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DB Cooper

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Jerry, I was both kidding and serious. But, I am glad to hear that the Ariel gathering is a good time, and that everyone has fun. Being the 40th anniversary, everyone should have a swell time.

I hope the bartenders check the serial numbers on the $20's.

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georger continues his ham-handed deception with:

“You do realise the pressure issues have not been
resolved - I sit and wait for some genius to do it -
Far-a-flung .... and No, I did not bring Hominid here?
(How would I and when?)

And they won’t be resolved by a person who has been exposed as some self proclaimed expert who is another Walter Mitty. You have seen the evidence which was sourced. Something you and Hominid appear to have a crippling allergy towards. You just want some hiney kissing and have no standards as to the source of that activity.

Attached are the communication which gave me a clue, even a raging clue that you may have invited Hominid to this site, gave him a screen name and other things that I’m sure the two of you would like to keep ‘buried’ between each other. Till after a nap then you will want to bury that clue again.

Hope this helps georger, an anxious nation awaits your pure and honest work to continue.

Snowmman, you're full of shit.

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georger continues his ham-handed deception with:

“You do realise the pressure issues have not been
resolved - I sit and wait for some genius to do it -
Far-a-flung .... and No, I did not bring Hominid here?
(How would I and when?)

And they won’t be resolved by a person who has been exposed as some self proclaimed expert who is another Walter Mitty. You have seen the evidence which was sourced. Something you and Hominid appear to have a crippling allergy towards. You just want some hiney kissing and have no standards as to the source of that activity.

Attached are the communication which gave me a clue, even a raging clue that you may have invited Hominid to this site, gave him a screen name and other things that I’m sure the two of you would like to keep ‘buried’ between each other. Till after a nap then you will want to bury that clue again.

Hope this helps georger, an anxious nation awaits your pure and honest work to continue.

OK Snowmman!

Whatever -

Read past posts or get 377 to explain it to ya -

[edit] ah shit. Farflung is not hunky after all. but a
mere conspiracy driven mortal. Arent we all at some

Follow the link. (since 377 has chosen to sit in his
excellence and not to explain anything!):


377 posted the info clear as day - you missed it.

Read the forum?

I did not INVITE anyone here. 377 did!

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I have an idea on how to approach the Dormuths. Might not work, but I will try and I will do it before Thanksgiving. That's all I can say right now because B.S. reads this column. B| Those are someone's initials, not an observation. I don't know...could be both.

Blevinaide - STOP! The lies.

Crashing the party again.

The Dormuths threw your book into the trash and rightly so.

Who is Blevinaide to the Dormuths? Gate crasher. Imposter? Fire engine chaser and pretender?

All you did was insert yourself in an ongoing
negotiation once you found out about it.

That is your whole shtick" and reason or being here -freebees. You really are a shamless piece of cheese,

Mind your own dumb business for a change,

Th Dormuths tossed your damned book into the trash where it belongs.

Jo Weber must be sick. The old Jo Weber would have been all over this .


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Vicki's "Confidential" comic book graphic is excellent and will bump one of Farflung's works off of my refrigerator.

Vicki, can you swear to me that Farflung played no role in its creation?

Are you willing to stand in line with Jo at Jerry's strip mall polygraph salon? You can get your nails done while you are being questioned. ;)


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Vicki's "Confidential" comic book graphic is excellent and will bump one of Farflung's works off of my refrigerator.

Vicki, can you swear to me that Farflung played no role in its creation?

Are you willing to stand in line with Jo at Jerry's strip mall polygraph salon? You can get your nails done while you are being questioned. ;)


I never swear!...ok, that is a lie!
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Vicki's "Confidential" comic book graphic is excellent and will bump one of Farflung's works off of my refrigerator.

Vicki, can you swear to me that Farflung played no role in its creation?

Are you willing to stand in line with Jo at Jerry's strip mall polygraph salon? You can get your nails done while you are being questioned. ;)


Still waiting for your explanation of the
pressure "bump".

I am speaking about pressure differentials - not
swinging ladders and doors and refrigerator folk

Blevinaide is in desparate need for the explanation
so he can schlep to physics and astrology with one
giant swoop of his broomstick? Before he crashes
the Aamanda Knox party!

Farflung's treatise on pressure-for-comfort in
airplanes and blood boiling at 50,000 ft was
useless. Finish what you and Hominid started
in the Yahoo group? Otherwise, what did you bring
Hominid here for?


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Why is Hominid ‘thanking’ you for the invitation georger? Why did he say you gave him a pet name (kinda Brokeback Mountainy here)?

Is that some weird and freaky code for ‘tossing salads’ in Iowa?

Why aren’t you upset with Hominid for making YOU look like a BS-er? I simply displayed the source of my opinion that you invited him to this forum and had a multi-paragraph welcome post that you have NEVER had for anyone else before (nothing gay intended here). Why all the anger? You are so honorable and honest and true and consistent.

Gosh, I guess I just can’t get anything right. You got me good georger, everyone thinks you’re the hunky one now.

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Why is Hominid ‘thanking’ you for the invitation georger? Why did he say you gave him a pet name (kinda Brokeback Mountainy here)?

Ask 377?

Ask Hominid?

How would I know. Im not 377 or Hominid?

Ask Blevinaide. B|


Since when am I responsible for what other people
say and do but fail to explain? Ask them?

But 377 did mention the Yahoo Group here, where
he and Hominid have been posting for weeks.

Ask 377?

Ask Hominid?

Ask Sluggo?

I merely replied to a Hominid geek in geek terms.
You invented the rest. Your problem with perfection
is your own. Get a channeled reading from Vicky or

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Why is Hominid ‘thanking’ you for the invitation georger? Why did he say you gave him a pet name (kinda Brokeback Mountainy here)?

Is that some weird and freaky code for ‘tossing salads’ in Iowa?

Why aren’t you upset with Hominid for making YOU look like a BS-er? I simply displayed the source of my opinion that you invited him to this forum and had a multi-paragraph welcome post that you have NEVER had for anyone else before (nothing gay intended here). Why all the anger? You are so honorable and honest and true and consistent.

Gosh, I guess I just can’t get anything right. You got me good georger, everyone thinks you’re the hunky one now.

Good grief. The "back door" we were talking about is aluminum and located on a 727.

Vicki thinks you are hunky Farflung. Nobody else's opinion should matter.;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We all get torqued when the FBI dismisses a suspect without running prints or DNA, but think about this:

Solving Norjack, even at this late date, would be a HUGE feather in the cap of an FBI agent: instant and lasting fame. I don't think any agent would miss a chance to be a major hero. If a DBC candidate looked good intially, an agent would likely dig a bit deeper.

I wonder if they have some piece of information or evidence that is not known to the public that they can use to rule out certain suspects without digging deep.

Vicki's father sure seems to be worth a deeper look and they just summarily dismiss him, allegedly on appearance. Sheridan, on the other hand, warrants repeated FBI questioning and isn't ruled out until he gives a DNA sample. Marla's uncle also merits some uncharacteristically fast FBI DNA work. What explains this?

Better minds than mine are represented on this forum. What might the FBI have that could explain the seemingly irrationally disparate investigative attention paid to various suspects?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farflung/377/Orange 1/ Geoger/ ?: Are any one else that can find this Info on this liscence plate #. What I need to know is who the last owner of the car was and its last known where abouts. The liscence plate # is 6AM 672 , The last date I have on the car is 1971 it is a Minnisota liscence plate.It may be related to the Cooper case.Jerry

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Farflung/377/Orange 1/ Geoger/ ?: Are any one else that can find this Info on this liscence plate #. What I need to know is who the last owner of the car was and its last known where abouts. The liscence plate # is 6AM 672 , The last date I have on the car is 1971 it is a Minnisota liscence plate.It may be related to the Cooper case.Jerry

JT, If at all possible, check in Canada as well. This type of information may not have been automatically exchanged between the US & Canada in that time frame.

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You’re right again 377, Vicki KNOWS that I’m awesome to a level that does not require the fabrication of a 20 atmosphere pressurizations system or some senior citizen sidekick that spends his free time ‘gassing’ Hometown Buffets. She’s cool like that.

I win. Go ahead georger, use all your power and intellect to try and garner the attentions of fair Vicki. You probably don’t have the ball. But I could see how she may be attracted to your persona since you must while away the days just laughing and laughing and being ever so lighthearted. You are a great catch for more than just your ‘fanboi’ Hominid!

Stay classy georger!

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the fabrication of a 20 atmosphere pressurizations system

It's surprising how small a pressure differential it takes to cause structural damage.

Some mechanics working on a biz jet "temporarily" plugged a cabin pressure relief valve trying to find a leak. They forgot about the valve, and left an air compressor on while searching for leaks. The plane was a write off. I think the cabin only got to 15 PSI or something like that. I think max limit was just over 8.5 psi.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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