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DB Cooper

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Blevins: Thought you would like to know that I talked to Curtis Last night in reference to your candidate for cooper. How Could you embarass yourself as you did by writing and publishing your book after being given the info Others had given you. On him. Why go off on Geoger. You do not have the right or the education or experience to include in my opinion the Knowledge to do so. This Man is out of your leage. Jerry

If there is anything Blevins needs to address, its
Farflung's post earlier today.

Farflung struck straight through to the core of
one of Blevin's main witnesses, and the reliability
of her testimony.

I thought Farflung's post was very insightful, as

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Blevins. Why do you continue to Bless us with your BS and your book This I do not understand after being told by the FBI that your candidate was not Cooper. They used all there resorces as they did for Duane weber an tested all evidence DNA And finger prints to include Composite drawings and proved that yours and Jo webers/ many other Maried names. Was not Cooper, So Why do you continue to give this forum your un educated knowledge. Or is it you are trying to win the best fiction writer award from Jo Weber, You do realize that that is one record you will never be able to beat, Unless you win it for the only published fiction writer. Is that your Goal. Jerry

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Blevins Wrong answer this last quest by another cooper want abee did cause even your bs to be checked out. Still how do you explain that not even the first criteriea for yor candidate could be passed for instance The look alike contest or even the where abouts at the time of the crime or better yet The lies you told involving this case, Still You were told by me even before you published your book that you were rong and that even the worst candidate for this crime was a better one than yours . Sorry hero Your candidate has been eliminated by the FBI. Acording to them Otherwise Post the results saying that the DNA or Finger Prints was Your candidatre . We Both no The FBI cant prove that your candidate was cooper and will not because they no it is not him and there test results proved it just like webers. Jerry

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I loved Geoffrey's book. I thought his account of the hijacking was superb. In fact, he loaded it with so much dialogue and nuance that I stopped being angry that he had exclusive access to the FBI files!

I'm grateful that he put so much defintive information in one place. It's a treasure. I love how Tina joked with DB, and how she stepped in when Flo was losing her cool.

Also, I loved reading about so many of you here. I've come to know many of the DZ personalities, either meeting in person or chatting over the phone. It's like gossip coming alive. I thought GG's description of Jo, particularly her late night phone calls filled with hysteria, were spot on.

And I didn't know Georger was such a scientist - responsible for the formation of the Citizen Sleuth Team. Whoa, G!

Geoff's self-descriptions were very honest and courageous, such as his ruminations on winning the Pulitzer, and his paranoid night sweats in the Catskills.

"So that's where he called me from when I gave him the phone number for Jay Unger. Wow!" I thought to myself.

Now to the dangling facts and loose threads of his narrative.

1. Besides the 8 cigs lost, we now have missing hair fibers to discuss. Or at the very least, how come the FBI doesn't cite them as a source of DB Cooper DNA? Where are they, are they being used - or if not, why not?

2. How come Coss told me the NB6 and the Paracommander were his chutes? Gray says Coss had sold them before the skyjacking. What's up?

BTW: GG is on a nationwide book tour. He's in the Seattle area next Monday and Tuesday. In addition, he's putting together a DBC symposium for the Ariel shin-dig. That should be great.

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Blevins stated out of frustration and utter exhaustion how he felt about Jerry's onslaughter of posts spouting off how connected he is to the Agent of record and how much he knows the post below:


If you want to spout baloney, go stand at the front gates of the Oscar Meyer factory.

Christiansen's DNA has NOT been tested by the FBI. He has NOT been investigated except for a brief contact to Lyle Christiansen back in 2007. His fingerprints from his Army induction records have NOT been pulled and compared to the prints they have from the plane.

I am off to bed now. I will post up a bit about the slideshows tomorrow evening.

I thought they had checked his prints, but so much gets said in the thread it is hard to keep up with who said what. Love the baloney part and what a nice polite way to say "Shove It Jerry".

Geoffry's book played it right down the middle. Even though he was responsible for introducing KC to the world he managed to be very objective and it actually is funny in places considering it is an unsolved crime?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Grey talks about the results of some tests done by Georger and T kaye. I do not understand those test results and the controversary over them.
I would like to know if the Windows of the Boeing 727's have this same chemical or element in them as the other parts of the plane and for the two of them to remember who provided the paint for the 727's - Sherwin Williams Chemicals out of Chicago.

Georger and Kaye seem to forget that I mention Duane claimed to have put $$$ in a bucket and couldn't find the bucket (said under morpine in the hospital after he told me he was Dan Cooooper).

Would old buckets made of plastic or metal having contained feed, fertilizer, construction, plumbing and pipe works have this chemical?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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After reading a lot of the posts on here espicially the last 6 months I've come to the conclusion that JT is full of misguided anger. Take it easy Jerry. Jo and Blevins have done their respective homework and each believe their man is Cooper. with all the mis-steps and corruption regarding the FBI and their lab it's a wonder that they can rule anyone out or in. so please stay off their asses, report your facts and........CALM DOWN!

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For clarification purposes:
Until Duane made the final decision to cease dalysis he had been in the hosptial for about 2 wks. He had refuse dialysis twice that week and this is when the Dr and his nurse and the Hosp Administrator went to see him

When I entered the room he asked me if I had the briefcase which he had instructed me to keep with me at all times. This when he provided them with the documents. He told the Dr to look at the date the documents had been signed - 1990 - when he first started treatment. I was unaware of these documents until at that moment.

The Dr. was very direct with both of us and told us without intervention he would die in about 5 days a wk. Duane would live for 11 days after that decision.

It was right after the Dr had left that he wanted me to be sure there was NO one in the room because the door was not visible from where his bed was. This is when he told me He was Dan Cooper. When he could NOT make me understand who Dan Cooper was - he got angery and shouted "Oh, F---, Let it die with me." This outrage is why they came into the room and started him on morphine.....
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I loved Geoffrey's book. I thought his account of the hijacking was superb. In fact, he loaded it with so much dialogue and nuance that I stopped being angry that he had exclusive access to the FBI files!

........And I didn't know Georger was such a scientist - responsible for the formation of the Citizen Sleuth Team. Whoa, G!...........

1. Besides the 8 cigs lost, we now have missing hair fibers to discuss. Or at the very least, how come the FBI doesn't cite them as a source of DB Cooper DNA? Where are they, are they being used - or if not, why not?

2. How come Coss told me the NB6 and the Paracommander were his chutes? Gray says Coss had sold them before the skyjacking. What's up?

First, refreshing to hear a positive review.

Second, I thought Georger's involvement (and scientist credentials) were obvious over the course of discussions here ...

Third I've never heard about the hair fibres or Cossey selling the chutes before the hijacking. (Bruce, I still get irritated at your abbreviations of people's names!:))

Are the hair fibres the ace up the FBI's sleeve that everyone is convinced about? But why go public with what may or may not be on a tie and not mention this - unless it is not just DNA that is the issue. Unless for example the fibres show the hair was dyed?

And if Cossey had sold the chutes how come they were still in his possession?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Orange1 suggested:

“Will you be using the train next time you are in Holland then?”

The various modes of travel offer little relief from frustration or abject acceptance of what is patently absurd.

You see after I learned to fear and loathe the ‘End of Priority Road’ sign which brilliantly substituted for the traditional yield and stop signs with something smaller, poorly understood and randomly placed; I tried the train.

Now I’m driving my Twingo to the station. In all honestly, I think wearing is a better verb than driving in regards to a Twingo. Nevertheless, I’m doing pretty good with the road that day and not causing any large amount of discourse as I travel the narrow lanes of the city choked with bicycles, busses, unicycles and pogo sticks all which have their own lanes, signals and road markings.

There’s the station just ahead and there’s one of those ‘Internationally Approved Foolproof’ signs in a comforting hue of blue with a large, upper case, letter ‘P’ in the middle of a rectangular form. I got that warm feeling like I had just peed myself knowing that in spite of my limited language skills, a parking lot was near and because I just did.

This should be simple, hey there’s an open space. Now I’m parked but did not get a ticket from one of those boxes mounted ubiquitously in the US. Hmmmm, that’s peculiar I’ll just have a look around and around and around. Great, now what? So I ask some passing Dutchpeoples how I pay for parking. One woman who appeared bothered by my ignorance showed me the parking machine.

Boy did I feel stupid. That ATM sized machine was mounted in the middle of the sidewalk and facing away from the parking lot and painted black on the back. Oh, thanks for the international ‘P’ sign to get me into this, thanks so much, oh I luv ya, I just luuuuuuvvvv ya. That’s enough complaining about a little Dutch parking lot.

Wrong. Now that I’m standing in front of this convenience I discover that the international symbol committee went home for the night because this thing had more instructions and knobs and lights than a control console in an Apollo space capsule. I did what any self respecting American would do; I threw money at it. I took a fist full of guilder and feed that box and pushed every button and pocketed every receipt that came out. That should do it and quite a value at 47 guilder.

Off to the train and a relaxing ride to Amsterdam without a care in the world.

I returned late that night and walked like I knew what I was doing back to the parking lot and found a bright yellow wheel cover on my beloved Twingo. Now what? Oh great, here’s a ticket and it is written in…. Dutch. Screw it, I’m taking a cab. Apparently you’re supposed to put those tickets from the machine in your car so the cops know you paid. Thanks Frommer’s, AAA, Fodor’s and the rest of the self proclaimed experts on World travel, knowing about those societal differences would have really been helpful.

I decided to go home and have a beer. Just one you see, because the Dutch don’t believe in six packs. It was during these soul crushing times where the combined cost of the parking ticket and the tickets for parking exceeded my days wages that I tend to reflect.

Just the very thought of an ‘International Sign’ is as ridiculous as an international language. All of us have tacitly or blindly accepted that an octagonal shaped sign colored red must have the word ‘STOP’ painted on it also. Gee, why not the same standard for the millions of round red lights? What are we thinking here?

Same for traveling the autobahn at some near sonic speed and passing one of those digital signs flashing some sort of message. What could it be? I know it’s never good news and I’m left with my own abilities to rationally analyze the situation and act accordingly.

I think I’ll try something more logical, without any potential pitfalls or unforeseen problems the next time I travel in Holland. I’m thinking Terrafugia. The car for the ‘Future Cooper’.

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Mentally challenged or mind-altering chemicals? LOL. Farflung, I don't care what anyone else says ...you still make me laugh. And I'll have two of whatever you're taking.

I know I've said it before and maybe you're already a world famous satirist who makes funny collages.....but on the off hand that you're not....you really oughta think about putting it all together and sending out to editors. I can see a book or a regular column in a magazine. "The World (and DB Cooper) According to Farflung".

I subscribe to Texas Monthly (yeah i like cowboys) that used to have a regular columnist named Kinky Friedman. I loved his columns and you are every bit as fresh, funny, and sassy with the written word as he is. Hey, if he can keep a regular gig doing this....just saying..
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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[:/]Yes, I get emotional about all of this - because I was more attached to the subject...Duane Weber...he was my husband for 17 yrs. The rest of you and the writers are talking about an Uncle or friend or someone you researched, because he was a good suspect. Duane was my husband and I have done this for 15 yrs now. Duane confessed and all of the things he told me over the yrs and the things I HELD in my own hands and the things he showed me - THEY DON'T COUNT, because I can't prove them. Yet, the FBI can listen to EGO maniacs like JT whose own records do not speak well for him being a reliable source.

I have a right to be emotional about this. All the others have been removed emotionally from their suspect. Please take that into consideration when I am no longer able to defend myself.

How would you feel if it was your spouse who made a confession and how would you react when you have done the best you could do? I am not a writer or a professional researcher. I want the FBI to really look at Weber the way they should have looked at him 15 yrs ago.

This was my husband - NOT someone I picked out of a magazine and I feel any widow who comes forward as I did should be treated respectfully by the FBI and the FBI should be able to do a face to face to explain HOW and show her what records where used to derive at any conclusions made.

Since so many different agents have been involved during these 15 yrs - a different one for each witness they interviewed regarding Weber and then a different one for the different areas. One agent came to my home (1997), I took somethng to their office (1998), 2 agents picked up the DNA (2003) and 2 returned it in 2008 (one was rude and the other said nothing directly to me at all). The rookie didn't even know who Cooper was and it was obvious he had NO experience - he even left a paper in the box that was supposed to be removed.

Over the yrs there have been multiple agents and the agent one deals with has desk agents.
No one agent interacts with the informer or whatever they call me. Each time I would have to go over and over the same old things and by the time I got to the new stuff I was exhausted and my phone bill running up. It was a NO win situation from the beginning just as it has been with many of you on the thread.

I tried to do the right thing 15 yrs ago...one agent could have done what I have done in one yr and then the FBI would not have spent the hundreds of thousands of dollars expended on Cooper for the last 15 yrs.

Individual outside of the FBI have wasted time and money and lives consumed to sort out the multi-faceted information and often incorrect information made available by the FBI. Yet, Cooper has been sitting right infront of the FBI for 15 yrs and they looked right through him.

The FBI didn't want my help - I wasn't suppose to contact ex-wives and ex-employers and interview old friends...but I did and only after I realized they had NOT contacted those who counted and approached those they did interview in such a way they feared incrimination. Since all most all of the agents where not well informed about the circumstances involving the subjects. They did NOT know the right questions to ask and would have been unable to recognize an untruth told to them by a subject.

Those I could not approach the FBI never contacted...Tommy Gunn was one of them. WHY? WHY did the FBI not contact an individual who Duane had a past with as John Collins and this was a man Duane himself warned me about.

WHY was the FBI not more through in their background search when 2 plus 2 was not adding up to 4. They never looked at the fact Duane had a brother and a sister living in CA and so much of what was originally looked at came out of CA. Why in 2000 when I question the McNeil file being used as a source for prints and yet having been told Duane was NOT in McNeil. Why didn't the FBI not check the prints when John Collins was in prison and his sentence commuted? There is something very very wrong with this picture.

Duane and his wife where apprehended in Cleveland, Ohio but the FBI agent provided her with a ride back to Lawrence, Ks where she had family. What happened - why didn't they arrest him as Duane L. Weber - and she was using a different name (making her an accomplice after the fact). None of this makes any sense at all.
She claimed she didn't know his name was Duane Weber until he was being released. Who dropped what ball and how many other balls have been dropped during this investigation.

This all smells very FOUL. I have some other axes to grind right now - so you won't be seeing anymore lengthy posts from your truely, but I will press on for the truth for as long as I can. No tease, no book - just seeking the truth about Duane L. Weber and John C. Collins who is the only likely Cooper candidate at this time. The media attention right now has brought forth new information I hope is going to make the FBI take another very serious look at Weber. Because the FBI might have to admit their own inadequacies they might choose to ignore the new information.
I hope not.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Gray's book says Duane had a great cheesecake recipe. when you gonna post it?

It was just a hand written recipe on a small spiral note book page tucked inside of one the 2 books that Weber placed on my shelf in 1990. Totally insignificant unless it was written by Tina or one of her family members. It was found in the same book that had Tina's picture in it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Gray's book says Duane had a great cheesecake recipe. when you gonna post it?

It was just a hand written recipe on a small spiral note book page tucked inside of one the 2 books that Weber placed on my shelf in 1990. Totally insignificant unless it was written by Tina or one of her family members. It was found in the same book that had Tina's picture in it.

Is Gray's book advancing the theory that Tina gave Cooper a cheesecake recipe? Has the FBI tested any cheesecakes to see if they match?

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His Last Chapter "The Curse"
I like the way he ended the book.
I don't think we need to talk too much about how it ends - then we spoil it for all of those who are waiting for it to hit the shelves.

I have this quirky habit - I will be reading a book and I like the way it is moving on and then I hit a chapter that doesn't hold my attention. I then go to the last chapter and read a few pages. This then spurs me on to read ALL of the book quickly or it becomes one of those books lying on my night stand that I finish reading just because I spent good money on it.

After reading the last chapter - I couldn't wait to see how his investigation got him to this Rabbit Hole...perhaps we shouldn't spoil it for those who have not read it.

His investigation pulls even a novice right along with him on his quest...I think this style will put it on the Best Seller List.

Perhaps I enjoyed it because I know all the characters from this thread and liked finding more out about them. The causal readers will not quite grasp how he handles certain characters such a Jerry Thomas. Jerry does NOT see himself as others see him.

Word of advise to Jerry - Deal with it.

Me - hell, tell it the way it is. I am what I am...and I like myself. I don't care what other people think and if I did I would never have made it thru the last 15 yrs having to deal with the likes of you, Jerry Thomas.

Me! I call myself a crazy delusional woman - but, am I really?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Is Gray's book advancing the theory that Tina gave Cooper a cheesecake recipe? Has the FBI tested any cheesecakes to see if they match?

Well, lets just wait and see what the 40th Anniversary brings.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Me! I call myself a crazy delusional woman - but, am I really?

Not crazy. Not delusional. Simply obsessed.

And yes Jo, you certainly do have a right to be emotional in dealing with your late husband as a major crime suspect. Emotion, however, doesn't excuse a lack of hard evidence. Your memories are not hard evidence.

Still I've always liked having you here. And it was you who insisted to me that 727s were used for airdrops during the Nam war. Your stubborn insistence and my skepticism lead me to the U of T Air America historian who provided confirmation. You were right.

I don't think DW=DBC but it's OK if you do.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Me! I call myself a crazy delusional woman - but, am I really?

Not crazy. Not delusional. Simply obsessed.

And yes Jo, you certainly do have a right to be emotional in dealing with your late husband as a major crime suspect.

As a major crime suspect?

What suspect? Whose suspect?

The only person who ever brought him to anyone's
attention was - Jo. Nobody walked into Jo's life
saying Duane Weber was DB Cooper!

You have this ass-backwards?

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. It was found in the same book that had Tina's picture in it.

Correction: an indeterminate picture that you claim was Tina, with absolutely no basis whatsoever.

This is why people lose patience with you.

Tina gave Duane a baby picture of herself on 305
during the hijacking.

And I am a "great scientist" and Mother Goose!

Hell get Gray to publish that crappola too!! Maybe
he already has. Jo would probably sue him if he
did. That's copywrited information, isn't it?

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Georger wrote

As a major crime suspect?

What suspect? Whose suspect?

Duane Weber. Jo's suspect. She has a few believers. It's really OK. You and Jerry needn't let Jo Weber have any influence on your heart rate, blood pressure or cortisol and adrenaline levels. Just roll with it, you know, like an emotional PLF.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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