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DB Cooper

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Nothing misleading about the question at all pek771.

Without actually seeing how ‘simple’ (I’m prepared to be flamed) an ejection seat is, you may think the parachute is quite divorced from the crewmember.

Those shoulder and leg straps along with the chest strap are attached to a parachute which sits in the back of the seat pan. The seat (where your butt rests) typically includes a square package covered with a seat pad. This is the survival kit which is attached to D-rings on the chute and contains a rubber raft among around 100 other useful items (yes, a supply of condoms). This is where the nickname ‘Butt Boat’ came from for those kits.

The Achilles’ heel of this system was (and is??) the ‘Man Seat Separator’.


There was (I don’t know for modern systems) some webbing that was laid across the base of the seat and went up to the backrest and attached to some retraction reel behind the backrest. Just after the ejection sequence this thing would spin and take up the slack of the webbing which pushed the physical seat away from the man. This was trained over and over and over to kick away from the seat after ejecting. If you pulled with the seat still attached your chute would not deploy. This may give you a little better feel as to how remote or intimate the chute remained (till 2009, T-37 retirement).

Attached is some T-37 stuff. It is amazing how different the systems were from T-37s to B-52s to C-130s.

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Blevins, I don't recognize that name but seriously hope that is some kind of joke. If that is either Georger's real name, or you think it is, you deserve to be banned permanently for trying to out someone.


Jerry Warner's name was in the thread before. Georger (JW) just about ruptured a heart valve that time. You could actually "hear" him raging in the written word.

Check it out - my memory is good, but my searching capabilities have never been very good.

Also Geoffrey's book talks about Mr. Warner.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please forgive my misleading question. It should more clearly ask: "what pilots and flight crews actually have a parachute strapped to themselves?"

I think the aircraft I worked on either had no parachutes as part of the standard flight gear (the Lockheed transports) or the parachutes were integrated into the ejection seats, and separated upon egress, pilot and chute hopefully going one way, seat another.

I always think of the godlike Chuck Yeager bailing fron the F-106 in the last chapter of Thomas Wolfes book.

This is subject to my source verification, of course. Memory is the second thing to go.

I don't know what Yeager was flying in Wolfes' book, but he was flying an F-104 with a rocket boost engine in real life.

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Geof doesn't apparently tell the rest of the story
in his book but a few things including food items
were apparently missing and gone from the galley,
verified later by the crew ?

ideas - ?

VERY interesting Georger - I guess I missed this when I read the book, but I was not well and trying to read - kept falling asleep and sometimes I couldn't find where I had stopped. Probably missed a few pages.

Now this makes me think even more about some of the things I found and makes me wonder - HMMMM? Maybe MOUSE is connected? Maybe that chain and medallion are connected (18X3 +Infinity)? Maybe the picture is connected and the book it was in? Maybe that bag (not the bank bag) was on that plane? Stupid sweater - it was old and ragged and when he died I tossed it.

Food - a jar of peanut butter! Who the Hell would have had a jar of peanut butter on a plane.
Maybe the stews kept one to make snacks for little kids - NOT likely. Duane and his ex and step daughter told me about the "Johnnie Jar" - seems like Duane had a thing for peanut butter. I never understood the "Johnnie Jar" story.

Wonder what the "other things" are? Strange the FBI did NOT find prints if Cooper had a tantrum. Obviously Tina had already gone forward if this actually happened.

Damn - this is not what I came here to do! Making a random post was not part of my agenda when I opened the thread.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins, I don't recognize that name but seriously hope that is some kind of joke. If that is either Georger's real name, or you think it is, you deserve to be banned permanently for trying to out someone.


Jerry Warner's name was in the thread before. Georger (JW) just about ruptured a heart valve that time. You could actually "hear" him raging in the written word.

Check it out - my memory is good, but my searching capabilities have never been very good.

Also Geoffrey's book talks about Mr. Warner.

smut peddler Jo Weber -

how good can the tale from a smut peddler be?

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My first question is whether the food mess account is true.


377, Don't make any bets on it being true or what caused it if it is. Just don't bet at all on this matter.

If it isnt true then a lot of independent people from
the day are peddling a lie - this is not a story that
originated with newcomers but with the old guard.

The story has made its way through the ranks far
and wide. I first heard it from one of the controllers
then later from several others, then in an exchange
with Gray he confirmed to me he had heard it from a
common source, I checked further... if the story is
not true then a lot of people are peddling a myth.

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My first question is whether the food mess account is true.


I agree since this is the first I ever heard of it.

Now, down to business:

You guys know how often I have been called a liar by JT. I don't even care to search for his random posts about how BUDDY Buddy he was with Donna and that he would be at the Ariel Tavern this yr.

I had a very long conversation with Donna today. The last time I had spoke to her was early this yr 2011). apologizing for not making it to Ariel last October 2010. She understood that Ariel was not part of my research agenda and was the last of my priorities.

Today we discussed mutual friends and my visits with them (Oh wouldn't you guys give your eye teeth to know what that was about). NOW 377 that one is a REAL Tease, but one with substance.

As for Jerry - He will NOT be at Ariel and he knows he is NOT welcomed there. She has NOT discussed this yrs events with him. Yet, Jerry talks and talks in the thread about his relationship with the proprietor and all of these big plans - NO plans exist between Jerry Thomas and the Ariel Tavern.

Anyone who wants to verify this can simply pick up the phone and call her just as I did. Note, I have NOT called anyone a liar and I am only relaying the context of a LONG conversation today. A good conversation.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So which has more outlaw status?

Being banned from this forum or being banned from the Ariel Tavern?

Who is the baddest? Donna or Quade?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Today we discussed mutual friends and my visits with them (Oh wouldn't you guys give your eye teeth to know what that was about).



The video pretty much sums it up.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Yes, I went back and looked at the F-4E seats. I remember the face curtain pull rings now. If I recall, there are seven sepatate ways to eject from an F4-E. I am guilty of not contemplating the matter of parachutes before speaking of them. I just remember never seeing a pilot wearing any type of harness near an aircraft, only belting in when they got onboard, very similar to a race car.

I am thinking more of the older style parachutes, such as provided in WWII era aircraft, before the advent of the ejection seat,

And, Robert99, you are probably correct on the 104. I remember it was one of the century series aircraft which he ejected from.

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Georger opines with righteous indignation (parentheses mine):

“If it isnt true then a lot of independent people from
the day are peddling a lie (ever heard of Ponzi?) - this is not a story that
originated with newcomers but with the old guard (ever heard of Bernie Madoff?).

The story has made its way through the ranks far
and wide (ever heard of Bigfoot?). I first heard it from one of the controllers
then later from several others, then in an exchange
with Gray he confirmed to me he had heard it from a
common source (ever heard of Stall 2 in a Hometown Buffet?), I checked further... if the story is
not true then a lot of people are peddling a myth (ever heard of Santa Claus?).”

Good posting otherwise. Well done, well done indeed. Except for the complete lack of sources again.

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My first question is whether the food mess account is true.


377, Don't make any bets on it being true or what caused it if it is. Just don't bet at all on this matter.

If it isnt true then a lot of independent people from
the day are peddling a lie - this is not a story that
originated with newcomers but with the old guard.

The story has made its way through the ranks far
and wide. I first heard it from one of the controllers
then later from several others, then in an exchange
with Gray he confirmed to me he had heard it from a
common source, I checked further... if the story is
not true then a lot of people are peddling a myth.

My reply to 377 would have reflected my intent better as follows:

"Don't make any bets on Cooper trashing the aircraft. There are other possible causes. Just don't bet at all on this matter."

Why would Cooper take the time or bother to trash the aircraft when he was in such a hurry to jump near Seattle?

The other possible causes are what you don't want to bet against.

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Damn - this is not what I came here to do! Making a random post was not part of my agenda when I opened the thread.

You ALWAYS have an agenda.

Not always!:)
Did you just call me a smut peddler, Georger?

You better take a good LOOK at your friend and co-conspirator JT.
Then decide who has been peddling smut.

Words cannot hurt me, because I am not afraid of words. If one has told the truth and held to the truth - they have NOTHING to fear.

In 2001 when I learned what I was up against with Jerry Thomas - I was fearful the truth would never be known. As the yrs progressed and I learned what he was really made of - I feared bodily harm from him.

Jerry Thomas can hurt me NO more - not ever. He put me in the ER twice because of the stress he caused me with his stories. I did NOT know how to stand up this sick monster and it aged me and damaged my health. Now I have reached the point I am NOT afraid of anything or anyone. I survived 15 yrs of coercion from this man and JT alone is responsible for this case not having been closed a long time ago.

Wish I had done the Oct 2011 trip 10 yrs ago or that when I was out there in 2001 I had been financially able to have stayed and have fought my battle then. It has been a long long hard road - and I am not sure it was worth it (emotionally and health wise).

Regret the yrs I have lost waging this battle. Not sure it was worth it, but at least it will soon be over. At this point NOTHING SCARES ME. The one thing I regret the most is ALLOWING one deranged individual to have any control or power over me but, I fought back with the truth and my words - it was all I had.

I am in a good place and NOTHING scares me anymore.
Jerry Thomas finally hung himself. The rope got shorter and shorter - with every post he made and with every threat he made. I thought the value of TRUTH did NOT exist anymore and that this world was doomed and controlled with sticks and stones and falsehoods.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please forgive my misleading question. It should more clearly ask: "what pilots and flight crews actually have a parachute strapped to themselves?"

I think the aircraft I worked on either had no parachutes as part of the standard flight gear (the Lockheed transports) or the parachutes were integrated into the ejection seats, and separated upon egress, pilot and chute hopefully going one way, seat another.

I always think of the godlike Chuck Yeager bailing fron the F-106 in the last chapter of Thomas Wolfes book.

This is subject to my source verification, of course. Memory is the second thing to go.

I don't know what Yeager was flying in Wolfes' book, but he was flying an F-104 with a rocket boost engine in real life.


Lockheed NF-104A

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Yes, I went back and looked at the F-4E seats. I remember the face curtain pull rings now. If I recall, there are seven sepatate ways to eject from an F4-E. I am guilty of not contemplating the matter of parachutes before speaking of them. I just remember never seeing a pilot wearing any type of harness near an aircraft, only belting in when they got onboard, very similar to a race car.

I am thinking more of the older style parachutes, such as provided in WWII era aircraft, before the advent of the ejection seat,

And, Robert99, you are probably correct on the 104. I remember it was one of the century series aircraft which he ejected from.

Most Phantom drivers I ever trained.. needed to have Martin Baker harness release training since they did not fly with J-1 Capewell equipped harnesses.

They had a harness they wore to the aircraft... and then would have the crew chief insert the male portion of the connector that was attached to the risers that were part of the seat system with its pin connectors into the female fitting on the harness.

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Georger opines with righteous indignation (parentheses mine):

“If it isnt true then a lot of independent people from
the day are peddling a lie (ever heard of Ponzi?) - this is not a story that
originated with newcomers but with the old guard (ever heard of Bernie Madoff?).

The story has made its way through the ranks far
and wide (ever heard of Bigfoot?). I first heard it from one of the controllers
then later from several others, then in an exchange
with Gray he confirmed to me he had heard it from a
common source (ever heard of Stall 2 in a Hometown Buffet?), I checked further... if the story is
not true then a lot of people are peddling a myth (ever heard of Santa Claus?).”

Good posting otherwise. Well done, well done indeed. Except for the complete lack of sources again.

I gave two sources. No three. sorry you missed it -
Im sure.:S:D

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My first question is whether the food mess account is true.


377, Don't make any bets on it being true or what caused it if it is. Just don't bet at all on this matter.

If it isnt true then a lot of independent people from
the day are peddling a lie - this is not a story that
originated with newcomers but with the old guard.

The story has made its way through the ranks far
and wide. I first heard it from one of the controllers
then later from several others, then in an exchange
with Gray he confirmed to me he had heard it from a
common source, I checked further... if the story is
not true then a lot of people are peddling a myth.

My reply to 377 would have reflected my intent better as follows:

"Don't make any bets on Cooper trashing the aircraft. There are other possible causes. Just don't bet at all on this matter."

Why would Cooper take the time or bother to trash the aircraft when he was in such a hurry to jump near Seattle?

The other possible causes are what you don't want
to bet against.
We are thinking the same
thing - you say it otherwise Far will flunge on me
and demand source.

They tried to kill him. There its said; not the first
time its been suggested. Could be the source of the
'he died' opinion expressed with such certainty at
the time. No secret some wished him deceased.
They already had the bomb description and maybe
knew it was a fake. So why not 'do the job'.

Have a pleasant flight to Reno - all is well.
Evidence of the plane being pitched with Cooper
on the stairs, all over the galley. Another conspiracy

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My first question is whether the food mess account is true.


377, Don't make any bets on it being true or what caused it if it is. Just don't bet at all on this matter.

If it isnt true then a lot of independent people from
the day are peddling a lie - this is not a story that
originated with newcomers but with the old guard.

The story has made its way through the ranks far
and wide. I first heard it from one of the controllers
then later from several others, then in an exchange
with Gray he confirmed to me he had heard it from a
common source, I checked further... if the story is
not true then a lot of people are peddling a myth.

My reply to 377 would have reflected my intent better as follows:

"Don't make any bets on Cooper trashing the aircraft. There are other possible causes. Just don't bet at all on this matter."

Why would Cooper take the time or bother to trash the aircraft when he was in such a hurry to jump near Seattle?

The other possible causes are what you don't want
to bet against.
We are thinking the same
thing - you say it otherwise Far will flunge on me
and demand source.

They tried to kill him. There its said; not the first
time its been suggested. Could be the source of the
'he died' opinion expressed with such certainty at
the time. No secret some wished him deceased.
They already had the bomb description and maybe
knew it was a fake. So why not 'do the job'.

Have a pleasant flight to Reno - all is well.
Eveidence of the plane being pitched with Cooper
on the stairs, all over the galley. Another conspiracy

Then why wouldn't they just say that's what happened? The bad guy was foiled in his attempt to take other lives and money. Accidentally or by design, surely they still would've been heroes in the eyes of the public?? What am I missing here? The only way it would make sense is if they kept the loot. What's that old saying about more than one person keeping a secret? Just seems illogical to me.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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They tried to kill him. There its said; not the first time its been suggested. Could be the source of the 'he died' opinion expressed with such certainty at
the time. No secret some wished him deceased. They already had the bomb description and maybe
knew it was a fake. So why not 'do the job'.

Have a pleasant flight to Reno - all is well. Evidence of the plane being pitched with Cooper
on the stairs, all over the galley. Another conspiracy

Only 2 of the guys could have gone back - the co-pilot is flying the plane. That leaves both Anderson and the other guy - both fair sized men. The co-pilot was slight of build.

Even if this was a remote possiblity - why NOT tell about it.
Makes NO sense to me to cover it up...they would have been heros. OR would they have lost their job? Right another conspiracy theory! Will it ever end.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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