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Robert99 50
QuoteRobert 99 says, (with my comments below them)
QuoteIn reality, the money at Tina Bar answers more questions than it raises. And the money probably did get there by natural means.
And how did it get there by natural means again? Tom Kaye's tests say otherwise.QuoteAs has been pointed out by Farflung and others on this thread, water runs down hill and Paradise Point State Park is down stream from Tina Bar.
This only means that if Cooper was at Paradise Point he didn't toss the money into the river there. I speculated on a river toss, sure, but I've discounted that theory. Unless three of the bundles had little strings connecting them together, it doesn't make sense that three would mysteriously end up in the same exact spot after floating down the river.QuoteThe idea of Cooper planting the money to mislead the investigators doesn't meet the smell test. And if that was Cooper's plan, it failed since the money wasn't found for more than eight years.
You are assuming that the money was planted or placed or ended up there RIGHT AFTER the hijacking. You don't know that. Neither do I. And why doesn't a plant meet your 'smell test'? You didn't say why. And if Cooper planted the money later, say a few years later...then it worked quite well. What did the FBI start saying after they found it? That he probably died.QuoteThe fact that three bundles of money were still intact with rubber bands around them means that they didn't travel very far, certainly not 25 miles.
We agree on this one. The fact that Tom Kaye was able to determine that bundles of money sink rather quickly also proves this.QuoteA rational look at the money find leads to only one conclusion. And that is that Cooper landed near Tina Bar and on solid ground.
You are REALLY reaching here by saying Cooper landed near Tina Bar on solid ground. And if he did, where's the body, the parachutes, the rest of the money? are saying he lived and that he planted the money by saying this, you know. Or that he dropped it or something. Also, Tina Bar is on the west side of Interstate 5, and miles from where both NWA and the FBI figures he jumped.
Proof from you that negates those estimates?
Blevins, The only thing we agree on is that Tina Bar is on the west side of Interstate 5.
Where is YOUR proof that NWA and the FBI know where Cooper jumped? You need to do some checking into your sources rather than just parroting the claims of others. Also, you might ask NWA and the FBI "where's the body, the parachutes, the rest of the money", etc.
Your idea that Cooper would plant the money several years after the hijacking is just plain laughable! He was home free at that point. The FBI didn't have a clue and you yourself have stated that no banks were even looking for the money after about three months. Cooper didn't have anything to worry about at that time.
While I understand your need for Cooper to survive the jump and plant the money at some date, otherwise KC will be eliminated as a suspect, not a single thing suggests that Cooper was alive on November 25, 1971.
You cannot prove that Cooper survived the jump by circular reasoning. While that may be satisfactory for writers of fiction, Mother Nature does not work that way.
Why did you delete your post. I was making a reply and it went Poof. You had told Blevins the only thing you agreed with him on was that Tina's bar is on the WEST SIDE of I-5.
I can't believe Belvins in entertaining doing yet another revision of his book regarding the money. He is bound and determined to keep changing it with every bit of new information that comes he understands the money was not in the river for 7 yrs. I am so fed up with the changing of his stories. I am screaming at the top of my lungs.
You are right Georger - they are all idiots. I was with Cooper when he put the money there - but, no one will ever believe this so that makes me an Idiot, but I have ceased to care.
I have given up all hope anyone will research some records in Koontenai country - I have hoped someone would remember the boy, but he was the same age as Duane so What are the Chances? If he is alive he would not be in Idaho - and probably has no memory of his life back that far. 87 yrs old is really old and that is how old Duane would be if he was alive.
If I could find out what happened in Coeur D Alene it might not prove Weber was Cooper, but it might shed some light on the past of Weber so I can die in peace. Would really be mighty nice of the FBI to allow me access to the information they have on Duane's life and his missing yrs that I have no record of.
Duane and I made 4 stops . One East of Winterly Park (he opened the trunk and went down to the water and told me to stay in the car) he opened the trunk before and after...this is where the track where. The second stop was at that big Green tank along the river West of Winterly (but I got out of the car at the green tank with its little dock). Duane told me what the tank was for, but I forgot.
After that we went under the highway and West away from the river, but back to the river.
There was an industrial area, but I did not get to do that route when I went to WA in Oct of 2010.
I do know that I had been to Tena's bar when I went there with the documentary crew, but it was confusing with all of those people and the way they took me in. The house was familiar, but something was wrong and I got upset and left Himmelsbach and the crew at the river in 2001.
Something was wrong and it may have been how they approached the area. They didn't take me the way Duane did. I talked to Himmelsbach in the car and told him the approach did not feel right.
I told Himmelsbach in the car that Duane and I went thru an industrial area along the river. He said we would pass that on our way back...but, I didn't see what I saw in 1979. I blamed it on the yrs changing things and development. The crew was confusing me and the young man who was the 'guide' had only been in the area for a couple of yrs - a student. This student was instructed by JT as to where to take me. It was every which way, but right.
The crew told me that JT had other plans when I asked why he wasn't there. I think the student was a last minute change and they winged it. Never found out the truth about this - JT says one thing and the crew said differently.
I now know another place - JT claimed did NOT exist - does indeed exist. The woman truck driver told me where it was AFTER the TV crew left in 2001 and some locals took me out there.
I also spoke to a Surveyor from the N.W. who was here in FL. on assignment a few months ago.
I describe the place to the man in the very same way I did to JT in 1997- and he told me immediately what it was. I already knew what it was because I found it in OCT of 2010. I just wanted to know if this man would understand what I was describing - and he did.
I have his phone number if you want to speak to him.
It makes NO sense to me why JT - steered the Crew away from this particular place and told me it did NOT exist. He told me tDUANE turned me around and took me back to the Columbia - I was emphatic with JT on the phone back in the late 90's that I knew what the Columbia looked like and we were NOT on the Columbia and informed him I found the hill he said did not exist. I will let you derive at your own answers to Jerry's actions.
At any rate I did find the site in 2010 (with the help of Bruce Smith). The surveyor had no idea why a woman here in FL would ask him about this place. He just said ANYONE who has live in WA most of their life would know exactly what I was describing. Yet, JT could't or wouldn't?
JT. got LOUD and ANGRY and was coersive with me when I called him after my trip (in Oct of 2010 last yr) to let him know I had found my "hill".
He kept calling me liar liar liar over and over and over and over.
I was in the ER that night because I could not get my heart to slow down.
Why the man would not or could not tell me what my "hill" was is beyond me. Why he could not identify 2 cemeteries I describe also puzzles me - I found them when I went to WA all by myself. The surveyor knew where both cemetries where. I found the park that didn't exist, but it was wet and dark so I did not walk down into it the Way Duane I had done in 1979.
I am the only person who has ever put the money in that river in 1979. I didn't even know where Tena's bar was - I just had what ever was in the book of Fiction by Max Gunther and I had only read a FEW pages when I called them the first time that night in May of 1996.
If that money was not in that river for 7 yrs and had only been there for less than a in the HELL can a stupid woman do it. I wasn't trying to do that - I just told what Duane did on the trip and that is all I did. I would NOT find out the money may not have been in the river for 7 yrs - in this forum....but, I had said my words in 1996. No one talked about what Palmer said in Gunther's book - and Gunther's book does NOT state anything about the money being put in the river or how long it was there.
Georger - I am NOT smart enough to contrive something like that up. I am an idiot about those kinds of things...I am NOT creative....all I did was tell the FBI about the trip. NO one was listening and no one is listening now. No one wants to admit the FBI missed something in Duane's background... they would rather I just die or go away.
I guess they will get their wish eventually. I won't be talking to anymore book writers - I was made to sound like trailer trash.
I assure you that Gray never saw my sheets - my home is very nice and I aways have bedspreads on or comforters.
I have a country Twang - which once you hear it you never forget it. A Kentucky twang with a twist on it...since I have lived in many places.
Gardening clothes - I had on FL clothing (pants and a top) - I do NOT wear dresses. FL is a very casual place and you dress for the weather. If I remember he was here during a cool spell so I layer my clothes. I am sure he does NOT want to see what I garden in. GRUNGIES - I get down and I get DIRTY. I like working with the earth - it makes me feel good. I do not like to use too many chemicals so I pull lots of weeds. Have had to hire all of it done this yr....and that is getting expensive - lots of shrubs and hedges - we grow 10 months out of the yrs .
P.S. I did not own a computer until 2000. and I ceased talking to you in 2001. I never posted anywhere until 2000 and I only had my memories at that time - I did NOT have a map of the area until I returned from WA in 2001 AFTER they dug Symba up.
REMEMBER they made me use the names and the places you gave me and I DID NOT want to do so...I told them I did NOT have a map and then someone sent me one after that.
NO - I WILL never forget what you have done to sabotage every word I tried to tell in those first yrs. NEVER EVER. You are a mean spirited and evil man and even NOW you will NOT leave me alone. Go talk to yourself - you are the only one who understands you. Your own posts speak for themselves.
You are the one who INSISTED the money came down the Washougal - remember?
Don't worry I won't be coming to WA to the shindig or to that meeting - because I would NOT go anywhere near you - you are a very dangerous man....and I am the one you are a loose canon ball and you carry a gun. You have threatened me on this thread - to physically come to my area and cause me harm. Do you remember doing that! Now tell me you are not a dangerous person?
Maybe you should sober up.
With all of the commotion I forgot why I came here tonight.
The major contributor to one of the book was Joan Garrity and guess where she lived - in St.Helen, Or.
Another major contributor to one of the books live in another part of Oregon.
The picture in one of the books has been compared to Tina. Certainly could be Tina or her sister (we do not have a picture of the sister). The FBI was NOT interested but someone else WAS.
Remember that Duane disappeared for 5 1/2 hours while I sat in a motel East of The Dalles. Where did he go?
The silver thing Jt is ranting about - there was nothing in Geoffry's book that was conclusive about that. One of these books had been wet and has the impression of a bill on it (so it appeared to me). Perhaps these are just old books Duane Weber acquired - strange they both seem to be connected to the N.W. in one way or another.
The second book? You heard it here first. I kept the fact there were 2 books a secret. I didn't think they were related, but both books showed up at the same time in 1990. Most of the contributors lived in the N.W.
One Blue and One Gold - each only had 3000 issues.
Are they related to the Skyjacking? Hell, I don't know!
That is in the hands of someone else and not me.
Cherry Cheese Pie - no coded message! Grey really went "mad" in that last chapter, but it put a twist on Cooper. This was the humorous part of Gray's book. Anyone who chases Cooper becomes unhinged.
That is just the way it is.
The case out of its total simplicity has shut down great minds.
THere was NOTHING complicated about what Cooper did - he was supposed to get arrested or die.
The hell of it is he survived.
Robert99 50
QuoteRobert 99. I agree, It has been stated that the money was washed up there. Even the Fazio brothers claim this along with the Army Corps of Engineers. By the way Tom Kaye test also shows silver traces from the washougal River and indicated there was silver in the sand that was tested. There is also Silver mines on the washougal river watershed.If any one would like I will be glad to take them to all mines in that area.There are some that I am the only one that has been in since 1909 when they were closed. There locations are not marked so as you can see there were two sources for the silver found on the money.As for Tom Kaye test of money floating I wouldn't put much faith in that the first thing Tom did was soak the money before he put it in the water. even soaked and thrown into the center of the stream it traveled quit a ways. The Money was not allowed to get wet and packed then dry then soaked dried and packed again the way the natural elements would have treated it. if the money had landed on the side of the stream left to dry over and over again caused by the rise and fall of the river water. Had this had been done you would have found that each pack of money became boyant like a tree limb or a piece of wood an would float for a very long time. Doesn't take a rocket scientest to figure that out and remember it had 8 years in the inviroment for this action to take place.Jerry
For the record, I also believe that the money was moved by water to where it was found. But I do not believe that it was moved any great distance. Certainly not 10 or more miles.
Also, I am not a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon either.
Robert99 50
I am the only person who has ever put the money in that river in 1979.
Jo, You have NEVER put the money in the river. In your own previous posts on this thread, you have stated that you did NOT know what was in the paper sack (or sacks) that Duane threw into the river.
You are apparently trying to make a federal case out of Duane just throwing trash into the Columbia.
Orange1 0
QuoteJo writes:
I am the only person who has ever put the money in that river in 1979.
Jo, You have NEVER put the money in the river. In your own previous posts on this thread, you have stated that you did NOT know what was in the paper sack (or sacks) that Duane threw into the river.
You are apparently trying to make a federal case out of Duane just throwing trash into the Columbia.
This is typical of Jo. (In fact it is typical of any conspiracy theory.) Present X event. Mention that X possibly, just possibly, could have been Y. Thereafter, it is stated as given that it is in fact Y. Just like Jo has started stating unequivocally that Duane was Cooper - her post did not say that she was with Duane when he put some unknown something in the river, but that she was with Cooper when he put the money in the river.
You know that after 15 yrs and at my age - Weber was Cooper and Cooper was Weber in telling the things I know. I am NOT trying to be explicit.
As for what was in that paper bag.
well we had a litter bag in the car because of our businss. The paper bag he had was sitting at his foot on his side of the car. I asked about the bag.
Why would Duane throw trash into the river. Whatever was in that bag he did NOT want me to see. Why he sent me to get drinks and snacks. In fact ask yourself this question - HOW did Duane know where the snack and soda machines and restroom would be located?
I have gone back tp other accounting I wrote yrs ago about our stops on the river. I was real lupset by the stop at Tena's bar because id didn't feel right - but, the house was right and the gate was right. I now understand it is because they approached the area differently than Duane and I did. This requried my going to WA on my own and getting behind a wheel of a car and driving through as much of the area I as I could.
I made the comment - They found that man's money. The one who jumped out of the plane.
he said "I know it was worthless".
I wonderded how he could know that, but maybe it had been in the news before it was put on the Front Page of the Denver Post (I think that was the paper we got - probably was). He could have heard it on the car radio the day before.
I also note that Duane made arrangements for us to go out on a wk-day when the TV program on Cooper was supposed to air. That was RARE.
Duane left Colorado soon after this leaving my daughter and myself in Co telling me they gave it territory to someone else.
She loved her school and her friends there - she loved the life there and so did I.
After Duane's death I would find in his possession a resignation letter dated almost immediately aafter the money find was made public. The resignation stated that I wanted to go back East and that his step-daughter wantd to go to school there --- NONE of that was true. In fact after she moved to AL. with us - she was in a car headed back to CO within 3 months.
Duane used my daughter and I as an excuse to leave the area without setting off an alarm. He would be in AL almost 3 months before my daughter and I moved to AL. Duane was afraid someone might recognize him - and he was TOO close.
Reading some early writings I see that I jump from the trip to Seattle and back to the trip to Portland - they become intertwined. I even have a hard time following myself in a post I have written. (I am going where my mind is and I am jumping from A to Z and then to C and then to P. I am bouncing off the wall.) Yes, I should have had someone help me organize things, but that cost money and time. I had little of each at that time since I worked and later worked plus took care of a sick husband (I did remarry and later we found he had cancer - he died in 2007).
One person indicated to me there were other programs, but I rarely ever watched TV. I made the appts for my husband and myself on the phone.. I called during the time people were at home - husband and wife. I never turned a TV on in the day time.
We rarely watched TV.
I know you don't get this life style, but sales is all I have known since I married Weber in 1978. I did work a desk job in Denver while I was attending real estate school there. After we moved to Ft. Collins - it was sales. Even in AL it was sales and then in VA it was sales and then in Fl it was sales and then after Duane died it was sales. There were times I had to supplement my income by working in an office for a period of time - but, I always ended up in sales...Real Estate and Insurance - Duane taught me how to make a living rather than existing on minimum wages and sitting hehind a desk for 8 or 10 hrs a day.
Orange1 0
QuoteYou know that after 15 yrs and at my age - Weber was Cooper and Cooper was Weber in telling the things I know..
Yes, I do know this. I know that you believe that Weber was Cooper, and that nothing anyone says will change your mind. What I don't understand is why you keep trying to convince other people of this, and then get upset when they find your ...explanations/ anecdotes/ call them what you will, unconvincing. If you believe it, that's fine. I just think you'd save yourself a lot of angst if you stopped trying to get everyone else to believe it too.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteJo writes:
I am the only person who has ever put the money in that river in 1979.
Jo, You have NEVER put the money in the river. In your own previous posts on this thread, you have stated that you did NOT know what was in the paper sack (or sacks) that Duane threw into the river.
You are apparently trying to make a federal case out of Duane just throwing trash into the Columbia.
This is typical of Jo. (In fact it is typical of any conspiracy theory.) Present X event. Mention that X possibly, just possibly, could have been Y. Thereafter, it is stated as given that it is in fact Y. Just like Jo has started stating unequivocally that Duane was Cooper - her post did not say that she was with Duane when he put some unknown something in the river, but that she was with Cooper when he put the money in the river.
You might as well argue with moose. Totally useless
unless you want to get trampled! Suggest you find
another path down stream. This area is occupied by
the moose. Cant you see that?
And the same for Blevins and his Cooperphelia.
These people are not in this for research but for
personal vindication and glory.
The FBI is also playing games. They have
unparalleled resources to throw at this any time they
chose, offices of real experts enough to fill up 300
labs and 500 university lecture halls - and they ask
the public for help!? Come on!
Of those I talked to, Tom Kaye was the only one
with time on his hands. Eight other people walked off
(some laughing) saying they either didnt want to get
involved, didnt have the time, had no interest, or -
they didnt want to get involved and didnt have the
When you add in the fact that real facts are hard to
get, well now you are arguing with a bowel of
oatmeal that talks back. Like talking images in the
toast. Better to read the newspaper and see what it
has to say? Im not kidding here!
I have never seen a thing so full of ambiguity.
The ambiguity is a story in itself which is exactly
what Geof Gray is saying, and his reviewers said
that. There is a reason for all this ambiguity and it
has nothing to dowith a lack of "real facts"! The
facts have been suppressed or we could not have
this plethora of individuals seeking attention and
feeding off this case. We know more about what
Richard Nixon did in secrecy in the Whitehouse, than
we know about the Cooper case!
When Blevins cites Tom Kaye, for example, I know
he's lying. When Jo brings up the Tina childhood
photo book, well . . . gag me with a Rhinosaurus.
You can have sympathy, but not a discussion. It
will always be one-sided.
In reality, the money at Tina Bar answers more questions than it raises. And the money probably did get there by natural means.
As has been pointed out by Farflung and others on this thread, water runs down hill and Paradise Point State Park is down stream from Tina Bar.
The idea of Cooper planting the money to mislead the investigators doesn't meet the smell test. And if that was Cooper's plan, it failed since the money wasn't found for more than eight years.
The fact that three bundles of money were still intact with rubber bands around them means that they didn't travel very far, certainly not 25 miles.
A rational look at the money find leads to only one conclusion. And that is that Cooper landed near Tina Bar and on solid ground.
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