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DB Cooper

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Free? I expect you and others will never believe the truth, because it was TOO obvious and the truth was right infront of the FBI for several yrs, but certain individuals did NOT want the truth to ever come out - and why was ONE man was allowed to hinder the investigationg into the most obivious suspect the FBI ever had?

Perhaps the truth will NEVER be known - but when all is said and done there will be only one REAL suspect to consider. I have agreed to do a Lie Detector test and so far they are very very expensive. I don't want this paid for by someone who would color the questions with prhases that might upset me and I will be one of the individuals listed to receive the results - NOT just the FBI or other interested parties.

All question will have to be approved by me - because I do not want questions asked that could be both yes and no. The phrasing is very important to me.
Such as - Did you take a Sentimental Journey in 1979? I am the one who called it a Sentimental journey AFTER the fact. The question would be "Did you and your husband go to Seattle in 1979". See what I mean about obtuse questions being reworded. I will not dis- allow any question, but the phrasing must be right so I can answer with a yes or no.

Also if a leading question is asked. another question must be asked to clarify the questionable question or one worded in a way I will understand.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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And the clothing....how many times have you seen people jumping with damn near nothing on...


A number of years ago, there was a small picture in Newsweek (I think) of a young lady in Sweden (again I think) who was in a stable free fall wearing nothing (so it appeared) except the parachute.

In SA it is tradition that you do your 100th jump naked. Depending on the club, you may well get a load of naked jumpers to do it with you.

(I got away with doing mine clothed because I was doing a competition jump at nationals, novice category obviously, on my 100th) :).


You didn't "get away" with skipping your naked 100th jump obligation. It was just postponed. SA jumpers read this forum. They will make sure that protocols are honored.

I saw so many naked jumps at WFFC that I got bored, well not really but that' what I told my whuffo girlfriend who accompanied me.

Her: "Are you staring at those naked women?"

Me: "Naked???? Are you sure? Oh my goodness, have they no shame?"

Naked freefall isn't so sexy. Aerodynamic flutter and all that.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And the clothing....how many times have you seen people jumping with damn near nothing on...


A number of years ago, there was a small picture in Newsweek (I think) of a young lady in Sweden (again I think) who was in a stable free fall wearing nothing (so it appeared) except the parachute.

In SA it is tradition that you do your 100th jump naked. Depending on the club, you may well get a load of naked jumpers to do it with you.

(I got away with doing mine clothed because I was doing a competition jump at nationals, novice category obviously, on my 100th) :).


You didn't "get away" with skipping your naked 100th jump obligation. It was just postponed. SA jumpers read this forum. They will make sure that protocols are honored.

I saw so many naked jumps at WFFC that I got bored, well not really but that' what I told my whuffo girlfriend who accompanied me.

Her: "Are you staring at those naked women?"

Me: "Naked???? Are you sure? Oh my goodness, have they no shame?"

Naked freefall isn't so sexy. Aerodynamic flutter and all that.


I would laugh butt, I have to retrieve more ties from between the seats and under the floormat
... and elsewhere.


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'Your claim is little better than VickiW's. Neither of you present any real evidence that points to your suspect as the hijacker.........

In the case of VickiW, her claim is based on a possible resemblance to the hijacker and the fact that he disappeared in 1971. Number of people who disappeared in the US in 1971: no exact number available. However, for the first year I could find that numbers WERE available, 1980, it was 150,000 that year. So an estimate of 100,000 people for 1971 might not be far off. What makes you believe that your father who went missing with all those others just happened to be Cooper? Did he have parachute experience? Was he a paratrooper in the military or a skydiver? There is absolutely no evidence to support your theory other than he went missing the same year as the hijacking occurred.

Much like the case of William Gossett, younger pictures of VickiW's father do somewhat resemble Cooper. So do thousands of other people, and the sketch is not a photograph, and has always been a point of dispute.

But in his 1971 arrest photo, the resemblance is far from the sketch. He looks too heavy for one thing, and appears to have a double chin, something that almost certainly would have been noticed by the witnesses.
If you really believe he was the guy, then the first thing to do is send a one-page report to the Seattle FBI and let them check it out if they wish. You have so little to go on though. It's definitely tough. You may want to start with finding out what you can about him from his immediate family, unless you have already done that. Military history? Parachute experience?

Here we go again. When you post here do you read others and actually retain what was read? I was seven years old and just started second grade when he disappeared.

Here is some "new" information: Ok maybe not new, but something I have not brought up because I thought it may be obvious. People can lose weight (shocking I know). Stress does a lot of things to the body and one is weight loss.

The mug shot was taken seven months prior to the hi-jacking. Then he jumped bail and was on-the-run from the feds (hardly any stress in that situation).

To put my own experience on here....in August I lost my husband suddenly to a massive heart attack. He was on his guys golfing weekend in Wisconsin. I have lost a substantial amount of weight and have now leveled off. (See Jerry, I told you I would eventually eat again). I look different from the photos that were taken when in California over Memorial Day weekend 2011.

I have tried to research Melvin's history....guess what? It is still an open case and I do not have a death certificate. Maybe you should do a little research and come back with the exact number of missing fugitives in their 40's, 6"0" tall and 180 lbs with brown/black hair and an olive/tan complexion, who just so happened to go missing in the months prior to the hi-jacking.

In addition, I never have "claimed" my Dad is DB Cooper. I have said all along that he matches the physical description and went missing two months prior to the hi-jacking. Since he is a fugitive from justice missing from the Midwest, he should be checked out. Himmelsbach confirmed that Melvin was never investigated in the Cooper case. His fingerprints are on a fingerprint card in his file at the FBI. Exactly the information, or tip, that Larry Carr was looking for.

NEWSFLASH....I have already spoke to Agent Eng. He called me last February. He looked up the FBI file number that I gave him on his computer and as far as I know he never went any further. He asked me to send him an e-mail concerning our conversation so I did just that. Guess what....I have not harassed him by e-mails or called him since. Do you think that they thought L.D. Cooper was their guy? Would investigating (checking prints) of another suspect been a futile effort at that time?

***I was pretty hard on VickiW regarding evidence, but I do have a suggestion.

No, I do not think you were being hard. Just condescending. Just another case of a "real smart man" (rolling my eyes) that uses his preconceived notions to belittle women with the backspin of "I just want to help".

When you post you may want to make sure you do not conflict your information within the same post. It looks real douchey. Saying Melvin does not look like the sketch after dismissing it as a "point of dispute". I put it in bold italics for reference. Your welcome.

I have a suggestion also, but I like having access to this forum, so I will leave it at that.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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As fully expected, when I asked about the source of McCoy’s, LaPoint’s and McNally’s alias there was no answer. None, not a one, nada, just tumbleweeds rolling down the main street in Cooperville. I was surprised by this considering the vast expertise on Columbia River, clamshell, dredging operations. Oh well, another mystery that will never be solved.

But it was those tumbleweeds that had me recall a Western program from the 60’s called ‘The Rifleman’. Watch as he walks and mercilessly pumps round after round from his perfectly poised gun.


Oh dear, that was beastly, simply beastly. Then I remembered how pervasive that program had become. There were Rifleman lunchboxes (yeah, you took a lunch to school), BB guns (I’ve never known anyone to lose an eye) and comic books.

I found an old (aren’t they all now?), Rifleman comic and without even trying noticed all sorts of clues sticking out at me. It’s so obvious when you can look at things critically and with intelligence. So it looks like another comic book is the potential name source for Cooper except this one was published right in the good ol’ USA. It sure doesn’t take much imagination to see it there taunting and mocking you for not noticing what has been in plain sight for over half a century.

Better take another look...WAY off base with the comic-book cover there Flung, notice the Rifleman's body position and the way that sweet young boy is caressing his wood with the sly & eager look...that cover is more a testament as to what was REALLY goin' on out there at the ranch after sundown! :o:$

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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RobertMBlevins condescends:

“Your claim is little better than VickiW's. Neither of you present any real evidence that points to your suspect as the hijacker.”

As opposed to whom?

Someone who is shorter and read a Dan Cooper Comic (written in French) on Shemya in 1951, wore a toupee till after the hijacking, spoke with the pilot during the hijacking and complained about his low wages I suppose. Well then get the cuffs officer. Those are some FACTS which were ALL verified by LIVING witnesses who testified under the most objective and academic of circumstances.

It was RobertMBlevins who verified that the Cooper comic was seen in a day room, on Shemya in 1951. The witness was not steered or manipulated and the reporting was accurate. In fact there were two witnesses, a communications worker on Shemya and the Northwest Airlines historian who were quoted as having said this. Two people would not have made such a mistake, nope it is PUBLISHED fact that the comic existed in 1951.

Who was the only person to claim that the pilot walked back to speak with Cooper after interviewing a live witness (the co-pilot)? That’s right it was RobertMBlevins again with Captain Scott looking around the cabin as if searching for a friend. Where did that come from? It is hard to tell.

When it was first identified RobertMBlevins went into a hissy fit about copyright violations and how the information was stolen through diabolical means involving sophisticated software hacking.

Or….. it was a link to RobertMBlevins own website where he had posted the incriminating prose. A link that he posted many, many times on this thread. Posted over and over and over to the point that if it was suggested again, a person would likely fall to their knees and begin to puke till there were chunks of mastodon meat in the bile.

After many comments RobertMBlevins contacted Skipp about the alleged error and said that he thought Sluggos’s website (with the FAA transcripts) was in error but would call the Co-pilot before he went on vacation in Mexico. The Co-pilot confirmed that the transcripts were correct and NO ONE ever left the cockpit for the entire flight. Wow, that monster sure was hard to kill and would rise from the table again in a different form.

The ‘latest’ explanation of how the Pilot was mistakenly thought to talk to Cooper was blamed on phone calls and emails along with never having met Skipp. Apparently when you don’t meet a person you can read their emails and listen to phone calls where they say “the pilots never left the cockpit” and actually read and hear “Captain Scott walked down the narrow aisle scanning the passengers as if looking for a friend, as not to alarm anyone”. Because sometimes ‘never left’ can mean – “Captain Scott sat next to Cooper and asked ‘What’s this about a bomb?’” As of now there are two conflicting reasons why the original data was treated like a headless corpse. The more simplistic answer would indicate that someone simply made up the episode because it sounds kinda boner-y and would make for better reading.

Mel Wilson is a Federal fugitive missing and wanted (wanted by the ‘Man’) since September, 1971 and has not been heard of since. For all the champion researchers; how many people have escaped federal warrants for 30 or 40 years? Dozens, hundreds or as RobertMBlevins claims – tens of thousands? I simply don’t know but I did check the most wanted lists on the FBI and US Marshal’s websites and they don’t have two hundred combined. No crime went as far back as 1971 but there were some from the early 80’s so that indicates the list may not be as long as is being pushed presently. Additionally, many of the fugitives were foreign nationals who committed a crime then ran home to Mexico, Russia or wherever which would be more difficult for an American (except for Brazil a la Conforte).

When a person is suggested with one unique attribute (missing and wanted since 1971) they are dismissed as ‘not enough evidence’? But another (code for Airstream user) who is too short (hard to tell height in a jet), allegedly wore a toupee (although not photo exists of this), was underpaid (earned more than the national average) and was on Shemya Island (bizarre, weird and freaky non sequitur) is an example of a viable suspect. Sure seems odd (code for NOT) how some people are so anxious to dismiss, eliminate and extinct other suspects or possibilities for some reason (read threat to their suspect).

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What exactly are you suggesting airtwardo?

That in the ‘Old West’ there were Airstream trailers, except they were made of wood?

How could I be so blind? Now I feel kinda stupid suggesting that comic book cover.

I was way off base. Sorry for the misunderstanding folks, my bad.

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What truth? Truth is based on facts, evidence, and other things that establish a truth.

You could NOT establish you claimes either.


In your case (Weber), you can't establish whereabouts, you never actually SAW any of the money, and any possible evidence that may have existed you now say is lost, sold, or otherwise gone.

Same with KC. No one saw KC's money and you have shown NO evidence (we have just as much as you have - with TAX records and the fact Duane spent LOTS of money he could NOT support over the yrs after the crime. We (everyone in this thread) has tried to explaine to you that KC's paper trail is NOT out of the normal for those time periods.


And where is at least one other witness who will back your story? Where are these people and why haven't they made any official statements?

The FBI interivewed the ex-wife and supposedly the stepdaughter - the FBI alerted them and also scared them. The ex-wife actually went to someone when she and Duane spit to discuss this - she asked a generalized question. "What would happen to her if she reported a crime (one in which some of the proceeds she benefited from). She only revealed the person was a former law enforcement person and I think a relative. She never discussed this again. She sent me the photos of her with the glasses and the cars. She also at the same time sent the photo of him taken in 1970 with a tie and clip. She told me things then I did not "get" regarding those 3 yrs - before and after the crime.

Others the FBI did NOT interview or even try to find - as what information I had was skimpy of his life prior to 1976.


Your offer to take a polygraph is just as useless.

Hey, I know that, but I am just trying to satisfy you know who and anyone else that "thinks" a polygraph is of any use at this late of date. I was willing to do one for the FBI in 1996, but they did NOT ask for one because of the obvious things which you re-interated for me.

I have repeatedly stated the same thing about Weber and other suspects - including your own. NO one has any proof and NO one is going to get any proof until the FBI does some backtracking and now the trail is cold it is doubtful anything can be found that says - this Person was Cooper.

The thing with KC is that he had NO real motive. NONE. His income was NOT inadequate for the times. Nor does he look like the composites...NOT one soul ever said that Cooper was balding and that is very important and KC had hazel eyes.

You dug up some "witnesses" but not one of those "witnesses" has be given a polygraph and NOT one of those "witnesses" actually witnessed anything that could prove KC was Cooper.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please do not play the misogynist card here. YOU are the one who has suggested your father could have been the hijacker. YOU are the one who told the story of his arrest for counterfeiting and later disappearance. My suggestion that you make the full details public on him was in an effort to find out the truth about him. It wasn't about you finding and contacting him, should he still be alive. That would be a secondary thing, and completely up to you.

For example, perhaps a legitimate verifiable source might contact you and you would discover he WAS living in the Portland/Seattle area at the time of the hijacking. Or...you might discover he bought a car in Naples, Florida the day before the crime. Who knows?

Here's are two facts: First, the FBI has had no success in finding him for forty years now, so to rely on them alone probably won't work. That's why you need the public.

SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, has interacted with him SOMEHOW in the years following his disappearance. You may find out nothing. You may find out he really IS a legitimate Cooper suspect. You shouldn't waffle, in my opinion. You opened the door by coming to DZ with your story. Wouldn't you like to find out if you might be right?

If my facts are correct, Vicki's whole family has been
struggling with this mystery for decades, since 1971,
so this is nothing new for them in what has been a
long enduring (hurtful) struggle; Vicki and her sister
decided to focus (once more) on the problem
several years ago.

Vicki (and her sister) coming here is but a small
facet of a long enduring issue their whole family has
had to deal with for, almost all the girl's lives.

Vicki has never said her Dad was DB Cooper.

Vicki, please correct any errors I have made. I am
merely trying to add some factual perspective.

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Who was the only person to claim that the pilot walked back to speak with Cooper after interviewing a live witness (the co-pilot)? That’s right it was RobertMBlevins again with Captain Scott looking around the cabin as if searching for a friend. Where did that come from? It is hard to tell.

When it was first identified RobertMBlevins went into a hissy fit about copyright violations and how the information was stolen through diabolical means involving sophisticated software hacking.

:)WELL, I know where it came from! I told you guys about the book Ha Ha Ha by D.B. Cooper. This book is the only book I read stating the Capt coming back into the cabin to speak to Cooper.

NOW, we all know HA HA HA was fiction - right! I discussed this book with the thread and I also discussed it in emails and pm's to indiviuals. Do Not remember if I discussed this with Blevins, but he knew about my statements and if you search hard enough you just might be able to find a copy of the book.

This is the only book that also discusses a "shoe shine" guy. That was of particular interest to me and I have mentioned it before. Duane went to see a Shoe Shine guy in N.O. and I never knew his connections to Duane or who he was or how long he was in N.O. If one has a suspect they glean all they can from anything written on the subject - fiction or factual.

The funny thing about this fictional book is the caricatures of the characters resemble individuals I can associate with real life individual in my yrs with Weber. It is a pretty wild story and one can only wonder where this guy got all of his ideas.

Even though others have said that the author was obvious
I did NOT find this to be true. Chasing the production of that book was as difficult as some one trying to say their subject was Cooper. I forget the story now, but my notes on the chase of the creator - are written in the book and in my handwritten notes prior to 2000 when I got a computer. I had an actual
conversation with production individual - named. Claimed they DID NOT know who WROTE it.

Strange: I never knew who sent
the book and I did not keep the container...and do NOT even remember seeing the post mark.
I was so engrossed at what was inside of the envelope that I forget the circumstances surrounding the arrival of the book. I am sure it is in my old notes.

A HA HA HA moment!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo All a polygraph will prove is that Duane had nothing to do with the hyjacking and you have made up your stories. You know this so what is this Bs of your's . You also know that a polygraph is nothing but yes and no answers.Face it Jo the truth is you have lied about Duanes involvement in this case and everyone knows it . I say Take the test.Jerry

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Blevins. Vicki's Father has not been seen since the hyjacking. This makes her farther a good suspect.Your candidate however is a dead fall. Why? Number 1 he was alive after the hyjacking. Number 2 He was a airline pilot and new how too open the air stairs. No 3 He also new the exact route that the flight should be flown to avoid detection. No 4 not even you believe he was the hyjacker as you have posted in the past. I am realy looking forward to seeing you at this conference. Jerry

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Please do not play the misogynist card here. YOU are the one who has suggested your father could have been the hijacker. YOU are the one who told the story of his arrest for counterfeiting and later disappearance. My suggestion that you make the full details public on him was in an effort to find out the truth about him. It wasn't about you finding and contacting him, should he still be alive. That would be a secondary thing, and completely up to you.

For example, perhaps a legitimate verifiable source might contact you and you would discover he WAS living in the Portland/Seattle area at the time of the hijacking. Or...you might discover he bought a car in Naples, Florida the day before the crime. Who knows?

Here's are two facts: First, the FBI has had no success in finding him for forty years now, so to rely on them alone probably won't work. That's why you need the public.

SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, has interacted with him SOMEHOW in the years following his disappearance. You may find out nothing. You may find out he really IS a legitimate Cooper suspect. You shouldn't waffle, in my opinion. You opened the door by coming to DZ with your story. Wouldn't you like to find out if you might be right?

If my facts are correct, Vicki's whole family has been
struggling with this mystery for decades, since 1971,
so this is nothing new for them in what has been a
long enduring (hurtful) struggle; Vicki and her sister
decided to focus (once more) on the problem
several years ago.

Vicki (and her sister) coming here is but a small
facet of a long enduring issue their whole family has
had to deal with for, almost all the girl's lives.

Vicki has never said her Dad was DB Cooper.

Vicki, please correct any errors I have made. I am
merely trying to add some factual perspective.

In January 1996 I found out I had two sisters that grew up in San Francisco. They are 12 years older than myself. I also found out my biological grandmother died two years prior in 1996. This information was slipped to me (by accident or accidentally on purpose) by US Marshal Jon Donahue during one of the yearly calls I received from the Marshal's during their 30 year investigation of Melvin's disappearance.

We met in Hawaii in November 1996 and filmed the segment on Unsolved Mysteries (the US Marshals way of "going public") and that show, which is on YouTube and reruns three times a year, does not bring any leads to his current or past whereabouts.

I have a younger brother that I grew up with. He is an officer in the Army and he cannot get any more information than I already have (which is nothing). He monitors the forum, but does not post.

My oldest sister, Lesli Wilson Maka, died on November 10th, 2001 from cancer that spread from the colon, to the liver and then to her lymph nodes ( I miss and love you big sis). My sister Lynda lives in Santa Rosa, California. I do not think she watches this forum.

Yes georger you are right. I never said once that he was Cooper. However, Carr asked (pleaded) for ANYONE to come forward with information on that odd uncle.....well I have that stupid ass dumbf*ck father that left his family in September 1971 because he couldn't see himself in prison for the next thirty years. His prints are on file with the FBI and my brother's DNA is on file with the military.

I am dumbfounded that Blevins wants the full details when they have been outlined in this forum many times and in the segment on Unsolved Mysteries.

Those are the details...all of them. I am not going to the media and I am not putting the information on the internet. The Unsolved Mystery Video on Youtube is sufficient.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Geoger: May I ask who your candidate for Cooper is. Could it be a experienced Jumper or maybe even a airline pilot. Or possibly a Lawyers suspect that is writing a book from Spokane Wa. That just might mention you in his book . Whats the real deal Geoger. Are you realy still on the case or just trying to dispute all suspect's but your's. jerry

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And the clothing....how many times have you seen people jumping with damn near nothing on...


A number of years ago, there was a small picture in Newsweek (I think) of a young lady in Sweden (again I think) who was in a stable free fall wearing nothing (so it appeared) except the parachute.

Been there done that... :)

>:(More than once>:(

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Geoger: May I ask who your candidate for Cooper is. Could it be a experienced Jumper or maybe even a airline pilot. Or possibly a Lawyers suspect that is writing a book from Spokane Wa. That just might mention you in his book . Whats the real deal Geoger. Are you realy still on the case or just trying to dispute all suspect's but your's. jerry

I have no suspect. I have said that a million times.
I think I am as far away from 'who' DB Cooper was,
as I am from being the next President.

That is the real deal.

What's your sudden interest in what I think ?

Correction: Geof Gray was DB Cooper !

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Geoger: Just wondering why you are posting that the world is going to end. And If you have know interest why do you even post here on dropzone. As for my sudden interest or concern! You have posted many time's in the past that you support The lawyer from Spokane Wa. You also have supported Tom Kaye in the past. Im just curious as to what suspect you are in favor of now. Your position seems to change constantly. Im just wondering if your position on the lawyer from Spokane has changed. Jerry

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Jo All a polygraph will prove is that Duane had nothing to do with the hyjacking and you have made up your stories. You know this so what is this Bs of your's . You also know that a polygraph is nothing but yes and no answers.Face it Jo the truth is you have lied about Duanes involvement in this case and everyone knows it . I say Take the test.Jerry

Jerry, You take the cake - I offer up what you have baggered me with for yrs and your theme through-out your postings in this thread. NOW that I am willing to do it - you state is has no value which is exactly what I have stated over and over to you in this thread and what others have told you.

Your stating the above only re-affirms your only purpose in this chase is to - disengage and destroy and interrogate or:)
Yet, you have cost me yrs of my life and you have threatened me over and over. One would have to wonder why when I OFFER up what you have badgered me with for yrs, Why? NOW you dismiss it with the arguments I and others provided as to WHY a polygraph would be of no value other than to prove I believe Duane was Cooper and that I have not lied.

The cost of a retired FBI agent to do this test is from $700 to $1200, but maybe more. If the FBI is willing to pay the bill tell them to CALL me. You claim to have a PERSONAL relationship with Curtis Eng. Why don't you tell him to have the FBI pay for it.

GEEZE what a waste of time you are! I put up and you coward into a corner. You are nobody now and I know this sounds cruel, but it is the truth. What you have put me through from 1996 to 2001 when I ended the useless relationship and then you came to the thread about 5 yrs ago with your only objective being to attack me with every post I made. WHY?

I am not the one OFF her Rocker here - you are. I am not delusional - you are. You have fed off of every book writer and researcher in the Cooper story - WHY?

You have taken any useful research anyone has done and made it all about YOU. You have caused valuable time and research to be ignored with your self-centered interactions. Those are not my words, but the words of a journalist in WA who told me he will NOT talk with you. NOW you need to think about this REAL hard...as it was NOT the first time that has been said to me.

You are why many individuals who really count will not be at the symposium and "we" are NOT talking about me. My health and the cost of the trip will keep me at home. My immune system might not survive the confines of an airplane and when flying I require the assistance of a wheelchair since I can't walk very far or very fast. Holiday travel is out.

Have fun, but be very careful what you say and what you do - SLANDER is costly. The symposium is a public affair open to the public and unlike this thread...what you say can make you liable. You are being watched and the symposium is being recorded.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Geoger: Just wondering why you are posting that the world is going to end. And If you have know interest why do you even post here on dropzone. As for my sudden interest or concern! You have posted many time's in the past that you support The lawyer from Spokane Wa. You also have supported Tom Kaye in the past. Im just curious as to what suspect you are in favor of now. Your position seems to change constantly. Im just wondering if your position on the lawyer from Spokane has changed. Jerry

Yes. My position has changed and changes
constantly, which is and always has been: I have
no suspect. That said I will now change my position

I have no suspect!

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Jo: The waste of time is not my fault. It is your's, All I have done is prove your stories were made up. The debate is over.You have proven your self to be a lier. Proof is all that is required, you have known you have exstracted your ficton stories from many books.Check Post 1109/1110. All this is simple to prove. Even your past posts prove that you have fabricated your stories.So the blame for your downfall is on your shoulders only. Just one Question ? Why have you taken every opertunity to destroy Duanes memory in order to gain faim or money? The only thing that I can figure out is that experienced Scam Artist and crooks have done this in the past . This is what confuses me. Jerry

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Geoger: Just wondering why you are posting that the world is going to end. And If you have know interest why do you even post here on dropzone. As for my sudden interest or concern! You have posted many time's in the past that you support The lawyer from Spokane Wa. You also have supported Tom Kaye in the past. Im just curious as to what suspect you are in favor of now. Your position seems to change constantly. Im just wondering if your position on the lawyer from Spokane has changed. Jerry

Yes. My position has changed and changes
constantly, which is and always has been: I have
no suspect. That said I will now change it again:

I have no suspect!


I was going to bed when I read this post. Jerry comes in NOT sounding liike Jerry at all (I know that certain parties who CANNOT post here feed questions thru those whose puppet strings they can pull).

Georger's, reply was fanatastic!.
Wonder if Jerry GOT IT?

Puppet Master don't write your last chapter, just YET!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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