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DB Cooper

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The Department of Corrections originally housed BCI in the basement of the Ohio State Penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio until a fire and subsequent threat of riot by inmates in 1930 forced a move to the London Prison Farm.[1] During those early years, inmate labor performed most of the work. Interestingly, archives show these inmates reviewing, indexing and sorting fingerprint records. In the 1940s, BCI also had a printing press, and used inmate labor to produce the book entitled, "The Science of Fingerprint Classification: As Taught and Used in the Ohio State Bureau of Identification and Investigation."

lol...talk about letting the foxes guard the hen house :D

That is a very interesting find regarding the finger prints. I have mentioned the emory cloth thing before - but, no one cared nor do they now. Duane made sure he did NOT have to be printed during out marriage. Irecently found he was printed on the Ft. Collins DUI in 1979 or 1980 and probably not on the FL. DUI and in possession of gun out of Jacksonville, Fl in 1966 (approx).

He got around and got in and out of trouble. Something happened around the early 70's did he just get smarter and not just older?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo said.....


That article will need some explaining. Duane Weber was arrested in ST. PETE in 1957 while on probation from SanQuentin/Folsom.

So was Duane arrested 2 times in St. Pete (Treasure Island)?..........

Then, to be honest, you kinda lost me. Like I've told you before - if you would put a coherent, linear timeline of what you know of Duane's whereabouts from beginning to end (just the facts - no speculation, no going off on tangents, no referencing anything that went poof), people that like to look up esoteric minutiae (like me), might be better able to help you fill in some blanks or make sense of the wheres and the whens. But this I know is true.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqY6VjDtbvA ;):)

Anyway....the 1957 St. Pete article does reference that he spent 6 years in the Ohio pen prior to St. Pete arrest. If you want to find out the exact years in Ohio...here is what you do:

For criminal records of those incarcerated in Ohio between the years 1829 and 1973, contact the Ohio Historical Society. The Historical Society's Archives and Library Research Department maintains records from the London Prison Farm (1908-1949); the Ohio Penitentiary (1829-1973); the Ohio Reformatory (1896- 1968); and the Ohio Reformatory for Women (1913-1942). http://www.ohiohistory.org/NoFlash.html
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Smokin99 you have just narrowed the window!

If Duane escaped from an honor camp in 1947 and is not seen or heard from until 1949. Somethings I found out are starting to make sense. Duane would have head in a direction he knew - To Grandma's, but where did his Grandma live and/or where did her relatives live. Who did he know in WA?

Where some of her relatives in the area or perhaps some guys he made friends with in McNeil and the other program the family got him into. He talked about a man who was a photographer - This man photographed the N.W. Was his name Wenz or Wentz. Was he an apple picker following the jumper around in those yrs.

What your post did was narrow the search down to 1947-1949.
Now The Dalles story about the guys claiming Duane was a dishwasher at the Old Spillway
Tavern and Duane told me he swept out a store in The Dalles and the information he gave me on the Fire Dept Museum. It was close due to an election when I was there in 2010.

Also explaines how he knew the cemeteries - no one questioned some guy willing to dig graves!
The CCC's and forestry helped with the building of the smoke jumpers. Explains a grave Duane mentioned - knowing someone buried in one particular cemetary.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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But this I know is true.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqY6VjDtbvA ;):)

Jo is shocked!


Anyway....the 1957 St. Pete article does reference that he spent 6 years in the Ohio pen prior to St. Pete arrest.

Jo states:
I believe the 1957 article said Weber claimed this and the authorities said they didn't know if they would ever unravel this man's past. Now 53 yrs later it is still a giant Jig Saw Puzzle.

Thanks for the site - I will check it out but it will be later this wk.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Smokin99 you have just narrowed the window!

If Duane escaped from an honor camp in 1947 and is not seen or heard from until 1949. Somethings I found out are starting to make sense. Duane would have head in a direction he knew - To Grandma's, but where did his Grandma live and/or where did her relatives live. Who did he know in WA?

Where some of her relatives in the area or perhaps some guys he made friends with in McNeil and the other program the family got him into. He talked about a man who was a photographer - This man photographed the N.W. Was his name Wenz or Wentz. Was he an apple picker following the jumper around in those yrs.

What your post did was narrow the search down to 1947-1949.
Now The Dalles story about the guys claiming Duane was a dishwasher at the Old Spillway
Tavern and Duane told me he swept out a store in The Dalles and the information he gave me on the Fire Dept Museum. It was close due to an election when I was there in 2010.

Also explaines how he knew the cemeteries - no one questioned some guy willing to dig graves!
The CCC's and forestry helped with the building of the smoke jumpers. Explains a grave Duane mentioned - knowing someone buried in one particular cemetary.

See what I mean? Jo, you make my eyes roll. Gonna say it just once more here so stay on track :)
From what I posted, it appears that Duane:

1947 - Was arrested/charged/sentenced to 1-7 yrs in Cleveland, Ohio sometime in 1947 for grand theft.

November, 1948 -
Escaped or otherwise left the Ohio prison farm/honor camp in November 1948.

Nov 1948 - Jan 1949 - (that's 3 months at the longest that he stayed out of the Ohio system)
Arrested sometime between November 1948 and Jan 1949 in St. Pete for petty larceny.

Jan 1949 -
From St. Pete he was sent back to Ohio prison system in January 1949, it appears, to serve out sentence of 1-7 plus an extra two years.

The post was based on a newspaper article. The link I gave you provides contact info where you could possibly request actual dates served.

That's all i got.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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But this I know is true.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqY6VjDtbvA ;):)

Jo is shocked!


Anyway....the 1957 St. Pete article does reference that he spent 6 years in the Ohio pen prior to St. Pete arrest.

Jo states:
I believe the 1957 article said Weber claimed this and the authorities said they didn't know if they would ever unravel this man's past. Now 53 yrs later it is still a giant Jig Saw Puzzle.

Thanks for the site - I will check it out but it will be later this wk.

Did Duane know Albert Einstein and did they converse
in Yiddish?

Did Duane steal any ties at Princeton? Whose tie?

Who did Duane know at the Uof Chicago? Any stolen
ties or atomic secrets there?

Was Duane a Communist? (in his heart)

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Georger wrote

Who did Duane know at the Uof Chicago? Any stolen secrets?

Nope. He did, however, steal Julius Rosenberg's tie.


Was Duane a Communist? (in his heart)

Hardly. Duane's plan for the redistribution of capital did not involve giving anything to the proletariat.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Smokin99 you have just narrowed the window!

If Duane escaped from an honor camp in 1947 and is not seen or heard from until 1949. Somethings I found out are starting to make sense. Duane would have head in a direction he knew - To Grandma's, but where did his Grandma live and/or where did her relatives live. Who did he know in WA?

Where some of her relatives in the area or perhaps some guys he made friends with in McNeil and the other program the family got him into. He talked about a man who was a photographer - This man photographed the N.W. Was his name Wenz or Wentz. Was he an apple picker following the jumper around in those yrs.

What your post did was narrow the search down to 1947-1949.
Now The Dalles story about the guys claiming Duane was a dishwasher at the Old Spillway
Tavern and Duane told me he swept out a store in The Dalles and the information he gave me on the Fire Dept Museum. It was close due to an election when I was there in 2010.

Also explaines how he knew the cemeteries - no one questioned some guy willing to dig graves!
The CCC's and forestry helped with the building of the smoke jumpers. Explains a grave Duane mentioned - knowing someone buried in one particular cemetary.

See what I mean? Jo, you make my eyes roll. Gonna say it just once more here so stay on track :)
From what I posted, it appears that Duane:

1947 - Was arrested/charged/sentenced to 1-7 yrs in Cleveland, Ohio sometime in 1947 for grand theft.

November, 1948 -
Escaped or otherwise left the Ohio prison farm/honor camp in November 1948.

Nov 1948 - Jan 1949 - (that's 3 months at the longest that he stayed out of the Ohio system)
Arrested sometime between November 1948 and Jan 1949 in St. Pete for petty larceny.

Jan 1949 -
From St. Pete he was sent back to Ohio prison system in January 1949, it appears, to serve out sentence of 1-7 plus an extra two years.

The post was based on a newspaper article. The link I gave you provides contact info where you could possibly request actual dates served.

That's all i got.

Got too much medicine in me right now but that is an over lap and it didn't happen becasue in 1948 because he in early 1949 he is IN CA. In the Sanfranciso court system on his way to Folsom, but he also server 2 year of an outstanding want for him in Ohio served concurrently with the Folsom but at SanQuentin. I think that os because his mother and father where ill and the father died while he was in prison - I have the letters he wrote home and asking that his daughter and wife stand in for him at the funeral. He also states remorse for what he had done to his father.

I got the prison records unless they have been forged.

I will contact the prison you are talking about to see what records they offer.... but the family story is very different. Even his 3rd person story is differnent.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I’ve decided to quit this swimming upstream stuff where one follows the data and join the crowd where my research begins with a suspect already in hand. I haven’t got one yet but wanted to kick the tires on a few profiles and possibly create an Uber-Cooper and trump all these other suspects once and for all.

OK, so Cooper was either a working stiff who secretly had something stiff against society or a genius with a bulging grudge. Now I need something to reference (over and over and over) which will buttress my one true and accurate candidate. Wow, this will be hard.

If only there was a way to show that Cooper was an airport bartender who was constantly making other people’s ‘good life’, better by constantly making them drinks and lighting their cigarettes with Sky Chefs matches. Where he was always showing up at work with a crisp, clean uniform (including tie) which was washed daily. That would explain why Cooper demanded a bourbon and water on the flight as a first step towards that ‘good life’ and took the used matchbook from Tina from force of habit. Or…….

If only there was a source that showed Cooper was an unappreciated manager who worked in the aerospace industry in some dead end specialty, like… ummm… milling exotic metals. This Cooper would be tired of constantly wandering the factory floor which was humming with lathes all spinning and constantly producing a mist of lubricating oils which saturated his clothing. Although considered a manager he would wear a clip on tie as a sort of protest against the corporate bully boys who sentenced him to a life of scurrying around a machine shop. He would start smoking on Flight 305 as a disguise which explains the lack of tobacco artifacts in his tie.

Of course this candidate will be selected by some available evidence because I’m pure and just looking for the truth. Just like everyone else who would never edit, omit or delete information in order to steer or manipulate and support a predestined theory.

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Georger wrote


Who did Duane know at the Uof Chicago? Any stolen secrets?

Oh boy...now we know the truth. It wasn't Knight, Friedman et al; it was actually Duane who started the tradition of the Chicago economists :ph34r:
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I’ve decided to quit this swimming upstream stuff where one follows the data and join the crowd where my research begins with a suspect already in hand. I haven’t got one yet but wanted to kick the tires on a few profiles and possibly create an Uber-Cooper and trump all these other suspects once and for all.

OK, so Cooper was either a working stiff who secretly had something stiff against society or a genius with a bulging grudge. Now I need something to reference (over and over and over) which will buttress my one true and accurate candidate. Wow, this will be hard.

If only there was a way to show that Cooper was an airport bartender who was constantly making other people’s ‘good life’, better by constantly making them drinks and lighting their cigarettes with Sky Chefs matches. Where he was always showing up at work with a crisp, clean uniform (including tie) which was washed daily. That would explain why Cooper demanded a bourbon and water on the flight as a first step towards that ‘good life’ and took the used matchbook from Tina from force of habit. Or…….

If only there was a source that showed Cooper was an unappreciated manager who worked in the aerospace industry in some dead end specialty, like… ummm… milling exotic metals. This Cooper would be tired of constantly wandering the factory floor which was humming with lathes all spinning and constantly producing a mist of lubricating oils which saturated his clothing. Although considered a manager he would wear a clip on tie as a sort of protest against the corporate bully boys who sentenced him to a life of scurrying around a machine shop. He would start smoking on Flight 305 as a disguise which explains the lack of tobacco artifacts in his tie.

Of course this candidate will be selected by some available evidence because I’m pure and just looking for the truth. Just like everyone else who would never edit, omit or delete information in order to steer or manipulate and support a predestined theory.

Farflung, just so you don't waste your precious time looking (code for distorting evidence) for your favorite suspect...my dad did it...I know it...because I found a picture of him jumping out of a plane...I just need to find what he did with the other $196,150 cause I've got some bills to pay. :P


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Your pappy being Cooper would make sense hangdiver as I finally read the first bit of evidence that indicates Cooper was a jumper. I am surprised that no one has latched on to it like a remora to a manta ray’s belly by now. Could be an indication of just how lightly scanned this information is at this point since it is all viewed with a jaundiced eye by everyone.

The same sentence also indicated that Cooper did know that the 727 was jumpable as he betrayed some experience on the subject. But since the lack of ‘tells’ have been dismissed in the past, their presence with new information must be dismissed also.

Oh well, fuhgeddaboudit.

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I never washed my ties Farflung, but that doesnt mean they didnt need washing. I figured it was a job for pros, like tie riggers.

Every 10,000 hours I sent them in for an IRAN and/or a C Check at:


They took care of all the ADs etc.

Tie Crafters always did a great job and could even turn wide ties into skinny ones and vice versa as fashion changed. Why modify ties? I was stuck on my old patterns. Dark Paisley is never out of style, right? ...at least not for an engineer. ;)

Tie Crafters did not advertise, but undoubtedly offered, the crime scrub special, which included a post wash Luminol screening before shipping.

For an additional fee they can add obscure regional pollens to support an alibi.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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No, but if you hum two or three cords, I’ll fake it (just like everyone else). Boom… tish.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I’ll be appearing in the Tiki Hangar till Thanksgiving eve. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses and please, only one trip to the salad bar. Specials include B-52s and Kamikazes so why not order both and really get bombed tonight? Speaking of bombing, is this on? Hello…. Hello.

I never wash ties either 377 and Tiecrafters are definitely the people to go to if you are a dapper jumper. I heard that they use a pure form of titanium to gently agitate the stains out while leaving the weave and pile unaffected. True story.

So Cooper knew that Tina didn’t need no stinking cords to keep her in the plane? Hmmmm….. that actually strikes me as a little knowledge leaking out on his part.

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Re: Annette, et al.....

Ouch, that smarts.

Edited to say: I never thought about it, but I don't think I've ever washed a single tie in my entire life. In a household that over the years has included 4 males that have all attended multiple funerals, weddings, church services, and a couple of job interviews, I am now shamed into thinking this might be kinda gross. Please don't tell anyone.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The outstanding Ohio Warrant was served concurrently in San Quentin in conjunction with the Folsom stay. Therefore he must have skipped out on them and that is the story I have heard...and how the file reads.

What information was provided is as inaccurate as my birth certificate. Old archives that are keyed into the computer systems and other systems have lots of errors.

I just learned my name is not my name. Never had a reason to have a certified birth-certificate before and now - my own identity is a shambles. For 34 yrs I have used my name and now it is not my name. Was trying to get some legal issues taken care of before I have more surgery and ended up with a nightmare.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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November 1948 and Jan 1949 in St. Pete for petty larceny.

Jan 1949 -
From St. Pete he was sent back to Ohio prison system in January 1949, it appears, to serve out sentence of 1-7 plus an extra two years.

The post was based on a newspaper article. The link I gave you provides contact info where you could possibly request actual dates served.

Duane could NOT be in 2 places at one time. We have San Franciso records putting him in California in 1951. The San Quentin files states there was a

8-6-51: Wanted: Bureau of Prob. & Parole, Colombus, Ohio

It goes on to say
4/5/54: Wanted: Bureau of Porbations & Parold, Columbus Ohio. 1-15-57 Cancelled.

The files reads 21mos.Parole TGT.Family in ohio Subject to Hold 10-53 SC:Conditon of parole TGT Family in Ohio Removed FVSQ: Rev/Denied. F1 on Mar 25 Calendar.

3-56 FOL:TRA 4&4 rys. CC&3 1/2 yrs CS; Second TFA 5yrs.CC W/P/tm.GPTD 2yrs. OP:Subj.to hold:

From the sound of this it seems he escaped or something. I just know he was NOT encarcerated in a prison during some of those yrs. From July of 1945 until (?) he was in a program arranged for by family members. This sure needs to be unraveled.

Smokin99 - where were you working 15 yrs ago when I contacted the FBI? Could have used this information to narrow down the missing yrs. Back then the sister and the brother might have been able to fill in the spaces if I had had this information.

Someone needs to help me map out the yrs from July 1945 to 1949. I was not feeling well when I answered your post and I still can't quiet figure all of this out. If I could narrow the yrs down he was "out of sight" and those when he was "definitely" confined it would help me to sort some things out.

I know he was in CA in 1944, so how the hell does he end up back in Ohio and exactly when did he end up back in Ohio?

This OLD file indicates Duane had an scar on the back of his right index finger. He had pointed it out to me, but I couldn't see it. I do not remember what he told me about that scar...not that it is important - as the witnesses did NOT mention a scar on the right Index finger.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Don Kirlin knows a lot about 727 jumps. He also owns a private air force which includes Mig 21s and Mig 29s.


He probably knows more about the Boeing 727 extended stair flight tests than anyone outside Boeing. He had to get access to all that data to prove to the FAA that skydivers could safely jump from a 727.


Once he sets his mind to a goal, he's relentless. He soloed his first plane at 16, instructed at 18, and began flying corporate jets three years later. He flew in the Navy, got twin bachelor degrees in business and clinical psychology, and then an MBA, all from the University of Northern Colorado, and moved on to US Airways. In 1993, he asked the FAA to let him parachute from the rear stairway of a Boeing 727, like the infamous skyjacker D. B. Cooper, who disappeared over the Cascades with $200,000 in 1971. Kirlin shrugs his shoulders and grins. "I just wanted to do it because the only other person to do it was Cooper," he says. The FAA said no, unless he could prove unequivocally it was safe. A year later, he presented 6,500 pages of documents to the agency. He remains to this day the only person authorized to operate jumps out of the rear door of a 727.

I assume that Don got some sort of FAA authorization to operate a 727 with extended stairs, perhaps an STC?

I met Don and his wife Susie at WFFC. They are very wealthy but didn't act stuck up at all, very warm and friendly. I jumped on a load with Don and he can certainly hold his own in the sky. I've emailed Don twice asking him about Boeing's flight tests and documentation but no reply. He has replied to emails about other subjects.

BTW, Don isn't a DB Cooper suspect. I just hoped to get a glimpse of the Boeing documentation to see how extensive it is and perhaps get a clue as to who knew about it prior to Norjack.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Your pappy being Cooper would make sense hangdiver as I finally read the first bit of evidence that indicates Cooper was a jumper. I am surprised that no one has latched on to it like a remora to a manta ray’s belly by now. Could be an indication of just how lightly scanned this information is at this point since it is all viewed with a jaundiced eye by everyone.

The same sentence also indicated that Cooper did know that the 727 was jumpable as he betrayed some experience on the subject. But since the lack of ‘tells’ have been dismissed in the past, their presence with new information must be dismissed also.

Oh well, fuhgeddaboudit.

Well...as fate would have it...I just discovered one more piece of evidence Sunday at a family meeting (code for fighting over shit my siblings want)...that my dad was Cooper. ;)

I opted for an antique 8mm movie camera and some antique bicycles rather than the worthless antique armoire, hutch and other stuff that doesn't interest me...but I did get the coin collection and my dad's military memorabilia that included his Sterling Silver 503rd Jump Wings. Pic attached...

Now I have his 503rd cloth jump helmet, the very first Airborne patch and his Jump Wings to make a skydive with in the Spring...come on Meniscus...heal...heal...!!!

eta: by the way...if you see someone gimping around Ariel it's not me...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Your pappy being Cooper would make sense hangdiver as I finally read the first bit of evidence that indicates Cooper was a jumper. I am surprised that no one has latched on to it like a remora to a manta ray’s belly by now. Could be an indication of just how lightly scanned this information is at this point since it is all viewed with a jaundiced eye by everyone.

The same sentence also indicated that Cooper did know that the 727 was jumpable as he betrayed some experience on the subject. But since the lack of ‘tells’ have been dismissed in the past, their presence with new information must be dismissed also.

Oh well, fuhgeddaboudit.

Well...as fate would have it...I just discovered one more piece of evidence Sunday at a family meeting (code for fighting over shit my siblings want)...that my dad was Cooper. ;)

I opted for an antique 8mm movie camera and some antique bicycles rather than the worthless antique armoire, hutch and other stuff that doesn't interest me...but I did get the coin collection and my dad's military memorabilia that included his Sterling Silver 503rd Jump Wings. Pic attached...

Now I have his 503rd cloth jump helmet, the very first Airborne patch and his Jump Wings to make a skydive with in the Spring...come on Meniscus...heal...heal...!!!

eta: by the way...if you see someone gimping around Ariel it's not me...


Cloth jump helmet? When did he use that and what for?

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377 says in part:


'BTW, Don isn't a DB Cooper suspect. I just hoped to get a glimpse of the Boeing documentation to see how extensive it is and perhaps get a clue as to who knew about it prior to Norjack...'

It's fairly extensive. Boeing ran tests, which pretty much everyone who worked on the 727 had to have heard about. Back in the those days, Boeing was THE major employer in Puget Sound, not like today with Microsoft, Starbucks, and all the rest. And everything they did was closely watched, discussed, ruminated upon, made newsworthy on the local nightly news, etc.

As far as the one single item, i.e. airstairs in flight, it was known by a lot of people at Boeing, especially the bread and butter guys, that this test had been done before the plane was released. I keep promising myself to ask my father if he heard anything personally, since he worked there from 64-70, then became a victim of the Big Layoffs.

Where is the evidence that "a lot of people at Boeing" knew that this testing had been done prior to the hijacking? On 11-25-1971 everyone in the country knew that the 727 could be jumped.

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Why can’t Reno get no respect? Everyone knows that Seattle has Sea Tac, LA has LAX, Chicago has O’Hare for airports but Reno is constantly humiliated and despised. Why?

Don’t you think the Biggest Little City in the World would offer some access to the same world? Of course you would. Therefore it would only stand to reason that Reno would have an airport with a name worthy of being a worldwide attraction. Which it does.

Introducing from 1970…. The Biggest Little Airport With An Unknown Name…. the final stop from Cooper’s hop…. the nearest concourse for a quick divorce…. “Reno International Airport”



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