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DB Cooper

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Green: what is your problem can't you read. I posted recently that I don't no how to up load these tapes to the computer Besides I don't have the equipment. These tapes are small caseetes. for miny tape recorders.So to put it bluntly I will not be posting them on Drop Zone. Jerry

It's not that hard JT. Poor excuse.

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You said I Know what I saw and it was a plane ticket that was placed in the box with the dead Dog.

:)I only know that the plane ticket was not found and that DUANE had a pill bottle in his hand when he went out to the garage to spend some private time with Symba before he was put in the ground. Our friend was there and dug the hole for Symba.


Tom told you there was nothing there but the dog and a ruber Ducky you already knew that then you said you did not know where the dog was buried. But yet you marked exactly the place where the dog was buried.

:):oExcuse me. The film company had some people there who use some kind of equipment to find Symba. I had looked for him with some of the locals with metal detectors but we did find him.

NOTE the film company never paid for my phone bill. They did pay for the company to come out who used the equipment - some kind or ground sonar - they found Symba. I nor the guys with the metal detectors had been able to find him.


Would you like for me to post more embarasing Facts. about your claims.Still I am willing to give you a opourtunity to save face all you have to do is prove not only me but all Wrong

Jerry I have the emails I exchange with these people and the only person you are embarrassing is YOURSELF!

You find it necessary to WRITE yourself in to the story of Cooper even if you have to lie your way in. I have produced these emails before - and there is NO need to do so again.

The thread has heard ALL of this before and what followed.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, why don't you just challenge JT with his requests and clear a lot of this up. I've tried to be nuetral in this fued between you and JT, but you are appearing to be real shady right now.

I have provided these things in the past - and do not have the stamina nor health to dig for them again at this time. YOU, Mr. Green do NOT know this man who calls himself JT. There is NO contest - because I refuse to be part of his GAME. Mr. Green go back in the thread and read all about this - along with the radio recording. JT is a very very sick man...and my personal physical health does NOT allow me to deal with the man anymore. I will NOT reduce myself to having to argue with this man in public - it is enough that I have to repeat these thing over and over on the thread.


New things and a time line - that the FBI will not be able to ignore.
I am NOT the one who will be presenting this. There is TOO much now to ignore Weber for even one more day. I know the FBI will say - you have to put him on the plane - BUT, they need to do their job. THEY need to check the things I and others have been checking - things the FBI could easily have done - but no one was listening to me. Perhaps because I jump from subject to subject and think someone has followed what I was saying and the fact the persons I told these things to were multiple agents and a retired agent....stupid me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

New things and a time line - that the FBI will not be able to ignore.


You vastly underestimate the FBI's power to ignore Duane stuff.

You'll see. They won't do a thing besides a yawn.

You've been teasing about soon to be released blockbuster evidence for years. You never deliver the goods. We've all grown accustomed to your MO.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote


New things and a time line - that the FBI will not be able to ignore.


You vastly underestimate the FBI's power to ignore Duane stuff.

You'll see. They won't do a thing besides a yawn.

You've been teasing about soon to be released blockbuster evidence for years. You never deliver the goods. We've all grown accustomed to your MO.


Jo doesnt care - it just for public consumption.
The whole thing may have been for public
consumption with Jo always probing to see how
far she(this) would go. Gray made an interesting
observation - Jo is very organised. Jo may have
been in control all along and knowing the limits
involved. Jo even has groupies and cult fans!
Usually, the leader of a flock must have good
vision and perceptual acuity ? Yes? :D

But great post anyway - may I borrow this?

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Yeah, yeah. Ken Christiansen could have been the skyjacker. Almost forgot. (*laughs*) Wouldn't want people to say I went off-topic.

Woo hoo. B|


You vastly underestimate the FBI's power to ignore
Christiansen stuff.

You'll see. They won't do a thing besides a yawn.

You've been teasing about soon to be released
blockbuster evidence for years. You never deliver
the goods. We've all grown accustomed to your MO.

(above borrowed from 377 w/o his permission)


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You vastly underestimate the FBI's power to ignore Duane stuff.
You'll see. They won't do a thing besides a yawn.
You've been teasing about soon to be released blockbuster evidence for years. You never deliver the goods. We've all grown accustomed to your MO.

I think we should make this a sticky :D:D:D
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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This is the sort of stuff that I hoped still existed somewhere besides my wildest fantasies (not what you’re thinking).


By the way, I was not referring to the flaming crash but the assortment of fast thinkers that were able to assemble, analyze and act as one; then dissolve back to being ‘ordinary citizens’.

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This is the sort of stuff that I hoped still existed somewhere besides my wildest fantasies (not what you’re thinking).


By the way, I was not referring to the flaming crash but the assortment of fast thinkers that were able to assemble, analyze and act as one; then dissolve back to being ‘ordinary citizens’.

Those really are "Superpeople"!

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Georger says in part:



You vastly underestimate the FBI's power to ignore
Christiansen stuff.

You'll see. They won't do a thing besides a yawn.

You've been teasing about soon to be released
blockbuster evidence for years. You never deliver
the goods. We've all grown accustomed to your MO...'

Well, I don't remember teasing anyone regarding 'soon to be released blockbuster evidence'. I've already presented the case on Christiansen. Book and The Short Version. I haven't done any more interviews and I am no longer actively investigating the case, although I'm willing to discuss it. Basically, AB has moved on to other projects. I'm going to show up at Ariel, but that's about it.

The only thing new I have on KC in some time is this: Two FBI agents out of Boston who have previously worked with Skipp Porteous asked for a few items from him. Copy of KC's Army discharge, some of the pictures in the book in full size, and a couple of copies of the book itself. Porteous sent these items along with another copy of the list of the true names and addresses of the witnesses in the book.

After examining these items (all this happened about two months ago) the agents sent them on to the Seattle FBI. I haven't heard anything since, and don't expect to.

ok. I see a pattern here.

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This is the sort of stuff that I hoped still existed somewhere besides my wildest fantasies (not what you’re thinking).


By the way, I was not referring to the flaming crash but the assortment of fast thinkers that were able to assemble, analyze and act as one; then dissolve back to being ‘ordinary citizens’.

Awesome story. Thanks for sharing.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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From the 'Not Me, Baby...Not a Chance' Dept:

Remember those video driving games at the tavern where you dropped in quarters and went crazy? Some of them even came with a seat and a gear shift.

Well...a Russian guy did it for real. Average speed: 160kmh or so. He's completely nuts, I think.

Master RobertMBlevins (robot):

Can you give us a date by which you plan to
take-over this forum and send everyone packing
and extinguish it to your own personal use?

Who designed you? Snowmman? 377?

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From the 'Not Me, Baby...Not a Chance' Dept:

Remember those video driving games at the tavern where you dropped in quarters and went crazy? Some of them even came with a seat and a gear shift.

Well...a Russian guy did it for real. Average speed: 160kmh or so. He's completely nuts, I think.

Master RobertMBlevins (robot):

Can you give us a date by which you plan to
take-over this forum and send everyone packing
and extinguish it to your own personal use?

Who designed you? Snowmman? 377?

You have WAY too much time on your hands. Let's face it. You are becoming redundant. Every time I post up something, no matter what it is, you have an insult waiting. Yada yada yada from Mr Jerry Warner. I'm willing to bet that even some of the other folks who post here are tired of reading your latest yada. I think you are in need of a serious vacation. Either that, or you might need to cut down on the caffeine. (*laughs*)

Besides, Mr Warner...in the world of insults you are an amateur. You should see the emails I get. Some of those are REALLY imaginative. ;)

So why are people calling you an ASSHOLE, a "prick",
and "mentally derranged"? Beats me!

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Georger asks:


'So why are people calling you an ASSHOLE, a "prick", and "mentally derranged"? Beats me!'

You have it all wrong. They were talking about my cat.

And who are 'people?' This is not good. If you had met my cat, you would understand. 'Siame' might actually go looking for them. ;)

Hey Blevins: why dont you take your mental
issues to a therapists office and get off the
Internet? suggestion...

And WHY!? does an author like Geof Gray have
anything to do with a piece-of-shit like you?

What's the answer, idiot?

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Georger asks:


'So why are people calling you an ASSHOLE, a "prick", and "mentally derranged"? Beats me!'

You have it all wrong. They were talking about my cat.

And who are 'people?' This is not good. If you had met my cat, you would understand. 'Siame' might actually go looking for them. ;)

Hey Blevins: why dont you take your mental
issues to a therapists office and get off the
Internet? suggestion...

Sure. I might even see you around. I hear the therapist's office is across the street from the Anger Management office. We can wave at each other through the windows. (*laughs*)

Not likely. You wont be waving with handcuffs
and a suicide vest on! TYrying to skin and cook a chicken on the floor of the therapist's office.

However thanks for confirming you really have
taken overe this forum - in crazy Weber's absence. You never miss a opportunity to advance by pissing and marking "your" territory.

Good luck you giant Troll nothing.

Who fucked you up = your Mommy or your Daddy?
Or was it drugs?

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