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A man just does NOT step off the face of the earth!

*raising hand in the back of the class*

Pick me...pick me....

<------------I know someone who disappeared in September 1971 and DID step off the face of this earth.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Both Georger and Blevins? I didn't see the deleted post so I am shaking my head wondering what in the world started all of this. Seems like there are individuals out there BAITING - wanting others to make biting replies. Beginning to sound like a plot to shut down everyone.

Georger and Blevins started it along time ago...They were BAITING each other..It was almost inevitable.


Who is left that provides fairly reliable information?

I agree with Jerry. There are many in this forum with different backgrounds and research skills.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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A man just does NOT step off the face of the earth!

*raising hand in the back of the class*

Pick me...pick me....

<------------I know someone who disappeared in September 1971 and DID step off the face of this earth.

Sorry, Vickie - I forgot about your Dad, but just for a moment.

Say did you ever compare pictures of your Dad to Ted? I only remember one pic of Ted, but I am sure there were other ones.

You know that John C. Collins disappeared in 1968 - TRUE.
BUT, he didn't exist until 1962.
Still amazes me that John Collins went to Jefferson Prison for a Grand Theft and the authorities didn't know they had Duane Weber a 4 time felon.

This is the same with your Dad. How do you just loose someone who has been fingerprinted for prior crimes - like your Dad and Duane. Obviously the Print System had a few KINKS in it.

Darn we need Snow. Bet he could find lots of article about other criminals who fell out of the fingerprint system. I had read or heard about such in yrs gone by, but had no idea I was married to one of them.

Bet Snow would be able to dig some of the PRINT errors that were caught later on.

Vickie - did you ever talk about your father's skills - such as what kind of work he might have been able to do outside of counterfeiting? This question never occurred to me before.

What did he like and dislike (society in general)?

What do you remember about your Dad and what did the other family remember about him?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Vicki: Your father does apear to have droped off the face of the earth. Timing was right just about every thing about him as a suspect is perfect. He does fit the profile better than any one Ive seen in over 30yrs. The good thing about this suspect is there is no BS or made up stories involving him and he is still a wanted fugitive that has never been checked out against the evidence they now have involving the Cooper case.Jerry

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Vicki: Your father does apear to have droped off the face of the earth. Timing was right just about every thing about him as a suspect is perfect. He does fit the profile better than any one Ive seen in over 30yrs. The good thing about this suspect is there is no BS or made up stories involving him and he is still a wanted fugitive that has never been checked out against the evidence they now have involving the Cooper case.Jerry

Never compared pictures to Ted Braden - No reason.

You just do not LOSE someone because of the fingerprint system. IAFIS was not used in the 60's, 70's, 80's...in fact the system went nationwide in 2001. My father's prints were never scanned and put into the IAFIS system. And without a comparison print or a reason to compare...they didn't. The other possibility is, Melvin did not commit another crime. Still yet one more possibility. He is dead.

My Dad's skills...All I know about is his Naval History. He was on four different escort ships in WW2, 1943 - 47. One of the ships escorted an Aircraft Carrier.

According to the first wife he worked at a British Motor Corporation as a salesman (they made the Mini Cooper and it was discontinued in 1971).

He counterfeited payroll checks and Federal Reserve Notes. He was always looking for or "making" the easy dollar (or $20.00 bill)

He has been missing from the Midwest since September 1971. He was 6'0" tall and weighed 180 lbs. Dark hair-almost black and parted on the left. Sideburns were mid ear length. He was 44 at the time of the hi-jacking. He smoked and drank (didn't everybody). He was very polite and had a persona of importance. He was glib....Antisocial Personality Disorder (my own diagnosis)

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Vicki: very interesting I read the post maybe the aliens are attacking from the far side of the moon and causing some of these post to disapear. Or maybe its just pure luck.Jerry

So Jerry.....Since we are the only two left on DB Cooper forum, How are you doing??
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I am Gayla Prociv, the president of Adventure Books of Seattle. I created an account here only to make a short comment. Robert told me today that he was now banned from Dropzone. After reviewing a few pages of the recent posts between he and Mr. Warner, I think Dropzone did what they had to do. There was no reconciliation between these two. I'm not sure what the problem was, but there was definitely a problem.

Robert has asked me to say that he is okay with Quade's decision and he hopes the investigation into the Cooper case will continue at Dropzone.

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Greetings Everyone,

Galen just gave me a news flash that I think many here would like to know about.

His witness, "Janet," of the Fiery Object phenomenon will be at the Ariel shin dig. She very much wants to meet Ralph Himmelsbach and see if he's the guy she met a long time ago.

In addtion, her LE husband will be flying in to attend the festivities. Not sure where he is coming from, but he will be there.

Oddly, Galen says he will not be in attendence, which I find disappointing and I hope that changes.

I have every intention of being at Geoffrey's gathering in Portland on Friday and the Ariel hoe-down on Saturday. I'll be riding down with the Formans, of Barb Dayton fame. Along those lines, I understand that Barb's daughter, Rena, may be at Ariel as well.

On a related note, I'll miss Georger. He was often a cranky guy, but he moved the investigation forward.

Also, I spoke with Hank B twice today about Ted Braden. I'll have a full report soon. Hank is hooked. I heard his wife inquiring (multiple times) in the background why he was camped-out on the phone talking to this guy from Tacoma....let's just say that Hank ran down his cell phone batteries twice today. (Fact.)

Thanks, 377 for posting the links to our old Braden stuff from 25 months ago. I had forgotten half that stuff. Whew.

From what Hank told me, Teddy was a pretty snazzy SOG trooper. Polished, profesional and cool, calm and collected. Smoked Hava-tampas in solitary at Dix. That's my Teddy Boy! Plus, Hank gave me confirmation that Ted was back in Vietnam in 1973, which raises a ton o' questions about a whole lot o' things.

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ClassClown wrote

What's with all the banning? I'm gone for a day and all hell breaks loose. .....................................Uh, so what happened?

Hard to tell. The evidence has been deleted.

Move along folks. Nothing to see here...

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Bruce. Don't know if Janet will be able to meet Ralph According to Jo she has said something to Donna and caused trouble as she has done in the past. Donna has told her Im not welcome there. Ralph will not apear with out me. I nor Ralph has talked to Donna yet since Jo's has posted this info. Donna has never told me I was not welcome yet. So untill she does plans are still on for Ralph and I too attend. Ralph and i will both call her soon and find out what Jo has said to her this time.Im sure its something like she said in the past.Jerry

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Bruce wrote


Plus, Hank gave me confirmation that Ted was back in Vietnam in 1973, which raises a ton o' questions about a whole lot o' things.

Sure does. Can't wait to hear more. Maybe he was on Ho Chi Minh's payroll this time around. ;)

Reason with Galen. He has to come.

The forum outcasts (banned by Q) need to get some special tshirts screened. I was hoping Farflung could come up with a good graphic.

They can be numbered serially. Does Snow get number one or am
I forgetting that someone preceded him?

We need Orange and Vicki to come to Ariel. They can nullify the claims that this CooperVvortex is nothing but a bunch of old guys with nothing better to do than speculate about DBC and insult each other.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We need Orange and Vicki to come to Ariel. They can nullify the claims that this CooperVvortex is nothing but a bunch of old guys with nothing better to do than speculate about DBC and insult each other.

Do not forget about smokin99......

I already took that week off on my volunteering stuff.......school is off because of the Thanksgiving holiday.....I have two weeks of vacay time to use up.....now where do I come up with the coin?
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Baby it's cold outside:


At great personal cost and risk, I have arranged to scan and make available the Braden Ramparts article from Oct. 1967.

best to right click and use "save as" on this link. It might take 5-7 minutes to download.


This is not available anywhere on the planet. I have the only physical copy.

I included the cover photo of John Lennon, which eerily predicts his future, and the table of contents.

It's a ~15MB download, but it has good resolution and is in color.

After downloading and opening with your Acrobat Reader, you should hesitate a second and contemplate:
"Just how did a virus infiltrate the Predator drone launch control systems and why?"

The opening is by Don Duncan, who was with Ted during Project Delta, training indigeneous to jump in Laos.
Don Duncan became very outspoken against the war: speaking at the Winter Soldier Investigation etc.

Duncan wrote an essay for Ramparts called "The Whole Thing Was a Lie" in Feb. 1966.

Ted had 695 freefall jumps, way before 1967.

... [Ted's] eyes are the wrong color, apparently.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I'll miss Blevins and Georger. Seriously.


I'll miss Georger. In all honesty, I'm not sorry to see Blevins go. The first batch of posts was fine. Then it all got very repetitive, with some PAs on Bruce chucked in.

I agree would like to see Snow back.

And I will go check out the Braden stuff....
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Ah yes, eye color re Braden...

Well. Didn't we confirm they had colored contact lenses by then, and it is much easier to use lenses to make your eyes appear darker than lighter....

My eyes are blue, but when I wear blue the blue is more intense, and when I wear green then my eyes are green. Seriously. I realise light-colored eyes change much easier than dark, but still.

Ok ok so I am clutching at straws....Braden is just so, well, perfect for Cooper in every other way :D

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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And Q also drew a bead on Farflung, blipped the gunsight laser and said "Behave yourself boy, we are watching you."

Just being cool and hunky wasn't going to get Farflung off the watch list.

He sat down, poured himself a double Bourbon. He read the Ramparts article and started thinking about Africa.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Ah yes, eye color re Braden...

Well. Didn't we confirm they had colored contact lenses by then, and it is much easier to use lenses to make your eyes appear darker than lighter....

My eyes are blue, but when I wear blue the blue is more intense, and when I wear green then my eyes are green. Seriously. I realise light-colored eyes change much easier than dark, but still.

Ok ok so I am clutching at straws....Braden is just so, well, perfect for Cooper in every other way :D

Agree Orange. He is far more anti social than some of our other suspects. He obsessses about money and always seems short of it.

Those darn blue eyes though. Could Coopers extended bathroom visit have been connected with contact lenses? Occam is tapping me on the shoulder and giving me a disapproving look.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Baby it's cold outside:

At great personal cost and risk, I have arranged to scan and make available the Braden Ramparts article from Oct. 1967.

best to right click and use "save as" on this link. It might take 5-7 minutes to download.


This is not available anywhere on the planet. I have the only physical copy.

I included the cover photo of John Lennon, which eerily predicts his future, and the table of contents.

It's a ~15MB download, but it has good resolution and is in color.

After downloading and opening with your Acrobat Reader, you should hesitate a second and contemplate:
"Just how did a virus infiltrate the Predator drone launch control systems and why?"

The opening is by Don Duncan, who was with Ted during Project Delta, training indigeneous to jump in Laos.
Don Duncan became very outspoken against the war: speaking at the Winter Soldier Investigation etc.

Duncan wrote an essay for Ramparts called "The Whole Thing Was a Lie" in Feb. 1966.

Ted had 695 freefall jumps, way before 1967.

... [Ted's] eyes are the wrong color, apparently.


Someone mentioned whether there are photos of Braden. If that's him in the pdf, he's definitely got the baby blue eyes going on. Found this also, but I didn't go any further into the site to see if its the same Ted Braden so may not be.

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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