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DB Cooper

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Is her name Marla or Maria?

DB Cooper's drinking buddy had a son and he married a cute girl name Maria as I recall. She would have been 17 in 1992. She had black hair, she was about 5 feet tall and very petite. She had one child that I know of and she was a motivated girl with a plan.

Anybody got a pic of her? If it is the same person, I know her last name and where she is from. They all lived together at the time.

You can search her on youtube video and there is a picture of her channeling DB on her facebook page - Marla Wynn cooper. I'd say she is probably motivated with a plan, and she is indeed cute - but she has blonde hair and doesn't strike me as being very short. Plus her story is that she was about 8 yrs old in 1971, so that would put her at about 29ish in 92. And if she's like some women I know, she's still 29. :)Of course, she could probably get away with that better than some. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Somewhere a while back I mentioned something about the seeming co-inky-dink of Marla's coming out and Gray's book release.

On the evening Cooper pirated NWA 305, we were in NYC watching the J. Geils Band. In one of their songs, released much later, is the infamous line, "say Don, there sure is something familiar about that bowling ball". Much like the latest psychic to grace these pages.

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This came in tonight via email from a citizen sleuth. I didn't know the Lewis was navigable, if so I think this is interesting. Comments??

"Good Evening Mr. Kaye,

I was wondering if the FBI had checked for fingerprint records on recovered stolen boats from shortly after Thanksgiving 1971 in Vancouver and Portland? If there were fingerprints associated with the old police files then some of those prints could match the prints they took from the aircraft?

I think Dan Cooper survived his plunge into the night and I was wondering about ways that he could have gotten away without anyone really noticing a strange hitchhiker with a funny sack or himself having to carry a 20+ lb sack of money to a car he may have left parked along I-5 for days. From the sky, Lake Merwin makes a rather distinct shape. Boating happens up and down the Lewis River and even if he couldn’t aim at a specific part of the river, it’s only about 20 miles from the Merwin Dam to the Columbia River. Boaters have always sort of left their motorboat keys in the boat ignition – on a dark and rainy night, with a bit more luck than he deserves, Dan Cooper could have floated to the Columbia before even having to waste any gas on turning over the engine.

I thought he could even have taken the boat as far south as Albany, if he decided to continue past the Columbia on to the Willamette. That is if he was an engineer or executive at Oremet... The money found on Tina Bar lends credence to this idea, I think, even though he could just as easily walked there – it really isn’t that far if he was fit and willing to lug that bag with his makeshift handles.

I don’t know if this is a unique idea or if it has been thought of and discarded. I just kept looking at maps on your citizensleuth site and comparing the locations of the flight path, money find, drop zone, etc. Did you know that less than 5 miles upriver from Tina Bar on the Columbia is an Alcoa plant that shares part of it’s land with a Bonneville Power Administration substation? Very interesting stuff...

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I wish you well with your endeavors."

Tom Kaye

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Tom Yes the lewis is navigable to the columbia river then it is upstream to the willimate river or the sandy river. The same can be said for the Salmon river watershed. Only problem is The 21 lb money bag. As you know the only way Cooper could have attached the money bag was to his side.You measured the line that was cut from one of the chutes left on the plane. It would have been almost imposible for him to deploy the parachute with the money bag attached to his side with out going into a unrecoverable spin. Jerry

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First the trivia - Blevins, milli vanilli was pre 1992 so may be on your iPod :D.

Deathray - whatever you may personally believe to be the truth,, 377 is well known by all of us to have integrity. (I'm not sure why he got attacked for going to one of the best universities around either. That just sounds like sour grapes.)

But more to the point there is an obvious question you haven't answered: why would Cooper tell you who he was? Chewing him out on a DZ hardly seems a good reason for a wanted felon who has successfully evaded capture for over 20 years by that date, to confide who he is to a total stranger and expect said stranger to stay quiet?

:|Orange - think about this.

Deathray was only 10 yrs old in 1971. He claims to know who Cooper was and yet never did enough research to get the facts about the crime. He creates his own version.

I first talked to this man many many yrs ago and did not recontact him until he showed up in the thread. My recent contact with him provided no more substance than the first contact. Nothing has changed. Not one iota....The 40th comes around and he replays old stuff.

I contacted Deathray yrs ago - do not know why or when. I had to contact a local business to get his number - so it was WAY before I learned to do that on the computer.

The reason I contacted him was his close proximity to where Weber was living in 1969 to 1977.
Thought there might be something to it - but found only what he was posted and what you guys have seen and read. Nothing to bite into. Not then and not now.

Every aspect of his post is a lie. Nobody has ever contacted me regarding this. And for the record, I did contact the FBI right away and I posted that in the first post.

Who are these people that are doing all this counter intl and why? Here is why I don't think the US wants this case solved:

Deathray wrote:
'1. Where do you think DB Cooper learned to rig the tailgate of a 727? He did disclose that to me. Do you think if you knew that, you might think an agency way above the FBI would see solving this crime as a national security problem? Because it would IMO.'

377 replied:
This information was already available LONG before the hijacking. Boeing did tests on the 727, flying it with the stairs down in flight before it was released, to see if it changed the flight characteristics. These tests were discussed by Boeing employees working on the project, and known to them.

Deathray wrote:
Another plausible explanation would be the one he gave me. He worked for Air America flying covert missions between Thailand and Viet Nam dropping Special Forces from civilian looking airlines over Cambodia and Laos during the Viet Nam war. The mission was to mine the Ho Chi Min trail and public knowledge. A criminal case would have made it official.

Since the US did not declare war on those countries, the CIA would be liable for war crimes and crimes against humanity since there was no declaration or war powers act for protection. 200 people a month lose limbs to this day stepping on those mines. Those are just the ones that survive. That is my suspicion why they don’t solve the hijacking. Two countries refused to ban land mines. The US and North Korea.

The titanium particles on the tie are because he would pose as a flight attendant and was out on the runways being hit by jet blast and the close tolerance military jet fans are made of titanium. The tie if a photo is available, would probably match a military tie or an airline tie of the time. Clip on ties were used by the military and airlines because they come off easy in the event of an emergency to prevent choking.

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The titanium particles on the tie are because he would pose as a flight attendant and was out on the runways being hit by jet blast and the close tolerance military jet fans are made of titanium. The tie if a photo is available, would probably match a military tie or an airline tie of the time. Clip on ties were used by the military and airlines because they come off easy in the event of an emergency to prevent choking.

Really! ? Ok Knoss. Dont take any wooden titanium.
los homre wackos time to take your pill.

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On the remote chance that Deathray actually HAS something, then I suggest he open his own investigation into it. The problem is...you should have been on the phone to the FBI five minutes after this alleged person told you and showed you these things.

After you followed him around long enough to get his license number or something. Otherwise, what is the point of bringing it up now? Face it...if the guy you met was really D.B. Cooper, you blew your best chance already. At least the other suspects have names and identities, i.e. Christiansen, Weber, Gossett, etc. You don't even have a name. So where you should go from here?

Automatic writing? Astral projection? I haven't a clue.

First, I could have cared less about the DB Cooper story then and quite frankly don't now. Why would I bother to investigate anything? All I have is my own experience in the matter.

The extent of the investigation? Today I spent half an hour reading a wiki article and looking at some photos here:


The photo of the old jogger is the closest body shape. He had a dark tan complexion like someone from Arizona and was taller than me so he was about 6' 1" He was wearing a ball cap and I don't recall anything like hair or eye color but had no intention of ratting him out.

As far as reward money back then, it never occurred to me then and would not have since I agreed to keep his identity a secret. Now that he is surely dead, it really does not matter.

I don't have book to sell nor have I read one about Cooper, I obviously have done no research into this and would never do a TV interview. Where is my motive? There is not one. These days I would just like the money but would want to stay anonymous. Lastly, I could easily ID him since we had a mutual friend at the time.

There are clearly people here doing counter intel. It took me 1 day to figure that out. If I was looking for a sincere person researching this, they would have already come to the conclusion Cooper was being shielded from arrest.

Lastly, anyone with a pilots license would suspect that flight path to be a lie. How convenient that a 727 made a series of turns to place the money upstream of where he really landed. Anyone with a pilots license knows that back then, an airline would have used VOR navigation, flown directly over the Battleground VOR station near Vancouver Lake and probably crossed PDX mid-field.

So for all of you that are not spies, it took me one day to figure out that the government does not want the case solved. IMO, it is the investigators that need to be investigated.

COPS have a saying, they always go home when they are in trouble. I suspect DB cooper would have a Columbia as a escape barrier and that is why he planned to jump into Portland. The man I met, lived in Vancouver WA at the time.

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How much money is being offered as a reward, and by whom?

I have no clue, I did a search and read that there was a million dollars from the FBI and some attorney from Eugene was offering 25K.

One that I am absolutely certain of, there are people here occupying this thread that are not investigators, they are propagandist. That should be obvious since all they do is smear and investigate none of my claims.

The psychic aspect is completely irrelevant and I only mentioned that because it helps me see through lies a bit better perhaps.

Notice how the counter intel creeps completely focus on that and then ignore the things that could be validated?

I'm done posting here and if you really are investigating this mystery, you are advised to do the same.

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This came in tonight via email from a citizen sleuth. I didn't know the Lewis was navigable, if so I think this is interesting. Comments??

"Good Evening Mr. Kaye,

I was wondering if the FBI had checked for fingerprint records on recovered stolen boats from shortly after Thanksgiving 1971 in Vancouver and Portland? If there were fingerprints associated with the old police files then some of those prints could match the prints they took from the aircraft?

I think Dan Cooper survived his plunge into the night and I was wondering about ways that he could have gotten away without anyone really noticing a strange hitchhiker with a funny sack or himself having to carry a 20+ lb sack of money to a car he may have left parked along I-5 for days. From the sky, Lake Merwin makes a rather distinct shape. Boating happens up and down the Lewis River and even if he couldn’t aim at a specific part of the river, it’s only about 20 miles from the Merwin Dam to the Columbia River. Boaters have always sort of left their motorboat keys in the boat ignition – on a dark and rainy night, with a bit more luck than he deserves, Dan Cooper could have floated to the Columbia before even having to waste any gas on turning over the engine.

I thought he could even have taken the boat as far south as Albany, if he decided to continue past the Columbia on to the Willamette. That is if he was an engineer or executive at Oremet... The money found on Tina Bar lends credence to this idea, I think, even though he could just as easily walked there – it really isn’t that far if he was fit and willing to lug that bag with his makeshift handles.

I don’t know if this is a unique idea or if it has been thought of and discarded. I just kept looking at maps on your citizensleuth site and comparing the locations of the flight path, money find, drop zone, etc. Did you know that less than 5 miles upriver from Tina Bar on the Columbia is an Alcoa plant that shares part of it’s land with a Bonneville Power Administration substation? Very interesting stuff...

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I wish you well with your endeavors."

Tom Kaye

TOM tom tom - This is skyjack talking and you know I have told the boat story over and over in this thread. Since Cooper walked S E to avoid being found he went to areas he knew like the back of his hand - the powerlines and pipelines. Have you ever seen the maps of these - Powerlines and Pipelines? I will see if I can find a map person to put them on a disk with all of the powerlines and pipelines already existing on this map and then highlighted blue and yellow by me.

Duane told me about a Marina in Washougal that you could not see from the Oregon side because of the tressel on Hwy 14,

This was on our way to (I thought home) that Duane took me along the OR river past Washougal and then turned around headed back toward Portland announcing we were going to Tahoe. I need to clarify this for the benefit of Jerry (the return trip from Seattle to Portland was when Duane drove East on the OR side). NOT on our way to Seattle (that was on the WA side).

The story Duane told was about a boat being stolen from the marina. He mentions it was set loose Full Throttle after reaching Portland across from the PDX.

He had this strange look on his face - a smile while telling me this as though he was remembering it like it was yesterday. He mentioned the only way to get away with a crime was to GO RIGHT BACK AT THEM.

I never put all of this together because I did NOT even know that the PDX was where Cooper skyjack a plane - call me dumb or call me naive - that is just the way I stumbled thru life asking no questions. NOW I question everyone and everything.

He talked about the ferry from the WA side to Government Island and mentioned he did some work on it. The ferry on the WA. side is where a truck and old camper was found shortly after the skyjacking. It was not reported for a few days because the owner had left it for 4 days - he was away for the Holidays. I had a woman pull all of the news articles on this.

The camper was found first and then they found the truck. Did anyone even questioned if this incident could have had something to do with the Skyjacking? Read the articles and do the research.

These are the things a good researcher can find. I had asked Jerry yrs ago to research these things, but ended up having to pay a girl in 2011 who lived in Portland - she worked her ass off and asked nothing in return. I paided her what I could, but it was not enough for the work she did...I still feel I owe her. Her research was remarkable - and some of the files she found at that time are NO longer Available...but, I have hard copies.

She research the maps that showed the owners of the properties Duane pointed out during the trip. Why I keep harping on Barkker or a similar spelling. Another property - I did find the current owner - which was property in the family, but the Mother and Father Duane claimed to have known who had 2 sons about his age where deceased. Only one remained and he was in a nursing home with Old Timers. If JT had obtained that information when I first asked him for help in 1996 the man may have been able to provide some answers into the past of Duane Weber.

On the OR side Duane told me about the small airport on the outskirts of Portland. This was near an industrial area in 1979.
What I saw in 2010 had changed but I could still find my way and remember how it used to be. I spent a night at a hotel near that little airport. I had stop there on my way back from The Dalles just to rest...when I looked up and realize exactly where I was. Fate drove me there. Now Marla will use all of my research in her story - if she even gets to tell it again.

You guys will have to forgive me but my memory is slowly slipping away from me. I cannot remember the details (names of places now) and I do not feel like trying to find them...but I HAVE PREVIOUSLY posted all of that research in this thread. If the FBI is REALLY reading this thread - suggest they read all of the posts I made about these places prior to going to WA and after I returned in 2010.

Bells are Ring, but are they just in my head?

Bells are ringing you say - in Eugene? Bet I know who is ringing the bells. Flies flock to sweet smelling and rotten things in the summer, but where do they go in the winter?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Back to Facebook for you, Bob Knoss.

Personally, I do not believe it is Bob Knoss. The stories are different, however both are in the same category/conspiracy category. Deathray did not mention MK Ultra, Duane or McCoy in his theories. Somehow I envision both characters wearing aluminum foil hats.

Blevins: On another note....the M.W. Cooper comics were quite funny.

Farflung: You nailed another one. (I was talking about the video.)
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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How come our gifted psychic isn't pushing Bill Gates off the richest man in the NW throne? I mean if he can accurately predict massive earthquakes, he could place a few highly leveraged stock mkt bets too. He could then buy dropzone and ban all of us spies. The forum really needs a counter intel cleansing. I've told my handler that the agency needs to depopulate the forum a bit. It's too obvious.

Paranoia, grandiosity, claiming supernatural powers...

Hmmm. Vicki, doesnt that fit some DSM code?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Paranoia, grandiosity, claiming supernatural powers...

Hmmm. Vicki, doesnt that fit some DSM code?


WELL......Since you asked. I concur it may be a combined diagnosis in the DSM Axis II as Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Paranoid Personality Disorder. I do recognize some underlying traits associated with this diagnosis.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder
1. Behavior or a fantasy of grandiosity, a lack of empathy and a need to be admired by others. As indicated by at least five of the following:

-Grandiose sense of self-importance.
-Fantasies of and preoccupied with beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or unlimited success.
-A belief of being special and unique and can only be understood or a need to associate with people of high status.
-A need for excessive admiration.
-An unreasonable expectation of being treated with favor or excepting an automatic compliance to her/his wishes.
-Will use others to achieve her/his goals.
-Lacks empathy.
-Believes others are envious of her / him or is envious of others.
-Contemptuous or haughty attitudes / behaviors.

Paranoid Personality Disorder
1. Marked distrust of others, as indicated by at least four of the following:

-Believes without reason that others are exploiting, harming, or trying to deceive her / him.
-Unjustified doubts about a friends/associates loyalty or trustworthiness.
-Believes with out reason that if she/he confides in others, this information somehow be used against her/him.
-Finds hidden demeaning or threatening meanings in harmless remarks or events.
-Unforgiving and bears grudges.
-Believes with out reason that people are out to attack his/her character or reputation and is quick to react with anger.
-Believes with out reason in the fidelity of their sexual partner.

* disclaimer: I only play a Mental Health Specialist on this forum. For treatment, please see a qualified doctor of psychology in your area. Bring your aluminum foil hat with any, and all, government conspiracies.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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It's time to pat myself on the back, since I don't think anybody else is going to.
Back in August I was looking for information to try and figure out if Marla's story might be true. She said her uncles LD and Dewie collaborated to pull off the 71 hijacking. The Vancouver, WA paper ran an article that said a LD Cooper lived there with his wife back in 70 at an address not so far from where the money was found in 80. The Seattle paper reported that a Dewie Cooper had worked for Boeing in the late 60's. Marla had said that her two uncles were living at her grandmother's house in Sisters, OR in 71 while going through their respective divorces. I put two and two together and made my You Tube video.


At the recent symposium Marla said that LD had lived in Vancouver before the hijacking, and Dewie had worked on the 727 assembly line. That's according to the Bruce Smith report. So either the facts match, or maybe Marla watched my video. She could have gotten the information from Geoffrey Gray since I had e-mailed both items to him. Actually he was a little less than impressed, but he had a book to promote.

I grew up on a farm about 40 miles from Tulsa. Back in the 50's I would sometimes run outside or look out the window when I heard an airplane passing overhead. Our house was on a small hill and we could see pretty far across those OK plains. In the 60's I noticed I could see the lights of the planes landing at the Tulsa airport at night. I'm sure that if I had studied flight shcedules I could have made pretty good guesses about which planes were landing, and maybe even which planes passed overhead. In 71 there was about a sixth of the traffic their is today. I married a girl from Elmont NY, and in certain conditions the approach path for Kennedy went right over their house. It was easy to tell the difference in sound between a 707 and a 727.

So here is what I think happened. With a little practice in identifying flights, and camping under the flight vector, it shouldn't have been too hard to recognize an unscheduled flight. Maybe he even had a radio tuned into air traffic control. If the picture of Christiansen with a briefcase, more like a small suitcase is accurate, then there was more than enough room for a walkie talkie, flares and a few wires and things to fool the stewadesses. Actually, Christiansen was a flight attendant and the bag he's carrying looks like the bag flight attendants carry their personal stuff in. I'm almost sure that's what it is.

From a good pre-arranged view point the flare could have been spotted below the clouds, giving a good estimate where the landing would be. Of course the accomplices were very familiar with the area. From what I've heard in the past I assumed the area was mostly inaccessible, but when I look at the area between Orchards and Amboy on Google, there appears to be many country roads and farm houses. There would have been a good "feel" about where he landed. The radios should of had a reach of a few miles. Just drive around those country roads until you made contact. Of course there wasn't any guarantee he wouldn't smash into something on the way down.
The Money Connection

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With all the recent interest in the Cooper case and this thread, I felt it was time to make an introductory video.

You’re welcome.


I will also "pat myself on the back" as I have found the following facts.

Does anyone else see the hidden message aimed toward smokin99 in Farflungs latest video homage. It is all so obvious, I can not believe I did not see it sooner.

In the Gilligan's Island theme song, Smokin99's DZ Avatar is displayed for all to see while coincidentally (or is it?) the song croons out "Mary Ann". Does anyone see where this is going?

Well....of course not...you need to see this old post (Sep 24, 2009, 11:25 AM Post #13117 of 29336)
first to tie it all together. However looking back may be a waste of time (personal observation) so I condensed the source here:

Snowmman asks the age old question - Ginger or Mary Ann. Farflung responds;

....... PS- Mary Ann!!

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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It's time to pat myself on the back, since I don't think anybody else is going to.
Back in August I was looking for information to try and figure out if Marla's story might be true. She said her uncles LD and Dewie collaborated to pull off the 71 hijacking. The Vancouver, WA paper ran an article that said a LD Cooper lived there with his wife back in 70 at an address not so far from where the money was found in 80. The Seattle paper reported that a Dewie Cooper had worked for Boeing in the late 60's. Marla had said that her two uncles were living at her grandmother's house in Sisters, OR in 71 while going through their respective divorces. I put two and two together and made my You Tube video.


At the recent symposium Marla said that LD had lived in Vancouver before the hijacking, and Dewie had worked on the 727 assembly line. That's according to the Bruce Smith report. So either the facts match, or maybe Marla watched my video. She could have gotten the information from Geoffrey Gray since I had e-mailed both items to him. Actually he was a little less than impressed, but he had a book to promote.

I grew up on a farm about 40 miles from Tulsa. Back in the 50's I would sometimes run outside or look out the window when I heard an airplane passing overhead. Our house was on a small hill and we could see pretty far across those OK plains. In the 60's I noticed I could see the lights of the planes landing at the Tulsa airport at night. I'm sure that if I had studied flight shcedules I could have made pretty good guesses about which planes were landing, and maybe even which planes passed overhead. In 71 there was about a sixth of the traffic their is today. I married a girl from Elmont NY, and in certain conditions the approach path for Kennedy went right over their house. It was easy to tell the difference in sound between a 707 and a 727.

So here is what I think happened. With a little practice in identifying flights, and camping under the flight vector, it shouldn't have been too hard to recognize an unscheduled flight. Maybe he even had a radio tuned into air traffic control. If the picture of Christiansen with a briefcase, more like a small suitcase is accurate, then there was more than enough room for a walkie talkie, flares and a few wires and things to fool the stewadesses. Actually, Christiansen was a flight attendant and the bag he's carrying looks like the bag flight attendants carry their personal stuff in. I'm almost sure that's what it is.

From a good pre-arranged view point the flare could have been spotted below the clouds, giving a good estimate where the landing would be. Of course the accomplices were very familiar with the area. From what I've heard in the past I assumed the area was mostly inaccessible, but when I look at the area between Orchards and Amboy on Google, there appears to be many country roads and farm houses. There would have been a good "feel" about where he landed. The radios should of had a reach of a few miles. Just drive around those country roads until you made contact. Of course there wasn't any guarantee he wouldn't smash into something on the way down.

"...camping under the flight vector." Did Deathray tell you how to do this? Please illuminate the rest of us as to how this can be done.

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Tom: One thing I forgot to mention about the Lewis River,It has a lot of high waterfalls and rough rapids. A person would have to be in excelent physical shape in order to negotiate this river. It would be imposible for a injured person to navigate this river even with the help of another person. Jerry

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