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DB Cooper

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Okay - my actual question should have been - does anyone have any other reasonable assumptions for why these memos would also be sent to the FBI office in Minneapolis? (other than the assumption because Northwest was based there ETA: and the SR-71 flight is based on NW dropzone projections)

And does anyone other than me think it is interesting that Portland wasn't copied?.

Glad to see the page is fixed.

We dont know that Portland wasn't being copied, by
fax or other means. But Seattle was in charge of the
case. During one period Vancouver was being copied
and Vancouver was copying Seattle, but you never
hear about that. By more than one account one of
the real experts on the Cooper case was the long
tenured agent at Vancouver (who btw is long gone).
His name came up frequently in conversations I had
several years ago.

One other reason to keep Minneapolis in the loop,
as if it wasnt going to be anyway, is because of the
need to look for Midwestern suspects who might fit,
who had 'midwestern' accents. Presumably Knoss
and Lyle ride in on that magic carpet (still).

There is no reason Cooper had to be Washington-
based. There are a few reasons to suggest he wasnt
if Tom's pollen findings apply (and the lack of
pollens one would expect) ? On the other hand, no
walleye eggs or boiled fish residue were found on
the tie either, nor a Mormon tract left on the seat
:D Presumably no one heard Cooper say 'yall'
or cite the Psalms, either.

Cooper pretty much stuck to business - and used
side conversation as a utility serving the main job
at hand. Cooper wasnt there to win friends, or was
he ?

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I owe Earl Cossey an apology.

On October 17, 2011, I wrote a piece that was posted on the DropZone that charged Mr. Cossey with lying about his role in providing two back parachutes to authorities for the DB Cooper case.

But much to my dismay, I can’t prove the accusation, and so, I apologize for impugning Mr. Cossey’s reputation, and for mudding the waters of the DB Cooper investigation.

The truth is I don’t know the truth about Mr. Cossey, the parachutes, or Norman George Hayden, who also claims to have owned the two back parachutes and of providing them to the FBI.

I first interviewed Mr. Cossey on March 12, 2009, by phone, and I have come to learn in the past few days that my accounts of that conversation are wildly at odds with what I wrote in my interview field notes taken when I spoke with Mr. Cossey originally, and also with what he has re-confirmed to me in a follow-up interview last week on October 17.

Since 2009, I have written extensively that Cossey told me the following narrative, now known to be incorrect: one, that Cooper used a parachute that was a 28-foot round canopy stuffed into a NB 6 container rather than the customary NB 8, thus making for difficult deployment. In addition, I had also said that Mr. Cossey had used this rig as his own personal recreational parachute.

However, as the ownership controversy has emerged I have combed through my notes to refresh my memory on Mr. Cossey’s perspective. I have been astonished to discover that I can not find a single mention of a stuffing into an NB 6 or the recreational use – or any other personal usage by Cossey – of this parachute.

I am stunned, and I certainly apologize to Mr. Cossey for this error. When I wrote the above narrative I thought I was telling the story as Mr. Cossey had told it to me. I did not intentionally distort his account; and yet, I can’t back it up.

I am perplexed as how I could get the story so wrong. Nevertheless, it appears that I did.

For what it is worth, here is what Cossey told me in 2009 and what I put in my field notes:

DB Cooper jumped with a sage-green, 28-foot nylon canopy packed into a NB 8 container. Cossey further stated to me that he didn’t know how the NB 6 story got started, which is, apparently, a reference to the perspective offered by Larry Carr that Cooper used an NB 6.

That said, my efforts to clarify these issues with Mr. Cossey last week may have added to the confusion.

When we spoke on Oct 17, Mr. Cossey may have misunderstood my question, and I in turn may have mis-understood his answer, when I asked him to clear-up the issue of a 28-foot canopy stuffed into an NB 6 bag.

Initially, I had thought Cossey had re-confirmed that the Cooper rig was a super-stuffed NB 6, when he said, “that’s pretty much accurate.” It was only after further re-questioning that full clarity emerged, and Mr. Cossey emphatically stated that the Cooper rig was a 28-footer in an NB 8 sack, and that he, Cossey, had never used the parachute -or the second back chute delivered to the feds - as his own personal parachute.

“I have a third parachute for that,” he told me last week.

I will be mailing a copy of this apology to Mr. Cossey, and I am beginning the process of converting my various posts on the matter to be more aligned with what I can support with my notes and with what I now know more fully is Mr. Cossey’s perspective.

Along these lines, I travel to Mr. Hayden’s shop tomorrow to meet the man who claims ownership of the two back chutes that ended up on Flight 305. Further, it is my understanding that I will be able to inspect the second, “not-used” parachute.

Controversy continues to haunt this aspect of the case, however, as Hayden says that he had to sue the FBI for the return of this chute; but Galen Cook tells me that the second parachute is in the Cooper evidentiary collection at the Seattle FBI office. Hence, I will be taking copious pictures of the chute, and asking Mr. Hayden for its authentication, such as the legal documents he used to retrieve it.

Further, I will be traveling with Bruce Thun, who will act as my observer. Even though Bruce says he is not an expert parachutist, I have asked him to accompany me for several reasons. First, the interview requires a witness. Secondly, through his role as manager of Thun Field in Puyallup, WA, Bruce knows both Norman Hayden and Earl Cossey.

Lastly, Geoffrey Gray has sent me an email confirming that the document he used as his source to support his announcement of Norman Hayden as owner comes from the FBI, and that it is pages 226-228 of a Cooper case summary file.

However, the mystery continues as this document describes the two back chutes as being different – one a 28-foot “military” parachute and the other a 26-foot “(c)ivilian, luxury type,” yet when I first spoke with Mr. Hayden he told me the two chutes were identical and both were military rigs.

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Before you read the post below I just received an email that would indicate the Lloyd I am looking for would not be Stewart S. Johnson: The Lloyed or Floyed I am looking for was tall - 6" plus. and he would have at least have had a winter home in Fl...but knew Duane Weber from the N.E.

I will allow the post to stand for enquiry information as the named man below is still alive and no record of his having lived or worked seasonally in Florida during the time frame I am searching for.

"Lloyd" Johnson

Before I go off in left field - when did he die or is he still alive? (probably not)! Was he a resident of Fla during 1988 - and 2005? Very important!

If he was deceased then this goes NO where.

Intermountain, Ogden, Utah. This is where the man I know as Ed Horan talked about. Ed Horan mentioned Odgen - in his brief conversation with me.

Richard "Paperlegs" Petersen had some kind of contact with these individuals and Ogden. The ex knew Paperlegs...CO and AZ.

I don't know what happened to my mind in a moment of clarity today - but, it all fell together. They say when the going get tough the mind remembers things. Actual conversations I had with individuals who knew Duane Weber or his alias (Dusty)way back when.

It took only a few words to make my mind spin out of control.

The (flea market ) "Lloyd" I met in Fla had a connection with Duane and parts of his conversation - I remember.
They talked about some buildings and a big joke and Ogden and Intermountian.

The Ed Horan during his brief talk with me mentioned Ogden and old planes ( I got the feeling he worked on planes or helicopters of some sort back in the day).

Below research that fits with everything I have ever told about Duane and my memories of his conversations with "Old" friends out of his past. The FBI never checked these out.

What I have found:

1941 to 1945. CCC's & Forestry Services helped with the buildings and the beginning of the McCall Jumpers.

With only a handful of jumpers the CCC's and forestry service was needed to help build the camp.

Even in 1944 there where only 19 jumpers and the yr before only 3.
Look at 1941 and 1942 and 1943 and 1944. I do NOT know what name Duane used, but surely there are records of some kind. Duane if not using his real name probably used the nickname of Dusty.

This was the stepping off ground for the CIA recruiters. Not just jumpers but Kickers. They also recruited for Laqos, Tibet, the Arctic and in 1961 - was the source for Bay of Pigs. "Ravens" what can anyone find out about them. The "Ravens" worked covertly in Laos.

Is there an insignia for the Ravens? The first time I ever found anything that actually fit with what I did know about Weber - conversations I heard and things I was told.

Someone PLEASE listen - please!
The FBI is just going to sit on their hands and some of you guys are going to be sure I am off my ROCKER. I am not.

I know I read this old article years ago - but I was too caught up in other things. I have quietly in my mind went back to the things I actually knew about Duane - things he spoke of over the yrs. Actual conversations with 2 individuals...one in 1978 and the other sometime between 1988 and 1994. I even tried to corner this "Lloyd" in early 2000's at a flea market he was set-up at. He evaded me and claimed no memory of Duane - yet I heard the conversation between Duane and this man yrs earlier.


I have worked really hard recently sorting out what I KNOW from what could possibly be false memories. I have gone back to my notes and recordings in those early yrs. I stand by the statements above. Only small things and things most would never connect over a 17 yr relationship. Perhaps even Duane misjudged me as most of you have! This girl remembers things and she holds onto those memories. This is what I have been doing lately - SORTING and this is the RESULTS!

Duane may never have jumped but he knew how to put on a chute if he had been a spotter or kicker...that did NOT make him a jumper. They wore a chute sometimes - but, didn't they have to know how to use the chute just encase?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Bruce wrote

I owe Earl Cossey an apology.

Wow, everybody is being warm, collegial, conciliatory.

Did someone spike the Kool Aid with ecstatcy?

I admire your post Bruce. You and Snow are setting great examples of how to act when you get something wrong and impune another because of it. I hope I can be as good when my turn comes.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And one more thing Bruce, profuse thanks for doing what few of us do: feet on the street investigation.

You are really helping to sort out the chute mysteries.

Did you talk with Cossey about the Amboy canopy?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote


"Ravens" what can anyone find out about them. The "Ravens" worked covertly in Laos.






2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Former Cooper case agent Larry Carr seems to have planted some of the seeds of confusion that now surrounds the multiple issues enveloping the “back parachutes” investigation, or at least has added weight to possible myths once-deemed truthful and common knowledge.

He also posted commentary on the DZ that cast some of Mr. Cossey’s actions in a questionable light, namely, why did Coss modify a pilot’s emergency rig to make it tougher to deploy?

To begin, Carr posted some of the misleading back parachute information on the DZ in early June, 2008.

First he refers to Earl Cossey as providing the parachutes and having them at his home on November 24, 1971, indicating possession. This leads to the question of whether Carr had read the documents that Gray has now brought to light.

“The NB6 and the Pioneer were Cossey's chutes, he had them at his house; they weren't at Seattle Skysports.”



The second issue is the “stuffing” of a 28-foot canopy into a NB 6 container. Apparently, I was not alone in thinking that Mr. Cossey had done just that, and perhaps my confusion on this matter stems from what Mr. Carr said on the DZ, even though these posts predate my arrival in Cooper World by several months:

“I asked Cossey why he packed a 28-foot canopy in the NB6 and he just shrugged. Kind of like, ‘it was my chute, I did it because I can.’ I like that guy, I could have talked to him all day but he grew tired of me in about an hour. "



Carr also confirms some of the modifications that Cossey says he performed on the rig that Cooper used, which are inexplicable and unexplained; namely, Cossey seems to have modified a pilot’s emergency rig and made it tougher to deploy.

Besides the super-stuffed bag, Carr seems to confirm that Cossey also moved the rip chord from its customary position on the left and placed it on the right. In addition to the new location - which might confuse a jumper in an emergency - the modification required Cooper to use an unusual two-stage maneuver to deploy the parachute – first pulling the rip chord out and then thrusting the rip chord upwards.

Carr posted (June 13, 2008):

"Back to the NB6, Cossey modified the chute, we know that from the 28' canopy. And when we spoke he said he placed the handle under the right armpit. The motion he showed me was that Cooper would have had to hook his right thumb in the handle and push straight out, like a bench press motion. Once fully extended, he would have had to rotate his fully extended arm up over his head. Does this make sense? Or did he just demonstrate right handed and he really meant left? "



377 also posted on the DZ a few moments after Carr, and his analysis of Cossey’s alleged modifications are quite simple:

“28 ft canopy in an non extended NB6 container, VERY weird ripcord handle location modification…was Cossey planning to have an ex-wife jump with this?”

On a personal note, I would like to thank 377 and Snow for helping me climb (crawl) back into the saddle today after my journalistic melt-down of the past 36 hours. Particularly Snow, who helped with all the clicky stuff, and capturing the pertinent flakes of Carr-quotes from the blizzard of DZ commentary.

And thanks to Georger for providing a few words of motivation for me to re-visit DZ World, June 2008, circa pages 90-120.

It's a Force 10 Storm out there, folks.

BTW: Bruce Thun confessed to me when we were making travel arrangements that he falls asleep at night thinking about the Cooper case. That makes me smile, We should have a good time driving up the West Valley Highway tomorrow to see Norman.

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Did you talk with Cossey about the Amboy canopy?



Yes, in March 2009, when it was hot stuff. Coss, as he prefers to be called, was concise - the Amboy chute was not Cooper's.

Coss said that the Amboy chute was 34-feet in diameter - too big for the back chutes, and similarly for the reserve that also went out the door (presumably) with Cooper.

In addition, the Amboy chute was silk, whereas Cooper's chutes were nylon.

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Coss said that the Amboy chute was 34-feet in diameter - too big for the back chutes, and similarly for the reserve that also went out the door (presumably) with Cooper.

If 34 ft is true, that's an odd size, perhaps a cargo chute.

The mil surplus canopies I am familiar with that were used in jumping are:

24 ft round ripstop Army paratrooper reserve
24 ft round twill old Army paratrooper reserve
26 ft conical ripstop Navy Conical, in NB6
28 ft round ripstop C9 crew rigs, ejection seats, etc
35 ft round ripstop T10 Army paratrooper use

I don't recall any 34 ft mil person carrying canopies.

Riggers and old jumpers chime in. Ever hear of a military 34 ft canopy used in emergency rigs?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 also posted on the DZ a few moments after Carr, and his analysis of Cossey’s alleged modifications are quite simple:

“28 ft canopy in an non extended NB6 container, VERY weird ripcord handle location modification…was Cossey planning to have an ex-wife jump with this?”

I would not want an outboard pull setup on an emergency bailout rig, too likely to snag on something as you are trying to exit. The bailout rigs I saw had RH or LH inboard ripcord handle mount configurations.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins wrote

I have also questioned the silk claim. Silk is biodegradable, and the FBI theorizes it was from a pilot who jumped in the same area in 1945

Tha Amboy chute couldn't have been jumped in 1945. Data panel shows it was made in 1946.

It is not in pristine condition. Snow(?) had a photo that showed it in poor condition, rips, shreds, etc.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Coss said that the Amboy chute was 34-feet in diameter - too big for the back chutes, and similarly for the reserve that also went out the door (presumably) with Cooper.

If 34 ft is true, that's an odd size, perhaps a cargo chute.

The mil surplus canopies I am familiar with that were used in jumping are:

24 ft round ripstop Army paratrooper reserve
24 ft round twill old Army paratrooper reserve
26 ft conical ripstop Navy Conical, in NB6
28 ft round ripstop C9 crew rigs, ejection seats, etc
35 ft round ripstop T10 Army paratrooper use

I don't recall any 34 ft mil person carrying canopies.

Riggers and old jumpers chime in. Ever hear of a military 34 ft canopy used in emergency rigs?



Yes, Cossey said it was a cargo chute.

Shall we put this one on the list? Where is it and who's got it? Let's measure it. Get a fabric sample.

Bring it to Ariel and have a group dance with it!...oh, I'm getting carried away again.

Okay, deep breath, pausing after an edit. I have a scribble in the corner of one of the pages of my Cossey-related notes from the March 2009 era - concerning the Amboy chute that says the parachute most likely belonged to a skydiver with one leg out of Texas named Clyde Seufford (spelling?). He lost one leg in Vietnam in combat, and was skydiving in Washington and relying on his one good leg to do the job, which broke when he landed hard in Amboy. I think somebody made a post here on the DZ about this, and might have posted a link to a Seattle Post-Intelligencer story that gave the details. That story says Clyde lived in Chicota, Texas and moved back there from the PNW about 20 years ago. He abandoned the chute after he landed and crawled to safety, got help, and was whisked away, to the VA to recover I would imagine.

Something about "white berries" on a PI blog? 2008??? That's what I've got.

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Question everything.

This is my philosophy on the entire Cooper debacle.

besides...I think...my...dad did it...:P


damn I hope my torn meniscus heals so I can make a jump with my dad's cloth 503rd jump helmet next spring...


get away from this fucking computer...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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These attached pictures are just an example of eye color changes in the same subject with different lighting...

These photos were all taken within 10 minutes of each other...

What color are they...???

What color would they be in a dimly lit aircraft...???


My sons eyes go from dark brown to green to Hazel, depending on lighting.... So, yes, I agreee eye color depends on the lighting!

I want to know if there are any collaborating witnesses that say Cooper's eyes were brown...other than Schaffner's statement.

According to her description I guess we can rule out all Caucasians based on her statement.



Question Everything

Why did you not take a rigger with you Bruce...come on...we have a group of wuffos telling us what a parachute is...jeez guys get some expert help here!

ETA: I couldn't believe Bruce wasn't taking a rigger with him...so I gave him a call a few minutes ago...

the wuffo comment wasn't meant as a slam Bruce...
just so you know...

This is what Bruce told me...
Bruce Thun, who is driving Bruce Smith, has allegedly 500 or so jumps and used to fly jump planes...

I'm a little more comfortable with the initial meeting Bruce has set up...but damn I'm envious...!!!!...and told him so...

If this meeting goes well, we need to find a Rigger for Bruce in the area to inspect this rig. Bruce said he is very willing to have a Rigger look at the rig but doesn't know how to find one.


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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FWIW...I emailed a Rigger in the Pacific Northwest with Bruce's contact #. So I guess I'll wait for a reply back or see if he calls Bruce.


Didn't this start with a debate between 'experts' ?

Add more experts! ;) Call in more experts.

Life used to be so simple - :D

The obvious person to go with Bruce is: Farflung.
Call Bruce back!

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FWIW...I emailed a Rigger in the Pacific Northwest with Bruce's contact #. So I guess I'll wait for a reply back or see if he calls Bruce.


Didn't this start with a debate between 'experts' ?

Add more experts! ;) Call in more experts.

Life used to be so simple - :D

The obvious person to go with Bruce is: Farflung.
Call Bruce back!

Farflung appears to be operating in radio silent mode.

Join the lovefest Farflung, before it disappears!

Right now it's Woodstock, I fear it will soon morph into Altamont.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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FWIW...I emailed a Rigger in the Pacific Northwest with Bruce's contact #. So I guess I'll wait for a reply back or see if he calls Bruce.

Well it appears that the distance between locations might be a problem with the Rigger I contacted...although he said he was willing to give it a look.

I asked him to recommend a Rigger with old school experience closer to Bruce Smith in Yelm, Wa.

What's a couple of days...when it's been 40 years...???


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Galen has asked me to post the following information about Janet and Ariel.

“I talked with ‘Janet’ and she is ready to come to Ariel to meet with Ralph Himmelsbach if he will be able to attend the 40th anniversary (with or without Jerry Thomas).

Janet is all of about 5'2", but tough as nails.............as is her current LE officer husband. They will be flying in from the Mid-west.

If RH cannot attend, we will invite him to meet with us at any coffee shop of his choosing between Portland and Woodburn, along the I-5 route.

I also stay in close contact with Alice Hancock and ‘Andy' Anderson, and will extend invites to them, too. Who knows, I might send Tina Mucklow a written invite requesting that she and Alice come together. Alice indicated she would do this."

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Latin Descent has been misused.
All Florence was trying to do was to denote color type of complexion. Her only comparisions were Latin to indicate the golden undertones.

One uses what one knows. Some would have said Indian depending on what Indians they may have had contact with. Some Indian have gold tone, but most have red tones.

I am considered med Olive but Duane definitely had the golden undertones depending on his sun exposure. After so long he would take on an even darker tone that had the ruddy ash color which I refer to as Indian.

Since most of my pictures are not true to color - showing the two of us together is useless other than to show how fair I am compared to him. I was considered medium olive but perhaps this will denote how much darker Duane was than I was. When he had little tan his tones were golden. Lots of exposure and it was darker.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Galen has asked me to post the following information about Janet and Ariel.

“I talked with ‘Janet’ and she is ready to come to Ariel to meet with Ralph Himmelsbach if he will be able to attend the 40th anniversary (with or without Jerry Thomas).

Janet is all of about 5'2", but tough as nails.............as is her current LE officer husband. They will be flying in from the Mid-west.

If RH cannot attend, we will invite him to meet with us at any coffee shop of his choosing between Portland and Woodburn, along the I-5 route.

I also stay in close contact with Alice Hancock and ‘Andy' Anderson, and will extend invites to them, too. Who knows, I might send Tina Mucklow a written invite requesting that she and Alice come together. Alice indicated she would do this."

Hopefully Janet will not claim she could see someone on those aftstairs - that would have been impossible. A flare or light - maybe! Could she have seen the aft stair open? Only if there was a glich in the sky that magnified the plane and due to the darkness - the most she could have seen would have been a light from the aft stairway.

Since it has been established the aft stair had lights that would automatically have come on when the door was lowered and the plane lights on - she could by some Grace of God saw the aft doorway lights...but to see a man standing on that stairway - NO WAY!

As for Tina - she would NOT chance being mobbed by drunks in a bar. Perhaps she and others will be special guests of the FBI to make a presentation...to the public at an undisclosed location.
You Think? :D:D:D

Don't laugh - could happen!;)

Enjoy the ride.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I just found out the composite I thought was the old Roy Rose was a SCAM. Someone altered the original composite and put it out there as one done by Rose.

It had been deliberately altered to look more like another suspect. Certain parties want to know who first posted that altered Composite.

We all know the same thing was done to one composite to make it look more like Gossett, but who originated this one? There were actually other composites done that were NEVER made public, but not given an official number - only in the private collection of Rose.

I was NOT aware of this until this week.

Is the attached composite a fake? Note the number on it is the same as the composite used currently used by the FBI. Real composites would have different sub. alphabet letters. Probably all of you already knew this - but, I didn't until this wk.

I got used on this - and I was accused of changing the composite until I proved it appeared elsewhere before I knew about it. Does anyone remember the very first post in the forum using this composite?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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