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DB Cooper

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Cloth jump helmet? When did he use that and what for?

They were issued these cloth helmets for practice jumps..I believe in 1941 and the 503rd were the only ones to wear them so far as my research has shown me.


The 503rd Parachute Regimental Combat Team, began with the activation of the 503rd Parachute Battalion in Fort Benning, Georgia on 21 August 1941. The Battalion was the third of four Parachute Battalions formed prior to the beginning of World War II. The others were 501, 502 and 504.


My Dad told me about jumping into the golf course. He's also in those combat jumps shown in the below link.


On 8 January 1944 the 503rd was alerted of a move to new station. On 25 January 1944 the Regiment left Port Moresby for Australia. The last elements of the 503rd Regiment arrived in Brisbane on 17 February 1944 and moved into camp at Camp Cable south of Brisbane.

Whilst camped at Camp Cable the 503rd carried out a practice parachute jump on a Brisbane Golf Course, after taking off from the Brisbane airport. Richie Geutter, a 503rd veteran, said that the civilian golfers were peeved off because the golf course was closed for the day. This could have been either the Indooroopilly Golf Club at Meiers Road, Indooroopilly or the Brisbane Golf Club across the other side of the river at Tennyson Memorial Avenue, Yeerongpilly.


eta: he always had fond memories of the Aussie girls...or Sheilas as they are known locally...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Cloth jump helmet? When did he use that and what for?

They were issued these cloth helmets for practice jumps..I believe in 1941 and the 503rd were the only ones to wear them so far as my research has shown me.


The 503rd Parachute Regimental Combat Team, began with the activation of the 503rd Parachute Battalion in Fort Benning, Georgia on 21 August 1941. The Battalion was the third of four Parachute Battalions formed prior to the beginning of World War II. The others were 501, 502 and 504.


My Dad told me about jumping into the golf course. He's also in those combat jumps shown in the below link.


On 8 January 1944 the 503rd was alerted of a move to new station. On 25 January 1944 the Regiment left Port Moresby for Australia. The last elements of the 503rd Regiment arrived in Brisbane on 17 February 1944 and moved into camp at Camp Cable south of Brisbane.

Whilst camped at Camp Cable the 503rd carried out a practice parachute jump on a Brisbane Golf Course, after taking off from the Brisbane airport. Richie Geutter, a 503rd veteran, said that the civilian golfers were peeved off because the golf course was closed for the day. This could have been either the Indooroopilly Golf Club at Meiers Road, Indooroopilly or the Brisbane Golf Club across the other side of the river at Tennyson Memorial Avenue, Yeerongpilly.


eta: he always had fond memories of the Aussie girls...or Sheilas as they are known locally...


Those are excellent links. In one of them, it looks like the lead C-47 was not more than 500 feet off the ground with paratroopers coming out. In another scene it looked like one of the jumpers had opened his reserve. But I have heard of instances where the paratroopers left their reserves on the airplane because they were jumping from such low altitudes that they would not have had time to deploy them if they were needed.

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Those are excellent links. In one of them, it looks like the lead C-47 was not more than 500 feet off the ground with paratroopers coming out. In another scene it looked like one of the jumpers had opened his reserve. But I have heard of instances where the paratroopers left their reserves on the airplane because they were jumping from such low altitudes that they would not have had time to deploy them if they were needed.

Thanks R99, on one combat jump my dad said another jumper swung through his lines and collapsed the other jumpers chute...they both landed under my dad's parachute and walked away...he was an original "Badass"...he jumped with a 30cal machine gun and had to hook up with his buddy with the tripod and ammo.


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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I wore a clip-on tie for exactly two occasions in my life.

First was for Sunday school as a kid, it was plaid and because my mother wanted to make sure I got my ass kicked on the way home, she added the extra bully appeal by making it a bow tie. So if you want your kid to be great in track, forget the Adidas, Puma and Reeboks and just buy a plaid, clip on, bow tie. You’re welcome.

The second time was in the military. Yes sir we had to wear ties with our ‘Class A’ uniforms and with the next level down, which the powers that be decided to name - ‘Combo 2’. Fortunately they realized their blunder by skipping ‘Combo 3’ and going to the next logical uniform name of ‘Combo 4’. There, now I’m insane. Unlike the Sunday best, this tie was a single color and very close in design to Cooper’s tie.

Thus I’ve generously shared my clip on experiences and what I associate with a single color tie. That’s right, Cooper didn’t want to get his ass kicked. Any other ideas?

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I wore a clip-on tie for exactly two occasions in my life.

First was for Sunday school as a kid, it was plaid and because my mother wanted to make sure I got my ass kicked on the way home, she added the extra bully appeal by making it a bow tie. So if you want your kid to be great in track, forget the Adidas, Puma and Reeboks and just buy a plaid, clip on, bow tie. You’re welcome.

The second time was in the military. Yes sir we had to wear ties with our ‘Class A’ uniforms and with the next level down, which the powers that be decided to name - ‘Combo 2’. Fortunately they realized their blunder by skipping ‘Combo 3’ and going to the next logical uniform name of ‘Combo 4’. There, now I’m insane. Unlike the Sunday best, this tie was a single color and very close in design to Cooper’s tie.

Thus I’ve generously shared my clip on experiences and what I associate with a single color tie. That’s right, Cooper didn’t want to get his ass kicked. Any other ideas?

Police officers/security guards wear clip-ons (ties) for one reason.......Why?

In a situation of one-on-one combat the tie cannot be used as a weapon against the officer.

The same is true for engineers and people who work around machinery.

Note to the Farf.....I would have kicked your ass! I would have waited until you were tired and almost home. Then I would have jumped out from behind a tree and .........BAM! Girls rule....Boys drool!
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Farflung wrote:

I wore a clip-on tie for exactly two occasions in my life.

Well I wasn't so cool Farflung. I wore clip ons for hundreds of occasions.

It took me a LONNNGGG time to even "get it" that clip on ties were looked down on as uncool and nerdy. I mean how could someone tell if it was a clip on if I couldnt? Well, "they" were considerably more perceptive than I was.

I didnt wear a pocket protector, or a slide rule holster, but I did have my bamboo slide rule on me in plain sight at all times, being an "open carry" kind of guy. It was a Japanese behemoth, with obscure scales nobody had even heard of. I mostly just used the C and D scales. I left the hyperbolic trig and log log stuff to guys like Snow and Georger.

I remember when my college girlfriend took off my tie for the first time. SNAP! "This", she said, holding up the prosthetic neckpiece between her thumb and finger like it was something filthy, "is NOT sexy." "We need to take you shopping."

Slowly, with gentle feminine guidance, I learned the ways of fashion, at least well enough that people stopped saying "I'll bet you are an engineer" before I spoke a word.

We have quite a few tech sci folks on here. I just bared my uncool roots. It's confession time. Fess up.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Vicki: Thanks for the enail. my phone line is down do to the weather. One of the main topics that I will address is your farther at the conferrece at the Hillton to include the Weber story. along with others.I will be stoping by Seattle and discusing everything with Curtis Eng.Hopefully he will attend also. Ralph will address the case. There has been alot of interest in your father the past couple of days. Ive aproached a few of them on purchasing a ticket for you to attend. If it is possible would you be willing to make the trip. Jerry

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Vicki: Thanks for the enail. my phone line is down do to the weather. One of the main topics that I will address is your farther at the conferrece at the Hillton to include the Weber story. along with others.I will be stoping by Seattle and discusing everything with Curtis Eng.Hopefully he will attend also. Ralph will address the case. There has been alot of interest in your father the past couple of days. Ive aproached a few of them on purchasing a ticket for you to attend. If it is possible would you be willing to make the trip. Jerry

Opinions abound and yours is well known - but even if the fingerprints or DNA match Mel or any other suspect - until something is found that says otherwise, there is still no proof that he died that night. Just sayin....
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Good point. Still all the years, that has past it is certant that the hyjacker is dead. Still as we all know there are no real suspects left alive. It is still a slim posibility that any one could have survived that jump. Point being the hyjacker was not a experienced jumper nor was he a pilot for any airlines. Neither could he have been any thing other than a desperate man. it is assumed that he had a lot of guts and some military training. He did study some. Still he did not know enough to survive that jump. Study the facts, a airline pilot would have known how to open the airstairs door. A person experienced in jumping would have known what kind of foot wear/clothing to use along with the fact that, 25 extra pounds of weight would put him into a spin. Still a Millitary man would have a drink and smoke a cigarette . Even I smoked Back then my choice /brand was Raleigh. a lot of millitary smoked Raleigh. They were cheeper and tasted better than the popular brands.Yes he could have had military training. What country or what branch of service is still in debate, Yet the Best Suspect that has been presented in the past 25yrs is Melvin Wilson. Or some one like him. Jerry

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Opinions abound and yours is well known - but even if the fingerprints or DNA match Mel or any other suspect - until something is found that says otherwise, there is still no proof that he died that night. Just sayin....

and no proof that he lived either.......................Just sayin..........

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Opinions abound and yours is well known - but even if the fingerprints or DNA match Mel or any other suspect - until something is found that says otherwise, there is still no proof that he died that night. Just sayin....

Gee, I wander ef all the stuf on the ty culd be reatid
to a printing-engraving onterpriz?

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Opinions abound and yours is well known - but even if the fingerprints or DNA match Mel or any other suspect - until something is found that says otherwise, there is still no proof that he died that night. Just sayin....

and no proof that he lived either.......................Just sayin..........

There is more evidence leading to the idea that he lived, rather than died. .

Where? What? New? More than yestereday? Or the day before? Or the day before that?

Where? What? HELL I MISSED IT!

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Only 16 days left until the end of Cooper times.
Enjoy it while ya got it!

Mountains will quake - seas will rush in -
and consume everything Cooper.





Following FREEDOM DAY, there will be a slight delay
of two months for a commercials, by known pissers
and whiners, in the Cooperphelia.

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Opinions abound and yours is well known - but even if the fingerprints or DNA match Mel or any other suspect - until something is found that says otherwise, there is still no proof that he died that night. Just sayin....

and no proof that he lived either.......................Just sayin..........

There is more evidence leading to the idea that he lived, rather than died. The two biggest examples are the money found at Tena Bar (far off the flight path and if you believe Tom Kaye's team, unlikely to have just washed up there on its own) and the other is the lack of a body, parachutes, remainder of money, briefcase, etc.

They DID find the placard, though. A reletively small item.

Blevins, You have obviously given up on KC and joined Jo Weber's team to support the idea that Duane planted the money at Tina Bar.

You should keep in mind that interpretations of various pieces of evidence are subject to change as new information is developed. Nothing is engraved in stone yet.

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Opinions abound and yours is well known - but even if the fingerprints or DNA match Mel or any other suspect - until something is found that says otherwise, there is still no proof that he died that night. Just sayin....

and no proof that he lived either.......................Just sayin..........

There is more evidence leading to the idea that he lived, rather than died. The two biggest examples are the money found at Tena Bar (far off the flight path and if you believe Tom Kaye's team, unlikely to have just washed up there on its own) and the other is the lack of a body, parachutes, remainder of money, briefcase, etc.

They DID find the placard, though. A reletively small item.

Robert, those are the very things I would like to have said, but chose not to post until you made the one common sense remark made tonight.

Even Georger is his "weird" post made sense.

I have had a HORRIBLE day and not Cooper related. I am so very very tired and NO I won't be at the symposium or in WA to hear JT tell all of his lies. I hope there is someone with enough GUTS to stand up to his story about the things he and I talked about from 1996 to 2001 when I discover HE had been LIEING to me.

If no one ever remembers anything I said - remember this:
In 1996 when I was PUT in contact with JT - I didn't have a map or the names of the places.
I have repeatedly told in this thread what I discussed with JT during those yrs and how I came to find out he was the one LIEING to me.

GOD (the Creator) as my witness - I have NOT lied about anything Duane told me and showed me nor the places he took me...I just didn't know the names of them. My memory of them was dead on....and I found all but one of them. A couple in 2001 and the rest in 2010.

I only had the names JT gave me of the places, but he kept ignoring the path of our trip even when I insisted we crossed the Columbia before or at the dam and that we were on HWY 14 when we turned North to 500. I have been to HELL and back and if there is a HELL it could never be worse than the 15 yr nightmare Jerry Thomas has put me thru.

JT is probably why the FBI never took me serious and why they did not look deeper into Duane.
Note JT has NEVER talked about the Taxi driver and his suspect. JT was adamant this was the man. This man was brought to the attention of the FBI by JT if my memory serves me. NOTE he never talks about this suspect!

For those interested there was a large article on Jerry in regards to the Taxi driver and his old buddy. All of this after Duane had been presented as a suspect.

I have always wondered what Jerry found on Green Mt and why he has refused to this day to admit it was the one thing I describe so in detail (a place others knew the moment I described it).

Even though it was called a Mt. it was as you guys say a "hill". It was too wet for Bruce and I to venture up the MT. but it was as I described it and I recognized it as we passed it. A woman in the area - sent us right back to the very place I showed Bruce.

It was so peaceful on that hill in 1979 and I wonder why it was so special to Duane. I had told in the thread that in 1979 it reminded me of a cemetary with large boulders as grave markers spread out amongest all of the tall - and what appeared to be some dying trees. It was early fall and perhaps they had just lost their leaves. Now there is a Tower on that MT.

I want to go back to that place.
I will also note that JT claimed in this thread the place did NOT exist - He told you guys there was a Golf Course and Shopping Center there - (they were quiet a ways away from this "Mt").

All of this makes me wonder what JT is concealing. If he was the "man on the ground" why did he LIE to this thread.

Well, guys I have said my 2 dollars worth and I am off to bed, but first I am going to smoke a cancer stick. I look like Hell and feel like Hell so what difference does a smoke matter.
Tonight I lit my first cigarette in this house and I have been here for 8 yrs. We live and then we die.

I have NEVER spoke this badly of someone, but I hope JERRY burns in whatever he considers Hell. Green Mt was right under his nose and very vivid in my description to you guys and to Jerry (the description I gave him was exactly what I descibed to you guys for yrs and to the FBI in 1996 and to Himmelsbach).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I DO believe the money may have been a plant, a red herring done sometime after the crime to try and throw off the FBI.

Why not "plant" it on the doorstep of the Federal Bldg in Seattle in a shoebox with a big red sign?
Or mail it to Himmelsbach! Then write a note to a newspaper.

If you're going to plant something it has to be
findable? Yes? Out in plain sight somewhere?

So obviously nobody found it 'buried inthe sand,
on Tena's Bar'. Might just as well have buried it
in Peru on some mountain top under a boulder!

Your allegation the money find 'changed the FBI stance/approach to the Cooper case in 1980, is
backed up by what proof? For one thing, it is easily
shown the FBI had already changed its stance on
the drop sone as early as 1976 at the latest, before
the money find. What else are you contending the FBI changed - directly as a result of the money find?


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Jo wrote

If no one ever remembers anything I said - remember this:
In 1996 when I was PUT in contact with JT - I didn't have a map or the names of the places.
I have repeatedly told in this thread what I discussed with JT during those yrs and how I came to find out he was the one LIEING to me.

OK Jo. That's the one thing I'll remember. Odd choice for an epitath. It seems so tangential to the hunt for Cooper. Jerry could have lied to you but that doesn't make Duane into Cooper nor does it mean Jerry is part of a conspiracy or coverup. I know you will never agree but the blowup between you and Jerry about geography may simply be due to a mutual misunderstanding.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I DO believe the money may have been a plant, a red herring done sometime after the crime to try and throw off the FBI.

Blevins, The money was found more than 8 years after the crime. What do you mean by "to try and throw off the FBI"? They didn't have a clue at that point.

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If he survived the jump he sure as hell wouldn't pack it out. He'd leave it, concealed if possible. If he died it's out there too. Either way there should be a canopy and rig at or very near his landing site.

Anybody disagree?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We've been down this road before. Because the hijacker would not WANT the FBI to think he was still alive. That's why burying it near the river makes sense. .

Tena's Bar is far removed from any drop zone or
urban area - in those days. My cousins used to fish
there, One cousin used to patrol it .. Until 1980 it
was buried UNDER topsand. COVERED IN BRUSH!

So what precisely should people have done? Get out
their divining rods and walk west miles, at the
Columbia River? If this was a plant it was the
poorest plant ever, in a remote location, where only
time and LUCK would ever uncover it. Jo's account
makes as much sense.

Even Tom finally accepts the money eroded out of
the sand AFTER a prior deposit and years of erosion.


only because, you keep going back returning to it.

Think out of the sand.

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Jerry wrote

A person experienced in jumping would have known what kind of foot wear/clothing to use along with the fact that, 25 extra pounds of weight would put him into a spin

No spin if you pulled right on the stairs facing forward and let the deploying canopy pull you off. Watch the Air America 727 jump videos. You'll see a very obvious solution for the potential aymmetric payload induced spin problem.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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