377 22 #27451 November 18, 2011 Georger wrote Quote Nothing here is self-evident. Nothing. Why? Its simple. Everyone has an agenda. And credentials galore! Will it be a symposium or the Tower of Babel? Who will be charge? Charlie Manson? Yeah Georger, no shortage of agendas here. Everyone is rooting for their favorite. Suspects are viewed like prize fighters. Duane Weber was a bantam weight, KOd in the third round. Braden is seen by some as a real contender, a heavyweight who can go the distance. Jerry sees Wilson as the champ. It's funny how a suspect's viability can get boosted or tainted by the behavior of their sponsor. Wilson fares well partly because Vicki is pleasant, doesn't push him and is not dogmatic. Jamie Cooper's dad is ignored even though he has some interesting qualifications. Jamie behaved roughly here so his dad is largely disregarded. Really the suspects should be viewed completely independently from the demeanor/behavior of those persons presenting them. Marla, an attractive and engaging young woman, charmed the FBI into a brief frenzy over a third rate suspect, which further illustrates my point about the suspect and the sponsor. The symposium and the Ariel celebration should be fun. Lots of agendas, egos and beer. Sounds like a DZ to me. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #27452 November 18, 2011 Quote Bruice vanished in the night We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper.Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971. Futher more. Please Leave Tina and her family alone . Your breach of privacy was viewed as hostile.Jerry Jerry.. give it up... even the copy cat dudes survived... not to mention thousands of US Airmen... and thousands of airmen from other countries in conditions FAR FAR worse. Then again.. I guess if you could not do that jump.. no one else could right??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #27454 November 18, 2011 Quote ALL: Just recieved a phone call from a man thats father was on the flight with Dan Cooper. He has a ticket stub. So Jo you can see what a real ticket stubb looks like . The mans name is Roy Clouse he was flying first class. According to his son Gary clouse. They were told the reason they were circuling Se tAC WAS BECAUSE THEY HAD TO MUCH FUEL ON BOARD . Still he Roy Clouse rode the bus from the aircraft to the terminall for the debriefing. Hopefully Gary can attend the conference . If not! I will bring the real ticket stubb with me. So it can be filmed and Jo Weber can see what a real ticket stubb looks like instead of a rubber ducky. jerry Jerry, If you are going to consistently relate a post I made - you need to be specific. Find this post and then repost it in the current status of the forum by doing a Quote as a reply. If it is in the old thread then you will have to do a copy and past. As for a stub - I have NEVER said I held the AIRLINE TICKET "STUB". I held the actual airline ticket. There were copies under and over the top layer and they tore these off and there would be boarding passes. The STUB I refer to was what I thought was a parking stub (this was the size of an movie ticket from the 60's). IT said SEA TAC on it and I asked him what SEA TAC was. This proves YOU DO not comprehend or read. Your are confusing the ticket and the stub and making them sound like they are one thing - they are not even comparable. When you come off at me BE SURE you have your DUCKs in a row. Your comprehension skills leave much to desired as your statement above proves. If you are going to attack me and tell individuals to look at a specific post - perhaps they should look AT ALL of your post and see exactly what they are dealing with. You are illiterate and irrational and unable to comprehend some very simple basics. If these individuals read your "simple" and very "uncomprehensible" posts they would see you in an entirely different light. You have been riding the coat tails of Himmelsbach far far too long. I am trying to be kind here - as was Blevins earlier. Perhaps others are far more informed than you and Himmelsbach are at this time, about upcoming events and what to expect. You could be making a BIG old FOOL out of yourself! Always remember - most of what they film ends up on the cutting room floor...unlike the news article about you and the taxi driver - the thing you NEVER talk about in this thread - another one of your SURE things and another suspect you support until thing do NOT go your way or go SOUTH completely.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #27455 November 18, 2011 Quote Quote Bruice vanished in the night We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper.Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971. Futher more. Please Leave Tina and her family alone . Your breach of privacy was viewed as hostile.Jerry Jerry.. give it up... even the copy cat dudes survived... not to mention thousands of US Airmen... and thousands of airmen from other countries in conditions FAR FAR worse. Then again.. I guess if you could not do that jump.. no one else could right??? You always bring things down to bedrock. True excellence imho. Where is Orange? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #27456 November 18, 2011 So now there is a ‘professorial’ opinion that Cooper had an M.O. of escalating crimes sparked because his mother forgot his twelfth birthday, upon which he spent the day crying in her closet and plotting revenge against an airline. Oh brother. So what about some of these other ‘head cases’ that did similar acts but made the unique error of getting caught? Any worthy intelligence associated with these crimes? Richard McCoy, prior criminal activity? That’s right, he didn’t have one. Unless you consider teaching Sunday school a crime, where a boy is forced to wear a clip-on, bow tie and memorize versus verbatim or be put across the lap of Sister Beverly and spanked till he walked in a stooped gait for the next ten minutes. Robb Heady, prior criminal history? Nope. Just a parking lot attendant that couldn’t see any change to his station in life and spent days parking cars for people to squander money in casinos. Money that he could make better use of. Charles LaPoint, prior criminal history? YES!!!!! (boner time!) He was a car thief with a well known background among the police and sheriff from where he previously lived. His vocation (during the crime) was selling magazine subscriptions over the phone. Billy Eugene Hurst, prior criminal history? Unless you consider multiple stints in a laughing academy a crime, then Billy Boy was not a super tanker of malfeasance, but he was a little dinghy. Martin McNally, prior criminal history? No…. ummm… Yes… arghhh… sort of. Well Martin was hijacking a plane (his first) and minding his own business when a fast thinking drunk from a local bar jumped into action after watching news coverage on the TV (where Americans get all their education). The drunk took his Cadillac Eldorado to ramming speed and crashed the airport gates and slammed into the 727’s main gear thus grounding the plane. As a result, Martin had to hijack a second plane, therefore making him a serial hi-jacker with a brief criminal past (several minutes). There are five bozos with their backgrounds which can then be ignored while acting like Cooper must have had or didn’t have a criminal background of increasing crimes. Oddly, most of these characters simply appear to be desperate with a narrow view of alternative solutions to the problems in their lives. Just like a Cooper researcher who fabricates data out of whole cloth or suppresses data in order to advance some theory, book or whatever. Either way, I hope everyone enjoys ignoring this information. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27457 November 18, 2011 Quote Quote Bruice vanished in the night We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper.Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971. Futher more. Please Leave Tina and her family alone . Your breach of privacy was viewed as hostile.Jerry Jerry.. give it up... even the copy cat dudes survived... not to mention thousands of US Airmen... and thousands of airmen from other countries in conditions FAR FAR worse. Then again.. I guess if you could not do that jump.. no one else could right??? What's a hyjacker? ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #27458 November 18, 2011 RobertMBlevins sez: “One big difference between those people you listed and Cooper: Cooper was not caught.” That was PRECISELY the point Captain Obvious. The very fact that Cooper wasn’t caught (source???) is why the Cooper Guano Factory Outlet Stores are open extended hours. Those five goobers don’t exactly represent the super stealthy, skilled and omnipotent criminal which Cooper has become. Now Cooper can read comic books on Shemya years before publication, talk to Captain Scott and escape from the aft stairs on a magic Unicorn. I realize the average Unicorn is supposed to be magic but Cooper’s Unicorn was extra super magic. Cooper was heard on VHF ground comms from 30 miles away, flares were seen, jets flew menacingly low over terrified citizens who would be re-menaced by Men In Black, pressure bumps reached twenty atmospheres in intensity, food was splattered on the walls and ceiling, welders skydived to remote pipelines, lives were threatened who knew too much, there were failed CIA experiments where ants were crossbred with men in an attempt to produce ‘mants’ which would spy on people’s sink cabinets and toilet bases, Sirhan Sirhan supplied Cooper’s tie, his eyes were of an unknown type of color, he was polite and rude (polude), Tina’s mind was controlled, the jet was several thousand miles off course, Cooper stayed on the plane, Cooper never existed, Chuck Norris is Cooper, blah, blah, blah. Yep, Cooper was never caught so any and all of this can be true. How did LaPoint select his nom de crime? No way anyone is wasting effort on that because he was caught and they could be wrong. It is better to stick with an unknown and just make stuff up as you go. Captain Scott walked down the cabin scanning the passengers as if looking for a friend…….. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #27459 November 18, 2011 Quote So now there is a ‘professorial’ opinion that Cooper had an M.O. of escalating crimes sparked because his mother forgot his twelfth birthday, upon which he spent the day crying in her closet and plotting revenge against an airline. Oh brother. So what about some of these other ‘head cases’ that did similar acts but made the unique error of getting caught? Any worthy intelligence associated with these crimes? Richard McCoy, prior criminal activity? That’s right, he didn’t have one. Unless you consider teaching Sunday school a crime, where a boy is forced to wear a clip-on, bow tie and memorize versus verbatim or be put across the lap of Sister Beverly and spanked till he walked in a stooped gait for the next ten minutes. Robb Heady, prior criminal history? Nope. Just a parking lot attendant that couldn’t see any change to his station in life and spent days parking cars for people to squander money in casinos. Money that he could make better use of. Charles LaPoint, prior criminal history? YES!!!!! (boner time!) He was a car thief with a well known background among the police and sheriff from where he previously lived. His vocation (during the crime) was selling magazine subscriptions over the phone. Billy Eugene Hurst, prior criminal history? Unless you consider multiple stints in a laughing academy a crime, then Billy Boy was not a super tanker of malfeasance, but he was a little dinghy. Martin McNally, prior criminal history? No…. ummm… Yes… arghhh… sort of. Well Martin was hijacking a plane (his first) and minding his own business when a fast thinking drunk from a local bar jumped into action after watching news coverage on the TV (where Americans get all their education). The drunk took his Cadillac Eldorado to ramming speed and crashed the airport gates and slammed into the 727’s main gear thus grounding the plane. As a result, Martin had to hijack a second plane, therefore making him a serial hi-jacker with a brief criminal past (several minutes). There are five bozos with their backgrounds which can then be ignored while acting like Cooper must have had or didn’t have a criminal background of increasing crimes. Oddly, most of these characters simply appear to be desperate with a narrow view of alternative solutions to the problems in their lives. Just like a Cooper researcher who fabricates data out of whole cloth or suppresses data in order to advance some theory, book or whatever. Either way, I hope everyone enjoys ignoring this information. Its a little like genetics, isn't it. Skips a generation, sometimes two. All depends on the type of defect. (not even the severity of the defect; just the presentation clock). Sooner or later it will surface. Familial. Children usually wind up paying for the crimes of their parents (by committing a crime). Its a fair bet Cooper's father or grandfather were known criminals, if he wasn't until his crime. JT wanted to know who Cooper was. It always takes several generations to purge a problem. BTW there are a lot of stats on this in spite of the fact JT hates stats. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27460 November 18, 2011 Cooper was never caught so any and all of this can be true. Quote There you go again with your wild ass theories that are obviously delusional manifestations with little regard toward actual known facts... 1) Chuck Norris would NOT have needed a parachute to successfully make the jump! 2) Even Extra Super Magic Unicorns can't walk DOWN stairs! ...Ya better start checkin' your facts Mr. Flung or somebody is gonna give YOU a polygraph! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27461 November 18, 2011 Farflung wrote Quote Cooper was heard on VHF ground comms from 30 miles away, flares were seen, jets flew menacingly low over terrified citizens who would be re-menaced by Men In Black, pressure bumps reached twenty atmospheres in intensity, food was splattered on the walls and ceiling, welders skydived to remote pipelines, lives were threatened who knew too much, there were failed CIA experiments where ants were crossbred with men in an attempt to produce ‘mants’ which would spy on people’s sink cabinets and toilet bases, Sirhan Sirhan supplied Cooper’s tie, his eyes were of an unknown type of color, he was polite and rude (polude), Tina’s mind was controlled, the jet was several thousand miles off course, Cooper stayed on the plane, Cooper never existed, Chuck Norris is Cooper, blah, blah, blah. Farflung, would you consider narrating the Dorkzone video?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV40OIFQmIw&feature=youtube_gdata_player 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClassClown 0 #27462 November 18, 2011 Quote .........The best post JerryThomas has ever made.....................A BLANK ONE............... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #27463 November 18, 2011 Jerry, I too would like Wilson checked out, but you make an incredible leap of faith here. So I gotta say..... Quote We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. "We already know"??? Come on Jerry, you don't "know", you can only theorize. Just like Cooper making it out alive is only a theory, so is the theory that he died. If you "know", then do what you ask Jo, Blevins, Cook, Smith, et al to do. Prove it. Show us the bones, the rest of the money, the chutes, the briefcase, the clothes, the sunglasses, the positive id to a person that disappeared in 1971, anything? At the very least, proponents of the live theory have shown that it can be done. Quote We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. I'm assuming that the "We" you refer to is you and the FBI. So check out Wilson's prints and DNA and either rule him in or out. If the "we" you refer to is the FBI,, are you an official spokesperson or employed by the FBI? If the "we" you refer to is not you and the FBI, who is it? Quote There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Again, so check out Wilson's prints and DNA and either rule him in or out. I assume that this is the test that needs to be passed. Quote Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper. Again, show the end result and then you can be crowned Mr. I-told-you-so. I'll even make a glittery sash. Til then - just conjecture. Quote Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971 Other than general physical and the fact that he disappeared in 1971, what else is in the profile that you refer to? Please be specific. And, other than general physical and the fact that he disappeared in 1971, how does your suspect fit the profile that you refer to? Please be specific. I know what the FBI has posted as a profile, I would be interested in Jerry's response as to the profile he has in mind. I appreciate your confidence in your instincts, Jerry. but when you use absolutes and insider talk like "we know", you oughta be willing to back it up with more than closed-minded adherence to a premise that he couldn't have made it because.... (insert weather conditions, ground conditions, mysteries of the door, the chutes, the pull, the shoes, lack of experience, etc. etc. etc.) This premise has shown to be inconclusive at the least and, at best, shown to be false by accounts from real jumpers here who have made or know others who have made similar jumps. Lived through it or died - as far as what's out there now - it's all conjecture at this point. So if you/we "know" something different, spill it. And don't say that it's all a big secret that you'll reveal later - that line is taken but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #27464 November 18, 2011 Quote Farflung wrote Quote Cooper was heard on VHF ground comms from 30 miles away, flares were seen, jets flew menacingly low over terrified citizens who would be re-menaced by Men In Black, pressure bumps reached twenty atmospheres in intensity, food was splattered on the walls and ceiling, welders skydived to remote pipelines, lives were threatened who knew too much, there were failed CIA experiments where ants were crossbred with men in an attempt to produce ‘mants’ which would spy on people’s sink cabinets and toilet bases, Sirhan Sirhan supplied Cooper’s tie, his eyes were of an unknown type of color, he was polite and rude (polude), Tina’s mind was controlled, the jet was several thousand miles off course, Cooper stayed on the plane, Cooper never existed, Chuck Norris is Cooper, blah, blah, blah. Farflung, would you consider narrating the Dorkzone video?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV40OIFQmIw&feature=youtube_gdata_player 377 Great idea, Farflung. Just don't forget about Shirley Maclaine. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #27465 November 18, 2011 I've been away for a few days and there is far too much to read so can some kind soul fill me in on anything of importance please? Interestingly i just came across a piece of econometric research on skyjackings Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #27466 November 18, 2011 Quote Jerry, I too would like Wilson checked out, but you make an incredible leap of faith here. So I gotta say..... Quote We already know it is a case that the hyjacker actually died durring the jump. "We already know"??? Come on Jerry, you don't "know", you can only theorize. Just like Cooper making it out alive is only a theory, so is the theory that he died. If you "know", then do what you ask Jo, Blevins, Cook, Smith, et al to do. Prove it. Show us the bones, the rest of the money, the chutes, the briefcase, the clothes, the sunglasses, the positive id to a person that disappeared in 1971, anything? At the very least, proponents of the live theory have shown that it can be done. Quote We also know there is only one thing left to do . That is to try and identify, Who the hyjacker realy was. I'm assuming that the "We" you refer to is you and the FBI. So check out Wilson's prints and DNA and either rule him in or out. If the "we" you refer to is the FBI,, are you an official spokesperson or employed by the FBI? If the "we" you refer to is not you and the FBI, who is it? Quote There is no one that has been investigated to be the suspect that has past the test . Only one suspect, left that has not been investigated by the FBI. Again, so check out Wilson's prints and DNA and either rule him in or out. I assume that this is the test that needs to be passed. Quote Still this man may not be Cooper. however his profile is what the end result will prove to be Cooper. Again, show the end result and then you can be crowned Mr. I-told-you-so. I'll even make a glittery sash. Til then - just conjecture. Quote Sorry I think your research should be directed to those that fit the profile and not been seen after Nov 24 1971 Other than general physical and the fact that he disappeared in 1971, what else is in the profile that you refer to? Please be specific. And, other than general physical and the fact that he disappeared in 1971, how does your suspect fit the profile that you refer to? Please be specific. I know what the FBI has posted as a profile, I would be interested in Jerry's response as to the profile he has in mind. I appreciate your confidence in your instincts, Jerry. but when you use absolutes and insider talk like "we know", you oughta be willing to back it up with more than closed-minded adherence to a premise that he couldn't have made it because.... (insert weather conditions, ground conditions, mysteries of the door, the chutes, the pull, the shoes, lack of experience, etc. etc. etc.) This premise has shown to be inconclusive at the least and, at best, shown to be false by accounts from real jumpers here who have made or know others who have made similar jumps. Lived through it or died - as far as what's out there now - it's all conjecture at this point. So if you/we "know" something different, spill it. And don't say that it's all a big secret that you'll reveal later - that line is taken just in case it comes up; see attached. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #27467 November 18, 2011 Quote Quote .........The best post JerryThomas has ever made.....................A BLANK ONE............... Classy! Class Clown. It was NOT blank last night, but I didn't do a quote using it, nor did others and I don't remember what he said, but you can be assured he was speaking out of term or demeaning someone. If not me then someone else. Since my following post holds a quote, but with the quote I do NOT believe it was the post he erased. Haven't been back to check.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #27468 November 18, 2011 Quote Jo : If any one should be in trouble for post and badgering telling lies ECT: it is you. Your post prove you have lied and frauded this case many times . Check post # 1110. As I directed the producer from NBC to do. Its time for you to admit you have been proven , Not creditable. Jerry Can Anyone Find this Specfic post Jerry picked out of 1000's I have made to present to the Today program he is talking about? He over the yrs has made a reference to this post, but how could he be singling out a specific post. I am very curious as to WHICH post he is referring to. I am sure that by reading back from this "specific" post one might be able to understand the post he is referring to. I have checked the old thread in paper form and this one - so far I have found only one post with that number and it referenced someone who had been trying to contact me. That post was inconsequental and does in no way prove I am a LIAR. The person who was trying to contact me was a child in 1971 and was suffering a lot of stress and wanted to find me as I had wanted to find him. All we did was connect and he told me what little he could remember. Since he does NOT want to be involved in this I have left him at peace, but he knows I am here if he needs me and he knows how to find me. You see "folks" this thread has been productive and I just do NOT talk or write about all of the leads and information this thread has provided. This was NOT the only contact I made thru this thread regarding the past of Weber which I just let slide into the massive posts and not discuss. These posters come here looking for me and some never post, but leave a PM or read into the thread enough to pick up my email address on AOL. Some have been informative and others have been pure baloney and/or something I could NOT connect with Weber's past. The New Orleans thing I had been told about by a former family member of Duane's and by Duane himself. I did get this verifies thru this thread and the CLOCK matched the 3 other stories I had been told. The FBI never offered an explanation fo the events of 1968 to 1971 regarding Duane L. Weber and why they went to Boulder looking for him in 1968. They have never explained WHY they did NOT pursue him. Nor have they explained how he went into selling insurance out of Alabama at that time and since the FBI knew how to contact him - WHY did they NOT do so. If they were seeking Duane for parole violation or a crime - why was he not arrested at this point? How did the FBI loose his trail - he was NOT hiding? He had kids in school and later a grandbaby on the way. If the FBI REALLY looked at the information on Duane Weber - what is so SECRET about this enquiry? Who was Weber associating with in N.Orleans? I know. Where did he live? I know. The FBI made copies of the tax report - so they have NO excuse in NOT knowning - or is this just another one of those things they let fly by the public or themselves? You see Blevins I do have the paper trail - but NO one was interested in LOOKING at it because Duane Weber was just a 2 bit small time long term convict and criminal. NOW think about this. Duane had been to San Quentin, Folsom, Canon City, Jefferson and obviously some time in Ohio (but we know he escaped and was on the run during most of that time and when he was caught in CA 1949 then added 2 yrs to his sentence because of the Ohio incident). Why was the FBI looking for Weber in 1968 and why did they not find him? Perhaps they did find him and required he take a couple of trips to the EAST for questioning in regard to another crime which he was not part of, but held information on. This could have been for one of 2 reasons and with Duane's background if you can't figure that one out the reader is on their own. What was happening in the States from 1968 until 1971. What else was Weber involved in the 60's that would have caused the FBI to want John Collins (aka Weber) to come in for questioning? Weber was commuted as John Collins because the people who knew him from 1962 until 1968 had been told this by Duane and Duane had ID and worked under the name, but was always on the move. Only the government knew that John Collins was Duane Weber. Was Weber paying a debt to society? If you look at the paper trail and talk to the individuals (which I did and now most of them are deceased) - one would know there was something FUNNY about that time period and WHY I concentrated on it so hard. Maybe Weber was just snitch when he was put in Jefferson or maybe it was for his protection. Stange why the wife would go to visit him and be told that he was in solitare, but they let him go in about 16 months and this is when she learned his name was Duane L. Weber (this I was told by the wife of the time and all of her family members who knew him only as John Collins until 1968. One has to have FOOD for thought here and to ignore this is foolish on anyone's part. If Duane was the DUMB criminal all have tried to make him out to be - HOW did he pull this off? Need Help in finding the Post Jerry is using!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27469 November 18, 2011 Jo I posted the thread number. You remember the one when you got caught caught in the lie about Ben Garzzara and Bing Crosby look alike. You stated you were the one that came up with tis comparrison > In reality you stole it from Max Guthers book and passed it on to Doug Pasternik as your story. How was it you discribed the feeling you had when you and Doug discussed it. Just another example of how good you are at Lieing. The page was 1110 I sugest you give it another look Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27470 November 18, 2011 Jo My reference is to your posts on DropZone not just one, many of them. In which you tell lies and counterdict your self. All any one has to do is read your pass posts . What they see is how many lies you have told and your attempt to fraud this case. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27471 November 18, 2011 Quote Jo My reference is to your posts on DropZone not just one many of them. In which you tell lies and counterdict your self. All any one has to do is read your pass posts . What they see is how many lies you have told and your attempt to fraude this case. Jerry Yawn.....somebody change the broken record. ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27472 November 18, 2011 Geoger : The man died that night there is no other explanation for it. He did not have the experience to make that jump his actions proved it.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27473 November 18, 2011 Airtwardo: Your right, It is a broken record.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #27474 November 18, 2011 ONLINE SpellCheck Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27475 November 18, 2011 Quote Airtwardo: Your right, It is a broken record.Jerry Seriously, do ya get a chubby beating up on an old woman or what? You made your point, you don't believe her...give it a rest, you're looking worse every time ya cry about it. Dead horse! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites