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DB Cooper

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There is no use in asking because they always deflect, minimize and deny, deny, deny.

I wonder why someone is soooooo sensitive about how a word is used…. ummm… like 5 months ago…. and then it becomes OK and encouraged all of a sudden today.

Well, I could behave that way; but then I would be that word where the utterance is viewed worse than the behavior. Oh well. I’ll just say classy instead.

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P.S. Bruce - where in the Hell did you get there had been 900 plus confessions? That is NOT true. Be specific and ask the FBI how many confession have been made. A few, but they were usually drunks and individuals who were obviously NOT Cooper. I believe less than a dozen individuals actually confess and where investigated to any extent.

Chapter 26.

Also, read my previous posts. Himms says "hundreds."

So, Jo, where did you hear that dozens of Cooper confessees were "usually drunks." Thanks.

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Go bigger than Cooper in your title lead in. Many people in 2011 don't know who he is.

Vanishing Act, the ongoing quest to find skyjacker DB Cooper.

Crime of the Century, solving the mystery of DB Cooper

Jet Jump Hijack, looking for DB Cooper in the 21st Century.

Vanished in the Night, the search to identify the most innovative criminal of the 20th century, DB Cooper.


I like these! Thanks.

See ya next week. I just booked my rez.

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georger succinctly and accurately states:

Maybe Im missing something.”

Ummm…. yeah georger…. You missed the part about Melvin facing 25 years in a Federal Pound You In The Ass Prison. .

I missed nothing and said, quote:

"Mel was running from one large Federal crime ...
why would he risk an act where being caught or
winding up a corpse had a very high probability?
Mel's sense of self preservation obviously
outweighed everything else. This not a guy who
then turns around and actually faces off with THE
MAN! (in a hyjacking) Better to schlep off and disappear for real,... "

I feel so much better. :D

I also think you're underestimating the 25 years.
I'd take 77's word for this but I think 25 was the
minimum he was facing (on paper).

Happy Farfgiving.

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Geoger : Just got back to Baker City Oregon. A hour ago.I had my small computer with me and had stoped at my sons house for a visit last night.That is the reason I haven't responded to your /Class Glowns and Jo's post. Now !Kim Cornett a producer from the USA Today show out of Ny contacted me. I am not like Jo and bug the hell out of people for a interview. I only except certain request. You have a bad habit of not understanding anything involving this case , For some reason you feel you are smarter than most. That is so far from the truth. I do wonder about your inteligent level when you make post like the one Im responding too. Jerry

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You have a bad habit of not understanding anything involving this case , For some reason you feel you are smarter than most. That is so far from the truth. I do wonder about your inteligent level when you make post like the one Im responding too. Jerry

Sorry. I just spilled corn bread batter all over this keybaoadhd so cant redkfjhfdwbly. We hicks eats lottsa cornsgaOJFHD dhdgdpoy ASHSW569&%.
FH,D'' anxhdeueytr and djfgdsgdsosu. dhdkdpdo\

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You have a bad habit of not understanding anything involving this case , For some reason you feel you are smarter than most. That is so far from the truth. I do wonder about your inteligent level when you make post like the one Im responding too. Jerry

Sorry. I just spilled corn bread batter all over this keybaoadhd so cant redkfjhfdwbly. We hicks eats lottsa cornsgaOJFHD dhdgdpoy ASHSW569&%.
FH,D'' anxhdeueytr and djfgdsgdsosu. dhdkdpdo\

"Corn bread batter"? Well that is a synonym I was unfamiliar with. Time to order a rubber keyboard cover/protector?
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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ALL: Just recieved a phone call from a man thats father was on the flight with Dan Cooper. He has a ticket stub. So Jo you can see what a real ticket stubb looks like . The mans name is Roy Clouse he was flying first class. According to his son Gary clouse. They were told the reason they were circuling Se tAC WAS BECAUSE THEY HAD TO MUCH FUEL ON BOARD . Still he Roy Clouse rode the bus from the aircraft to the terminall for the debriefing. Hopefully Gary can attend the conference . If not! I will bring the real ticket stubb with me. So it can be filmed and Jo Weber can see what a real ticket stubb looks like instead of a rubber ducky. jerry

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Vicki: Ruber keyboard protector is that the same thing as a Rubber Boot/ Baloon that protects the hands or Feet from Rain ECT.Jerry

No....it goes on a keyboard. To protect it from the internet "elements".
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Vicki! Will it protect the Jacks. Jerry

Jack and Cokes?
Jack and Jill?
Car Jacks?
Phone Jacks?
Jack Russell Terriers?
Jack the Ripper?
Cracker Jack?
Jack of all Trades?

It could protect the keyboard from the above aforementioned Jacks....and other Jacks I could not think of.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Bruice vanished in the night < what do you realy mean. We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper.Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971. Futher more. Please Leave Tina and her family alone . Your breach of privacy was viewed as hostile.Jerry

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Geoger : Just got back to Baker City Oregon. A hour ago.I had my small computer with me and had stoped at my sons house for a visit last night.That is the reason I haven't responded to your /Class Glowns and Jo's post. Now !Kim Cornett a producer from the USA Today show out of Ny contacted me. I am not like Jo and bug the hell out of people for a interview. I only except certain request. You have a bad habit of not understanding anything involving this case , For some reason you feel you are smarter than most. That is so far from the truth. I do wonder about your inteligent level when you make post like the one Im responding too. Jerry

Excuse me - I do not bug anyone and I do NOT want to be on a TV prorgram - remember I refused to do so. Why the hell do you think I am staying away from the Symposium and You and WHY I refused offers over the last few yrs. BECAUSE if I do anything it will be part of the solution and not part of the PROBLEM and source of mistruths LIKE yours have been.

I will provide information to anyone but will NOT appear nor do I want to appear on ANY program. I will never appear on TV again and I have made that known. I have provide information and will continue to provide that information to those who inquire it of me - but only in the form of pictures and emails.

The only way you survive is on Cooperism. Without Cooper you are nothing. How many suspects have YOU supported over the yrs. You have refused to talk about your taxi driver in the thread because you knew it was a dud then just as you know the others are duds.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo : If any one should be in trouble for post and badgering telling lies ECT: it is you. Your post prove you have lied and frauded this case many times . Check post # 1110. As I directed the producer from NBC to do. Its time for you to admit you have been proven , Not creditable. Jerry

Do you mean post #1110 I did or #1110 in the thread? You will have to be more specific than that. Note you keep telling individuals to go to page such and such - everyone seta their programs up differently and page 10 might be page 20 on someone else's system.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Bruice vanished in the night < what do you realy mean. We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper.Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971. Futher more. Please Leave Tina and her family alone. Your breach of privacy was viewed as hostile.Jerry

May all the demons that haunt us disappear this night, and may truth burst forth like tomorrow's dawn..

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Unless I missed it . . .

Now that we know the parachute found wasn't Coopers - who's was it?

While I'm not clear on if it was actually buried, or just found in a mound of dirt, where did it come from? Did they ever find any serial numbers or markings?

There were Smoke Jumpers operating in eastern WA as early as 1940 (pre-WWII) and those parachutes were probably silk. But this parachute is well west of there.

Just an unlucky early aviator hitting the silk? But if the canopy was buried, why?

But there's another possibility, maybe . . .

We know the Germans landed saboteurs on Long Island, NY via submarine during WWII. And there was also an artillery attack on a Santa Barbara, CA oil refinery, also from a sub but this time Japanese, in 1942. Could the Japanese have also landed spies or saboteurs from the air during this time? I'm not sure if they had planes that could transit the Pacific at the time, but maybe carrier based aircraft could have done it. Or, they did have a toehold in the Aleutian Islands (off Alaska) and might have launched some operations from there.

Oh, and Hoop, you know Townies are somewhat of an issue at most every DZ - get over it . . .

NickD :)

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I don't have to explain why this is important. It's self-evident.

Nothing here is self-evident. Nothing. Why? Its
simple. Everyone has an agenda. And credentials
galore! Will it be a symposium or the Tower of
Babel? Who will be charge? Charlie Manson?
Or Mata Hari?

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P.S. Bruce - where in the Hell did you get there had been 900 plus confessions? That is NOT true. Be specific and ask the FBI how many confession have been made. A few, but they were usually drunks and individuals who were obviously NOT Cooper. I believe less than a dozen individuals actually confess and where investigated to any extent.

Chapter 26.

Also, read my previous posts. Himms says "hundreds."

So, Jo, where did you hear that dozens of Cooper confessees were "usually drunks." Thanks.

Remember I have had 100's of conversations with Himmelsbach.
He put it in the 100's and I asked the FBI this same question. Now remember I have been talking to Himmelsbach for 15 yrs plus.

I specifically asked one of the agents many yrs ago. He did NOT have a number but that it was no were near the 1000's. As it was explained to me that early on in the investigation if they threw a drunk in the Tank and he claimed he was Cooper they had to run the stats on him - but not necessarily investigate him.

I asked for a realistic number and I really don't remember what he said. It was more than a dozen though so I will retract that one. It was not as high as Mr. H had led me to believe. I keep trying to remember what the agent told me but, it was in the low 100's. He too may have been speaking of the top of his head. So much of that happens in this.

I believe the media person you spoke to probably does NOT really know how many have confessed - and if it was as high as she stated she was including every drunk that got put in the tank claiming he was Cooper...not those that got past a cursory look see.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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