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DB Cooper

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Hey Jo,

I have an idea for a new quest for you to engage.

Would you be willing to consider the possibility that Duane lied to you? That he is not Dan Cooper, but simply one of the 922 guys who have confessed to the skyjacking?

If you would like to discuss why Duane would do that, I'd listen.

I would very much like to learn about the Cooper Vortex phenomenon and understand the how's and why's of so many people wanting to be a part of this grand drama.

No Vortex phenomenon - and I am NOT one of those wanting to be part of a grand drama. Surprise surprise and the mouse is laughing with Cherry Cheese Pie all over his face.


You Will Never Know If You Don't Know Now! Duane was Dan Cooper.


16 years, numerous hysterical phone calls to Geoff and me and others, and a failure to drive down to Tina or Flo and insist - or beg - that they take a look at a pix says you're in the vortex.

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Would the windows of the jets have a coating on them or any of this so called sponge T you speak of?

No. Any coatings on the glass would be inert and
nonreactive in any event, like the coating on a
binocular lens.

Keep in mind we dont even know if this was
Cooper's tie or whose tie it was - just that chances
are it was Cooper's - but its a question.

I do wonder if there might be titanium sponge
coatings to some of the plane parts, in some paint,
or even part of some mix on a filter or on the
inside of the ducts in the air system ??? Im just
speculating ...

The chemistry of the particles will identify the possible sources.

I always told Tom we needed a chemist! :D
Im saying that for Tom alone - only he understands
and will know the humor in it! :) But he knows
Im serious. :D This is a joke in case there's any doubt. :D A historical joke. :D

Im going for a walk -

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A simple search of the word "dial" brings up 27 posts by Skyjack71. In many, you are lamenting the fact that you can't see maps, Sluggo's site, open attachments, things went poof, yada, yada, yada. WHY? Because you "have dial up". When people try to help you, you always have an excuse as to why they will have to pry your dialup connection from your cold dead hands.
OK - no problem....but then you repeatedly ask people to send you this file, that picture, hard copy of this map or that dvd so you can see the things that are being discussed. Another of the myriad reasons that people tend to lose patience with you.

You know...if you don't want to spring for a faster connection at home for whatever reason - you can always use the computer at your local library or senior center. Most only charge if you print off any material and it's likely you could ask for a senior discount for that.

Or you can continue to be on the outside looking in with convenient excuses - while relying on the kindness of your internet pals to send you stuff.
I don't know Jo, but seems to me -- if I was as distressed about not having time left to do all I want to do as you seem to be, AND I thought this forum or that web site is gonna help me find out what I want to know - I wouldn't be wasting any of that time fooling around on dialup. I'd get on a faster connection. But that's just me..

Or better yet ....get on a plane. Put the house on the market, find a nice senior subsidized apartment in Washington State or Oregon and spend the rest of your days in county courthouses. Cross country moves have been done by old folks, disabled folks, poor folks, and dumb blonde folks. Just takes a leap of faith and a little time.

Or maybe just quit stressing about any of it and take up a new hobby.......skydiving maybe? :)


I like your thinking 99. Jo's behavior certainly calls into question her true agenda. If I wanted to find the truth about my wife, I'd get high speed Internet - wait! I already have it! That's right - I'm a journalist and it is a de rigueur tool for professional work.

Time to get real.

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'The initial FBI agents doing the digging we think went about it in a fairly crude way. We saw none of the tools we typically use to do paleontological excavations etc. We think its highly unlikely that they recovered fragments from several feet down but this is certainly not crystal clear...' (Robert says: See attached picture of original dig)

Is that Bill Booth on the left of the picture? Didn't he start out in the early seventies?



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I am making a rare appearance since this is going in the wrong direction quickly.

First off, we never told Geoff Gray that there was Ti sponge on the tie. He got that from someone else. You should ask him how he obtained that info if you talk to him. We told him not to publish it but he did anyway.

Anything related to titanium on airplanes is pure speculation. There is nothing on the tie that links the owner of the tie to anything having to do with aircraft.

We have looked at literally thousands of particles on the tie. The shear quantity held hope that unique particles could lead back to his home town or place of business. The signatures of the particles unfortunately usually have multiple sources that can be attributed to them. This then requires multiple types of particles that all point in one direction. Most importantly that direction has to be agreed upon not only by us, but by outside experts. We are still working on this aspect of the research and that's why it's taking so much time.

We can tell you that nothing on the tie points to any of the current batch of suspects. If anything, particles that should have been on the tie were not, and in our opinion, this rules out any suspect that was living in the northwest. Of course you can always argue that lack of evidence is not evidence.

We are trying very hard to be able to release all of our research information before the anniversary.

Thank you for your patience,

Tom Kaye and the Cooper Research Team

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I am making a rare appearance since this is going in the wrong direction quickly.

First off, we never told Geoff Gray that there was Ti sponge on the tie. He got that from someone else. You should ask him how he obtained that info if you talk to him. We told him not to publish it but he did anyway.

Anything related to titanium on airplanes is pure speculation. There is nothing on the tie that links the owner of the tie to anything having to do with aircraft.

We have looked at literally thousands of particles on the tie. The shear quantity held hope that unique particles could lead back to his home town or place of business. The signatures of the particles unfortunately usually have multiple sources that can be attributed to them. This then requires multiple types of particles that all point in one direction. Most importantly that direction has to be agreed upon not only by us, but by outside experts. We are still working on this aspect of the research and that's why it's taking so much time.

We can tell you that nothing on the tie points to any of the current batch of suspects. If anything, particles that should have been on the tie were not, and in our opinion, this rules out any suspect that was living in the northwest. Of course you can always argue that lack of evidence is not evidence.

We are trying very hard to be able to release all of our research information before the anniversary.

Thank you for your patience,

Tom Kaye and the Cooper Research Team

Thanks Tom.

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It’s a story….. about exotic metals…. and refining that makes it look like foam.

From a single source….. it was extracted… and then was overblown.

Now you may think…. this sounds familiar…. it depends on which theory that you own.

For it’s the same crap… but on a new page… this guano has been thrown.

The DZ Bunch, The DZ Bunch, don’t expect any changes…. DZ Bunch.

Wow, so Tom Kaye was misquoted? Imagine my shock. I mean using a single source that quotes another unpublished source should be safe. Why cross check things? We know what a waste of time that is because it has already been discussed before and a 26,000 comment thread is concerned about efficiency if anything.

That’s too bad with titanium sponge being associated with Boeing and aircraft and aircraft windshield remnants and Airstream trailers. This could have blown the lid off this case and revealed the rarely suggested suspects of Duane and Kenny. Something tells me that the next item coming down the pike will have an association established with both before anyone knows what the heck it is, like ‘Sky Chef’ matches.

How about calling this think tank the ‘Brain Storm Cooper’ thread? There could be special equipment with knobs and dials that is too technical for anyone else to comprehend. Sources could originate anywhere and pre plotted answers would be required so people could be cut off, if others dare ask a question that doesn’t match ‘their’ suspect. All you have to do is say ‘all I care about is the truth’ and go back to steering and manipulation. That would be something new at least.


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TomKaye said


Anything related to titanium on airplanes is pure speculation. There is nothing on the tie that links the owner of the tie to anything having to do with aircraft.

We have looked at literally thousands of particles on the tie. The shear quantity held hope that unique particles could lead back to his home town or place of business. The signatures of the particles unfortunately usually have multiple sources that can be attributed to them. This then requires multiple types of particles that all point in one direction. Most importantly that direction has to be agreed upon not only by us, but by outside experts. We are still working on this aspect of the research and that's why it's taking so much time.


We can tell you that nothing on the tie points to any of the current batch of suspects. If anything, particles that should have been on the tie were not, and in our opinion, this rules out any suspect that was living in the northwest. Of course you can always argue that lack of evidence is not evidence.


We are trying very hard to be able to release all of our research information before the anniversary.

Thank you for your patience,

Tom Kaye and the Cooper Research Team

Thanks for the post and thanks to you and team for all of your work. Looking forward to your report.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it also true that anything on the tie being related to Dan Cooper at all is pure speculation?
IOW, Unless this evidence has been or can be tied in with any other evidence known to be related to Cooper, it's still only an assumption that this was his tie. Maybe a logical assumption, but still just an assumption. Is that an accurate statement?

Does anyone know if there was anything (other than where the tie was found) that led to this being labeled as his tie?

Was it ever identified by any of the witnesses as being on his person?

Or did they ckeck on recent previous passengers seated in that area to see if they lost a tie? I know they clean up between flights - but unless they were a lot more fastidious in their cleaning in 1971 than now that's not saying much. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Or did they ckeck on recent previous passengers seated in that area to see if they lost a tie? I know they clean up between flights - but unless they were a lot more fastidious in their cleaning in 1971 than now that's not saying much. :)

Smokin99, The airliner probably had not been cleaned since leaving the east coast that morning and definitely not since leaving Minneapolis.

It would probably have been cleaned in Seattle and then used on a flight to somewhere in the east that left Seattle late that afternoon or early that evening.

My guess is that it would probably have had a turn around time in Seattle of an hour or two (it was scheduled to arrive there about 3:45PM) and the cabin would have been cleaned during that time.

In addition, the aircraft would probably have been serviced, as well as refueled, and the cabin would have been restocked with meals for the evening flight, etc..

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Farflung wrote:

‘all I care about is the truth’ and go back to steering and manipulation.

"all I care about is the truth" = If evidence points to Duane as DBC, it's the truth. If it points away, it's FBI or JT misinformation, false, irrelevant, etc.

Jo's work presents a classic case of biased research.

It's hard to recognize your own bias. Not just for Jo but for everyone, myself included.

Poor Marla. Her star burned so bright, but so briefly. I really don't know what's left for her. Will her book even be printed? It will go straight to remainders if it is. I might buy it for 99 cents.

I do blame Snowmman for leading Marla astray with the Dan Cooper comics. My DBC walkie talkie speculation is far less blameworthy. She could have easily made that up on her own, just like I did.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Tom K wrote:

I am making a rare appearance since this is going in the wrong direction quickly.

Thanks Tom. Geoff seems to have pissed off a few people by revealing stuff that they thought would be kept confidential. I don't know how it works in the writing and reporting world, but some of his interviewees think he crossed the ethics line.

BTW, things are always "going in the wrong direction " here. Welcome to the Cooper Vortex. Newton, Coriolis and Einstein are ignored every day.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farflung wrote:


‘all I care about is the truth’ and go back to steering and manipulation.

"all I care about is the truth" = If evidence points to Duane as DBC, it's the truth. If it points away, it's FBI or JT misinformation, false, irrelevant, etc.

Jo's work presents a classic case of biased research.

It's hard to recognize your own bias. Not just for Jo but for everyone, myself included.

Poor Marla. Her star burned so bright, but so briefly. I really don't know what's left for her. Will her book even be printed? It will go straight to remainders if it is. I might buy it for 99 cents.

I do blame Snowmman for leading Marla astray with the Dan Cooper comics. My DBC walkie talkie speculation is far less blameworthy. She could have easily made that up on her own, just like I did.


Did Gray mention titanium sponge at the book
promotion you attended?

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Hey Jo,

I have an idea for a new quest for you to engage.

Would you be willing to consider the possibility that Duane lied to you? That he is not Dan Cooper, but simply one of the 922 guys who have confessed to the skyjacking?

If you would like to discuss why Duane would do that, I'd listen.

I would very much like to learn about the Cooper Vortex phenomenon and understand the how's and why's of so many people wanting to be a part of this grand drama.

No Vortex phenomenon - and I am NOT one of those wanting to be part of a grand drama. Surprise surprise and the mouse is laughing with Cherry Cheese Pie all over his face.


You Will Never Know If You Don't Know Now! Duane was Dan Cooper.


16 years, numerous hysterical phone calls to Geoff and me and others, and a failure to drive down to Tina or Flo and insist - or beg - that they take a look at a pix says you're in the vortex.

EXCUSE ME! I am not a rude obtrusive Enquiring journalist. I respect the privacy of the witnesses.. I did send a photo album to Florence, but do NOT know if she received it. Prepaid return packaging was enclosed.. Never knew if it was received. She would have had that package on Feb. 14 of 2011. That was this past February.

I chose NOT to be in their faces and that is as close as I have ever come to doing so. If she did NOT think any of the photos could have been Cooper, simply returning it with a BIG NO on it would have been appreciated.

Silence Speaks Volumes
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:


Seems if she [Flo] did NOT think any of the photos could be Cooper she would have returned it with a BIG NO on it.

CLASSIC bias. And if the FBI won't prove Duane Weber was not DBC, then he probably is.

Sigh... I thought I'd take over Orange's job for a few days and give her a rest. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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A simple search of the word "dial" brings up 27 posts by Skyjack71. In many, you are lamenting the fact that you can't see maps, Sluggo's site, open attachments, things went poof, yada, yada, yada. WHY? Because you "have dial up". When people try to help you, you always have an excuse as to why they will have to pry your dialup connection from your cold dead hands.
OK - no problem....but then you repeatedly ask people to send you this file, that picture, hard copy of this map or that dvd so you can see the things that are being discussed. Another of the myriad reasons that people tend to lose patience with you.

You know...if you don't want to spring for a faster connection at home for whatever reason - you can always use the computer at your local library or senior center. Most only charge if you print off any material and it's likely you could ask for a senior discount for that.

Or you can continue to be on the outside looking in with convenient excuses - while relying on the kindness of your internet pals to send you stuff.
I don't know Jo, but seems to me -- if I was as distressed about not having time left to do all I want to do as you seem to be, AND I thought this forum or that web site is gonna help me find out what I want to know - I wouldn't be wasting any of that time fooling around on dialup. I'd get on a faster connection. But that's just me..

Or better yet ....get on a plane. Put the house on the market, find a nice senior subsidized apartment in Washington State or Oregon and spend the rest of your days in county courthouses. Cross country moves have been done by old folks, disabled folks, poor folks, and dumb blonde folks. Just takes a leap of faith and a little time.

Or maybe just quit stressing about any of it and take up a new hobby.......skydiving maybe? :)


I like your thinking 99. Jo's behavior certainly calls into question her true agenda. If I wanted to find the truth about my wife, I'd get high speed Internet - wait! I already have it! That's right - I'm a journalist and it is a de rigueur tool for professional work.

Time to get real.

EACH TO HIS OWN. I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND THE MONEY AND DO WITHOUT OTHER THINGS (like food and lodging and paying the utilities, insurance and prescriptions). The trip to WA stressed my finances and I planned for that for 3 yrs.

Our library here is VERY limited and open only a few hours everyday. I don't like a lot of distractions and due to my health have to keep the tempurature of my home at 74 and no shoes.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am making a rare appearance since this is going in the wrong direction quickly.

First off, we never told Geoff Gray that there was Ti sponge on the tie. He got that from someone else. You should ask him how he obtained that info if you talk to him. We told him not to publish it but he did anyway.

Anything related to titanium on airplanes is pure speculation. There is nothing on the tie that links the owner of the tie to anything having to do with aircraft.

We have looked at literally thousands of particles on the tie. The shear quantity held hope that unique particles could lead back to his home town or place of business. The signatures of the particles unfortunately usually have multiple sources that can be attributed to them. This then requires multiple types of particles that all point in one direction. Most importantly that direction has to be agreed upon not only by us, but by outside experts. We are still working on this aspect of the research and that's why it's taking so much time.

We can tell you that nothing on the tie points to any of the current batch of suspects. If anything, particles that should have been on the tie were not, and in our opinion, this rules out any suspect that was living in the northwest. Of course you can always argue that lack of evidence is not evidence.

We are trying very hard to be able to release all of our research information before the anniversary.

Thank you for your patience,

Tom Kaye and the Cooper Research Team

Thank You! How about CO,LA, AL. S.C. and GA - mix in a couple of trips to FLA to pick up additional income.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Was the match book cover a pale powder blue. Perhaps faded with time? I had heard your explanation of Sky Chef before - was it ever mentioned in this thread? Maybe where I heard it?

Remember the things that appeared in Feb of 1990 after Duane's little trip to a mid-west state? The mouse, the glass, the parchute parts and the books.

The other things that appeared and disappeared - the ticket, the stub and the bag - during that same time frame.

I will always wonder what happened to those things. The shop was broke into 2 times during that period of 6 or 8 wks. Duane went to the back of the work room door and said "It's gone!" I never knew what was gone...what did they take and why...probably not Cooper connected.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Greetings all,

With interest ascending upon the publication of Geoffrey's book and the posts in the Mountain News, I thought it would be timely to develop a list of DB Cooper links.

Here's the list; if you have any suggestions for additional links, please let me know.

This posted in the header of the Mountain News:

Links to DB Cooper Information

1. “Legend of DB Cooper – Death by Natural Causes” is a book written by Ron and Pat Forman about their friend, Barb Dayton, who confessed to being DB Cooper in 1978. The Forman’s account reveals the life of an extraordinary being, who at the very least was the first person in Washington state to undergo a sex-change operation.

2. Geoffrey Gray’s book: “Skyjack – The Hunt for DB Cooper” is the most comprehensive treatise on the skyjacking to date. Gray had exclusive access to the FBI files, personnel and evidence, and his account of the actual events during the hijacking – and the dialogue between Cooper and the flight attendants – is gripping.

3. “Sluggo” is the pre-eminent historian of the DB Cooper skyjacking. He has studied and collected data since the incident occurred, and his web site is the authoritative place to review FBI documents, transcripts of cockpit conversations, and see TV clips from the early days of the investigation. A must-see for any Cooper enthusiast.

Sluggo’s web site is officially titled: “Sluggo’s Northwest 305 Hijacking Research Site,” and its URL, n467us, utilizes the registration number for Cooper’s plane, which was the identification number painted on the fuselage.

4. “The DZ.” The most famous and most widely read blog site on the DB Cooper case is a forum that exists as part of a skydiving web site known as “The DropZone.” Called the “DZ,” it is the wild west of Cooper sharings, and is not for the timid or thin-skinned:

5. Lest we forget the FBI, here is their current Cooper site:

6. Of course, the Mountain News:

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