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DB Cooper

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Georger says this:


"In terms of raw talent I think Bruce is better than Gray by a long way! And Blevins isnt even in Bruce's league and Blevins knows it and resents it..."

Are you kidding or what? Come on Georger, you are engaging in personal bashing here, and your statement doesn't match the facts. Not even remotely.

Let's discuss Gray first. A regular contributor to the New York Magazine, a former writer for the friggin' New York Times! A published author to boot with a best-selling book.

My humble contributions to journalism and writing in general: Five published books, and so many edited for other writers that I lost track of how many exactly, but it's probably more than 40. Some were complete book packaging jobs, which is where you take someone's raw manuscript and make a finished title with an ISBN out of it. Nearly FIVE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES posted to Newsvine/MSNBC column at adventurebooks dot newsvine dot com. That column receives an average of 250,000 visits each year. During the last Presidential election, it was close to a half-million a year. (Due to Obama-oriented articles) Each month, I still receive PayPal deposits from MSNBC Interactive even if I don't publish an article that month, due to the high number of visits to all articles. This will go on forever, or until they decide to close the site.

Bruce: He is getting better, no doubt of it. And I am not in Gray's league by any means, but Bruce has a ways to go before he can be accepted as a journalist, or somehow classified as more professional than either myself, or especially Geoff Gray.

Bruce has produced some things important - you
have not. Bruce has produced some thing more
important than anything Gray as produced, from
my perspective. Bruce's writing has a logic that
strikes deep at times. Gray and especially you
do not have that in anything I have ever read
of 'yours'. Bruce provides MEAT to the family.
You and Gray provide a few mushrooms some of
which are even poisonous!. Luckily we have survived
with only belly aches.

Who provides the best food to the tribe?

Who is the best provider and who knows where to
find the food that counts? Who has the better map?

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Way back on page 1053 (one million years BC, DBC Thread time) a source type was posted where a person calls for another’s ‘credentials’:

“5. What are your qualifications?

Among the most disingenuous queries as there is not interest in the qualifications or if you are qualified. This is a call to publish a resume which will ALWAYS exceed your previously stated experience. This is a Tar-baby which will devolve beyond name dropping and braggadocio to quantifications of discussions and meetings which produced nothing. This should be avoided at all costs but the desire to talk about one's penis is simply too great thus insuring continued practice.”

Wanna know how Madoff managed to steal over 50 billion dollars? I’m thinking that a bunch of people were yaking about how he was the Chairman of the NASDAQ and the CEO of his own company and that suppressed the emergence of any genuine investigations or discoveries. Hmmmmm…… it only this could serve as some sort of case study to other activities in day to day life. Oh well, that’s too much to ask for.

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My humble contributions to journalism and writing in general: Five published books, and so many edited for other writers that I lost track of how many exactly, but it's probably more than 40. Some were complete book packaging jobs, which is where you take someone's raw manuscript and make a finished title with an ISBN out of it. Nearly FIVE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES posted to Newsvine/MSNBC column at adventurebooks dot newsvine dot com. That column receives an average of 250,000 visits each year. During the last Presidential election, it was close to a half-million a year. (Due to Obama-oriented articles) Each month, I still receive PayPal deposits from MSNBC Interactive even if I don't publish an article that month, due to the high number of visits to all articles. This will go on forever, or until they decide to close the site.

I'm not going to opine on who is the better writer - aside from correct usage, grammar, punctuation, etc. the rest is personal opinion - and everyone's allowed at least one the last time I checked.

But what you wrote above is pure illogical nonsense. To suggest that the number of articles you've written or hits to your site makes you better or more professional is like saying the number of Cracker Barrells on a road makes it a better highway to travel.

Come on - look at visit numbers to some of the more inane youtube videos or other totally useless sites. And how many times have you followed a link to somewhere and then just as quickly clicked out of it?

Not saying that you haven't accomplished something - the fact that you get up every day and pursue something that interests you is good enough proof of that. But you can't judge how good someone or something is by the number of posts you have on the internet -- or the number of hits/views said posts have on the internet.

You, Gray, and Bruce got some free publicity out of this latest DB Cooper blitz. Hopefully you can shelf the pissing contest between you and Smith, et al and enjoy it while it lasts.:)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo Nothing to eat You have said repeatedly that untill Duane passed away you did not no about the cooper case. hell you've even lied about what Duane told you> Remember he originally said He new who cooper was you eventually changed his words. Still You claim all kinds of stories about him you and the money. Jo Im going to keep reminding you and all others of your lies just in case someone new to the forum may start to believe you. I will continue to make references to your past post. Cheese Cake and All. Jerry

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Blevins : why don't we all do this . Back to the basic's . Cooper Hyjacked the aircraft for 200,000 dollars. Tina helped him open the aft stairwell. He jumped he hasn't been seen or heard from since. all suspects have been eliminated especially yours and Jo's + many others. Now its time to stop the bull crap and find suspects. Jerry

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Jo Nothing to eat You have said repeatedly that untill Duane passed away you did not no about the cooper case. hell you've even lied about what Duane told you> Remember he originally said He new who cooper was you eventually changed his words. Still You claim all kinds of stories about him you and the money. Jo Im going to keep reminding you and all others of your lies just in case someone new to the forum may start to believe you. I will continue to make references to your past post. Cheese Cake and All. Jerry

I never said that Duane knew who Cooper was. He said "I'm Dan Coooper!" Ask Doug Pasternak about that.

I have later said as in "theory only". "If Duane was NOT Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was". This was AFTER the FBI sent me a letter in 1998 - I knew what Duane told me, but WHO was I to argue with the FBI.

When I learned in 2000 the FBI lied to me about the ARMY record and the McNeil file - that is WHEN I STOOD up to the FBI.
This is when I took my stand and fought back.

Jerry you get so many things confused and turned around - it is time to stop the MJ thing and maybe then your kids will respect you. You TEACH by example not by the DO as I say.

Did you read Geoffrey's book?
Did you understand his book?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Look at your stubborn insistence that there was a prison smoke jumper program. There wasn't. You claim to have seen an article describing the program with a photo no less. Prove it!! My extensive searches have convinced me that the article is a distorted memory.

Did you attend a smoke jumper convention? Did you examine smoke jumper hstory records? Did you correspond with smoke jumpers? If so did any person or data corroborate your memory?

"Poof" excuses are BS Jo.

I still swear by all that is dear to me - I did see that picture of 3 men in front of what I assume to be a prison. This was early in 2000. It was among the very first searches I ever did on a computer.

I did NOT know how to save sites or searches - it was during the first 2 months I owned a computer. I contacted Doug and told him about it - but he couldn't find it either.

I also have done extensive searches including contacting a historian at one of the prisons - he could not find it either.

The only searches I had done at that time was - Smokejumpers, forestry programs, San Quentin, Folsom and skyjumpers. The program never took off - and it stemmed from one of the forestry programs. The 3 pictured had volunteered for the program. Under the picture was maybe 2 or 3 lines. No article I can remember - it was a strike off from one of the other places above.

The POOF's are NOT BS.


The offer below still stands.

"I have something I want to scan at a very high resolution and put on a disk to send to you. I will do front and back of ONE item plus a couple of pages from within".

"If you are really able to analyze things - then analyze this. I will include with the disk - small particles (fragments) of this item that have crumbled away. This item needs to be analyzed to see if it was stored with any of the money at any time. The item is deteriorating rapidly. It may even have finger prints within it - most of the outside will be smudged from handling".
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo it's truly remarkable that you insist that your prisoner smoke jumper publication is an accurate memory when all the evidence says it isn't.

Not a huge deal, but it points out your bias. You simply ignore evidence that is contrary to your opinions.

Do I sound like Orange? Yeah, I do.

Jumped today. Had a great time. I still can't believe how cheap it is. $20 to 13,500 ft. If you adjust for inflation it's far cheaper now than when I started jumping in 1968. Back then it was a dollar per thousand feet.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 stated:

Put Duane on the plane Jo.
And please tell us how info regarding an Englebert Humperdinck performance is relevant to this?

Jo replies:

Englebert Humperdinck played in Tahoe in the fall of 1979. I need to know the exact dates.

The relevance of this is to establish the exact wk Duane I went to WA.

377 stated:

Put Duane on the Plane

Jo replies:

The FBI has to at least hint as to what will put Duane on that plane.
A mouse, the match book (I don't have that, but if they had told me in 1996 - it was still in the drawer). If they had told me about a code - there were numbers in the back of that old metal address book.

I CANNOT offer the man who bought the VAN immunity so only the FBI can do that.

I CANNOT find the man who bought the parachute part (oh and yes I do have a picture of one I think it is - I just need to hold one in my hand).

I cannot make the FBI owe up to a mistake about the prints - PROVE to me the prints at McNeil are the same ones at Jefferson and explain WHY Duane was NOT encarcerated under Weber and commuted under Weber - WHY Collins? UNLESS - they didn't catch it because of a flaw in the finger print system.

Find the family who is missing books on that flight that were never returned to them. The book was in water - or moisture while in Duane's possession and crumbling along the lower edge.

One of the Books is GOLD and religious in it's content.

The other Book is from the N.W. and created by individuals who haled from that area. Joan Garrity lived in Mt St. Helens, OR. and she was the artist in one of the books. Duane Weber claimed to know a woman who lived in Mt. St. Helens, OR. Find Joan's daughter and find the history of Duane Weber.

WHY did Weber have these books? The books prove Duane was at least in the area and Cooper"s Garage was in St.Helens. Is that why he used the name Cooper?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I never said that Duane knew who Cooper was. He said "I'm Dan Coooper!" Ask Doug Pasternak about that.

Was Doug Pasternak in the room when Duane said what you claimed he said? If not what is the point of asking him?


I still swear by all that is dear to me - I did see that picture of 3 men in front of what I assume to be a prison.

Ah, Now you assume it is a prison. Assuming something doesn't make it reality.

Blevins - Cooper may be a small part of your life but as has been pointed out - it doesn't really change the perception of your arguments here. You, like Jo, need to get someone with an objective eye to read over your posts and see the way they come across to a disinterested individual. (I'm going on faith that both of you know the difference between disinterested and uninterested.)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo Stated:

I never said that Duane knew who Cooper was. He said "I'm Dan Coooper!" Ask Doug Pasternak about that.

Orange smarts off:
"Was Doug Pasternak in the room when Duane said what you claimed he said? If not what is the point of asking him?"

Jo States:

You are an impossible creature!The DAN Coooper was because JT keeps thinking that I should have known who D.B.Cooper was when Duane said Dan Coooper in the hospital. He doesn't get I did not connect - DAN to D.B and he doesn't grasp the fact I lived in the South and not in the N.W. where he is some kind of legend and there is a festival every yr. to remind me D.B. used the name Dan.

It is senseless to respond to you.
I do not understand what you do NOT understand about the difference between Dan and D.B.

In 1995 Duane said Dan Coooper.
In 1995 I did NOT know that Dan Cooper was the name given by D.B. Cooper when he boarded the plane.

Is that clear enough for you?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I do NOT remember what the 2 or 3 lines said. I know the 3 men where volunteers for a new program Folsom or San Quentin was trying to implement thru the forestry It probably was the prison in the background. Hell, I had only had my computer for about a month. I believe I found that in February of 2000.

NO I did NOT imagine it. It was there.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm impossible? That is funny, Jo. I'm terribly sorry you hate it so much when your constant lack of logic and flights of fancy are pointed out.

As has been said many times - all you need to do is come up with something tangible. Not unreliable memories and conspiracy theories and impossible demands of everyone. The really ironic thing that is that you expect proponents of other Cooper suspects to come up with evidence or logical argument, yet seem to think you are excluded from this. Oh wait, that's because you "know" the truth. :S
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I still swear by all that is dear to me - I did see that picture of 3 men in front of what I assume to be a prison. This was early in 2000. It was among the very first searches I ever did on a computer.

As 377 as pointed out previously, there is some documentation that men from minimal security prisons were used to help fight fires -- clearing brush, digging trenches, etc. but not smoke jumping. Maybe that's where you got your idea from.

I think I've read this too, but even if this is just an assumption, it would seem logical that most smoke jumpers would be recruited from folks that had experience or training in fighting fires. They had to know about about the mechanism of fires and the maneuvers to use to stop the fire. The jumping was a means of transport, right? -- fighting the fire was the true objective. Surely recruiters would rather have them know how to fight fires first and foremost - then they could be taught how to jump.

To put Duane or any other prisoner in a smoke jumper's chute would assume that they had experience or training in fire fighting. That alone makes the whole scenario a bit of a stretch.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo Lieing again I have the tapes of our conversation that proves you are lieing One more thing Duanes best friend in georgia that sold insurance with him will verify your atempt to fraude this case. Oh by the way Shellys birthday is the 11 of september. I just bought her , her dream car a 64/and a half mustang. I have to fly back to Atlanta Georga The day after tommorrow to pick it up It Has been totally restored. I will bring all tapes and everything else with me.Guess what Check Ebay for the 64and a half mustang That I bought in Atlanta Georgia. From there I am going to Florida To visit my Daughter and Grand Kids . I will visit your Town and the news Station. I'm sure you may not believe me but please Call Shelly or Check with E Bay I will e Mail you the winning bid on the mustang. Jerry

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That flight that took off from Seattle…..
And try to change the facts when; you are through….
That flight, that flight, won’t change what they went through……
Because, because, what, what, you dooooooo…….

It’s wrong to say, how fast that they flew…….
Cause when they say these things, it makes them all come true…….
Give me one source and I’ll be happy……
Just, just to see you can do……
Give me, give me, a chance not to fear you….
Because, because, I, I, I dooooooooo……..


Just make a post that is coherent……
Just, just to see what you do…….
Give me, give me, a chance not to fear you……
Because, because, I, I, I doooooooo……..
Because, because, I, I, I doooooooo…..

Awwww, that’s kind of a sweet song. Doncha think?

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To put Duane or any other prisoner in a smoke jumper's chute would assume that they had experience or training in fire fighting. That alone makes the whole scenario a bit of a stretch.

An easy test has been available all along.

Ask the US Forest Service!

Jo should present her claims to the US Forest
Service on a national stage and see how long her
claims last and the reaction!


But Jo would never do that! Its one thing to present
her stuff daily on this Unmoderated Forum where she can have her way - quite another to make her charges in the real world. And Jo is totally aware of the difference.

The only reason Jo Weber practizes here is because
she is enabled and allowed to - Jo Weber would not
even make it to first base on Websleuths, for
example, because it is Moderated.

End of story.


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Jo You have been, E maild every thing, Now it is up to you, I will be there and will prove you are lieing. or you can, Stop this Fiction you have presented. Its up to you . Its your last chance.Like I told you when you called me and asked me to at least give you a break and say that maybe Duane was cooper Or new who was . The bad part was you said that you had to keep a Honest profile becase you were a Real estate agent. And that you did not want me to come to your area.Still I would have done that However you promissed me that you would stop this bull crap of yours that was in the year 2000. Funny isn't it. Still have the phone calls /recordings.I guess I'l see you Soon. Jo Please Do not Stop your claims untill I get there with my evidence I realy want to see you admit to your lies . I will see you in less than 4 days JERRY

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For what its worth....
Looks like Engelbert Humperdinck regularly played the Sahara Tahoe in the fall of 1979. So far I see ads for August, September, October, December. (Ads did not have the dates)
In November 22-28, he was slated to play at the MGM grand in Vegas.
He played in Chicago September 11-16.

I couldn't spend a whole lot of time on it, but maybe this will give you something to go on.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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