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DB Cooper

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I made a youtube video showing my Analysis of the D.B. Cooper letter (cut and paste media print) mailed to the Oregonian NewsPaper postmarked Dec. 1st, 1971.

I think this new information prooves D.B. Cooper survived the jump
and may provide important information to identifying who D.B.
Cooper really is or was.


I will appreciate input from the forum.


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377 Georgia is Hot.So are there peaches. Still headed to the largest sand bar in the US or should I say Little Cuba.We call it Florida. Go figure. Jerry

Jerry, Read the label on those peaches.

In the late 1990s, I happened to be passing through Georgia and went into a supermarket for reasons I don't now remember.

I happened to pass by a beautiful display of peaches and stopped to look at the label on the peaches. The labels said "Product of California".

So the Peach State was importing peaches from elsewhere. I guess Georgia just forgot to switch the labels.

I thought he was talking about the 'other' HOT peaches. Maybe I was mistaken'.

I want to go to Ariel this year also.....Jerry, you can drop your car off in Minnesota and I will bring it to Ariel this November. I could work that into my schedule for you!!! It would not be a problem on this end. :)

Vicki, The other "hot GA peaches" are already in LA.

No we are not!! :) The 'other' HOT peaches reside in Minnesota!!!

Farflung, Duty calls. Can you get this situation in Minnesota under control?

And I was referring to "Georgia peaches" not "Minnesota peaches".

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To quickly recap a few things, isn't the entire search based on only a few things...flight path (unknown for certain), point of departure (also unknown), findings of Dr. Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the stewardesses?

How is the FLIGHT PATH based on 'findings of Dr.
Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the

Why do you omit bleach and the Magna Carta?

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I think this new information prooves D.B. Cooper survived the jump
and may provide important information to identifying who D.B.
Cooper really is


Hi... Letter has been discussed before here and elsewhere. Can't remember the details but it was clearly a fake. Cannot recall for certain but didn't they find the hoaxer on it too?

Edit: apparently Galen Cook has been resuscitating this too: http://www.examiner.com/coast-to-coast-radio-in-national/galen-cook-reveals-evidence-of-db-cooper-identity ...although this article is some months old now

2nd edit: OK, unlike some people I can admit when I am wrong :$ Found an old post by Snow - but it doesn't seem it was conclusively concluded the letters (there were 4) were fake. I may be getting mixed up with the other hoax (magazine revealed cooper?) Um, again, :$
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Considering the ongoing recession and national resistance to using the ‘D’ word for the sake of being politically correct while avoiding stepping into the shoes once filled by Herbert Hoover, some unusual things are coming home to roost. I have to wonder if we (collective humanity we) will ever learn.

A few years ago I was being all ‘metro’ and sipping a double latte with organic cream and cinnamon prepared by a barista named Sunshine. I was seated in some San Francisco greenery named Levi’s Plaza Park after the famous maker of blue jeans, which feature two big asses which can’t destroy them. Again the irony of the original label’s intent when compared to modern times is absolutely exquisite. This makes me want to take fiddling lessons for some reason.

As history would have it and others prefer to deny, that pleasant little park was the former site of a bread line called the ‘White Angel Jungle’ where a small group of people began to cook meals for some of the unemployed men which approached 25% of the workforce at the Great Depression’s zenith.

Now this piece of land which served those who were in truly dire conditions with a source of food fell victim to the blandification of America. Oh sure, this property has some of the most agreeable weather on the planet and could easily support the growth of apple, cherry, apricot and even peach and most food producing trees but why do that on this location? Historically it’s only known for abating the pangs of hunger and such conditions won’t occur again in such a complex economy. Or so the nameless experts have said.

Yesterday I purchased some Levi jeans and thought that would be a small contribution towards the cash starved economy with this American fashion icon. When I got home and checked the label, I was stunned to find the country of manufacture to be Lesotho. Really Levi Strauss…. Lesotho? That should help even the trade imbalance.

After some visions of Texan cotton being harvested then milled in China to be shipped to Lesotho for stitching, then transported back to the US while gasoline remains at $4 a gallon with the former bread line park planted with delicious pine trees and 12% unemployment, I think I had a tiny cerebral aneurism. At minimum this real world activity actually lent some plausibility to some of the DB Cooper theories or at least offered some explanation as to their origins. When in Crazytown do as……

I suppose it is part of the human condition to cry for more information or words from people with lofty titles so we can continue to data mine while using confirmation bias. The economy will recover once we get people back making jeans, cars, TV sets and umm….. hold on… oh yeah once we get people back into the service economy like banking, insurance and real estate; then things will get better.

Once someone tells another who Cooper is then they can be quoted as knowledgeable and as doing a good job investigating without all that sloppy evidence to mire the discussion. As far as peaches, I like ‘em firm and fresh and have no problem with picking them myself. Yet another selfless task I’m willing to complete.


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Clothing is a very important industry in little landlocked Lesotho. They also make Levis in Cape Town btw :)
I bought a pile of clothes the last time I was in the US. I stand corrected, but I do not believe a single item was actually made in the US. Yet...and yet, one of the items I bought a Puma shirt for baby O made in Swaziland (right next door to us) for about a third the price of what they cost here. Now figure THAT one out!!

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You may not be aware of this, but there actually is a brand of Levi's specifically aimed at the African market. Not sure if it has been rolled out anywhere else.

On the other matter.... You can't turn globalization back. And looking just at the issue of who is employed where is, well, simplistic. Levi's profits accrue to the parent company and get spent on other things in the US, shareholders who receive divs there spend them in the US, etc. Just one example. Higher cost labour in the US = less profits (or higher prices) = others losing their jobs. That's just one example. The mistake most armchair economists (and some supposed professional ones) make is never looking beyond the first link in the chain.

Oh, and protecting your industry isn't the answer either. Why do you suppose clothes are so expensive in SA? Because of the legacy of years of protection! Our clothing industry has all but shut down, amazed not only to have Levis here but have the factory winning the award. Clearly we need more managers like that to run other factories here. Oh incidentally.... Re industries pulling out to make things cheaper elsewhere.... You think that hasn't happened? You think the US is the only country that's lost jobs to Asia?

Do you know what the percentage of profits earned on the S&P comes from outside the US btw?
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Blevins writes:

Americans hate buying imports from homegrown companies who have flown the coop for cheaper labor.

RN99 replies:

The managers of labor unions hate that, but even the union members and the general public buy the same imported products that they used to manufacture here.

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Just saw your edit re low tariffs/high penalties....well! You'll very soon find some of your industries go out of business entirely, while others where there is less import competition will have much higher prices for US residents than otherwise. I've never quite understood the thinking that protecting say a few thousand or even tens of thousands of jobs is worth it at the expense of the other 200 million (or whatever it is) people who live there. Some quick calculations will tell you whether there is a net benefit or net cost to the economy; even before you take into account the companies who will relocate headquarters to circumvent the penalties while taking advantage of low tariffs to 'export' to the US.

I'm going to take a wild flying guess here that you never did Eco 101.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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To heck with the cut and paste note - I want to see a better copy of the addressed envelope.
I was really blurred and what I saw did NOT resemble Duane's printing and writing. Where was the letter postmarked from?

I've seen this note before but NOT the envelope.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, seriously! You want ex-cons to be involved in insurance and banking? These are jobs where the public places a high level of financial trust in the people. Do you understand the concept of fiduciary duty? The very last person I would want to be on the other side helping me is someone with fraud or theft convictions. I mean, honestly....I find that idea so bizarre. Do you honestly think Duane would have been rehabilitated in a job like that? I think he, and others who are serial thieves, would simply find them easy pickings. There are plenty of jobs where people can earn an honest day's living, but they need to want to be honest in the first place.

Have you been keeping track for the last 10 years... I think the crooks would be more honest than the bankers have been during the largest transfer of wealth from Main St to Wall Street Bankers in the history of the planet.... and most of it was crooked as shit from these fine upstanding "bankers"

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To quickly recap a few things, isn't the entire search based on only a few things...flight path (unknown for certain), point of departure (also unknown), findings of Dr. Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the stewardesses?

How is the FLIGHT PATH based on 'findings of Dr.
Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the

Why do you omit bleach and the Magna Carta?

Sorry for the confusion. The few things are actually four things. The flight path (1) is not known precisely, and that,of course, has zero to do with the late Dr. Palmer. So, no one really is 100% certain of where the aircraft flew. Where exactly did Cooper jump (2)? Again, not know for certain. There are some very reasonable, objective guesses as to the flight path and the departure point. The findings of Dr. Palmer (3) seem to play a very large role in this mystery. The entire Cooper mystery changed when the money was found, thus the washed ashore/placed by humans intentionally/dredged up/ et al can of worms was opened. The physical description of Cooper is provided by two or three flight attendants, and it seems that many possible suspects have been excluded or included simply due to their match to the original and revised descriptions.

So, this brings me back to my assertions that there are only four things that the entire body of work regarding the search for DB Cooper revolve around. Does this seem plausible?

I omitted bleach because I prefer Oxy-Clean. I didn't think the Magna Carta added any value to the discussion. King John may beg to differ.

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To quickly recap a few things, isn't the entire search based on only a few things...flight path (unknown for certain), point of departure (also unknown), findings of Dr. Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the stewardesses?

How is the FLIGHT PATH based on 'findings of Dr.
Palmer, and physical description of Cooper by the

Why do you omit bleach and the Magna Carta?

Sorry for the confusion. The few things are actually four things. The flight path (1) is not known precisely, and that,of course, has zero to do with the late Dr. Palmer. So, no one really is 100% certain of where the aircraft flew. Where exactly did Cooper jump (2)? Again, not know for certain. There are some very reasonable, objective guesses as to the flight path and the departure point. The findings of Dr. Palmer (3) seem to play a very large role in this mystery. The entire Cooper mystery changed when the money was found, thus the washed ashore/placed by humans intentionally/dredged up/ et al can of worms was opened. The physical description of Cooper is provided by two or three flight attendants, and it seems that many possible suspects have been excluded or included simply due to their match to the original and revised descriptions.

So, this brings me back to my assertions that there are only four things that the entire body of work regarding the search for DB Cooper revolve around. Does this seem plausible?

I omitted bleach because I prefer Oxy-Clean. I didn't think the Magna Carta added any value to the discussion. King John may beg to differ.

Pek771, While only Georger can speak for Georger, bleach is sometimes used to sterilize (such as the Seattle ATC radio transcripts) and the flight crew may have had the Magna Carta in mind (rather than the words of the NWA President) after the FAA Chief Psychiatrist passed the word to them that they could expect Cooper to blow up the airliner as he jumped.

Perhaps the flight crew took matters into their own hands, in an act of self preservation, and the radio transcripts were purged in order to help keep things calm in case Cooper survived and decided to return the favor.

After all, don't blame the flight crew for something that can be blamed on a stormy night, even if it wasn't stormy.

Basically, the only believable information in the public records as to where Cooper jumped is the location where the money was found. The general consensus of opinion seems to be that the money was not moved any appreciable distance by water.

The idea that someone planted the money is, at least to me, laughable. Somehow my brain simply cannot process that suggestion.

So that essentially leaves only one real alternative. And that is that Cooper landed very near where the money was found and on solid ground. This seems to be to radical for some people who require more complicated explanations. But so be it.

For Blevins sake, I should point out that the above completely eliminates a landing point east of Interstate 5.

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Well...I may not know much about economics but that rant on outsourcing I did back there sure beats the heck out of me shoving KC down your throat. (*insert evil laugh here*)


On the matter of tariffs, didn't the apple growers in Washington State have a problem with Japan just a few years ago about tariffs? How did that turn out?

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Basically, the only believable information in the public records as to where Cooper jumped is the location where the money was found. The general consensus of opinion seems to be that the money was not moved any appreciable distance by water.

NO NO NO. Too many thing point to the fact the MONEY was on that beach FOR LESS THAN a YR, There is NO proof the money was every in the water for any lenght of time.


The idea that someone planted the money is, at least to me, laughable. Somehow my brain simply cannot process that suggestion.

:D:ph34r::ph34r::D:D:DThat money was planted and there was more planted, but never found. After all of these yrs - I actually believe right across from the PDX - Duane buried money along the shoreline. In 2001 there were 4 new homes built there...I did NOT go to the second site due to time, but I was told it was very similar to the place Duane went down to the river the first time.
We made 4 stops and I believe Duane made 3 deposits.


So that essentially leaves only one real alternative. And that is that Cooper landed very near where the money was found and on solid ground.

What brought you to that decision? Perhaps speculation, but not facts. Sounds like you are following the Cook theory.


For Blevins sake, I should point out that the above completely eliminates a landing point east of Interstate 5.

Yes there was a landing EAST of I-5 - and I would put my life on the line on this!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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My view of the crisis is that it had a lot more to do with mass stupidity than crookedness - stupidity on the part of everyone from regulators, bankers, supposedly sophisticated investors who bought products they didn't understand and were actually the key to keeping the whole thing going, not to mention consumers who somehow thought lying on loan applications was smart. But I understand the human instinct to blame someone, and who better than the bankers?

As for the bailouts: I find the idea incredibly distasteful, mainly from a moral hazard perspective. The alternative, however, which seems to be little understood on main street, was a credit crunch the likes of which would probably have made the great depression seem like a picnic. When things have gone too far, there are no good choices, only bad ones and worse ones. But certainly regulators need to wake up to prevent this happening again because you know what... It's starting again already (risk being priced too low, which is what [url]started the ball rolling last time), backtracking on too big to fail, etc.

All that said, I still wouldn't want a convicted serial thief handling my bank deposits.
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Well at least this is actually meant to appear as dimwitted, self indulgent and preposterous. Wonder if they knew it would be prophetic as well?

A documentary was made called ‘Vernon, Florida’ which was about a bizarre cluster of insurance claims where people had suffered the loss of limbs. Once the word got out the director was trying to expose insurance fraud, he became the target of a few threats and changed his subject to the quirky locals that lived in this hamlet.


I think the residents of Vernon, Florida managed to save their dignity by preventing the study of those willing to mutilate themselves for an insurance payment. Some may see this as lacking proportionality since the opposable digit on our hand is what separates us from the balance of the animal kingdom; I say ‘righteous bucks’.

Proportionality has never been a part of the American collective thought process and is lacking now more than ever. In order to improve efficiency the US Postal Service has decided to remove drop boxes and close offices rather than reduce collection frequency and operating hours as a way to amortize unit expenses to a lower liability (ya know like the private sector?). But I’ve never expected too much from any government body until I read about yet another Vernon.


That’s right, Vernon, California which boasts a population of 112 people is the smallest of incorporated cities in the Golden State. That’s so cute and adorable. The mayor of Vernon must be the finest of all politicians in the USA since his salary is $600,000 per year which averages over $5,200 of tax burden per citizen in the city. That’s not entirely true since the former mayor who is coincidently the present mayor’s father is receiving over $450,000 in retirement benefits per year.

With this sort if fiscal genius laying the groundwork, the recession has to be running scared. It will be over very soon and without any further downstream ramifications which no one has considered. (Source: I really, really, really want it that way)

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Well...I may not know much about economics but that rant on outsourcing I did back there sure beats the heck out of me shoving KC down your throat. (*insert evil laugh here*)


On the matter of tariffs, didn't the apple growers in Washington State have a problem with Japan just a few years ago about tariffs? How did that turn out?

Oh, I haven't a clue. The last time I did farming I was a kid on a truck farm in Sumner. I do know this: The Seattle Times claimed in an article last year that marijuana (mostly indoor grown) was now Washington's number one cash crop, not apples. (*laughs*) One reason might be they have the medical law thing here.

Blevins, If you have bothered to read a newspaper or seen a TV news program in the past several decades, then you do have a clue!

Since the Washington State apple problem with Japan had to be resolved (if it ever was) at senior levels in the respective national governments, I strongly suspect that there was some mention of it in the Washington State media.

So how have you managed to remain ignorant of it?

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Basically, the only believable information in the public records as to where Cooper jumped is the location where the money was found. The general consensus of opinion seems to be that the money was not moved any appreciable distance by water.

NO NO NO. Too many thing point to the fact the MONEY was on that beach FOR LESS THAN a YR, There is NO proof the money was every in the water for any lenght of time.


The idea that someone planted the money is, at least to me, laughable. Somehow my brain simply cannot process that suggestion.

:D:ph34r::ph34r::D:D:DThat money was planted and there was more planted, but never found. After all of these yrs - I actually believe right across from the PDX - Duane buried money along the shoreline. In 2001 there were 4 new homes built there...I did NOT go to the second site due to time, but I was told it was very similar to the place Duane went down to the river the first time.
We made 4 stops and I believe Duane made 3 deposits.


So that essentially leaves only one real alternative. And that is that Cooper landed very near where the money was found and on solid ground.

What brought you to that decision? Perhaps speculation, but not facts. Sounds like you are following the Cook theory.


For Blevins sake, I should point out that the above completely eliminates a landing point east of Interstate 5.

Yes there was a landing EAST of I-5 - and I would put my life on the line on this!

Jo, How long had the fragments of money that were found under two FEET of sand been there? How long had the bills that were found under two INCHES of sand been there? For starters, I would suggest different lengths of time. And that means that the money deposition at Tina Bar was a repeatable event.

So you are now claiming that Duane buried money at three different locations including near the Portland Airport. The last I remember, you were only claiming that Duane threw a paper sack, contents unknown, into the Columbia River.

I have not read anything by Cook (Galen Cook?) and have no idea what his theory may be.

Jo, If you are betting your life on a landing east of I-5, then I would suggest that you get your affairs in order.

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Yes there was a landing EAST of I-5 - and I would put my life on the line on this!

Jo, How long had the fragments of money that were found under two FEET of sand been there? How long had the bills that were found under two INCHES of sand been there? For starters, I would suggest different lengths of time. And that means that the money deposition at Tina Bar was a repeatable event.

So you are now claiming that Duane buried money at three different locations including near the Portland Airport. The last I remember, you were only claiming that Duane threw a paper sack, contents unknown, into the Columbia River.

I have not read anything by Cook (Galen Cook?) and have no idea what his theory may be.

Jo, If you are betting your life on a landing east of I-5, then I would suggest that you get your affairs in order.

This will go nowhere, as you well-know. Jo is not
going give up her con game. She enjoys the positive
side of her celebrity too much and the world is too
ambivalent to stop her, faced with its own problems.
Everyone is persuing their own ideology. The gridlock
must continue because it is sickenly delicious in a
free range perversion of reality, and Jo knows and
relies on that!

Duane's terrorism of the world continues . . .

Will ANGLE UDELL STOP IT! ? Angels are funny that
way. They enable and save you one minute then
lop your head off the next. And not even Jo Weber
can predict what Angle Udell is thinking and going to
do! :D

Jo will laugh at my saying this. But she knows I am
correct and experienced. Jo made a critical mistake
inventing Angel Udell. Now she must un-invent the
Angle and she can't! Angels have their own way with
things ... even Paul Quade knows that! Its common
knowledge. I didnt invent this about stuffing angels
back in a box once losed. :D

My advice is everyone stand out of the way while
a pillar of salt and her stories goes poof! No need
for collateral damage. That's my advice.

The stories and the person became one.

Jo's own words were:

Yes there was a landing EAST of I-5 - and I would put my life on the line on this!


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My advice is everyone stand out of the way while
a pillar of salt and her stories goes poof! No need
for collateral damage. That's my advice.


Been hearin' that for what 4-5 years now...where's the POOF?!

"Such and such will show Jo is a liar"
We hear it over & over...but no poof.

It's almost impossible to poof a negative, until you or anyone else can definitely say Duane ISN'T D.B. because Mr. 'X' is...the soap opera will continue. :)

Your poof is very weak & has no substance. :ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Blevins, Let me say first that you and I actually agree on something. Apples grown in the Yakima area and other areas close by are very good indeed. Also, I agree that everyone on this thread is entitled to their own opinions, humble or otherwise.

Blevins writes:

The available evidence IMHO shows that Flight 305 was EAST of the Interstate 5 freeway while zipping along on its way to Portland, and then Reno.

RN99 replies:

If the hijacked airliner was on the centerline of V-23 during its flight thru the Portland area, then it would have been east of I-5. However, even on the FBI maps, there are indications that the airliner was west of the V-23 centerline for considerable distances. And there are other reasons for believing that the airliner passed west of Portland to avoid the possibility of being blown up over the city. That would put it west of I-5 for quite a few miles.

Blevins writes:

Two feet deep in sand is NOT that deep. Sand along riverbanks also has a habit of shifting around a bit due to the heavy Northwest rains and occasional windstorms. So there is no way to truly tell how deep the money was originally buried.

RN99 replies:

Are you suggesting that some money was buried under only two inches of sand while other money was buried under two feet of sand just a few feet away and essentially at the same elevation above the river?

Incidentally, I do have some experience with how sand is influenced by flowing rivers including the Columbia (actually, it was mainly experience in a river that flowed into the Columbia a few miles later).

Blevins writes:

I believe Tom Kaye hit on something with his simple fan test and by discovering that the numbers on the bills were still aligned, even to the point that the ink from those numbers bled into each other perfectly. This does NOT point to the money being washed around anywhere from anywhere else.

RN99 replies:

Are you suggesting that the money arrived, by unknown means, at Tina Bar on the evening of the hijacking and has been there ever since?

Blevins writes:

It's even possible that some OTHER kid (besides Brian Ingram) on that Tena Bar beach found the money first and playfully buried it in the sand. Who knows?

RN99 replies:

You are kidding aren't you?

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My advice is everyone stand out of the way while
a pillar of salt and her stories goes poof! No need
for collateral damage. That's my advice.


Been hearin' that for what 4-5 years now...where's the POOF?!

"Such and such will show Jo is a liar"
We hear it over & over...but no poof.

It's almost impossible to poof a negative, until you or anyone else can definitely say Duane ISN'T D.B. because Mr. 'X' is...the soap opera will continue. :)

Your poof is very weak & has no substance. :ph34r:

Proof he asks!? Apparently the poster cannot read.

As to your deficeit? Incurable at your age & the
technology does not yet exist. You will have to live
with it, I guess. And so young too. Damned shame.

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It's even possible that some OTHER kid (besides Brian Ingram) on that Tena Bar beach found the money first and playfully buried it in the sand. Who knows?

RN99 replies:

You are kidding aren't you?

Interesting Blev would only focus on children finding
money - apparently adults inhis view are too stupid
to find it at Tina Bar prior to Brian! So we are told or
not told, or anyone knows - as the case may be.

But once again Hollywood Blevins runs off at the
mouth about things he knows literally nothing about
in spite of Tom feeding him info (which I thought in
advance would be useless remediation).

Blevins is not in this to be educated but to do his
Hollywood thing. Remediation? Forget that. :D

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My advice is everyone stand out of the way while
a pillar of salt and her stories goes poof! No need
for collateral damage. That's my advice.


Been hearin' that for what 4-5 years now...where's the POOF?!

"Such and such will show Jo is a liar"
We hear it over & over...but no poof.

It's almost impossible to poof a negative, until you or anyone else can definitely say Duane ISN'T D.B. because Mr. 'X' is...the soap opera will continue. :)

Your poof is very weak & has no substance. :ph34r:

Proof he asks!? Apparently the poster cannot read.

As to your deficeit? Incurable at your age & the
technology does not yet exist. You will have to live
with it, I guess. And so young too. Damned shame.

I still say there is NO POOF! :D:D

You hammer me for not bein' able to read but gloss over HIS "...and her stories goes"

Selective enforcement I say! :(:P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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