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Coopers flight came from Minn. Does Melvin Wilson ring a Bell. If so is it posible he could have gotten off that flight then changed clothes and bought a ticket to Seattle. One more point the portland airport off loading and loading was done from the Tarmack Jerry

Several of us here have wanted the FBI to at least look at Mel's fingerprints - supposedly already on file since he has FBI number - since the day Vicki first came on here.
Vicki said that Jerry Thomas said that Agent Ng said that Mel was discounted because Mel doesn't match the sketch?? I don't get it.

#1. He matches as well as some of the others that have been checked.

#2. Back then Carr asked for folks to come forward if they had someone that "disappeared" around that time. Vicki did just that. The case is either open or it's not. If it's open, then what's the big deal about checking Mel out?

Farflung listed a bunch of reasons that Mel is at least on the "long list" - Post #19268 - if the FBI guys (we know you still read this forum - how could you not? ;)) need something to put on the requisition.

Or you can just slip Mel's in with the rest of the bad guys in the "To Be Checked" stack. We'll cover for you if you get caught. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo wrote


Attached is one I believe was made in CO at a Christmas party - which would make it 1980.
Note the HAIR line - exactly as the composite shows it from this angle. Perhaps this is the photo the witnesses should see.

I am not being sarcastic or derogatory Jo but that newly posted "angle" photo doesn't look significantly different than any other Duane photo, at least to my eye. The front of Duane's head slopes like the figures in ancient Mayan carvings and statues. It's pretty distinctive. I've not seen that feature described by any DBC witnesses.


The artist did his best to try to depict this in the shading of the forehead - you will note that a profile of the skyjacker was NEVER made public.

Have you ever read the minutes of the witnesses conversations with the artist? Do you even know if this was even done?

The slant was NOT obvious unless you stood over him. Standing face to face or looking up at him - it was not pronounced. This is obvious from all the photos allowed to be public.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, I hate to be the one to have to tell you this. But your hair looks very, very black in that photo. And Duane's looks blonde and white.

Just keep that in mind the next time you try to play the Dumb Blonde Syndrome card.

Duane's hair was never blonde and what you may see is the age of the photo or the lighting.

The Dumb Blonde Syndrome is just an expression. I do have pictures that makes my white hair look blonde although I never had a blonde hair in my head, but did bleach my hair ONE time - was dyed back in less than a week. Turned out a brassy RED and not blonde.

PS: Note I did ask those offended by my using that expression to offer an alternative.

The expression was used by others prior to my ever meeting Weber because I DO NOT get most JOKES. High IQ and excelled in most subjects, but HUMOR (unfortunately) was NOT part of my home life growing up..
Yes, that is sad and it took me many yrs to understand humor. Some jokes still go right over my head. Children can be cruel.

I have learned to use that inability to my advantage over the yrs. IT gave me a THICK SKIN. I would know the subject backwards and forwards, but rarely raised my hand in class, because I learned the teacher would just pass me by. I was only called on if several people got it wrong. I was never able recite a poem in front of the class...yet provided the teacher with a one on one recitation after the class was dismissed.

I am sure that Bruce is trying to analyze me now. Perhaps Bruce needs to provide the thread and the news media his qualification to do this. Was Bruce EVER a psychological therapist? The article indicated he was ANALYZING Tina...please Bruce post your qualification and education in the psychological field...and your degree qualifying you to make the statement you have made to the media and in this thread regarding Tina!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, I hate to be the one to have to tell you this. But your hair looks very, very black in that photo. And Duane's looks blonde and white.

Just keep that in mind the next time you try to play the Dumb Blonde Syndrome card.

Duane's hair was never blonde and what you may see is the age of the photo or the lighting.

The Dumb Blonde Syndrome is just an expression. I do have pictures that makes my white hair look blonde although I never had a blonde hair in my head, but did bleach my hair ONE time - was dyed back in less than a week. Turned out a brassy RED and not blonde.

PS: Note I did ask those offended by my using that expression to offer an alternative.

The expression was used by others prior to my ever meeting Weber because I DO NOT get most JOKES. High IQ and excelled in most subjects, but HUMOR (unfortunately) was NOT part of my home life growing up..
Yes, that is sad and it took me many yrs to understand humor. Some jokes still go right over my head. Children can be cruel.

I have learned to use that inability to my advantage over the yrs. IT gave me a THICK SKIN. I would know the subject backwards and forwards, but rarely raised my hand in class, because I learned the teacher would just pass me by. I was only called on if several people got it wrong. I was never able recite a poem in front of the class...yet provided the teacher with a one on one recitation after the class was dismissed.

I am sure that Bruce is trying to analyze me now. Perhaps Bruce needs to provide the thread and the news media his qualification to do this. Was Bruce EVER a psychological therapist? The article indicated he was ANALYZING Tina...please Bruce post your qualification and education in the psychological field...and your degree qualifying you to make the statement you have made to the media and in this thread regarding Tina!

One further question for Bruce. Why did he switch to "journalism"?

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I realize that cooper had been at the airport I should have said a previous flight. Now as for the weather The sun can be shining in portland and it can also be a thunderstorm in washougal at THE SAME TIME. this is fact not fiction. Hell I live 14 miles out side Baker City Oregon. a couple of weeks ago a storm blew through down town but it was calm and sunny here. I live in the forest 14 miles a way is desert. When I was stationed in Alaska I was socked in on a glacier for 8 days because of the weather 5 miles away the weather was perfect.Hell your suppose to be intelengent even you should have realized the exstreme weather paterns and movements in mountanous terain. The weather reports your reading may just be for the airport and not for the intire day. Now exsplain this How the pilot of the next aircraft that was behind flight 305 ,as flight 305 headed south landed at portland had 80 knots winds he was 4 nimutes behind 305. his name is Cpt Bohan. His comments are this was one of the worst storm fronts I've encountered in 24yrs he states he had 80 knots comming from 166 degrees at 4000,00 feet he was a pilot for Continental airlines.Now I believe the witnesses in this case because I've lived in that area most of my life and i know what the weather is like. They were there that day at that time you were not many witnesses state it was a bad night for weather.So there you have it robert . Produce a witness that state's they were there and it was a calm night. Everyone I have talked to states it was a stormy night even the owner of the Aireal Store (Donna) this can be verified off of a documentary she was in. Im not calling the weather reports liers Im sayinng your research needs a review .Jerry

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One further question for Bruce. Why did he switch to "journalism"?

Easy answer: He thought he had 'special' insight.
They all think they do.

Some are born teachers! Never need a lesson or
training, schooling, apprenticeship, etc.

Its a psychological condition (sometimes born of
necessity) that often backfires.

On the other hand, you have the real journalists
and writers, some of who are untrained but willing to
learn to perfect their trade, rather than preach-prove!

In terms of raw talent I think Bruce is better than
Gray by a long way! And Blevins isnt even in Bruce's
league and Blevins knows it and resents it. But Bruce
has a chip on his shoulder and can be undisciplined
driven by compulsions without which he could be
a very-very good writer/thinker. Bruce is fractured in
his thinking - without that he could be a true
professional sought after - people sense this in
Bruce, in case he wonders. Bruce has real natural
talent if he would only master it - Bruce could benefit
from a Writer's workshop working with pros or
working with true pros at a large newspaper. Bruce
needs a lucky break that would consolidate and
focus his talent. Writing is a very difficult profession.

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Smnokin99. Curtis Ng states that he is going by what the witnesses said and discribed in there debriefing. He is only using the first composite drawing made by all 4 of the stewardesses. Why do you think Jo is posting all this picture stuff.So she can get some one to say Duane looks like Cooper.Also all this stuff with Tina is useless The new agent will only use one person to Identify Cooper.and it is not Tina I've mentioned this repeatedly to Bruce Smith his research only shows what he wants it to. Jerry

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I've mentioned this repeatedly to Bruce Smith his research only shows what he wants it to. Jerry

That's a very accurate statement regarding Bruce, if
he will take it -

This is what I mean by he needs to consolidate and
focus his talent, ie. his interests. Otherwise he winds
up being a Jack of all trades and Master of none.
Mastering a craft usually happens by mastering
one's self!

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Actually, I started this controversy, and it wasn't to cause trouble, just to try to understand the weather that night. My thought was exactly what you stated: that the weather was rather localized. Perhaps the airliner came out of a thunderstorm into mist, or even clear air. It might have given Cooper a chance to get his bearings and jump at a spot at least familiar to him, if not his ideal jump spot.

I saw a comment from Jo that got me to thinking, and I checked the weather reports for that day, at three specific airports: SEATAC, PDX, and Olympia. I added Olympia in, because it is approximately midway between the others. It could have been a very bad night in some areas, and nearly clear in others. I believe you related just such localized weather. Belive me, I am not trying to cause trouble, just trying to understand possibilities.

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I realize that cooper had been at the airport I should have said a previous flight. Now as for the weather The sun can be shining in portland and it can also be a thunderstorm in washougal at THE SAME TIME. this is fact not fiction. Hell I live 14 miles out side Baker City Oregon. a couple of weeks ago a storm blew through down town but it was calm and sunny here. I live in the forest 14 miles a way is desert. When I was stationed in Alaska I was socked in on a glacier for 8 days because of the weather 5 miles away the weather was perfect.Hell your suppose to be intelengent even you should have realized the exstreme weather paterns and movements in mountanous terain. The weather reports your reading may just be for the airport and not for the intire day. Now exsplain this How the pilot of the next aircraft that was behind flight 305 ,as flight 305 headed south landed at portland had 80 knots winds he was 4 nimutes behind 305. his name is Cpt Bohan. His comments are this was one of the worst storm fronts I've encountered in 24yrs he states he had 80 knots comming from 166 degrees at 4000,00 feet he was a pilot for Continental airlines.Now I believe the witnesses in this case because I've lived in that area most of my life and i know what the weather is like. They were there that day at that time you were not many witnesses state it was a bad night for weather.So there you have it robert . Produce a witness that state's they were there and it was a calm night. Everyone I have talked to states it was a stormy night even the owner of the Aireal Store (Donna) this can be verified off of a documentary she was in. Im not calling the weather reports liers Im sayinng your research needs a review .Jerry

Jerry, Your last sentence first. My research has been "reviewed" by going to the sources. You should take a look at the data on weatherground.com and see if you can find anything supporting your ideas about the weather that night.

The statement by Captain Bohan that he had an 80 knot headwind (at 14,000 feet) from 166 degrees (he would be referring to the magnetic direction) would be from almost the straight south in true direction (aligned to the north/south sectional lines).

That also means that he was undoubtdly on V-23 East and not V-23 on his flight from Seattle to Portland. That is, he was not on the same airway as the hijacked airliner.

Captain Bohan also said that he had about a 30 knot crosswind component during his landing at Portland. The weather data indicates that the highest wind speed at the Portland International Airport the evening of the hijacking was only about 10 knots.

Bohan would not have been four minutes behind the hijacked airliner for long since he was going about 100 knots faster than the NWA airliner. As far as Bohan listening to the hijacked airliner's radio transmissions, including those on ARINC frequencies, he would need about three or four transcievers to handle that plus his own radio communications.

There is NOTHING in the weather records to indicate that there was a storm front between Portland and Seattle the evening of the hi-jacking. The surface winds were approximately 10 knots and generally from the south from Seattle, through Portland and the rest of Oregon, as well as northern California that evening. The surface winds at Reno were also about 10 knots but from a different direction.

The surface pressure was increasing south of Seattle. This statement is also supported by the altimeter settings given to the airliner by ATC. This means that any storm front had already cleared the Seattle area and the route to Reno before the hijacked airliner even took off from Seattle.

Cloudy and rainy weather, such as that experienced in the Portland area the evening of the hijacking doesn't mean that it was a stormy evening even though you may have to fly IFR. In fact, the weather appeared to be rather stable and a good time to get in some real weather IFR flying.

Again, it was a dark, wet, and cloudy night. But not a stormy one.

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Actually, I started this controversy, and it wasn't to cause trouble, just to try to understand the weather that night. My thought was exactly what you stated: that the weather was rather localized. Perhaps the airliner came out of a thunderstorm into mist, or even clear air. It might have given Cooper a chance to get his bearings and jump at a spot at least familiar to him, if not his ideal jump spot.

I saw a comment from Jo that got me to thinking, and I checked the weather reports for that day, at three specific airports: SEATAC, PDX, and Olympia. I added Olympia in, because it is approximately midway between the others. It could have been a very bad night in some areas, and nearly clear in others. I believe you related just such localized weather. Belive me, I am not trying to cause trouble, just trying to understand possibilities.

WGK146, You did not start this. This argument has been going on for years. And you are not causing any trouble.

In reality, the weather for the flight to Reno was passed to the airliner flight crew while they were on the ground in Seattle. It is included in the radio transcripts. They were told that the only thing of any particular concern was a layer of haze at their altitude somewhere south of Portland. This haze was a potential icing problem and they did ice up a bit when they encountered it.

Basically, in the Seattle to Portland leg, the airliner was above an overcast when they got to 10,000 feeet. And there were three broken layers of clouds below that overcast. So the possibility of Cooper even seeing any lights or ground objects is zero for all practical purposes.

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wgk146 your causing no trouble at all. Robert99 Bohan was at 4000ft. Jerry

4000 ft ABOVE 305, during one period...

so its wx records vs. Himms-Bohan.

Why arent there other people's reports in the
record? There are. The Transcripts for one.

Why did the pilots all stay silent on this topic?
What did the CBS news report? Why has Gray
avoided this topic in his 'classic record'?

More questions than answers, as usual. Why all
these questions over something as simple as the

Plus nobody! has ever commented on the fact this
hijacking occured during the daily cooling cycle from
day to night when winds do .... what ... in this area...
during this time of year ...

Larry presented the wx records from the file.

More will be said on this 'fucked up subject' later,
after the anniversary/writer's debacle. Tom's group
may speak to it also ?

But why all this confusion in the first place!
That's what I want to know.

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wgk146 your causing no trouble at all. Robert99 Bohan was at 4000ft. Jerry

Jerry, Himmelsbach writes on page 111 of his book that "Bohan was four minutes behind and 4,000 feet above Flight 305." Since Flight 305 was at 10,000 feet, Bohan would be at 14,000 feet.

Regardless of where Bohan was, the wind at 10,000 feet was from the southwest at between 25 and 30 knots.

If Flight 305 had experienced an 80 knot wind, generally from the south, it could not have made it to Reno.

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Speaking of the storms; I have read quite a bit of both threads, plus Sluggo's site, and the Mountain News, and everyone says it was a stormy night, with wind from the southwest at 23 to 25 mph. One of Jo's comments a while back said she had a weather report that the wind was out of the southeast. I thought "hmmm" but no one commented. Well, today I found the following info:

About a quarter-inch of rain for the day at each location, and winds were south or southeast at the time of the flight. Could this little bit of variation be significant?

They just ignore it like it was never said - and that is what the FBI did to me for yrs. Maybe now they are listening - you think? Well, they will be very very soon - with what I have finally decided to do - hell what do I have to loose - my life? Not worth much right now....since the world has labeled me a loo loo.
So I might as well go forward with everything I have! If I fail - and they can PROVE it is not Right - then prove it before I make my leap.........

If the FBI has the GOODS that prove Weber WAS not Cooper - it is speak NOW or forever hold you peace. I have stayed out of the media for over 10 yrs - that does NOT mean I stopped nor did My people stop investigating the background of Duane L Weber aka John C. Collins aka Dan Cooper.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Speaking of the storms; I have read quite a bit of both threads, plus Sluggo's site, and the Mountain News, and everyone says it was a stormy night, with wind from the southwest at 23 to 25 mph. One of Jo's comments a while back said she had a weather report that the wind was out of the southeast. I thought "hmmm" but no one commented. Well, today I found the following info:

About a quarter-inch of rain for the day at each location, and winds were south or southeast at the time of the flight. Could this little bit of variation be significant?

They just ignore it like it was never said - and that is what the FBI did to me for yrs. Maybe now they are listening - you think? Well, they will be very very soon - with what I have finally decided to do - hell what do I have to loose - my life? Not worth much right now....since the world has labeled me a loo loo.
So I might as well go forward with everything I have! If I fail - and they can PROVE it is not Right - then prove it before I make my leap.........

If the FBI has the GOODS that prove Weber WAS not Cooper - it is speak NOW or forever hold you peace. I have stayed out of the media for over 10 yrs - that does NOT mean I stopped nor did My people stop investigating the background of Duane L Weber aka John C. Collins aka Dan Cooper.

Jo, No more threats! Just do it! But if you are having violent thoughts, get in touch with your shrink as fast as possible.

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They just ignore it like it was never said - and that is what the FBI did to me for yrs. Maybe now they are listening - you think? Well, they will be very very soon - with what I have finally decided to do - hell what do I have to loose - my life? Not worth much right now....since the world has labeled me a loo loo.
So I might as well go forward with everything I have! If I fail - and they can PROVE it is not Right - then prove it before I make my leap.........

If the FBI has the GOODS that prove Weber WAS not Cooper - it is speak NOW or forever hold you peace. I have stayed out of the media for over 10 yrs - that does NOT mean I stopped nor did My people stop investigating the background of Duane L Weber aka John C. Collins aka Dan Cooper.

Jo, No more threats! Just do it! But if you are having violent thoughts, get in touch with your shrink as fast as possible.

Violent thoughts - sure what could a little old woman do? I could jump out of an airplane!
I am afraid of heights and my bones are too frail to do a tandom jump....whatever you guys call it.!

Going forward with everything I have means going public and that is something I hate. It means subjecting myself to that which I detest in others. What I mean by "what do I have to loose - my life". Remember I am old and my health is NOT the best . I would be putting off more surgery for a condition that causes me discomfort and pain (it is a scary surgery). That one will put me down for 6 wks.

It also means I have to subject myself to the pressure of going public and I am prone to panic attacks which raise my blood pressure to heart attack stage.
I refuse to take medications that dull my mind and I also refuse oral pain medications as my body reacts to those with serious allergic reactions causing horrible rashes and intestinal problems.

The FBI has dragged this thing out regarding Weber for 16 yrs and that is way too long. If they actually had PROOF Weber was NOT Cooper do you not think it appropriate they should have at least made it available to the widow.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Go for it Jo Im realy interested in how many more lies you can come up with this time Maybe Cherry pie and ice cream or a new recipe for german conspiracy cake. And all these stories from a woman who new nothing about the Cooper case untill after her husband died.Your words Jo Ref: post# 26290 Jerry

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One further question for Bruce. Why did he switch to "journalism"?

Easy answer: He thought he had 'special' insight.
They all think they do.

Some are born teachers! Never need a lesson or
training, schooling, apprenticeship, etc.

Its a psychological condition (sometimes born of
necessity) that often backfires.

On the other hand, you have the real journalists
and writers, some of who are untrained but willing to
learn to perfect their trade, rather than preach-prove!

In terms of raw talent I think Bruce is better than
Gray by a long way! And Blevins isnt even in Bruce's
league and Blevins knows it and resents it. But Bruce
has a chip on his shoulder and can be undisciplined
driven by compulsions without which he could be
a very-very good writer/thinker. Bruce is fractured in
his thinking - without that he could be a true
professional sought after - people sense this in
Bruce, in case he wonders. Bruce has real natural
talent if he would only master it - Bruce could benefit
from a Writer's workshop working with pros or
working with true pros at a large newspaper. Bruce
needs a lucky break that would consolidate and
focus his talent. Writing is a very difficult profession.


Thanks for the honest feedback, Goerger. I concur with most of your assessments, but dang, my arrogance is still shining through? Whew, I've been working on that sucker for some time! I guess it's back to the pondering chair....

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I've mentioned this repeatedly to Bruce Smith his research only shows what he wants it to. Jerry

That's a very accurate statement regarding Bruce, if
he will take it -

This is what I mean by he needs to consolidate and
focus his talent, ie. his interests. Otherwise he winds
up being a Jack of all trades and Master of none.
Mastering a craft usually happens by mastering
one's self!


Okay, gang, I'm really focusing now.

So, Jerry, as I have asked you before, what is the name of the 4th stewardess? Also, who is it that Curtis trusts exclusively as an eye-witness?

BTW, Georger. I agree completely with your concluding comment that mastering oneself is essential to mastering any skill. Further, I applaud the use of the word, "master." That is exactly the word to employ. In my meditation it is exactly the vision I hold for myself.

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Go for it Jo Im realy interested in how many more lies you can come up with this time Maybe Cherry pie and ice cream or a new recipe for german conspiracy cake. And all these stories from a woman who new nothing about the Cooper case untill after her husband died.Your words Jo Ref: post# 26290 Jerry

Jerry: Below is post 26290

Where is this post do I say I did NOT know anything about D.B.Cooper - I did NOT know D.B. Cooper gave his name as DAN COOPER. In the South we do NOT get Cooper news all of the time...When Duane said Dan Cooper - I did not KNOW D.B. Cooper gave his name as Dan Cooper.

I left off your post I replied to where you called me a name.

Post 26290:
Jerry there is NO need in TRYING to be nice to you. I try, what do I receive, but these kinds of abusive insults!

I retired because I REMARRIED! In 2002 we found out he had CANCER. By 2004 it was essential I be there FOR my husband...

I stlll maintain my continueing education credits and my license on an inactive status. I have NO need to go back into the market and only maintain this for my own benefit.

You seem to WANT to ignore the fact that I regard the Skyjacking as a crime - and NO I had NO motives other than to know who the Hell I was married to for 17 yrs.

I didn't give it a second thought - when I found out who DAN Coooper was. I did the right thing and picked up the phone and called the FBI. My background - if you do the crime you do the time. If he was this criminal he told me was - I wanted to know if it was true.

Had Duane still been alive - I would have done the very SAME THING - called the FBI. Being Cooper is no legacy - the bastard committed a crime. Duane knew this about my character - and why he waited till he knew the end was near before he confessed this to me.

I wish HE had TAKEN it the Grave with HIM, but he didn't and therefore I fight this battle. I AM the ONLY family he had left.
His sister and brother were alive, but Duane had no contact with the bother since 1958 and his sister had limited contact - she also knew his secret and begged me to leave the past in the past. IT was a CRIME
and I had to do what I had to do.

Both individuals were alive when I called the FBI - both older than Duane (he was the baby).

I have not trashed Duane - only wanted to know who this man was. In 1995 when Duane died and when the items that had been hidden in his van were returned to me - I puzzled over this for a long time. I didn't understand the hidden wallet and the identification in it...but, I did NOT know who Dan Cooooper was. Note you have accused me of not knowing about D.B. Cooper - sure I knew who D.B. Cooper was if someone had reminded me of it and had brought it to my attention - I had other things in my life and it did NOT revolve around old unsolved crimes.

I did NOT know who Dan Coooper was - not until May of 1996 and I was immediately on the phone to the FBI.

NOW Jerry, EAT your words and your accusations. I did not prior to 1996 eat and sleep Cooper the way you do. I did NOT know who Dan Cooooper was. When he told me about Dan Coooper remember he was dying - I never even thought of the connection and that is the last thing anyone would think of with a husband who had been given only a few days to live.

USE your damn LOGIC if you have any!



UNTIL 1996 WHEN I READ THAT BOOK - THAT WAS WHEN I LEARNED THAT DAN COOPER WAS THE NAME GIVEN BY D.B. COOPER WHEN HE BOARDED THE PLANE.[/RED] Until I read that book I knew very very little about D.B.Cooper. There was the article in the news in 1971 when Cooper did the crime. Then the article in the Denver Post after the money find - a article I never got to read. Remember Duane took the paper with him. There was a TV program I never got to see...because Weber arranged for us to go out on a weekday with another couple (the only time except our wedding night we went out with another couple in our entire marriage). The next thing I know about D.B. Cooper was a book of mostly fiction I read in May of 1996 - the same night I called the FBI.

Oh! and I forgot he mention Cooper in WA in 1979 - I vaguely knew about the crime, but thought he was kidding me.
I knew NO details about the crime at that time.

END OF SUBJECT - please learn how to comprehend what you read. People a lot smarter than you have tried to HOAX me and they couldn't catch me in a deliberate lie. They discounted the theories I played around with trying to figure it all out...because I had usually qualified it as theory or a maybe.
I was exploring like everyone else.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

The FBI has dragged this thing out regarding Weber for 16 yrs and that is way too long. If they actually had PROOF Weber was NOT Cooper do you not think it appropriate they should have at least made it available to the widow.

Jo, I wish the FBI could satisfy your need, but that's not their job. It's also an impossible task. If they say Duane was ruled out on DNA you say the tie sample is no good. If they say the fingerprints don't match you say print cards were swapped in prison. If they come up with anything that rules Duane out you will dispute it.

You have it backwards Jo. The claim of DBC=Duane was made by you. The burden of proof is on the claimant. You haven't presented a shred of verifiable evidence supporting your claim. Your memories about tickets and parking stubs are unreliable. Why? Bias, that's why. It affects the accuracy of you memory. Look at your stubborn insistence that there was a prison smoke jumper program. There wasn't. You claim to have seen an article describing the program with a photo no less. Prove it!! My extensive searches have convinced me that the article is a distorted memory.

Did you attend a smoke jumper convention? Did you examine smoke jumper hstory records? Did you correspond with smoke jumpers? If so did any person or data corroborate your memory?

What does it take to make you see that your bias influences your memory?

Put Duane on the plane Jo. And please tell us how info regarding an Englebert Humperdinck performance is relevant to this?

I've grown used to your teases and consistently unfulfilled promises of huge revelations. They no longer annoy me. It's just Jo being Jo.

I still welcome you as part of the family here. You are in the Vortex. The Vortex is compelling. I definitely understand that.


"Poof" excuses are BS Jo.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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OK, glad to hear that.

I have another discrepancy I'd like to know about. In at least two locations on Sluggo's site, it says that the stewardess (which is not specified in one location, and the other says Flo) stated that the bomb was eight big red sticks, in two rows. In the Unsolved Mysteries episode about three minutes in, Flo says that the the bomb was 6 sticks wrapped around the battery.

Did Unsolved Mysteries take "poetic license" with this, or did her memory of the bomb change that much?

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OK, glad to hear that.

I have another discrepancy I'd like to know about. In at least two locations on Sluggo's site, it says that the stewardess (which is not specified in one location, and the other says Flo) stated that the bomb was eight big red sticks, in two rows. In the Unsolved Mysteries episode about three minutes in, Flo says that the the bomb was 6 sticks wrapped around the battery.

Did Unsolved Mysteries take "poetic license" with this, or did her memory of the bomb change that much?

I would go with Tina's description in the Transcripts.
Why? Because it is the only 'official' statement you
can refer to. By official I mean 'documentable'.
Everything else is he-said vs she-said as translated
by some reporter, and the Cooper story if full of
that. It always comes down to peer-review and
documentation. Flo saw it? Tina saw it? If you
believe some Scott saw it? All with slightly different
descriptions except for one common feature: sticks
were red no matter how arranged. That is what H
focused on in his opinion: the bomb is a fake and
in H's experience that probably was a predictable
response. An explosives expert might have had a
different opinion based on some broader experience
than H's ? But, nobody rushed Cooper based on the
assumption his bomb was a 'certified' fake. H didnt
even recommend that!

Geof Gray now prresents a new version of how and
from whom the 'Cossey parachutes' were obtained.
But Geof drops this revelation as an anecdote and
he doesn't explain or finish the story. So whose
version is factually correct on that point? I dont have
the faintest idea what the full story is, or if it even
matters. We had a friend of Cossey's come to this
forum and gave us a semi-authoritative version of
how and from whom Cossey's chutes were obtained,
I thought. But Gray now provides new facts? So
whose version is correct cocnerning Cossey's chutes?
I guess Gray will straighten all of that out in his
Symposium? He sure as hell isnt going to come here
and explain anything - and risk losing control of
his "information" or noninformation, as the case
may be.

On another topic, we have always known what stews
do on an airplane - they are essentially managers
of people and situations. Just behind the mechanical
elements of a plane and those working the controls
and flying the plane, the stews are the next most
critical element in 'controling' the environment inside
the plane. Gray's book gives some insight into how
that management occurred and just who did what,
if his accounts are believable.

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