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DB Cooper

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Robert99 brings up a good point: what was in the transcripts that had to be redacted? (and yes I know the redactions have been mentioned before....)

Could this have anything to do with 377's theory that the FBI is holding something back?

Again, I don't see any issue with them pitching Cooper. He was wearing a parachute. I don't think that's a reason for hiding anything.

Public trust (trust in an airline) is absolutely vital
to any airline's existence. Airlines are expected to
solve every conceivable problem and come out the
other end smiling with public trust intact. The secrecy
net is wide and incorporates almost everyone
associated with the airline industry. There are FAA
mandates and strong corporate mandates in this
matter, legally enforceable. 'Incidents' are a serious

Farflung can probably speak directly to this matter.

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What am I missing here? Why am I missing it?

Did I not say Geof's source for the galley story is
retired FBI agent, Snow. A retired FBI agent is
laws of association & distribution apply! The FBI did
know. The FBI is the source of the story.

Damn, I think I got it now. Seems you're saying the source is the FBI. :)
Here is the reason I used the "m" word. How many times have we read where writers interviewed a FBI agent, retired or otherwise and reported something that conflicted with another report told another or the same writer by another or the same FBI agent?

I'm just hedging my bets because the FBI has been attributed as being the source of contradicting elements of the saga before, including, but not limited to.... conflicting stories about the condition / amount of money found, conflicting stories about obtaining DNA on Sheridan Peterson, conflicting reports on Cooper's personality, conflicting reports on the weather conditions. My memory is definitely fallible, so I may be wrong, but these are just a few that pop immediately to mind.
Not saying there is a grand conspiracy with the FBI -- just that memory echoes or wanting to be a bigger part of the story than you really were might plague these mortals also.

On the other hand, I also think that you have to have a starting point to even posit a theory. In other words, I agree, you have to grant the witnesses, transcripts, and the FBI a certain degree of accuracy until proven otherwise. So I won't use the *m* word in connection with the food anymore.


but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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georger offers his finely filtered source materials with:

“Did I not say Geof's source for the galley story is
retired FBI agent, Snow. A retired FBI agent is


Yep, I noticed that bit of fine research and would have used that as my justification to move to Guyana, invest in unregistered securities or send money to Nigeria. After all, every one of those examples involved an even higher source.

So umm…. yeah, Agent (no first name or report) ‘Snow’ (code name?) said this to Gray but georger knew it before but kept it to himself because he is nice like that. Then went on a tirade how this was known by many people, near and far and is believed by more to be true. Well that’s good enough for government work, that’s for sure. Issue the permits for Thalidomide.

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I repeat, whoever outs someone here should be banned. There are those of you who choose to reveal your names, there are others of us who could probably be quite easily figured out, but the point is no-one has a right to out an anonymous poster here. Incidentally I have been led to believe that a certain someone was obliquely trying to out someone else (except they were wrong with the identity). That is just not done.


Go back and check - I never outed anyone - NOT sure I am the one who outed Knoss, but if I am aren't you glad that is over.

As for Georger - that was someone else - not me.

JT makes all sorts of accusation.
Claimed I was friends with Green and also claimed Green was another party. Hell, I don't know who Green is. JT even tries to make my private information public. That is dangerous...note how he hints at it all of the time.

The tape offer he made to the media was the last straw for me after he threatened to come to my home and to confront the
senior center and local media. And you think that does not cause enough stress to put an old woman in the ER or the Dr.s office. Think again! I am actually a very private person in my area. I never let anyone get close outside of my long time friends of yrs. and yrs.

It was embarassing for me to have to contact the law when JT was threatening me - prior to that only my attorney knew what was going on.

Lots of people come to this thread out of curiosity and/or if they had a relative or old friend they thought might have been Cooper. Look at all who came here for the reason I just spoke of. Where else do you go - the FBI won't listen to you.

Vickie, Jamie, Myself, Knoss - this has been their only decent informational outlet. Some come and go. After viewing the thread some get HOOKED - like Vicky - she will be here till the day the Thread ceases to exist. Everyone likes her and Everyone would like to help her find a solution. There have been so many I forget most except for the last 3 or 4.

As 377 advised me not to address JT. Does anyone understand how difficult that is - when every post is slanderous and threatening and no one does anything about it?

Now I am REALLY exhausted!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Smokin99, Here are a couple of other things to run by your devils advocate side.

First, why were the radio transcripts from the Seattle Center's controllers sanitized for the time that the airliner was in their airspace during the flight to Reno? And don't assume that this information was not obtained in the first place.

Second, take a look at the picture on page 48 of Tosaw's book. That picture was apparently taken at a news conference in Seattle a day or two after the hijacking. Note that all three members of the cockpit crew have their arms folded across their chests. In body language under these circumstances, that means that they have been totally a-l-i-e-n-a-t-e-d. Why?


I agree with what you're saying -- I also think something is missing from the transcripts and I've also seen a picture of the crew sitting in a row with Rat*** looking sideways at Tina and Scott looking straight ahead that I thought would be a good study for a body language expert. Not to mention her whole persona - body language and otherwise. (Edited after I looked at the picture again -- she is talking so maybe he's just looking at her as she talks. - but for some reason that pic has always stuck out to me -- maybe because they look kind of dour and she looks so animated)

Not discounting your theory yet - Just saying that human nature being what it is I don't understand why the post hijacking "testimony" played out like it did and why no one ever let it slide. I'm assuming here that they were all debriefed separately.

On the other hand, maybe they did..... in the article I mentioned that was (posted here long ago by Snowmman) about turbulence, I believe Scott said that he tried to contact the hijacker after the turbulence and the hijacker said (paraphrasing) he was okay. Maybe they tried to pitch him and he got pissed and tossed their food around. Course snowmman also mentioned that the article mentioned used $20 bills...so here we go again.

I don't disagree with anything you've said -- something has always been strange about the whole transcripts, crew, and Tina thing. Just don't know what it was.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo...once more will you STOP taking everything personally! There is NOWHERE I accused you of outing anyone, though some might say your response is that of a guilty conscience. I missed the original Georger outing so have no clue who that was. The other person I was referring to was not you.

Two kinds of people think everything revolves around them: children and narcissists. I really do not have you pegged as a narcissist but honestly, your "I didn't do that" responses to everything are getting tiresome.

The reason I did not name the other person mentioned above is because the reference was too oblique to be sure, and I do not want to accuse people of something they may not have done.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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‘Snow’ (code name?) said this to Gray but georger knew it before but kept it to himself because he is nice like that. Then went on a tirade how this was known by many people, near and far and is believed by more to be true. Well that’s good enough for government work, that’s for sure. Issue the permits for Thalidomide.

Ok, Snow.

Issue the permits for Propofol and Lorazepam.
Dont boogey in your sandals.

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JT makes all sorts of accusation.
Claimed I was friends with Green and also claimed Green was another party. Hell, I don't know who Green is. JT even tries to make my private information public. That is dangerous...note how he hints at it all of the time.

That was me that JerryThomas stated that I was Green........................................... I don't have a problem with anyone on this forum. I find some of it funny, some of it very interesting and some of it trivial. reading the 1000+ posts has been kind of a grind but enjoyable nontheless........................................................ JerryThomas's quest to out Jo Weber as some kind of Psuedo-Psycho nut job seems a little over the top to me................................................. I find the cooper case entertaining but JerryThomas bogs down the entire thread with his Jo rants. Kinda ruins it at times, at for me anyway. i could care less that jo thinks her husband was DB Cooper. why continue to harrass her?.............................. I mean really, what does he have to gain?

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I tried to find some examples of a successful cover up but instead lost my will to live.


An "example of a successful coverup". A bit of a paradox, huh? :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I tried to find some examples of a successful cover up but instead lost my will to live.


An "example of a successful coverup". A bit of a paradox, huh? :)

Hollywood never gets it. Tires do not "squeal out" on dirt/gravel. I have tested this many times.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Jo wrote:

As 377 advised me not to address JT. Does anyone understand how difficult that is - when every post is slanderous and threatening and no one does anything about it?


If you ignored JT you wouldnt know what his posts contain. Your health would be restored. You'd be in blissful ignorance.

As long as you remain in a dialog with Jerry don't blame your health on him.

You are like the little kid who keeps putting his finger in the electrical socket, over and over. I did that according to my Dad. I apparently showed early signs of adrenaline addiction.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo asks the forum:

Today we discussed mutual friends and my visits with them (Oh wouldn't you guys give your eye teeth to know what that was about).***

I responded with:
[Quote] Ummmnnnn............


The video pretty much sums it up.

Jo, wiping a small tear from her cheek, says:

Since I only have DIAL UP I do not view videos.

Jo...your computer may have a deep seeded virus that inhibits the playing of video. As I recall, back in the day when I had dial-up, Circa 1999, I could watch videos without any issues.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Farflung's Monica and Bill poster is funny.

I wonder if Monica and Marla should form a support group. They could call it "Out of the Spotlight."

Of course Monica might not like it, with the pun about a "spot" in it.

Speaking of the FBI, Clint Eastwood is doing a movie about JEDGAR. He submitted a FOIA request seeking info about FBI file references to Hoover's sexual orientation and/or possible cross dressing. He got nothing.


The old guard of retired agents is getting touchy about having their boss possibly portrayed as Clyde Tollefson's lover.

"She was a long cool woman in a black dress, working for the FBI." the Hollies

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You'll recall my test jumps that demonstrated that Cooper and an accomplice (if he had one) could have easily communicated for distances of 20 miles or more using inexpensive walkie talkies, especially if the accomplice was on a peak.

There has been speculation that an attached money bag would have put Cooper into an uncontrollable disorienting spin and possibly result in a no pull fatality.

In my next test, I jumped with a bag full of radio telemetry gear strapped to one leg. It presented a significant aerodynamic assymetry. I jumped from 18,000 feet, freefell for about 3000 feet then opened.

The bag DID present some freefall stability problems but I easily overcame them by repositioning my body to compensate. At no time was I in a spin or tumble. It might have turned out different at night without a good horizon reference, but I think I probably could have maintained a stable position even then.

I've attached a photo of the bag. The payload was certainly lighter and smaller than Cooper's loot, but I have a lot more radio junk than money so I was unable to perfectly model his jump.

My next test will involve a food fight in the back of a King Air. I can't afford to charter a 727 at the moment.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins wrote:

Who is to say he didn't come down in more like the configuration shown in the attached picture:

That paratrooper photo shows a bag suspended on a lanyard. That lanyard is used to lower the payload AFTER the chute opens Robert. The issue is how to secure the payload from exit to canopy opening.

Those Midland 5 watt CB Horsey Talkies with the telescoping chrome antennas were spectacular back in the day. 10-4.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Oh and JerryThomas, if your thinking of giving me a hard time.....well.....................You come at the King, you best not miss..................

My name is Sip Rogers.
I went to Abraham Lincoln High School.
I played the two-spot.
We're the Railspllitters, and nobody's ****in' with us.

I'm rollin' like a Big Shot.

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Jo...your computer may have a deep seeded virus that inhibits the playing of video. As I recall, back in the day when I had dial-up, Circa 1999, I could watch videos without any issues.

Yea! With dial-up you wait and wait and wait for a long time then you get to see about 10 seconds of video and then you wait and wait and wait some more. Has to be something pretty interesting before I take the time to do that.

Remember all of those U-tube things a guy posted with that weird music - he was on the river with a stick. He did some things on the money float time also. I did wait and wait and wait to watch all of those. I was told you can download and then go back and play it - never worked for me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Between your legs - smoke jumpers had lots of equipment when they jumped.

This is the picture in the safe deposit box Duane left behind.
It was in a Soldier of Fortune magazine dated Dec 1994, but that same article and picture was in another article prior to that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Between your legs - smoke jumpers had lots of equipment when they jumped.

This is the picture in the safe deposit box Duane left behind.
It was in a Soldier of Fortune magazine dated Dec 1994, but that same article and picture was in another article prior to that.

Just to prove I can be fair ;) ... Jo, that is the first piece of circumstantial evidence you have provided that interests me. There could be any number of explanations of course, but that would be an interesting example of someone preparing to jump from a plane with a parcel. It is a pity about the date on the magazine though - the original issue containing that would have been more compelling.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Between your legs - smoke jumpers had lots of equipment when they jumped.

This is the picture in the safe deposit box Duane left behind.
It was in a Soldier of Fortune magazine dated Dec 1994, but that same article and picture was in another article prior to that.

Won't be as good as having the original magazine article from the safety deposit box, etc., but if the writer is the same John Mullins that is the real-life / author / veteran / black ops guy that the character in the Soldier of Fortune game is based on, he can probably be contacted for dates of when the article originally came out - if that is something you want to know. Search on John Mullins Vietnam for a web page or contact info. Or you could contact SOF magazine archives dept. Not sure if having the date is something that would help - just a suggestion.

One bio from raven games:
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Class Clown wrote


Oh and JerryThomas, if your thinking of giving me a hard time.....well.....................You come at the King, you best not miss..................

My name is Sip Rogers.
I went to Abraham Lincoln High School.
I played the two-spot.
We're the Railspllitters, and nobody's ****in' with us.

I'm rollin' like a Big Shot.

Sip Rogers? Is this how he rolls? Like a Big Shot?
Duane woulda kicked his ass. ;)

Academic Silver Club - Dec 16, 2011

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2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I was saddened to read about the demise of another Hometown Buffet. Future generations and those living who have not met the required age or digestive tract inefficiencies will never know the majesty of unlimited food portions in Oklahoma.


Because I care, I looked up the Hometown Buffet in San Jose, CA and was delighted to find it still in operation and attached some prominent reviews. Perhaps 377 will consider dining there should he manage to meet any of the before mentioned requirements or suffers some sort of head trauma.

If you care about freedom, it’s time to go to your local Hometown Buffet (aka Ryan’s, Old Country Buffet) throw down 5.99 American, and eat all you can stand. Then join that low frequency calliope in the 14 stall restroom and craft some more Cooper lore.


Hopefully this will impede the closings of Hometown Buffets and serve as a stepping stone in returning America to its former greatness.

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