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Was the money found in three separate bundles? Or were the bundles somehow attached together? Evel Kinevel could have dropped a single bundle when he was going into the Snake River and it could have ended up on Tena Bar, in theory.

Perhaps Jerry Thomas can elaborate on this, but my understanding is that the bundles are basically what Ingram found when he was digging the fire pit.

The additional searching and digging by the FBI found additional bill "fragments" with some of them being in the water and on top of the sand and others reportedly being buried up to two or three feet under the sand. It is these fragments at different depths that leads me to believe that the money deposition was a repeatable event that took place over a period of time.

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Farflung wrote:


I’m fully expecting and braced for a further parse of the data without benefit of source, process or technique; garnished with an inexplicable leap of logic.

Thanks Farflung. We've long needed a written protocol for Cooper "science" and now we have it.

Man do I wish Snowmman could join the dredge discussion. He dug pretty deep on that subject.


I forgot to mention earlier that recent exchanges with Snowman indicate that he supports a dredging theory. But he and "I agree to disagree" on that point.

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Robert 99 and Pek 771. The money was paper banded then the stacks of 4 were put together and ruber bands wrapped around them. The money was found close together (3 stacks) according to Brian Ingram and Ralph. How many Bundles were bound together at the bank I believe I was told it was 4 however I will clarify that the next time I talk to Ralph. Jerry

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It started with a list of dredges that the ‘Army Corps of Engineers’ supplied as equipment to be used on the Columbia River.

Then it was stated that ALL those dredges were too violent for the money.

A clamshell dredge was suggested as not being too violent.

Then it was offered that only ‘cutter and suction’ type dredges were used.

A report from the Port of Portland clearly states that clamshell dredging is common place along the Columbia.

Now (what a difference a day makes) the dredge deposits were placed too far from the edge of the river and the money was below the high water line so the dredge does not matter as this was analyzed by crack experts again.

OK, OK so the clamshell was not too violent just that type of dredge was never used even though the Army Corps of Engineers listed it on an EPA permit. Oh, no that’s not the problem it is that the spoils were too far away from the shore now.

From the image of the Fazio operation in 1974 (ref: Photo Interpretation 1974), a pair of river accretion formations or alluvial fans are clearly extending into the river. So there were some dredge operations that were not depositing material above the waterline since it is obvious to the most casual of observer that dredge deposits are the crescent shaped extensions into the river. These deposits were marshaled to the storage area by some means and likely some large capacity front loaders.

I’m fully expecting and braced for a further parse of the data without benefit of source, process or technique; garnished with an inexplicable leap of logic.

You might see clamshells IN the port... or up the Willamette River. or even along the Weyerhauser loading docks up at Longview.. but in the mainstem we usually only see the big suction pipe dredges working the rivers channel edges.. and pumping the spoil up into empoundments and the good ole Essyons which sucks it up then travels to a spoil area to open its hoppers on the bottom to dump its load. The main reason is the need to move the hell out of the way of the large ships in the main channel. The clamshells are great for in close work along piling.. and where there has been substantial environmental degradation. The problem is they have stubs that are driven into the river bed and the reach of the boom limits how far out they can reach to grab a load for the barge. They do not move on their own.. and resetting them in a new location requires tugs.. and redriving the stubs that hold them in place...and that takes WAY too much time for sticking one in the main channel..

Oh.. my source.... 40 years or so of fishing and sailing and living on the river... I also own 395 foot of river frontage at Cathlamet WA that I have been paying freaking taxes on since 1993 and cant build anything on because its outside the dike.. and the cutsie little scientist at the Corps seems to think a dock there would provide too much cover for the Northern Pike Minnow to predate salmon smolts.

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Jo you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that neither you or Duane knew who Cooper was. Just read your past post that proves it.If all I did was sit at a Computer and make up stories and use a spell checker my post would be flawless. Point being even Jo ?(what ever your real last name is) even makes spelling and gramor mistakes. So does most on this forum except maybe for Farflung. Jerry

Buy the book and read it - Geoffry airs ALL of your family dirty linens and I know things Geoffrey didn't know, but I don't go about airing family laundry in public.

Give me the pages indicating the creditials and education of one JT. I did NOT find it. Gray thought it better to show where JT is in his life and the conflicts that abound in his family life and in his "professional" life if you can call running around the wood a profession.

Jerry has NO credentials in resources and the writer points out Jerry's many mistakes - mistakes that make JT appear to be the Idiot Man in the Forest.
I am using different words so as not to borrow from Gray's book.

I loved it when Gray mentions Knoss and that I stated I never found any truths in Knoss's story other than he may have known Duane - briefly during his life. This is something I have even stated in this thread many times.

JT will not be happy about Gray's presentation just as I was NOT happy about the way I was presented. I actually was on my guard because - I know what writers can do with the words.

I hid things from Gray as I hid things from others...things I feel are private and things I feel just might have their time in the light.
LIKE the 2 (TWO) books.

Having a problem finding equipment I can produce a good image of book covers - one book is about 1 inch thick and the other about 1/3 inch...Problem is the binders are rounded (I described them before and someone told me what they are called and I forgot - I think they call this Old Timers or maybe it is just stress).

What happened to Georger? He suddenly got VERY quiet. Hope he is well and not in the hospital.
I sure wouldn't want anyone to have a heart attack over those 2 books. The FBI wants me to SEND them in the mail...over my dead body!

I would never see them again.

They are kept at the bank, but I had them the other day trying to find someone to copy the covers or make a photo. NO copiers in the area capable of handing the depth of the binder that will allow me to go behind the counter to handle the books. I know these books would only have been handled by the prior owner, myself, Duane, 2 interviewers and maybe Doug.

Does anyone have an idea about HOW to make these books public (yea, I am fed up with the FBI - going to do it on my own).
I need for WA, OR, and ID to see the fronts of these books and some example pages - both books are limited additions of 3K.
Both Books have associations with the NW although one has NY - MN connections...but, then has the NW connection.

Why does this make sense to me? It is Thanksgiving - someone had the books with them to share with their families.
These books are something I would have carried to or from a Family function...or that another family member may have given me on this special weekend in 1971. A family is missing part of their heritage.

The passengers and crew did not retrieve ALL of their belongs and these things were supposed to have been returned to the passengers. I was told the family of a passenger or crew member made an enquiry as to some items not returned to that family member. They thought they had been taken into evidence in Reno.

I question that it even made sense for Cooper to take these items other than he had touched them - and his prints would be on them. The paper is coarse and not something he could wipe down. WHY not just throw them out the Aft stairs? Why keep them?

Cooper had enough to handle just transporting the money and this is why I question Cooper taking evidence or momentoes.
OR did he acquire the item in 1979 while visiting the Gresham area? Who did he go see and what did he go dig up and where?

Why did Weber make all of those strange stops along the River after we left Seattle?

Why was he hitting Casino after Casinio in Tahoe - never more than 45 minutes in the same Casino

Duane was NOT smart enough to SET me up with a deathbed confession he would make over 15 yrs later.

Why did he grow that damn mustache after we left CO? He also let his hair get longer than ever before.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Robert 99 Here is a simple test for you or anyone else to do Get some paper about the thickness of money cut them to size Bundle them up to the thickness of banded money Band the stacks like the bank does put those in stacks of 3 or 4 put a ruber band around them. You can get a small canvas money bag from a bank. I got mine from wells Fargo. Put the bundles of fake money in a canvas bag Get it soak and wet then dry it out do this 5 or 6 times open the bag and check the budles you'll find there still in tack and feel like wood. Reseal the canvas bag throw it in the river and see how far it travels. Remember the budles of money were banded and then wraped with ruber bands.Now remember if canvas is left to the elements for a few years it rot's. Here comes a flood the water level reaches the bag of money and carrys it to the center of a small stream or river. The bag will float at the speed of that river(15- 20 mph)Then it hits the mouth of that river and flows into a larger river. During this time the bag gets knocked around by logs branches ect: and gets torn apart it has already traveled a great distance Now the money inside starts to get wet buddles separate and get knocked around the edges gets knocked of of them there still floating because there stuck together like glue and float like logs for a while.untill the water recedes and they land where there found. This is what happened. Try my test it will amaze you. It did me. Jerry


Even I tried a little test with rubberbands...but without the speciific rubber bands used and their age at application - and to recreate the conditions - well it doesn't mean shit.

THE experts have tested the money and viewed the pictures and did tests - that money in the RIVER and that location for less than ONE yr.

YOU, Jerry Thomas are making a bigger fool out of YOURSELF than you already have. At least I didn't CREATE the books, but they may NOT mean one IOTA.

I feel that testing a previous wet part of the binder on one book might prove to match residue on the money or elements there of. That is a chance I am willing to take...if someone is willing to take the project on - like Kaye. In fact I have crumbled pieces in a plastic bag that fell away from the binder.

NO, JT you do NOT have the credentials to make the claim you made above.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Once again your full of it. And a simple phone call to Geof will prove it by the way the book will be here today then I'll have Shelly post the pages for all. Good news for Geof the more people that want to find out how big a lier you are the more people that will buy the book. Still I can't keep from thinking how many people have gone back to read your posts from the bigining of this thread and realized how big a lier you realy are.Blevins Im sure you have tried that test already. You must have to post it will not work either that or your as big a lier as Jo . Wait a minute you are any man that tries to take the person you did and make him Cooper can't be all there. Then make comments like Duane could be Cooper you and Jo both need a lot of help. Jerry

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Jo you haven't made any test hell you can barely pass one. You damn sure won't take a polygraph test. If you had done what I have done you would know it works. Once again there is even a documentary showing how a money bag floats oh and guess who is doing it me . So there you have for the whole world to see. Jo is full of shit again.Jerry

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Blevins. Thanks for the advice that could be why Jo wanted some one to post certain pages her way of geting people in trouble.It doesn't take a book to prove Jo a lier she does that on her own all it takes is a review of her past post. Still the more she puts others down and makes idiotic post the worse it is for her. She just doesn't care and continues to do it on a daily basis.I make post that are not nice because I know what she is doing but of course so does every one else on the forum and there reaction is not as cruel as mine. So your hint is accepted I mellow my post concerning Jo. Jerry

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Jo Once again your full of it. And a simple phone call to Geof will prove it by the way the book will be here today then I'll have Shelly post the pages for all. Good news for Geof the more people that want to find out how big a lier you are the more people that will buy the book. Still I can't keep from thinking how many people have gone back to read your posts from the bigining of this thread and realized how big a lier you realy are.Blevins Im sure you have tried that test already. You must have to post it will not work either that or your as big a lier as Jo . Wait a minute you are any man that tries to take the person you did and make him Cooper can't be all there. Then make comments like Duane could be Cooper you and Jo both need a lot of help. Jerry

It is illegal too post pages of a new book. You can make short quotes and reference the source, but NOT PAGES. Suggest you contact Crown before you POST PAGES.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I read the book from cover to cover three times now. Didn't see anything in it calling Jo Weber a liar.

Nor did I find anything calling me a liar (sure wish Jerry would LEARN to spell that word since he uses it so much).

I also cautioned him about the laws regarding copying pages and that if he uses short quotes he needs to reference those quotes.

I might not like the light in which Gray portrayed me and made posts regarding the night I met Duane Weber and Geoffrery's visit to clear up the "creative writing" issues. It was my impression he portrayed me as a trailer trash redneck (which is as many of you know is absolutely not true), - but, I wrote him and I also made posts in the thread regarding the issues my family and I had regarding the book.. My family was appalled - and I have been asked NOT to give anymore interviews - that it be in the written word. or with family or legal council present.

Funny how JT attacks me with NON-truths - things in the forum and facts about the life of Jo Weber. If he had read all of the post, I think he should remember the one regarding an incident in 1996 when I ACED the Fl. Real Estate Exam. A test result so HIGH they held me as the last person to be released. I had NO idea what I had done. Since my named started with W I assumed that was why I was last. The monitor immediately said NO, that is NOT why you are Last.

I remember thinking - OH, shit what have I done? My mind raced - WHAT did I do?

The monitor swore me in and then told me I had one of the highest scores ever made on the test and the highest for this particular test - 98. The test results was so far out of the NORMAL range that they took the liberity of looking at my actual card. Had I not have ERASE two answers - I would have had a perfect score and that had NEVER been done.

Even today when I go back to that area - I am introduced as the agent responsible for the current tests being so hard. I have been out of the business for 8 yrs and I still get the ribbing about my score.

At at the risk of sounding like a "Braggart" I did a similar thing with portions of the SAT testing for college. The testing in those days was divided into sections. My score in one area pulled the over-all score down, but still was considered extremely high, I didn't make the Who's Who of SAT testing, but I was close. Encase JT needs to know - Close is only good in horseshoes.

I like Charlene's word "Braggart" and Gray's use of it to describe her father - it is fitting
. Note Gray quoted the word - therefore he felt it a point that needed to be made.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Thakyou very much for the advice.Is it illeagle to quote or give page #'s and paragraph. Jerry

You are asking a legal question here and a copyright question. I am not qualified to answer that.
Blevins would be MORE quailified in that area. My Opinion is that you can Reference page and make short quotes, but you have to reference the source ( the book).

Now understand you cannot do a paragraph and then do another paragraph in another post - that would be flagrant mis-use of that privilege.

If you do an opinion of a certain page - as I do it is safer. Then if someone wants to question why you are making a certain remark, you can do a rebutal with the Quote and reference. Often an isolated paragraph can be taken out of context when applied alone....so it is always good to ear-mark the pages you use...to be able to quickly make the reference. Otherwish you risk putting a noose around you neck.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I might not like the light in which Gray portrayed me and made posts regarding the night I met Duane Weber and Geoffrery's visit to clear up the "creative writing" issues. It was my impression he portrayed me as atrailer traah redneck (which is as many of you know absolutely way off), - but, I wrote him and I also made posts in the thread regarding the issues my family and I had regarding the book.. My family was appalled - and I have been asked NOT to give anymore interviews - that it be in the written word.

Jo, please stop referring to people that live in Manufactured Housing as "trailer trash". It is a very demeaning characterization.

Manufactured Housing is considered low-income housing and is a very valuable housing option and resource.

Anybody can be considered 'trash' regardless of their economic status.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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If all I did was sit at a Computer and make up stories and use a spell checker my post would be flawless. Point being even Jo ?(what ever your real last name is) even makes spelling and gramor mistakes. So does most on this forum except maybe for Farflung. Jerry

Well, I do NOT use spell checker in the thread - and why you see so many edits. I read the post after I post it - if I catch a word I try to get back to it before someone does a quote. I make lots and lots of errors - depends on how I feel. Mostly if you wish to continue to use the wored Liar you need to learn to spell it.

For you information I am NOT a Lier as you call me nor am I a Liar. Remember A Liar not E Lier that will help you to remember how to spell it.

Simplified you might call some one A liar but you would never call them an E lier....after all what does E have to do with anything but a LIE.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I might not like the light in which Gray portrayed me and made posts regarding the night I met Duane Weber and Geoffrery's visit to clear up the "creative writing" issues. It was my impression he portrayed me as atrailer traah redneck (which is as many of you know absolutely way off), - but, I wrote him and I also made posts in the thread regarding the issues my family and I had regarding the book.. My family was appalled - and I have been asked NOT to give anymore interviews - that it be in the written word.

Jo, please stop referring to people that live in Manufactured Housing as "trailer trash". It is a very demeaning characterization.

Manufactured Housing is considered low-income housing and is a very valuable housing option and resource.

Anybody can be considered 'trash' regardless of their economic status.

Very valid point. Calling people trash because of their misfortune or background is mean and prejudiced.
And I can think of a fair amount of very rich people who can certainly be called trash... even if they have LV bags just to put their dogs in.

In South Africa, redneck is a derogatory term used to refer to English-speaking people, btw.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I might not like the light in which Gray portrayed me and made posts regarding the night I met Duane Weber and Geoffrery's visit to clear up the "creative writing" issues. It was my impression he portrayed me as atrailer traah redneck (which is as many of you know absolutely way off), - but, I wrote him and I also made posts in the thread regarding the issues my family and I had regarding the book.. My family was appalled - and I have been asked NOT to give anymore interviews - that it be in the written word.

Jo, please stop referring to people that live in Manufactured Housing as "trailer trash". It is a very demeaning characterization.

Manufactured Housing is considered low-income housing and is a very valuable housing option and resource.

Anybody can be considered 'trash' regardless of their economic status.

It was SOMEONE IN THE THREAD WHO CALLED ME TRAILER TRASH and/ or REDNECK. What I was referencing. A manufactured home is not a trailer - perhaps you should come for a visit and I will show you the difference between a manufactured home and a 'trailer".

It was how Gray portrayed me that caused the person to call me this...he talks about the barbecue pits and other things along his drive to my home. It was also if my memory serves me someone I suspected to be in the Marla "camp".

I am NOT low-income and I do NOT live in a manufactured home or a trailer....the heat bills in those things here are out-rageouse. A friend of mine had a $700 electric bill last month and she lives in a maufactured home.

An area can be zoned for Manufactured homes but not for trailers. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE per Zoning laws.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo so why did you fail in the real estate buisness before the market droped. Trailer trash Jo What about trashing your deseased husband by claiming he is a Hyjacking / attempted murderer with no regard for human life. That is what Cooper was. What a legacy you are trying to leave for him and his family.Shame on you all this for the all mighty dollar and with made up stories.Jerry

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I might not like the light in which Gray portrayed me and made posts regarding the night I met Duane Weber and Geoffrery's visit to clear up the "creative writing" issues. It was my impression he portrayed me as atrailer traah redneck (which is as many of you know absolutely way off), - but, I wrote him and I also made posts in the thread regarding the issues my family and I had regarding the book.. My family was appalled - and I have been asked NOT to give anymore interviews - that it be in the written word.

Jo, please stop referring to people that live in Manufactured Housing as "trailer trash". It is a very demeaning characterization.

Manufactured Housing is considered low-income housing and is a very valuable housing option and resource.

Anybody can be considered 'trash' regardless of their economic status.

It was SOMEONE IN THE THREAD WHO CALLED ME TRAILER TRASH and/ or REDNECK. What I was referencing. A manufactured home is not a trailer - perhaps you should come for a visit and I will show you the difference between a manufactured home and a 'trailer".

It was how Gray portrayed me that caused the person to call me this...he talks about the barbecue pits and other things along his drive to my home. It was also if my memory serves me someone I suspected to be in the Marla "camp".

I am NOT low-income and I do NOT live in a manufactured home or a trailer....the heat bills in those things here are out-rageouse. A friend of mine had a $700 electric bill last month and she lives in a maufactured home.

An area can be zoned for Manufactured homes but not for trailers. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE per Zoning laws.

Jo...I will not need to visit Florida to see the difference. I happen to be a member of the Minnesota Manufactured Housing Association. I have worked as a Property Manager in this field since 1998.

A home is a HOME. Do you have to classify it by the type of home?

Your best bet is to settle down. It is making you look very ignorant and cold to people who you feel are less fortunate and not worthy to associate with the likes of such a well to do person, such as yourself.

I classify a 'trailer' as a utility trailer that is hooked up to the rear of a vehicle carrying snowmobiles, motorcycles, boats or yard tools.

My mother still lives in the home she and my father purchased in 1970. You call it a 'trailer', but I call it the "home" where I grew up.

The difference between the two is your personal bias.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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All this name calling and copyright policing is pointless. Let's get back to the case. Just loosen up about all this copyright stuff. Gray's publisher is not going to sue Jerry for posting a few excerpts, I'd bet on it. If you are worried Jerry, just paraphrase (rewrite it in your own words) and you don't have to worry about a thing.

Jo, you say you hid things from Gray. Jerry, on the other hand, apparently opened his life up to a journalist, exposing the good, the bad and the ugly. We now know that Jerry drinks and suffers from combat PTSD. We know that he has a kid with a drug problem and we know he is volatile. It takes some courage to do what Jerry did, so don't gloat over so called dirty laundry that got aired. You get all upset about Gray commenting on how your bed was made and your wardrobe while Jerry now has the world seeing the full spectrum of his complicated life. I know you despise Jerry for his relentless branding of you as a liar, but have a little compassion. You don't have to be mean too.

Do you think Jerry is lieing about his military service, decorations or instructor qualifications? I don't. I also don't doubt that Duane told you he was Dan Cooper when he was dying and that he took you on a sentimental journey through the Norjack area before that. I still havent seen a shred of credible evidence that puts him in a chute or in the plane.

I think dredge deposit of the Tena bar money, even by one using a big centrifugal pump, is possible. I've seen a lot of dredge spoils from those kinds of dredges and they don't act like blenders. Some pretty good sized chunks of wood and rocks get passed through intact. Some of the tree parts have fairly delicate branches that emerge intact. I can't say for sure what it would have done to piles of money though.

Snowmman thinks the dredge used in that area during the relevant period is still around, so a test could be done.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo so why did you fail in the real estate buisness before the market droped. Trailer trash Jo What about trashing your deseased husband by claiming he is a Hyjacking / atemted murderer with no regard for human life. That is what Cooper was. What a legacy you are trying to leave for him and his family.Shame on you all this for the all mighty dollar and with made up stories.Jerry

Jerry there is NO need in TRYING to be nice to you. I try, but what do I receive, but these kinds of abusive insults!

I retired because I REMARRIED i In 2002 we found out he had CANCER. By 2004 it was essential I be there FOR my husband...

I stlll maintain my continueing education credits and my license on an inactive status. I have NO need to go back into the market and only maintain this for my own benefit.

You seem to WANT to ignore the fact that I regard the Skyjacking as a crime - and NO I had NO motives other than to know who the Hell I was married to for 17 yrs.

I didn't give it a second thought - when I found out who DAN Coooper was. I did the right thing and picked up the phone and called the FBI. My background - if you do the crime you do the time. If he was this criminal he told me was - I wanted to know if it was true.

Had Duane still been alive - I would have done the very SAME THING - called the FBI. Being Cooper is no legacy - the bastard committed a crime. Duane knew this about my character - and why he waited till he knew the end was near before he confessed this to me.

I wish HE had TAKEN it the Grave with HIM, but he didn't and therefore I fight this battle. I AM the ONLY family he had left.
His sister and brother were alive, but Duane had no contact with the bother since 1958 and his sister had limited contact - she also knew his secret and begged me to leave the past in the past. IT was a CRIME
and I had to do what I had to do.

Both individuals were alive when I called the FBI - both older than Duane (he was the baby).

I have not trashed Duane - only wanted to know who this man was. In 1995 when Duane died and when the items that had been hidden in his van were returned to me - I puzzled over this for a long time. I didn't understand the hidden wallet and the identification in it...but, I did NOT know who Dan Cooooper was. Note you have accused me of not know about D.B. Cooper - sure I knew who D.B. Cooper was if someone had reminded me of it and had brought it to my attention - I had other things in my life and it did NOT revolve around old unsovled crimes.

I did NOT know who Dan Coooper was - not until May of 1996 and I was immediately on the phone to the FBI.

NOW Jerry, EAT your words and your accusations. I did not prior to 1996 eat and sleep Cooper the way you do. I did NOT know who Dan Cooooper was. When he told me about Dan Coooper remember he was dying - I never even thought of the connection and that is the last thing anyone would think of with a husband who had been given only a few days to live.

USE your damn LOGIC if you have any!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377: I decided not to post anything from Geofs book. I know for a fact that Geof did not write anything in his book meant to hurt me, as a matter of fact he feels that the segment in the book on me was the most important part and the best part of the book. This is his statement to me.He has a great deal of respect for me and will relay that to any one who ask him. There are a great deal of people in this case that has a great deal of respect for me and would be glad to relay that to anyone.This includes news papers / news stations and film crews from around the world. If this is not believed you can start by contacting Ralph. Don't contact George Nuttall though He thinks I know who DB Cooper was and that Im hiding the info from the FBI and the public.He even reported this Info to the FBI Director Robert Mueller on the 24th of March 2011. You should read the letter he wrote me. WoW! Still all I have done is help the FBI and others with this case in a honest manner.Jerry

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JT wrote:

Don't contact George Nuttall though He thinks I know who DB Cooper was and that Im hiding the info from the FBI and the public.He even reported this Info to the FBI Director Robert Mueller on the 24th of March 2011. You should read the letter he wrote me.

What makes Nuttall think you know who Cooper was and are hiding it?

How about posting a copy of the March 24 2011 letter he wrote to the FBI or at least tell us what the basis was for his conclusion.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo , Realy so you and Duane didn't make a trip out here in 1979 and he take you to places and tell you thats where he buried the money or any of those other stories you have come up with. It is now obvious that according to your "statements" of many times the first you heard about Cooper was when he was dieing. this is probably the truth because you keep making this statement when you get mad and want to prove a point about your involvement in the case or being obsessed with it. Jerry

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