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DB Cooper

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First comment I make on most of my articles for Newsvine/MSNBC:


'Comments are welcome within the Code of Honor guidelines at Newsvine.

Hatred, racism, and name-calling are NOT allowed, and will be deleted without mercy...'

The reason I posted that is because I am tired of reading Jerry's redundant posts calling Jo Weber a liar. It's not about whether Jo is lying. It's about the name-calling.

You've made your point, Jerry. Maybe you should give it a rest.

When one resorts to personal attacks they've lost both the argument and any credibility they may have hoped to have.

Most people don't even bother with reading those kinds of posts, they're meaningless.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Jerry's post to George

"Geoger: Did you know that DropZone had a feature called just incase you missed my post. I didn't Untill a couple minutes ago. Jo showed me this option ,when she made a threatining post , I still can't figure out how she did it .Jerry"

I quoted his post above.

Class Clown this is the post Jerry made. This is when he said I made a Threatening post. I reposted the post he was talking about. Asking the question. Is this a Threat.

I wish people would read the prior posts before making mountains out of mole hills.

These are your words Jo:
Below is the PM he sent to me:
Now this is a real threat:

Jo. Rest assured I will only Tell the truth I will reference all your stories you have made and posted over the past 16 years. It will be up to those that want to see the truth and listen to decide for theselves. You are a lier you know it and so do I. Take it to court ! all you have to do is pass a polygraph test . Which you can not .If you would like to attend this conference I will pay for it personally. I also will pay for a polygraph test at the conference for you and I. If you refuse this chalenge it just proves my point . Jerry

Now where in this PM is Jerry's threat to you?

Having said that I believe JerryThomas should stop his boring same old song and dance..................It really is getting old......................while I do not think there is any merit to his or Jo's posts being threatening..............they are just tiresome,redundant and ignorant..............clean it up folks, for the rest of us if not for yourselves.............nite,nite

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Oh and one more thing....................has anyone really went back and counted how many times good old Uncle Jerry Thomas has asked Jo Weber to take a polygraph test?......................................Just wonderin'

Yes in almost every post, and WHY I have agreed to take one. I had told him repeatedly it was of no value, but he has been unrelenting in this "Take a polygraph" thing.

Now that I agree to take one - he wants it on his terms and in public (he KNOWS I do not allow pictures of me taken and that I have stayed OUT of the public since 2001).

Why would or should I make a public spectacle out of myself at a symposium he already knows I cannot attend. All he wants to do is continue to harass me and I do NOT understand why he does this. Yes, I agree I am tired of it and only one of the reasons I am going to do a polygraph.

The cost is very expernsive, therefore when it is done - it is for my benefit and for the benefit of my family and friends and those who know me personally and have worked with me on this for several yrs. The FBI is also to be included.

Since I have NOTHING to hide and consider this a waste of resources - the cost will have to be bore at least particially by the interested parties. By interested parties - I do not mean someone who has attacked me and made my life a living hell for several yrs.

I feel the test will not prove anything at this late of date and after 15 yrs of playing with theories and my constant search into Duane's past. When a person believes something is true - the question have to be carefully constructed.

Today if I was asked if my name was X X X. I would have to answer NO. With a yes I would not past because I was informed by DVD X X X is NOT my name. Now figure that out - I have lived as X X X for 32 yrs and according to the authorities will have to legally change my name...to X X X. That is costly and the first on my agenda if they cannot straighten things out.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins: You have made your point. Your book is a failure your suspect comes from stories that are questionable at the verry least. Even you Believe that your candidate was not Cooper. My Question is . When are you going to set the public straight and admit that your book has a lot of misleading info. Doesn't matter if you do or not at least you and dropzone knows the truth. Still I must admit you are a fantastic writer with a great deal of talent.>>>> At 5 pm tonight starts a game Oregon / Stanford. What team are you favoring. Jerry

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Class Clown : I will be happy to take a polygraph test at any given time . Yes let Jo ask the questions. or any one else you would request.It would be my pleasure to intertain this request of yours. I would also like for you to be present, and it be Aired internationally. Set it up . Jerry

I don't think we could get a market outside of the USA unless you and Jo agree to a steel cage match...........................................Let me be more specific about this event.....................Jo and Jerry take polygraphs at the same time..................questions alternate between the 2 of em'........................anybody can ask a question..................................I'll let Farflung host..................................with co-hosts 377 and hangdiver..........................the final questions will come from Jo and Jerry......................one on one, anything goes.................and then I'll ref the Steel Cage Match........................................DEAL?

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All: This is my last post of the evening. Please remember all the veterans we have lost in Battle and those from Battle related problems. Lets also remember there relative's. Still a quite rememberence can be given to the lost live's of our enemies and there families. The reason I say this is that politics and Propaganda. Plays a factor in other countries.Religion also is a problem. Still they are all Vets and not as informed as the American People are. There actions are wrong in most cases still this is what they were taught .I hope this post is understood . It is only ment to honor all Warriors past and present. Jerry

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Class Clown : I will be happy to take a polygraph test at any given time . Yes let Jo ask the questions. or any one else you would request.It would be my pleasure to intertain this request of yours. I would also like for you to be present, and it be Aired internationally. Set it up . Jerry

I don't think we could get a market outside of the USA unless you and Jo agree to a steel cage match...........................................Let me be more specific about this event.....................Jo and Jerry take polygraphs at the same time..................questions alternate between the 2 of em'........................anybody can ask a question..................................I'll let Farflung host..................................with co-hosts 377 and hangdiver..........................the final questions will come from Jo and Jerry......................one on one, anything goes.................and then I'll ref the Steel Cage Match........................................DEAL?

If the Hunkyness of Farf is the host, I want to be "Vanna". I will wear my hot nun outfit.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Class Clown : I will be happy to take a polygraph test at any given time . Yes let Jo ask the questions. or any one else you would request.It would be my pleasure to intertain this request of yours. I would also like for you to be present, and it be Aired internationally. Set it up . Jerry

I don't think we could get a market outside of the USA unless you and Jo agree to a steel cage match...........................................Let me be more specific about this event.....................Jo and Jerry take polygraphs at the same time..................questions alternate between the 2 of em'........................anybody can ask a question..................................I'll let Farflung host..................................with co-hosts 377 and hangdiver..........................the final questions will come from Jo and Jerry......................one on one, anything goes.................and then I'll ref the Steel Cage Match........................................DEAL?

If the Hunkyness of Farf is the host, I want to be "Vanna". I will wear my hot nun outfit.

OK EVickiW you can be Vanna..............................now I haven't left anyone else out have I?.......................................oh and Vicki,Farflung,377 and hangdiver.....there will be no Hangover type activities the day before the polygraphs..........................................we're doing this straight .....on the up and up.............

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Class Clown : I will be happy to take a polygraph test at any given time . Yes let Jo ask the questions. or any one else you would request.It would be my pleasure to intertain this request of yours. I would also like for you to be present, and it be Aired internationally. Set it up . Jerry

I don't think we could get a market outside of the USA unless you and Jo agree to a steel cage match...........................................Let me be more specific about this event.....................Jo and Jerry take polygraphs at the same time..................questions alternate between the 2 of em'........................anybody can ask a question..................................I'll let Farflung host..................................with co-hosts 377 and hangdiver..........................the final questions will come from Jo and Jerry......................one on one, anything goes.................and then I'll ref the Steel Cage Match........................................DEAL?

If the Hunkyness of Farf is the host, I want to be "Vanna". I will wear my hot nun outfit.

OK EVickiW you can be Vanna..............................now I haven't left anyone else out have I?.......................................oh and Vicki,Farflung,377 and hangdiver.....there will be no Hangover type activities the day before the polygraphs..........................................we're doing this straight .....on the up and up.............

PLEASE!..............if there is anyone else out there that would like to be part of this historical event please call..........................................1-608-635-7291 and ask for David...................................he will take care of your uh........situation......................

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Hangdiver: Ft Benning Ga. and Victory pond is his Favorite grounds. Jerry

Happy Veterans Day to you as well Jerry...by the way...been there and Pinned him myself.

oh...my Son and my Dad learned to jump on the same airfield...too bad Grampa passed away before he could attend.


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Class Clown : I will be happy to take a polygraph test at any given time . Yes let Jo ask the questions. or any one else you would request.It would be my pleasure to intertain this request of yours. I would also like for you to be present, and it be Aired internationally. Set it up . Jerry

I don't think we could get a market outside of the USA unless you and Jo agree to a steel cage match...........................................Let me be more specific about this event.....................Jo and Jerry take polygraphs at the same time..................questions alternate between the 2 of em'........................anybody can ask a question..................................I'll let Farflung host..................................with co-hosts 377 and hangdiver..........................the final questions will come from Jo and Jerry......................one on one, anything goes.................and then I'll ref the Steel Cage Match........................................DEAL?

If the Hunkyness of Farf is the host, I want to be "Vanna". I will wear my hot nun outfit.

OK EVickiW you can be Vanna..............................now I haven't left anyone else out have I?.......................................oh and Vicki,Farflung,377 and hangdiver.....there will be no Hangover type activities the day before the polygraphs..........................................we're doing this straight .....on the up and up.............

PLEASE!..............if there is anyone else out there that would like to be part of this historical event please call..........................................1-608-635-7291 and ask for David...................................he will take care of your uh........situation......................

They have cage fights here...???...

Lake Wisconsin Resort - Poynette - 608-635-7291

Long way to go for a cage...ahh...lie off...but I guess it goes right along with fishing. B|


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Class Clown : I will be happy to take a polygraph test at any given time . Yes let Jo ask the questions. or any one else you would request.It would be my pleasure to intertain this request of yours. I would also like for you to be present, and it be Aired internationally. Set it up . Jerry

I don't think we could get a market outside of the USA unless you and Jo agree to a steel cage match...........................................Let me be more specific about this event.....................Jo and Jerry take polygraphs at the same time..................questions alternate between the 2 of em'........................anybody can ask a question..................................I'll let Farflung host..................................with co-hosts 377 and hangdiver..........................the final questions will come from Jo and Jerry......................one on one, anything goes.................and then I'll ref the Steel Cage Match........................................DEAL?

If the Hunkyness of Farf is the host, I want to be "Vanna". I will wear my hot nun outfit.

OK EVickiW you can be Vanna..............................now I haven't left anyone else out have I?.......................................oh and Vicki,Farflung,377 and hangdiver.....there will be no Hangover type activities the day before the polygraphs..........................................we're doing this straight .....on the up and up.............

PLEASE!..............if there is anyone else out there that would like to be part of this historical event please call..........................................1-608-635-7291 and ask for David...................................he will take care of your uh........situation......................

They have cage fights here...???...

Lake Wisconsin Resort - Poynette - 608-635-7291

Long way to go for a cage...ahh...lie off...but I guess it goes right along with fishing. B|


The folks over at LWR are the bomb..........................we'll all have a place to stay where we can talk up the days events over a nice hot fire by the lake.................with the beverage of your choice...............to chase down a nice steak...........uhhhmmm getting hungry as I type...................................remember ask for David and tell him the Class Clown sent ya.....................he'll get a kick outa it...............

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From Snowmman

I had posted these pics of Braden posing in skydiving positions from May 28 1961 Stars and Stripes before,
but two new things
1) I posted them to another site so the full sized jpg is available
2) looking at them again, it's cool to see Braden, who died as a truck driver, in his prime..wearing his helmet, goggles, jump boots, and rig. Remember how Alan talked about his black jump suit with his name on it, and his PCA number, I think it was.

interesting his wife at the time (that Alan mentioned) is quoted in the article.

Interesting seeing Braden doing the different freefall positions back in 1961. (posing)

Can't tell what kind of jump boots. They seem to have thinner soles than french boots.
Allan mentioned "polished Corcorans"...the pics seem thin soled to me (ankle boots though..pant legs tucked in)
(see them flexing on the p13a.jpg)

Braden had 400 jumps already by 1961


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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