Orange1 0 #25401 August 27, 2011 Not strictly Cooper-related (OK, not Cooper related at all, but at least it's airplane and stew-related) ...I thought some of you might enjoy this: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #25402 August 27, 2011 Zona: My orginal post to Orange: That was NO false pretense. I was trying to find Duane's daughter born sometime between 1943 and 1947 and her mother's name was Edna. Duane died of polycystic renal failure as did his mother in 1958. This condition is usually hereditary...I have been trying to find her since Duane died. I believe Duane L. Weber was listed as the birth parent. There was NO falsehood here. The last time Duane saw his daughter she was about 9 yrs old and she told him she never wanted to see him again. I believed Zona to be in the AZ or TX area and included CA and Ill. Edna was named in a letter to Duane's mother in 1956 when his father died. Duane asked that Edna stand in for him. I do NOT know if this was done. In 1956 Duane was in prison. It is pretty rotten of you and Jerry to make this into an issue. I was NOT searching for her because of who her father was, but because of the disease and because I wanted to meet this daughter. She would have very little memory of her father because Duane was incarcerated from 1950 to 1957. Thank You for posting that here as it might help me to find out what happened to Zona and her mother Edna. Edna would be deceased and very probably so would Zona due to the herediatary disease. 377 and others know I asked for help on this issue in the thread or in another community I posted in. This is NO secret and NO deception. Orange then replied with: Quote I don't believe you for a second. Your entire life is consumed with trying to prove Duane was Cooper. As you tell it, Duane knew since before the hijacking occurred that he had kidney disease, not only when he died. Why not search for her to tell her this important news in the decades that Duane knew he was ill, or the very least in the years you spent with him? It seems very fishy that decades later this suddenly becomes enough of an issue to search for her, at a time that just happens to intensify with your Cooper search. All this of course on the rather daft assumption that if Zona fell ill, the doctors would have no clue what the trouble was until white knight Jo came riding in? How many times do I have to tell you: we are not as dumb as you think we are. The only thing rotten is you trying to scare someone into contacting you for your own reasons. btw Occam would say the little girl in the photo is Zona, not Tina, surely? To ORANGE and others: Orange, your observations and deductions are pathetic! When Duane was alive I did ask him about his daughter. The ex-wife told me he tried to see his daughter or to communicate with her (she indicated Tx). All I have is the ex-wife's word on this and do not know how reliable that was. When Duane died - remember this - I did NOT own or know how to used a commuter. It is extremely rude of you to blame me for something I had no control over. I do not know her birthday or even the exact age she was born or in what state. I extracted from what the ex told me (after Duane died) that Zona was in college in 1969 or 1970.. Duane had told me she was around 9 the last time he saw her and she told him she never wanted to see him again. I did ask Duane about his daughter when he had his fistula put in in VA (by the way this is wnen I understood the seriousness of his condition). Believe it or not until 1986 I did not understand his illness. He didn't tell me and I didn't ask! He never wanted to talk about it. I was never went to the Dr with him when he had his check-ups for his "blood pressure and his kidney". As I have repeatedly said - I had Dumb Blonde Syndrome or maybe I was just a good wife who did NOT get in her husband's face and in his business. As for the picture of the little girl in the Book - the first thing I thought of was his daughter. I had seen the picture when I used the book to make a reference on something. He was in the kitchen with me and asked me to be careful with this book. His reply to the picture was - "it is just a of a little girl". I thought it might be his daughter or his sister or his mother. Because of the age of the book - it was NOT his sister or his mother. You are DEAD on that I thought it might be his daugher and why I did NOT pull or make this public until about 3 yrs ago in this thread. It was when the pictures of Tina became so prominent in the thread - and it caused me to go pull the book and compare them. The origin of the book and the connections within it are suspect. I have a strong hunch about the books and the picture, but NOT one I will voice in a thread. Some of you very very astute researchers should start searching for birth records.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #25403 August 27, 2011 Quote Here’s a ‘case’ study from ‘Komatsu’ on dredging near ‘Caterpillar’ Island with equipment from ‘international’ factories which keep navigable waterways open while protecting wildlife we hold ‘dear’. There, I think that just about includes every heavy equipment maker except for New Holland in one sentence. Anyway….. this vessel named the Megan Renee was operated from River Mile 1 to 103 thus making excavating dredges candidates for use along the entire waterway. Don’t let this slow or dampen the parsing, no this should fuel it even more. I’ve got enough info and it’s not what I was looking for at all. It’s a story…. about a lovely lady…. who was dredging rivers that were full of stone. Megan Renee had…. a single shovel…. and she was unbeknown. Now you can read this and…. decide for yourself…. just how far that Megan had to go. She went from the mighty city…. that’s named Portland…. and past the Fazio’s. The DZ Bunch, The DZ Bunch, that’s the name of great info…. DZ Bunch. Was it everything I hoped it would be (I still think drifting and natural transport are options)? Nope, I’ve learned a great deal about dredge operations and thread operations. I can safely say that during this brief journey I was stunned at how little I know about both and I’ll NEVER assume anything again. Which is funny because I don’t assume when it comes to aircraft and guns; in that Orville Wright can tell me a plane is ready to go and Samuel Colt can say it’s unloaded, yet I’ll check both for myself. Oh, and I don’t think Orville or Samuel were inveterate BS-ers. If only people were just a cautious about firing off some ‘known facts’ which have been talked about for years and by very astute people who are smarter than everyone else and just add an image or URL or link to where they got their information. Unless they are actually trying to become part of the story then this is a mouse fart in the wind. Hmmmmm, I wonder what the ‘truth’ is. OK, that was a lie; I know what the truth is I was just being a cheeky monkey. In addition to being a cheeky monkey, you are also a wonderful singer/songwriter! I like the name Megan Renee. I will consider the name for my 'Hot Nun" name....Sister Megan Renee. Your research is eye opening and I hope the 'smart ones" got something out of it, but sometimes I wonder.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wgk146 0 #25404 August 27, 2011 Any thought that DB Cooper might have had a VHF AM receiver of some kind? I'm thinking an early air-band monitor radio. He could have listened to SEA-TAC control, then switched to PDX control, possibly even to the VOR frequency, might have known exactly where he was. Earphone? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #25405 August 28, 2011 Quote Any thought that DB Cooper might have had a VHF AM receiver of some kind? I'm thinking an early air-band monitor radio. He could have listened to SEA-TAC control, then switched to PDX control, possibly even to the VOR frequency, might have known exactly where he was. Earphone? The PDX tower and approach and departure controllers would not have been involved in the flight from Seattle to Reno. The airliner would only have talked to Seattle ATC sector controllers as it passed through the Portland area. The airliner was also in contact with the performance group at the NWA headquarters in Minneapolis through the ARINC radio system. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #25406 August 28, 2011 Quote Any thought that DB Cooper might have had a VHF AM receiver of some kind? I'm thinking an early air-band monitor radio. He could have listened to SEA-TAC control, then switched to PDX control, possibly even to the VOR frequency, might have known exactly where he was. Earphone? I too raised the same question way back. Radio Shack made a tunable VHF AM transistor radio in the 60s. Cost about $20. Small. I had one. No proof Cooper had ANY radios, but I so want him to have used radios. I've made some radio jumps with low power walkie talkies to show what could be done. Comms to over 60 miles from 10,000 ft. Almost 100 mile comms on an 18,000 ft hop and pop. Once On the ground no problem reaching fellow hams on peaks 20 miles away with both of us using walkie talkies. Still, it's just wishful thinking. Cooper sure would have benefitted from radios. I push radios and Snowmman introduced Dan Cooper comics. The astute Marla Cooper included both in her LD Cooper story. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #25407 August 28, 2011 Quote Still, it's just wishful thinking. Cooper sure would have benefitted from radios. I push radios and Snowmman introduced Dan Cooper comics. The astute Marla Cooper included both in her LD Cooper story. And the FBI runs with it? In addition to calling it 'their most promising lead'. Then Agent Eng discounts my father. His reasoning? <-----Agent Eng tells Jerry that Mel does not look much like the sketch. Mel's fingerprints are on file. He already has an assigned FBI #. Was Mel discounted as a suspect because of the flurry caused by L.D. Cooper? Probably.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #25408 August 28, 2011 Sorry Vickie, but that is how they do things. We know Cooper was "print phobic". I believe it was Gray who said the match book Cooper used and put in the forward pouch was retrieved by Cooper. Fact or Myth - I don't know. If the above really happened then Cooper probably had prints on file.. The prints available from Cooper were latent prints and particials. was stated yrs ago by Himmelsbach and others that the FBI did not know if the prints they had even belonged to Cooper. Duane's prints from 1944 are dead center prints - they did not roll the fingers like mine were done to obtain a Real Estate license in the 90's. I think that was the only time I ever had prints made. Now they do them electronically - did the FBI get my prints? I forgot! Old Timers is robbing me of my memory along with all of the Cooper Mumbo Jumbo I keep in my head...P.S. Tonight when I came here to make the above post there was a LOCK on the screen - and my first thought - "The thread has been LOCKED!". My mind was racing "Maybe Cooper has been revealed". Then POOF the LOCK disappeared. Maybe the Cherry Cheese pie did have a code in it! NO - it was just a Cherry Cheese Pie recipe so very popular in the 60's and 70's. BUT, wait it was handwritten - maybe the handwriting belonged to Tina or her sister!Maybe the thread should end with a good laugh just like Gray's book. You Think! What are the chances of a Cherry Pie Recipe solving this case? Where is the darn Code I broke? Too much to keep up with! 7698QA2753 Duane's numbers: Army serial # 35608905 Navy serial #283-56-96 There went that darn LOCK thing again. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #25409 August 28, 2011 I think my reading comprehension is a poor as my dredge knowledge. But….. skyjack71 pondered after grousing: “Orange, your observations and deductions are pathetic! When Duane was alive I did ask him about his daughter. The ex-wife told me he tried to see his daughter or to communicate with her (she indicated Tx). All I have is the ex-wife's word on this and do not know how reliable that was. When Duane died - remember this - I did NOT own or know how to used a commuter. It is extremely rude of you to blame me for something I had no control over. I do not know her birthday or even the exact age she was born or in what state.” That’s telling her Sheriff. But I think the ‘Amazing Farflungini’ can solve one mystery from this thread without the aid of bovine guano. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #25410 August 28, 2011 Quote I think my reading comprehension is a poor as my dredge knowledge. But….. skyjack71 pondered after grousing: “Orange, your observations and deductions are pathetic! When Duane was alive I did ask him about his daughter. The ex-wife told me he tried to see his daughter or to communicate with her (she indicated Tx). All I have is the ex-wife's word on this and do not know how reliable that was. When Duane died - remember this - I did NOT own or know how to used a commuter. It is extremely rude of you to blame me for something I had no control over. I do not know her birthday or even the exact age she was born or in what state.” That’s telling her Sheriff. But I think the ‘Amazing Farflungini’ can solve one mystery from this thread without the aid of bovine guano. Okay, Okay - I made some spelling errors, but I was very tired. Computer not commuter and I meant to say "I do not know when she was born". Best guess between 1943 and 1946 . Maybe as late as 1947. I know his mother checked on a marriage to a woman in 1943, but do not know if this was the woman carrying his child or if the incident occurred later...or if he was even married to the mother of his child. I do know the child would have been born before he went to SanQuentin - that is only logical...Right? I was mad about the post she made because it was totally uncalled for, but I was already very tired - not getting enough sleep. At 70+ I need my BEAUTY sleep. Good night.P.S. How do you put that stuff together? Always good for a smile.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #25411 August 28, 2011 When did they release all of those FBI files on Cooper. I don't have adobe flash player so how do I read them or get copies? I only have dial-up service. If they are legitimate I will pay someone to make me copies and mail them to me. I get very leery about things like that on the computer - wasn't even sure it was a legitimate FBI site!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #25412 August 28, 2011 Quote Tonight when I came here to make the above post there was a LOCK on the screen - and my first thought - "The thread has been LOCKED!". My mind was racing "Maybe Cooper has been revealed". Then POOF the LOCK disappeared. The screen locked as the ‘Amazing Farflungini’ yelled for "Silence". This was as he made his amazing and insightful prediction. Locking a screen is an added feature of high speed internet and the powers it gives us over dial-up users. Well worth the $10.00 a month difference in price.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #25413 August 28, 2011 Quote Quote Tonight when I came here to make the above post there was a LOCK on the screen - and my first thought - "The thread has been LOCKED!". My mind was racing "Maybe Cooper has been revealed". Then POOF the LOCK disappeared. The screen locked as the ‘Amazing Farflungini’ yelled for "Silence". This was as he made his amazing and insightful prediction. Locking a screen is an added feature of high speed internet and the powers it gives us over dial-up users. Well worth the $10.00 a month difference in price. Jo, Take Vicki's advice and check into getting better Internet service. You might start by checking with your present provider (AOL). If that doesn't work, try checking your local phone book, and you might even take a look at your Sunday (today's) newspaper for special discounts on high speed Internet service. High speed Internet service is provided by some phone companies through your land line phone, by cable TV providers through the same cable as you receive the TV reception, through satellite TV companies, and by Wi-Fi companies that don't require any physical connection to your house. There is no excuse for your continued complaints about your dial-up service. Just do it! In fact, AOL would probably be happy to get another dial-up customer out of their system and into the modern age. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #25414 August 28, 2011 Second that on the faster connection. Jo, with everyone clamoring for your high speed internet business, I would imagine that you could find a faster speed for probably not more than $10 / month over what you are paying now - if you are paying $10.00 a month now. All you have to do is make sure that the price you lock into isn't an introductory rate that will go up in 12 months (or allow for that by figuring out a way to work it into your budget.) There are likely mini-satellite services in your area that - while maybe not as fast as broadband or dsl -- might still be faster than dial-up and not that much more expensive. Doesn't cost anything to look into, right? Or tell your family that's what you want for Christmas in September. A gift certificate for a year's worth of hi speed internet. Renewable every year. Have them take all of the junk gifts you might usually get from family members - divide the cost. A gift that keeps on giving. How cool is that? I give one of my relatives cell phone service every year - she keeps in her car for emergencies when she drives. (Just to the local places now - she quit driving long distances about 2 years ago - Hurts her knees to drive long distances after she fell on an icy step while taking some food to a sick neighbor). And her daughter gives her cable service every year. (My relative is in her mid 90s - gardens and cans food, volunteers at the local senior ctr, dances when her knee allows, works puzzles and reads voraciously - doesn't want a computer, but loves the game show network) Thought i'd add...her kids are more than willing to go and get her for long distance trips - especially to go see her twin sister who lives about 200 miles away. Her twin sister quit driving long distances about a year ago after getting stopped a couple of times for driving too slow on the interstate. Sometimes their brother volunteers to drive them places but he drives like a maniac, so they say. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #25415 August 28, 2011 A customer service agent will rapidly age into a defeated, dried husk of a person when repeated and different questions receive the same answer laced with self righteous indignation and detachment. This occurring after the Amazing Farflungini fore saw the event as if he had direct experience with this phenomenon which is so utterly consistent and universal that I can only marvel at the continued denial of this microcosm of computer users. Routers thoroughly buried in debris pitched out of a well placed litter box, switched outlets with a power strip, malware downloaded via the promise of something free, gummy bear in the ‘E’ drive (it was a pineapple which is translucent so this is understandable), phone line shoved into the Ethernet port, mouse quit working (mouse not plugged into PS2), monitor blank (monitor turned off), sound won’t work (volume set to zero), email does not work (could not remember password) and an Internet order was not delivered, called UPS and vendor to complain (forgot to pay at checkout). Stupid computers. A torrent of tears and pleas of mercy will fall upon deaf, oblivious ears and he will be forced to spend an inordinate amount of time chasing false leads or misinformation while trying to remedy a problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #25416 August 28, 2011 Quote Routers thoroughly buried in debris pitched out of a well placed litter box, Ewww. That stinks And what about that keyboard (covered with lettuce and special sauce) that somehow?? keeps sticking. Actual question I posed to one of my friends (her floor you could eat off of - her computer looks like the condiment station at Burger King). Q: What should you have if stranded on a deserted island? A: Your laptop. There's enough food in there to keep you going for at least a week.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #25417 August 28, 2011 Quote High-speed internet: In April of this year, I signed a three-year deal with Comcast cable for $125 a month. ($143 with the usual taxes/fees) For this, I get HSI, free unlimited phone to US and Canada, and cable TV expanded basic with a couple of premium channels, including NFL. Jo could probably swing a similar deal with her cable company. Too expensive for me. I do NOT use a cell - for emergencies only or travel. Buy my minutes for a yr and no monthly fee. $100 a year for 1000 minutes good for a yr. My telephone is unlimited Long Distance for $50 per month. I have an analog TV and the antennae is in my attic cosst me nothing. I watch little TV. I used to read lots of books, but that has been curtailed by an eye problem. Even sitting at the computer I have to tape one eye up to continue to work - why you are seeing so many errors lately in my words and spelling. I just try to say what has to be said as quickly as possible and go on to the next task. ALL of the have to have technology is why so many young families end up in financial trouble. The only problem I have with dial-up is not being able to watch the U-tube things and some of the things you guys make connections to. I down loaded Flash player 10, but haven't tried to access the files yet. I didn't even know there where actual case files regarding Cooper available from the FBI. Are there any details in those files that have NOT been disclosed in this thread? I really do not feel lilke trying to read them. Not feeling very well at all today. So quiet you can hear a pin drop. The end of a long 15 yr struggle for me. There have been those who have tried to HOAX me and yet, it can't be done. (One was just in the last few weeks - he did a good job, but could NOT get me to lie or create a story to match a story he told me. Maybe his quest was real, but NO connections made in our sharing of information.) I had hoped I had found a connection to Duane's past - be it Cooper related or just did NOT pan out. I am tired of defending my scruples and my character. I am tired of being called a liar and teller of stories. Certain individuals want to profit from Cooper - either to promote themselves or their finances or their organization. Due to the way our society in this America is structured, those who play dirty and make others look badly usually come out on top. It is time for AMERICA to turn this around and stop making heros out of those who have stomped on the truths through coersion and abusive behaviour. Individuals who conduct their lives in ways that destroy others should be punished and made to account for their actions with public ridicule. Unfortunately the younger American generations would rather be enticed by promotion of turmoil and chaos and injustice. It is evident that the decaying of American values will be its down fall. I believe most of you here will know what I am trying to say, but then there are those whose heads it will fly right over.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #25418 August 29, 2011 Nice river pix Robert B. But where are the fish pictures? I like radio dramas too. I few up listening to Suspense. We didn't get TV until 1964. CBS Radio Mystery Theater was the last gasp of the genre. There were some good episodes but a lot of mediocre ones. Is Marla's story still getting media and FBI attention or is it stone cold dead? I wanted some details on LD Coopers's "expensive walkie talkies." That Marla sure knows how to put together a story. Clever girl indeed. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #25419 August 29, 2011 Hey Jo, I have an idea for a new quest for you to engage. Would you be willing to consider the possibility that Duane lied to you? That he is not Dan Cooper, but simply one of the 922 guys who have confessed to the skyjacking? If you would like to discuss why Duane would do that, I'd listen. I would very much like to learn about the Cooper Vortex phenomenon and understand the how's and why's of so many people wanting to be a part of this grand drama. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #25420 August 29, 2011 Quote Here is another article about Columbia dredging: I know this is like plunging rusty nails, soaked in lemon juice and rolled in sand into your eyes, so you can simply pass over the comment and discount anything that could be heresy. I’m always amazed at how little I know about so many things. This dredging operation kept 700,000 trucks off the highway and this project took 20 years to complete. Wow that’s a massive undertaking. The photo shows a ‘clamshell’ dredge in operation near Longview, WA (RM 64-70) which makes the Fazio river mile markers of 94 to 101.5 to be among the few immune to clamshell dredge equipment. Hmmmmmm. Yup.. clamshell right along the docks.. in the pictures Just the place we usually see them. I spent the weekend dragging the river mouth yet again... out off the mouth and also up near the Astoria Bridge on both the north and south sides of the Desdemona Sands.. and all I found was a 30 and 24 pound chinook. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #25421 August 29, 2011 Good work on those big Kings Amazon. BBQ'd Chinook is the BEST. I remember coming into Astoria in the early 70s plugged with tuna after 30 days at sea. Back then fish canneries were going full blast and buyers were fiercely competing to buy your catch. I remember one time when the competition was so fierce that the buyers would meet you at the docks with a limo. "Come on boys, hop in, we'll give you top dollar for your fish, a great steak dinner and little fun afterwards." "We'll even throw in a few cases of prime belly meat tuna that you can send home to the wife. Whaddya say, we got a deal?" Now not a single cannery remains in Astoria as far as I know. The tuna are transhipped in freezer conatiners to Puerto Rico or Samoa for processing. Geoff's book has tantalizing info on titanium sponge found on the alleged Cooper tie. It could be from an aircraft factory (it was used on Boeing SST work) or it could possibly be from paint. You are left hanging as to the source. Does anyone have better info on the titanium, residue? Sluggo? I know the paint possibility will get Jo going. Remember her Boeing paint connection? I thought titanium in paint was titanium dioxide powder. I don't know anything about titanium sponge material. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #25422 August 29, 2011 A simple search of the word "dial" brings up 27 posts by Skyjack71. In many, you are lamenting the fact that you can't see maps, Sluggo's site, open attachments, things went poof, yada, yada, yada. WHY? Because you "have dial up". When people try to help you, you always have an excuse as to why they will have to pry your dialup connection from your cold dead hands. OK - no problem....but then you repeatedly ask people to send you this file, that picture, hard copy of this map or that dvd so you can see the things that are being discussed. Another of the myriad reasons that people tend to lose patience with you. You know...if you don't want to spring for a faster connection at home for whatever reason - you can always use the computer at your local library or senior center. Most only charge if you print off any material and it's likely you could ask for a senior discount for that. Or you can continue to be on the outside looking in with convenient excuses - while relying on the kindness of your internet pals to send you stuff. I don't know Jo, but seems to me -- if I was as distressed about not having time left to do all I want to do as you seem to be, AND I thought this forum or that web site is gonna help me find out what I want to know - I wouldn't be wasting any of that time fooling around on dialup. I'd get on a faster connection. But that's just me.. Or better yet ....get on a plane. Put the house on the market, find a nice senior subsidized apartment in Washington State or Oregon and spend the rest of your days in county courthouses. Cross country moves have been done by old folks, disabled folks, poor folks, and dumb blonde folks. Just takes a leap of faith and a little time. Or maybe just quit stressing about any of it and take up a new hobby.......skydiving maybe? but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #25423 August 29, 2011 Quote Quote Good work on those big Kings Amazon. BBQ'd Chinook is the BEST. I remember coming into Astoria in the early 70s plugged with tuna after 30 days at sea. Back then fish canneries were going full blast and buyers were fiercely competing to buy your catch. I remember one time when the competition was so fierce that the buyers would meet you at the docks with a limo. "Come on boys, hop in, we'll give you top dollar for your fish, a great steak dinner and little fun afterwards." "We'll even throw in a few cases of prime belly meat tuna that you can send home to the wife. Whaddya say, we got a deal?" Now not a single cannery remains in Astoria as far as I know. The tuna are transhipped in freezer conatiners to Puerto Rico or Samoa for processing. Geoff's book has tantalizing info on titanium sponge found on the alleged Cooper tie. It could be from an aircraft factory (it was used on Boeing SST work) or it could possibly be from paint. You are left hanging as to the source. Does anyone have better info on the titanium, residue? Sluggo? I know the paint possibility will get Jo going. Remember her Boeing paint connection? I thought titanium in paint was titanium dioxide powder. I don't know anything about titanium sponge material. 377 I thought that was interesting also. I've read of titantum sponge being used in fireworks - which is why I mentioned in an earlier post whether it could have come from the flares or whatever was used in the "bomb". Thought someone would have agreed or disputed that idea by now, but, alas, no glad you brought it up again. Also btw...if anyone recalls...was the color of the sticks the only reason that it was assumed to be a fake bomb or were there other reasons?but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #25424 August 29, 2011 Quote Geoff's book has tantalizing info on titanium sponge found on the alleged Cooper tie. It could be from an aircraft factory (it was used on Boeing SST work) or it could possibly be from paint. You are left hanging as to the source. Does anyone have better info on the titanium, residue? Sluggo? Would titanium be used in the production of metal plates used for counterfeiting US Reserve notes? or the printing press itself? I started to search, but I am at the end of lunch break and work calls.smokin99, Orange1 and you have time to check? THANKS! For all the newbies: Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #25425 August 29, 2011 Vicki, quick search turned up nothing but I will look a little later. (incidentally I like many skydivers have titanium adjoining a bone... ) And a response to jo's request about the FBI files on Cooper. Jo, we mentioned these literally years ago. I know because I had them downloaded onto an old PC which I no longer have, in a room which is now baby O's nursery and she is nearly 3. There have been repeated requests for you to read these over the years. You have had plenty of time and opportunity to get hold of them, why suddenly now? Just checked back - I posted the link on 30 November 2007. That's nearly 4 years ago. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites