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DB Cooper

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Mark If melvin was Db Cooper he is dead and never made another jump . the same can be said for any one that made that jump. Jerry

Mr. Anyone has therefore died ten thousand times
since the Cooper jump? Is that what you are
contempting? And your proof of that astounding
statement is: ? ? ?


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I have the same question as 377...did Wilson have any jump history...???...hangdiver

None known or documented - flat out none.

That is precisely what JT is banking on.
Cooper was a rank novice in over his head.
JT's proof? He has none because none exists.
It relies soley on statements from select experts,
of which he himself is one !

This aint rocket science. What this is is circular

On the other hand Mel does resemble one of the
early sketches, I guess. And he lost roughly $200k
in bogus money he had printed then dumped. Jerry thinks these attributes add up to being Cooper? Its a stretch based on .... feelings?

Jerry is not going to take serious questions about
this. Would you go out on a limb with this? This
is all showboating and nothing more because
there IS nothing more.

6 days and counting.


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Hangdiver: I just finished a interview with the USA Today Show. I took them to the woods In Washougal. We discused Melvin Wilson I Told them that he was the strongest candidate for cooper i have seen in my25 yrs on this case . They agreed. Ralph was also Interviewed for this story . It will Air on the 27 of November.They and many other news stations will be at the conference on the 26 of november. One topic will be melvin Wilsson and why he is the best suspect since the hyjacking. The other topics will be why the other suspects could not have been Cooper . Jerry

and how to you explain the particles Tom found?

Guess we dont get an answer from JT.

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Mark If melvin was Db Cooper he is dead and never made another jump . the same can be said for any one that made that jump. Jerry

Jerry Dear....

THOUSANDS of American Airmen in numerous wars have made jumps in weather just as bad... at night.... and survived.

I have lots of night jumps... I have jumps where I landed rounds in trees... I have jumped in sub zero temps...I have lots of water landings under parachutes and I am still jumping:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Hangdiver: I just finished a interview with the USA Today Show. I took them to the woods In Washougal. We discused Melvin Wilson I Told them that he was the strongest candidate for cooper i have seen in my25 yrs on this case . They agreed. Ralph was also Interviewed for this story . It will Air on the 27 of November.They and many other news stations will be at the conference on the 26 of november. One topic will be melvin Wilsson and why he is the best suspect since the hyjacking. The other topics will be why the other suspects could not have been Cooper . Jerry

I thought USA Today was just a newspaper. Didn't know they were on TV. But with so many cable channels these days we're lucky there isn't a Cooper Channel. I wouldn't put it past someone to do that, though. As long as you can effectively sell the commercial time to meet expenses, no problem. ;)

Or even a Blevins Channel.

I will expect a check mailed tomorrow.

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"Mark If melvin was Db Cooper he is dead and never made another jump . the same can be said for any one that made that jump"

Hey Jerry- I have two Jet jumps and survived, 377 has one Jet jump and survived and several others on here have Jet jumps and survived. Till you show you have made this jump too, and not just a few dope on a rope military jumps please don't try to come across as an expert on the jump Please. I am not an expert( and don't proclaim to be one) just sombody a little closer to it than you are.
To Paraphrase Sluggo "those who know arn't talking, those who don't are"

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If Melvin Wilson was DBC and went in, wouldnt an abandoned car have been found?

Sure it might have been registered in a phony name, but any abandoned car near the departure airport or estimated exit would have received some police or FBI attention.

Vicki, your thoughts?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Mel Wilson was and is running from a Federal warrant for counterfeiting. Why would he want a car with that messy paper trail with titles, registration and identification being tossed around? That’s how they traced Janet Leigh in ‘Psycho’ ya know. You gotta think like a crook.

Well I am not a crook…… but would likely try to score some fake ID (assuming that isn’t already part of every Junior Bad Guy’s larceny kit) then get a fist full of Greyhound or Amtrak. Ride like a Gypsy to Union Station then walk to a flop house and craft a plan. It’s clean, light and simple but by god, it….. just…. might….. work.

After visiting a Goodwill store for some slightly used business attire and a hardware store for some wire and flares, I would be ready to take a bus to the airport and make the rest history.

McCoy landed within 4 miles of his house in Utah but screwed the pooch on getting home. No Walkie-talkies used or ever suggested here which is odd since they actually would have worked. No payphone call because McCoy was worried about someone else answering the phone at home (nice planning there Richard). No car at the SLC airport either (case study).

Out of curiosity, who did leave a car at an airport? LaPoint, Heady, McNally, Hurst? Bueller……. Bueller?

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Vicki, your thoughts?

I have "reasonable suspicion" (or I never would have been here in the first place) that Melvin's prints should be compared to the latent prints left on the plane. They already have Melvin's prints on file.

My brother is an officer in the Army and has his DNA on file. Compare it. A new test is not needed.

I know I do not have detailed history of his life. That is confidential as the case is still open.

What would it hurt? Why does the majority of everyone here get so negative to any information? Does it matter? NO....I am not sure if he was Cooper, however, concerning the circumstances of his disappearance and his physical description, I think it is worth a look. Carr called for any info from the public. Here is info. Yes, it is limited, but they have everything they need to at least to take LOOK.

As far as the car....."What if" it was sold it for the money for him to run? "What if" it was abandoned in Minnesota? "What if" Cooper used public transit? There are thousands of "what if's". My Mom's cousin lived in Spokane, "What if" he went there? "What if" he visited his contacts from prison? "What if" they just look at the prints?
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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..... "What if" they just look at the prints?

Seems like a no-brainer to me too, Vicki. I hope they do.

The only thing that I wonder is where did the amount of $200,000 in bogus money that Georger mentioned come from? I've seen that amount mentioned on here before I think, but I don't see that amount in any of the articles of the day.

From memory and a very quick look at a couple of newspaper articles from the time: the barrel that was dumped in the river contained metal plates along with 500,000 - 1 million in counterfeit bills. At some point they found 2280 counterfeit bills in his trunk and more on two other people that were working with Wilson.

This has all probably been mentioned before, but Wilson was originally arrested for passing a bogus $20 bill at a lounge and another at a restaurant. It appears that he had been under investigation for at least a month prior due to the feds investigating the "counterfeiting ring". He was under investigation because an accomplice (he and Wilson knew each other from Leavenworth) talked after being arrested in Denver with bogus bills. Looks like the authorities were watching Wilson in Minn as he passed the fake money in the lounge/restaurant and later arrested him at a hotel. The accomplice said Wilson printed the money in LA.

Interesting bit of trivia: There were two guys buying the fake money. The article claims that the two accomplices got, all told, less than $10,000 in counterfeit money for which they paid Wilson 18 cents on the dollar. That's only, at the most, 1800?. wth...maybe crime really doesn't pay ;). Anyway, after they bought the money they aged the bills with coffee in a hotel room. I just hope it was decaf. If you're gonna waste coffee, waste the decaf.

I use the word accomplices -- Mel was the printer, I guess they were the fences, if that's the word.

All that to say - after looking at a couple of articles I just don't see the figure of $200,000. Was that the amount used in the AMW video maybe?

Also - I wonder if the accomplices are still around? If the one hooked up with Wilson after Leavenworth, maybe they also got back in touch with each other after Wilson fled in 71? Then again, figuring that it looks like he ratted on Wilson, maybe not. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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All that to say - after looking at a couple of articles I just don't see the figure of $200,000. Was that the amount used in the AMW video maybe?


Good question. I just follow the herd. What alpha
ox started that?

Unsolved Mysteries "started" that one.

The media = never seems to check the facts prior to the report.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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The FBI screwed up BIG time and this was the BIG ONE!

Weber, your carnival act flopped years ago.
Accept it and move on to snake charming
and astrophysics.

Dont forget to take your meds.

Georger - there has never been a carnival act and that is insulting. Why do you think I even volunteered to do a poylgraph - just hoping it would at least be able to validate that I have NOT lied.

JT deceived me with the purpose of guiding me (Himmelsbach is the one who told me JT was the ground man). I still do NOT know JT's motive, but it pretty much stands out in this thread. He doesn't want the crime to be solved unless he is the one to solve it.

Regardless of what JT says - it is a known fact I could NOT name the places and had no map to the area until after my 2001 trip with the media. When I returned home I got on the phone and confronted JT about the locations and his deceptions. He refused to talk to me about this - and just called me a Liar and it has continued for over 10yrs now. After 2001 I made only one "joke" communication with him until he came to this thread. I fed his frenzie with very obvious things any IDIOT would realized were contrived AFTER I returned from Wa in 2001 and called him.
What would you do if someone had wasted 4 1/2 yrs of you life with deceptions and caused the FBI to glance over the only true suspect?

I argued with JT fro 4 yrs - he is the one who gave names to the places...and he made them match what was in a book. My arguments about how the places appeared and the fact that we crossed the Columbia before Washougal - he totallly ignored. After the 2001 trip with the media - I came home and told JT where to go. Even then he refused to STATE how or WHY he was unaware of the lake, the cabins and the fact one location was very close to the PDX but on the Northside of the river.

You see he couldn't because he was in a state of shock that I actually was able to retract parts of the trip - making him the one whose creditablity was shaken. He has ever since that time tried to discredit me.

As for taking medications:
I take very little as my body does not handle them and they worsen a disease that runs in my family or can cause the onset.

I take NO pain medications or anti-inflammatories (my system can not handle them).

I control pain with my mind and with anti-inflammatories that deliver the medication thru the skin (patches and jels).

I take prednisone - for celiac flares and rashes.
I take a sleeping pill when the pain is bad or the rash is bad.
I take an anxiety pill only if I get upset and then I will only take 1/2 of it.

A disease runs in our family which some drugs can cause the onset of. IT is a very debilitating disease resulting in death with in a few months to about 3 yrs. Therefore I do NOT take anything if I can handle it without medication.

When I am on the computer and my words become rambled that is because I have taken a sleeping pill to escape the pain that was not alleviated by a whirlpool bath or by gels or patches. This is HOW I CHOOSE to handle pain and my disease.

I refuse to allow my mind to become pickled by drugs and to take anything that might trigger the end of my life sooner than I want it to end. Even after my surgery in May - I did NOT take even one of the pill prescribe to take after the surgery.

Lidocane patches and Ice Packs -was ALL I did. I hope I can do the same with the next surgery - but it will be more extensive. All pain mediations and antibiotics have to be delilvered by IV - my internal system will eject them (meaning I get very sick to my stomach).

Now Georger go take your MEDS!


If ONE man commiting this crime and got away with it - would you not say - "This is one time the FBI screwed up Big Time" ?

P.S. Bruce - where in the Hell did you get there had been 900 plus confessions? That is NOT true. Be specific and ask the FBI how many confession have been made. A few, but they were usually drunks and individuals who were obviously NOT Cooper. I believe less than a dozen individuals actually confess and where investigated to any extent.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

If ONE man commiting this crime and got away with it - would you not say - "This is one time the FBI screwed up Big Time" ?

Nope. Every investiagtion has its share of mistakes, but this isnt a case full of probabtive unambiguoius clues. If it were it would have been solved. The FBI chased a lot of leads that went nowhere, but thats just what happens when you have a case with so little evidence regarding Cooper's identity.

I am not an FBI fanboi as Farflung likes to call em, but I don't think they missed a perfect opportunity to solve the case. This case is really tough, time has proven that.

Cooper, through luck or skill or a combination of both, seemed to vanish into the night. Even today we can only make guesses as to who he was and what happened to him

The FBI's failure to further investigate Duane Weber is not a screw up, it's a rational allocation of resources. Jo would have had then digging up dead dogs and chasing all sorts of speculative leads full time if they did her bidding.

This mystery is compelling because it is so hard to solve. I don't blame the FBI for failing to ID Cooper so far. I think eventually he will be ID'd. Someone somewhere will remeber some relevant info or evidence. A body and rig might be found. Who knows, but I do not think it will remain unsolved forever.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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All that to say - after looking at a couple of articles I just don't see the figure of $200,000. Was that the amount used in the AMW video maybe?


Good question. I just follow the herd. What alpha
ox started that?

Unsolved Mysteries "started" that one.

The media = never seems to check the facts prior to the report.

I figured that might have been where it came from. I said AMW video for "America's Most Wanted", but as Vicki points out, the tv show he was featured on is Unsolved Mysteries. My bad...I knew it was one of em. Shoulda went to Youtube and checked myself but got lazy :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Good question. I just follow the herd. What alpha
ox started that?

Unsolved Mysteries "started" that one.

The media = never seems to check the facts prior to the report.

Frankly, I havent paid that much attention to Mel
for a number of reasons, one of which is modus
operendi. Why would a guy like Mel suddenly switch
gears and become a parachuting Olympian just to
obtain 200k in negotiable currency in what by any
account is a very risky operation - vs. - when he had
a long career of using copyiers and litho machines
forging paper he could pass at Bison-Mart ?

Maybe Im missing something. Hijacking an airplane
doesnt fit his profile, or the general profile of paper
hangers? There are plenty of guys at the Tres. Dept
who would have an opinion about that. Hanging
paper is a low risk crime, non confrontational vs
walking on a plane with a bomb and facing off people
'with a brown paper bag in hand'? In today's market
that would be worse than silly, even suicidal. Even in
1971 it was nutty. A lot of people laughed at
Cooper's "escapade" which is exactly how many
people viewed Coopoer's act. The fact he apparently
got away with it ... is that something your Melvin
would do vs. printing up some fake bonds??

I worked for several commercial printers while in
college. These are not people who take big risks!
They may have mistresses, but they generally are
a depressive repressed lot ... trying to finance their
habits on the monthly plan.

Mel was running from one large Federal crime ...
why would he risk an act where being caught or
winding up a corpse had a very high probability?
Mel's sense of self preservation obviously outweighed
everything else. This not a guy who then turns
around and actually faces off with THE MAN! Better
to schlep off and disappear for real, like Silkwood.
Ten to one he has more family - somewhere.

I think Jerry Thomas is completely off the rail with
this. Its just his hobby.

You might get further hiering 377 or Porteous?

Mel fits into a very solid post-WWII profile.
Thousands of kids and families suffered because of
this syndrom. It was almost "in the air" after WWII
for a host of reasons. Its a huge untold story of
America's post World War II legacy, that nobody
wants to talk about. I guarantee you. Your family
was not unique in this. It doesnt make the hurt less,
the hurt is real. Buyt Mel fits into a very well
documented pattern. Hyjacking airplanes was NOT
in this guy's blood. J Edgar Hoover had to write a lot
of letters to families trying to explain why Daddy was
no longer around advising young sons and wives
and daughters to "get on with life". It was damned
good advice! I think that is the pattern your Mel fits

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........Yes.........the whole Mel thing doesn't make sense.......................JT trying to give it a little life is just more meat and potatoes for the publicity whore Thomas to put his teeth into.............

well, there is no meat in it - its all weak broth and
no satisfaction for Vicki and her sister. Its a bitch to
live with wondering, doubting, even doubting one's
self deeply at times.

Class Clown change your damned nym. You are no
clown! Your statement above proves that. Just a
suggestion. Thanks.

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georger succinctly and accurately states:

Maybe Im missing something.”

Ummm…. yeah georger…. You missed the part about Melvin facing 25 years in a Federal Pound You In The Ass Prison. You know, the types where there is no parole and you get Pounded In The Ass. Yep georger, most men would view that as a downer, a minus or something that would not be sought. Mel was 40 something looking at being in his late 60’s by the time he got out and getting Pounded In The Ass for 25 years. Think his previous stints were that long? I’m guessing (monkey guess here) NO. Starting to get a clue yet? How about a raging clue?


Check the prints, compare the DNA that Vicki’s brother ALREADY has on file and put this to rest or talk about pressure bumps sans any data, experience or protocol along with chasing down some titanium artifact recovered from a Salvation Army tie. Gee which would be the most logical and conclusive?

I know, ignoring those reserve lines that Cooper definitely grasped to cut from the reserve and debate how many Coopers can be ejected by an average pressure bump.

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Guru hit the jackpot, being an innocent suspect. Tell us about the groupies Guru, if your wife doesnt monitor you posts.

I was jumping in 1971 and it was very cool to be suspected of being DB Cooper. Lots of jumpers lied about geting questioned by the FBI. It was a status thing.

We all thought he HAD to be a skydiver, the only question was which one.

I was only in my twenties then, but still wanted to be a suspect. I owned 727 manuals and had recently flown to Seattle, so I was holding out hope.

No deal, the FBI didnt come calling. They somehow knew 377 wasn't the type.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Between Amazon's remark and then Class Clown and Now Guru312, I am also laughing.

I am the one who usually gets put down, but boy oh boy are you guys laying it on JT today and yesterday. It is about time someone caught the flack beside me.

Today USA New - what is that?

There is some kind of magazine by that name, but not a TV program I don't think? Well, who am I to say. I get NBC, CBS AND ABC and some religious channels. Obviously I do not watch a lot of TV. All of the programs on Cooper someone has to record and send to me on a DVD or VCR. Now I don't have a VCR to play them on....well, I got one but it won't work thru my converter box.

I am way behind the times!

I read a lot or keep up with Cooper. I think when I get moved I am going to get a lap dog and name him Cooper...but, have to get past the next 2 surgeries and get moved.

PS Anyone know if there was a jumper with the name Pennington in the 60's?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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