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georger 247
Big Bird tells me one of Kaye's experimental
bundles traveled 5 miles or more - that was
woooops. Did I just reveal something Im not
supposed to !? Im sorry.
georger 247
The money was then transported by SeaFirst bank security to a Seattle police detective who then drove it to the airport and handed over to NWA. The money was bundled in various counts so that no bundle was the same. Each bundle was secured by rubber band and different counts so that it appeared the money was hastily gathered.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa lelulya
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa lelulya!
Omni potens adoramus quite maximus est!
Prize won.
georger 247
Bruce Smith says in part:
'Plus, I called the administration desk of the senior apartments that Petey is supposedly residing in. They gave me boilerplate BS about needing to protect the confidentiality of the residents, but they finally assured me that Petey is "doing okay." Thus his residency has been confirmed along with his health. California, Ho!'
By tomorrow, I will have that phone number, too, courtesy of a guy I know in NYC.
And to visit people there, you most likely will have to sign in and present ID. This is prevent people from just walking around and theiving out of residents' drawers, or causing other problems. Now I know you wouldn't do anything like that. But you had better be NICE to the old guy, that's all I'm saying. He's a person...not just some pawn you can kick around any way you wish for your Cooper Case Chase.
I don't know. Seeing your previous methods with some of the people you've (tried to) interview, I may make a warning call to the facility. Not to have you stopped from interviewing Sheridan, but to make sure a staff member is present to cut you off if you start getting strange on the guy. You when you got hostile when Dormuth wasn't buying your 'I wanna be your press agent' routine.
You DO know that members of the Dormuth family have seen that article you wrote about them, right?
How about drawing up a list of solid questions for Sheridan and behaving yourself. Besides, you'll get better results. Take a voice recorder, a camera, have your questions ready in a notebook. In other words, do a professional interview. You got pretty close with the parachute-ownership article. Learn from that. You need a digital voice recorder? I'll give you a spare one I have lying around. Some possible questions for Sheridan? No problem.
Suggestion: I would DELETE the disparaging comments about Dormuth's personals from your Mountain News article. It was part of the reason you got blown off by Ayn Dietrich. They've seen that article, too. You should clean it up a bit. It's not smart to say bad things about a former FBI agent unless you are blowing the whistle on him or something. There's a lot of brotherly love going around the Bureau, especially with former agents. They don't like to see that stuff written about their own, and I don't blame them.
A very strong hint has just been dropped on you here, Bruce. I hope you understand it, because I'm not going to elaborate.
I thought last night you were depressive and said you were leaving ?
Must have changed your karma in the last 24 hours?
georger 247
Now if BIG BIRD comes by and they stick to his foot,
and somewhere later airborn he shakes his foot
near Tina's Bar ... the odds of that are no worse
than your story!
Farflung 0
“from ckret old post: The money was provided by Seafirst bank which is now Bank of America. The money had been earmarked for situations such as these and was always on hand. It had been photographed and serial numbers recorded by their security so the FBI did none of this.
The money was then transported by SeaFirst bank security to a Seattle police detective who then drove it to the airport and handed over to NWA. The money was bundled in various counts so that no bundle was the same. Each bundle was secured by rubber band and different counts so that it appeared the money was hastily gathered.”
Where was that headless corpse going? They usually spring from someone ‘just looking for the truth’ who is looking for a buck.
What can I say smokin99 besides:
Not since the iridium selling DC-7 pilot have we had such an undeserved attack of syphilis and Cooperrhea with the same host. I think it may have been cured with a quick dose of honesty and intelligence.
georger 247
Ok Dude. I will give you and Gray one, for ole times
Brian forgot to tell you his mother in cleaning and
trying to restore the bundles (and some of the bills
with band fragments on them) treated (soaked!)
some of the stuck-together money with CLOROX
BLEACH, in an effort to clean and brighten the old
money, rid the money of dirt, decay, and mold and
bring the lustre back. It quickly proved a mistake!
Gooey gooey on my shooey shooey. Horror-struck
at what was happening with money melting before
her very eyes, she quickly dumped the lumps into
water, and more water. Live and learn.
This is a true story DECODED couldnt even make up.
This comes directly from Mrs Ingram who, as far as
I am concerned, is a very nice and wise lady. Brian
is fortunate to have her for a mother.
Because, the parent's first inclination was to try and
restore as much of the money as possible in order
to make it presentable and redemable at a bank.
The Cooper caper, or any other criminal link, hadn't
entered their minds up to that point.
The smell was still evident (according to witnesses)
when the Ingrams walzed into the Portland FBI office
with the money. Funny.
das ist alles von mir. radaq shalom.
377 22
mimmeographed cash
Do you mean photocopied?
Kids in my elementary school used to get high sniffing mimeograph fluid. My recollection is that it wasnt a copying process. It used a typed or drawn master and then allowed rapid duplication in blue toned ink.
Let's see what Wiki says.
sailshaw 0
1) Sheridan started the Boeing Sky Diving Club
2) He worked at Boeing in Document rewriting and might have been layed-off when the SST was canceled and that could have been the Gruge reason.
3) His skin color was a definite olive color and his eyes were brown.
4) He was always talking about devising a system to beat the system.
5) Deep in debt from divorce
6) Drank burbon and smoked a lot
7) Got his Instructor certification in Skydiving at Issaquah Skysports. Probably knew Cossey.
8) He was very interested in the 727 Aftstairs and I was only in planning of testing the 737 side door airstair. at the time.
9) He was a calm, cool, and collected guy.
10) The FBI had traced him to my address as they were checking out Smoke Jumpers. They then visited him to take DNA swabs and then interviewed him again when the results were negative. The agent remarking Sheridan was a very interesting suspect. So the FBI have contacted him at least three times.
11) Also, Sheridan is about 6 ft 1 inch in height.
377 22
Hey Dan, if Cooper lands alive, how does he get out undetected?
A stranger walking in any rural area in Oregon or Washington would be enough to trigger suspicion during the news flurry.
You could stay away from dwelling and roads for a while, but eventually you need to get out of the area.
I like the accomplice on the ground and radios etc., but I just don't see how you could make it work. Too many uncontrolled variables.
Robert99 50
...not sure...the word I had heard was mimmeographed. I dont think xerox photocopy technology was out back then? But the concept of laying the bills face down on "something" so that an actual picture of them could be retained was always what I had understood to be what they did in the interest of speed. If thats true, you would be hard pressed to find a banker that would lump randon amounts of bills into rubber bands, they just dont think like that. But hey, maybe there is somebody that was at that table that day that can answer that? In any case, its trivia, they ended up in bundles of some sort that ended up under Brians picnic. I would just like to know what really happened behind those doors that afternoon in getting the money ready. Somebody out there knows the answer to this...
How about "microfilmed"?
377 22
Farflung 0
Rkive 0
To 377: What an absolute pleasure to meet you and your wife. Your presentation on Cooper's choice of chutes, and jumping off the aft stairs of a 727 was phenomenally informative. I can't get the video out of my head. On page 44 of the FBI 302's, Mucklow "commented that he appeared to be completely familiar with the parachutes which had been furnished to him." - a very, very noteworthy and incredibly significant statement from Mucklow, brought to our attention during your presentation. Never having seen a parachute before (except the reserve chute and container in the Cooper archive), I knew I could put the NB8 on correctly, but only after having examined detailed drawings of Major Dan Cooper wearing a military chute in the Cooper comic for 3 years. That, and researching parachutes for my own Cooper presentation. Thanks for letting me try on the NB8. What a thrill!
To Hangdiver and "raspberrymoon": Thanks for allowing me to eat my big bowl of chili with you guys at the bar during the Ariel Tavern after-party. You're super cool, and it was great to get a former flight attendant and a couple of skydiver's perspectives on the Cooper hijacking.
To Jerry Thomas: ALWAYS nice to see you! You and I can disagree on small details of the case and it just doesn't matter. It actually makes it more fun. It was terrific to finally get to meet Shelley in person after all of these years and reminisce about our 2009 Cooper trip.
To Farflung: Your poem rocked! I was disappointed, however, that you weren't present. I would have loved talking to you, and listening to you read your poem yourself.
To Brian Ingram: It was great meeting Trixie and your new daughter, Rebecca. You are such a terrific person and always fun to be around. I enjoyed our conversations about the Cooper comic. Thanks for letting me get a closer look at your Tintin edition from 1971 containing the first 8 pages of "Crash Dans Le 135."
To Snowman: I miss reading your posts on the forum and was incredibly disappointed you were not present at the Cooper Symposium (at least as far as I know. that I think of it, you and 377 could have cooked up some plan for him to not approach you, while you moved about the symposium undetected.) 377 mentioned to me that you had also focused on the Dan Cooper comic stories as being relevant to the Cooper hijacking, especially "L'Affaire Minos" from 1970. Unfortunately, anyone who hasn't read over the 1,000+ pages of the comic published prior to the hijack, is unable to present an informed comment. I was glad to know I was in good company. I would love to discuss and compare the minute details of the comics and the events of the hijacking with you sometime.
To Brucie: You are a superb showman and most entertaining! I thought I was being incredibly over-the-top-obvious during my talk, to the point of beating a dead horse. I'm sorry you didn't get it.
To Geoff Gray: Thank you for organizing such an exciting and professional first Cooper symposium. Your time, energy, and effort were appreciated in making the meeting such a complete success.
377 22
Sorry you werent at the symposium. I don't think you are a Cooperite, but you could have given some interesting insights on the Curse and its obsessive devotees.
To me, one especially noteworthy symposium aspect was the rapport. Everybody got along really well.
Venom is at an all time low.
In this Cooper Kumbaya moment, How about letting Snow back on for a while and see how it goes? He really would add a lot of value, which, to most people here, more than offsets the irritation factor.
Don't view it as a power struggle. Letting him back on isnt a surrender. Mercy is an admirable quality.
377 22
Now that's a better way to have a dialogue.
Better to argue facts than to just call Jo a liar.
Amazon 7
Now that's a better way to have a dialogue.
Better to argue facts than to just call Jo a liar.
Amen to that.
You dont say. Eh?
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