skyjack71 0 #26376 October 6, 2011 Jerry Posted: Quote Faerflung: this post of yours was tastless. I have half black Nephews an neices that actually took offense to this post.they do monitor this Forum. Sure they may be only 9 and 12 years old however they have read and heard the horror stories from their Father. Not a good Idea. Jerry At the ages of 9 and 12 I seriously doubt they are monitoring this thread. I am sure you are the ONLY one who made an issue of the play on words - perhaps because you lack the comprehension ability of most 9 yr olds. To remove the dialect from history - is impossible. Only thru history can your grandchildren understand how they came to be. The dialect is part of their history just as dialect is relevant to other immigrants to this country. My family is Scottish and when they came to America they sought freedom of speech and freedom of religion. America became a big melting Pot - and this continues even today. When the first slaves where brought to America - many had never seen a black man before. Only a bigot would deny his grandchildren their heritage and that is despicable. Your allowing a 9 and 12 yr old to monitor this thread is irresponsible. We do strive to keep this thread clean, but adult things do get discussed here on occassion. I believe I said what had to be said - NOTE: I did not call you a liar. I only stated my opinions above. Take it however you wish!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #26377 October 6, 2011 Quote I served on the 8th Division Skydiving Team (Golden Arrows) in BK, Germany from 1961 to 1964. Ted B. Braden was our supervisor. The team competed in parachute competitions all over Europe. The team consisted of Ted Braden, Joe Saunders, Mike Howard, and myself. I last saw Ted in a truck stop in Bowling Green, KY in either 1974 or 1975. We spent several hours together. He was driving an 18 wheeler for Pittsburg Glass Co, out of Pittsburg, PA. The FBI sketch looks alot like Ted. Allen (Allan) Tyre. Welcome! Did you ever have any suspicion that Ted might be Cooper at the time? On an Kool-aid...well, Kool-aid on the late 60s/early 70s had another connotation too right... Did Duane know Ken Kesey too?!Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26378 October 6, 2011 Blevins: Im sure that your candidate for Cooper in your opinion is the best that money can buy. Still he was a pilot and knew how to open the rear stairs. Not only that He also new that a take off with the stairs down would have been a dumb request,. So this being said Galen cooks candidadate still is a bad choice. he also would have Known better than to atempt this jump. Still all people want to do is Find some one that looks close to the Hyjacker.. All of you forget the one basic thing . If he Knew How to fly or was a pilot or even conected to anything having to do with flight He would have worn Boots .He also would have have realized that tying a 25 pound money bag to you would have put you into a spin. This guy did not recover nor did his chute open. If it had of No money would have ever been found, Botom line Take the time and walk the area that he would have had to negotiate in order to survive. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #26379 October 6, 2011 Quote Quote Their memories were impeachable. Well, there's your problem! I sure used the wrong word there didn't I? I had a good laugh at my own expense. Thank you for catching that one! Think I will go to bed NOW if I can quit myself. I have a feeling I will still be chuckling as I fall asleep. I have this image of Nixon floating across the screen. Why the hell I chose that teminology I will never know.Their memories were infinite and respected. I am 5 yrs old and my Grandma is shaking her finger at me as I look down at my shoes. "So sorry Grandma".Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClassClown 0 #26380 October 6, 2011 Most Hated Poster____________________________ Most Popular Poster___________________________ Smartest Poster______________________________ Funniest Poster_______________________________ Let the voting begin.............. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #26381 October 6, 2011 Quote I've taken a fair amount of abuse here and some of it was deserved. But here's the problem: Even when I tried to comply with Georger's demands not to discuss the Thing-With-Paper-Covers-With-Text-Inside or A Certain Person Who COULD Be The Hijacker, I get hammered anyway. Quote POOOOOOOOOOR ABUSED BLEVINS! Total nonsense. The only thing I ever requested of you is that you actually win an Academy Award before announcing it. But since nobody here cares, well . . . The forum belongs to you. ps: You are nothing but TROUBLE, Blevins, and I pity anyone who has anything to do with you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #26382 October 6, 2011 Quote Most Hated Poster____________________________ Most Popular Poster___________________________ Smartest Poster______________________________ Funniest Poster_______________________________ Let the voting begin.............. Geoffrey Gray wins all popularity contests hands down. Has never posted one word here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #26383 October 6, 2011 Quote Blevins wrote Quote You want to talk Kool-Aid, you should hang out with the source. Duane habitually shoplifted substantial quantities of Kool Aid which were never consumed. Jo has confirmed this. If we could only connect Duane to Jonestown it would be a grand slam conspiracy home run. JFK, RFK, James Earl Ray and Jim Jones 377 Come on Guys, I am really catching it tonight. Duane was 69 when he took the Kool-Aid. He did some really childish things during that last yr of his life. Habitual? "Just keeping in practice". I often wonder why I didn't question his reply to my dismay regarding the many packets of Kool-aid he proudly present from his jacket pocket. It was child-like and the look on his face was child-like...he was a hard person to get mad at. I swear he could get away with almost anything - he would used that little boy grin and I couldn't stay mad at him. I made a point of going by the store and sitting down with the manager - he understood. Duane always called me "Mommie". Now I am going to bed. It has been a good day, but the memory of "Mommie" just brought tears to my eyes. How could this man have been in prison for so many yrs? I wish I could find someone who knew Duane in prison - to known what he was like from 1950 to 1957 - 7 yrs behind bars (SanQuentin and Folsum) consecutive. Good Night.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #26384 October 6, 2011 Blevins, I don't recognize that name but seriously hope that is some kind of joke. If that is either Georger's real name, or you think it is, you deserve to be banned permanently for trying to out someone.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26385 October 6, 2011 Jo wrote Quote How could this man have been in prison for so many yrs? I wish I could find someone who knew Duane in prison - to known what he was like from 1950 to 1957 - 7 yrs behind bars (SanQuentin and Folsum) consecutive. Seven years is a long time inside Jo. I've spent quite a bit of time at both Folsom and San Quentin (as a court appointed lawyer for indigent appellants). They aren't nice places. Lompoc is like a country club in comparison. Rapes and sexual coercion are common. The food is bad. Life is grim. People come out changed and not for the better. Guys get shaken down. It wasn't uncommon for the wife of an extorted prisoner to have to make regular payments to the wife of another prisoner to keep the payor's husband from being attacked inside. Guys get "punked", turned out and enslaved to a more dominant inmate. You probably don't want to know what happened to Duane inside those places. Just sizing Duane up I can see him on the wrong end of pecking order. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26386 October 6, 2011 Blevins: What are you doing Giving all this atention to geofs Book WoW! for some reason Geofs Book has even hit the top of the charts on drop zone. It has even been one of you favorite Books. Hmmmmmm didn't you write a book stating a pilot was Cooper. You Know the Pilot that needed help opening the rear stairwell.The one that requested leaving the rear stairwell down for take off. Gee willikers Must have been one good book kind of like Galen Cooks Book > full of BS. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26387 October 6, 2011 377:Pecking order . Or peter piper picked a peck of ? well somthing like that what was life after release . A two way street. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26388 October 6, 2011 Jerry, Kenny C was an NWA flight attendant and purser, also former Army Airborne. As far as I know he was not a pilot. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #26389 October 6, 2011 For every bleeding heart that says ‘prison is not a deterrent to crime’ let me fill you in on a few of the finer points here. I can prove that prison is a deterrent because I don’t want to go to some ‘Federal Pound You In The Ass Prison’ in order to be reminded that something I did (then denied) was wrong. Those who have spent a lifetime telling big stories, deflecting then minimizing them are exactly one coincidence from ending up there while crying about their innocence. Splitting hairs at that point, take your punishment like a… ummm… whatever you are called in prison, because you were never a ‘man’ in free society anyway. There should be a felony douche bag law or Walter Mitty prosecution device (like the RICO statute) to remove these amateur ass hats from society before they graduate to do some real damage. Additionally I don’t want to ever see a man’s ‘O’ face. Although it is undeniably clear that many don’t see this as anything remotely punitive or an act which should be worthy of any consideration; presumably because they are already no stranger to such a display and have engaged in those behaviors while ‘free’. That’s why I subscribe to the DBC honor code of…. ‘I will not…’ crap, can’t remember anything else. Little help from someone? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #26390 October 6, 2011 Man...that's a lot of shit to tromp through... learned a few things about airstairs... pissing matches... human interaction... Did anyone know we have 23 pairs of chromosomes because our second one has been flipped and fused at the telomeres or we would have 24 and still be Primates...???...did I already mention that...???... Anyway...welcome Buckshot31...tell us more about Braden...if you would...nice to have another jumper show up... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26391 October 6, 2011 Farflung wrote Quote can prove that prison is a deterrent because I don’t want to go to some ‘Federal Pound You In The Ass Prison’ in order to be reminded that something I did (then denied) was wrong. I represented lots of accused criminals back in the day. Prison didn't seem to be a deterrent at all. They all thought they'd never be caught (or caught again for the ex cons). Prison was for dumb guys. His use of "TACAN" flagged Farf as a mitary pilot. None of his online vocabulary indicates that he spent any time locked up in government brotherly love condos with Duanes and Bubbas. Perhaps prison has been an effective deterrent for Farflung. One really ugly side of prison life in the HIV era is that any sentence can be a death sentence. If you think lifers who are already HIV positive care much about infecting others think again. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #26392 October 6, 2011 Quote His use of "TACAN" flagged Farf as a mitary pilot. None of his online vocabulary indicates that he spent any time locked up in government brotherly love condos with Duanes and Bubbas. Perhaps prison has been an effective deterrent for Farflung. If anyone reading this thread couldn't figure out that Farflung was a military/civilian pilot doesn't have the deductive skills to get close to solving the Cooper case. I could be wrong about that...I've been wrong before... hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26393 October 6, 2011 It's easy to pose as a pilot if you do your homework. Poser fighter pilots abound. They mostly just need to avoid telling their bullshit stories to real fighter pilots. I outed one and I'm not a pilot. This guy had heroic stories about flying Route Pack Six in a USAF Phantom and attacking SAM sites way up north. He really knew the lingo and tech details, but completely screwed up on describing refueling ops in Nam. Turned out most of his resume job history and degrees were fake and he quit as the noose was tightening. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #26394 October 6, 2011 Yep's a bit harder to tell on the internet...I've run into a few posers myself...and been a suspected poser myself a time or two...when drinking and story telling with wuffos...sometimes the truth is unbelievable...I'm sure you know what I mean... cya, hangdiver "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pek771 0 #26395 October 6, 2011 What military pilots or flight crew actually wears parachutes any longer? They have pretty much been gone for 30 years or so. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26396 October 6, 2011 I read a few years ago that C 135s no longer carried chutes. Don't know about other transports. All bombers and fighters have chutes. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #26397 October 6, 2011 Guess it depends on how much information you need pek771. Just three years ago for this airframe and it has been in service for over 50 years. Those ejection seats have parachutes (B-52, B-1, B-2, F-22, T-38, F-16, A-10, F-18). The Bee Gees?! Think I would have chosen pranging over having to listen to that. They’re there, you just can’t see them. Just like Jennifer Anniston’s breasts. Here’s a look into the belly of the beast. A bunch of Army guys (they were called training aids for C-130 drivers) and a couple Air Force crew types. One is wearing a tether which is cold comfort seeing how it took two men, struggling to recover the static lines. How was the wind blast, pressure bumps from so many jumps or noise level after closing the door? Decide for yourself. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pek771 0 #26398 October 6, 2011 Please forgive my misleading question. It should more clearly ask: "what pilots and flight crews actually have a parachute strapped to themselves?" I think the aircraft I worked on either had no parachutes as part of the standard flight gear (the Lockheed transports) or the parachutes were integrated into the ejection seats, and separated upon egress, pilot and chute hopefully going one way, seat another. I always think of the godlike Chuck Yeager bailing fron the F-106 in the last chapter of Thomas Wolfes book. This is subject to my source verification, of course. Memory is the second thing to go. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #26399 October 6, 2011 From Skyjack, page 92: (talks about the FBI boarding 305 after it landed in Reno) Quote 'In Reno, in daylight, agents can see inside the cabin. Northwest 305 is wrecked. Food from the meals the hijacker requested for the crew are splattered over the seats and on the walls...' Quote above got no comments - wonder why? Geof's source for this is Agent Snow who was part of the FBI crew inspecting 305 at Reno. So I will repost this again for comments? Turbulence? Temper tantrum by Cooper? Cooper sacking the galley for provisions to take along? Geof doesn't apparently tell the rest of the story in his book but a few things including food items were apparently missing and gone from the galley, verified later by the crew ? ideas - ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26400 October 6, 2011 My first question is whether the food mess account is true. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
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