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DB Cooper

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Yep, just when you thought the Dan Cooper comic book was dead and buried, this Cooper Zombie has managed to dig itself out of a shallow grave on Tena Bar and lope towards Portland in an uncoordinated, tweaky and spastic gait while emitting the stench of death. Or that’s just how people in the region normally walk, I’m not sure yet.


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Just a brief respite to discuss what is arguably the most important social and political movement in past forty years, the occupy movement. I'd be curious to hear y'alls comments on a list of proposals to reform the finanacial system of the country, and the world.


Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming....

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Greetings All,

I have posted the full line-up for the forthcoming DB Cooper Symposium on the Mountain News:


The gathering will include: Marla Cooper, Ralph and Jerry, Tom Kaye and Carol Abracadabra (spelling?), Ron and Pat Forman (talking about Barb Dayton) and some locals to sing, dance and tell us stories about the cultural impact.

Plus, we will have our very own 377, too.

In addition, Brian Ingram will be there to auction a $20. Also in attendence will be Musika Farnsworth, the freelancer who wrote about Sheridan for Parachutist magazine.

Rena Ruddell, Barb's daughter will be there to talk about her life with a most unusual father.

It's gonna be good.

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Greetings All,

I have posted the full line-up for the forthcoming DB Cooper Symposium on the Mountain News:


The gathering will include: Marla Cooper, Ralph and Jerry, Tom Kaye and Carol Abracadabra (spelling?), Ron and Pat Forman (talking about Barb Dayton) and some locals to sing, dance and tell us stories about the cultural impact.

Plus, we will have our very own 377, too.

In addition, Brian Ingram will be there to auction a $20. Also in attendence will be Musika Farnsworth, the freelancer who wrote about Sheridan for Parachutist magazine.

Rena Ruddell, Barb's daughter will be there to talk about her life with a most unusual father.

It's gonna be good.

and several observers taking notes.

Im told Phoenix Jones of Seattle will be there to keep order. Yawl know who he is.

But, Sluggo has not been mentioned. ???

"the most dogged, devout and informed Cooper sleuths, all of whom have come together to answer once and for all, forty years later, who was King Kong?”

Klaatu barada nikto, Gort.

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Won't be anyone there to represent Weber or to defend him - no one cares, but me and I don't count. Those who will be there are only there to be heard and not to really learn what lies behind the stories.

Those who count are the airline pilot, Tina and Florence and the other stewardess whose name escapes me at this time. Those are the only ones who really count.

Will they be there?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Phoenix Jones

You got to be kidding - a real Spiderman!:D:D:D

I will be sitting at home wearing his pinky ring - the Pyramid and with a bottle of wine - telling the world to go to Hell! I might even get pretty drunk (only takes 1/2 a bottle of cheap wine). Maybe I should take his ashes and throw them into the Gulf....would rather they be put in WA. That is where he belongs.

The N.W. was a happy memory for him - the small towns and places he took me to and told me about. There was a smile on his face - a memory of happy times.

His nightmare was the dream he had in 1978. The night he talked in his sleep.

"I left my prints on the Aft Stairs"
"I'm going to die"
and then nothing but a blood curdling scream then he was up and trembling fixing himself a brandy and swallowing some pills.

He told me Aft Stairs was the stair way in a jail. A county jail he had spent a couple of months in because he got in trouble with a couple of other guys when he was a young man.

OH! How gullible I was.

He spent the next 17 yrs - trying to be a respectful citizen and making a decent living. There were incidents as I have explained before when I caught him doing things unacceptable during the first couple of yrs of our marriage. It was on the coast of Fl when I caught him doing something really bad in 1980. I told him to take me back to AL and he did and I started to pack-up - even called to rent a U-haul. On bended knee he asked me to stay and I will never forget the tears that streamed down his fact that morning.

He promised never ever to do anything like that again. In a way I am glad I said yes, because he did turn around his life after that. This is when he made the efforts to become what he became. He applied himself to being a better person and became a honest providor and we became a good team.

Of course in those last 2 yrs - he slipped a little. Taking Kool-aid just to keep in practice - it was NOT like we could not afford the Kool-aid. Kool-aid was cheap.

I remember how he took them out of his pocket presenting them to me like they were a gift with that mischievous smile on his face.

On that one particular visit to the store - we were together. He had done this right in front of me and I didn't see him do it. After work the next day I stopped by to talk to the manager of the store and told him about this. They already knew - but he was so loved by the community they just looked the other way.

The manager of the store told me a story I didn't know about Duane and one I haven't told. Perhaps I have forgotten to tell the good things he did in his life.

The store management had also witnessed Duane paying for items a mother with a child could not pay for. Another time giving a child something his mother made him put back. It was the tender moments like this when Duane gave back...he was loved by everyone who knew him during the yrs from 1980 until his death in 1995.

Had I not witnessed what he was capable of in 1980 I would not have believed the stories an ex-wife and others told me about Duane.

Maybe the time had come for him to grow-up or to make amends for the food he may have taken out of the mouths of children in his early yrs when he stole wallets and purses.

I do NOT condone what Duane was - but I did give him a chance and I forgave him. He could not right the wrongs he did - but, he would spend the rest of his life trying to do the right thing.

I guess that is all I have to say.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Phoenix Jones

You got to be kidding - a real Spiderman!:D:D:D


The bigger question is, will Casey McNerthney be there for the Seattle PI? Casey is covering the Phoenix Jones case and is fingered by the Seattle Times as launching the LD Cooper flap here in the States after Alex Hanaford broke the story in London.

Alex's piece came out about 2 pm Seattle time on a Satuday and by dinner Casey had quotes rollin' from Miss Ayn.

Casey, as with so many, ain't returning my phone calls or emails. But I'd sure like to know how he got "most promising" confirmed so quickly on a weekend.

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Phoenix Jones

You got to be kidding - a real Spiderman!:D:D:D


The bigger question is, will Casey McNerthney be there for the Seattle PI? Casey is covering the Phoenix Jones case and is fingered by the Seattle Times as launching the LD Cooper flap here in the States after Alex Hanaford broke the story in London.

Alex's piece came out about 2 pm Seattle time on a Satuday and by dinner Casey had quotes rollin' from Miss Ayn.

Casey, as with so many, ain't returning my phone calls or emails. But I'd sure like to know how he got "most promising" confirmed so quickly on a weekend.

Precisely - exactly.

Gray has caused a train wreck again. Call in the
wrecking crew. Blevins can be called in for cleanup
and Ingram will give the parting invocation, in
Pig Latin.

Let the Roast begin!


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My favorite cartoons in the Symposium Attactments are:
1.The Ariel
2. Symposium (Marla)

I am surprised Marla would even go to the symposium after getting caught in that one. I contacted her to ask if he uncle knew anyone from Coopers Garage in St. Helens.!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger says in part:


'Precisely - exactly.

Gray has caused a train wreck again. Call in the
wrecking crew. Blevins can be called in for cleanup
and Ingram will give the parting invocation, in
Pig Latin.

Let the Roast begin!'

Perhaps you should give it a break. Do you see me attending any of this? And my office is about two hours away. No. Why? Personal decision.

If you're so smart, why don't YOU go down and do 'cleanup' instead of bringing my name up (again).

Sometimes pictures can tell a story better than words. Some cartoons attached, varied subjects. Nothing too personal.

My my. Such a ramification you make.
You cannot be excelled in the poo-poo dept.
You ignored Thomas' invitation - that was a BIG
mistake! Thomas was inviting you in, for the
fitting of vestments. You spurn such joy in favor of
pointing cartoons at him! Now you must go into the
ring with the bull, for your breach. Viens faire toi-
même le mélange des couleurs...

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This a question I sent to Marla inquiring about her Uncles and wonder if she will make any of this part of HER story. Don't be surprised and REMEMBER you heard it first here!


Surely your mother can remember if they had any connections with the Cooper's Garage in St. Helens. I believe the older man was named Bob. I was out there last yr at this time trying to find some answers to the the story my husband told me and the places he took me. These guys were looked at as possible suspect, but nothing ever came of it. I got this from the owner of the Corner Tavern in WA at Dollars Corner in 2001 (it is no longer there).

The Cooper boys (from Coopers Garage) where known to frequent the Dollars Corner and my husband also claimed he knew the owner, but from what time period I have no knowledge.

Any connections of your family to an Antique store in St. Helens. The lady who owned it for many many yrs died but she had a daughter I was unable to find. I wanted to know who that daughter was.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Just a brief respite to discuss what is arguably the most important social and political movement in past forty years, the occupy movement. I'd be curious to hear y'alls comments on a list of proposals to reform the finanacial system of the country, and the world.

...I presume you are talking 'most important' in terms of the US only.... Dictators being toppled and waves of political change sweeping the world are arguably more important than a bunch of well-off-enough kids holding up a few signs, cndemning the multinationals whose very products they are wearing/using :|
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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What a long strange trip it's been: a twenty dollar bill goes from a bank to a criminal to a child to a charity. The OCCUPY folks would probably approve.

Hats off to Brian Ingram. The self focused Cooper Vortex has centrifugal force. This appears to be one of the few times it has thrown off something altruistic. Blevins and AB's donations of books to childhood reading programs deserves praise too.

I wonder what charity Brian has selected to receive the proceeds of the Cooper twenty auction?

Thanks Brian.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And I'm going to re-post my favorite cartoon out of the list, just for the heck of it. Call me crazy, but I think it says a lot.


I gave em motive, opportunity, the accomplice, two grand of the ransom in the guy's back yard, spending evidence, witness testimony, chute experience…. even a friggin picture of him dressed like the hijacker a couple of weeks after the crime…What the heck do they WANT?

Let's dissect this frog, shall we? Motive by itself = nothing, motive + opportunity = nothing. Motive: I could use a couple of hundred grand right now and I am p.o.'d cause the Super Committee was anything but. Opportunity = The banks are open, I've got a mask left over from Halloween, a gun, a sheet of paper and a pen, 1/4 of a tank of gas. What I don't have is the psychological makeup / propensity / despair necessary for committing a crime and I'm too afraid of being caught.

The accomplice: A friend that may (or may not) be lying. A friend who may (or not) have a relationship with the main suspect that they want kept hidden for whatever reason. Who do we believe? 40-year old memories of people that knew the two -- who may (or may not) have an ax to grind, witnesses that may be susceptible to rethinking old memories from an alternate viewpoint, or a guy who (if he's lying) might have alternative reasons to lie (other than being an accomplice to a crime)

Two grand of the ransom in the guy's back yard: HUGE leap here. First, again there's no physical evidence of the money. But let's just say that it was there. There is absolutely no way to connect it to the hijacking. My grandfather liked to bury money. He was a loveable loon who liked to wander afield and would bury money for easy access and to keep it away from his wife. Grandpa wasn't Cooper. Kenny may not be either.

Spending evidence: Another leap. Your suspect spent money but you haven't shown where the money didn't come from. Do you know any of the following? Did his income exceed his expenses? Was he frugal and able to save and then when he got enough money - he purchased coins? (Grandpa again - He wasn't a rich man but he saved his money until he could purchase a couple acres here and there for cash) Did he ever receive any type of inheritance? Win a lottery? Buy some stocks cheap and sold for a profit? Win on jeopardy? Win in Vegas? Sold drugs? Fenced stolen property? Not all of these types of income would be traceable to an income tax return. Have you looked at bank statements? All of his papers? You've based your assumptions on the fact that he seems to have spent more than he made. Grandpa did that too. If a transaction didn't involve something that had to be written down it pretty much went into the cash pile. He gave 10% to his church, the IRS -- well, let's just say he gave the government what he felt it deserved. ;)

Witness testimony: No-brainer. Witnesses are mistaken, they lie, they have convenient memories, they want their 15 minutes. You've used any or all of this reasoning yourself about the original and other witnesses.

Chute experience: One out of eight = F

Picture of him dressed like the hijacker: Okay, intriguing, but again: You don't really know when the picture was taken - only when it was developed, right? He's wearing a black raincoat/overcoat over a black shirt that's over a lighter colored t-shirt. He's got on light colored pants. The case he's holding appears to be one that opens at the top - like a salesman case or overnight satchel - like he might be coming home from a trip. He's holding a white bag that could contain his dirty laundry or a bunch of McDonald's fries. Okay there could be money in there too, but just as likely something else. Kenny might just be a jokester.

Not saying that Kenny's not the guy - what I am saying is - realistically you haven't really given us a whole lot that can't just as easily be explained away. I think that the problem with a lot of suspect pushers is that they go into it trying to fit the suspect to the crime instead of going into it from the other direction. Try your best to prove it wasn't him. Investigate and give some serious due diligence to all those other explanations. You've given us speculation, guesses, and convenient assumptions (i.e., the witnesses wouldn't know a toupee when they see one - see this is a hard one coz even the best ones usually look like toupees. That's just one example cause this has turned into a longer post than i intended.

What the heck do we want? Let's see: Fingerprint match? DNA match? A twenty dollar bill? A better match to the original eye witness testimony? Oh wait…….. witness testimony is only good if YOU interview them. My bad.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving, today is folklore,

Last year is history, like forty before.

So stop what you’re doing, give your brain a long rest,

Hear a tale of great daring, from the Pacific Northwest.

He dressed all in black, with a long skinny tie,

He looked just like anyone, a regular guy.

He asked for a ticket, a twenty in hand,

One way to Seattle, my first name is Dan.

Off to the gate, he would blend with the crowd,

Sit and have a few smokes, back then that was allowed.

His eyes were quite dark, and filled up with hate,

Northwest just announced, his flight would be late.

It started to gust, began pouring rain,

It would only get worse, for that three engine plane.

Now chiseled in history, not some dark archive,

Is a skydive of infamy, from Flight 305.

He sat in the back, the very last row,

He gave his instructions, and wouldn’t ya know.

The Stewardess ignored them, this killed the whole plot,

She thought he was flirting, because she was hot.

He stood from his seat, took off his raincoat,

Said to her flatly, you should read that note.

All right sir she said, with an audible hiss,

It said I’ve got a bomb, come sit next to me miss.

He showed her his package, thoughts raced through her head,

What are all those things, and why are they red?

He said I’m in charge now, this is my last stand,

Get four parachutes, and two hundred grand.

She went to the galley, the note she would show,

To another Attendant, named Tina Mucklow.

She was blonde and soft spoken, and now a subplot,

Cuz Tina is gorgeous, I mean smokin’ hot.

She talked to the stranger, he said what to do,

Now go to the front, and tell all the crew.

Tina went to the cockpit, to see Captain Scott,

I hope that I mentioned, that she’s scorching hot.

Now land in Seattle, and pick up the chutes,

Tina will get them, in her Go-Go boots.

Then outside again, to pick up the money,

This also was done, by 305’s honey.

She brought him a drink, and lit up his smokes,

He sipped at the bourbon, and took a few tokes.

Now Tina was stuck, in the worst of nightmares,

When he said, OK miss now open those stairs.

She did as instructed, and did it just right,

For the pilots could see, the small flashing light.

They stared at each other, not one word was spoken,

That light said it all, the aft stairs were open.

Now Cooper just jumped, into the cold air,

The first to have used, those little known stairs.

Some blame it on Nam, or President Nixon,

The answer’s much closer, with 305’s vixen.

She turned down his money, when he offered some,

Would soon join a convent, and be a hot nun.

What can be learned, from this history and lore?

Even with two hundred grand, some guys still….. just can’t score.

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I hope you submitted
this gem of a tale.
A story that cuts to the chase oh so well.
Send it and win it.
Whatever they got.
cause your poem is cool
while it's ...smokin hot.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I hope you submitted
this gem of a tale.
A story that cuts to the chase oh so well.
Send it and win it.
Whatever they got.
cause your poem is cool
while it's ...smokin hot.

Cool and Hunk(y).
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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99 Says: Let's dissect this frog, shall we? Motive by itself = nothing, motive + opportunity = nothing. Motive: I could use a couple of hundred grand right now and I am p.o.'d cause the Super Committee was anything but. Opportunity = The banks are open, I've got a mask left over from Halloween, a gun, a sheet of paper and a pen, 1/4 of a tank of gas. What I don't have is the psychological makeup / propensity / despair necessary for committing a crime and I'm too afraid of being caught.

Robert replies: Actually, motive is very important, and one of the first things police look for when investigating a possible suspect. Kenny's own letters home to Minnesota show plainly he was unhappy with the strikes, the airline in general, and that he was broke.

We could go on and on, back and forth on this - but I won't -- **APPLAUSE** -- except one thing. Robert, I know you're smarter than everyone else on the planet about many things, but do read. You've already erroneously put me in BVDs, hinted that my character is not equal to my courage, and have me jumping off dangerously high things because you don't always pay attention, so here's what i got.

I said motive by itself is nothing. Maybe I should have said motive and opportunity are not "all important" aka the smokin gun. Motive and opportunity might even occasionally get some police going in the wrong direction - once they have motive and opportunity some have been known to quit looking for the "real" bad guy.

My point, which obviously I wasn't clear on, is that motive and opportunity fit about a million and one people - now show me propensity for crime, despair, chutzpah, whatever it is that made an airline employee -- (an airplane employee, who I might add, you'd think would have had as much knowledge about aft doors as Tina) think he could pull this off.
Based on what we know of his life before and after (admittedly not enough) - I just don't see it. Not saying it's not possible - I grant you there are people that do that one thing in life that makes you go well I'll be damned -- you just haven't given me the info I need to think that Kenny had the balls to do it.

I even like Kenny's face for it. In one pic he's kinda got that Bing look going. Maybe something will come along to make me change my mind, but with those other pesky physical characteristics - in addition to the above - just not convinced. Not only that - I wish you guys would scan all the "evidence". Not that I don't trust you, but you have misread /interpreted some vital stuff about Kenny before.

All That said...I might be wrong. ;):)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The multi-talented Farflung scores again. You shacked it Farf.

Anybody besides Farflung know what that means? It's not what you think. No sex, just explosive power and precision, which to Farflung is a probably a poor substitute for sex.

There is a garbled clue in a B52s song, but it leads you astray.

Do submit it to the Cooper Symposium poetry competition Farflung, you may win it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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WTG Farflung! ALL the girls will want you now.


I quoted to clicky ETA: but you beat me to it. :)Cool. Glad it got submitted. Definitely the one to beat. it might even go viral B|- we can say we knew him when. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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