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DB Cooper

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I'm dead serious. I am Farflung

I am waiting for the FBI to prove you are not Farflung. Until that day I'll have to assume that you are.


No need for the FBI to show proof. I personally do not feel the HunkYness! Green is not the Farf!

Hey 377, I am getting ready to pass the bar. Unfortunately, I never get past the third barstool!!

:DThat video brings back memories. Of course most of those memories are rather vague............and the rest I try to keep corralled in the back forty of my brain.... along with other stuff (like 5th grade) that I'd just as soon not remember. B|:D
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I'm confused.

Are we ripping off "I am Spartacus" or "I'm Brian", "no, I'm Brian"?

In the latter case I have to say it: I'm Farflung, and so is my wife.


I thought about you this summer when I was in MA. A friend and I were going to try a skydive. Got about halfway there and we chickened out. Something about needing to go buy shoes instead. I'm just a wussy I guess.

I'm confused again. You thought about me because you were buying shoes in MA? Oh no wait - that's creepy. I bought shoes last time I was there. You were having me followed? :o

377 is right - you'll jump when it's time. It's even more fun than buying Louboutins :D You could always get a gentle intro through some tunnel flight, but (ah i miss it) nothing quite like the sensation of letting go of a plane ...
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I'm confused.

Are we ripping off "I am Spartacus" or "I'm Brian", "no, I'm Brian"?

In the latter case I have to say it: I'm Farflung, and so is my wife.


I thought about you this summer when I was in MA. A friend and I were going to try a skydive. Got about halfway there and we chickened out. Something about needing to go buy shoes instead. I'm just a wussy I guess.

I'm confused again. You thought about me because you were buying shoes in MA? Oh no wait - that's creepy. I bought shoes last time I was there. You were having me followed? :o

377 is right - you'll jump when it's time. It's even more fun than buying Louboutins :D You could always get a gentle intro through some tunnel flight, but (ah i miss it) nothing quite like the sensation of letting go of a plane ...

lol...I was telling my friend about the dropzone forum and showing her some posts and one of yours stuck out. Forget what it was about, Might have been your sig line:)Whatever it was.... we were laughing - so it must have been funny. .....Or maybe we were in that laugh-cause-you're-scared mode....
I know you've heard it before, but it's not the me letting go of the plane that has me grounded. It's the thought of someone letting go of me after I've let go of the plane.

Seriously though. We had just picked a place at random. I decided I want a little more research on bona fides before I take the plunge. This is one area that I think qualifications might have a little more meaning. :)
Edited to say....Okay, that was probably a convenient excuse. In reality, we just didn't have the confidence or intestinal fortitude needed that day so we talked ourselves out of it. One day though.........
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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377 ponders:

“Wonder how many Gs it took to break the engine pylons?”

Good question 377, let’s count:

1. Gee, inspecting those attach points for the AD is a hassle.

Looks like one; one ’Gee’ is all that’s required to have a power plant partially depart the original design location. I think I crafted that sentence in perfect ’Federalese’.

Sort of a strange configuration with one reverser deployed. I wonder if there were hot brakes on the left gear. That would add to the expense of replacing two engines and a pair or more of seat cushions.

Either way, after this flight I would be doing a serious bar exam with lots of tequila. After a few drinks I would start to regale any and all women in earshot with how brave and heroic I was. In all honesty I tend to do that every day and without the booze but this time, it would be righteous. Oh, except for leaving out that seat cushion thing.

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That looks like the reverser deployed at full throttle on takeoff (although I have never seen that before). There would seem to be more damage on hard landing. The rear cowl looks scorched. It still would require an immediate trip for alcohol for any occupants.

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Some news reports say that it was an emergency landing after an in flight failure of one engine.

Flare flare flare. It's taught to every newbie parachutist to arrest the sink rate right before touchdown. Did the guys up front in that DC 9 forget?

Regarding the Georger Blevins dispute/dialog on pre-anything...

You can arm thrust reversers to deploy immediately when the gear struts are compressed. Is that a PRE-deployment?

Here is an interesting 727 acro story:

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Some news reports say that it was an emergency landing after an in flight failure of one engine.

Flare flare flare. It's taught to every newbie parachutist to arrest the sink rate right before touchdown. Did the guys up front in that DC 9 forget?

Regarding the Georger Blevins dispute/dialog on pre-anything...

You can arm thrust reversers to deploy immediately when the gear struts are compressed. Is that a PRE-deployment?

Here is an interesting 727 acro story:


GEE. Bet Detroit sold some tequila that night as soon as folks were able to go to the lav and clean up.

So my limited knowledge take away: The pilot did something that made the plane go into this crazy freefall dive, but also was able to do something to re-stabilize it at 5000 feet.
2 questions:
1) Did i read that right?
2) I know they said they didn't, but do you think the pilot or crew erased the CVR or not?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Yeah, they popped the circuit breaker and deployed something forbidden trying to pick up a few extra knots. Something failed and they went out of control. They managed to recover thank God.

Airline pilots have a rich history of doing these foolish things. A couple of DC 4s crashed out of control without explanation. Then one recovered before impact and after intense interrogation a flight deck officer admitted engaging the gust locks as "an experiment" during flight. No further repeats occurred after the cause was publicized.

Faced with hell from the FAA and their employer, the 727 crew pulled a "Rosemary Woods". Who among us remembers what that means?

The 727 crew denied any wrongdoing, but it's pretty obvious to me what happened.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I'm dead serious. I am Farflung

Art Inmates Life - you are talking in code and I am READING you. Go Ahead!

Let it Blow! I am Ready!


YOU THINK? What's the chances?

Jo, It was just a couple of months or so ago that you were the one who claimed that letter contained a code. Check your own posts!

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Vicki. Just arrived back home on a red mustang.WoW what a ride. Never realized how a old car can take its toll on the body it is like a new one and rides and drives like the old cars. Shelly flipped out and is glued to the steering wheel.I was the love of her life . However I just lost my status. Seems the cooper forum now has a new member the name is now Farflung/Green. Farflung is this another want a be trying to grab your glory are just another Idiot. Jerry

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Jo wrote


I don't remember WHO knocked the Code, but go find the article the CODE appeared in yourselves...Try San Francisco or Los Angles? Maybe the FBI has already done this - maybe the envelope it was mailed in has now been checked for DNA. Maybe it matches the DNA on a letter Duane Weber mailed.

YOU THINK? What's the chances?


Even if Duane wrote the code letters it doesn't prove he was Cooper. It could have been the work of a wannabe.

Where is your promised blockbuster evidence that "the FBI cannot ignore"?

The Tease Police have you under surveillance.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Vicki. Just arrived back home on a red mustang.WoW what a ride. Never realized how a old car can take its toll on the body it is like a new one and rides and drives like the old cars. Shelly flipped out and is glued to the steering wheel.I was the love of her life . However I just lost my status. Seems the cooper forum now has a new member the name is now Farflung/Green. Farflung is this another want a be trying to grab your glory are just another Idiot. Jerry

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. You sound so angry. Calm down. Apparently your pathetic attempt to lure Jo out didn't work. You don't have to take it out on me.

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Blevins wrote about Farflung

Personally, I think he's wasting his talents here

Don't disrespect the Hood Robert. Farflung's talents find their best and highest use here. Don't put ideas in his head about books and such. The first thing his agent would advise is to distance himself from our community and deny he ever lived here.

Have you seen the FBI quote about their capture of skyjack fugitive George Wright?

in a press release Tuesday, Michael Ward of the FBI's Newark Division said the case should "serve notice that the FBI's determination in pursuing subjects will not diminish over time or distance.

That was a cold cold case (41 years old) but someone tipped the feds. The same thing could happen with Cooper. Some new clue could solve an old case.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I'm not sure WHAT Farflung is, but I wouldn't call him an idiot. Personally, I think he's wasting his talents here. He should do a book. Maybe on his views of American life.

I see Farflung as a sort of cross between Chuck Palahniuk and Joseph Heller. Most of you probably know Palahniuk's work. Heller is the author of Catch 22. Another plus is Farflung's probably from the Bay Area.

I lived in SF as a kid from 1955 to 1962. A VERY good time to be there, I think. B|

This is how I read Jerry's post:
Farflung. Is this another want-a-be (Mr.Green) trying to grab your glory, or just another idiot?

He was not calling Farflug "the idiot".
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I highly doubt Farflung could be classified as an idiot. I believe he likes his anonymity, and prefers to keep it that way. Don't assume he is wasting his talents here...for all anyone knows, he could be a highly respected writer with many publications to his credit, and just hangs here for fun.

I also read Jerry's post as Vicki did.

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[email]Snowman: The jpg 18 picture in your post looks exactly like the Year Book photo of Sheridan Peterson 1963 Lake Washington High School. The tie is different color and patern but the pose is exactly the same and the smile almost the same. Where is your jpg 18 photo from? Do you know who it is a photo of?

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Is it a coincidence that Hunter Thompson’s book was also published in 1971? Yes, of course it is, don’t be stupid. Yet I found one passage to be prophetic and applicable 40 years later. Please read along:

“About thirty minutes after our brush with the Okies we pulled into an all-night diner on the Tonopah highway, on the outskirts of a mean/scag ghetto called "North Las Vegas." Which is actually outside the city limits of Vegas proper. North Vegas is where you go when you've fucked up once too often on the Strip, and when you're not even welcome in the cut-rate downtown places around Casino Center.

This is Nevada's answer to East St. Louis -- a slum and a graveyard, last stop before permanent exile to Ely or Winnemuca. North Vegas is where you go if you're a hooker turning forty and the syndicate men on the Strip decide you're no longer much good for business out there with the high rollers ... or if you're a pimp with bad credit at the Sands ... or what they still call, in Vegas, "a hophead." This can mean almost anything from a mean drunk to a junkie, but in terms of commercial acceptability, it means you're finished in all the right places.”

Does North Las Vegas serve as allegory for other activities closely related to gambling, drug use and pimping, like umm…… skydiving? What other ‘hobbies’ are constantly invited to move to lesser and lesser desirable locations where the participants appear to be ignorant or oblivious to this dynamic? What is a ‘Hophead’ exactly? Sounds like a jumper to me.

I noticed the same condition with General Aviation in the late 80’s where suburban airports were being closed under the auspices of environmental concerns and covered with tract homes. That was when I noticed the welcoming and happy-go-lucky profile of the average private pilot had been overshadowed by the new and self-important ‘Skygod’ persona. Since then the numbers involved in General Aviation have diminished to half of its former glory and continues to trend in that direction. Last year there were more CFIs (Certified Flight Instructors) than student pilots.

I think the Shakers noticed the same trend when their numbers had dwindled to a group of less than 50 women. Guess that celibacy thing didn’t turn out as they had hoped. But It’s not too late for private pilots or skydivers if they just do a quick survey of where they are allowed to operate (North Las Vegas) and decide if it’s time to do the opposite of celibacy to themselves and wake up. Gosh, now I forgot what this had to do with Cooper. Never mind.

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Farflung wrote:

What is a ‘Hophead’ exactly? Sounds like a jumper to me.

Perfect! I don't think I've ever seen those two words (hophead and jumper) connected before and they fit so perfectly. Who is gonna make the T Shirts?

Problem is the youngsters today probably think hophead has something to do with foam on a beer.

It still works.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Green For some one so new to this forum you sure seem to know alot about Jo. Guess what that is what gives your DA away. You and your comments are not even worth my or anyone else's time to deal with anymore it is aparent you can't think for your self and are being told what to say or do by someone else. So take all your comments and stick them up your forth point of contact if you can figure out what that is with out being told.All response to any further comments by you will be considered that of a puppet . Jerry

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