pek771 0 #26576 October 12, 2011 Quote Therre are allegations that Hoover was being blackmailed by both the Mafia and the CIA (see link bleow). I havent seen proof though. 377 377, that Hoover bit is from an Anthony Summers book. He is well respected, and apparently very thorough in his research. He also has a slight lean towards conspiracies, real or imagined. My theory is always away from conspiracy, as they are way too hard to keep under wraps for, especially in this case, 40 years. However, I have always felt that the DBC job was done by a Viet Nam veteran. I have no evidence for this, of course. Is there any shred of evidence which would make anyone consider Braden would be the culprit? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26577 October 12, 2011 Classclown: Is totally correct, Ted Braden was not Cooper. He had, way to much experience. Besides that, he would not have chosen such a remote jump site. . Still the candidate for this crime was inexperienced. If you all want a real suspect it would be someone like Vicki's Father. He may not have been Cooper still ,his profile is perfect. He has not been seen or heard from since 71, out of all the suspects that has been presented here on dropzone or any where else he is the clasic profile that the FBI is looking for . And rightfully so. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26578 October 12, 2011 Pek771: I used to think the same way you did years ago about Cooper being a Vietmam Vet. Untill I realized that Cooper did not respect the basic survival techniques, a normal Vet would have used for survival in this type of situation. Still Cooper was a man with no medical issues. This Guy was actually surprised that he even got the money he requested. This was not a reaction of a person that picked pockets for a living or was it a man that thought he could actually pull something like this off.There is one thing this man did that shocked all. This was! he produced a fake bomb. This was one of the first instanaces this ever took place. The Airline industry was shocked and not prepaired for this type of Hyjacking. Fast forward to 9/11 all things changed because of the Cooper hyjacking. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26579 October 12, 2011 Jo: The CIA has and always have been involved with combat situations . However before you try to incorporate this hyjacking in your story please realize that they have more important things to do than to get involved in your made up fiction. Just in case you try to connect them with you and the Mafia along with the rest of your story that you have already presented here on DropZone. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #26580 October 12, 2011 Quote Classclown: Is totally correct, Ted Braden was not Cooper. He had, way to much experience. Besides that, he would not have chosen such a remote jump site. . Still the candidate for this crime was inexperienced. If you all want a real suspect it would be someone like Vicki's Father. He may not have been Cooper still ,his profile is perfect. He has not been seen or heard from since 71, out of all the suspects that has been presented here on dropzone or any where else he is the clasic profile that the FBI is looking for . And rightfully so. Jerry I understand there are some new posters at DropZone. Originally I came into the forum while searching for information about Dan Cooper. Google brought me here. On November 7, 2010 I posted the following: Quote Since 2006, I have felt my father, Melvin Luther Wilson, could also be a viable D. B. Cooper suspect. I do not have years of background on my father, but feel he is a physical match to the original descriptions of the witnesses on the night of the hi-jacking. A little background.....My father was born in September 1927 in the San Francisco/Oakland area. He joined the Navy at the age of 14 and then discharged when they found out his age. He spent time in California prisons before and during his first marriage. Our family was profiled on an Unsolved Mysteries video that aired on March 27, 1997. It was taped two days prior to Thanksgiving in Hawaii in 1996. In 2006, the St. Paul Newspaper, Pioneer Press, ran a story on the hi-jacking and D. B. Cooper. At that time, my coworker asked if I had seen the paper. It was laying on my desk. I looked at the sketch and simultaneously, she asked me "did you ever think D.B Cooper could be your dad"? as I thought "that sketch looks like my dad". I never really gave it much thought prior to that day. Honestly I never really knew much of D.B. Cooper before that day. Our father left our family in 1971, a few months prior to the hi-jacking. He was on bail for counterfeiting charges out of the Central Branch of the Wisconsin U.S. Marshal's office. He has not been heard from since. A few items from the video. He matches the physical description - 6' 180 lbs - dark hair parted on the left - olive complexion smoked and drank. ( I cannot tell you what brands or type of alcohol as I was 7 when he left, but I do remember my Mom saving the stamps from his cigarette packs) - He wore sunglasses, but never prescription glasses. My Mom said it was because he was vain) - He spent 5 years in the Midwest before he left us. - He wore suits, ties and loafers. - The counterfeit money thrown over the bridge totaled $200,000.00. - Earlier I read statements from the FBI site, that the man known as D. B. Cooper was a desperate man, with no family that may have missed him. At this point my father was already gone and not coming home. He has never been heard from since (to the best of our knowledge) Georger pulled the pictures and made the following from the video. They can be found here:;postatt_id=125875;Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26581 October 12, 2011 Vicki: I would like to thank you for you patience with The FBI and myself, for the time you have given us in checking the evidence that was present from the past archives,and that was presented to us on your father.( Finger prints /DNA) and your permisson to use it for this Investigation. I Assure you that this may give you closier, and in a small part, a missing link you search for.Personally I think that this could be your father . If it is not at least, it has proven one fact . That the profile to include physical and physicoligical type is what we are looking for. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26582 October 12, 2011 Military jumpers differ from skydivers in several key areas. One big difference is that military jumpers carry payloads. They train for this. It's not a huge deal on static line jumps but it is on HALO jumps like the SOG jumpers did. I've been sport jumping for 43 years and until I started doing jumps with radio telemetry gear I had never carried a payload. The Tena Bar money was most likely lost. Crooks don't throw money away. I know others think it was planted. If Braden were Cooper I think he would have come prepared to carry the cash. I don't think he would have lost any on the jump. He knew how to jump with external payloads. It's just speculation, but the Tena Bar money argues against Braden being Cooper. The eye color is another piece of evidence. Flo said Coopers eyes were Brown. I think Snow's find regarding the use of brown contact lenses in 73 by an FBI informant AIM infiltrator masquerading as a Native American is really impressive. He does it over and over again, finding unique info that we miss. Please let him back Quade. He has served enough time. l do appreciate that you push back against those who urge you to kill the forum. Most jumpers would applaud you if you shut it down. I haven't forgotten that. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #26583 October 12, 2011 Quote Come on Quade, let Snow back on. Look at the value he adds. Give him a chance. He's been a long time in exhile. 377 Yes, yes we need him! Look who is acting LIKE he is FBI. Just read the post made by JT. The is thanking Vickie for her patience. BUT, then goes on to make this statement "The FBI and myself, for the time you have given us in checking the evidence that was present from the past archives,and that was presented to us on your father." This man is everything he accused me of being - a fraud and more. Now he claims to be speaking for the FBI. This is so very very wrong - it is sickening. Note that his posting style has changed - it is like there are 2 JT's.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #26584 October 12, 2011 Quote Yes, yes we need him! Look who is acting LIKE he is FBI. Just read the post made by JT. The is thanking Vickie for her patience. BUT, then goes on to make this statement "The FBI and myself, for the time you have given us in checking the evidence that was present from the past archives,and that was presented to us on your father." I remember a day in February 2011 when my office phone rang. Eng called me on a recommendation of Jerry Thomas....THE agent in charge spoke with me for approximately fifteen minutes and accepted the information I had at the time. All the while they were working on LD and, well we all know how that progressed. Are they looking at the "next one" on the list? Hopefully, because I am pretty sure they are not looking at the previous suspects who have been ruled out, or taken off that list. Jerry may not be an FBI agent, however he does get past the "gatekeeper".Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26585 October 12, 2011 Jo! Your stories and your past post has proven your stories are not believable, Still you chose to post Bs and make phone calls to others conected to this case and make trouble. Why? Because you have proven yourself ,nothing more than a person that has done nothing more than make your self a add on to this case. Jo Just take a polygraph and prove that you are ligitimate. You never will because your not. All you want to do is put your self into as many Books and interfere with any thing this case has to offer. You have never had a ligitimate claim in this case period.You Continue to try and get as many peole removed from this forum as you possibly can . You claim this is your thread and it belongs to you. Why? As I ask you before, if this is true ,why did you do it was it so you could tell fiction stories about where the money was burried or who burried it.So Jo why do you claim Duane was Cooper even after you have proven in your own post that he was not ? What is your real Name it is not Weber and what is your maiden name. Why don't you post that? Better yet why do you continue to want to destroy Duane's name ,Did you realy hate him that much. So many question's you never answer Jo WHY? Last but not least Jo ,You are right many people read this Forum ,They are drawn to this thread and they read all your post . Only if they are reminded to do so other wise they only read one maybe 2 pages . This is why I post just to remind all those that read DropZone that your post should be read and then they can make there own judgement. Bottom line your post only proves that your claims are totally false.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #26586 October 12, 2011 Quote If Braden were Cooper I think he would have come prepared to carry the cash. I don't think he would have lost any on the jump. He knew how to jump with external payloads. It's just speculation, but the Tena Bar money argues against Braden being Cooper. The eye color is another piece of evidence. Flo said Coopers eyes were Brown. 377 I know the money was planted and I know that with all of my heart and soul. It was put there in 1979. None of this can erase what I witnessed myself. I feel like I need to stop coming here because it is too hard on me. I can have a good day and come to the forum and end up in tears or worst like tonight with chest pains. I will not erase my memories - cannot erase my memories and yet the memories only cause me grief and tears and stress. If the FBI would just help us with 2 things - this could all be over. The Cooper thing on DorkZone - could I get a dvd with it so I can play it at a slower rate. I really need this - there are things on that clip I don't remember ever making public. I don't care - I just want to see it in slow motion. My eyes do not let me register this because it is so fast. Quade has gotten rid of others, but JT gets away with horrible posts that do nothing but ATTACK me at every turn. He won't let up and yet, I have proven him to be quilty of all that he accuses me of being. Why can't JT be reprimanded about making his repetitive posts that are blatant ATTACKS on no one but me. I am trying to hang in here until My JOB is finished, but I don't think I can make it. The FBI is the only thing holding us up. Got to go - I had a good day and now I am crying my heart out. Can't see the screen. Make him STOP - Please make him STOP. No one says a word to him, but anyone else doing that would get a reprimand or a vacation. This is what the world has come to - Only the BAD survive and Evil prevails. Between what is going on politicially and financially in this world - to come here and be berated with almost every post that JT make is just too much and I don't understand why Quade allows it to go on. Even when I don't respond to him - he attacks me. 377, please help me get a download of that magazine article Snow made available. I couldn't down load it. You know my regular contact information if I don't come back. The guys told me to just hang on a few more weeks, but JT is making that impossible. I do NOT understand HOW Quade or anyone else can stand by and allow the attacks JT makes on me - that is the meanest cruelest and the most dispicable man I have never NOT met and do NOT want to. Anyone interested in Calling Donna Elliot - the Ariel Tavern is listed. Maybe she is playing a game, but I don't think so. She seems very nice and honest to me. By the way - I didn't call her JUST to talk about what JT was claiming. I had other things to discuss with her...we have mutual friends. I guess JT is getting un-nerved because he KNOWs more than one person is contacting the FBI regarding Duane and things that have been found by my guys and others. We have really been doing a lot of background checking. I write and post and then get my breath and come back to make an edit after I compose myself a little. Good Night - not saying Good Bye, but if it was NOT so very very important that I hold on for a few more weeks - I would be GONE.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #26587 October 12, 2011 Unfortunately if I remember from the post that Quade deleted.. Snowmman made a personal attack on a MOD. A few other posters, who even though they were popular here on DIZZY DOT COM and were drunk posting at the time, made the same mistake.. freeflir29 committed that sin .. really bad move to tell a mod to go fuck themself.... Paul is probably the least likely mod to ban someone... some of the other mods... have a far lower threshold to hit the BAN timer to ban someone... trust me on this one... I have a few bannings for telling some of the not so bright something they dont want to hear.....and some posters who specialize in the whine marketing.... get far more leeway with their personal attacks than do others. So 377 Are you going to draq him kicking and screaming to Ariel?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26588 October 12, 2011 Vicki: Jo is just upset because she has proven herself (by her false claims) a person not to be believed.That is the way she is viewed by many.Still this is her claim to fame regardless of how much it takes away from the reality of the case or how much it destroys others to include FBI agents or family members. Back to reality. What we need to do is search for the suspect called Melvin Wilson. Fact!! we do have the last Liscense plate number of the car he drove just before his disapearence what we don't have is what happened to this car after that . Maybe Jo can help us find out where the last known registration on that car was. Probably not if she did that she would have to admit her stories were false.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #26589 October 12, 2011 It's unfortunate to read that Ralph may be unable to make the Ariel shin-dig as his driver may be unwelcome at the Tavern. However, there are some developments that might impact that decision. Galen has just told me that he will appear in Ariel if Ralph promises to come. Further, Galen says he'll be escorting Janet and wants to be present when she meets Mr. Himmelsbach. I certainly do, too. I don't get many opportunties to see Ralph, so I will be sure to be close at hand. In fact, if Ralph needs a ride because Jerry is indisposed, I will be happy to rent a car and scoot down to Woodburn and chauffer Ralph up to the show. In the event that doesn't materialize either, Galen says that he and Janet will motor down to Woodburn and ask for an interview with Ralph directly. Apparently Miss Janet really want to meet him. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #26590 October 12, 2011 If you were ALL you claim you would know how to do that. We traced an old camper from the 60's - an old tag that was not supposed to be in the possession of a certain person. Guess you have no knowledge of didn't know anyone who knew Duane from the 60's. I did NOT start this thread and I do NOT try to get anyone removed. They do that themselves. I do NOT ask anyone to write about me - remember I disappeared from the media in 2001. This has basically been my only exposure in several yrs. I did NOT ask Grey to write about Weber. There was another book I had no knowledge of until it was published. Why is it so important for you to know the name I live under? I do so for protection from individuals like you and because MY STORY is TRUE and MY LIFE was threatened. I am also a very private person. Unlike yourself I do not seek the notoriety of pubilicity. Example - I was in WA for 15 day and only contacted the FBI the day I flew home. How am I destroying Duane's name? I did NOT make him an ex-con nor did I make him confess to being Dan Cooper. I also loved Duane Weber very much and I am proud of what he did to change his life (only after learning about his past). His past was a mystery to me, but what he did with his life later is to be is to be commended. He made something out of his life, but he had to guard himself from being found out in the insurance industry. I am not the reason anyone comes to this thread. They come to learn about Cooper - not Weber. He is a suspect and if you were truely on the inside you would know that there are things happening. Bottom line - the consistency of my story for 15 yrs is WHY some individuals remain interested in Weber - NOT me. I have addressed your post in a very nice and informative way. Please in the future leave me alone. There is NO need for your repetitive posts bashing me at every turn. The only person you are making look bad is yourself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26591 October 12, 2011 JO , iF yOU REALY WANT YOUR STORIES TO BE BELIEVED TAKE A POLYGRAPH. Once agin you won't. Melvin Willson is the best candidate to date For Cooper This realy upsets you , only because it takes away from your fiction stories, Lets review your claims . You said that the original place duane told you that Cooper buried the money was underneath the cowitz river bridge. then you claimed many other places.Your original claim was taken from Max Gunthers book. This book you originally claimed was the one you and your husband had, Damned Im repeating your statements again. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26592 October 12, 2011 Jo. What are you saying. What I posted had nothing to do with a registration from the 60s it was from 1971. and nothing to do with you. It was the last Known vehicle plate number Vicki's Dad was driving. Are you saying Vickis Dad drove one of your cars.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26593 October 12, 2011 Bruce: Aparently you did not read the post Ralph will not attend the Areal store gathering unless I do. We, as it stands will both be there unless Donna tells us not to. There is no reason for Donna to tell us we cannot attend. Neither one of us has done nothing to offend Donna. The only reason Donna would have a reason to denie either myself or Ralph to attend would be because of something or some lie she was told.Either way this will be straightened out prior to the date.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26594 October 12, 2011 Jo wrote Quote 377, please help me get a download of that magazine article Snow made available. I couldn't down load it. Jo, Glad to. Just PM me a mailing address and I'll send you a color copy of the article. It's fascinating reading. Braden was a complex guy. We are lucky that when he deserted and rebelled that he went to Africa as a merc. Imagine if he had decided to operate domestically against the govt that he thought gave him a raw deal. You will fail in your efforts to obtain investigative assistance from the FBI. I can almost guarantee it. Then what will you and your "guys" do? How about simply disclosing what you have? And about JT... Don't get so worked up about what he posts. You can just ignore it. His posts about you always convey the same message. You don't have to watch the same movie every day. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #26595 October 12, 2011 Quote .... What we need to do is search for the suspect called Melvin Wilson. Fact!! we do have the last Liscense plate number of the car he drove just before his disapearence what we don't have is what happened to this car after that ...y Hey Jerry. Not sure that this will lead anywhere since seems it would be a fairly simple process to go to another state and say your tag was stolen. Would they have had the ability to cross check DMV records across state lines then? ...Or he could just steal or exchange a tag off another car. If someone switched tags on me I'd never know it unless I got stopped for an out of date sticker. (remember when you were actually required to put your tag number on a hotel registration -- I always had to go back outside and look at mine....I guess some folks keep that number in their brain but I would bet more of us don't) But hey.... anything's worth a shot --- though it does seem like the FBI would have an easier time accessing DMV records than anyone. Are they not willing to do that?but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #26596 October 12, 2011 Thanks for relaying the contact lens info, 377... Very interesting. If Quade won't let Snow back I do hope he continues reading and relaying info through you. It does seem a shame that such a useful investigator is banned, but I take Amazon's point too. But maybe a second chance for a repentant sinner.... I also agree with you: crooks don't throw money away. The idea of a plant has never gelled with me either, especially as the case was dying down/had already long done so. Seems to me if you want to hide, bringing the case up to everyone's attention again is pretty dumb. Finally: I also agree that Braden had too much experience to lose the load, although I don't discount that some bundles may have been lost. Different jumping with heavy gear than with little bundles that might get lost if say a flap of your home-made (plane-made) container opens. I still reckon there's a good chance the rest of the money got spent or exchanged, unnoticed, in Asia or Africa Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26597 October 12, 2011 Smokin99. All I have was a picture of the plate. All that I ,asked was for some one to trace the car, The plate is easy to trace. The ID number on the car was the problem. The plate can be changed from state to state. This is what can not be followed. The venicle ID number is the problem. Get the ID Number for that plate and follow it is hard. In that time frame many people puled vehicle ID numbers and put them on other cars for resale. All I Want is help to find the last location for that last Id #. Or the state it was scraped at. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26598 October 12, 2011 Jo How can I get unerved about one of your stories no one would or could ever believe. Take the polygraph. Or explain why you will not . Then take it anyway . Just to prove you are not lieing!!!!!!Realy Jo Why not just take the test. This is a challenge directed to all your post. If you refuse this time all you are doing is admitting you are lieing.. Jerry Ps Jo From now on Should i just reference this post and this request at the beginning of all mine. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #26599 October 12, 2011 377: /Orange1: Your right My post towards Jo has been to repititive. i do appoligize to all , The thing to do is just let all read her past post and just drop or ignore any further discusion with her.I'll do my best to honor this pledge Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #26600 October 12, 2011 Orange wrote Quote Finally: I also agree that Braden had too much experience to lose the load, although I don't discount that some bundles may have been lost. Different jumping with heavy gear than with little bundles that might get lost if say a flap of your home-made (plane-made) container opens. I still reckon there's a good chance the rest of the money got spent or exchanged, unnoticed, in Asia or Africa First, Snowmman is not repentant. No kneeling or begging will occur. He was offered indulgences at a rock bottom price but declined. Snow points out that Cooper demanded that the cash be delivered in a knapsack. It wasn't. That forced him to improvise and some cash may have come out. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites