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The company?

What company?

Name it.

;)For Heavens Sake, Georger keep your pants on. I do not stay on the computer all day.

The name of the company was
Interlock Screw and Bolt Corporation out of Atlanta, GA in 1970. I do not believe they still exist. The branch manager at that time was Buck Deal. Good Luck.

The SS number of John Collins has been researched, but the FBI refused to provide the work record. Only the SS recipient or a survivor or government agency can access those records. I have all of the employment data for Duane L. Weber (just the amounts made and the yrs of the reported income). The yrs from 1962 to 1967 are BLANK with 0. This list was acquired when he applied for disability.

What we do know about the SS number for John Collins is that it was issued in 1964 in MS. That is the sum total of information I have and Doug Pasternac acquired that.

I have had others extract the numbers from me claiming they can produce the detailed work record - but guess what? They never produced one iota. A man in CA claimed his connections would allow him to go were others could not - he gave me IOTA.

He claimed he could find out Duane's employment records under Weber and Collins. If he found it - he did NOT give it to me!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The company?

What company?

Name it.

;)For Heavens Sake, Georger keep your pants on. I do not stay on the computer all day.

The name of the company was
Interlock Screw and Bolt Corporation out of Atlanta, GA in 1970. I do not believe they still exist. The branch manager at that time was Buck Deal. Good Luck.

The SS number of John Collins has been researched, but the FBI refused to provide the work record. Only the SS recipient or a survivor or government agency can access those records. I have all of the employment data for Duane L. Weber (just the amounts made and the yrs of the reported income). The yrs from 1962 to 1967 are BLANK with 0. This list was acquired when he applied for disability.

What we do know about the SS number for John Collins is that it was issued in 1964 in MS. That is the sum total of information I have and Doug Pasternac acquired that.

I have had others extract the numbers from me claiming they can produce the detailed work record - but guess what? They never produced one iota. A man in CA claimed his connections would allow him to go were others could not - he gave me IOTA.

He claimed he could find out Duane's employment records under Weber and Collins. If he found it - he did NOT give it to me!

Jo, The Social Security Administration, and NOT the FBI, provides the work record. All you have to do is visit your local SSA office, fill out a very simple form, and they will send you that information.

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Jo, In post number 28181 you claimed that you had copies of W-2s for Duane's employment by a nut and bolt company just prior to November 1971 as well as copies of the tax returns on which those W-2s were reported.

You also claimed that Sluggo visited your house and saw those W-2s and tax returns.

Georger has asked you for the name of the company that appears on those W-2s. All you have to do is read the information on those forms. Who issued the W-2s? They are the equivalent of todays 1099s (or whatever it is).

Also, if you have the SSN that Duane used as John Collins, you can get an earnings report for that number from the Social Security Administration.

The above actions are as simple as it can get. So there is no excuse for you to now claim otherwise. Put up or shut up!

I signed off after I made the post and answered them in order of importance since coming on tonight. In the Post above I explain to Georger my experience with the SS searches.

I cannot get the earnings report of the SS on John Collins. REMEMBER - I had NO proof Duane Weber was John Collins all because of the FBI refused to provide me with the Jefferson papers. The agent knew why I wanted the Jefferson records. The FBI refused to give me any thing until the 30 yrs where up and by then I didn't need Duanes SS on John Collins.

John Collins received a commutation - not Duane L. Weber. John Collins was arrested and convicted - not Duane L. Weber. Why the Hell do you think I am so bitter about the FBI. I asked for this infomation in 2000 - this is when I had my dispute with the FBI.

Remember I had the papers about Duane's Army record and his McNeil record and the agent took me to task claiming Duane was NOT in the Army or in McNeil.
Later that yr - they never produced the John Collins information I needed to draw any benefits he may have accumulated. Remember this WAS why I went public. Until 2000 only friends, relatives, ex employers, the FBI and Himmelsbach and JT knew about Duane Weber and his confession.

I sat on this from May of 1996 until March of 2000, but still did NOT go public until that summer when Doug did his article. If I was NOT looking for the truth and was only looking for 15 minutes of fame - why would I sit on it for 4 1/2 yrs.

Sometimes people need to THINK about the actions of a person making a claim. Had the FBI been UPFRONT with me - I doubt I would ever have gone public. The FBI's own actions gave me cause to re-act. I didn't have to make up a story - because I had been trying to tell the story to the FBI for almost 5 yrs and it fell on deaf ears. That has NOT changed in the last 10 yrs either.

I am not a child who heard a story being told nor am I someone who was out to make money off of my husband's confession. Duane had some life insurance and the house had a very small mortgage on it - I had basically been paying the bills for 5 yrs before he died.

The stress of my dealing with the FBI and seeking answers to my questions about Duane and his past - has cost me LOTS of money not to mention what it did to my career when I went public and why I did NOT want to go public. Doug knows it took an FBI agent giving me incorrect information for me to BLOW! And when I BLEW - there was NO stopping me.

I will NOTE that NO ONE blinked an eyelash when I mentioned Wenz or Wentz. I am still trying to find the papers I was looking for - I think they had something to do with the Young Men and Fire. I can't find any of my notes from that.

I guess I didn't think I would ever need them - I wondered how I knew so much of that story before I read it. Where had I heard most of that story before?
Now I think I know, but need to find those papers.

IF Wenz or Wentz was not in that incident then it was in something I read about the Flying Johnsons.
It may have been other research I did. It was when I did the Doc Severinsen searches and the Smokejumper searches and the CCC's and Forestry Departments. I don't remember the 1st name used by this person and why I had a reason to remember that one name out of all of the many names connected to these things.

Bruce - who is Lillian B? You mentioned this name in connection to Ted Braden and I need to know if this is the same Lillian B whose father's name was Walt. Call her and ask her the name of her father. If her father's name was Walt - CALL ME! I believe you gave me a different spelling than the name I have.

In the late 30's and 40's there was a CCC camp in Goldendale, but it is my understanding that was NOT in existence in 1944 to 1948. I spent a couple of days in the Goldendale area in 2010 on my trip - all I found was a story about the rodeo there and interviewed some very very nice people. Was a very friendly place and the most memoriable place of the trip (simply because of the people). I found no links to Duane - regarding the Bar. All the old timers had passed on. I did interview on gentleman who was a CCC and made a phone call to another one who had left the area.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, The Social Security Administration, and NOT the FBI, provides the work record. All you have to do is visit your local SSA office, fill out a very simple form, and they will send you that information.

I did that! They told me I needed proof Duane Weber used the AKA of John Collins.
I could NOT establish a connection between John Collins and Duane L Weber. It is NOT a detailed work record that give you the dates and names of the employers. Just the yr and the income reported.

I did this more than once and also contacted an attorney who told me the same thing. Without the FBI I had no connection between Weber and Collins.

If I had NOT exhausted all of this WHY do you think I handed the numbers to a man in CA who supposedly had connections to get them for me? I have been there and done that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Oh yes I did.

I’ll admit that I’m primarily motivated by my laziness and greed. In that I tend to do the least in order to produce the most. This is fortunate since I’m typically faced with a customer base that wants to pay the least in order to get the most while proclaiming they are savvy consumers concerned about quality. Yeah right, that’s why McDonalds is the most popular cuisine, Budweiser is the best beer and Colorado raises killer cantaloupes.

So if it works in real life, why not try it on the DBC thread? I’m still not quite sure if I’ve selected the best guiding principle in life, but it worked so far. Word to your mother.

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Oh yes I did.

I’ll admit that I’m primarily motivated by my laziness and greed. In that I tend to do the least in order to produce the most. This is fortunate since I’m typically faced with a customer base that wants to pay the least in order to get the most while proclaiming they are savvy consumers concerned about quality. Yeah right, that’s why McDonalds is the most popular cuisine, Budweiser is the best beer and Colorado raises killer cantaloupes.

So if it works in real life, why not try it on the DBC thread? I’m still not quite sure if I’ve selected the best guiding principle in life, but it worked so far. Word to your mother.

Hmmmn. You actually cared enough to search? You must be bored.

Oh yeah, my mother said to stay away from you. I guess she still cares.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Wasn't this supposed to have been RFK's tie lifted from a hotel room by Duane?

Then it gets titanium shavings on it during his subsequent employment at a screw and bolt company.

Then he leaves it on the Norjack aircraft neatly folded awaiting FBI discovery.

Then he jumps, lands and makes his escape.

If ties could talk what tales they would tell.


2 years ago we coated my house with titanium


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Vicki responds with:

“You actually cared enough to search? You must be bored.”

Of course I’m bored Vicki, didn’t you see the comment 377 made about headless corpse raping being illegal in all 50 states?

All 50.

Yet Nevada has gambling, Florida has Dwarf Tossing and Minnesota has lutefisk. Where’s the justice?

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Vicki responds with:

“You actually cared enough to search? You must be bored.”

Of course I’m bored Vicki, didn’t you see the comment 377 made about headless corpse raping being illegal in all 50 states?

All 50.

Yet Nevada has gambling, Florida has Dwarf Tossing and Minnesota has lutefisk. Where’s the justice?

Farflung, you need to come to a dropzone...after dark...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Vicki responds with:

“You actually cared enough to search? You must be bored.”

Of course I’m bored Vicki, didn’t you see the comment 377 made about headless corpse raping being illegal in all 50 states?

All 50.

Yet Nevada has gambling, Florida has Dwarf Tossing and Minnesota has lutefisk. Where’s the justice?

Moms always know best!
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Oh yes I did.

I’ll admit that I’m primarily motivated by my laziness and greed. In that I tend to do the least in order to produce the most. This is fortunate since I’m typically faced with a customer base that wants to pay the least in order to get the most while proclaiming they are savvy consumers concerned about quality. Yeah right, that’s why McDonalds is the most popular cuisine, Budweiser is the best beer and Colorado raises killer cantaloupes.

So if it works in real life, why not try it on the DBC thread? I’m still not quite sure if I’ve selected the best guiding principle in life, but it worked so far. Word to your mother.

:)This is what Geoffrey Gray wrote and he got that information from my files when he came here. It did NOT take any research -as I had it. As for Michigan Life - he got the insurance company's name wrong or chose to substitute another company name to avoid a problem.

I do NOT remember Michigan Life being a part of Weber's history unless Pyramid Life was a subsidiary of that company.

What is out there regarding Weber's employment was obtained from MY files. Duane did NOT throw things away - but, was selective about what he kept.

We had the Tax Reports all the way to 1969. DUH! So you see the only yrs I am missing are 1962 to 1968 when Duane was in Jefferson and when he used the name John Collins.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, To repeat, what Social Security Number did John Collins use when he was employed? The rest of your comments don't matter.

Doug Pasternac tried that yrs ago. If you want the number then send me a contact number and I will give it to you over the phone. I no longer give out SS numbers over the computer unless I know all recipients are deceased. You need to verify how you intend to use the number and what sources you think you have available that has NOT been available to me or others. Maybe you work for SS.

Hey, I even tried that one. I contacted SS (yrs after the initial contact) but they caught on REAL quick...asking me for the death certificate. Of course I have NO death certificate. I explained I wanted only to find out if the SS was real and if it was actually issued to John Collins and the approx location.

NO DICE! I dentity theft problems! So obviously the SS number has not been retired and a death certificate is required to make an enquiry.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You just need MORE. Or the basics, anyway. These three would be a good start: Chute experience (proven), location at time of crime (proven), spending habits within 12 months after the crime (also proven).

I have the tax reports from 1969 and they show virtually no income for a couple of yrs and yet 2 new cars where purchased and a Trailer on a lot and he loaned his BOSS - $5,000 on a note....How does a man who only made a few hundred dollars loan his BOSS the next yr - 5K? I have the IOU.

I have mentioned these things over the yrs. but I don't go into detail. How in 1979 after Duane and I returned from WA did he purchase not one car but 2 others. One of the vehicles I had NO knowledge of until a smart Cookie caught it in the tax report?

So you see the paper money trail is there just like with KC only Duane basically bought things and gave people money. He was NOT a good investor and the money was HOT. He could only spend what he WASHED in Tahoe and Vegas (he and the exwife went to Vegas). He and I went to Tahoe.

Some how 50K came into existence when Duane went on dialysis. No one can explain this and he used it over a 5 yr period of time until his death. I have also explained about a safe deposit box I could NOT find information on from 1980 to 1990. Only the FBI could access those records and they refused to do so (Carr is the one who flat out said NO).

KC's transaction were to Transparent for Cooper. You have no concept of the economy during those times or you would NOT continue to boast about KC's investments and loans to individuals. I did live and work during those yrs - so I know how it was. I was frugal and I put away money, but my then spouse spent every cent he could lay his hands on - always chasing easy money with pyramid schemes and why I divorced him in in early 1972.

When I got rid of the baggage I made it with 2 kids and myself working a secretarial and accounting job. Remember that back then - if the guy didn't pay the child support there was no way to get it - so the women worked 2 and 3 jobs. I had savings when I married Duane about 7 yrs later and owned my car (used) - only 2 yrs old when I bought it. Now go chew on them apples. A single woman in those days making it on her own with 2 kids and child support checks that usually bounce. I made sure I had money in the bank to cover his check when they bounced and I always had a savings account.

When I say I had only $5 to take myself out for my birthday in 1977 is because I saved 10 cents out of every dollar I made. I paid my bills and put money away before spending it on myself or something frivolous. My children and the bills and saving came first. I do remember a couple of times I had to hit the savings hard because I got laid off, but I that is why one saves money.

KC did not have kids and let me tell you if I was able to survive with 2 kids and I made a lot less than KC (women didn't make much in those days) - KC was doing well.. My not making the financials available is my business, but the paper trail is there.

Living in WA and making a big show of money you could not support - would be a very bad move during the yrs KC loaned individuals $'s and bought things. KC lived frugally and that is obvious...but no kids to support.

Men making what KC did sometimes had wives who did not work and yet these guys put their kids thru college and bought homes and lived well. Track KC's life and income with others of the day and see how they lived...and that they did well.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I should just have ignored Blevin's post. NO ONE has mentioned Wenz or Wentz and it is high time you guys think about those names and the FBI needs to do their thing.

Think Smoke jumpers and the forestry. Think the old fashion re-hab before they had programs to do this. Think Apples and remember the secret lies in Coure'd Alene.

Think Apples, Lillian, Doc Severinsen, OR and ID. The FBI need to look for Wenz or Wentz as suspect. Why the hell do you guys think the first place the FBI looked was smokejumpers.

Perhaps they got a lead that went NO where because the man went POOF! Just like some of my posts - right?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You just need MORE. Or the basics, anyway. These three would be a good start: Chute experience (proven), location at time of crime (proven), spending habits within 12 months after the crime (also proven).

I have the tax reports from 1969 and they show virtually no income for a couple of yrs and yet 2 new cars where purchased and a Trailer on a lot and he loaned his BOSS - $5,000 on a note....How does a man who only made a few hundred dollars loan his BOSS the next yr - 5K? I have the IOU.

I have mentioned these things over the yrs. but I don't go into detail. How in 1979 after Duane and I returned from WA did he purchase not one car but 2 others. One of the vehicles I had NO knowledge of until a smart Cookie caught it in the tax report?

So you see the paper money trail is there just like with KC only Duane basically bought things and gave people money. He was NOT a good investor and the money was HOT. He could only spend what he WASHED in Tahoe and Vegas (he and the exwife went to Vegas). He and I went to Tahoe.

Some how 50K came into existence when Duane went on dialysis. No one can explain this and he used it over a 5 yr period of time until his death. I have also explained about a safe deposit box I could NOT find information on from 1980 to 1990. Only the FBI could access those records and they refused to do so (Carr is the one who flat out said NO).

KC's transaction were to Transparent for Cooper. You have no concept of the economy during those times or you would NOT continue to boast about KC's investments and loans to individuals. I did live and work during those yrs - so I know how it was. I was frugal and I put away money, but my then spouse spent every cent he could lay his hands on - always chasing easy money with pyramid schemes and why I divorced him in in early 1972.

When I got rid of the baggage I made it with 2 kids and myself working a secretarial and accounting job. Remember that back then - if the guy didn't pay the child support there was no way to get it - so the women worked 2 and 3 jobs. I had savings when I married Duane about 7 yrs later and owned my car (used) - only 2 yrs old when I bought it. Now go chew on them apples. A single woman in those days making it on her own with 2 kids and child support checks that usually bounce. I made sure I had money in the bank to cover his check when they bounced and I always had a savings account.

When I say I had only $5 to take myself out for my birthday in 1977 is because I saved 10 cents out of every dollar I made. I paid my bills and put money away before spending it on myself or something frivolous. My children and the bills and saving came first. I do remember a couple of times I had to hit the savings hard because I got laid off, but I that is why one saves money.

KC did not have kids and let me tell you if I was able to survive with 2 kids and I made a lot less than KC (women didn't make much in those days) - KC was doing well.. My not making the financials available is my business, but the paper trail is there.

Living in WA and making a big show of money you could not support - would be a very bad move during the yrs KC loaned individuals $'s and bought things. KC lived frugally and that is obvious...but no kids to support.

Men making what KC did sometimes had wives who did not work and yet these guys put their kids thru college and bought homes and lived well. Track KC's life and income with others of the day and see how they lived...and that they did well.

Jo, While I am sympathetic to your plight in the 1970s, things were also tough for single fellows then. Strong drink and fast women were NOT cheap then either. But I also survived.

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Jo wrote

Think Smoke jumpers and the forestry. Think the old fashion re-hab before they had programs to do this. Think Apples and remember the secret lies in Coure'd Alene.

Riddles, secrets, unfulfilled promises, teases... Yawn.

How about just putting your cards on the table?

You truly seem unable to simply disclose. It's always a hint, a puzzle, or a promise of things to come.

Remember your recent promise to disclose blockbuster evidence that the FBI couldn't ignore? Days turned into weeks turned into months and you produce absolutely nothing, just more riddles and teases.

Jo, I don't think you are a con artist, but you operate like one. You lure people in with spectacular claims, but never ever deliver. You keep suckers on the hook with promises of great things just around the corner. Instead of asking for our money you ask for our attention, our patience or our assistance in chasing phantoms.

Carry on. We all know the drill.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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There are some piles of something associated with that comment but I don’t think it came out of a dredge.

Why did the previous mention of this subject spark another curt, charmless and worthless response georger? What was your point then (13 June)? Why was MY posting of the alluvial fans on Tena Bar ‘old news’ and your posting yesterday fresh as a daisy? The smell is oddly familiar too but not like it came out of a dredge.

I mean the fact that ‘old news’ can be found in…. wait for it…. little longer….. this is another intellectual gem….. PRIOR posts! Really georger! Old news can be found in things published prior, as in before the present time, thus making the search in future posts futile? Thanks for the tip ‘Captain Timetravel’.

Fact is, I did search the forum for ‘Alluvial Fan’ and found nothing about the dredge formations at Tena Bar. But I’m just a monkey and not as capable as you, so I just let it be.

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I have the tax reports from 1969 and they show virtually no income for a couple of yrs and yet 2 new cars where purchased and a Trailer on a lot and he loaned his BOSS - $5,000 on a note....How does a man who only made a few hundred dollars loan his BOSS the next yr - 5K? I have the IOU.

You see Jo, the problem with this - as I have mentioned before regarding this issue - is that Duane was a thief. We all know that. So I don't doubt such a large amount of money compared to his income was the proceeds of crime, but did it have to be Cooper? Not at all. In fact I would say the amounts are too low. It might be circumstantial evidence that Duane was a thief, but it's no evidence at all to prove he was Cooper.

KC on the other hand, as far as we know, did not engage in criminal activity. So prima facie amount vs income ... makes it a bit more likely in KC's case than Duane's. But just a bit. I don't think either of them was Cooper.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Cost of Living 1971
How Much things cost in 1971
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 4.3%
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 8.6%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 890
Average Cost of new house $25,250.00
Average Income per year $10,600.00
Average Monthly Rent $150.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 40 cents
Datsun 1200 Sports Coupe $1,866.00
United States postage Stamp 8 cents
Ladies 2 piece knit suites $9.98
Movie Ticket $1.50

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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