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QuoteJo, where in that PM from Jerry did he threaten you?................................................ There is no threat whatsoever. .........................................Are you smoking some left handed tobacco or what? Your posts reek of make-believe. ................................Please turn your PC off for a week or two.
I didn't say he was threatening me. Go back and read his post prior to that! He said I was threaten him. I am asking a question of others if they considered the post I made a threat?
I have a report on my latest luncheon interview with Bob Sailshaw. This time it is with Alan MacArthur, a Boeing physicist and founder of the Boeing Skydiving Club.
Alan also knows Earl Cossey; and in fact was in Vietnam in 1971 as an 0-2 on a SF Alpha team. Quite a few angles to cover:
Amazon 7
QuoteQuoteAs far as 'attaching' the money, any number of things may have gone sideways...heck I was an Eagle Scout and my bowline knots SUCK!
I've tied hundreds of bowline knots in my day and I *still* hear a dialog in my head about a rabbit coming out of a hole next to a tree, running around the tree and then back down the hole.
A few years ago, I called the company which probably made the bank bag. I spoke with the president of the company for almost an hour. He was a young teenager when the DB caper took place and is as fascinated by it as those of us in this forum. We talked about the material of the bag, the model and lots of other things.
His contention was that if the bag had been tied closed securely with nylon cord the "package" of money could sustain many years under water or out in the elements.
Tying the bag closed would be almost trivial, whether he was an Eagle scout or not. Tying the bag securely to his body or harness is a VERY non-trivial task. I've mentioned this a number of times in the thread: Without a second pair of hands to support the "package" while tying to the harness it is quite likely that he could not secure it sufficiently to sustain exit and opening shock.
Airtwardo has more experience jumping with "stuff" attached to himself than just about anyone here...maybe in the world. When he wrote this:You can be assured that he knows what he's talking about.Quote"...the opening shock from a jet exit could have been anything from a snot knocker to a standard terminal snatch & grab...depends on when and how he pulled.
Whether DB lived or died or ever worked for Boeing or ever spent time on an Alaskan island, the chances of the money staying attached to him are extremely small.
Finally, given what I know about human nature and what DB had been through prior to jumping, the chances that he threw away a few thousand dollars for *any* reason are less than the chances that the money stayed attached to him.
The money survived the jump whether he did or not.
I used that method to teach hundreds of college boys how to tie the bowline... one of the five knots that were required as part of their training

"Geoger: Did you know that DropZone had a feature called just incase you missed my post. I didn't Untill a couple minutes ago. Jo showed me this option ,when she made a threatining post , I still can't figure out how she did it .Jerry"
I quoted his post above.
Class Clown this is the post Jerry made. This is when he said I made a Threatening post. I reposted the post he was talking about. Asking the question. Is this a Threat.
I wish people would read the prior posts before making mountains out of mole hills.
Jerry, You take the cake - I offer up what you have baggered me with for yrs and your theme through-out your postings in this thread. NOW that I am willing to do it - you state is has no value which is exactly what I have stated over and over to you in this thread and what others have told you
Jerry is right, it has no value if you know exactly what will be asked and how you carefully phrase both questions and answers!! In any case a polygraph does NOT distinguish between fact and non-fact; it distinguishes between what (most people) believe to be the truth and what they believe to be lies. So if a polygraph test asks Jo, "Was Duane Cooper?" her "yes" answer will probably come up as truthful. This doesn't mean Duane was Cooper, it just means that Jo believes he was. 377 will know better, but I presume this is one of the reasons polygraphs are not admissible in court, another being that a well-rehearsed person can beat it.
I must say though this sudden turnaround on the lie detector test, qualified as it may be, is interesting. Does this mean all Jo's other "evidence" has once again crumbled to dust?
In other news, most of the 3 pages I missed since last check are just blah-blah-blah...FFS...
Orange, HOW many posts has Jerry bagered and bagered me about a lie detector? I agree to get one to SHUT him up. I have stated many many times that a lie detector test will prove little at this late date and would Not prove I was lieing as Jerry states over and over repetitively. So I decided to offered to take one to get HIM off my back and then Ha Ha Ha he comes back with his reply - which is exactly what I and the thread have told him repetively. The test would prove Nothing! I was hoping to bury his Lie Detector posting and his constant badgering about it.
QuoteJerry's post to George
"Geoger: Did you know that DropZone had a feature called just incase you missed my post. I didn't Untill a couple minutes ago. Jo showed me this option ,when she made a threatining post , I still can't figure out how she did it .Jerry"
I quoted his post above.
Class Clown this is the post Jerry made. This is when he said I made a Threatening post. I reposted the post he was talking about. Asking the question. Is this a Threat.
I wish people would read the prior posts before making mountains out of mole hills.
These are your words Jo:
Below is the PM he sent to me:
Now this is a real threat:
Jo. Rest assured I will only Tell the truth I will reference all your stories you have made and posted over the past 16 years. It will be up to those that want to see the truth and listen to decide for theselves. You are a lier you know it and so do I. Take it to court ! all you have to do is pass a polygraph test . Which you can not .If you would like to attend this conference I will pay for it personally. I also will pay for a polygraph test at the conference for you and I. If you refuse this chalenge it just proves my point . Jerry
Now where in this PM is Jerry's threat to you?
377 22
QuoteI have... It just aint that bad..even with it attached to the D-Rings... it was my reserve.. I got to do it twice due to my excellent packing skills.. hell I even watched it open..since the damn thing was playing out right past my face. They open from the top down as it flaps around a lot while you are getting line stretch... then fills from the top. Its just not that bad at all even kinda laying there on my back.. protecting the lines from the Capewells with my left arm.
Well, then why did we all have sleeves on our round mains? Actually the videos of the Air America 727 jumps surprised me. Gentle opening due to canopy squidding, kinda like the top down opening sequence which Amazon describes.
377 22
QuoteAlan explained that to deploy the canopy a paratrooper had to engage a two-part release –first pinching a section of the ripcord release mechanism and then pulling the whole device.
That's wrong but I think it's just a misunderstanding. I think he is talking about canopy release hardware (eg Capewells), not the ripcord system. Early Capewell fittings (called two-shots) worked just like he described, but they had nothing to do with opening the parachute. They were used to release the canopy from the harness for various reasons e.g. so a jumper wouldn't be dragged by wind after landing or could detach the canopy after a water landing so that he could swim.
QuoteBruce wrote in his latest article quoting Alana Macarthur
QuoteAlan explained that to deploy the canopy a paratrooper had to engage a two-part release –first pinching a section of the ripcord release mechanism and then pulling the whole device.
That's wrong but I think it's just a misunderstanding. I think he is talking about canopy release hardware (eg Capewells), not the ripcord system. Early Capewell fittings (called two-shots) worked just like he described, but they had nothing to do with opening the parachute. They were used to release the canopy from the harness for various reasons e.g. so a jumper wouldn't be dragged by wind after landing or could detach the canopy after a water landing so that he could swim.
Either that or it is describing a static line hook...

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
QuoteBruce wrote in his latest article quoting Alana Macarthur
QuoteAlan explained that to deploy the canopy a paratrooper had to engage a two-part release –first pinching a section of the ripcord release mechanism and then pulling the whole device.
That's wrong but I think it's just a misunderstanding. I think he is talking about canopy release hardware (eg Capewells), not the ripcord system. Early Capewell fittings (called two-shots) worked just like he described, but they had nothing to do with opening the parachute. They were used to release the canopy from the harness for various reasons e.g. so a jumper wouldn't be dragged by wind after landing or could detach the canopy after a water landing so that he could swim.
Thanks, Three-Seven-Seven, I think you have cleared up the situation. Things can get muddled when you don't know what you don't know.
Amazon 7
QuoteAmazon wrote (about sleeveless C9 canopy openings at 120-200 mph)
QuoteI have... It just aint that bad..even with it attached to the D-Rings... it was my reserve.. I got to do it twice due to my excellent packing skills.. hell I even watched it open..since the damn thing was playing out right past my face. They open from the top down as it flaps around a lot while you are getting line stretch... then fills from the top. Its just not that bad at all even kinda laying there on my back.. protecting the lines from the Capewells with my left arm.
Well, then why did we all have sleeves on our round mains? Actually the videos of the Air America 727 jumps surprised me. Gentle opening due to canopy squidding, kinda like the top down opening sequence which Amazon describes.
Easier to pack

Flake it and sleeve it
Fold it and stuff it

No No No....
I have... It just aint that bad..even with it attached to the D-Rings... it was my reserve.. I got to do it twice due to my excellent packing skills.. hell I even watched it open..since the damn thing was playing out right past my face. They open from the top down as it flaps around a lot while you are getting line stretch... then fills from the top. Its just not that bad at all even kinda laying there on my back.. protecting the lines from the Capewells with my left arm.
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