered anti- gravity and The Arc of the Covenant, then saying: 'well, maybe it isn't' ? . It's obvious? You know it when you see it? Whatever "it" is. And I seriously doubt whatever "it" is, "it" matters! Can you follow that? Read it again Sam. I am not a vampire. Go look for vampires somewhere else, Point your sticks and your scriptures somewhere else, Nimrod...' I think it just pisses you off that some dumb farm kid from Sumner, Washington got farther along on the Cooper case than YOU did with your access to all the files. But there is a difference between the two of us. I know that you won't find the truth about Cooper under a microscope. There was never any way that someone could pull off a caper like Cooper did and that someone else, somewhere, was either involved or knew about it, or had clues to it that they probably didn't even realize were important. You and Tom Kaye did all that work and came up with basically nothing, at least according to Geoff Gray. Well, now you know what silver looks like under a microscope and you narrowed down some pollen to a thousand different species or something. Hey, good work boys. Okay, not really. Maybe you should have been out talking to actual people instead. That is what I did, and it's not my fault that some of these people chose to say the things they did, or identify the things they did, tried to lie and got caught, or revealed other things that inexorably kept leading to Kenny. I just published the results. And not one time have you ever tried to legitimately dispute those results with reasonable arguments. You just keep dropping insults on me. The guy you should be harping on is Geoff Gray, not me. It was HE who first proposed that Ken could be the hijacker. It was HE who revealed the true nature (and rather poor results) of your work with Kaye. So why don't you drop by his website and give him the same stuff you like to give me: http://huntfordbcooper.com/ Not one bit of the evidence presented on Christiansen is good enough for you. You don't even consider him a suspect in the case. My advice is you get over the bitterness regarding your failures in the Cooper case and move on. Signed, Dumb Farm Kid Who Might Be Smarter Than You Think well that's a mouth full. "Inexorably" ? Havent heard that word (a word highschool sophomores use to death having just discovred it), since Zola Crammie's rhetoric class in 1960. You gave me a reason to go take a pee and make coffee. Thanks! Keep up the good work. We are counting on you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #24898 August 13, 2011 Blevins: Thought you would like to know that I talked to Curtis Last night in reference to your candidate for cooper. How Could you embarass yourself as you did by writing and publishing your book after being given the info Others had given you. On him. Why go off on Geoger. You do not have the right or the education or experience to include in my opinion the Knowledge to do so. This Man is out of your leage. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #24899 August 13, 2011 Pat71: Are you saying you Know this because of experience. You must only a person with personal experience would make such comments.You No what I Don't think I will not Go away I Have been a major part of this case for over 25. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Green 0 #24900 August 13, 2011 Damn Jerry, are you a tad bit grouchy tonite? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites