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I would also like to hear Jerry's tapes or see transcripts. When are you gonna post or link us to these almighty tapes Jerry? This is the third time I've requested it and you have yet to entertain the idea of uploading them to a site where we all can listen. Al we hear is how you're gonna go visit Jo(which sounds like stalking to me). Grow some balls and put the tapes online.

Mr. Green

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Jo teased***What I am getting ready to do WILL not be in this thread. I had actually hope it would NOT come to my having to take the direction I feel I must at this date.

Would you mind telling us what this next promised blockbuster event is Jo?

If it won't be done here, where should we look and when?

Do you stay on touch with the "Night Clerk"?

Hope his health and yours take a turn for the better.


Jo, Did you ever respond to 377?

And btw.....something I'm really curious about...... If you were to get verifiable info tomorrow that proved that Duane was Cooper, and the FBI said yeah, he was the guy - aside from gloating for a while - what would your next step be? But before you respond to this I'd like to know your answers to 377's questions. Don't want it to get lost in the shuffle. :)

I would want them to account for why they put me thru 15 yrs of hell - and allowing such individuals as JT to call me a liar. I am too tired to gloat - I just want peace.

I thought I had answered 377's questions.

I recently had an international phone conversation with the Night Clerk. Some actions are being taken in the states on his behalf and mine that have NOTHING to do with the FBI. What we are trying to do (something the FBI should have done in 2001 when he talked to them) is to verify his story with information from a second and third party)....information related to these parties in 1971 after the FBI came to his work place.

The FBI if they have NOT already
done so, should have verified his employment status of 1971 and they should have been able to find the reports in the Portland FBI files about the interviews conducted at the hotels and motels in the area.

What is so missing here is the FACT the FBI knew about this man in 2001 and still did NOT talk to him until I forced their hand in 2008 - (not sure of the yr.) All of that is right here in this thread or the old thread...ALL recorded for ALL to read. WHY would the FBI refused to interview and/or question a man who claimed he could put John Collins aka Duane Weber in the hotel the evening before the Skyjacking? They wait approx. 7 yrs until the widow of the suspect attacks the Agent of Record in a PUBLIC THREAD regarding the WHY. Yes, I did attack the then current Agent of Record about this in the thread and I do NOT deny it. It was justified. The agents of record had been aware of the Night Clerk since 2001 when Margie Boule did her article in the Oregonian.

Does NOT one of you think it UNUSUAL Agents of Record from 2001 until 2008 did NOT act on the Night Clerk in 2001?

Perhaps his story is completely BOGUS - but until the FBI tells me this - it is a citizen coming forth with information that says Weber was Cooper and Cooper was John Collins. Family members verified his story at that time (2001) and related what he had told them when he came home after being questioned by the FBI. Problem? The FBI did NOT acknowledge this man until I made it public this FORUM...even then it was only 2 cursory phone calls - and only because I reprimanded the agent of record publically in this thread approximately 2008.

Someone help me out here - What yrs was Carr in the thread?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo : Im on the road reading your post All of them or nothing but Damned lies You on any of the tapes of all our conversatins never discribed anything but a bridge that you crosed on I 5 When duane pointed it out to you and said that is where DB Cooper buried the money.(the Cowitz river). You claimed you came across the I 5 bridge. You used Info that you got from the book Named DB Cooper What Realy Happened, By Max Gunther. A lot of your first claims came out of that book finally you got a book from ralph and then you did some research. At that point the game was on you started all your fabrications using every book you could find. Oh! yes, Jo lets interview Duanes friend the one in Georgia see what he has to say. Jo I'll be in your area soon. Green I don't know how to upload tapes hell the truth about my spelling errors is because I hit the wrong key either the key beside /or next to or above the actuall letter that is meant for that word I am typing.Jo as for your trips You couldn't even Identify any thing when you came out here the first time for the documentary. After you got back home you came up with a bullshit story about lacamas lake and the columbia river.Of course all those stories has changed many times. What you are scared of is the tapes. Stop trying to make excusses for what you said on them they clearly show you have fabricated all your stories from Day One and you are nothing but a lying fabricator. Its sure going to be funny when I expose you because there are answers on the tapes that not even you can make excusses for . Oh! one more thing what about you and I do a local station interview in your area on Monday Or Tuesday I can even make an apearance as late as Friday. Lets Rock. Jerry

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And btw.....something I'm really curious about...... If you were to get verifiable info tomorrow that proved that Duane was Cooper, and the FBI said yeah, he was the guy - aside from gloating for a while - what would your next step be?

How Honest can I be with this answer. I think I would want answers to the HOWS and WHYS.
At first I would cry and say I told you so -I have been telling you for 15 yrs Duane was Dan Cooper.

After the pity party and tears of I told you so and gratitude it was over - would come the questions.

Why they would decide after 15 yrs of sheer torture on my part finally conceded Weber was Cooper? What did I finally say or what did they find?

I would want all of the details about why they made the decision - I would want to be sure they were NOT just trying to appease me or the public.

Beyond that the only thing I would like to see put in place is program for Ex-cons with decent I.Q.'s of non-violent crimes and not drug related. I don't mean manual labor - but Insurance Sales, Real Estate Sales - Bankers - Educators - a program that would allow these ex-cons to do what Duane did for himself, but without having to look over their shoulders every time someone walked into the room.

If they violate the terms of the program - they go back to prison with added yrs of hard time - by contract. This would require exceptions to the licensing bureaus of the states and federal organizations. These guys would be given a clean slate - but with penalties - by contract they would go back to prison with extra time at hard manual labor - no trial or appeals - go straight to Jail.

Duane would have wanted something good come out of this.
Duane's old friend is very religious and always tells me - that when he gets there (heaven) the first thing he will say to Duane is "You Really Did It Didn't You" He expects to see that grin Duane used to charm everyone.

You asked me a question and I gave an honest answer - I have said this before in the thread so it is NOT anything new.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo what is this more of your fabricated BS. Duane and you were never anything but Con artist if it wasn't for me you may even have been able to put this lie of yours over, Then come's DNA and your consistant stories that you change like most people change clothes.I warned you about your BS If you want to save face stop your lie's now. I did tell you years ago that I might agree to let you claim that Duane may have known Cooper. That was as far as I was willing to go. Im sure you remember that conversation. I was down in Orlando Florida for my youngest daughters wedding and you called me at the motel room and said you had a interview set up for you and I at the local Tv Station out of Pensicolla FL . Then you called me back and said no you would not do the interview because you had a realestate buisness going and it might destroy it. Did you forget that conversation. Will I haven't neither has Shelly . Do you , and yes you do know why you talked to shelly for over 20 minutes trying to convence her to keep me away from your area. Will you were lucky she did. I contacted Ralph he ask me to do the same thing because you had called him. That is the only Reason I did not put a stop to your Bullshit years ago. Knowing what I know now I would not have listened to Shelly Or Ralph. Funny thing both of them regret talking me out of that. Jo I can Not be Nice to you as long as you continue this rouge of yours.Say lets do this, you and I go to the local station. I will release the tapes or you admit what you have done / or Ill give you the same offer I Did years ago.Either way your Busted. I will destroy the Tapes, all you have to do is stop your crap and save a we bit of face.Other wise you will not be believed by anyone ever again. Its Funny you have changed your story so many times no one believes you anyway.One last thing, Jo I can post my Phone number and yours from that time frame along with my address at 1901 D st Washougal Wa. and where the GTE phone archives are located down in Florida and the conversations can be viewed by all. Thank God for technalogy. Should I Do That. Jerry

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Jerry - I have medical procedures next wks. Medical procedure that have resulted from the stress you caused me.

Doug Pasternac also has notes just as I have (Doug and I first talked in 1998). YOU took someone who tried to describe to you what she was seeing - and YOU gave it places and names.

I described the places to you, YOU were supposed to be the man on the ground - you told me these places did NOT exist. You told me where I was and where I was not.

I had NOTHING but a map of 1/2 of the USA. Hell, I did NOT even know where the I-5 bridge was.
I told you repeatedly we crossed the River to the OR side before Portland - You said NO that could have NOT been. WHO was I to argue with the man on the ground?

You need to be very careful you provide to me the very first conversations - I had with you in the beginning NOT what you convinced me of. You bashed everything I describe to you and told me they did NOT exist. I will never forget how you kept drilling me and telling me I was at Point X not Point A or I was in C place and not in Y place.

In 2001 I go to WA and learn you deceived me, but did NOT understand why you would be claiming knowledge of an area you obviously really did not know or you were pretending NOT to know. That should give rise to lots of QUESTIONs about your credibility.

How well I remember the HELL you put me thru - telling me that I was NOT on the WA side - I didn't even know the name of the roads until you provided them. I stood up to you and told the TV crew they were NOT taking me to anything that looked right...I knew absolutely NOTHING about WA or OR. They road me around - it was fast and confusing.

Have you forgotten about the people I communicated with in WA - individuals who helped me after the TV crew left. The man according to what he had heard in the media and I guess from others - they were going to take me up the I-5 to the Lewis and I told him NO. The TV crews had driven me around and I had found nothing. Had it NOT have been for that ANGEL named UDELL - you would have won your game. I had NO map of the area - even then.

I told this ANGEL what I was looking for. I had been there for several days and had found nothing. I told her about the expert who was supposed to be the guide and that nothing I remembered even existed. She did NOT know who I was or why I was there - other than I was trying to retrace an old trip my husband and I had made 22 yrs before.

She asked me to describe them. I described the places to her the same way I describe them to you for yrs and yrs. You claim to be the man on the ground - guess what you aren't!

I went straight to 2 of the places after talking to her with 4 witnesses. One of the women has died, another is 78 and the other one is a little younger. The undercover man is in his 50's. Remember him - you claimed to have contacted him and you had not...you claimed he was part of my LIES! You told me then I had found nothing.

YOU are aware he did NOT want you harassing him and his family, the way you harass me.
You are ONE very scary person.

I severed all relations with you in one conversation after I got home. I accused you of being what you are and wanted to know why you took me on a wild goose chase. Your reply then and now was YOU LIE! Remember that conversation - YOU DID not want to talk to me. Did you record that one?

WHY was ANGEL UDELL able to direct me by my descriptions to 2 of the places I did find on that trip? Remember my phone call after I got back from WA...when I told you that I found two of the areas. YOU called me a liar then. Did you tape that?

When they came to dig up Symba - I told the man then that I didn't know the names of the places - only the names you gave me and that after my last day in WA I knew they were NOT correct but I had NO map. Someone sent me a really good map right after that. I was told to use the places and names YOU gave me - even though I was NOT comfortable with them.

I should have balked - how could I intelligently talk about an area I had NO map of? All I could do was describe the places and take your word for where I was.

I have medical procedures next week - procedures cause by the stress your LIES have placed on me. I am unable to entertain you warped and sick mind. You have wanted nothing more than to be part of Cooper - it was more important to you than life itself and you didn't care who you stepped on to get what you wanted.

YOU knew I was describing Lake LaCames and Green Mountain, but INSTEAD you claimed I was on the Columbia and I told you we WERE NOT. YOU convinced me that Duane turned me around. You knew about the FARM I told you about - I told you exactly where to find it and you supposedly went to the county records - and you provided me nothing. Back in 1979 LaCames was virtually undeveloped and it was very long and barren and narrow. I had told you the water was NOT running like the Washougal- and it was NOT the Columbia. YOU insisted it was the Columbia that Duane had turned me around.

I hire a girl who volunteered her time - I refused to let her do it for free and paid her what I could. She found the exact house I told you about and the people who owned it. She sent me a Mestker Map with everything on it - I had told you about. Believe it or not there was a picture of the old house still on record at that time.

I told you about the mansion and the caretaker - YOU had to have known where these things where - yet you preached and preached with your prisoner of war tactics telling these things did NOT exist. WHY did you DO that Jerry? WHAT was your motive? Everyone else knew where the Ledbetter Mansion was!

Guys - Himmelsbach and Jerry where my only sources related to Cooper during those early yrs 1997 to 2000 besides the FBI.

Jerry, think about all of the other claims you have made - can you prove you knew McCoy? Jerry do you remember telling me to tell McCoy's granddaugher NOT to worry about Knoss - that YOU would take care of it? YOU pretended to be a government agent. YOU are not!

You need to think about this - because you could be institutionalize. I hope they lock you up and throw away the key.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo More Excuses, Why It does not work.You and doug pasternik came up with a madeup theory. For the benifit of selling an article. Botom line I guess you want me to post our phone numbers so all can listen to your BS. I can also post the map and discription of your story of lacamas lake.and your phone calls to me on my cell phone at that time frame. 360 670 6358. Those calls are easy to access should I post more. Jerry

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Jo, seriously! You want ex-cons to be involved in insurance and banking? These are jobs where the public places a high level of financial trust in the people. Do you understand the concept of fiduciary duty? The very last person I would want to be on the other side helping me is someone with fraud or theft convictions. I mean, honestly....I find that idea so bizarre. Do you honestly think Duane would have been rehabilitated in a job like that? I think he, and others who are serial thieves, would simply find them easy pickings. There are plenty of jobs where people can earn an honest day's living, but they need to want to be honest in the first place.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Point of order:
I called Jo out because she was accusing Jerry of saying something wasn't there, which probably wasn't. Her entire argument crumbled when after vigorously telling us why she would have called it a mountain, she now suddenly claims she told Jerry "or hill". Cn anyone believe this sudden change!

Who was it who said " you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts"?

It's been said that your quote has been widely attributed to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, but I think it's been "purloined" by others.

I love Mark Twain and his quotes, A quick google lookup revealed these..... that could easily fit several of our DB Cooper cast of characters....

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please"

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."

"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable."

"Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."

"I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way."

"I never let the facts get in the way of a good story," as told to me by my dad, Alan W. Smith. He also said during a discussion of my narrative work on our family: "I always love a good fiction."

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Blevins Yes it is already set up in my Itenerary. I will enjoy visiting all of you. I will even pay for Jo to attend. It has never realy been my intention to hurt Jo. However, as I have posted in the past. What I want to do is help solve this Case before ralph dies he turns 85 in a few days his health is failing. I just want a resolution for this case and him , not from made up fiction. Some people think that the stories they read or fact.Many people think Jo's story might have been true.Only because ( as Bruce Smith says} it makes a Interesting story.Problem being her story may make a witness not come forward.This is harmfull to the case You have your suspect that you have used for your book so has many others. Your story comes from your research. Regardless of how you actually feel. You have made changes to your book. In respect to this you have proven your self somwhat creditable. Still Others place claim to know who cooper was by nothing more than fabricated stories. For instant Max Gunther,or George Nettall who claims a conspiracy and condemns me by saying I actually Knew who Cooper was. Hell he even sent a copy of a letter he wrote me months ago to the head office of the FBI.This letter I will not post. However I did Email a copy of the letter to 377. I even read the letter to Vicky Wilson and others.Jerry

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Jo, seriously! You want ex-cons to be involved in insurance and banking? These are jobs where the public places a high level of financial trust in the people. Do you understand the concept of fiduciary duty? The very last person I would want to be on the other side helping me is someone with fraud or theft convictions. I mean, honestly....I find that idea so bizarre. Do you honestly think Duane would have been rehabilitated in a job like that? I think he, and others who are serial thieves, would simply find them easy pickings. There are plenty of jobs where people can earn an honest day's living, but they need to want to be honest in the first place.

Had he not have done this - he would have been reduced to waiting tables or washing dishes.
What a waste that would have been.

Not all thieves would qualify for the program - this would be very very selective. When a young man makes a bad judgement call - he pays for it with the rest of his life...never able to obtain decent employment. Right now I personally know someone about mid-fifties who made a mistake and took something that was NOT his when he was 35..he was unemployed and he could not feed his family or pay the rent. He spent a few months in jail, but when he got out he could find nothing, but manual labor.

His prior job was as a sales manager and finance manager. Now every job he applies for does a background check and he is reduced to taking anything he can get. The crime was not related to his employment. He made a mistake and now not only he pays for that mistake but his family does.

They have NO health insurance - most manual laborers have no insurance, doesn't make enough for dental appts for his daughter, his wife or himself. He goes where he can get work....he often thinks of suicide because of what he has done to his wife and children....at times they have been reduced to begging for help. This man society left behind. This one crime should have been espongable, but it wasn't.

This is the kind of mistakes I am referring to - crimes that destroy not only the man but the family - this guy was very very good at what he did...he made a mistake and it was NOT employment related.

I agree that if a man has committed a theft - that was facililtated by his employment in a fudiciary postition - NO this is NOT a candidate for the program.
Once a thief always a thief - NOT true....circumstances must be considered.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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A very successful insurance agent....who still stole coats?

I would rather trust someone who had committed one large scale theft under huge financial pressure (say to fund a needed expensive surgery) than someone who was a serial offender to the extent he gave his occupation as thief. But ultimately I would rather neither of these was handling my money. In fact to use your own examples I would prefer an ex drug dealer than an ex thief.

More to the point, there are plenty of honest people who have never committed any crimes who need jobs too. Would much rather have one of them dealing with me, thank you very much.

You are once again letting your personal biases get in the way of an objective reading of the facts.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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A very successful insurance agent....who still stole coats?

I would rather trust someone who had committed one large scale theft under huge financial pressure (say to fund a needed expensive surgery) than someone who was a serial offender to the extent he gave his occupation as thief. But ultimately I would rather neither of these was handling my money. In fact to use your own examples I would prefer an ex drug dealer than an ex thief.

More to the point, there are plenty of honest people who have never committed any crimes who need jobs too. Would much rather have one of them dealing with me, thank you very much.

You are once again letting your personal biases get in the way of an objective reading of the facts.

Duane was a problem child and a weird young adult. In 1943 if I can make anything out of the dates Duane took a government check - whose I do not know.
He is put on probation and violates that probation by taking $5, but in 1944 $5 was a lot of money - in some cases a wks pay.

He gets sent to McNeil - but they record his age as 22 when he was actually only 19. He was carrying Id that indicated he was 24 and what McNeil used.

July of 1945 to 1949 - disappears. Shows back up in CA and arrested and sent to Folsom and San Quentin. Released in 1957 and within a short time is in violation of his probation and in Fla.

No record of him until 1960 when he is sent to Canon City, CO. Released in 1962 and then disappears.

Actually he becomes John Collins and living only a short distance from Canon City????

1966 sent to Jefferson as John Collins and commuted as John Collins - that is weird. If the fingerprints belonged to Duane Weber - why was he not charged as Duane Weber. Fingerprint foul up maybe? Then after he is released from Jefferson the FBI is looking for him again. He was easy to find - so what did they want him for in 1968 - FBI sent an agent from MO or KS looking for Duane L Weber in CO.

They didn't arrest Weber, but why where the looking for him?

Weber had a couple of DUI's after 1971 but that is all I am aware of.

I just found out he ran a red light in 1991 - yea, still on the hunt.

I think Duane was salvagable in 1945, but he was young an scared. Duane was sent to Folsom but then transferred to San Quentin - I never understood this - why they transferred him? What happened in Folsom.

Frankly I can not even fathom a man being in a prison during those days - it had to be horrible and dangerous. McNeil was know in the 40's for it sex offenders and that must have been a scary place for a mixed up 19yr old to be. He volunteered for the Navy and then got into the ARMY while his parents waged to have his Bad Conduct discharge wavied from the NAVY. The bad conduct discharge was based on an off base incident regarding hitting an office who was hitting on his girl.

A life destroyed over a girl! I guess that is what it boils down to.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377 Georgia is Hot.So are there peaches. Still headed to the largest sand bar in the US or should I say Little Cuba.We call it Florida. Go figure. Jerry

Jerry, Read the label on those peaches.

In the late 1990s, I happened to be passing through Georgia and went into a supermarket for reasons I don't now remember.

I happened to pass by a beautiful display of peaches and stopped to look at the label on the peaches. The labels said "Product of California".

So the Peach State was importing peaches from elsewhere. I guess Georgia just forgot to switch the labels.

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377 Georgia is Hot.So are there peaches. Still headed to the largest sand bar in the US or should I say Little Cuba.We call it Florida. Go figure. Jerry

Jerry, Read the label on those peaches.

In the late 1990s, I happened to be passing through Georgia and went into a supermarket for reasons I don't now remember.

I happened to pass by a beautiful display of peaches and stopped to look at the label on the peaches. The labels said "Product of California".

So the Peach State was importing peaches from elsewhere. I guess Georgia just forgot to switch the labels.

I thought he was talking about the 'other' HOT peaches. Maybe I was mistaken'.

I want to go to Ariel this year also.....Jerry, you can drop your car off in Minnesota and I will bring it to Ariel this November. I could work that into my schedule for you!!! It would not be a problem on this end. :)
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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377 Georgia is Hot.So are there peaches. Still headed to the largest sand bar in the US or should I say Little Cuba.We call it Florida. Go figure. Jerry

Jerry, Read the label on those peaches.

In the late 1990s, I happened to be passing through Georgia and went into a supermarket for reasons I don't now remember.

I happened to pass by a beautiful display of peaches and stopped to look at the label on the peaches. The labels said "Product of California".

So the Peach State was importing peaches from elsewhere. I guess Georgia just forgot to switch the labels.

I thought he was talking about the 'other' HOT peaches. Maybe I was mistaken'.

I want to go to Ariel this year also.....Jerry, you can drop your car off in Minnesota and I will bring it to Ariel this November. I could work that into my schedule for you!!! It would not be a problem on this end. :)

Vicki, The other "hot GA peaches" are already in LA.

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I have been lurking the forums for quite some time. Jo has provided me with many hours of entertainment. I think it would be a shame to expose her now. Jerry our pathes have/will cross, I'll know you when I see you.

blue skies


Have no fear - this thread has nothing to do with
DB Cooper - there is noting to expose.

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377 Georgia is Hot.So are there peaches. Still headed to the largest sand bar in the US or should I say Little Cuba.We call it Florida. Go figure. Jerry

Jerry, Read the label on those peaches.

In the late 1990s, I happened to be passing through Georgia and went into a supermarket for reasons I don't now remember.

I happened to pass by a beautiful display of peaches and stopped to look at the label on the peaches. The labels said "Product of California".

So the Peach State was importing peaches from elsewhere. I guess Georgia just forgot to switch the labels.

I thought he was talking about the 'other' HOT peaches. Maybe I was mistaken'.

I want to go to Ariel this year also.....Jerry, you can drop your car off in Minnesota and I will bring it to Ariel this November. I could work that into my schedule for you!!! It would not be a problem on this end. :)

Vicki, The other "hot GA peaches" are already in LA.

No we are not!! :) The 'other' HOT peaches reside in Minnesota!!!
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Well, 1971 was pre-Ronald Reagan in ATC terms. Also, the NYC area has the most arcane ATC system. There has been talk of an upgrade for years. I believe it is powered by Commodore 64's. Coomunications were sorely lacking in many respects that day. I recall standing on the roof at work thinking how quiet the skies were...until an F-16 flew by at about 0945.

To quickly recap a few things, isn't the entire search based on only a few things...flight path (unknown for certain), point of departure (also unknown), findings of Dr. Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the stewardesses?

I believe the rate of hijackings in the 1968-1972 period was one every 5.6 days...I can post a thorough but boring statistical link.

My dad told me that if you crashed on the carrier deck while alighting, you got pushed overboard, as you thus placed the entire flight recovery operations at risk. The greater good was to land what was left of the mission forces, and the USN would fish you out of the ocean as best they could.

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