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DB Cooper

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Hominid: of course! Still That is off the subject. The aft Stairwell was the subject. I just screwed up and got off track.Botom line, this forum is for pleasure and comments by all . In a atempt to solve the case Not to exploit any non truths. Most people on this thread understand this. Except for 1. /? maybe 3. Still I posted a answer to your Question about Ralphs birthday party and the flight path did you unerstand that post. Jerry PS Not Ralphs birthday party. His retirement party. Excuse me for the mistake I was still thinking of Ralphs most recent birthday party that was on the 29th of Sept ( he is now 86 ) Jerry

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Still I posted a answer to your Question about Ralphs birthday party and the flight path did you unerstand that post. Jerry

I think so. I wondered if both Scott & Rataczak were at that party since you said both had said they were off to the E. I would wonder why they thought so. And I have a hard time with the airforce tracking being so far off. Part of why I would like to see the data that track plot came from.

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At least 4 former FBI agents have written books on the Cooper case including Himmelsbach - all with different theories.

The FBI official statements have shifted over the years.

Anyone have any explanations for the few I mention below (in addition to the flight path and the aft stairs)?

For the first few years after the hijacking, Julius Mattson was the FBI spokesman in AP reports. Mattson is repeatedly quoted to say that they did not have anything to go on - that they knew no more than they did at 11pm November 24, 1971.

I do not find Himmelsbach as a quoted FBI contact until 1975 when he is said to have worked on the case - off and on.

Himmelsbach described a Cooper MO and behavior quite different from Tina Mucklow's early newspaper reports of Cooper as a polite if sometimes impatient hijacker.

I have to wonder why Mattson's early reports of NO FINGERPRINTS flies in the face of current reports of partials to rule out folks.

We have more technology for fingerprints and DNA - but that doesn't preclude contamination issues in uncontrolled environments over several decades.

There might be as many as 60 unidentified prints in the Cooper case? Sure sounds like contamination if the passengers and crew do not match.

Which by the way is a highly charged issue amongst scientists in a dinosaur DNA case that Tom Kaye has investigated.

I am hoping that Tom Kaye actually does have something significant to report on the 1979 money find controversy - and that it will become public soon.

The money is the only shred of hard evidence - anomaly and pun intended :)

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I can suggest one thing to consider. When law enforcement of any kind make public statements, it is not because they want the public to know the facts. They have things they want to accomplish.

Say you have nothing: Lulls the perp into sense of security so he/she makes some kind of mistake.

Insult the perp: Make the perp mad so it comes out to fight about the insult.

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Ancestralmanor: In All due respect to your expectations of Tom Kayes findings, Please do not expect much, any Man that takes a pack of one dollar bills and soaks them in the water for 10 minutes then cast them into a body of water and exspects them to float, is not much of a scientist. Believe me I know Tom Kaye . He is a High school Graduate that bought a piece of equipment from the government that was broke for a very cheap price. and then tried to use it on this case. His sole goal was to prove that the Cooper Drop Zone was the Columbia river. Tom Kaye ( Kaye is short for the real spelling of his name) Did nothing for this case and will never do anything to solve this case. He was suppose to publish a paper after the Columbia river research mission. His theories were proven wrong, His actions were very unprofesionable for a Scientist a real scientist would not have even portrayed himself the way Tom did. Still this Man states that DB Cooper's Chute /Body and money was draged up stream by a Huge Boat and deposited on Tina's Bar. This statement of his was made after he was told By the Fazio Brothers that the money arrived on the shore line just after a storm. and that there was bits of money found at the High water line. Now after all this info where would you like to put you faith on his results. One more thing I was there during this intire research.One more thing His wife Carrol was very happy and made the commrnt of how prowd she was for her famous husband that was able to land TV spots for these actions.This was before National Geo had even documented this. How or why was this comment even made. Simple. How embarrasing this must have been. Jerry

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>:([:/]B|A pre-post to Quade. If this post causes me to be banned then make sure JT is banned also. As Georger said this crap needs to stop and this is the last time I will address it. These guys are trying to have a decent conversation, but Jerry won't let go of his accusations and name calling directed only at me. After this post the character JT will cease to exist as far as I am concerned and NO more posts will be made to defend myself.

What I have to say about Jerry Thomas and to Jerry Thomas

I never said Mr. H disliked you.
We do NOT discuss his like of dislike of you. He knows I don't like you and why.

As for Donna - you yourself know you were banned from Donna's. I will call her and ask her if that has changed - I did speak to her back in the Spring of this yr, but not since. I expect for the 40th she is making an acception.

Seems like you think everything I say is made up - well, you know it is NOT.

I am still Jo Weber and Duane has NO family. HIS brother disowned him - they had not talked in 38 yrs at the time of Duane's death. They would not even have had the opportunitity to say good-by had I not contacted the sister and arranged for the 2 brothers to talk to each other one last time.

You are a terrible terrible man you know that - you are mean spirited and despicable. If I ever had to be in the same room with you I would spit (or vomit) in your face and I have never done that to a human being in my life. I have never felt as much disgust for anyone as I do for you. It is very very difficult for me to hate people - but you are the most despicable man I have ever communicated with in my life.

BELIEVE me when I say if I ever find you knowingly in the same space I am in - I am gone. The site of you would make me sick to my stomach. You have caused not only me, but others much grief with your "stories" which are soon to be appropriately categorized and forgotten as "lies". You will never profit from the venom you have spewed and as far as I am concerned you are repulsive and sicking.

You are SOON to be put in your place - and will go down as the lowest human form to ever to exist. YOU JT are NOT part of the Cooper Story and you know why!

There is so much more I would like to say - but, I will leave it at this.

:P:P:P:P I feel really sick.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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At least 4 former FBI agents have written books on the Cooper case including Himmelsbach - all with different theories.

The FBI official statements have shifted over the years.

Anyone have any explanations for the few I mention below (in addition to the flight path and the aft stairs)?

For the first few years after the hijacking, Julius Mattson was the FBI spokesman in AP reports. Mattson is repeatedly quoted to say that they did not have anything to go on - that they knew no more than they did at 11pm November 24, 1971.

I do not find Himmelsbach as a quoted FBI contact until 1975 when he is said to have worked on the case - off and on.

Himmelsbach described a Cooper MO and behavior quite different from Tina Mucklow's early newspaper reports of Cooper as a polite if sometimes impatient hijacker.

I have to wonder why Mattson's early reports of NO FINGERPRINTS flies in the face of current reports of partials to rule out folks.

We have more technology for fingerprints and DNA - but that doesn't preclude contamination issues in uncontrolled environments over several decades.

There might be as many as 60 unidentified prints in the Cooper case? Sure sounds like contamination if the passengers and crew do not match.

Which by the way is a highly charged issue amongst scientists in a dinosaur DNA case that Tom Kaye has investigated.

I am hoping that Tom Kaye actually does have something significant to report on the 1979 money find controversy - and that it will become public soon.

The money is the only shred of hard evidence - anomaly and pun intended :)

I agree with you on contamination. From the videos that Carr did, it doesn't appear that items were stored and handled too carefully. Also, the parachute cord might have been a better bet for dna, but again, the potential contamination problem. Easy to say now, huh?

They might have told Jerry they matched everything, but I'm a little skeptical that they matched up all the fingerprints with all the people that had been on the plane that day. This wasn't the first flight of the day, and, unless they did a wipe down between flights, prints could have been there a while.

I also have doubts that they checked with all previous passengers to see if anyone was missing a tie. Could've happened - I'm just a little skeptical of this too. The crew could have easily missed seeing a tie left by a passenger on an earlier flight. Unless the witnesses provided verification that it was his tie, could be anybody's.

I'm sure they must be keeping some things close to the vest, and I don't doubt they told Jerry that they matched up everything - I'm just not quite buying it. But that's just me and my general skepticism towards the entire investigation. One would hope they do know a lot more than they are saying. -- regardless, at best, the investigation appears (to me) to be somewhat inadequate even for the early 70s.

Edited to say: Whether they matched everything or not, if they have a valid suspect, seems they should still go with what they've got and check em out like they did with the fellow they just nabbed after 30 yrs. They might get lucky. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I can suggest one thing to consider. When law enforcement of any kind make public statements, it is not because they want the public to know the facts. They have things they want to accomplish.

Say you have nothing: Lulls the perp into sense of security so he/she makes some kind of mistake.

Insult the perp: Make the perp mad so it comes out to fight about the insult.

Yes, I have considered that possibility.

I think it was even an FBI statement in the early years (if the journalist got it right) that said they were withholding information like the color of the parachute.

Never mind 377's claim that the packer alternately gave the NB6 vs NB8 designation for what Cooper was delivered, etc., etc.

It does not warm the cockles of my soul that in each changing of the guard at the FBI that the procedure does not appear to be to go back to the beginning and evaluate the spin versus the evidence - and at least build a base for the convergence at that point.

A salesman may admonish a technician to not confuse selling with installing - but the bottom line is that if you are trying to sell a story (true or not) you will have to pay the piper on the practical aspects.

True for building something as well as reverse engineering.

Reverse engineering is what we are trying to do with Cooper.

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Geoger : Simple The same that, anyone would want the Money to Show.Remember this crime was not made by a Rocket scientist so why do so many people make it so complicated. The man commited this crime just like any other thief . He did not consider altitude or speed or even a drop Zone he didn't care all he wanted was money. Cooper would not have let the money get away from him unless he was dead or, to hurt to, travel . The fact that the money did not apear untill years later only proves he died during the jump. Still hard core believers try to prove he survived, by proving he was a surviver or a jump expert or even could fly a plane. Go figure. Its time to take a look at the real facts, from the beginning, and look at this crime the way Cooper Did. The man was desperate had little or know experience had obtained a little Info by asking questions and a we, bit of study and Facts for which he had to ask how to do things. his choice of chutes was that of a inexperienced jumper. His choice of clothing, not to mention his smoking and drinking. prior to the jump proves stupidity. Still there is more variables to this case. Bottom Line and has always been the botom line is that the person that we all should be looking for is someone that has not been seen since the hyjacking. Hell give us all a break. Do you realy think that Cooper would have let any of this money get away from him. Remember he was shocked that he even got the money. Jerry

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..I bowled a 174, 144, and 163 just for you tonight....

That's code for something. Jo, can you decrypt it?;)

Ralph H (who I believe flew P 51s in the military) might be interested in the telemetry from the P 51 racer that crashed at Reno. When the elevator trim tab broke off the plane did a violent pitch up pulling 21 Gs!!!! I'm amazed the wing spar didn't fail. Tough plane. Awful tragedy.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As i was talking with Farflung at the Tiki Bar last night over drinks, (Vicki was in the restroom - too much tequila - er I mean karaoke)

Step off! >:( He is mine!


LOL....meow. :)


but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I'm going to show these posts to a retired Air Force colonel I know out in Renton, WA. (He's a business customer of ours who worked as a consultant for Lockheed-Martin/Boeing on the F-22 Raptor) From 1977 (graduation from Air Force academy) to 1998 (retired) he was also an F-15 Eagle driver and ended up a squadron commander, I think for the 49th Operations Group or the 7th Fighter Squadron. (Not sure on this, but he has a lot of stuff around his office that says 'Screamin' Demons' if that means anything)

Your post above means something to me - Duane had a patch with a Screamin Demon on it ---- I didn't know what it meant and this is the first time I have heard this mentioned in this thread. Doesn't mean anything - except it was with some other patches Duane had - I never knew where they came from and sold them at a garage sale.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo : what is this Bs Do I have to find the post for you I've done it once I guess i can do it again. Lies ar all you can post any more you have proven that with all you past post. As for you being Weber. This I don't understand. Another one of your Lies What was your last husbands last name . Better yet what is your maiden name. Why don't you use your maiden name with your claims. Or lets do this what is your childrens family name's and I mean on both sides lets publish these names with all your bashing of Duanes and his family. Jo still one simple process take a polygraph test. And now lets add all the family's Names that you are conected with. Will this show your past criminal history and or you involvement in other crimes or even a relatonship with a criminal that coud be embarassing to the rest of your family. You are from Florida maybe a relative of yours could have a name like Cassey. Jerry

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Ralph H (who I believe flew P 51s in the military) might find the telemetry from the P 51 racer that crashed at Reno. When the elevator trim tab broke off the plane did a violent pitch up pulling 21 Gs!!!! I'm amazed the wing spar didn't fail. Tough plane. Awful tragedy.


377, The elevator trim tab breaking off would not cause the aircraft to pull 21Gs, and the the wing spar and everything else would have failed long before things got past about 10-12Gs.

Did you see the pictures where the tail wheel was not retracted? Also, the cockpit was clearly visible in some of the pictures and there was no sign of the pilot.

I'll wait for the report from the investigators but I'll bet there were several problems that figured into the accident.

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If there is anyone out there who has any interest in the airstairs, does anyone have any question or comment about the post analyzing different modes of operation, or about my post re. getting (the stairs) ready to jump?

Cool jump picture from the stairs. For a non-jumper makes it a lot easier to picture DB's jump. In my mind's eye, I've only imagined his jump from the outside of the plane.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The money is the only shred of hard evidence - anomaly and pun intended :)

And what precisely do you want the money to show?
What should it show? What would be nice to have it
show? Compared with the placard...

The money is what it is = Cooper money for sure, but the controversy of where it spent the 1971-80 years is still up for grabs.

Did Kaye do credible tests on the spectro scale? I don't know.

Did Kaye have a large enough sample or was he able to compare the small number of FBI bills with the much larger distribution of the rest of the bills to isolate contamination issues at that point? I don't know.

I looked at high resolution images of the money Brian Ingram was auctioning off. I am a WHUFFO but I see oxidation, bug and/or bacteria damage.

I'd really like to know what Tom Kaye saw in the spectro analysis.

I do not know what the placard can tell us.

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The money is the only shred of hard evidence - anomaly and pun intended :)

And what precisely do you want the money to show?
What should it show? What would be nice to have it
show? Compared with the placard...

The money is what it is = Cooper money for sure, but the controversy of where it spent the 1971-80 years is still up for grabs.

Did Kaye do credible tests on the spectro scale? I don't know.

Did Kaye have a large enough sample or was he able to compare the small number of FBI bills with the much larger distribution of the rest of the bills to isolate contamination issues at that point? I don't know.

I looked at high resolution images of the money Brian Ingram was auctioning off. I am a WHUFFO but I see oxidation, bug and/or bacteria damage.

I'd really like to know what Tom Kaye saw in the spectro analysis.

I do not know what the placard can tell us.

Just be patient a bit longer, keep the faith, and your questions will be answered.

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Jo: Why haven't you called Donna aready" again" . You have already done this more than once. hell you had plenty of time since my last post. You continue to put people down. All you ever suceed in doing is proving that your stories are nothing more than fiction . This must be a fantastic attempt on your behalf to prove me correct. Thank you. In reality this is all you have actually Done. You can do somthing right for a change. All you have to do is go back and correct all 27,188 of your post and admit the truth . That all your stories and variations of them about Duane are lies. Do anything less than that and there is realy no use in you posting on this forum anymore. As for Quade banning you. Why is that a worry of yours. Unless you have a reason to worry about it. If I was you, I would be woried about Fraude Charges. Either that or take a polygraph test. Jerry

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