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377. I'll have Shelly scan it and PM it to you. Geoger was even told this by George I believe he also told this to Vicki.He states there are things about the case that I know that only some one who knew who Cooper was would know them.Jerry

Yes, Nuttal did exactly that! He started questioning me about the information Jerry may have that would identify Cooper.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Jo , Really so you and Duane didn't make a trip out here in 1979 and he take you to places and tell you thats where he buried the money or any of those other stories you have come up with. It is now obvious that according to your "statements" of many times the first you heard about Cooper was when he was dieing. this is probably the truth because you keep making this statement when you get mad and want to prove a point about your involvement in the case or being obsessed with it. Jerry

:oFor God's SAKE, Jerry. The trip was verifiable. Duane worked for Family Life Insurance whose HOME OFFICE was in Seattle and you really think I could make that up and the business associates who knew him?

As for George Nuttal again you are twisting things. George wants NOTHING to do with you because you deliberately misled him and his partner - you cost them a lot of yrs. of misdirection.

George has the Vegas connections - and it is a theory that is as good as any. If Nuttal thinks you know who Cooper was... Yea it is because that is what you tell people. Remember how many times you have claimed to know McCoy - like upclose and personnal!

You have stated things in the thread that indicate this. Remember a phone call when the McCoy grandchildren were being harrassed by someone. Do YOU REMEMBER what you said on the phone?

If individuals think you are connected it is your OWN fault- perhaps you shouldn't make or take phone calls when you are "incapacitated". My word for having delusions.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo : Then how do you explain your stories about Him showing you where he buried the money or the other stories you have come up with if once again you did not Know who COOOPer was untill he was dieing. Jo your caught again. Now remember I still have our telephone conversations.Jerry Ps now as for Nuttall this is more of your Bs. When 377reads the letter he can make a fool out of you. Nuttalls statement in the book was totally wrong I proved it to him with copies of my phone records. It was them that called me he had me mixed up and addmitted it . But you ought to here what he said about you better yet I'll let one of the others on this forum that he talked too tell you. Jerry

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Jo : Then how do you explain your stories about Him showing you where he buried the money or the other stories you have come up with if once again you did not Know who COOOPer was untill he was dieing. Jo your caught again. Now remember I still have our telephone conversations.Jerry


YOU are off your ROCKER! YOU cannot grasp somethings that are so simple. YOU make an idiot out of yourself with posts like that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Oh! I see you didn't start making up these stories untill after he died so no one could could chalenge you but me and my tapes even Ralph states your stories are way off track you told him so much bull. But it all still doesn't explain why you want to destroy Duane and his families name by Claiming he was DB Cooper a Hyjacker and attempted murderer with made up stories Jerry

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Hate to break up the love fest, but.....

I keep trying to put Duane in a parachute for pity's sake, but all I seem to be able to do is put him in women's purses.........

Retrieved from Rockford Register Republic (ILL) Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1944 pg. 5
"15 days for 5 dollars......Duane L. Weber, 22, Montebello, Cal., was sentenced to a 15-day jail term in County court yesterday afternoon for theft of $5 from the purse of Alice Chun at the Spot tavern last Nov. 26. Weber probably will be turned over to federal authorities upon completion of the sentence. He was placed on two-year probation in United States district court in San Francisco, Cal. last Sept 19 after he had pleaded guility to forgery of a U.S. treasury check."

Could this be why he went to Mcneil...breaking probation on a US treasury check forgery charge??
I forget Duane's real birthdate, so the age might be off, but really...who else could it be??
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Hate to break up the love fest, but.....

I keep trying to put Duane in a parachute for pity's sake, but all I seem to be able to do is put him in women's purses.........

Retrieved from Rockford Register Republic (ILL) Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1944 pg. 5
"15 days for 5 dollars......Duane L. Weber, 22, Montebello, Cal., was sentenced to a 15-day jail term in County court yesterday afternoon for theft of $5 from the purse of Alice Chun at the Spot tavern last Nov. 26. Weber probably will be turned over to federal authorities upon completion of the sentence. He was placed on two-year probation in United States district court in San Francisco, Cal. last Sept 19 after he had pleaded guility to forgery of a U.S. treasury check."

Funny smokin99, I have pity too and keep searching for an article that Jo swears she has seen which details a prisoner smoke jumper program. That might put Duane near a chute, but not in one. I do not think the article or program ever existed. I think it demonstrates Jo's bias combined with a partial memory about something roughly similar, like perhaps a movie poster or an article about prisoners fighting fires as parts of ground crews, which certainly did happen.

Duane's inability to evade arrest for even a $5 cash theft is telling. Is this a guy who could plan and successfully execute one of the most innovative and risky crimes of the 20th century? I sure do not think so.

He seems to be a pathological thief. $5 here, some Kool Aid there. No way would any confederates with any brains trust him with $200K in cash.

I found another aero error in Geoff's book. He writes about a rear stair on a DC 8. I do not think that is correct. Perhaps he meant to write DC 9 which does have a rear stair.

Any publisher with a manuscipt that has aviation tech details in it needs to have it fact checked. I volunteer to do it on Gray's next book. Still, I like the book a lot. It's a lot like a multi part New Yorker article I read years ago called the Deltoid Pumpkin Seed, about a weird aircraft being developed for missionary flights and the people involved in the quest. It disappointed aero nuts but it was a great piece.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Pat Forman again shared some important information on the Mountain News that I thought the DZ 'hood would like to see.

It's about DNA:

First are her comments, followed by mine.


Pat Forman says:

August 25, 2011 at 2:41 pm (Edit)

Hi Bruce,

Ron and I kept notes through the years that provided us with a chronology when we wrote our book. According to these notes, there was a story on the NBC news in 2000 that the FBI now had DNA evidence from the cigarettes.

I have searched news archives and cannot find reference to that original report but I did find reports from 2000 that DNA was used to prove a skull that was found did not belong to Cooper.

I also found articles stating that the tie was tested for DNA in 2001.

We are now hearing that the cigarettes were missing when the physical evidence was sent to Quantico for “retesting” in 2007. If the cigarrettes and the tie were tested prior to then, the results should have been in the NDIS.

Would this be something worth specifically asking of the FBI about if you get to talk to them again? It wouldn’t help to prove or disprove Barb as a suspect since the FBI won’t test her anyway, but it might help to retest the others against the profile in the NDIS from the cigarettes if there is one.

Reply from BAS, aka Cousin Brucie:

This is very important information, Pat. I didn't know that the cigs had been submitted to DNA testing - nor any DNA testing as early as 2000 - and did I know there was a re-testing in 2007.

As for asking the FBI about this, here's the rub and to me is a red flag. The person I could talk to, specifically Ayn Dietrich, has only an elementary knowledge of the case. Further, I haven't approached the case agent Curtis Ng because I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with him over simple sleuthing, and I understand that initially his knowledge of the case was rudimentary - although he is quickly rectifying that situation. I don't want to use up any time or energy he might give me now when I will need it later for the big enchilada.

Remember, Dietrich didn't know who Tina Mucklow was, nor, apparently, was she familiar with DNA samples from the hair strands.

This happens because of the frequent swapping-out of case agents and turning over the PIO job to a similar slew of fresh faces. I've been on the case for three full years and have seen three PIOs appear in Seattle. In fact, one, Fred Gutt, I never got around to talking with. To me, this dynamic is an impediment to the investigation and thus, is a red flag.

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Thanks Bruce. Interesting info. The alleged disappearance if the cig butts is puzzling, but maybe it's not so important if DNA samples were already obtained from them and the results preserved.

Their disappearance however would be jumped on by a Cooper defense lawyer asking for dismissal based on "spoliation of evidence".

Keep us posted.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Still, I like the book a lot. It's a lot like a multi part New Yorker article I read years ago called the Deltoid Pumpkin Seed, about a weird aircraft being developed for missionary flights and the people involved in the quest. It disappointed aero nuts but it was a great piece.


I too enjoyed the book. I will admit that, although I'm glad that the FBI allowed the citizen scientists' access to certain items to investigate, I am a little disappointed that an official report has been so long in coming - Does this mean that we are waiting for a book by Tom Kaye? or is it because there were several adrenalin producing finds on the evidence that led nowhere? For example, the silver on the money turning out to be fingerprint residue, the pollen on the tie which could come from anywhere, the titanium sponge on the tie which Gray speculates could belong to the paint chip that was found or I speculate could have come from the flare or whatever was used to resemble dynamite. If indeed it was Cooper's tie.

I'm certainly not criticizing. They put their time and energy into trying to come up with something specific on the evidence and deserve major kudos for that. But unless they are holding something back that Gray did not mention - which I will forever not understand considering the age of the case and the problems with prosecuting it if they did find Cooper alive - I've not seen anything from Kaye and company that warrants a lot of excitement. Just saying... Sure would like to see a report from the horse's mouth though. Maybe I'm missing something - wouldn't be the first time. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Hate to break up the love fest, but.....

I keep trying to put Duane in a parachute for pity's sake, but all I seem to be able to do is put him in women's purses.........

Retrieved from Rockford Register Republic (ILL) Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1944 pg. 5
"15 days for 5 dollars......Duane L. Weber, 22, Montebello, Cal., was sentenced to a 15-day jail term in County court yesterday afternoon for theft of $5 from the purse of Alice Chun at the Spot tavern last Nov. 26. Weber probably will be turned over to federal authorities upon completion of the sentence. He was placed on two-year probation in United States district court in San Francisco, Cal. last Sept 19 after he had pleaded guility to forgery of a U.S. treasury check."

Could this be why he went to Mcneil...breaking probation on a US treasury check forgery charge??
I forget Duane's real birthdate, so the age might be off, but really...who else could it be??

Duane was only 20 yrs old in 1944 but I believe this was him.
Obviously he slipped out on them because we have papers where he left CA and ended up Back East where he was again arrested and sent back to San Franciso. Go back and find those posts to get the exact dates. Sluggo knows about these papers.

The article you found I believe to be sound and a good find. BUT some how Duane ended up back East and then shipped by the Authorities to CA where he was immediately sentenced to McNeil in January of 1945.

The McNeil Records I have and they record his age older than he was also and have posted the data. This incident explains why he was sentence right after arriving back in CA. The FBI never shared any of this - what I have came from the family and other sources - one being Pasternac.

Since he was only 20 yrs old at the time of the sentencing this makes the story the Brother and Sister told me on target.. He was NOT old enough to be in McNeil and how the family made arrangement for him -to be removed from McNeil (as the FBI put it - he only passed thru McNeil) he was then taken back to CA and placed in a program there for wayward young men. This was supposed to be a program to help him straighten out...arranged by friend of the family.

This is when he went to the Placerville and Carson City area and trained in forestry and explains his knowledge of that area and the pictures he showed me. This only enforces everything I have said to date.

This is a very very good find.
Now trace him after he was put into a program in July of 1945.
McNeil had no explanation for this. They also had NO work details....Duane was NOT in the population of the prison - because he was too young. Family members in WA intervened, but I never found out who the individuals were. The family had connections. The family also kept a journal, but I have not been able to acquire access to it since John's death.

I expect this to be something the family kept in that journal.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377:Just recieved the Book today Shelly read a great deal of the book. It is Nothing Like Jo weber(or what ever her real last name is) Has said it does not Put me down at all.It does Make me looke Like i realy am. There is nothing in his book that is derogatory to me or the rest of my familiy. The book does do one thing. It does prove Honesty is the best answer. We recieved the Hard back copy. I think Geof sent Ralph the same. I will sign my copy and send it to Ralph for him to sign.Then It can be held for a period of time and then sold for Charity. There will be only one Hard Back Copy signed by Both. Maybe Geof would sign it . That will make it even more valuable. Jerry

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Blevins : Maybe you can make money off a book for charity But not one On Cooper Maybe You should have chosen another subject. Still I hope Bruce Smith does not follow your lead. At this point he is AHEAD OF YOU AS A WRITER. STILL HE HAS ONE PROBLEM. Using My name to prosper with out my permission is wrong. You however has never done that.I thank you for that. Bruice has stated that He is writing a book. He will go to any links to find the truth However some times he will take on the Blevins Trait and exagerate the truth If it will give him a edge on any story. This is common for People in you and Smith field.Jerry

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Duane was only 20 yrs old in 1944 but I believe this was him.
Obviously he slipped out on them because we have papers where he left CA and ended up Back East where he was again arrested and sent back to San Franciso. Go back and find those posts to get the exact dates. Sluggo knows about these papers.

The article you found I believe to be sound and a good find. BUT some how Duane ended up back East and then shipped by the Authorities to CA where he was immediately sentenced to McNeil in January of 1945.

Jo, i think you misunderstood the article. The 15 day sentence was not in CA. As I referenced, the article was taken from the Rockford, Illinois newspaper and the county jail there is where he was sentenced to 15 days. In another article from the Rockford Morning Star in Rockford, IL, the judge said that the FBI would be notified of his whereabouts because he obviously violated the terms of his probation in California for forging and passing a US treasury check. As such, the judge anticipated that the FBI would come for Duane and take him back to CA.

Unless you know otherwise, I would imagine this is exactly what happened and why he ended up back in CA in McNeil.

An aside.....I hesitate to mention this as it will no doubt be discombobulating to anyone that doesn't realize that our McCoy would have only been around 2 years old at the time; but, another person arrested in that same article was one Richard McCoy, age 20 for contributing to the delinquency of a 15 yr old. Just thought it was a funny coincidence.

And if anyone cares....Double Indemnity was playing at the Coronado, perms were 5.00, pepto Bismol was soothing and pleasant to the the taste, and the best thing you could do for your country was to save and turn in cans of used fat. (Now that was an interesting ad)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Hate to break up the love fest, but.....

I keep trying to put Duane in a parachute for pity's sake, but all I seem to be able to do is put him in women's purses.........

Retrieved from Rockford Register Republic (ILL) Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1944 pg. 5
"15 days for 5 dollars......Duane L. Weber, 22, Montebello, Cal., was sentenced to a 15-day jail term in County court yesterday afternoon for theft of $5 from the purse of Alice Chun at the Spot tavern last Nov. 26. Weber probably will be turned over to federal authorities upon completion of the sentence. He was placed on two-year probation in United States district court in San Francisco, Cal. last Sept 19 after he had pleaded guility to forgery of a U.S. treasury check."

Funny smokin99, I have pity too and keep searching for an article that Jo swears she has seen which details a prisoner smoke jumper program. That might put Duane near a chute, but not in one. I do not think the article or program ever existed. I think it demonstrates Jo's bias combined with a partial memory about something roughly similar, like perhaps a movie poster or an article about prisoners fighting fires as parts of ground crews, which certainly did happen.

Insert by Jo:
I did see that picture 3 men in front of a large building in the background. I went back to my notes of those days and other things I pulled up - It was there and then gone - I nor Doug could ever find it. This was during my first few weeks of using a computer in 2000

Duane's inability to evade arrest for even a $5 cash theft is telling. Is this a guy who could plan and successfully execute one of the most innovative and risky crimes of the 20th century? I sure do not think so.

Insert by Jo:
For heaven sakes he was 20 yrs old and then he spent prior to 1968 many yrs in different prison. Maybe he learned something from some of the other con-men while he was in prisonl. Seems odd that after 1968 he continued to commit crimes but was NOT caught. His ex-wife told me about 2 crimes he committed and the children told me about many others - suitcases of furs and jewelry.


I also want to NOTE that NO one has filled in the yrs from 1945 to 1949. Try Idaho and Wa and Or, - I have asked the FBI many times to look in Coure d Alene. Duane was NOT alone in crime during that time. The crime must have been pretty bad - because he said "I can never go back there". I never knew what he meant by that statement. I have an idea, but only an idea.
At the time I did NOT know about his criminal background in 1979 when he made that statement.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jerry wrote

Blevins : Maybe you can make money off a book for charity But not one On Cooper Maybe You should have chosen another subject. Still I hope Bruce Smith does not follow your lead. At this point he is AHEAD OF YOU AS A WRITER. STILL HE HAS ONE PROBLEM. Using My name to prosper with out my permission is wrong

No worries Jerry. Bruce isn't prospering. Nobody has made any serious money off of chasing or writing about DB Cooper. I do not think it is a prosperous pursuit for anyone. The results range from poverty to low profit margins at best. These financial fates are part of the curse. Ask Gayla. Ask Gray's publisher. Ask Bruce.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote

For heaven sakes he was 20 yrs old and then he spent prior to 1968 many yrs in different prison. Maybe he learned something from some of the other con-men while he was in prisonl. Seems odd that after 1968 he continued to commit crimes but was NOT caught. His ex-wife told me about 2 crimes he committed and the children told me about many others - suitcases of furs and jewelry.

Of course Duane got away with a few crimes but his dense arrest and conviction record says one thing to cops, criminal lawyers, judges, parole and probation officers: dumb, incompetent, not very good at his trade. Duane might have been a big success as an insurance salesman but he was a flop at crime.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It was someone calling me a Redneck or trailor Trash - not me calling anyone else that.

I live in a modest home and off of SS and supplement that with a modest IRA. My homes value is 1/2 of what it was in 2004. I am the small fish in a much bigger pond.

I have worked hard all of my life and never depended on welfare for income or health insurance and I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. I often worked 3 jobs to provide for my children.

I live in the Redneck Riviera as it is often called, but I take offense to being called a Redneck.

I am fending off an insult and suddenly I am being attacked.
In Florida homes not built on site are classified in the MLS as trailer or manufactured homes.
There is a very distinct difference.
If the home sits on a frame it is a trailer. If the home sits on a foundation of blocks or other stationary foundation it is called a manufactured home...in otherwords it cannot be moved without being disassembled. I have been retired for a long time and maybe this has changed.

If my defending myself offends anyone I apologize, but I feel it was all taken out of context. I was the one who was called a name and I also put up with JT calling me a liar.

Jerry knows that when he and I were talking in the very beginning I had NO maps - all I had was HIM telling me this was not here or there. HE knows that in 2001 when I went to WA with the documentary crew that he misled everyone. He didn't think I would ever know any difference...but I found the places without him and it was he who was lieing to me.

In 2011 - I found most of the other things he said did NOT exist. He lied to me and unless he was part of a cover-up - give me another reason to mislead me? Other than NO one was going to find Cooper other than JT.

Regardless I know what I saw and where I was and NO one can ever change that. I also know what Duane told me and what I held in my hands and NO one can ever change that.

If Jerry recorded any conversations with me - remember he was the one who had told me this was where I was and this was where I wasn't . When I went out the WA in 2001 is when I ceased contact with him because he had been lieing to me and I didn't understand why.
I had argued with him on the phone for 4 yrs - that NO that is NOT where we where - WE were on Hwy 14 and NOT on the Or side - it was useless then and it is useless now.

As for Nuttall he is bound and determined the crime was connected to Vegas, Mafia and government involvement. I disagree with that - but he will not listen to any alternative...but his story has some of the same connection the story about Duane does - or at least some of theories I played with looking for answers.

What do I believe - I don't know, if the crime involved a second party or covert action or if it was the crime of one man whose life fell apart after spending most of his adult life in prison. A man who just decided to get even with the system. Perhaps it was a jump of faith that he COULD commit a crime and get away with it or maybe he was commiting suicide.

I would like to believe he was commiting suicide and survived. I would like to believe that Tina was a his guiding light. I would like to believe that he wanted someone to know what he did.
As for Cooper actually going to harm anyone - no I don't believe that. The bomb was only road flares and I believe that Cooper actually expected to die. Yes, he was just a common criminal, but he got lucky - he lived and he changed his life - and perhaps that is the only good thing he ever did. Cooper learned to hide - he spent the rest of his life hiding....because he actually pulled the BIG one OFF.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The only documentation of anyone making money is Brian Ingram who found the money at age eight in 1980 then won the rights to a portion of the 1980 find as a teenager.

In recent years he auctioned off a chunk of his allocated portion and provides us with a extension of the visual timeline.


Original film footage from the 1980 dig can be found in this video starting at about 4:30 though film from the money find is at the end.

Pretend you do not have a dog in this fight and you are just looking at the pdf link below following the timeline of the money from 1980 until 2009.


What might you notice about the money - without regard to how those observations might fit into ANY Cooper story?

"Just the facts." - Sergeant Friday

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I'll give my two cents on the money. :)One thing that I've always wondered about the money is the almost uniform degradation around the edges. I guess if the money was essentially muddied together in the middle, the edges would be the first to go, but it's always looked kind of strange to me. I've always thought the the damage along the sides looked more animal made rather than just from the elements (dirt, wind. water, sun). Kinda like what mice will do to a book.
I guess worms if the money was buried long enough?
Would water alone erode around the edges like that?

Holes look weird too -- bugs, worms, microscopic creatures? vs chemical burns?, vs shrapnel? vs mechanical damage from a dredge?

I know the money has been discussed at length on here, but what are your thoughts?

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo :All I know about the early days of our comunication is that you said Duane told you that he knew who Cooper was then got mad and said @#$%all of you I'll let it die with me. Now rember Jo I have the conversation recorded.Still Jo it doesn't explain why you are trying to destroy Duanes memory by accusing him to be a hyjacker an man that has no respect for human life and a attempted murderer with your made up stories.In ref: to your post 26290 and many others like it you state that you didn't even know who Cooper was untill Duane was dieing. but you have said many times that Duane told you a lot about Cooper in 1979 one of your stories was he threw a paper bag with money in it off the I 5 bridge another that he buried it and countless other stories. But what realy pisses me off is you are telling lie's about me.Jerry

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I think I found something new while playing the money game. One of the published experts in the PDF file clearly states that one of the bills only has a partial portrait of Hamilton. I know my blood ran cold when I realized the explosive ramifications of that statement which can only (only that is) be one of the following:

1. Coopers ransom contained bills other than twenties which adds to the conspiracy argument.

2. This is a rare Federal Reserve misprint worth more than the Cooper association.

3. The hijacker’s name is Aaron Burr or that he intended to jump into the cold air brrrrrrr.

4. This proves that Duane Weber, threw a sack of money into the Columbia and walked to the Fazio sand bar and buried it after parking at the side of the road or lost the money in a milk can or bucket or pail or cylindrical metal container or paint can or cheesecake tin or some sort of buckety thing filled with Columbia River water.

There is no other plausible answer and I base this on absolutely nothing more than reading past comments and using common sense. The same type that imbues one who grows up on a farm and seeing things on a riverbank with encyclopedic knowledge of dredging operations which impresses many who read such well founded claims. Yet these same people own and operate cars and can’t change the brakes. Weird. I guess their brains are too full from all the common sense stuff.

Source: I don’t have time to give a source, I’ve already given too much away and this is too much to ask. My time is valuable and I don’t have time for this sort of malarkey and have already said this many times before for years and years so it should be obvious by now that I don’t have time to site a source because my time is worth something and I deserve respect for that time from people who are very astute and smart who tell me the same things in private and not in public for others to hear which was not intended for them to know while they are listening to what these local young people have to say to me which was observed by Steve, Connie, Scott, Trinny, Bob and Doug and many more that I don’t care to name.

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