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Jo wrote


Silly Silly - you think you can get me to talk - OH no! You along with everyone else will just have to wait - I have waited 15 yrs, so I can be patient a few more wks.

Gotta hand it to you Jo. You actually have me anxiously awaiting something that I know won't live up to your spin and hype. You are really good at this. You've had years to perfect it. ;)

OK I'll wait "a few more weeks".

BTW, unexplained assets or income doesn't put Duane or Kenny or anyone else on the plane. Duane was a crook. Crooks steal, con and chisel. Duane's source of funds to purchase new cars is likely to be something far less exotic than Norjack loot.

I wonder if Duane pulled any life insurance fraud? That would be a lot more productive than tapping purses and wallets.

Nobody would be more surprised than I if Duane was proven to be DBC. I can't say it's impossible, but it's darn close.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger writes


Its Snowmman or some other troll posing as Farflung _ or Farflung has sprung a leak.

S/Nowmann is blameless Georger. There's been no identity theft. Farflung is Farflung. If he seems a bit overpressurized at the moment blame it on Hometown Buffet, microbes and methane. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger writes


Its Snowmman or some other troll posing as Farflung _ or Farflung has sprung a leak.

S/Nowmann is blameless Georger. There's been no identity theft. Farflung is Farflung. If he seems a bit overpressurized at the moment blame it on Hometown Buffet, microbes and methane. ;)


well he has "overpressurized" this discussion right
off this forum - that is a fact. And there are reasons
for this I will not explain. All shere coincidence or
something. I neither know or care. But this
discussion will now go elsewhere.

As for the idiot's race baiting? What's next on his
agenda? Jews?

Far has flung too far.

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Guys what difference does it make with the stairs. Point being Cooper didn't no how to open it.

As you and Ff said, perhaps it was only an obstcle.
Only Cooper knows. However it also appears there
are other issues at stake; crew testimony for one.

Im not going to say more. Im just going elsewhere
where it can be discussed freely without intrusion.

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Jo - no-one cares. Produce the goods, then we'll care.
Blevins - ditto.

377 - I am intrigued by your speculation about what the FBI has up it's sleeve. I think you may be right.
Hopefully Jerry is right and they at least look at Mel.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Robert 99 iN THE PAST YOU HAVE STATED THE WEAThER WAS CLEAR. YOU EVEN CHALENGED all that was in the hgelicopter behind the aircraft. Point being You called Ralph and I a lier. Would you like the Post # or just like to say you may have Been mistaken. Jerry

JT, To repeat, I have NEVER said that the weather was clear the night of the hijacking. And I have NEVER called Ralph or you a "lier" (or "liar" either).

So what is the post number where you claim that statement was made?

I would like to say that the I have NOT been mistaken in stating that the weather the night of the hijacking was as stated by the FAA in Seattle before the airliner took off for Reno, by the FBI weather data as stated for Orchards, by the Weather Underground web site, and other sources.

Would you like to say that you have been mistaken?

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Georger writes


Its Snowmman or some other troll posing as Farflung _ or Farflung has sprung a leak.

S/Nowmann is blameless Georger. There's been no identity theft. Farflung is Farflung. If he seems a bit overpressurized at the moment blame it on Hometown Buffet, microbes and methane. ;)


If any of you go back and read through the posts - it is very OBVIOUS Jerry made the 1st assaults of the time. NO one can say anything without Jerry calling them a liar or dictating what others can post.

When did Jerry become the Lord and Master of the DZ and allowed to dictate who posts what? When did our freedom of speech regarding Cooper become impeded and dictated by Jerry Thomas.

Jerry recently made himself the dictator of right and wrong in this thread - he considers himself the Master of Honor. READ his post. His attitude is - you do NOT stand up to me BOY! He is SHOUTING orders to me and others in the thread and this has to STOP.

Farflungs postings are historic and represent what is happening in Cooper World as Jerry declares he is the MASTER of Cooper World and the rest of us are his slaves to do his bidding.

Farflung has done NOTHING racist as JT claims.

I guess I should pipe in and get down on my knees before Master Thomas with cries of:

Pythy - The Equalizer.

"Please Massa Thomas - don't hit me again - I's took the Mouse Traps cuz I'ass needs them to feed my Pythy."

As Massa Thomas continues to bark his orders something or someone was observing him. Seeing the oppression of those who sacrifice their opinions, their beliefs, their souls and their bodies to survive - the eyes of the observer became slanted and red with rage.

Slowly Pythy approached Massa Thomas unknowingly and sudden Massa Thomas was struggling with an unknown. He was bound by restaints of giant muscles - Pythy was showing no mercy.

As Massa Thomas felt his chest being crushed - and his eye bulged out of his head. Pythy spoke - "Leave my people be - they have done you NO harm. MY people will be set free and you will now be the oppressed".

Upon this he released Massa Thomas - and ordered to be obedient and respectful of all animals and humans. He sentenced him to 2 wks in the Forest alone without food or water or weapon or shelter.

The orders "If you return Massa Thomas respect my people, respect my land, respect their minds - You Massa Thomas are but a servant yourself. NOW GO and make your repentance!"

Whew! :|
Just read JT's post following this one and decided to make this post COUNT by adding the following P.S.

:|[:/]:PP.S. Seems like JT supposedly controls ALL who post here. We are supposed to abide by HIS orders to delete this post or that post and yet he uses a forms of PUBLIC Blackmail to attempt to gain control of what is posted. Remember his post offering tapes to media and others - and his threats to me. Yet, he has the audacity to complain about what anyone else is posting. He acts like he is the moderator! DUH!

It is fair for JT to continuely attack anyone who post here - with intimidation when the post in NOT in agreement with his scrambled and psychopathic agressive world? Remember his threats of coming to my home a week or so ago. The local sheriffs office was waiting for a phone call.

If one disagrees with JT or posts an opinion - we spend the next 3 pages with one liner retaliations and ORDERS from the SIMPLE SIMON Commander of Cooper World. Who made Jerry Thomas the moderator? NO one can make a statement or have a discussion without Jerry Thomas attacking them.

Now it is NOT just me he attacks - it is ANYONE who does NOT march to his Commands. Jerry is drowning and he is grabbing for a life preserve. I should have let Pythy consume him for a meal and be done with him.

Jerry Thomas is NOT just a harmless mixed up guy who is obsessed with finding Cooper. He crossed that line yrs ago. His fixation on me has become dangerous and now he extends that fixation to anyone who responds to a post or even agrees with me about something mundane.

Jerry Thomas is a BOMB ready to blow and I do NOT want to be around him when it happens. He is SCARY and the warning signs are there. Jerry is DANGEROUS and he will blow when the truth is announced and he was NOT part of it. I am just trying to WARN you guys - and Jerry's wife need to make sure he gets some help.

I:):oI am CRAZY and DELUSIONAL, but I do NOT threaten people. I would never attempt to go to someone's home or try to "expose" them to media. I do NOT order others to comply with my beliefs nor do I get nasty with them. Jerry is very very abusive and explosive - he is entirely out-of-hand. I hope someone gets him some help before he causes physically harm to another person...I don't care if he blows his own head off, but I worry about his causing harm to others.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo all these comments from a lier and master story teller(you). The implications of the post FF"s was wrong and offensive you chose to jump in and make the same mistake. By using the same language I wonder who's side the NAACP would take in this matter.Im sure Drop Zone does'nt condone it. Jerry

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We've had the occasional discussion before about people "remembering" things they didn't actually witness... This might be of interest to some of you: http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/keeping-track-of-reality/

Very Interesting:

You might also find it interesting that My Grandmother was a scholar as was my father and her only son. Their memories were impeachable. As for my own siblings - my brother and I have remarkable memories. We usually have the same memory and they are nundane things no one is ever expected to remember. We just do it.

We both scored very very high on every test we ever took. Think about this - minds that can make a perfect score on tests others struggle with. I guarantee you my IQ is probably only a little higher than the average individual....with me it is the ability to remember places and things and time spans - it is like a damn movie playing back in my head...sometime it is scary.

I have one memory I have struggled with for most of my life and still can't explain it. There were 2 men (one fat and one smaller). The fat one has a scruffy beard and round face and has on over-alls. He is chasing me and I am some place I was warned to stay out of. I believe I may have been around 6 yrs of age - maybe 7...not much older.
My memory blocks out the rest.

1. The Florida State Real Estate Exam 1996. If I had NOT erase two correct answers I would have had a perfect score...never done before.

2. SAT test 1958 - again very high score in certain categories, but one category pulled the average down....

Age and disease is now clouding my memory - even of recent events and words. My memory of the past is still intact, but slowing deteriorating with time.
Sometimes it is just that I am tired of remembering and it takes more energy and effort to remember the current events.

Also Current event have become more technical, political and complicated - I just don't try anymore....too much trouble.

My memory at 3 yrs of age:
A casket and my father holding me up in his arm. My grandfather in the casket and the curtains and the stand. My being made to kiss my grandfather good-by. He was white and cold. My baby brother is only 18 months old - he does not remember this.

I remember my grandfather's boots -he was a tall man and since he died around my 3rd birthday - I guess boots are mostly what I saw. I remember his picking me up and throwing me in the air and catching me. I do not remember his voice or his touch. I have a couple of other memories from the age 3 category about my dog and my father. That is the sum total of my memory at the age of 3.

Since these are NOT stories told by the family - they are not relayed or transferred memory.
My grandmother questioned a sketch I was doing at about the age of 14 while I was spending the night with her. I was drawing the casket, the window, the curtains, my grandfather in the casket, my father holding me and my mother holding my brother. There were other people and it was in the old homestead in the family room.
The rug had a floral motif - she was mystified - she asked me "YOU remembered all of that - you were just a baby". There were NO photo's ever taken of my grandfather funeral.

She wiped away a tear and asked if she could keep it and put it in her bible (a very large bible on a stand in the hall way).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, stop taking everything so damn personally. If your memory was so great, you would recall that the discussions we have had were in relation to what the witnesses claimed they saw. The world does not revolve around you.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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We've had the occasional discussion before about people "remembering" things they didn't actually witness... This might be of interest to some of you: http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/keeping-track-of-reality/

Very interesting.
This may have already been discussed, here, but your post made me think about an article I read recently about a passenger on the plane. Seems like he remembers a couple of things a little differently than other published accounts.

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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About 7:41: Dan has dropped the aft airstair.

When Dan deployed the airstair, the moveable part of the stairs dropped down a bit. It has been said that it dropped about 20°, which is reasonable and is what flight ops told flight 305 before takeoff at SEATAC. The noise of the engines would have increased.

There was no big ear-popping. The pressure dropped very little because the pressure outside the airstairs dropped little. The small drop in pressure was mostly because the dropped airstair created a region to the aft side of the stairs where the airflow past and around the aft part of the aircraft was partially blocked. The slight vacuum on the aft side of the stairs was like the vacuum created behind the rear window of a station wagon or behind the trailer of a big rig zipping down the highway.

The vacuum couldn't be very large because the airstair was free to move and because air could easily flow in behind the airstair from both sides. Also, the airstream encountering the airstair was "frothed up" a bit by the tail skid bumper deployed just a little forward of the airstair. Note that the test after the hijacking showed only small pressure change when the stairs were dropped, and that it was perceptible only on instruments (not in the ears).

Just as the stairs dropped, there would have been a little puff of air heading aft because of the small pressure drop. After that, no wind. There could be wind blowing out the back of the plane only if air were being allowed in freely somewhere forward.

The emergency airstair instruction placard could have been blown off from its place up in the stairwell only if it was already mostly detached and ripped off from waving back and forth (probably leaving part of the placard where it had been). Or, maybe Dan had torn it off to take it to some light when he encountered a problem opening the stairs.

There was no perceptible oscillation associated with the airstair being down. It could have happened only if the stair flapped wildly in the breeze. The damping in the lower stair struts precluded such motion. Accounts of airstairs being down in flight have included no reference to such motion or to oscillations. The test flight after the hijacking included nothing like this.

There was very little turbulence to cause such oscillation because the aft "cone" of the aircraft is streamlined and the aircraft speed was relatively low. The airstair has a low drag coefficient because it is rounded on the bottom side and not nearly perpendicular to the airstream. The airflow was quite laminar ahead of the stairs except for small scale turbulence caused by the tail skid bumper being down just forward of the aft airstair pivot. The airstream would be deflected smoothly around the stairs because of their rounded and sloped frontal surface.

The weight of the airstairs and struts is roughly like that of a person. Had the stairs flopped around after they dropped, they would have flopped around roughly half as much later when Dan got out on them - AND when a man went out on them in the later flight test. In the flight test, the airstairs were "stable" when a man went out on them.

The stairs didn't drop enough for Dan to jump. From his position near the top of the stairs he would see only a small black opening maybe three feet high by four feet wide out about 12 feet away (if he had light in the stairwell). There is no way he could dive out through it even from the top step of the moveable part of the stairs.

One other thing he could see if he had some light is an "elbow" pointing towards the front of the plane just a little way down the stairs on each side, each elbow being formed by an airstair strut and its associated actuator arm (strut). He would have seen the elbow on the right side of the plane unflexing a little as the stairs dropped initially if he was still facing the controls, both otherwise. And he would have seen both flexing back and forth a little if the stairs bobbed up and down a bit.

So Dan took a couple of steps down the stairs. When he got to the step on top of the pivot for the stairs he may have felt it moving a little if the stairs were bobbing a bit. But standing on that step wouldn't make the stairs move. It might further dampen any stair bobbing that had been present. If he pushed hard on the toe of the step he probably would have observed no perceptible movement of the stairs. Just too small of a lever arm in comparison to the length of the stairs out in the airstream.

Dan was probably down in the stairwell when the crew tried twice to find out from him if all is OK. He climbs back up to the cabin, gets on the PA, and tells them it is. It's about 8:05.

By 8:12 Dan likely would have figured out that he could cause the end of the stairs to drop some by pushing on one or both of the elbows, toward the rear of the plane.

He pushes on them, the end of the stairs push down into the airstream, the airstream pushes back and the stairs push up on the stair pivot in the stairwell ("Pitch up" as described by NWA when telling flight 305 what to expect while they were back at SEATAC). He lets go, the stairs come back up out of the airstream, the push up on the pivot reduces, and the aft end of the plane comes back down. Two or three times of this and you have "oscillations."

The plane has been "porpoising" under the influence of the rudimentary control surface being manipulated by Dan. The very sensitive cabin "altitude" (pressure) rate-of-change (climb rate) guage at the flight engineers console has given readings that oscillated up and down. It's not the cabin pressure guage. It's the cabin climb rate gage just like the teletype log says. It's three times as sensitive as the pilots' vertical speed indicators and much more sensitive than the pressure guages. NWA people stop using the cabin climb rate term in the future when referring to the event because civilians don't catch how pressure change can be indicated by a "climb rate" guage.

OK. Maybe the oscillations were not caused by pushing back and forth on the elbows. It's possible Dan might have caused them by stepping back and forth out a few steps onto the moveable part of the stairs for some reason. Or the oscillation could have been caused by air turbulence. But, for Dan, those moving elbows were right there "in his face." If you or I were there in his loafers (with the loops pulled down under the insteps to keep the loafers from being ripped off when jump time came) we would have had to be pretty dense not to see the elbows and their potential usefulness for getting the stairs down farther.


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I served on the 8th Division Skydiving Team (Golden Arrows) in BK, Germany from 1961 to 1964. Ted B. Braden was our supervisor. The team competed in parachute competitions all over Europe. The team consisted of Ted Braden, Joe Saunders, Mike Howard, and myself. I last saw Ted in a truck stop in Bowling Green, KY in either 1974 or 1975. We spent several hours together. He was driving an 18 wheeler for Pittsburg Glass Co, out of Pittsburg, PA. The FBI sketch looks alot like Ted. Allen (Allan) Tyre.

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I served on the 8th Division Skydiving Team (Golden Arrows) in BK, Germany from 1961 to 1964. Ted B. Braden was our supervisor. The team competed in parachute competitions all over Europe. The team consisted of Ted Braden, Joe Saunders, Mike Howard, and myself. I last saw Ted in a truck stop in Bowling Green, KY in either 1974 or 1975. We spent several hours together. He was driving an 18 wheeler for Pittsburg Glass Co, out of Pittsburg, PA. The FBI sketch looks alot like Ted. Allen (Allan) Tyre.


Welcome to the forum. We are honored to have you participate.

For those who are unaware Allen Tyre was the Scottish national parachute champion back in the day and participated in the first baton pass made in Scotland.

Tell us some more about Ted Braden. Did he seem like the type who would hijack an airliner for ransom?

Do you know if he smoked and what brand? Favorite drink?

How did you come to meet Ted at the truck stop?

Are you aware of his Army combat experience in Viet Nam?

Although not 100% certain, this death record appears to be the Ted Braden you knew:

Born: 24 Sep 1928
Death: 21 Jun 2007 (V)
Last Residence: 18360 (Stroudsburg, Monroe, PA)
SSN 366-32-4946
SSN issued in Michigan

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins wrote

You want to talk Kool-Aid, you should hang out with the source.

Duane habitually shoplifted substantial quantities of Kool Aid which were never consumed. Jo has confirmed this.

If we could only connect Duane to Jonestown it would be a grand slam conspiracy home run. JFK, RFK, James Earl Ray and Jim Jones

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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