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DB Cooper

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[reply. Its a social reality
and nothing more. Its lousy journalism.

Attention Bevins and Georger.
Guy remember your promises to Quade.

Blevins: This is NOT the place to promote a book, on a subject.

George: Stay Cool - just be careful what you say. Don't let Blevins get to you. Don't let things I say get to you - after all they are MUTE points. Right?

To All: I think the tests on the ropes could help narrow things down. Sure they will find LOTS of DNA, but what if one matches the tie and has a little more of the genetic material than the tie DNA.

Farflung is being objective in his own way - far more than some others. He is concentrating on things that might prompt the FBI to do some additional test.

I will do what I have to do in my own time - if I don't make it to see this thru there is someone who will speak for me.

To All:
I am not sure exactly what is going on with the FBI right now, but you can bet they want to put a lid on this on the 40th. They are NOT interested in Weber, but they should be paying attention even if they aren't investigating the case. I am about 10 days from resolving some of what I need to know regarding the past of Weber.

Right now I am sitting on pins an needle not only regarding Weber, but in regards to my health. I don't think I can make it through another surgery.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hartford, Connecticut Airport Ground Control.

Congratulations you nameless, faceless examples of just why ‘he who governs least, governs best’ federal employees for reflecting upon your organization, the very behaviors which separates the human race from animals and housewives with Precious Moments figurine collections. I know that my marginal tax rate of 32% is not nearly enough of a contribution to assure such stupefying performances this side of any work/release program. Thank you is not a strong enough thought to convey exactly what you did to make professional aviation and those in closely related fields where the rape of a headless corpse is involved; appear to the general public, the way others can only dream about.

Yes, it was you that had total control of all ground operations to include jets, support equipment, fuel trucks and ultimately emergency vehicles. You controlled that aircraft to a position on the airport and had it hold until further notice. Fortunately this was accomplished after ignoring state of the art radar, meteorological forecasts and a ‘surprise’ snow storm.

Although any airliner would contain a microcosm of American society with associated statistics to include: elderly, infants and the medically dependent; you courageously ignored all life experiences while tending to other more pressing matters. After handing off responsibilities to a replacement controller sent by a supervisor, you completed an arduous coffee break and voided your bladder. Upon return to your station the airliner continued to hold in place until you were again relived for another coffee break, reading of the newspaper and an appointment in the bathroom.

Now over four hours into your long, hard shift you verify that Flight 504 was in fact still 300 long, long yards away from the main terminal building and continued to be surprised by the snow storm while keeping any and all other vehicles away from the aircraft. Your devotion to duty and professionalism all the more astonishing considering you must have hatched from some leathery egg pouch months after your mother had buried you in the sand to be born in a world void of human comfort or the slightest consideration given to occupants of Dachau. With the airport utterly paralyzed you then sprung into action and did what any government employee would do in such a dire situation and had lunch.

Once in the dining facility you were able to unshackle yourself from the responsibility of a hundred people sitting less than 900 feet from where you were about to enjoy a well deserved meal which, god willing, would supply enough nutrition and calories to fuel that furnace of intellect which does more than separate your ears and act as a hat holder. Perhaps you had time to charm a curvy coworker and if there is justice in the universe, some day will procreate and raise even more examples of goodness to share with the planet. But you had other things on your mind that day and returned to the Ground Control room to resume ‘work’.

One can only imagine the relief of knowing that Flight 504 was still stationary after six hours which would keep your back from experiencing any pains or knots while seated in an ergonomically designed chair with lumbar massage. Still surprised by the snow storm and having done absolutely nothing as far as moving ground equipment was beginning to take its toll. Then it happened, the radios began to crackle with calls and you were about to enter your seventh and finest hour.

You cleared an ambulance direct to the location of Flight 504 which fortunately was the only thing moving on the Hartford Airport property. The crew of medical professionals, were responding to 911 calls from inside the aircraft about a paraplegic passenger suffering from some medical condition which you can’t empathize with and care even less about. You then bravely and without consideration of personal danger, reached into a bag of Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies and consumed barely half of the item before being called into action again. The ambulance wanted clearance to drive off airport property and to the hospital which was quickly granted, after you swallowed too much hot coffee in an attempt to wash down the Milano cookie to make sure you sounded good on 121.6 MHz.

Well done Hartford Ground Control, well done indeed. Looking through any and all logic associated with a passenger jet parked on a commercial airfield for seven hours takes a very special team of life forms which do little more than convert oxygen to carbon dioxide, while appearing to actually be wasting gravity in the process. You must be proud of all your accomplishments and I can only pray that you and every person down the line get all the recognition you so richly deserve.

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To All:
I am not sure exactly what is going on with the FBI right now, but you can bet they want to put a lid on this on the 40th. They are NOT interested in Weber, but they should be paying attention even if they aren't investigating the case. I am about 10 days from resolving some of what I need to know regarding the past of Weber.

Right now I am sitting on pins an needle not only regarding Weber, but in regards to my health. I don't think I can make it through another surgery.

You know Jo...your 10 days or whatever you're teasing us with is getting really old...ask 377...I skip most of your posts...I'm sorry to hear about your deteriorating health for sure...I'm having my own issues as well...but as they say...shit or get off the pot...

You need to post all the info you have or you're just pissing into the wind so to speak...all the research you've done is for not if you won't share it...it's useless and will never be of any help to anyone...even you.

Get it off your chest and out of your mind...I'm sure that will help your health and healing more than you can imagine.

Just some friendly advice...I know others have tried but to no avail...so you may be a lost cause already.

I wish you the best...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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For Georger to deny this is necessary just shows he is reverting back to his usual tactic: making it personal when it isn't. This proves he is no longer unbiased. If he were not biased, he might agree that at least interviewing Jones and Geestman might be worth their time.

me interview Jones and Geestman? Why?

"their time" - whose time? WTF are you saying?
Me interview J and G? Worth their time?

Personal? Nope. You keep using that tactic. I just
cant follow your gibberish, and nobody else can

Your tactical "its personal" crap is really old.
Find another tactic. You've had your 15 minutes of
fame ... and your 15 months of flaming and crying
"Mommy help!". Nothing personal Blevins; just
factual. You can't handle facts.


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For Georger to deny this is necessary just shows he is reverting back to his usual tactic: making it personal when it isn't. This proves he is no longer unbiased. If he were not biased, he might agree that at least interviewing Jones and Geestman might be worth their time.

me interview Jones and Geestman? Why?

"their time" - whose time? WTF are you saying?
Me interview J and G? Worth their time?

Personal? Nope. You keep using that tactic. I just
cant follow your gibberish, and nobody else can

Oh hole-in-ground-with-water-in-it.

Hint for Blevins: ITS A WELL!


Guess you kind of missed this part:

'...then Geestman needs to be questioned again...by the Seattle FBI.'

Whatever gave you the idea I thought YOU should interview Geestman and Jones?B|

If you didn't comprehend the post, I can simplify it
for you, but you'll have to specify which part(s) you
didn't understand.

I will let you and Seattle FBI handle it. I know you're
their right hand man!

Now leave me alone?
Pick on somebody else for a change.


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For Georger to deny this is necessary just shows he is reverting back to his usual tactic: making it personal when it isn't. This proves he is no longer unbiased. If he were not biased, he might agree that at least interviewing Jones and Geestman might be worth their time.

me interview Jones and Geestman? Why?

"their time" - whose time? WTF are you saying?
Me interview J and G? Worth their time?

Personal? Nope. You keep using that tactic. I just
cant follow your gibberish, and nobody else can

Oh hole-in-ground-with-water-in-it.

Hint for Blevins: ITS A WELL!


Guess you kind of missed this part:

'...then Geestman needs to be questioned again...by the Seattle FBI.'

Whatever gave you the idea I thought YOU should interview Geestman and Jones?B|

If you didn't comprehend the post, I can simplify it
for you, but you'll have to specify which part(s) you
didn't understand.

I will let you and Seattle FBI handle it. I know you're
their right hand man!

Now leave me alone?


Leave you alone? What makes you think my original post was directed to you personally? I made a promise to Quade not to respond in kind to posts where you toss out insults. So, I am going to keep that promise. Posts by me here are not constructed especially for you. Feel free to say whatever you wish, but if you are trying to draw me into some kind of name-calling or flame war, forget it. Aint gonna happen.

Did it ever cross your mind the FBI looked into KC a
long time ago. You didnt invent KC. Gray did and
that was years ago. By the time you ventured on the
scene, the Sun had already set many times ... just
sayin you may have wasted a lot of your valuable
time and printer ink! Some poeple visit Casinos!


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They've become a bit closed-mouthed lately anyway, since that My Uncle Was DB Cooper fiasco, which was a bit embarrassing for them.

I do not believe the FBI should be embarrassed because of LD Cooper. It does show that they are still actively investigating the case when they get information or a lead from the public. In hindsight the PIO should not have leaked the incomplete info to Hannaford.

I believe the embarrassment lies with Marla going to the media prior to the forensic testing being completed. This would have given her a definitive answer about her Uncle and also the credibility behind her "memories".
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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that gibberish again

who brokered Kenny's stamp collection? Did you try
to find out? If Lyle was Kenny's executor (1997) he
should know.

Have you seen an inventory of the collection?
Wouldnt Lyle have that info on the bill-of-sale?

From the inventory, when did KC start the collection;
pre vs post 1971 value?

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Class Clown bEGIN WITH READING PAGE 1109 AND 1110. Jo has always taken her stories from some one else. she has done nothing but make up storie's for the past 15 yrs. Question is why did you question all this you've read it before it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.Just read Max Gunthers Book and a few other's. Jerry

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Class Clown bEGIN WITH READING PAGE 1109 AND 1110. Jo has always taken her stories from some one else. she has done nothing but make up storie's for the past 15 yrs. Question is why did you question all this you've read it before it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.Just read Max Gunthers Book and a few other's. Jerry

OK, I'll start over with 1109 and 1110...................that's all I wanted...............Ground control to Major Tom

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Blevins The FBI should be imbarresed if they consider a Pilot or a experienced Skydiver of committing this crime. This crime was not committed by a experienced Skydiver or a pilot. How any one could consider anyone with this experience is beyound reality.Jerry


How can you be so sure. You don't know, you are just speculating.

I've been jumping for 43 years. I still jump. I have made a jet jump. I've jumped many kinds of military surplus gear. I have no idea about Coopers experience as a pilot or skydiver. It's all just guesses. I dont belittle or berate those who have opinions different than mine about Cooper. Neither should you.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I’m endlessly amazed at how much a person can overlook while being outraged at the increase of Netflix fees. Humans are complex animals if you dismiss self-interest and logic at every turn. Look at all the expertise on this thread on river dredging, trailer camping and DNA analysis for example. My oh my, what a cornucopia of knowledge which I never knew existed. Sure is lucky this is a skydiving and aviation forum with even MORE expertise, real or imagined.

For example, Flight 504 yesterday, from Ft Lauderdale, FL to Newark, NJ with a flight time of 2 hours, on an Airbus A320 with a loitering capability of more than seven hours; arrived in forecasted foul WX at the destination airfield at fuel minimums without so much as a WTF. One can only assume that this is because it is KNOWN to be ops normal and a completely acceptable practice among all the iPhone users with optimized data transfer rates and HMOs without co-pays. That’s good.

Here’s some history for the Walter Mittys and Shoe Clerks who are tacitly taking these rides for the sake of saving between 14 and 16 dollars. Some pencil necked accountant, employed by an airline, who has never known the touch of a beautiful woman wanted to make sure the same would be true for everyone else. He pulled out a calculator and figured the airline was spending way too much flying from one airport to another with full tanks. After all, the FAA didn’t require this so it would be ‘perfectly legal’ to load the fuel with this in mind. This means that all aircraft would arrive at their destinations at fuel minimums, all of them. Got a chill yet? Didn’t think so.

What this manufactures is full frontal emergencies should anything unexpected ever occur. Like a snow storm in the northeast in late October, I mean who could have seen that coming, with radar, decades of observable statistics and a finger in the wind? We are only human and not self interested or illogical. Please don’t say anything that will make me feel bad or call names, that’s bad. It’s the wholesale planning of disaster that is heroic and to be applauded.

Well you know that more than fuel adds weight and therefore cost to a flight. If the plane only needs a quarter of the fuel loaded the same MUST be true for water and food. After all we already determined that by limiting fuel to the thinnest margins as common practice the same should be done for all other expendables and consumables. It really does make sense now, form each according to their ability; to each according to their needs.

Now an aircraft is headed to a facility located where the weather is forecast to be miserable and the ONE system which can supply glide slope information fails. Wow, the instrument that insures aircraft could land in poor visibility actually malfunctioned during conditions of poor visibility? I’m just as surprised as Captain Murphy right now. So there’s a procession of airliners are all spaced minutes apart and arriving at federal fuel minimums rather than having reserves to reverse course and land where snow is known to occur with the same frequency of the accountant touching a beautiful woman. That’s great guys, just great.

Now a stunned nation recovers from another self inflicted face plant in New England while other venues like Orange County, CA close El Toro Airport, leaving an administrative body which could be the 30th largest state in the US with a grand total of 2 airfields. Since the crafting of the fuel minimums by the FAA the number of suitable airports has shrunk to the point where Hartford becomes the de facto Gilligan’s Island of aviation, when people are on a three hour flight….. a three hour flight.

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From Wikipedia...sources unverified

In the 1980 presidential election, PATCO (along with the Teamsters and the Air Line Pilots Association) refused to back President Jimmy Carter, instead endorsing Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan. PATCO's refusal to endorse the Democratic Party stemmed in large part from poor labor relations with the FAA (the employer of PATCO members) under the Carter administration and Ronald Reagan's endorsement of the union and its struggle for better conditions during the 1980 election campaign.[4][5]


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From Wikipedia...sources unverified

In the 1980 presidential election, PATCO (along with the Teamsters and the Air Line Pilots Association) refused to back President Jimmy Carter, instead endorsing Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan. PATCO's refusal to endorse the Democratic Party stemmed in large part from poor labor relations with the FAA (the employer of PATCO members) under the Carter administration and Ronald Reagan's endorsement of the union and its struggle for better conditions during the 1980 election campaign.[4][5]



"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Farflung wrote

He pulled out a calculator and figured the airline was spending way too much flying from one airport to another with full tanks. After all, the FAA didn’t require this so it would be ‘perfectly legal’ to load the fuel with this in mind. This means that all aircraft would arrive at their destinations at fuel minimums, all of them. Got a chill yet? Didn’t think so.

You should see how little fuel our jumpship carries Farflung. You'd truly be shocked. But its VFR and all the flying is done close to the field. Very frequent hot (engines running) refuels are normal.

DZ owner Bill Dause, who was the initial west coast skydiving community choice for a DBC suspect, actually ran the tanks dry on Beech 18 over Pope Valley. He reportedly had everything set up for a no power landing, was on final and then he put the gear down. Came in way short and totaled the plane.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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That’s my point on all this ‘surprise’ and ‘can you believe this’ garbage that was created by people that should have seen it coming from twelve light years away. If they are as good as they say they are over and over and over and over.

Instead we create these worthless forums where eunuchs can boast about their CFI ratings even though they have never trained a single pilot to certification or made a single house payment exclusively from aviation wages. Shoe Clerks with keyboards, failures and losers. But for some reason they view themselves as rare and unique with the ability to dictate better living through bureaucracy. Shame on them and if they managed to NOT kill anyone in the process, then quit flying, jumping or heating food with flame before you do. But they won’t and never will. Therefore we are doomed to live with the slightly less unattractive spawn called the FAA. Thanks guys, thanks bunches (they know who they are).

I’m not motivated by laws, which may explain why I don’t fly to Bangkok with a group of other concerned US citizens (code for old men) exporting what the rest of the planet has already assumed we do at home (code for what we do at home). Nope, just because it’s legal does not insure my violent and constant practice no matter who may be watching. I like to associate with fellow citizens of like mind (cool and hunky).

Imagine a society where people are motivated by a social contract which is enforced through voluntary participation via an individual’s desire to have all citizens treated the same as their mother sans the familial bonds. Where the violation of that trust would be viewed akin to incest where…… aww crap, who am I kidding here? That will never happen and the very thought is so repulsive that federal laws must be created that make the very raping of a headless corpse illegal.

Umm….. I mean it is against the law to rape a headless corpse, right? Help me out here, river dredging, DNA extracting experts….. is it against the law? What say you?



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Umm….. I mean it is against the law to rape a headless corpse, right?

I would guess in this day and age it depends on who the headless corpse is and who is doing the raping...

Not to mention if you have drone backup or not...

okay...I mentioned it...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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I can remember like it was only yesterday…..

Please have a sing-a-long. I SAID SING A LONG.


More poignant today than when it was first performed.

“Flying on a JetBlue A-320,

Florida central, early morning fail.

Fifty first and fifty tourist riders,

Flight Attendants, one of their names was Gail.

All along the northbound odyssey,

the plane pulled out of hangar three,

and taxied past the beacons, lights and yields.

Passengers that had no names,

seats are full of more the same,

the grannies who were wearing chartreuse and teal.

Good morning Connecticut where are ya?

Say don’t you know me, I’m here just for fun.

I’m the plane you parked in Delta Tango Fourteen,

I’ll be gone 300 feet when the day is done.”

That’s kinda sweet.

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I thought that was pretty good Farflung...not a big surprise.

That's about the only thing I agree with Blevins on...you're a bit talented...in a twisted kinda way.

Are you sure you never jumped from a plane...maybe a jet...???...ha ha...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Farfling asks

Umm….. I mean it is against the law to rape a headless corpse, right?

Yes, it's illegal in all 50 states. Keep that in mind Farf, not to guide your behavior, but it might be on the multistate portion of your bar exam.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Do you really think I am naive enough to let you guys KNOW exactly what I am up to. You will known the day it is announced to the public - I might give you a head-up by like 12 hrs and NO more. I worked too hard and with stood to much let youknow what is coming.

It could still fail, but I have worked really hard to find what the FBI refused to look for and that is where I concentrated my effort in the last couple of yrs - to find out who and where Duane Weber was at any given time and to fill in the blanks the FBI refused to fill in. 1944 to 1949 and 1962 to 1968 ( but, the records say he spent 16 months of that time in a prison, yet the FBI NEVER proved this).

For 14 yrs I have said the answers lie in Couer' D alene. I will leave it there - the FBI didn't listen and no one else did. If I was well enough to get on a plane and go back - this would have been over this past yr. As it stand I have to wait and let other do it for me - not the same as my being there. JUST like JT telling me in 1996 to 2000 what I was describing over the phone was called this or that. When I got out there - it was obvious I was being led and discredit, but didn't know why.

I may be doing nothing but disclosing the secret yrs of Weber, but there is every indication there is MUCH MUCH more and explain his knowledge of chutes and the N.W. Do you guys have any idea what names Duane L. Weber used duriing those yrs - Well, even the FBI did know the answer to that and were not interested in finding out.

Had they done so the worm would have turned yrs and yrs ago.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You want to know these things, then you can email me and I will give you Lyle Christiansen's mailing address. Or you could contact Skipp Porteous. He would have that information, not me.

Blevins, I am shocked! YOU did NOT investigate - you did NOT contact Lyle? Even I have Lyle's contact information! Remember that LYLE himself sent me the photo of the guys and a copy of the back of the picture.

I had NO reason to contact him back other than a Thank You and I did NOT keep detailed information regarding this. I just know he was kind enough to send the picture with the names and a short note. Remember I knew the names of the guys before you did...I believe he sent me the picture before you were on board with Porteous.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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