377 22 #27876 December 1, 2011 Farflung wrote:QuoteWhether you choose Cooperhenge, Cooper Island or the Northwest lines of Peru, you can always change things around. I’m going to worship Tina. Not because she holds any theory or information, I just really like looking at her. Great poster attached to your post Farflung. Keep em coming. You are the official poet laureate of the Cooper Vortex, and probably the artist in residence as well. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27877 December 1, 2011 Georger wrote Quote Its all in the wing dams and radios! Hey Georger, Marla included the radios because she likes me. She made them Midland 5 watt units because she like Blevins. The Dan Cooper comics inclusion was obviously for Snowmman, who may have been lurking at the symposium. How can I be sure the guy I know really is Snowmman? I didn't see Marla incorporating any of your favorite Cooper things. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #27878 December 1, 2011 Quote Georger wrote Quote Its all in the wing dams and radios! Hey Georger, Marla included the radios because she likes me. She made them Midland 5 watt units because she like Blevins. The Dan Cooper comics inclusion was obviously for Snowmman, who may have been lurking at the symposium. How can I be sure the guy I know really is Snowmman? I didn't see Marla incorporating any of your favorite Cooper things. 377 yep, keep examining chicken intrals and dog poo, and them that doo. Its the religious experience that counts! when you find fire and the wheel, be sure to let the world know - eh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #27879 December 1, 2011 Quote Okay, Georger...after all your fancy hydro-stuff, etc. and washdown thingie-things...Washougal, Lewis, whatever, droughts and floods... How did three bundles of the ransom end up in the same exact spot miles downriver? I could buy your theory with a single bundle. Or maybe if it involved a great deal of the ransom bundles (maybe the bag went downriver) but three is hard to understand. Wait...I know how they did it. Two of the bundles sent out the other one to buy a rubber boat, and then they all hopped in and rode together off to Tena Bar. Yeah...that's it. EDIT: Hmm...I return and see Georger deleted his posts there. Come on, Georger. I do NOT dislike you. It's a legit question (above) and I was just teasing you a bit. How did approximately three bundles of the money end up in the exact same spot? That's a good trick if all the bundles ended up in one river or another and floated down. See? This is where Cooper made a mistake. One bundle...believable. Most of the money (maybe bag washed downriver if he was a no-pull)...believable. Three bundles together, happily drifting down the river for miles and deciding to end up buried in the same spot? Now that's a real stretch. Although all the clues about the money matter, the biggest clue was not WHERE or WHEN, or even HOW...but HOW MUCH. Even Fuhrman saw the sense of it. You should have seen his face light up. THere was MORE than one plant of money. At least that is what I think and the other money if found was never turned in. 1. I believe a small packet of money was thrown out over a bridge in Longview. (He had taken me down to St. Helens and we came back across the bridge - he threw something out on our way back to the WA side and when I scolded him he said it was a candy bar wrapper). I do NOT remember us getting out of the car in St. Helens. We did stop at the market on the OR side. 2. More was buried across from the PDX along the shore line...this stop is when he disappeared out of site. 3. The third was taken to Tina's bar and placed between the gate and a small building near the tree line. Like a triangle. From the parking area you could see the gate and the shed (I thought it was an out house) in 1979. Duane told me to stay in the car and I did ( the way the TV program approached the bar in 2001 - I did NOT think Tena's Bar was the place I went. There was house to my right between the parking area and the River. Still not sure, but above is the description as I remember it in 1979). If I could see a picture of it EXACTLY as it appeared in 1979 that would cinch it...but no one give me dates on what they post or pictures provided. When he came back up for the river I got out to stretch my legs and this is when he described what was across the river and knowing a man who used to live there - all I remember seeing was marsh land. He may have made that remark at the next stop below. 4. We make one last stop and that is at the Red Lion...where he threw the paper sack into the water...Duane made NO other stops in the area that day.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27880 December 1, 2011 Jo, On short final approach to PDX last weekend I look out the left window and what do I see? The Red Lion. It did make me think of you. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27881 December 1, 2011 And what did he bury at the bridge of the Gods. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hominid 0 #27882 December 1, 2011 Try to pay attention when you "read." It depends on what you call a "bundle" and what you call a "packet." The three packets were found together and were stuck together. More than that may have been stuck together earlier. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27883 December 1, 2011 So Georger, If it turns out to be LD and he used radios to meet a ground accomplice, how will you feel? It would make my day, thats for sure. Breaker breaker. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #27884 December 1, 2011 QuoteAnd what did he bury at the bridge of the Gods. I only stated that we crossed the Columbia at the Bridge of the Gods and that was our entry point in to the state of WA. He did NOT bury anything ON our way to WA. Our return trip from Seattle is when he made the stops before heading out for Tahoe. The stops we made in Washougal, Hiesson, The hat and the stories about the places he knew - his conversation about the towers, dams, powerlines, pipelines and airports and gravel pits, Dollars corner - these are thing he talked about from the time we crossed into WA until we reach Seattle. NOT one time looking at a map.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27885 December 1, 2011 That Tena Bar money is so damned frustrating!!!! Quote There are a couple ways of approaching questions like that... The simplest most likely scenario is 'probably' what happened, what that simplest most likely thing is certainly up for debate. Another way is to look at ALL the probabilities and either seek to discount or prove as many elements regarding each theory as possible...when the laundry is done, the theory with the least stains on it is the one ya wear. It's sounds like a whole lotta hopeful speculation and manipulation of facts to fit theories has clouded up the wash water. ~correct me if I'm wrong...for some reason three 'bundles' of cash were found basically lumped together in a place that doesn't see a whole lot of foot traffic. It was found in a 'buried' by what could 'most likely' be considered an act of 'nature' with no obvious signs it was physically put there by a humanbean. However detailed the search for additional lumps was, there weren't any found...so quite possibly there aren't any at that location. So...the simplest answer to the question of what is the 'something' that caused a separation of this money from the whole...is that it was either dropped accidentally, or it was placed there (or up-river) on purpose to either provide a false clue or to be retrieved later. Given the circumstances, is it logical to think someone would toss 'Hard Earned' money away as a decoy... probably while cold wet & hungry, in a place where there would be no guarantee it would be found and useful for that purpose...it was a lotta money to give up on a 'maybe'. Or is it more logical to think that it was 'accidentally' separated from the whole, and unrecoverable by the person who worked so hard to get it? Taking into consideration that no 'other' trace of the remaining money has ever surfaced, none on record of ever being spent and going back through the treasury... To me anyway, the simplest answer is that ALL of the money was accidentally lost and was unrecoverable. The bundles that were found were where they are because of how and where ALL of the money was lost. A couple theories on THAT possibility... Did the cash bag make it intact through exit and opening shock, if not there could have been bundles falling and spreading out is all directions and configurations. ...maybe something held these 3 together in a lump in a way others were not. or maybe these 3 landed in a place nature stepped into and relocated & protected them from the elements. There 'could' be 170 grand spread out over 6 football fields decomposing in the tree tops 10 miles up-river.Or maybe some hungry Forrest Fuzzy ripped open the intact money bag while removing the outer layers of some airborne delivered fast food, if you believe that there was a problem with the parachute deployment. I SAY...we can look into disproving at least one element of one of these theories by scientifically performing an experiment that may shed some light. WHY DON'T you guys all buck up and donate some green for me to rent a 727 and and make a few jumps??I'll tie a similarity weighted bag in a similar Way to the description of how DB did and on the same canopy type make a few...deploying at different speeds and body positions...I'd LOVE to help ya'll out on this! One of you OTHER guys will have to do the 'dead guy ripped to shreds by wild animals' test though...Who's all IN? (amazing what a skydiver will Do for free jumps isn't it?) ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27886 December 1, 2011 Airtwardo wroteQuoteWHY DON'T you guys all buck up and donate some green for me to rent a 727 and and make a few jumps?? Well, for one reason a 727 would burn at least 1200 gallons an hour flying low. When you add everything up you are probably looking at something around $6500 an hour, maybe more. Couldnt you do a perfect 727 simulation from a firewalled CASA 212? MUCH cheaper to operate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CASA_C-212_Aviocar I did a few of those firewalled CASA jumps at WFFC. They seemed nearly identical to the jet experience, i.e. a tailgate high speed exit. According to the CASA pilots we were doing about 210 mph on jump run. Wouldnt that just be awful to have pulled off Norjack and lost ALL the money? Marla's story seems to have most or all the money being lost by LD. No wonder the guys were pissed. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27887 December 1, 2011 Well, for one reason a 727 would burn at least 1200 gallons an hour flying low. When you add everything up you are probably looking at something around $6500 an hour, maybe more. Couldn't you do a perfect 727 simulation from a firewalled CASA 212? MUCH cheaper to operate. Quote See...THAT's why this isn't getting solved, there just isn't any real commitment to finding he answers! Cheap skate! Sure it COULD be done from a CASA...but that wouldn't be as fun scientific...yeah that's it SCIENTIFIC! Heck I could even save ya'll a chunk of that $ by havin' my better half fly it...she's got a couple thousand hours of 727 time...probably 1/2 of it at night! Ya sure?...the offer is there! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27888 December 1, 2011 Airtwardo wrote Quote Heck I could even save ya'll a chunk of that $ by havin' my better half fly it...she's got a couple thousand hours of 727 time...probably 1/2 of it at night! Airtwardo somehow convinced a red hot airline pilot to marry a barnstorming stunt jumper. What a salesman!What does your better half think about the Cooper case Airtwardo, or is this addiction kept secret from her? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #27889 December 1, 2011 Quote That Tena Bar money is so damned frustrating!!!! Quote There are a couple ways of approaching questions like that... The simplest most likely scenario is 'probably' what happened, what that simplest most likely thing is certainly up for debate. Another way is to look at ALL the probabilities and either seek to discount or prove as many elements regarding each theory as possible...when the laundry is done, the theory with the least stains on it is the one ya wear. It's sounds like a whole lotta hopeful speculation and manipulation of facts to fit theories has clouded up the wash water. ~correct me if I'm wrong...for some reason three 'bundles' of cash were found basically lumped together in a place that doesn't see a whole lot of foot traffic. It was found in a 'buried' by what could 'most likely' be considered an act of 'nature' with no obvious signs it was physically put there by a humanbean. However detailed the search for additional lumps was, there weren't any found...so quite possibly there aren't any at that location. So...the simplest answer to the question of what is the 'something' that caused a separation of this money from the whole...is that it was either dropped accidentally, or it was placed there (or up-river) on purpose to either provide a false clue or to be retrieved later. Given the circumstances, is it logical to think someone would toss 'Hard Earned' money away as a decoy... probably while cold wet & hungry, in a place where there would be no guarantee it would be found and useful for that purpose...it was a lotta money to give up on a 'maybe'. Or is it more logical to think that it was 'accidentally' separated from the whole, and unrecoverable by the person who worked so hard to get it? Taking into consideration that no 'other' trace of the remaining money has ever surfaced, none on record of ever being spent and going back through the treasury... To me anyway, the simplest answer is that ALL of the money was accidentally lost and was unrecoverable. The bundles that were found were where they are because of how and where ALL of the money was lost. A couple theories on THAT possibility... Did the cash bag make it intact through exit and opening shock, if not there could have been bundles falling and spreading out is all directions and configurations. ...maybe something held these 3 together in a lump in a way others were not. or maybe these 3 landed in a place nature stepped into and relocated & protected them from the elements. There 'could' be 170 grand spread out over 6 football fields decomposing in the tree tops 10 miles up-river.Or maybe some hungry Forrest Fuzzy ripped open the intact money bag while removing the outer layers of some airborne delivered fast food, if you believe that there was a problem with the parachute deployment. I SAY...we can look into disproving at least one element of one of these theories by scientifically performing an experiment that may shed some light. WHY DON'T you guys all buck up and donate some green for me to rent a 727 and and make a few jumps??I'll tie a similarity weighted bag in a similar Way to the description of how DB did and on the same canopy type make a few...deploying at different speeds and body positions...I'd LOVE to help ya'll out on this! One of you OTHER guys will have to do the 'dead guy ripped to shreds by wild animals' test though...Who's all IN? (amazing what a skydiver will Do for free jumps isn't it?) JT says it got there via wing dams. Damn. Tom has a long winded superflulous way of saying he doesnt know, as follows: The money find on Tena Bar is complicated. The rubber band experiments allow less than a year for the money to become entombed in the sand. The money continues to resist all natural explanations for how it arrived on Tena Bar. The story behind the money may be as big as the Cooper story itself. There is no hard evidence that Cooper died in the jump so it remains a primary debate. If Cooper walked out of the woods, there would certainly be easier ways to explain the money if human intervention was involved. Blevins says it was buried by the Boston Strangler and Momar Gadafi, but he cant prove it. I say "eh". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #27890 December 1, 2011 Quote Airtwardo wrote Quote Heck I could even save ya'll a chunk of that $ by havin' my better half fly it...she's got a couple thousand hours of 727 time...probably 1/2 of it at night! Airtwardo somehow convinced a red hot airline pilot to marry a barnstorming stunt jumper. What a salesman!What does your better half think about the Cooper case Airtwardo, or is this addiction kept secret from her? 377 Funny story~ When we were first dating she was flyin' 'Air-Mike' 727's out of Guam... Flyng the 'Island Hopper' route, I went along for the ride(s) one day...I think it may have been at quag, she dropped the air-stair to unload as there wasn't a 'jet-way', as we're walking down together I'm of course trying to do a quick study of the galley-head-ramp-door-stair ...lookin' for the thingie.She just looks at me shakin' her head, and points to a place saying 'that's where the Cooper switch would be if they hadn't taken it out' ... "WHAT EVER would make you think THAT'S what I was looking for...honey?" Actually what I find interesting is the 'hi-jack' procedures pilots are 'taught' and how they've evolved over time...obviously not something that can be discussed openly here, but it IS fascinating. ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27891 December 2, 2011 Geoger:Confess you planted it so you could have something to talk about.My statement on the dams was posibly. You also made this sugestion in the past. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27892 December 2, 2011 Just got off the Phone with Curtis Ng. He is now saying Marla Coopers Uncle May be Cooper. According to another source Marla has been told her Uncle was Cooper.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27893 December 2, 2011 Whoa! mama, can this really be the end? To be stuck in sight of Portland, with the Cooper blues again. Is Georger going to have to eat some radio crow??? I want one of those walkie talkies to go with my LD twenty. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27894 December 2, 2011 377. Just talked to Ralph if this is all true he says all that is left for the FBI to do is dismiss the Warrant and close the case. He is looking into now and will contact me as soon as he verifys this.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27895 December 2, 2011 Actually the US Attorney for that district would move for dismissal of the indictment, but thats a trivial point. I cant wait to see if this case is really over. If it was LD what a truly amazing feat. And with radios no less. And Marla, our reigning Cooper queen, could she have actually solved one of the biggest crime mysteries of the 20th century? I should have asked her to autograph my Cooper bill authentication certificate. Maybe I'll get another chance someday. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #27896 December 2, 2011 Quote...I want one of those walkie talkies to go with my LD twenty. Wait a minute, guys! Are you now saying that "L D Cooper" is "DB Cooper"?! If so, that means I was precognitively aware of LD being the hijacker 40 years ago when I wrote "L D Cooper" in my "Parachute lessons for Hijacking and other fun" advertisement? I should be visiting the casinos of Atlantic City to put my ability to good and profitable use. LD Cooper, I'll be damned. And I knew it all along. Amazing...Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27897 December 2, 2011 Still could be a false rumor. What are the odds of you picking that combo of initials Guru? Where is Orange when we need her? How did you pick LD? (oh, now I see on your link, transcription error turned DB into LD) 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #27898 December 2, 2011 Quote How did you pick LD? 377 I heard it on the radio during a news broadcast within an hour or so of the hijacking. The announcer clearly said "LD" but over the next few days the reports were changed to "DB" Cooper. I asked the guys in my shop who heard the news broadcasts at the same time that I did. They all heard "LD" also. It's just more of the Cooper mystery playing itself out....Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #27899 December 2, 2011 Still could be a false rumor, we will see. But imagine if LD was DB and he was a huge Dan Cooper comics fan? OMG. The Minos Affair issue will become a very valuable collectors item. I wonder if Snow has one? How about Carol? The church lady next door told my Mom that comics were a bad influence. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #27900 December 2, 2011 Just got off the phone with Bruce Smith. He just finished talking to Marla Cooper. Marla met with Curtis Ng today. Curtis told her that he was convinced LD was Cooper because he looked like him and was going to close the case regardless. The DNA was inconclusive.This info also matches what Geof Gray said tonight.A lot more was said to Bruce. Bruce said he will post later and the whole story will be posted by midnight. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites