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DB Cooper

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Crosschecks are embraced like the idea of a sandpaper condom on this thread as they must be viewed as drudgery or utterly redundant and repetitious. I think the phrase redundant and repetitious may be an oxymoron but would prefer donning the previously mentioned device over further research on the subject.

For all the angst, writhing and tooth gnashing frustration that crosschecks create on the subject of Cooper, I can only wonder if they may have prevented things which become even more angstier, writhingly and tooth gnashingly frustraitinger had they been discovered at the source.

Nawwwwww….. I keeed, I keeed you with this thought. Carry on.

See...I said georger was right...to take Farflung to look at the Norman Hayden rig...although I think he was being sarcastic...but who knows except georger...???

Farflung...you never cease to amaze...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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My youngest son...the X Army Ranger...just got a part as an extra...playing a solider...in "Army Wives"...

He's currently a film student near Charleston, SC.

Hopefully he will have a career shooting people with a camera rather than a sniper rifle.


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Crosschecks are embraced like the idea of a sandpaper condom on this thread as they must be viewed as drudgery or utterly redundant and repetitious. I think the phrase redundant and repetitious may be an oxymoron but would prefer donning the previously mentioned device over further research on the subject.

For all the angst, writhing and tooth gnashing frustration that crosschecks create on the subject of Cooper, I can only wonder if they may have prevented things which become even more angstier, writhingly and tooth gnashingly frustraitinger had they been discovered at the source.

Nawwwwww….. I keeed, I keeed you with this thought. Carry on.

See...I said georger was right...to take Farflung to look at the Norman Hayden rig...although I think he was being sarcastic...but who knows except georger...???

Farflung...you never cease to amaze...


I could have dropped all names who ever posted
here, and been right -

is that Right, or Communistic?

Will let ideologistas decide.

Busy time of year. Makes you wonder why the
invented this time of year.

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The C9 was successfully tested at speeds far exceeding 200 mph. I remember seeing movie footage shot at very high frame rates back in the 1980s. the camera was mounted on a payload and shot up towards the deploying canopy. I saw the film when I worked for an aerospace company doing military contracting. I've tried to find it on the Internet but no luck. Snow could probably find it.

It's not a trivial thing to exceed a 150 mph limit by 33% on a sport or commercial canopy. The energy goes up as the square of velocity. 200 mph gives nearly double the energy of the same object going 150 mph. Rrrrriiiiipppp.


More like B A N G

Yeah.. it hurts like hell too... really rings the ole bell reallllly well too... seein stars is for real. I managed to blow 5 lines and one cell on my Triathlon when I first started speed skydiving and did not slow down enough due to the open face helmet and only 1 audible altimeter that I did not hear the first alarm go off at all. The sound of the canopy exploding kinda skeered the folks down on the ground...including the DZO who thought I was in deep deep kimche even after cutting that crap away and going to plan B

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The C9 was successfully tested at speeds far exceeding 200 mph. I remember seeing movie footage shot at very high frame rates back in the 1980s. the camera was mounted on a payload and shot up towards the deploying canopy. I saw the film when I worked for an aerospace company doing military contracting. I've tried to find it on the Internet but no luck. Snow could probably find it.

It's not a trivial thing to exceed a 150 mph limit by 33% on a sport or commercial canopy. The energy goes up as the square of velocity. 200 mph gives nearly double the energy of the same object going 150 mph. Rrrrriiiiipppp.


377, That's exactly why I agree with you that Cooper's selection of the military parachute was the correct choice.

I would certainly have chosen the C-9 but for other reasons.

The tossing of ones body out of the plane at over 200 MPH is moot... as soon as you leave.. your body decelerates down to normal freefall speeds rather rapidly. Deployment of the canopy would be quite well within the normal listed tolerances even if he nutted up and pulled the ripcord right off the step.

It takes a lot of skill and practice to maintain a human body in freefall at over 225 MPH there are only a few of us in the world who can do it.. and maintain stability

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The C9 was successfully tested at speeds far exceeding 200 mph. I remember seeing movie footage shot at very high frame rates back in the 1980s. the camera was mounted on a payload and shot up towards the deploying canopy. I saw the film when I worked for an aerospace company doing military contracting. I've tried to find it on the Internet but no luck. Snow could probably find it.

It's not a trivial thing to exceed a 150 mph limit by 33% on a sport or commercial canopy. The energy goes up as the square of velocity. 200 mph gives nearly double the energy of the same object going 150 mph. Rrrrriiiiipppp.


377, That's exactly why I agree with you that Cooper's selection of the military parachute was the correct choice.

I would certainly have chosen the C-9 but for other reasons.

The tossing of ones body out of the plane at over 200 MPH is moot... as soon as you leave.. your body decelerates down to normal freefall speeds rather rapidly. Deployment of the canopy would be quite well within the normal listed tolerances even if he nutted up and pulled the ripcord right off the step.

It takes a lot of skill and practice to maintain a human body in freefall at over 225 MPH there are only a few of us in the world who can do it.. and maintain stability

Amazon, My point was that with the military parachute, Cooper would have basically been within its operational capabilities from the time he separated from the aircraft.

But with a "high speed" 160 MPH FAA parachute, Cooper would probably been above that speed for most of the free fall even if he was an experienced jumper. He did not have any visual references to help with his stabilization until he was below the lowest cloud layer and, hopefully, could see some lights on the ground.

Even with just a general head first free fall, Cooper would probably be exceeding 180 MPH. For the record, I crunched some numbers along this line about a year or two ago.

But Cooper jumped in 1971. Today, with the proper training and equipment, the above comments may not apply to advanced users of parachute technology.

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I guess everyone (except the self important grumps) have noticed all the decorations festooned in the neighborhood.


That’s right, you know that greatest and uniquely American holiday is just around the corner; Halloween. Besides light bulbs, mass produced automobiles and nuclear weapons; America introduced the world to the ritual sacrifice of pumpkins. This done as a display of cherished holiday festivities and an overproduction capability of food items which manifest in walkway decorations while we continue to debate the best way to stave off hunger in other countries. But these jack-o-lanterns also serve as runway lighting for bored children and overweight parents receiving food offerings from the hapless occupants of said home lest they be pelted with eggs (of course another food). It all makes sense when you are wealthy while still maintaining the temerity to feel some sense of discontent, because someone may have more stuff than you. Welcome to success, that’s enough about those people.

This is about the Spaghetti Monster and the creative spirits who maintain the belief system known as Pastafarian. Celebrate at the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’s’ Meet Ball and reflect on a life well lived where you have served as an example of humility while forking out happiness wherever you roll.

Why not combine the celebratory activities of Halloween with Pastafarian worship by rewarding those door knockers with some linguini in clam sauce? I know I will, along with any other knockers which I’m lucky enough to see this season. Happy Halloween everyone!

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Amazon wrote:

I would certainly have chosen the C-9 but for other reasons.

The tossing of ones body out of the plane at over 200 MPH is moot... as soon as you leave.. your body decelerates down to normal freefall speeds rather rapidly. Deployment of the canopy would be quite well within the normal listed tolerances even if he nutted up and pulled the ripcord right off the step.

It takes a lot of skill and practice to maintain a human body in freefall at over 225 MPH there are only a few of us in the world who can do it.. and maintain stability

Amazon, BEFORE I saw the Air America 727 jump videos I figured the best plan would have been to jump off the stairs, stay as as stable as possible while decelerating to approx 120mph (terminal velocity) then pull. Staying stable with a 180? mph 727 exit speed, compromised horizon visibility and an assymetrical payload isnt easy. Even a skydiver might start tumbling. I saw a few experienced jumpers tumble coming out of the DC 9 at WFFC.

After watch the footage shot on the 727 exits here's what I'd have done. Go down to the bottom of the steps, face in the direction of flight, pull the rippcord and do a pull off exit. The canopies in the Air America 727 footage squidded, decelerating the jumper gradually and the opening shock looked mild.

No tumbling, slow opening. All you'd need is a canopy that can take it and a C9 can take it for sure. TOUGH canopy, a real nylon pitbull.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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For those of you attending Ariel this year, it's time you researched that book and if anything catches your eye, you should take a piece of paper and write down questions for Gray. He was the one who got a look at all the files, and it's important that certain questions be directed his way. He will be happy to answer, I'm sure.


I'm not, Robert. In my experience, getting answers out of Geoffrey is akin to root canal. That said, I am grateful for every one that he has provided.

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I'm not, Robert. In my experience, getting answers out of Geoffrey is akin to root canal. That said, I am grateful for every one that he has provided.

Bruce is like Linux, open source. Geoff is like...? well he isnt like Linux.

Snow and Smokin99 did a little involuntary open source conversion on Geoff though.

I liked Geoff's book however and I enjoyed meeting him.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Bruce, Cooper specified that the landing gear would be left down and that the flaps would be set at 15 degrees before taking off from Seattle. The NWA aircraft performance group told the crew to fly at 170 Knots Indicated Airspeed to maximize the airliner's range (i.e., most miles per gallon of fuel).

At the 10,000 foot altitude, with the temperature and sea level presssure corrections plugged in, that 170 Knots Indicated Airspeed becomes about 195 Knots True Airspeed. Expressed in MPH, the 195 KTAS is about 225 MPH True Airspeed.

After reaching 10,000 feet altitude, the airliner tried to maintain exactly 170 KIAS for the remainder of the flight to Reno.

Bruce, I think you are somehow reading Knots (which is one nautical mile per hour) as Kilometers per hour.

Thank you, Robert, for your clarifications. I accept them and will make the necessary corrections. I appreciate your contributions. Thanks, again.

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Farflung wrote

This is about the Spaghetti Monster and the creative spirits who maintain the belief system known as Pastafarian

That's pretty clever Farflung.

I heard an idle rich kid referred to as a Trustafarian.

Good ID on that Pioneer rig.

"Sky King, Sky King, do not answer. Papa Tango Three. Time Three Five. Authentication Whiskey November. I say again; Sky King, Sky King, do not answer. Papa Tango Three. Time Three Five. Authentication Whiskey November."

Farflung knows what that command means and who broadcast it. Ask him about it. If he won't tell you then ask Gen. Buck Turgidson. It's US Govt code but amazingly it does not ID Duane as DBC.

Snowman, who is anti authoritarian and also in command of a 50KW HF station, would have answered.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I don't believe that 305 was doing about 170 KIAS when Coop jumped. Back in the old thread, Carr said as part of a large post that it was doing 173 knots when Coop jumped. He said a lot of stuff in that post and the DZ jumped on his case about a lot of stuff, but did not discuss that 173 knots.

The flight test was reportedly done at near 150 KIAS. At 148 knots, that would have been 173 kt TAS.

Although the crew had reason to do that 170KIAS for most of the flight (to have fuel to make Reno), there is no reason to think they would not depart from that for the purpose of getting Coop out.

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I don't believe that 305 was doing about 170 KIAS when Coop jumped. Back in the old thread, Carr said as part of a large post that it was doing 173 knots when Coop jumped. He said a lot of stuff in that post and the DZ jumped on his case about a lot of stuff, but did not discuss that 173 knots.

The flight test was reportedly done at near 150 KIAS. At 148 knots, that would have been 173 kt TAS.

Although the crew had reason to do that 170KIAS for most of the flight (to have fuel to make Reno), there is no reason to think they would not depart from that for the purpose of getting Coop out.

Hominid, We have some conflicting information here. Let me do an extended explanation and I'll try to explain where each number comes from.

First, the 170 KIAS (the number read on the airspeed indicator assuming no position or instrument error) came from the NWA performance group in Minneapolis and, strictly speaking, applied only to the early part of the flight to Reno.

As the fuel load decreases, the indicated airspeed for best range decreases also. However, the airliner crew maintained 170 KIAS since they were told while in the Portland area that they had sufficient fuel to get to Reno at 170 KIAS. No point in dragging the flight out all night!

At 8:13:14 PM PST, the airliner reported to Seattle ATC that they were at 10,000 feet altitude. At 8:15:52 PM PST, Seattle ATC informed the airliner that the Portland altimeter setting was 30.03. Then follows the famous 18 minute period of silence on this particular frequency.

In the "FBI notes" at 8:10 PM PST, the crew reported oscillations of the cabin rate of climb indicator. The suggestion is made by the recorder of this information that this may be the best estimate of when Cooper jumped.

Also at 8:10 PM PST, the aircraft was reported to be at 10,000 feet altitude, 170K (this would be 170 KIAS), and that the total air temperature was -7 degrees Centigrade. The statement also reports "MSPFO calculated TAS (True Air Speed) and range from this data".

If MSPFO can calculate True Air Speed from the above information, so can we. All it takes is a simple pilot's flight calculator, and they have been around longer than I have, to determine that the TAS is 194 Knots.

The sled tests have absolutely nothing to do with the above calculations. And I have not seen any flight performance data from those tests and have no idea where those numbers came from.

In addition, I don't know if Carr or any of the other FBI personnel involved with the Cooper investigation had any flight experience or training. But if Carr did, he was probably referring to 173 Knots Indicated Air Speed.

If you have a pilot's hand calculator and want to go through the precise calculation required to find the TAS, let me know (including your type of calculator).

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Amazon, My point was that with the military parachute, Cooper would have basically been within its operational capabilities from the time he separated from the aircraft.

But with a "high speed" 160 MPH FAA parachute, Cooper would probably been above that speed for most of the free fall even if he was an experienced jumper. He did not have any visual references to help with his stabilization until he was below the lowest cloud layer and, hopefully, could see some lights on the ground.

Even with just a general head first free fall, Cooper would probably be exceeding 180 MPH. For the record, I crunched some numbers along this line about a year or two ago.

But Cooper jumped in 1971. Today, with the proper training and equipment, the above comments may not apply to advanced users of parachute technology.

Trust me on this.. there is no way in hell he could be head down... it takes a LOT of skill to fly in that attitude... now.. back flying with the head a little low or when a student does it in an attitude called Tango Uniform... yup... its a position I have seen many times that newbies manage to find all on their own.:ph34r::ph34r:

Now... a head down dive.... by one of the fastest guys in the world..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yemCdQSKkt8 THIS is some serious skill

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Amazon, My point was that with the military parachute, Cooper would have basically been within its operational capabilities from the time he separated from the aircraft.

But with a "high speed" 160 MPH FAA parachute, Cooper would probably been above that speed for most of the free fall even if he was an experienced jumper. He did not have any visual references to help with his stabilization until he was below the lowest cloud layer and, hopefully, could see some lights on the ground.

Even with just a general head first free fall, Cooper would probably be exceeding 180 MPH. For the record, I crunched some numbers along this line about a year or two ago.

But Cooper jumped in 1971. Today, with the proper training and equipment, the above comments may not apply to advanced users of parachute technology.

Trust me on this.. there is no way in hell he could be head down... it takes a LOT of skill to fly in that attitude... now.. back flying with the head a little low or when a student does it in an attitude called Tango Uniform... yup... its a position I have seen many times that newbies manage to find all on their own.:ph34r::ph34r:

Now... a head down dive.... by one of the fastest guys in the world..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yemCdQSKkt8 THIS is some serious skill

Amazon, I said "a general head first free fall" which is something you would probably refer to as a "delta" position (as illustrated on page 196 of "The Skydiver's Handbook" by Poynter and Turoff, 10th revised edition).

I am in complete agreement with you that the fellow in the youtube video requires great skill in keeping his body pointed straight down and streamlined (keeping his body's "drag area" at its absolute minimum). And any thing he does that increases his body's "drag area" is going to slow him down.

Let me also point out that the so-called terminal velocities of 120 MPH and 190 MPH, mentioned on the referenced page above, are actually only good at sea level standard conditions. At higher altitudes they will be faster.

Also on the same page is the statement that "Short, fat people freefall faster at terminal than tall skinny ones ...". In my always humble opinion, in a straight-down head-first freefall the tall skinny person will have the smaller "drag area" and will descend faster than a short and fat person of equal weight.

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OK here's the deal.

You are exiting from a jet at night. It's flying fast. This aint no King Air or Twin Otter jump. You have a poor or non existent visual horizon. Your chances of establishing and maintaining stable frefall aren't so good and an asymmetric attached payload of loot makes the chances lower.

So maybe you knew about the Air America 727 static line jumps. Bingo. There won't be any tumbling or loss of control. You'll deploy right off the steps. Better not try that with a canopy that is redlined at 150 or 160 mph. The tough old C9, the Nylon Pitbull, is your answer. The C9 can take it, noooo problem.

You see two rigs. One is a military bailout rig, the other a commercial rig for private pilots. You guess that the military rig is more likely to contain a high speed military canopy, so you pick that one. You pull the ripcord while standing on the bottom of the stairs facing forward. The pilot chute pops out, grabs air, extracts your canopy and in a few seconds you are hanging under an open canopy. The danger isn't over yet, but you have left the plane and you are alive and descending at a survivable speed.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jerry Thomas posted that he was ready to post some information concerning Jo that would prove without a shadow of a doubt that she is a complete liar, yet when I asked him to produce such evidence he conviently is absent from the forum for the past several days. JT are you out there? You have a major hard on for Jo and when I call you out, you run off and hide. I just want to see the evidence. Please enlighten me.

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I am speechless! One of those Gotcha moments. I will be very busy for the next few days.

Don't know how much more I can take! This is ALL too much for me right now. Between my health and Cooper, I don't have enough time to do what has to be done. Facing more surgery - probably the scariest thing I have ever had to face and then MY search for Cooper hits an all time high in relation to Weber.

Burns, Oregon and Prineville - my search took me there before and then JT went down there (almost immediately after I posted about that area) which I found very suspicious, although no one else thought so.;)

If JT is not part of a cover-up - he is certainly going to a lot of trouble to erase all evidence of Weber having been in the WA, OR and ID area. Perhaps some of you need go back over JT's history in regards to subjects he has supported in the past and now the "splattered and density of the forest or in the river" story is constantly disputed by many.[:/]

While everyone else has been researching the flight and the jump - I have been doing what I have done for 15 yrs - finding out about the past of one Duane L. Weber aka John C. Collins and Dan Cooper.;)

I have had a lot of help and support from those who post in the thread and a lot from others who prefer not to post here or have no desire to do so. It is what goes on OUTSIDE of this thread that is very important.

Sluggo's litte motto he always used about "those who Know" and he Knew what he was talking about.

I wonder what has happened to Sluggo and if he is well. If he is well and reads the thread - I hope he makes a post to let ALL know he is OKAY.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am speechless! One of those Gotcha moments. I will be very busy for the next few days.

Don't know how much more I can take! This is ALL too much for me right now. Between my health and Cooper, I don't have enough time to do what has to be done. Facing more surgery - probably the scariest thing I have ever had to face and then MY search for Cooper hits an all time high in relation to Weber.

Burns, Oregon and Prineville - my search took me there before and then JT went down there (almost immediately after I posted about that area) which I found very suspicious, although no one else thought so.;)

If JT is not part of a cover-up - he is certainly going to a lot of trouble to erase all evidence of Weber having been in the WA, OR and ID area. Perhaps some of you need go back over JT's history in regards to subjects he has supported in the past and now the "splattered and density of the forest or in the river" story is constantly disputed by many.[:/]

While everyone else has been researching the flight and the jump - I have been doing what I have done for 15 yrs - finding out about the past of one Duane L. Weber aka John C. Collins and Dan Cooper.;)

I have had a lot of help and support from those who post in the thread and a lot from others who prefer not to post here or have no desire to do so. It is what goes on OUTSIDE of this thread that is very important.

Sluggo's litte motto he always used about "those who Know" and he Knew what he was talking about.

I wonder what has happened to Sluggo and if he is well. If he is well and reads the thread - I hope he makes a post to let ALL know he is OKAY.


After I posted the above and went back to edit it - I saw that JT is going to provide "proof" that I am a liar. I will remind all of you that I had NO map of the area prior to 2001 and the Osha Map I had of the entire 1/2 of the US had NO details regarding roads in WA or OR. JT provided the details and who was I to argue with the "Man on the Ground" as Himmelsbach called him. Only after my 2001 trip did I put an end to communication with him - and he KNOWS why!

The man and the 3 ladies who assisted me in 2001 after the TV crew left - well, no one was expecting me to continue the seach on that trip. These women and the man can attest to the fact that when they picked me up - I was very upset that the places the crew took me at JT's direction were NOT the places I was looking for...most looked nothing like what I tried to describe over the phone.

I rest my case and BTW - maybe, just maybe the search for Cooper is OVER and maybe some very nice people have contacted the FBI on my behalf. JT's continued efforts to discredit me only makes him look bad or makes him look like part of a cover-up (perhaps only because he wants to be the one to expose Cooper).

All I have ever wanted was the truth and to know about the past of my husband.... just too many blank spots. Twice he just disappeared off the face of the earth - and the stories he told me in 3rd person all happened during these missing yrs. In those days no one knew such things as computers and archives would be able to find trace evidence of those yrs. No one ever expected for courthouse records to be available from all over the US by someone sitting at a computer.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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